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Demon Lord : Enemies though we are,
I must commend your combat prowess.
Demon Lord : But surely you've realized by now... (0:00:32.29)
Demon Lord : You are no match for my power. (0:00:34.71)
Demon Lord : The Human Realm shall be overrun
by my loyal minions!
Fred : Dammit... It's the end of the line... (0:00:40.83)
Max : Don't give up, Fred! (0:00:43.92)
Demon Lord : Then I shall be the bringer of your demise... (0:01:10.88)
Fred : Protection! (0:01:19.63)
Demon Lord : How laughable! (0:01:26.08)
Demon Lord : You're a fool! (0:01:28.13)
Max : Leo! Hang in there! (0:01:32.88)
Max : Yuria! (0:01:37.92)
Yuria : Strike Edge! (0:01:38.75)
Leo : GO! (0:01:46.58)
Yuria : GO! (0:01:46.58)
Fred : GO! (0:01:46.58)
Demon Lord : Max the Hero... (0:02:09.04)
Demon Lord : You have masterfully defeated me,
the almighty Demon Lord...
Demon Lord : However, my loyal minions
shall live on for an eternity...
Demon Lord : Mark my words, I shall return! (0:02:23.54)
Demon Lord : And when I do, you shall suffer
my blood-soaked vengeance!
Demon Lord : Until we meet again... (0:02:29.42)
Demon Lord : Ah, at last! (0:02:37.71)
Demon Lord : The time has finally come! (0:02:38.83)
Demon Lord : I am reborn! (0:02:40.29)
Demon Lord : You had best prepare yourself, Max the Hero! (0:02:42.42)
Zenia : My warmest congratulations to you
on your rebirth, Your Grace.
Demon Lord : Yes. It's been a while, Zenia. (0:02:53.13)
Demon Lord : Are you the only one awake right now? (0:02:55.42)
Demon Lord : Where's everyone else? (0:02:57.38)
Zenia : They have remained in a state of slumber
since the battle with the Hero ten years ago.
Demon Lord : Unbelievable... Useless bastards,
every last one of them...
Demon Lord : By the way, did you get taller? (0:03:07.13)
Zenia : Your Grace... For now, let's focus on
finding you some clothes.
Demon Lord : Zenia... I thought I told you to fetch
my favorite dress robes...
Zenia : Those are the genuine article, milord.
This was your preferred attire ten years ago.
Zenia : As you can see,
Your Grace's physique has changed.
Zenia : It would seem that your powers did not
reaccumulate in a mere ten years,
Zenia : resulting in an underdeveloped physical form. (0:03:30.63)
Zenia : Your p- (0:03:32.96)
Zenia : This includes your nether regions, as well. (0:03:34.08)
Demon Lord : All my muscles are gone... (0:03:36.92)
Zenia : But fret not, milord. (0:03:38.96)
Zenia : I, Zenia, your faithful secretary,
predicted this might happen,
Zenia : so I've taken the liberty of preparing
a few outfits that will suit your new body.
Demon Lord : Zenia... (0:03:50.00)
Demon Lord : What the devil are these clothes? (0:03:51.38)
Zenia : This is the traditional attire for
a mage in the Human Realm.
Zenia : It looks handsome on you. (0:03:56.21)
Demon Lord : I don't remember any of the Hero's companions
wearing something so... frilly.
Zenia : This is what's known as a "uniform."
It is the professional attire for maidservants.
Demon Lord : And why should I wear
the clothing of a lowly maid?!
Zenia : This attire has been consistently used for
many years by those pursuing an education.
Demon Lord : "Talk to the hand!" (0:04:12.88)
Zenia : Milord, that phrase was already
out of style ten years ago.
Zenia : Now, in the event that you choose
to partake in aquatic activities-
Demon Lord : No! That is enough! (0:04:20.33)
Demon Lord : Unbelievable... Presenting me with
all these useless outfits...
Zenia : Apologies, Your Grace. (0:04:25.50)
Demon Lord : Well, I suppose I should've
expected as much
Demon Lord : given your outlandish and
disgraceful appearance...
Zenia : Excuse me, asshole? (0:04:31.75)
Demon Lord : By the way, Zenia... (0:04:33.46)
Demon Lord : What's he up to nowadays? (0:04:34.79)
Zenia : "He," Your Grace? (0:04:36.67)
Demon Lord : Who the hell else would I be talking about?!
That accursed Max the Hero, of course!
Zenia : Well... (0:04:42.88)
Demon Lord : After all, this is the man
who managed to defeat ME.
