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Elda : Miko... (0:00:02.17)
Elda : Oh, Miko... (0:00:05.04)
Elda : Miko... (0:00:13.92)
Elda : Oh, Miko... (0:00:16.25)
Elda : Miko... (0:00:24.29)
Elda : Oh, Miko... (0:00:30.63)
Elda : Oh, Miko, do you hear my call? (0:00:33.08)
Elda : I am Takamimi Hime-no-Mikoto. (0:00:36.13)
Koito Koganei : I stand before you in awe, Takamimi Hime-no-Mikoto. (0:00:43.58)
Koito Koganei : Your miko is here. (0:00:54.88)
Elda : Oh, Miko... (0:01:04.33)
Elda : Present to me a Red Bull... (0:01:15.88)
Koito Koganei : Shut-ins don't get energy drinks! (0:01:20.75)
Elda : Aw, come on! I stayed up all night gaming, and
tonight there's a marathon of an anime I wanna watch!
Koito Koganei : I don't care! You said you'd only have
one Redbull a day, right?!
Elda : Kikujirou would have no problem giving me one! (0:01:33.50)
Koito Koganei : I'm not my grandpa, and I'm not giving you one. (0:01:35.83)
Elda : You're so strict, Koito... (0:01:38.67)
Elda : Ah, I got a rare item! (0:01:41.54)
Koito Koganei : The goddess enshrined here is Elda... (0:01:47.79)
Koito Koganei : I took over for my predecessor
and found out that I would become her miko.
Koito Koganei : Hopeless. (0:02:00.38)
Koito Koganei : She is hopeless. (0:02:03.21)
Koito Koganei : Quit being lazy! Today's a shrine ritual day, you know! (0:02:06.67)
Elda : We can do it tomorrow, can't we? (0:02:10.92)
Koito Koganei : My goddess.... is hopeless. (0:02:13.79)
Koito Koganei : Tsukishima, Chuo City, Tokyo. (0:03:49.92)
Koito Koganei : Spanning more than 400 years
since the Edo Period, is Takamimi Shrine.
Koito Koganei : The goddess summoned
from another world enshrined here...
Koito Koganei : was an absolute social recluse of an elf. (0:04:17.54)
Koito Koganei : Hey Elda, can you quit doing
that magical power thing? It always startles me.
Elda : It's convenient magic that can transmit thoughts
to someone far away by using spirits.
Elda : I've never had any divine powers or anything. (0:04:32.71)
Koito Koganei : In any case, if you yell I'll be able
to hear you in the shrine's office.
Elda : I-I'm too embarrassed... I can't yell.
I don't even regularly talk to people.
Koito Koganei : This is how Elda is, but for some reason, she's popular
with the parishioners, and basically the people in town.
Koito Koganei : Potato chips from Takahashi on 4th street. (0:04:56.29)
Koito Koganei : Aburaya dorayaki from Kadoi on 1st street. (0:04:59.00)
Koito Koganei : Two bottoles of Fonta from Kobayashi at the liquor store. (0:05:01.92)
Koito Koganei : And from the lady at Shimada Electric... (0:05:04.58)
Elda : A V-V...VR set! (0:05:09.92)
Elda : I knew Shimaden understood me! I love it! (0:05:12.46)
Koito Koganei : Originally, the new offerings were things like alcohol,
rice, and special products from the area,
Koito Koganei : but now, and I don't know why,
the parishioners here offer things that Elda likes.
Koito Koganei : I think they're spoiling her too much.
I do appreciate it, though.
Elda : Thank you... Thank you, Shimaden. (0:05:33.04)
Koito Koganei : Wow, she's crying. (0:05:36.46)
Koito Koganei : If it makes her this happy,
Shimada Electric may be fine with it, too.
Elda : I-I better put some elbow grease into the shrine ritual! (0:05:43.08)
Koito Koganei : Yes, exactly! That's the spirit! (0:05:46.46)
Koito Koganei : I haven't seen her this motivated in a while! (0:05:48.71)
Elda : I mean, even though I am an elf with no divine powers. (0:05:51.25)
Koito Koganei : Don't say that. (0:05:54.17)
Koito Koganei : So, shall we begin? (0:05:56.58)
Koito Koganei : We're starting with the purification prayer. (0:05:58.25)
Koito Koganei : Be there extreme impurities, (0:06:03.96)
Koito Koganei : may the inner and outer walls of this sacred ground
be clean and pure without hindrance.
Elda : Oooh, it feels like the future...
It's like all my dreams are coming true!
