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Patissier : It's like a land of sweets. (0:00:35.69)
Patissier : I'm going to win this and achieve the
dream I've had since I was a child!
Patissier : Let's go. (0:00:53.82)
Patissier : One, two, three! (0:00:55.08)
Patissier : Wait, am I... (0:01:15.54)
Patissier : Ah, am I dying? (0:01:17.37)
Patissier : I wanted to create the world's
greatest sweets before I died...
Patissier : I wanted to use them to
create a land of sweets,
Patissier : and bring smiles to the faces
of everyone in the world.
Patissier : Now, I never will. (0:01:33.01)
Patissier : God... you are far too cruel. (0:01:34.35)
Patissier : Huh? Who's there? (0:01:42.97)
Pastry Mill Morteln : The Fief of Morteln. (0:03:34.80)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I heard that when my father, Casserole Mille
Morteln, first became its suzerain lord,
Pastry Mill Morteln : it was a barren land that
could barely grow wheat.
Pastry Mill Morteln : My father worked hard beside
those who moved there with him,
Pastry Mill Morteln : and those already living there. (0:03:50.28)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Together, they spent almost twenty
years cultivating the soil.
Pastry Mill Morteln : That hard work paid off, (0:03:59.18)
Pastry Mill Morteln : and we've managed to grow to a fief of
three villages of about forty people each,
Pastry Mill Morteln : capable of growing both wheat and barley. (0:04:05.65)
Casserole Mill Morteln : C'mon! You'll need to do better than that! (0:04:08.60)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I haven't gotten started! (0:04:10.95)
Casserole Mill Morteln : You're getting sloppy with your grip again. (0:04:20.76)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes, sir... (0:04:22.90)
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's been nine years since I was reincarnated
as the son of the fief's suzerain lord,
Pastry Mill Morteln : Lord Casserole. (0:04:30.78)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Yes! Hold it so tight, I could tear
off your hands before you'd let go!
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes, sir! (0:04:38.25)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I was raised by my father—
a military hero—my kind mother,
Pastry Mill Morteln : and my five older sisters. (0:04:45.25)
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's basically been a happy life, but... (0:04:47.52)
Pastry Mill Morteln : But... (0:04:50.14)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Our fief can't grow sugar, and it's
hard to get sweet things here.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Gosh, I sure do wanna make sweets! (0:04:58.22)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Don't get distracted! (0:05:01.34)
Sheets Beetwin : There you are! Hey, Boss! (0:05:07.41)
Sheets Beetwin : Hard at work, I see. (0:05:09.94)
Sheets Beetwin : It'll be time for breakfast soon, you know. (0:05:12.17)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Right. We'll end here for now. (0:05:15.04)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes, sir. (0:05:17.71)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Thank you... very much. (0:05:19.00)
Casserole Mill Morteln : How can I help you, Feuille? (0:05:21.84)
Sheets Beetwin : I've got good news and bad news for you. (0:05:24.00)
Sheets Beetwin : Which do you want first? (0:05:26.53)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Since I'll have to hear both either way, (0:05:28.09)
Casserole Mill Morteln : let's start with the good. (0:05:30.90)
Sheets Beetwin : Well, then... (0:05:32.89)
Sheets Beetwin : It's looking like the bean fields will
yield a significant harvest this year.
Sheets Beetwin : It all worked out like the kid said. (0:05:38.99)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Sprinkling lime on the soil
improves the crop yield!
Casserole Mill Morteln : Looks like I was right to take your advice. (0:05:44.99)
Pastry Mill Morteln : We'll have a bumper bean crop this year... (0:05:48.77)
Pastry Mill Morteln : We'll be limited to simple
bean dishes for now,
Pastry Mill Morteln : but caramelized roasted soybeans
are a classic tea snack,
Pastry Mill Morteln : and you can sprinkle soybean flour
on them for extra flavor.
