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Gabimaru : No. (0:00:44.31)
Gabimaru : Why? Why can't I die? (0:01:16.05)
Gabimaru : No, why won't I die? (0:01:18.84)
Gabimaru : I have no attachment to life. (0:01:23.81)
Gabimaru : I've killed countless people until now. (0:01:29.90)
Gabimaru : I don't expect to live a long life. (0:01:33.78)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Your name is Gabimaru. (0:03:12.88)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Born a shinobi in the village of Iwagakure, (0:03:15.13)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : you studied only assassination techniques
since you were a child.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Many lose their lives during training,
but in exchange,
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : those who survive develop
superhuman bodies.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I see. (0:03:29.06)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : For someone from Iwagakure, (0:03:30.94)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : breaking a blade with your
own flesh is a simple task.
Gabimaru : Well, yeah. (0:03:36.52)
Gabimaru : Someone that shitty
with a sword can't hurt me.
Gabimaru : I didn't even have to use any ninjutsu. (0:03:40.40)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You can use ninjutsu? (0:03:42.95)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Could you show me some? (0:03:45.53)
Gabimaru : Why? (0:03:47.66)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : As a matter of personal interest. (0:03:48.74)
Gabimaru : In that case, no. (0:03:50.20)
Gabimaru : Uh, sorry. (0:04:21.90)
Gabimaru : I'm not trying to resist. (0:04:47.64)
Gabimaru : If anything, I wish you'd kill me. (0:04:52.18)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I see. (0:04:54.18)
Gabimaru : If you're gonna look away,
then why not give me clothes?
Gabimaru : C'mon, c'mon. (0:04:58.98)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : My job is to record events,
and your nudity is no obstacle.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Please continue. (0:05:06.20)
Gabimaru : My background's not
very interesting, you know.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It's my job. (0:05:11.62)
Gabimaru : My parents? I dunno. (0:05:16.79)
Gabimaru : I was only told they were killed
by the village chief when I was a baby.
Gabimaru : I don't know why. (0:05:23.51)
Gabimaru : I don't have any feelings about it. (0:05:25.47)
Gabimaru : Dreams? Don't have any. (0:05:28.47)
Gabimaru : Shinobi don't have any great purpose. (0:05:31.64)
Gabimaru : They just kill as they're told. (0:05:34.85)
Gabimaru : Why was I caught? (0:05:39.36)
Gabimaru : Well, uh... (0:05:41.11)
Gabimaru : I tried to leave the village. (0:05:44.03)
Gabimaru : I was captured on a job
when my cohorts betrayed me.
Gabimaru : The village chief probably
put them up to it.
Gabimaru : The village doesn't allow anyone to leave. (0:05:52.41)
Gabimaru : It's not like they had a choice. (0:05:54.95)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why did you try to leave
the village in the first place?
Gabimaru : Oh, uh... (0:06:40.46)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It's strange. (0:06:51.39)
Gabimaru : My shinobi's body? (0:06:53.76)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : No. (0:06:55.60)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Despite saying you want to be killed,
it seems to me as though you were resisting.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why would someone with no will to live... (0:07:02.60)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Never mind. (0:07:05.48)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why did you try to leave the village? (0:07:06.44)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Will you answer the question
I asked you yesterday?
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm working. (0:07:16.83)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm working. (0:07:19.29)
Gabimaru : Whatever. (0:07:20.62)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm work... (0:07:21.37)
Gabimaru : It wasn't for an interesting reason. (0:07:22.58)
Gabimaru : I was the best in Iwagakure. (0:07:25.34)
Gabimaru : I had the chief's recognition,
and married his daughter.
Gabimaru : But his daughter was a real idiot. (0:07:35.35)
Gabimaru : I don't know how a shinobi's, (0:07:39.60)
Gabimaru : much less the chief's daughter,
ends up like that.
Gabimaru : She was a carefree, naïve,
and sheltered girl.
Gabimaru : I was totally bewildered,
and I got fed up with her.
Gabimaru : I didn't want to lose my edge. (0:08:08.88)
Gabimaru : I knew I'd been set up. (0:08:25.94)
Gabimaru : But I also knew the people of Iwagakure would
follow me everywhere, even if I escaped.
