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Faeria : At last... (0:00:12.35)
Faeria : At last, the dark lord is defeated! (0:00:13.63)
Faeria : You've done it, Sunraku! (0:00:41.24)
Faeria : Thank you! (0:00:43.78)
Faeria : It's been such a long,
hard journey, hasn't it?
Sunraku : Yes. (0:00:50.37)
Sunraku : I've been waiting so long
for this very moment...
Sunraku : Faeria. (0:00:56.56)
Sunraku : Now, you can go with the dark lord (0:01:04.46)
Sunraku : straight to hell! (0:01:06.85)
Sunraku : You're the real dark lord here! (0:01:21.60)
Sunraku : You're the real menace to the world! (0:01:23.72)
Sunraku : Heck yeah! (0:01:29.07)
Sunraku : I finally beat Failia Chronicle ! (0:01:30.66)
Sunraku : And I got my revenge
for everything she put me through!
Sunraku : Yeah! (0:01:37.33)
Sunraku : The rumors were true.
What a giant pile of garbage!
Sunraku : I feel so free! (0:02:24.70)
Sunraku : Is this how a convict finishing up
a prison sentence feels?
Sunraku : Now, what trash game will I try next? (0:02:32.38)
Sunraku : Morning! (0:04:12.12)
Sunraku : Oh, no one's here. (0:04:15.73)
Sunraku : Mom, one of your butterflies got out. (0:04:27.30)
Sunraku : Heading out! (0:04:33.65)
Psyger-0 : E-Excuse me... Hizutome-kun... (0:05:00.26)
Psyger-0 : Wh-What have you been up to? (0:05:03.57)
Psyger-0 : Th-That's not what I meant! (0:05:06.74)
Psyger-0 : I meant to ask... what game are you playing? (0:05:07.95)
Psyger-0 : Oh, really? The truth is, I also— (0:05:12.44)
Psyger-0 : Okay! (0:05:19.08)
Psyger-0 : Hizu— (0:05:30.68)
Sunraku : Heya. (0:05:32.59)
Sunraku : As a matter of fact... (0:05:35.09)
Sunraku : Listen to this, man!
Talk about a nightmare...
Sunraku : Trashiest trash game ever... (0:05:40.12)
Mana Iwamaki : Summer vacation starts tomorrow, then? (0:05:52.84)
Mana Iwamaki : That should bring in some business, I'll bet. (0:05:56.79)
Mana Iwamaki : Come on in! (0:06:01.42)
Mana Iwamaki : Oh, Rei-chan! (0:06:02.40)
Psyger-0 : Hello, there! (0:06:05.57)
Mana Iwamaki : On the way back from practice? (0:06:08.93)
Psyger-0 : Yes. (0:06:10.43)
Mana Iwamaki : Sorry, but he's not here today, either. (0:06:15.06)
Psyger-0 : O-Oh, I just came to look at the games— (0:06:18.73)
Mana Iwamaki : C'mon, I know you too well
for that little act.
Mana Iwamaki : Aw, you lucky girl! (0:06:25.44)
Mana Iwamaki : Oh, to be young and in love! (0:06:27.76)
Psyger-0 : M-Mana-san! (0:06:29.32)
Mana Iwamaki : He's been trying to crack
an extra-special trash game,
Mana Iwamaki : so he hasn't been by in a while. (0:06:34.83)
Psyger-0 : "Extra-special"? (0:06:37.39)
Mana Iwamaki : That one there's his latest. (0:06:38.97)
Mana Iwamaki : Failia Chronicle . (0:06:40.79)
Mana Iwamaki : It might take him a bit longer yet. (0:06:42.83)
Psyger-0 : Oh, Faeria Chronicle Online ... (0:06:44.71)
Psyger-0 : My sister told me about that one. (0:06:47.93)
Psyger-0 : She said it was really hard! (0:06:49.89)
Mana Iwamaki : It's a legendary trash game. (0:06:51.80)
Mana Iwamaki : Miserable ally AI, (0:06:54.36)
Mana Iwamaki : utterly absurd enemy attack patterns, (0:06:56.68)
Mana Iwamaki : and more bugs in the code
than you can shake a stick at.