Casserole Mill Morteln : How do you know all that? (0:05:59.70)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Oh! Just more daydreams. (0:06:02.55)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Well, it certainly wouldn't
be your first flight of fancy.
Sheets Beetwin : But the ideas you pull from
that imagination of yours
Sheets Beetwin : have made good policy for the
fief these past few years.
Sheets Beetwin : Like a little shadow suzerain! (0:06:18.05)
Casserole Mill Morteln : So, what's the bad news? (0:06:21.88)
Sheets Beetwin : It seems that attempts to stamp out bandits
in the County of Retes have failed.
Casserole Mill Morteln : Bandits?! (0:06:32.01)
Sheets Beetwin : I'm told the stragglers have
escaped and are heading our way.
Casserole Mill Morteln : How many? (0:06:36.12)
Sheets Beetwin : About fifty. (0:06:36.91)
Pastry Mill Morteln : If bandits come here,
they'll ravage our fields.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Both the beans we worked so hard for,
and the precious wheat...
Sheets Beetwin : They'll likely arrive in two months' time. (0:06:47.38)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Two months, eh? (0:06:50.79)
Sheets Beetwin : Our only chance is to round up the villagers (0:06:52.45)
Sheets Beetwin : and drive the bandits off with pikes and slings. (0:06:54.73)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Even if we pull from all three villages, (0:06:58.36)
Pastry Mill Morteln : we'll get thirty men at most. (0:07:00.15)
Pastry Mill Morteln : We'll barely be able to
slow the bandits down.
Pastry Mill Morteln : And in a prolonged battle,
we're doomed for sure.
Casserole Mill Morteln : This village has the canal. (0:07:08.65)
Casserole Mill Morteln : What if we hole up here to buy time, (0:07:10.13)
Casserole Mill Morteln : while I ask Count Retes for reinforcements? (0:07:12.47)
Sheets Beetwin : Knowing you, you could do it. (0:07:16.40)
Sheets Beetwin : The only issue is... (0:07:18.69)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Count Retes's reputation. (0:07:20.54)
Sheets Beetwin : If we were to defeat bandits that the
County failed to stamp out completely,
Sheets Beetwin : it would subject the Count to
accusations of incompetence.
Casserole Mill Morteln : We won't be getting reinforcements
from there, then.
Sheets Beetwin : The ideal outcome for the Count (0:07:35.30)
Sheets Beetwin : would be for us to fail so that the
Margravate of Hubarek has to clean up for us...
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father has three resident retainers,
including Feuille.
Pastry Mill Morteln : It won't be an easy fight. (0:07:45.57)
Pastry Mill Morteln : But the beans... and most
of all, the wheat...
Pastry Mill Morteln : I need them all for making sweets! (0:07:51.31)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Anyone who'd try to take that from me... (0:07:53.79)
Sheets Beetwin : Looking good, kid! (0:07:59.13)
Sheets Beetwin : He's starting to feel his calling
as this fief's next suzerain lord.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Anyone who gets in the way of my dream...
My plan to create a land of sweets...
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'll make them regret it! (0:08:12.38)
Sheets Beetwin : One way or another, we're gonna
have to make a big gamble.
Sheets Beetwin : This is just my instinct talking, (0:08:20.02)
Sheets Beetwin : but how's about we wager on
the kid as our trump card?
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas, a trump card? (0:08:26.79)
Sheets Beetwin : If the gamble pays off, he might
be as useful as you are, Boss.
Casserole Mill Morteln : I'd never dare question your instinct, (0:08:31.69)
Casserole Mill Morteln : but you're effectively hoping for magi— (0:08:34.56)
Casserole Mill Morteln : The Sanctification Ceremony! (0:08:38.36)
Sheets Beetwin : Exactly! (0:08:39.66)
Sheets Beetwin : Agnes, Josephine. Listen to me. (0:08:43.59)
Sheets Beetwin : I'm going to put Pas through
the Sanctification Ceremony.
