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Saku Fukuzawa : Ouch! (0:01:12.74)
Kaoru Orizuka : There are two meetings today. (0:02:35.18)
Kaoru Orizuka : The materials have all been prepared. (0:02:36.55)
Kaoru Orizuka : There are also four issues that need to be
addressed before I leave for my business trip.
Yuri Shibasaki : Saku-senpai! (0:04:17.07)
Yuri Shibasaki : You're not going to eat any lunch? (0:04:19.86)
Saku Fukuzawa : Y-Y-Yuri-chan! You scared me! (0:04:22.19)
Yuri Shibasaki : You're hiding something. (0:04:27.40)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh?! (0:04:28.95)
Yuri Shibasaki : Senpai, you shouldn't access
matchmaking sites on a work computer.
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm not! (0:04:34.94)
Yuri Shibasaki : The world's largest cat? (0:04:37.75)
Yuri Shibasaki : Why're you looking up something like that? (0:04:41.24)
Yuri Shibasaki : Whoa! So big! (0:04:44.31)
Saku Fukuzawa : These are Maine Coon cats. (0:04:46.54)
Saku Fukuzawa : Actually, I've been taking care of a cat myself. (0:04:48.80)
Saku Fukuzawa : I was just wondering how
big they normally get.
Yuri Shibasaki : Senpai, that's pretty careless of you. (0:04:56.39)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? Wh-What do you mean?! (0:04:58.99)
Yuri Shibasaki : They say if you get
a pet while living alone,
Yuri Shibasaki : you ruin your chances at marriage! (0:05:03.18)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? Why do you keep bringing
marriage into the conversation?!
Yuri Shibasaki : Huh?! (0:05:14.01)
Saku Fukuzawa : I should eat my lunch. (0:05:17.86)
Yuri Shibasaki : Oh, Senpai! Your cat! (0:05:20.76)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yes?! (0:05:22.79)
Yuri Shibasaki : Let me know if taking care
of your cat is too much for you.
Yuri Shibasaki : I bet my parents will
take it in if I ask them.
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh. Thanks a lot. (0:05:30.45)
Saku Fukuzawa : Now, time for lunch... (0:05:37.12)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm home! (0:06:11.98)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yukichi? Hey, Yukichi! (0:06:13.76)
Saku Fukuzawa : Jeez! (0:06:34.61)
Saku Fukuzawa : You're cleaning in the dark again! (0:06:36.32)
Saku Fukuzawa : I keep telling you to do it
with the lights on!
Saku Fukuzawa : Are you mad about something? (0:06:42.54)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm home too late? (0:06:46.89)
Saku Fukuzawa : Isn't this the normal time I get home? (0:06:48.48)
Saku Fukuzawa : Premium Friday? (0:06:52.03)
Saku Fukuzawa : That's an impossible fantasy, Yukichi. (0:06:53.96)
Saku Fukuzawa : Why were you interested in— (0:06:59.69)
Saku Fukuzawa : Sorry! (0:07:06.49)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm so sorry, Yukichi! (0:07:07.33)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'll eat it now! (0:07:08.72)
Saku Fukuzawa : Now, this is happiness! (0:07:15.88)
Saku Fukuzawa : I feel so sleepy now. (0:07:18.88)
Saku Fukuzawa : Sleepy... (0:07:21.70)
Saku Fukuzawa : It's hot! (0:07:49.08)
Saku Fukuzawa : Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! (0:07:50.44)
Saku Fukuzawa : You cruel cat! (0:07:53.40)
Saku Fukuzawa : I feel completely, totally revived! (0:08:16.08)
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh! Lunch was delicious as usual, Yukichi! (0:08:18.22)
Saku Fukuzawa : Thanks for making lunch every day! (0:08:22.35)
Saku Fukuzawa : Now that I've washed up,
I totally want a beer!
Saku Fukuzawa : Are these fried chicken and cheese strips?! (0:08:32.98)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yukichi, can I eat these?! (0:08:35.41)
Saku Fukuzawa : I can't? (0:08:39.13)
Saku Fukuzawa : They're for tomorrow's lunch? (0:08:41.22)
Saku Fukuzawa : I see. I guess it can't be helped. (0:08:44.21)
Saku Fukuzawa : They look so good, but I'll
have to wait until tomorrow.