Mana Iwamaki : I hear you need serious skills
to even beat the first boss.
Mana Iwamaki : It's caused tons of players to
throw their headsets in frustration!
Mana Iwamaki : On top of that, I've heard (0:07:10.70)
Mana Iwamaki : you gotta fight the final boss
in board shorts and a mask!
Psyger-0 : Why in the world would you do that? (0:07:16.44)
Mana Iwamaki : No idea. (0:07:18.13)
Mana Iwamaki : I assume it's an efficiency
thing or something.
Mana Iwamaki : So? Are you making progress, Rei-chan? (0:07:22.73)
Psyger-0 : Yes. I am, but— (0:07:25.07)
Sunraku : Got any decent trash games in? (0:07:28.77)
Mana Iwamaki : Hey! Been a while, Hizutome-kun! (0:07:32.08)
Mana Iwamaki : Oh? (0:07:35.13)
Mana Iwamaki : And... she's gone. (0:07:36.32)
Mana Iwamaki : Oh, nothing. (0:07:39.27)
Mana Iwamaki : Wait, did you beat Failia already? (0:07:41.32)
Sunraku : You bet! (0:07:44.34)
Sunraku : I took that sucker down! (0:07:45.62)
Mana Iwamaki : How was it? (0:07:47.32)
Sunraku : It was a spectacular pile of garbage! (0:07:48.55)
Mana Iwamaki : Glad to hear it. (0:07:51.81)
Sunraku : The biggest pile of garbage
was that female lead.
Sunraku : Her name's "Faeria,"
and she ticked me off to no end!
Sunraku : She's the cause of pretty much every
problem you run into on the journey,
Sunraku : and then she makes the situation worse and
gets villagers and party members killed!
Faeria : Oh, no! I hit him! (0:08:09.19)
Sunraku : What the hell is your problem?! (0:08:11.12)
Sunraku : What are you even doing in that carriage?! (0:08:12.87)
Faeria : Curse you, dark lord! (0:08:15.84)
Faeria : He's the reason all of this is happening! (0:08:17.35)
Sunraku : She always finds a way to
blame it all on the last boss!
Sunraku : That guy didn't do squat! (0:08:25.44)
Sunraku : You're the real problem here! (0:08:26.77)
Sunraku : The same thing happens anywhere you go, (0:08:28.60)
Sunraku : but if you give her even the tiniest
little shove to vent your annoyance...
Faeria : Now I'm mad! (0:08:33.16)
Faeria : I'm not going anywhere with you! (0:08:34.31)
Sunraku : She refuses to move the story along! (0:08:37.41)
Sunraku : The autosave locks you
into that state of affairs,
Sunraku : and it takes three freaking hours
to get back in her good graces!
Sunraku : Then there's this, that,
and the other thing...
Sunraku : Just thinking about it ticks me off again! (0:08:46.24)
Mana Iwamaki : I'm impressed you didn't throw in the towel. (0:08:49.14)
Sunraku : Oh, but you see, that's how they get you! (0:08:51.55)
Sunraku : In the three minutes between beating the final
boss and before the credits start rolling,
Sunraku : I guess because it's technically a cutscene, (0:08:57.27)
Sunraku : you can beat the crap out of Faeria
without fear of reprisal!
Sunraku : It's so ironic. The more Faeria annoys you, (0:09:03.15)
Sunraku : the more determined you
become to brave that hell
Sunraku : to experience that three minutes of heaven. (0:09:08.18)
Sunraku : But when that moment finally arrives... (0:09:11.52)
Sunraku : It's as if all that's wiped away! (0:09:15.58)
Sunraku : You feel like you understand
why you were put on this Earth.
Mana Iwamaki : Glad to hear you had fun. (0:09:20.53)
Sunraku : But since Failia turned out to be
such a remarkable trash pile,
Sunraku : I can't think of what to follow it up with. (0:09:26.67)
Mana Iwamaki : In that case, (0:09:32.96)
Mana Iwamaki : why not play something that's
not a trash game for once?