Anies Mill Morteln : Dear?! (0:08:50.15)
Anies Mill Morteln : Surely it's much too soon for Pas. (0:08:51.27)
Casserole Mill Morteln : You know as well as I do
how bright the boy is.
Casserole Mill Morteln : He's at the top of his age
group with a sword, as well.
Anies Mill Morteln : But... (0:09:01.15)
Casserole Mill Morteln : I deem him accomplished with
both the pen and the sword.
Pastry Mill Morteln : The Sanctification Ceremony is
this world's coming-of-age ritual.
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm only nine, so it is a
bit early for me, but...
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's just what I want! (0:09:14.40)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Still... it's a real shock for Mother. (0:09:16.15)
Anies Mill Morteln : If you deem him worthy, I cannot argue. (0:09:18.20)
Pastry Mill Morteln : The ritual is usually for those between
thirteen and fifteen years old.
Anies Mill Morteln : I'd hoped for more time
with him as a child, but...
Casserole Mill Morteln : We set out in three days' time. (0:09:28.35)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Make the preparations. (0:09:30.28)
Anies Mill Morteln : All right. (0:09:31.63)
Anies Mill Morteln : Josie! Help me out with that, would you? (0:09:33.53)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Why, certainly, Mother! (0:09:35.69)
Anies Mill Morteln : He's got to represent the
family perfectly , after all...
Josephine Mill Morteln : That's right. He's got to be perfect! (0:09:42.35)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Not good... Nothing goes well
when they smile like that!
Pastry Mill Morteln : F-Father! (0:09:49.27)
Casserole Mill Morteln : I'm eating. (0:09:50.81)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father! (0:09:52.32)
Pastry Mill Morteln : W-Wait a minute! (0:09:57.65)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Don't you see how wrong this is?! (0:09:59.58)
Anies Mill Morteln : It looks lovely on you, Pas! (0:10:01.67)
Josephine Mill Morteln : These shoes might be perfect! (0:10:04.10)
Anies Mill Morteln : Josie, aren't those your precious shoes— (0:10:06.41)
Josephine Mill Morteln : No big deal! (0:10:09.22)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Only the best for my sweet little brother! (0:10:10.09)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Are you two listening to me at all?! (0:10:12.31)
Anies Mill Morteln : Now let's do his makeup! (0:10:12.87)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Skin like yours takes to makeup so well! (0:10:15.19)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I guess they're not... (0:10:17.85)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Ever since I was little, my mother and
sister have treated me like a dress-up doll.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Back when my other older sisters were around, (0:10:26.65)
Pastry Mill Morteln : it was even worse! (0:10:29.39)
Josephine Mill Morteln : It looks best on him out of everyone here! (0:10:32.04)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father! (0:10:34.55)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I want to be an adult ASAP! (0:10:36.04)
Casserole Mill Morteln : What's the matter, son of mine? (0:10:43.15)
Casserole Mill Morteln : How are you so exhausted on
the day of our departure?
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's been a busy three days. (0:10:48.58)
Anies Mill Morteln : Pas... (0:10:53.46)
Anies Mill Morteln : Take care. (0:10:56.58)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Give it your best! (0:10:57.72)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I will! (0:10:59.03)
Marcarullo Doroba : Hey, Pas! (0:10:59.76)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Marc! Lumi! Guys! (0:11:01.94)
Marcarullo Doroba : You lucky duck! The capital, huh? (0:11:04.22)
Marcarullo Doroba : I wish I could go too, dressed
up in a fancy suit like yours!
Luminito Aidolihappa : Nah, you'd look awful in one. (0:11:09.67)
Marcarullo Doroba : What the hell'd you just say?! (0:11:12.25)
Luminito Aidolihappa : Take care on your trip, Pas! (0:11:14.23)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Sure. (0:11:16.88)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'll eat lots of delicious
things while I'm gone!