Koito Koganei : Take this seriously, you idiot elf! (0:06:43.17)
Elda : I-I couldn't wait any longer! (0:06:46.33)
Koma Sakuraba : What's up, Koito? You're looking exhausted. (0:06:55.75)
Koito Koganei : Koma-chan. (0:06:59.71)
Koito Koganei : It's that goddess again... (0:07:02.79)
Koma Sakuraba : I thought it'd be about Takamimi-sama.
That's all it's been since you became a miko, Koito.
Koito Koganei : I mean, that elf is just so hopeless. (0:07:10.63)
Koma Sakuraba : What's this? (0:07:13.92)
Koma Sakuraba : "Elves are individuals with long ears like tree leaves. (0:07:15.21)
Koma Sakuraba : They are a mystical clan who are long time magic
wielders, they despise civilization, and love nature."
Koma Sakuraba : Is what they say, though. (0:07:25.79)
Elda : Yay! (0:07:26.83)
Koito Koganei : She enjoys civilization to its fullest,
is snooty... and has long ears.
Koito Koganei : The only thing that applies to her there is her ears. (0:07:33.58)
Koito Koganei : She stays in her room,
gaming and reading comics and stuff.
Koma Sakuraba : "They are also very particular, and they have
an unsociable side that pays no mind to outside worlds."
Koito Koganei : That part sounds like her. (0:07:44.63)
Koito Koganei : There wasn't a miko up until me,
and Grandpa's just the type to take care of people.
Koito Koganei : I had no idea she was this hopeless of a wreck. (0:07:50.21)
Koma Sakuraba : But, why is an elf from another world
a goddess in the first place?
Koito Koganei : Four hundred-something years ago,
my ancestors summoned her.
Koito Koganei : Seems she's been here ever since. (0:08:02.50)
Koma Sakuraba : Hmm. That would mean that she's been adored
by the people of this city for 400 years.
Koma Sakuraba : Similarly, I have no clue why,
but I do like Takamimi-sama.
Koito Koganei : She's not THAT great... (0:08:18.29)
Koma Sakuraba : Well, when you've had enough, give me a call. (0:08:21.08)
Koma Sakuraba : I'll tell her what's what. (0:08:24.75)
Koito Koganei : Thanks, pal. That makes me feel better. (0:08:28.00)
Koito Koganei : Oh yeah! There's something I need to show you! (0:08:31.17)
Koito Koganei : Ta-da! I bought this with three years worth
of new years' money for my 16th birthday!
Koito Koganei : Super mature-looking bag, right?! (0:08:40.46)
Koma Sakuraba : Mature things just don't suit you, Koito. (0:08:43.58)
Koito Koganei : I thought so, too... (0:08:47.00)
Koito Koganei : But you know, in 5 years... (0:08:50.13)
Koito Koganei : No wait, 3 years from now, I'll get taller, and I'll be curvy
like the Kano sisters, and live rich in Daikanyama,
Koito Koganei : and I'll become a woman
who looks good with a bag like this!
Koma Sakuraba : Yeah, sure. And you want that "Lady in White"
that you admire to see you, right?
Koma Sakuraba : Why are you so embarrassed now? (0:09:07.67)
Koito Koganei : Because... I just remembered her. (0:09:09.92)
Koito Koganei : Her clothes and her skin were so white,
she was almost transparent, and she was gorgeous.
Koma Sakuraba : Yes, I've heard it a hundred times. In elementary school
I went around looking for her with you all the time, right?
Koma Sakuraba : Don't take our years of friendship for granted! (0:09:32.13)
Koito Koganei : I appreciate you doing all that. (0:09:34.08)
Koma Sakuraba : But, you still don't even know who she is
or where she's from.
Koma Sakuraba : You also don't really remember her face.
We have no clues to follow.
Koito Koganei : I-I mean, what about using Tweeter or something? (0:09:41.71)
Koito Koganei : A picture like this would go viral! (0:09:45.08)
Koma Sakuraba : It's not that simple to go viral on the Internet. (0:09:49.50)
Koito Koganei : You're right. (0:09:51.08)
EXTRA : Hey, Koito-chan! (0:09:55.58)
EXTRA : You're the new miko, eh? (0:09:58.04)
Koito Koganei : Yes, I turned 16 the other day. (0:09:59.92)
EXTRA : How wonderful. I'd love to get a glimpse
of Takamimi-sama as well.
EXTRA : Oh, miko-sama. Is Takamimi-sama doing well? (0:10:07.25)
Koito Koganei : Yes, very well. Thank you so much
for the dorayaki, Kado-chan.
EXTRA : Koito-chan, bring a croquette to Takamimi-sama for me! (0:10:14.04)
EXTRA : I got some nice yellowtail in.