Saku Fukuzawa : I see. They're for lunch... (0:08:51.95)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? You'll make me something else? (0:08:56.66)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'll go dry my hair really quick! (0:08:58.67)
Saku Fukuzawa : Wow! The delicious smell of cheese! (0:09:02.78)
Saku Fukuzawa : They look so freaking good! (0:09:07.22)
Saku Fukuzawa : Thanks, Yukichi! (0:09:08.99)
Saku Fukuzawa : Thank you for the meal! (0:09:10.53)
Saku Fukuzawa : There's edamame in them, too. (0:09:15.66)
Saku Fukuzawa : What a forbidden flavor! (0:09:17.68)
Saku Fukuzawa : You've completely won me over
via my stomach already,
Yuri Shibasaki : People say that if you get
a pet while living alone,
Yuri Shibasaki : you ruin your chances at marriage! (0:09:31.13)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? (0:09:33.35)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yukichi! Another beer! (0:09:43.46)
Saku Fukuzawa : I still wanna drink! (0:09:52.07)
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh, the aroma of fried chicken... (0:10:51.03)
Saku Fukuzawa : Can't breathe! (0:10:54.65)
Saku Fukuzawa : I don't wanna go to work! (0:11:00.28)
Saku Fukuzawa : I don't wanna work! (0:11:02.24)
Saku Fukuzawa : I have a meeting with the general
manager first thing in the morning,
Saku Fukuzawa : but I don't have all the documents ready! (0:11:07.69)
Saku Fukuzawa : I mean, why do we have to have so
many meetings every day anyways?
Saku Fukuzawa : I'll definitely have to work overtime again. (0:11:13.44)
Saku Fukuzawa : Can't we just give all these progress
reports through our smartphones?!
Saku Fukuzawa : What's the point of making
printouts at every single step?
Saku Fukuzawa : And the trains are always packed! (0:11:23.54)
Saku Fukuzawa : It hurts! (0:11:25.77)
Saku Fukuzawa : The trains are full of drunks, too! (0:11:27.61)
Saku Fukuzawa : I really wanna quit! (0:11:29.47)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yukichi! (0:11:33.58)
Saku Fukuzawa : You're my only ally... (0:11:34.52)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? (0:11:38.15)
Saku Fukuzawa : Ah, hello? Can you hear me, Yukichi? (0:13:38.85)
Saku Fukuzawa : We hit some trouble at work. (0:13:42.01)
Saku Fukuzawa : I don't need dinner since
I probably have to stay the night.
Saku Fukuzawa : Sorry! (0:13:46.28)
Saku Fukuzawa : H-Hello? (0:14:17.76)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yukichi. You smell like the sun... (0:14:35.93)
Yuri Shibasaki : My family's previous cat
used to use it. Please take it.
Saku Fukuzawa : Yuri-chan gave this to me, but... (0:14:55.42)
Saku Fukuzawa : I-It was unavoidable. Yuri-chan has
never seen you, Yukichi.
Saku Fukuzawa : Hey, Yukichi? (0:15:14.56)
Saku Fukuzawa : That's impossible! (0:15:21.54)
Saku Fukuzawa : Looks like he likes it. (0:15:30.03)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yay! You made me lunch today, too? (0:15:33.97)
Saku Fukuzawa : Thanks! (0:15:36.78)
Saku Fukuzawa : Hm? What's this paper bag for? (0:15:37.99)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? No way. (0:15:41.55)
Saku Fukuzawa : Is this to thank Yuri-chan for the chigura? (0:15:43.14)
Saku Fukuzawa : Wow. Madeleines! (0:15:45.13)
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh, you're too much! (0:15:47.53)
Saku Fukuzawa : You're such a thoughtful cat, Yukichi! (0:15:49.05)
Saku Fukuzawa : They smell so good!
I'm sure they're delicious!
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? What about my share? (0:15:56.39)
Saku Fukuzawa : So stingy! (0:15:58.34)
Yuri Shibasaki : Huh? (0:15:59.47)
Yuri Shibasaki : You're giving these to me? (0:16:00.67)
Yuri Shibasaki : I feel bad getting something in exchange. (0:16:03.15)
Saku Fukuzawa : Y-Yeah... (0:16:05.00)
Yuri Shibasaki : Oh, are these handmade? (0:16:06.25)
Saku Fukuzawa : Th-That's right. (0:16:09.35)
Yuri Shibasaki : That's amazing! (0:16:11.07)
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh, do you like homemade desserts? (0:16:12.58)
Yuri Shibasaki : I'm so happy! (0:16:14.93)
Saku Fukuzawa : Th-That's not true! (0:16:21.70)
Yuri Shibasaki : They're delicious! (0:16:23.37)
Saku Fukuzawa : Uh, no! That's... (0:16:28.71)
Saku Fukuzawa : No! I-I-I really can't cook at all! (0:16:40.32)
Yuri Shibasaki : What are you talking about?
You're plenty good at it!
Yuri Shibasaki : So true! So true! (0:16:47.80)
Saku Fukuzawa : No, no, no, no... (0:16:47.80)
Saku Fukuzawa : I mean, it was my cat that... (0:16:49.02)
Yuri Shibasaki : Huh? What are you saying? (0:16:54.87)
Saku Fukuzawa : I-I baked them! (0:17:02.22)
Yuri Shibasaki : Huh? Did you spike them with something? (0:17:04.66)
Saku Fukuzawa : I looked up the recipe online... (0:17:07.02)
Yuri Shibasaki : Huh?! (0:17:08.75)
Saku Fukuzawa : Okay! (0:17:24.56)
Kaoru Orizuka : Is your cat doing well? (0:17:29.08)
Kaoru Orizuka : These are the documents
you asked for earlier.