Gabimaru : It was over the moment
I was caught in their trap.
Gabimaru : It was stupid of me to defy the chief
in the first place, so I gave up.
Gabimaru : Well? Not a very interesting reason, is it? (0:08:43.71)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Isn't he Gabimaru,
former shinobi of Iwagakure?
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : The Elixir... (0:09:34.76)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Are you sure about that? (0:09:42.51)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why would a hollow man fight back so
hard that he killed 20 people?
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Despite saying you want to be killed,
it seems to me as though you were resisting.
Gabimaru : She's right. What am I doing? (0:10:01.33)
Gabimaru : Why don't I just die? (0:10:05.70)
Gabimaru : I have no attachment to life. (0:10:08.12)
Gabimaru : Tomorrow. I'll end it all tomorrow. (0:10:11.04)
Gabimaru : With tomorrow's execution... (0:10:15.26)
Gabimaru : Why won't I die? (0:10:43.95)
Gabimaru : Why am I still enduring this? (0:10:46.58)
Gabimaru : I should have no lingering attachments. (0:10:49.46)
Gabimaru : I should be empty. (0:10:51.88)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Sir, the arrangements have been made. (0:11:03.89)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm ready to start at any time. (0:11:07.27)
Gabimaru : What kind of execution is it this time? (0:11:16.23)
Gabimaru : Honestly, I'm getting tired of this. (0:11:18.78)
Gabimaru : When are you going to... (0:11:21.28)
Gabimaru : What is this? (0:11:36.96)
Gabimaru : You're an Asaemon... and a woman? (0:12:21.72)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Yes, a woman. (0:12:24.84)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Runaway shinobi Gabimaru from Isshu, (0:12:27.35)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : the shogunate has charged me
with your execution.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You said you wanted someone to kill you. (0:12:33.10)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I shall grant you your wish. (0:12:36.61)
Gabimaru : She's the real deal. (0:12:46.53)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : At once. (0:12:55.75)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why did you evade my blow? (0:13:05.30)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You'd have died if you hadn't moved. (0:13:07.76)
Gabimaru : Could I have died? (0:13:11.85)
Gabimaru : Do I not want to die? (0:13:18.15)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Through my job, I've been present during
the final moments of many.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I've learned to identify how people
truly feel when they're dying.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : A person's true nature
is reflected in the blade.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Some put up a brave act
until just before their death.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Some desperately beg for mercy. (0:13:41.09)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : And some lie to themselves
and claim to have accepted death.
Gabimaru : What? (0:13:50.01)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Gabimaru the Hollow. (0:13:51.76)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : There's certainly a great
emptiness inside you.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm certain of it after listening
to you describe your history.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : But you lied about one thing. (0:14:01.23)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You do have an attachment to life. (0:14:05.15)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : No, you love your wife. (0:14:07.36)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : To you, is she not your reason to live? (0:14:13.62)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'm right. (0:14:42.06)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Why do you lie to yourself? (0:14:44.27)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You couldn't die during your executions
because of your feelings for her.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Are you not just telling yourself
that you have no attachment to life?
Gabimaru : Shut up! (0:14:57.33)
Gabimaru : I have no attachments! (0:14:59.83)
Gabimaru : You know nothing about
the world I've lived in!
Gabimaru : I am hollow! (0:15:06.71)
Gabimaru : No, the nickname suits me. (0:15:13.26)
Gabimaru : I've grown too accustomed
to terrible, ugly things.
Gabimaru : I can only show you the same. (0:15:20.10)
Gabimaru : But... (0:16:11.49)
Gabimaru : What are you... (0:16:22.58)
Gabimaru : I am Gabimaru the Hollow! (0:16:31.84)
Gabimaru : I'm a heartless monster! (0:16:36.26)
Gabimaru : Try as I might, I can never be human! (0:16:40.22)
Gabimaru : I'll quit making
a living by killing people.
Gabimaru : The two of us will live a quiet life. (0:16:57.95)
Gabimaru : It's what's best for his daughter.
The chief will understand.