Takamimi-sama likes that, right?
Koito Koganei : Thank you so much! (0:10:21.25)
Yachiyo Shimada : Koi-chan, Koi-chan! (0:10:23.08)
Koito Koganei : Oh, nice to see you out of Shimaden! (0:10:24.88)
Yachiyo Shimada : Was Elda pleased with my offerings this time around? (0:10:27.08)
Koito Koganei : Yup, she loved it! But wasn't it expensive? (0:10:30.67)
Koito Koganei : Are you sure you want her to have it? (0:10:34.54)
Yachiyo Shimada : If I give someone the hardware,
then they have no choice but to buy the software from us.
Koito Koganei : Th-that is unexpectedly calculating... (0:10:40.54)
Yachiyo Shimada : Well, I'm just glad she's happy. (0:10:43.29)
Yachiyo Shimada : In the past I brought it to the shrine directly, but my
legs ache nowadays so I appreciate what you're doing.
Koito Koganei : Oh no, she ought to come and greet you. All of
the parishioners really do a lot for Elda and very often,
Koito Koganei : but all that bum does is stay holed up in her room. (0:10:58.58)
Yachiyo Shimada : Everyone does this only because they like Elda. (0:11:01.83)
Yachiyo Shimada : Everyone 'round these parts made a shrine visit
to Elda when they were born.
Yachiyo Shimada : When you get to be my age,
you start losing your family and friends,
Yachiyo Shimada : but Elda always stays put in Takamimi Shrine. (0:11:16.25)
Yachiyo Shimada : It's comforting to know that some things never change. (0:11:20.54)
Koito Koganei : I suppose so. I can't wait to become an adult... (0:11:24.92)
Koito Koganei : Look, I bought this bag! It's very mature! (0:11:30.96)
Yachiyo Shimada : Doesn't quite suit you. (0:11:35.75)
Koito Koganei : Yeah, I agree. (0:11:37.67)
Elda : This tsukudani has a wonderful flavor. Delicious. (0:11:45.58)
Koito Koganei : She uses her chopsticks nicely.
She's so happy when she's eating.
Koma Sakuraba : Similarly, I have no clue why,
but I do like Takamimi-sama.
Yachiyo Shimada : In the past, I brought it to the shrine directly... (0:11:59.29)
Koito Koganei : Elda... (0:12:02.67)
Koito Koganei : I wish she would go meet everyone. (0:12:03.71)
Koito Koganei : Why is she always by herself? (0:12:06.63)
Elda : I'm done... (0:12:36.04)
Elda : I'm done! (0:12:39.33)
Elda : Wow, this is fun! (0:12:41.58)
Elda : Just like I thought... Being alone is a blast! (0:12:44.79)
Elda : A..A girl I don't know! (0:12:58.83)
Koito Koganei : Are you kidding me, Elda?! (0:13:01.17)
Koito Koganei : You're building plastic models
in the inner sanctuary again?!
Koito Koganei : It reeks of paint thinner now! (0:13:04.75)
Elda : K-Koito, th-there's a girl I don't know here! (0:13:06.29)
Koito Koganei : Huh? Oh, that's right. This is your first time seeing her. (0:13:09.58)
Koito Koganei : I'll introduce you. This is my little sister, Koyuzu. (0:13:13.88)
Koyuzu Koganei : I-I'm Koyuzu Koganei. (0:13:17.67)
Elda : L-little sister? (0:13:20.00)
Elda : Now that you mention it, I think we met once
when you were a baby. B-but, but!
Elda : The only one allowed to see
the Takamimi Hime-no-Mikoto is the miko!
Elda : She can't enter the inner sanctuary, can she?! (0:13:31.33)
Koyuzu Koganei : I'm sorry! I wanted to ask my sister
something about dinner tonight.
Elda : Huh? (0:13:38.88)
Koyuzu Koganei : She wasn't in the shrine office,
so I thought she'd surely be in here, but...
Elda : Food? (0:13:43.17)
Koito Koganei : All the food that you're eating is made entirely by Koyuzu. (0:13:44.67)
Elda : Huh? The Hamburg steak from yesterday, too? (0:13:48.96)
Koito Koganei : The Hamburg steak, too. (0:13:52.08)
Elda : And yesterday's spicy cod roe pasta? (0:13:53.13)
Koito Koganei : And the spicy cod roe pasta. (0:13:55.17)
Elda : And last month's tenderloin
cut wrapped in pastry, Wellington-style?
Koito Koganei : The tenderloin cut... Eh?! What is that? (0:14:00.46)
Koyuzu Koganei : The tenderloin cut wrapped
in pastry, Wellington-style, too.