Sunraku : Not a trash game? (0:09:37.46)
Mana Iwamaki : Experiencing the lows in life
can help you appreciate the highs.
Mana Iwamaki : The reverse is true, as well. (0:09:43.75)
Mana Iwamaki : The fully immersive VR game
with over 30 million players...
Sunraku : Shangri-La Frontier ? (0:09:53.17)
Mana Iwamaki : It can be fun to try things designed
for mass appeal now and then.
Mana Iwamaki : Right? (0:10:05.56)
Sunraku : The opposite of a trash game... (0:10:09.07)
Sunraku : A real god-tier game, huh? (0:10:11.53)
Sunraku : Shangri-La Frontier , AKA . (0:10:20.74)
Sunraku : It went on the market last spring (0:10:24.53)
Sunraku : and set a Guinness World Record
for simultaneous player log-ins.
Sunraku : The concept is... (0:10:35.55)
Sunraku : A colony fleet that came from space died out, (0:10:37.97)
Sunraku : but not before leaving a new society behind. (0:10:41.08)
Sunraku : Thousands of years later, (0:10:44.63)
Sunraku : the PCs are living their lives
at roughly medieval tech levels.
Sunraku : A setup that allows for effortless
inclusion of sci-fi elements...
Sunraku : Unlike Failia , which is so bad (0:10:56.66)
Sunraku : the haters find themselves desperately
searching for redeeming features,
Sunraku : this game is so beloved that its few haters (0:11:01.98)
Sunraku : are completely drowned out
by tens of thousands of fans.
Sunraku : If SLF was produced in-house at UES, (0:11:44.01)
Sunraku : there's no way it can be bad. (0:11:47.55)
Sunraku : How long's it been since I played
something that wasn't a trash game?
Sunraku : I did log in, right? (0:11:59.01)
Sunraku : Looks like I pick my job first. (0:12:07.47)
Sunraku : Wow, look at that! (0:12:11.23)
Sunraku : How many kinds are there? (0:12:13.03)
Sunraku : A twinblade mercenary
sounds pretty flexible.
Sunraku : Next, origin... (0:12:22.32)
Sunraku : "Wanderer" builds defense slowly,
but gets bonuses to luck.
Sunraku : Luck affects your critical chance and item
drop rate in this game, so I'll take that.
Sunraku : Next, to design my character! (0:12:35.78)
Sunraku : Wow, I can even choose race and body type! (0:12:37.82)
Sunraku : I can even start the game with accessories?! (0:12:40.15)
Sunraku : Chill out, man! (0:12:46.16)
Sunraku : You've been so poisoned by those
super-limited trash games,
Sunraku : you're getting blown away
by silly minor stuff!
Sunraku : Okay! (0:12:52.78)
Sunraku : Time to go hardcore on character
design for the first time in forever!
Sunraku : If I wanna hide my face... (0:13:34.84)
Sunraku : This mask's my only option, huh? (0:13:37.38)
Sunraku : Still, in a big-time game like this, (0:13:39.32)
Sunraku : it'd be pretty awkward to play
half-naked if everyone could see my face.
Sunraku : Player name... Sunraku. (0:13:49.07)
Sunraku : Okay! All ready to go. (0:14:03.75)
Sunraku : Hey, a prologue. (0:14:08.03)
Sunraku : Let's skip that... (0:14:10.37)
Sunraku : Okay, show me the power (0:14:17.00)
Sunraku : of a god-tier game! (0:14:20.08)
Sunraku : A forest? (0:14:44.11)
Sunraku : Awesome! (0:15:00.45)
Sunraku : Moving around feels
pretty much like real life!
Sunraku : I can run! (0:15:10.99)
Sunraku : I can grab! (0:15:12.93)
Sunraku : I can climb! (0:15:14.30)
Sunraku : Failia was so awkward to move around in... (0:15:18.95)
Sunraku : Actually, it feels like
an insult to compare them.