Marcarullo Doroba : He's all about food. Typical! (0:11:20.68)
Luminito Aidolihappa : Well, that's our Pas! (0:11:22.50)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Look after things here. (0:11:24.97)
Sheets Beetwin : Sure. (0:11:26.16)
Marcarullo Doroba : Awesome! (0:12:07.15)
Luminito Aidolihappa : Lord Casserole's magic really is incredible. (0:12:09.08)
Anies Mill Morteln : Josie... (0:12:13.54)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Yes, Mother. (0:12:14.38)
Pastry Mill Morteln : That's the capital for you! (0:12:23.89)
Pastry Mill Morteln : This is the most people I've ever seen
in one place since my reincarnation!
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father! There's so many things
here I've never seen before!
Pastry Mill Morteln : Is that brown sugar?! (0:12:34.68)
Pastry Mill Morteln : And fruit?! (0:12:36.23)
Pastry Mill Morteln : The Fief of Morteln has so few sweet things.
I never see any of this stuff there!
Pastry Mill Morteln : With all that at my disposal... (0:12:43.12)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Brown sugar cookies, pound cake,
chocolate gâteau, flan!
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm raring to go! My blood is racing! (0:12:50.29)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Okay. (0:12:53.12)
Casserole Mill Morteln : If you can make it through
the Sanctifiction Ceremony
Casserole Mill Morteln : I'll buy you whatever you like. (0:12:56.75)
Pastry Mill Morteln : You mean it?! (0:12:59.09)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes! (0:13:00.39)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Oh, but I can't choose! (0:13:01.93)
Pastry Mill Morteln : What should I ask for? (0:13:03.77)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Are those... (0:13:06.84)
Pastry Mill Morteln : apples?! (0:13:08.01)
Pastry Mill Morteln : And they look so delicious! (0:13:09.27)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm so glad they exist in this world, too! (0:13:11.04)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Those are bonkas, I believe. (0:13:13.73)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Bonkas? (0:13:15.59)
Casserole Mill Morteln : They're grown up north, (0:13:16.44)
Casserole Mill Morteln : so it's rare to see them in the market here. (0:13:19.04)
Casserole Mill Morteln : They're on the sour side, though I haven't
had much of them myself.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Sour, huh? (0:13:26.57)
Pastry Mill Morteln : There's all kinds of ways to use sour apples! (0:13:28.27)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father! I'd like to try growing bonkas! (0:13:31.71)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Growing them? (0:13:35.01)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Let's bring some back with us! (0:13:36.10)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Really? (0:13:38.41)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Seeing him interested in
the goods of other lands...
Casserole Mill Morteln : He's developing the instincts
of a true suzerain!
Pastry Mill Morteln : If I got five of them, I could
try all kinds of things...
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'd love to try them glacé, but... (0:13:55.11)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Sugar itself is such a luxury!
I'm sure it's too much to ask.
Pastry Mill Morteln : What if we raised bees in our fief, (0:14:03.29)
Pastry Mill Morteln : and I candied them in honey instead? (0:14:05.64)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Tarts! (0:14:08.73)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Baked apples! (0:14:09.81)
Pastry Mill Morteln : And the old classic, apple pie! (0:14:11.15)
Casserole Mill Morteln : With talent like his, if he
were to inherit the fief...
Pastry Mill Morteln : If I can cultivate apples,
and then inherit the fief...
Casserole Mill Morteln : A rich land with a strong army! (0:14:23.15)
Pastry Mill Morteln : A land full of all the sweets you can eat! (0:14:25.45)
Casserole Mill Morteln : We're here. (0:14:29.30)
Priest : Well, well, if it isn't the Lord of Morteln. (0:14:33.76)
Priest : Thank you for coming all this way. (0:14:36.56)
Pastry Mill Morteln : A panda?! (0:14:37.37)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Father. It's an honor to see you again. (0:14:38.60)
Priest : We last met at your daughter's
Sanctification Ceremony, I believe.
Casserole Mill Morteln : You did me a great service that day. (0:14:45.47)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Thanks only to the protection
of God and the Spirits...