Elda : I... (0:14:07.71)
Elda : I cannot thank you enough for your hospitality! (0:14:09.00)
Koyuzu Koganei : Y-you're very welcome! (0:14:11.54)
Koito Koganei : I'm relieved Elda can show at least a little appreciation. (0:14:13.83)
Koyuzu Koganei : I got to meet Elda-sama. (0:14:20.46)
Koito Koganei : You're that happy about it? (0:14:23.50)
Koyuzu Koganei : Yup. I've always wanted to meet
and talk with her. She's pretty.
Koito Koganei : I guess, but it's the inside you have to worry about. (0:14:30.58)
Koyuzu Koganei : How is she so pretty?
I want to ask her next time we meet.
Elda : Thanks for the food. Another delicious meal! (0:14:42.67)
Koito Koganei : It's nothing special. Say... (0:14:45.67)
Koito Koganei : Why do you look like that, Elda?
You're 600-something years old, right?
Elda : Hm? Well, that's because elves are immortal. (0:14:52.38)
Elda : We don't have a lifespan like humans do,
and we have eternal life.
Elda : Therefore, they say that we are both
an exceedingly beautiful and outstanding specie-
Koito Koganei : Oh, so you're like a lobster then, huh? (0:15:04.50)
Elda : Huh?! Uh... Y-yeah... (0:15:06.75)
Koito Koganei : Even though you live so long, it seems backwards
that you want to stay holed up in here.
Elda : Oh, that isn't true, I enjoy my solitude. Well, in the past
I did use to walk around more than I do now.
Koito Koganei : Then why do you stay locked away now? (0:15:22.17)
Koito Koganei : I-I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me
if it's hard to talk about.
Elda : No, it's fine. (0:15:31.42)
Elda : I think it's best that you know, as you are my miko. (0:15:33.46)
Elda : It's because of something that happened 60 years ago. (0:15:38.29)
Elda : A-a neighborhood brat said to me
"What's with the long ears?"!
EXTRA : What's with the long ears? (0:15:48.58)
Koito Koganei : Wait a sec, that's why you're a social recluse?
For 60 years now?
Elda : Long ears are the most attractive
part of elves, you know?!
Elda : It was that brat on 3rd street
from the Miyamoto shop, Kisaburou!
Koito Koganei : You're angry about it like it just happened yesterday,
but Kisaburou is already 70 years old!
Koito Koganei : It's a waste of time worrying about you. (0:16:11.83)
Koito Koganei : Come on, let's go outside the shrine. (0:16:13.88)
Elda : Nope. It's scary out there.
They'll tell me my ears are long.
Koito Koganei : The granny at Shimaden wanted to see you. (0:16:19.92)
Koito Koganei : Don't you ever think you want to see
more of the people you like, or go anywhere?
Elda : No. I mean, even if I did... (0:16:30.96)
Koito Koganei : Elda? (0:16:39.13)
Elda : N-no more questions! (0:16:41.33)
Elda : Koito, I think you're being quite rude towards a goddess! (0:16:43.29)
Koito Koganei : What?! I think it's way more rude not to show your face
to everyone when they treat you so well!
Koito Koganei : Well then, I'll put the kotatsu away
and get you out there, even by force!
Elda : N-no! Don't destroy my nest! (0:16:54.83)
Koito Koganei : Don't call it a nest! It's the inner shrine! (0:16:57.67)
Elda : S-stop it! (0:16:59.29)
Koito Koganei : Oh... A..are you o- (0:17:04.13)
Elda : I've had it! (0:17:05.63)
Elda : Last generation's miko was much kinder than you!
You're not my miko, Koito!
Koito Koganei : Things were completely different last generation! (0:17:13.71)
Koito Koganei : And it's not like I want to be a miko for some NEET elf! (0:17:16.58)
Koito Koganei : I'm gonna get more stylish and be more like "her"! (0:17:20.25)
Koito Koganei : I want to live in Daikanyama!
And my favorite sweets are macarons!
Elda : Who even is this "her"?! You're a dummy, Koito! (0:17:32.58)
Koito Koganei : She's being so selfish. (0:17:48.29)
Koito Koganei : The place I met her has completely changed as well. (0:17:58.58)
Elda : No more tears. (0:18:26.83)
Elda : I'll always be by your side. (0:18:32.92)
Koito Koganei : Why was I even crying then? (0:18:38.50)
Koito Koganei : Oh, I remember. That was the day of Mom's funeral. (0:18:41.63)
Yachiyo Shimada : It's comforting to know that some things never change. (0:18:46.88)
Koito Koganei : That's right. (0:18:52.17)
Koito Koganei : To an elf that's lived hundreds of years,
things have changed even more drastically.