Sunraku : Whoa! It's huge! (0:15:26.51)
Sunraku : So this is the world of SLF ... (0:15:37.65)
Sunraku : So... where am I, exactly? (0:15:45.92)
Sunraku : Don't games like these usually start you
off in a tutorial town for beginners?
Sunraku : This starter map looks pretty basic. (0:16:04.29)
Sunraku : Let's see... (0:16:07.93)
Sunraku : This is "The Rampant Forest," (0:16:09.56)
Sunraku : and to the west is
the starting town, "Firstia."
Sunraku : Guess that's it. (0:16:18.91)
Sunraku : Okay, I'll head roughly in that
direction while I check things out!
Sunraku : I can even land properly! (0:16:27.89)
Sunraku : I know this stuff should go without saying, (0:16:30.18)
Sunraku : but actually getting to
play it feels so good!
Sunraku : Vitality: 3. (0:16:36.69)
Sunraku : Figures I'd have low defense with
the half-naked thing going on...
Sunraku : We'll have to see how far
that high luck stat gets me.
Sunraku : Right as I start playing?! (0:16:55.13)
Sunraku : A Goblin, huh? (0:16:58.47)
Sunraku : In that case... (0:17:00.63)
Sunraku : Let's see what this combat engine's made of! (0:17:02.70)
Sunraku : Wow, a one-hit kill? (0:17:28.23)
Sunraku : But it's just a scrub enemy
in the intro, I guess.
Sunraku : Hey, I leveled up! (0:17:32.81)
Sunraku : Says it can be dual-wielded,
so it's an option...
Sunraku : But its durability is already down to half. (0:17:41.50)
Sunraku : Probably won't last much longer, then. (0:17:44.02)
Sunraku : Monster weaknesses,
patterns, and item drops...
Sunraku : There's a lot to learn here. (0:17:55.39)
Sunraku : Trash game or god-tier game, you
get this feeling everywhere...
Sunraku : The elation of diving
head-first into a new world...
Sunraku : You just can't get that in real life! (0:18:06.45)
Sunraku : Okay, let's not forget to enjoy this! (0:18:10.23)
Sunraku : Well, would you look at that? (0:18:30.22)
Sunraku : One hit from that could put me down. (0:18:32.73)
Sunraku : One critical won't do it for this one, huh?! (0:18:54.02)
Sunraku : Is this all you've got, god-tier game? (0:19:02.88)
Sunraku : If you go for the neck
with every single pass,
Sunraku : I'm gonna figure out what you're doing. (0:19:08.35)
Sunraku : Look at all that EXP! (0:19:13.11)
Sunraku : He was a tough little guy, huh? (0:19:14.39)
Sunraku : No weapon drops, though, huh? (0:19:17.16)
Sunraku : I wanted that knife!
I bet it's powerful as heck!
Sunraku : "Condition Achieved"? (0:19:24.81)
Sunraku : I can learn skills by taking
certain actions, huh?
Sunraku : Hey, yeah, I haven't used any skills yet... (0:19:30.73)
Sunraku : This game's pretty well designed. (0:19:34.07)
Sunraku : Since a player's own skill
supplements your dodges and parries,
Sunraku : I can fight pretty well against
even higher-level enemies.
Sunraku : That makes me wanna try a bunch
of different fighting styles!
Sunraku : Hang on! (0:19:48.33)
Sunraku : Have I been played this whole time
without encountering a single bug?!
Sunraku : Awesome! That's a god-tier game for you! (0:20:00.58)
Sunraku : I honestly wasn't sure if I could enjoy
a bug-free game after all this time,
Sunraku : but I can really have a good time with this! (0:20:08.67)
Sunraku : I guess they don't call it
"god-tier" for nothing!
Sunraku : Okay! (0:20:15.61)
Sunraku : I'm gonna get me a tough
bunny's kitchen knife!
Sunraku : Where are you, bunny?! (0:20:20.65)
Sunraku : That skill's kinda crummy. (0:20:39.63)
Sunraku : The big flashy swing
leaves me open for too long.