Casserole Mill Morteln : And my son's wisdom, as well. (0:14:59.42)
Priest : And you've brought your son today, have you? (0:15:02.69)
Casserole Mill Morteln : I'd like him to undergo his
Sanctification Ceremony today.
Priest : What?! (0:15:09.93)
Priest : Do you mean this, milord? (0:15:11.23)
Casserole Mill Morteln : I certainly do. (0:15:13.92)
Casserole Mill Morteln : And I'd like it to be a True Sanctification. (0:15:14.85)
Josephine Mill Morteln : Hey, Feuille. (0:15:22.52)
Josephine Mill Morteln : "True Sanctification" is the ceremony
where you get magic, right?
Sheets Beetwin : Oh, yeah. (0:15:27.48)
Sheets Beetwin : The one the kid's going to undergo? (0:15:28.75)
Josephine Mill Morteln : When I went for my Ceremony, (0:15:31.45)
Josephine Mill Morteln : they said I didn't have much magic power, (0:15:34.68)
Josephine Mill Morteln : so I didn't get to go through that one. (0:15:36.86)
Josephine Mill Morteln : I hope Pas will be okay. (0:15:39.66)
Sheets Beetwin : I think he'll be fine, little lady. (0:15:42.00)
Josephine Mill Morteln : What do they do for it? (0:15:44.52)
Sheets Beetwin : Well, it's like... (0:15:46.24)
Sheets Beetwin : They measure how much magic
power you've got, and then...
Priest : Now, imbibe this. (0:16:02.29)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I-It's bitter! (0:16:08.53)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Wh-What the hell is this stuff?! (0:16:10.20)
Josephine Mill Morteln : What then? (0:16:12.09)
Sheets Beetwin : You don't do anything. (0:16:13.32)
Josephine Mill Morteln : You don't do anything ?! (0:16:15.50)
Sheets Beetwin : You're left alone in the dark, (0:16:19.05)
Sheets Beetwin : unable to see or hear anything (0:16:22.04)
Sheets Beetwin : for hours and hours... (0:16:25.00)
Sheets Beetwin : Magic is a grand power
hidden inside a person.
Sheets Beetwin : This is the only way to draw it out— (0:16:33.42)
Sheets Beetwin : To face hardship and endure, all by yourself. (0:16:36.92)
Casserole Mill Morteln : It's been a day and a half now. (0:16:51.05)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Surely it's taking too long... (0:16:54.20)
Priest : We cannot release your son until
the radiance subsides, I fear.
Priest : That said, it is impressive that
the moment has not yet come.
Priest : How much power does that
boy have hidden within him?
Casserole Mill Morteln : Do you think he'll be all right? (0:17:11.01)
Priest : Certainly, so much time in darkness
and silence would be trying for most.
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas... (0:17:20.07)
Pastry Mill Morteln : What will I... (0:17:22.50)
Pastry Mill Morteln : What will I make with those bonkas?! (0:17:24.21)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Just imagine! Someday,
I'll find a way to get sugar.
Pastry Mill Morteln : And then... (0:17:29.38)
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's hard to feel stressed when
I'm thinking about sweets!
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm overflowing with glee! (0:17:34.44)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I want to fill this world with sweets, (0:17:38.43)
Pastry Mill Morteln : and bring smiles to everyone's faces! (0:17:41.57)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I want to make the world's best sweets! (0:17:43.79)
Pastry Mill Morteln : That must have been the reason
I was born into this world!
Pastry Mill Morteln : To create this world's... (0:17:53.59)
Pastry Mill Morteln : This world's very own land of sweets! (0:17:56.46)
Pastry Mill Morteln : What's that? (0:18:03.56)
Pastry Mill Morteln : H-Hey! (0:18:05.87)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Is this... magic? (0:18:19.00)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas! (0:18:22.63)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas! (0:18:26.83)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father? (0:18:28.27)
Casserole Mill Morteln : You endured it admirably. (0:18:29.94)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Two whole days! (0:18:31.47)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Two days? (0:18:32.67)
Pastry Mill Morteln : It's been that long? (0:18:34.11)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I had so many dreams...
but I can't remember now.