Koito Koganei : Sentimental places disappear,
and so do the people you loved.
Elda : No. It's scary out there. (0:19:04.42)
Koito Koganei : Elda... Elda loves everyone, and that's why she's alone! (0:19:07.17)
Elda : Koito! (0:19:14.63)
Elda : Koito! (0:19:17.04)
Koito Koganei : E-Elda?! (0:19:19.17)
Elda : K-Koito, s-so this is where you were. Thank goodness. (0:19:21.00)
Koito Koganei : So you can yell. (0:19:28.46)
Elda : Look... I came outside! (0:19:31.54)
Elda : I-I did it, so c'mon... let's go back! (0:19:33.88)
Koito Koganei : Did you come looking for me? (0:19:39.29)
Koito Koganei : You did that much? (0:19:41.92)
Elda : Th-this isn't funny!
I... I'm positive I hate being outside now!
Koito Koganei : Slow down! I know you're in a rush to get home but... (0:19:57.88)
Koito Koganei : By the way, I didn't know you could move this quickly! (0:20:00.96)
Koito Koganei : That's too far! Home is this way! (0:20:03.08)
Elda : A-ah, you're right. (0:20:07.96)
Elda : Things have changed around here, too. (0:20:11.00)
Koito Koganei : Say... (0:20:14.92)
Koito Koganei : Elda, why did you become the goddess at our shrine? (0:20:16.54)
Elda : I promised a friend that I would, 400 years ago. (0:20:20.79)
Elda : He said to watch over Edo
and over this country in his stead.
Koito Koganei : Oh. I think that friend must have wanted you
to look towards the future, you know?
Koito Koganei : To a world that will keep turning,
even after they, themselves, are gone.
Koito Koganei : The world will keep changing,
but that's definitely not a bad thing.
Elda : I suppose that's true... (0:20:49.38)
Koito Koganei : Hey, make a promise with me, too! (0:20:52.75)
Koito Koganei : Let's take a tour around Tokyo together!
I am your miko, after all!
Elda : I-I'll think about it. (0:21:10.25)
Koito Koganei : Can't you just decide now? (0:21:13.58)
Koito Koganei : Speaking of, who was that friend? Tell me their name. (0:21:16.21)
Elda : Well, his name is Ieyasu Tokugawa-kun. (0:21:19.75)
Koito Koganei : Oh... (0:21:23.54)
Koito Koganei : What? (0:21:25.04)
Koito Koganei : Ieyasu Tokugawa? (0:21:26.04)
Elda : I-I'm so sore... Massage my legs, Koito! (0:21:30.88)
Koito Koganei : Just from going to the park?
I think your muscles are just dead.
Koito Koganei : Whoa! Your calves are squishy! (0:21:38.75)
Elda : Ah, right there. (0:21:41.08)
Koito Koganei : By the way, you were sure
I was in the park yesterday, huh?
Koito Koganei : Did you use the spirits to find me? (0:21:48.33)
Elda : Well, I did try that, but I couldn't find a single one. (0:21:50.42)
Elda : That's why I went to the same place I was ten years ago. (0:21:54.58)
Koito Koganei : Ten years ago? You've been a recluse for 60 years, right? (0:21:57.92)
Elda : No, the last time I went out was ten years ago. (0:22:01.96)
Elda : It snowed a ton that day, don't you remember it? (0:22:05.33)
Koito Koganei : Huh? (0:22:08.75)
Elda : You had disappeared and Kikujirou was beside himself. (0:22:09.79)
Elda : I had to go find you. (0:22:14.08)
Elda : You were crying over there back then, too, Koito. (0:22:16.92)
Elda : No more tears. (0:22:27.79)
Elda : I'll always be by your side. (0:22:30.75)
Koito Koganei : Huh? B-but... your voice was- (0:22:36.13)
Elda : My voice? Oh, well I was coming down
with a cold that day.
Koito Koganei : S-so Elda, you really are... the... (0:22:43.79)
Elda : No more tears, Koito. (0:22:48.83)
Koito Koganei : What?! Wait, wait, hold on a second! (0:22:53.63)
Elda : What's wrong? You're beet red! (0:22:56.88)
Koito Koganei : I-I-It's nothing! (0:22:58.54)
Elda : Maybe it's okay if I don't go out for fifty more years. (0:23:00.88)
Elda : Oh, miko, present to me a Red Bull. (0:23:04.71)
Koito Koganei : This wreck is my... NOOOO! (0:23:08.38)

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