Demon Lord : I have no doubt he's made a name for
himself over these last ten years!
Demon Lord : In fact, I wouldn't be surprised
if he's been dubbed royalty!
Demon Lord : Speak up, Zenia! What's become of him? (0:04:54.50)
Zenia : Uh... Yes, about that... (0:04:56.25)
Zenia : The truth is... (0:04:59.13)
Zenia : Regarding the Hero's current status,
it's still largely a mystery...
Demon Lord : What? (0:05:04.42)
Zenia : As far as the social and
political stages go, at least,
Zenia : it would seem that he has disappeared. (0:05:08.29)
Demon Lord : But why? I don't understand... (0:05:10.21)
Demon Lord : Oh, yes! That must be it! (0:05:13.96)
Demon Lord : He has removed himself from this earthly
existence as part of his spiritual training!
Demon Lord : He saved all of humanity and yet
maintained his humble attitude!
Demon Lord : Talk about a TRUE hero! (0:05:22.13)
Demon Lord : I'm getting more excited for
our reunion by the second!
Zenia : Ahem. (0:05:29.25)
Zenia : Come along, milord. (0:05:30.63)
Zenia : Your official duties have piled up
sky high in your absence.
Zenia : Please forget about the Hero for now. (0:05:35.08)
Demon Lord : Huh? (0:05:37.38)
Demon Lord : Not a chance, dear Zenia! (0:05:38.25)
Demon Lord : The Hero is the greatest threat to
myself and my loyal minions.
Demon Lord : I cannot simply look the other way. (0:05:43.54)
Zenia : With all due respect, Your Grace... (0:05:45.42)
Zenia : He may possess superhuman strength,
but at the end of the day, he is only human.
Zenia : He's destined to grow old
and die before long.
Zenia : You no longer need concern yourself with
an insignificant mortal such as he.
Demon Lord : You're hiding something from me, aren't you? (0:06:01.29)
Demon Lord : Is there something about the Hero
you wish for me not to know?
Zenia : P-p-preposterous! H-h-hide?!
F-f-from you, milord?!
Demon Lord : It can't be...! (0:06:13.29)
Demon Lord : Tell me he's not already dead!
Tell me, Zenia!
Demon Lord : Was it disease?!
Or was it an assassination?!
Demon Lord : Please! Tell me you're lying! (0:06:19.79)
Zenia : Y-Your Grace! C..calm- (0:06:21.75)
Demon Lord : I must see it for myself! (0:06:23.79)
Demon Lord : Third eye, activate! (0:06:25.21)
Demon Lord : What's this...?! (0:06:27.92)
Demon Lord : I'd know that life force anywhere!
It's that pesky Hero!
Demon Lord : Oh, I guess he's still alive! (0:06:32.54)
Demon Lord : You had me worried for a minute there! (0:06:34.58)
Demon Lord : It appears he's located somewhere near
the humans' imperial capital...
Demon Lord : Yes, I see... (0:06:41.13)
Demon Lord : Very well! (0:06:42.75)
Demon Lord : Then I shall go and take a quick peek! (0:06:43.79)
Zenia : WHAT?! (0:06:45.46)
Zenia : Wh-where are you going?!
You mustn't do this, milord!
Demon Lord : I'm just going to pop by and say hello! (0:06:49.00)
Demon Lord : I'll be back in no time, so be sure
and have my supper ready.
Zenia : Please wait, Your Grace!
The present Hero is-
Demon Lord : Indeed! I have no doubt the present Hero (0:06:58.46)
Demon Lord : is in the midst of celebrating
this temporary moment of peace.
Demon Lord : Which is why I must announce my return... (0:07:03.67)
Demon Lord : and strike both fear and despair
into his heart once more!
Zenia : Don't do this, milord!
You're going to regret it!
Demon Lord : Enough! No more of your nonsense! (0:07:10.92)
Demon Lord : This is why I awoke from my slumber early! (0:07:13.46)
Demon Lord : I shall NOT be dissuaded! (0:07:15.83)
Zenia : Come back, Your Grace! (0:07:18.63)
Zenia : The look of pure joy on his face... (0:07:22.54)
Zenia : Please forgive me, milord,
for not being able to stop you...!
Demon Lord : I haven't visited the
Human Realm in a while...
Demon Lord : There it is!
Those heathens' crudely constructed city...
Demon Lord : Though it does seem
their civilization has progressed
Demon Lord : since I last saw it all those years ago... (0:07:48.50)
Demon Lord : I'm getting close now! (0:07:54.67)
Demon Lord : I can only imagine the Hero's face
when he realizes that I've made my return...