Priest : Now, we'll bring this to a close. (0:18:42.24)
Priest : If you've truly found your power within, (0:18:45.27)
Priest : then the scripture I'm about to
read should have meaning to you.
Priest : With this blessing of scripture, the
Sanctification Ceremony will come to an end.
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes, sir. (0:18:58.01)
Priest : Vast though this world might be,
and rich with myriad forms of life,
Priest : it all receiveth equally
those blessings divine.
Priest : So, too, do its people receive the
immeasurable bounties of our most holy God.
Priest : Thou, who art Pastry Mil Morteln, (0:19:14.54)
Priest : with gratitude in thy heart
for God's beneficent favor,
Priest : receivest thou now God's blessings... (0:19:22.33)
Pastry Mill Morteln : What... What I can do... (0:19:29.27)
Pastry Mill Morteln : R-Reincarnation? (0:19:35.31)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Replication? (0:19:38.58)
Pastry Mill Morteln : This must be... (0:19:40.20)
Pastry Mill Morteln : The scripture itself is... (0:19:44.89)
Pastry Mill Morteln : the magic? (0:19:48.22)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas! (0:20:09.93)
Casserole Mill Morteln : Looks like you made it through. (0:20:11.46)
Priest : It appears you've acquired power nearly
unheard of in this day and age!
Casserole Mill Morteln : I can't thank you enough for your aid. (0:20:21.42)
Casserole Mill Morteln : A humble token of my gratitude. (0:20:23.78)
Priest : Many thanks to you, milord! (0:20:26.63)
Priest : The Church appreciates your
most generous donation.
Priest : May your son's future
rest safe in God's hands.
Casserole Mill Morteln : Pas, are you done yet? (0:20:44.50)
Pastry Mill Morteln : This one's heavier... (0:20:46.31)
Pastry Mill Morteln : but this one's more lustrous... (0:20:48.43)
Pastry Mill Morteln : But these are tempting, too! (0:20:50.60)
Casserole Mill Morteln : You need to choose already. (0:20:53.61)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Yes, sir. (0:20:56.73)
Pastry Mill Morteln : You sure?! (0:21:04.28)
Pastry Mill Morteln : The best-looking ones yet! (0:21:07.02)
Priest : All silver coins, eh? (0:21:09.57)
Priest : Such ignorance. (0:21:11.52)
Priest : As expected of a backwater noble who
won his title on the battlefield.
Priest : This won't be enough to keep my mouth shut. (0:21:16.94)
Priest : No hard feelings, milord. (0:21:21.34)
Pastry Mill Morteln : That refreshing tartness! (0:21:29.69)
Pastry Mill Morteln : It really is an apple! (0:21:31.50)
Pastry Mill Morteln : How many years has it been?! (0:21:32.70)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Father? (0:21:35.09)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Let's not tell Mother or Sister
that we ate the best ones.
Casserole Mill Morteln : Good idea. (0:21:45.45)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm gonna make an apple pie! (0:21:51.15)
Pastry Mill Morteln : And then tarts and candy apples... (0:21:53.39)
Pastry Mill Morteln : And then, one day... (0:21:56.60)
Pastry Mill Morteln : I'm going to make it! (0:21:58.69)
Pastry Mill Morteln : This world's very own land of sweets! (0:22:00.97)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Next time on Sweet Reincarnation ... (0:23:37.16)
Pastry Mill Morteln : "The Patissier and the Fief's Defense Line." (0:23:39.42)
Pastry Mill Morteln : Bon appétit! (0:23:41.88)

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cute and rude - Anonymous


Cover my tab with this... - Sven Vollfied

Well, it's hard to find
targets worthy of me, so...
- Sven Vollfied

K- kids... - Sven Vollfied

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