Sunraku : Hey, finally leveled again. (0:20:45.02)
Sunraku : I should probably allocate
my stat points already...
Sunraku : I wish that Vorpal Bunny thing
had a higher spawn rate, though...
Sunraku : Guess it was a rare enemy, huh? (0:20:59.40)
Sunraku : It took me forever to get
a matching set of those knives!
Sunraku : Since I beat about fifty of 'em... (0:21:09.09)
Sunraku : I guess that's a drop rate of about 5 percent or so? (0:21:11.15)
Sunraku : This thing's pretty darn rare, huh? (0:21:14.60)
Sunraku : They've got better stats
than the Mercenary Twinblade,
Sunraku : so I'd better take good care of 'em. (0:21:19.29)
Sunraku : And I learned a few new skills... (0:21:21.49)
Sunraku : But Screw Pierce seems
like the only useful one.
Sunraku : The others seem more
"better than nothing" tier.
Sunraku : Still, I'm not gonna gain any more levels
with the scrub-tier monsters around here.
Sunraku : I'd better move on. (0:21:35.79)
Sunraku : I've strayed pretty far away
from the starting town, huh?
Sunraku : At this point, I'm a lot closer
to the next one, Secondale.
Sunraku : To get to Secondale... (0:21:46.52)
Sunraku : I've gotta cross this bridge
over the ravine, huh?
Sunraku : Aha, I see. (0:22:01.09)
Sunraku : I gotta beat you if
I wanna cross. Is that it?
Sunraku : Sounds good to me. (0:22:16.56)
Sunraku : Looks like I've got me
a real challenge at last.
Sunraku : Soloing a boss meant for a party, huh? (0:22:22.07)
Sunraku : With the great ratings SLF gets, (0:22:25.74)
Sunraku : it probably won't be dishing out
any silly bug attacks.
Sunraku : A snake monster's attacks
usually consist of...
Sunraku : Coil, bite, tail swipe, swallow, venom... (0:22:33.92)
Sunraku : That should be all. (0:22:36.91)
Sunraku : With an avatar that actually
moves the way I want it to,
Sunraku : I don't need defenses to beat you! (0:22:41.51)
Sunraku : Give me something to enjoy here, (0:22:44.21)
Sunraku : SLF ! (0:22:47.49)
Emul : Mini! (0:23:46.48)
Psyger-0 : H-Hello, there! (0:23:52.73)
Psyger-0 : I'm Psyger-0! (0:23:54.33)
Psyger-0 : I'd like to show you the prologue text that
rolls at the start of Shangri-La Frontier ,
Psyger-0 : which Hizutome-kun skipped! (0:24:00.60)
Psyger-0 : Take it away! (0:24:03.01)
Psyger-0 : Divine? Divinity? (0:24:59.26)
Psyger-0 : There's so much intriguing jargon, isn't there? (0:25:01.07)
Psyger-0 : Well, see you again soon! (0:25:03.43)
Psyger-0 : Bye-bye! (0:25:05.55)
Emul : Mini! (0:25:12.80)
Faeria : Oh, no! I hit him! (0:25:17.05)
Sunraku : What the hell is your problem?! (0:25:19.69)
Sunraku : What are you even doing in that carriage?! (0:25:21.19)
Sunraku : I told you to wait on the dang bench! (0:25:23.08)
Faeria : Curse you, dark lord! (0:25:27.58)
Faeria : He's the reason all of this is happening! (0:25:29.10)
Sunraku : But this is all your fault! (0:25:31.99)
Faeria : Now I'm mad! (0:25:35.30)
Faeria : I'm not going anywhere with you! (0:25:36.71)
Sunraku : You're the one who causes all the problems, (0:25:38.47)
Sunraku : and I'm the one fighting, not you! (0:25:40.35)

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Macne Petit

i once dyed my hair to look like hers and it turned out amazing. i like her ≺3 - Anonymous


I thought my daughter was in this. - Soujirou Izumi

No... - Soujirou Izumi

I told you that my daughter's... - Soujirou Izumi

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