Demon Lord : The anticipation is killing me! (0:08:00.29)
Demon Lord : It's that building down there! (0:08:05.21)
Demon Lord : Here I go! (0:08:06.67)
Demon Lord : It's been a long time, Max the Hero! (0:08:11.71)
Demon Lord : Behold: I have fulfilled my promise
and been reborn at last!
Demon Lord : What's the matter?!
Have I shocked you speechless?!
Max : Huh...? (0:08:24.67)
Demon Lord : Huh? (0:08:29.50)
Max : Huh? (0:08:29.50)
Max : Who the hell are you? (0:10:07.54)
Demon Lord : Ah, my apologies.
I must've made a mistake.
Max : I mean, my name is Max... (0:10:14.67)
Demon Lord : Oh please, surely you jest... (0:10:17.17)
Max : Three eyes and a pair of horns... (0:10:19.13)
Max : You a demon? (0:10:21.21)
Max : The hell would a demon want with me now? (0:10:23.04)
Demon Lord : That's Blazebringer, the Holy Blade! (0:10:26.58)
Demon Lord : I'd know it anywhere... (0:10:29.21)
Demon Lord : The sword that sliced
my right arm to ribbons!
Max : Wait a minute, are you...? (0:10:33.54)
Max : Oh yeah, he mentioned
bein' resurrected or someth-
Demon Lord : Don't just toss the Holy Blade aside
like it's yesterday's trash!
Demon Lord : Now sit up, you bum! (0:10:41.29)
Demon Lord : Are you absolutely positive that you're
the Max who defeated me ten years ago...?
Max : That's what I been tellin' ya. (0:10:50.63)
Max : Ugh, my back... (0:10:52.21)
Demon Lord : But you're flabby! Physically AND mentally! (0:10:53.58)
Demon Lord : I mean, what happened to
that chiseled jawline of yours?!
Max : Shaddup! People age.
It's completely natural, y'know.
Demon Lord : You're a far cry from ten years ago!
I didn't even recognize you!
Max : Yeah, well, you're one to talk! (0:11:04.29)
Max : Why're you wearing a sailor uniform? (0:11:06.13)
Demon Lord : And just look at this squalid dump of yours... (0:11:09.92)
Demon Lord : I can't place that foul stench... Is it BO? (0:11:12.75)
Max : Knock it off!
Don't sniff your finger like that!
Demon Lord : Are these old food containers? (0:11:18.33)
Demon Lord : Throw 'em out or you'll get ants... (0:11:20.21)
Demon Lord : Used tissues, too? Unbelievable...
I'll just put these in the trash...
Max : You're brave, pickin' up tissues
off the floor of someone's house...
Demon Lord : What's this thing? It's got a hole in it... (0:11:29.79)
Demon Lord : And it's squishy... (0:11:32.46)
Demon Lord : This must be one of those
digital devices you humans use!
Max : I told you to quit poking around in my stuff! (0:11:41.33)
Demon Lord : Hmm... Input text with this keyboard, and... (0:11:43.46)
Demon Lord : Oh, I see! It's a tool used for
research purposes, isn't it?
Demon Lord : You humans are clever sometimes! (0:11:50.08)
Max : Why did you come here...? (0:11:52.13)
Demon Lord : I almost forgot! (0:11:53.79)
Demon Lord : Max the Hero! (0:11:59.71)
Demon Lord : It would appear you've gotten
complacent over the last ten years,
Demon Lord : taking this era of peace for granted! (0:12:03.58)
Max : Yeah? (0:12:05.29)
Demon Lord : Bear witness, for I have returned
stronger than ever!
Demon Lord : And this time, you puny, pathetic humans
shall bow down to my authority!
Demon Lord : Aren'tcha... gonna say anything? (0:12:18.25)
Demon Lord : Your old archnemesis is back...
Not even a "Not on my watch!"?
Max : Nah, I'm good. (0:12:24.75)
Demon Lord : Are you kidding me?! (0:12:26.42)
Demon Lord : That was the whole reason I awoke
from my slumber early!
Demon Lord : So I could make you suffer
before you shriveled up and died!
Max : Tell it to someone who cares! (0:12:33.17)
Demon Lord : I remember you being full of passion,
courage, and conviction ten years ago!
Demon Lord : What in the hell changed since then?! (0:12:38.33)
Max : Ya wanna know what changed? (0:12:41.08)
Max : That's an easy one. (0:12:44.08)
Max : After I defeated you and
evicted your demon buddies,
Max : the world didn't need me anymore. (0:12:48.17)
Max : No medal, no reward, nothin'. (0:12:50.29)
Max : I faded into obscurity,
and now I'm a nobody.