Gabimaru : I won't kill anyone. (0:17:07.08)
Gabimaru : We'll live in a quiet place. (0:17:09.92)
Gabimaru : And live an ordinary life. (0:17:12.80)
Gabimaru : Like normal people. (0:17:19.05)
Gabimaru : It's impossible! (0:17:21.81)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It's possible! (0:17:24.48)
Gabimaru : What? (0:17:28.73)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : This is an official pardon. (0:17:31.69)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Not only does it dismiss all charges, (0:17:34.44)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : but it even grants you
the shogun's protection.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : With this, neither the magistrate's office
nor the village's shinobi could harm you.
Gabimaru : What are you talking about? (0:17:47.29)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : But it comes with a condition. (0:17:48.63)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : You will go to the Underworld. (0:17:51.92)
Gabimaru : What? (0:17:53.92)
Gabimaru : The Underworld? You mean the Other Side? (0:17:55.63)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Yes. (0:17:58.64)
Gabimaru : Are you telling me to die? (0:17:59.39)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : No. (0:18:01.35)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : There is a land brimming with fertility
and joy, where there is no pain:
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Shinsenkyo. (0:18:07.64)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Believed in since ancient times, people have (0:18:09.27)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : called it Paradise,
the Other Side, and Heaven.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It was said to be far to the southwest,
beyond the Ryukyu Kingdom.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : And it's finally been found. (0:18:22.28)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Butterflies and flowers dance. (0:18:27.79)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Beautiful voices can be heard singing. (0:18:29.62)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It is as the legends describe. (0:18:33.29)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : It is said that the immortality-granting
Elixir of Life can be found in Shinsenkyo.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : The shogunate sent a search party
there to acquire the Elixir.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : However... (0:18:47.81)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Five more expeditions were sent,
but no one returned...
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : except for the things they became. (0:19:25.89)
Gabimaru : W-Wait a minute. (0:19:29.77)
Gabimaru : What kind of story is that? (0:19:31.81)
Gabimaru : It sounds like a fairy tale. (0:19:33.35)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Yes. (0:19:34.90)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Everyone believed it was
merely a fairy tale
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : until they saw that . (0:19:39.28)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I came here looking
for potential candidates.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Someone with skill
and a fierce desire to live.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : On my way here, I heard your
wife is still in Iwagakure.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Since the day you were captured, (0:20:23.11)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : she closed herself off
and hasn't spoken to anyone.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : She must believe you'll return. (0:20:29.49)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : I'll ask you again. (0:20:35.08)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Do you have any attachment to life? (0:20:36.96)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Traveling to a mysterious island
with heinous criminals
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : condemned to death and competing
with them for a pardon
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : is the only way for you
to be reunited with her.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Will you risk that (0:20:50.72)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : for a life with her, Gabimaru the Hollow? (0:20:52.23)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : The shogunate has commanded it. (0:21:06.20)
Gabimaru : Heartless, hollow... (0:21:19.54)
Gabimaru : You said you wanted to see ninjutsu. (0:21:35.44)
Gabimaru : If this'll do, then watch this. (0:21:48.03)
Gabimaru : Ninpo: Ascetic Blaze. (0:21:51.62)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Impressive. (0:22:08.22)
Gabimaru : I'll do it. I'll find this Elixir of Life. (0:22:14.93)
Gabimaru : So, what should I do now? (0:22:22.15)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : Come with me. First, we'll go to Edo— (0:22:25.19)
Gabimaru : What? (0:22:28.53)
Gabimaru : Why don't we go directly to the island? (0:22:29.78)
Gabimaru : Edo's a detour. What a pain. (0:22:32.20)
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : He's complaining more now that
he's out of his funk.
Sagiri Yamada Asaemon : If you don't want to go,
then we can call off the deal.
Gabimaru : I'll do it, I'll do it. (0:22:39.42)
Gabimaru : I'll do anything now. (0:22:41.79)
Gabimaru : It doesn't matter if I have to face
condemned criminals or mysterious islands.
Gabimaru : I'll make it back alive. (0:22:48.38)
Gabimaru : For you. (0:22:52.68)

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