Kaoru Orizuka : Also, about the estimate
requested by Company C...
Saku Fukuzawa : Ch-Chief, what did you just... (0:17:47.99)
Kaoru Orizuka : I'm talking about the estimate
requested by Company C.
Kaoru Orizuka : It's still before the deadline,
but the other party...
Saku Fukuzawa : B-B-Before that! (0:17:55.83)
Kaoru Orizuka : Your cat? (0:17:58.35)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yes! (0:17:59.64)
Saku Fukuzawa : It's true that I have a cat... (0:18:00.64)
Kaoru Orizuka : Well, you mentioned your
cat earlier, so I thought...
Kaoru Orizuka : Thanks. (0:18:07.69)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh? How did you know about my cat, Chief? (0:18:08.58)
Kaoru Orizuka : I met him before. (0:18:13.06)
Kaoru Orizuka : Sorry, I have a call. (0:18:17.20)
Kaoru Orizuka : Hello. This is Orizuka. (0:18:20.37)
Kaoru Orizuka : See you. (0:18:39.67)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm home, Yukichi. (0:18:56.19)
Saku Fukuzawa : Oh my gosh, it smells so good! (0:19:03.41)
Saku Fukuzawa : What's for dinner tonight?!
I want to drink some beer!
Saku Fukuzawa : These are blue light glasses. (0:19:16.74)
Mei : Oh? (0:19:43.59)
Mei : Oh, my. Yukichi-chan. (0:19:45.32)
Mei : Have you grown a little bigger? (0:19:47.22)
Mei : You're working so hard
so early in the morning.
Mei : Always so polite. (0:19:54.80)
Mei : Thank you for helping me carry mine, too. (0:19:58.24)
Mei : The trash doesn't get scavenged
with you around, Yukichi-chan.
Mei : How many years has it been since Saku-chan
brought you home, Yukichi-chan?
Mei : When she brought such a weak kitten
home during such a big snowstorm,
Mei : I was worried you wouldn't make it. (0:20:34.50)
Mei : Oh, my... (0:20:41.88)
Mei : Are you all right? (0:20:47.27)
Saku Fukuzawa : I picked him up from nearby! (0:20:49.64)
Mei : I never thought you'd grow so big. (0:21:04.71)
Mei : So impressive! So impressive! (0:21:09.85)
Mei : Oh, that's right. Take this with you. (0:21:12.24)
Mei : I got too much as a gift again. (0:21:16.68)
Saku Fukuzawa : Good morning... (0:21:28.17)
Saku Fukuzawa : Something smells super good. (0:21:33.28)
Saku Fukuzawa : Seaweed chicken meatballs! (0:21:39.21)
Saku Fukuzawa : Yay! I wanna eat them! (0:21:40.86)
Saku Fukuzawa : Thanks for the meal! (0:21:44.11)
Saku Fukuzawa : So good! (0:21:48.82)
Saku Fukuzawa : Your seaweed chicken meatballs
are the best, Yukichi!
Saku Fukuzawa : Another serving! (0:21:54.07)
Saku Fukuzawa : Why? You're being stingy! (0:21:58.25)
Saku Fukuzawa : I know you made a ton of them! (0:21:59.79)
Saku Fukuzawa : Should I drink some beer? (0:22:08.09)
Saku Fukuzawa : I mean, it's the weekend! (0:22:09.87)
Saku Fukuzawa : I'm done eating... (0:22:13.11)
Saku Fukuzawa : No! Don't come any closer! (0:22:15.35)
Saku Fukuzawa : Put that dangerous weapon down! (0:22:17.70)
Saku Fukuzawa : No! You cruel cat! (0:22:21.11)
Saku Fukuzawa : No! Lemme go! (0:22:26.11)
Saku Fukuzawa : Let me go! (0:22:27.96)
Saku Fukuzawa : Scary! Scary! Scary! (0:22:31.06)
Saku Fukuzawa : Scales are so scary! (0:22:32.61)
Saku Fukuzawa : Huh?! (0:22:47.34)
Saku Fukuzawa : Did it go up?! (0:22:48.34)
Saku Fukuzawa : No! (0:22:49.26)
Saku Fukuzawa : Our health screening is coming up! (0:22:50.23)
Yukichi : I am a masterful cat. (0:23:08.11)
Yukichi : A masterful cat knows. (0:23:10.60)
Yukichi : The calcium necessary for health
and growth is hard to absorb.
Yukichi : So adding foods with vitamin D
helps with absorption.
Yukichi : I recommend sockeye salmon
and maitake mushrooms.
Yukichi : Next episode: "The Masterful Cat
Has Grown Big."
Yukichi : I also recommend this. (0:23:31.96)

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