Demon Lord : That can't be... This isn't right! (0:12:55.25)
Demon Lord : Damn those humans! (0:12:57.08)
Demon Lord : How can they have so little
respect for the Hero
Demon Lord : who saved everything
they've ever known and loved?!
Max : Heroes are as useless to a world at peace
as a screen door is on a submarine...
Max : If anything, they're seen as a nuisance. (0:13:07.96)
Max : Livin' like a bum is easier... (0:13:11.63)
Demon Lord : Okay, uh... "M-a-x t-h-e H-e-r-o"... Enter! (0:13:13.88)
Demon Lord : Oh, we got lots of hits! Let's see here... (0:13:18.17)
Max : Hey, don't do that! (0:13:21.08)
Demon Lord : "Alleged affair"...? (0:13:24.63)
Max : No, no, no! I didn't do it, I swear! (0:13:25.92)
Demon Lord : The article links to a video of
a press conference.
EXTRA : Do you make all of your decisions
with your downstairs brain?
Demon Lord : That's a waterfall of sweat... (0:13:32.71)
Demon Lord : You did it, didn't you? (0:13:34.00)
Max : I'm innocent! Just let me explain! (0:13:35.25)
Max : I had no idea she was a married woman! (0:13:36.83)
Max : I was framed! (0:13:38.92)
Max : It was one of those
money-hungry hero hunters!
Max : The husband HAD to be in on it! (0:13:42.17)
Demon Lord : Huh... (0:13:44.50)
Demon Lord : Well, you reap what you sow. (0:13:45.54)
Demon Lord : That's what happens when you go around
flirting with women just for the heck of it.
Demon Lord : On to the next article... (0:13:52.42)
Demon Lord : What in the devil?!
"Violent attack on a citizen"?!
Demon Lord : Dude, are you serious...? (0:13:57.50)
Max : H-hold on! (0:13:58.92)
Max : That headline is misleading and one-sided
and meant to make me look bad!
Max : There were six of those bastards! (0:14:03.63)
Max : They snuck up on me and started swingin'! (0:14:05.92)
Max : Can you really blame me
for defending myself?!
Demon Lord : You could've just as easily ran away. (0:14:10.42)
Demon Lord : I mean, you managed to escape the clutches of
my undead army ten years ago, didn't you?
Max : Well... It's not like either side
made it out unscathed...
Demon Lord : Let me guess: You drank too much alcohol
and lost your temper?
Demon Lord : Pathetic, I swear... (0:14:24.96)
Demon Lord : You know what? This is kinda fun! (0:14:27.50)
Demon Lord : Let's see, next article... (0:14:29.58)
Max : Haven't you tortured me enough?!
Just drop it!
Demon Lord : WHAT?! (0:14:34.83)
Demon Lord : SON OF A BITCH!
Max : I didn't! Every last one of those
accusations were unfounded!
Demon Lord : I don't remember raising you to be
a piece of garbage, Max!
Max : Are you insane?! Get a grip! (0:14:44.08)
Max : I'd never even seen those ten women before,
so I denied it over and over, but...
Max : "An after-hours holy sword rampage!" (0:14:51.38)
Max : "The tip of his Blazebringer penetrates
more than just armor!"
Max : The jokes wrote themselves! (0:14:56.13)
Demon Lord : "H-his Blazebringer"...? (0:14:57.92)
Demon Lord : Okay, that's... a pretty good one... (0:15:00.21)
Max : SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! (0:15:03.25)
Demon Lord : Come on, don't let it get you down! (0:15:05.25)
Demon Lord : Here, I'll pull up some of your
more flattering moments.
Max : Yes, it's true. I defeated the Demon Lord. (0:15:10.63)
Max : But I certainly didn't achieve
such a feat on my own.
Max : I had my dearest friends beside me, (0:15:16.75)
Max : as well as an outpouring of support
from people all around the world.
Max : That's how I, as a human being, (0:15:23.00)
Max : was able to stand against the Demon Lord
with my head held high.
Max : To me, the Demon Lord's destruction
is a milestone of sorts.
Max : I believe that my next mission
is to continue searching
Max : for an answer to a very important question. (0:15:34.54)
Max : We've ushered in an era of
precious, precious peace.
Max : Now what can I, as a hero, do to protect it? (0:15:39.54)
Demon Lord : That was so cheesy!
You sound like a total jackass!
Demon Lord : O-oh my god, my stomach!
Being a hero means living in
the hearts and minds of millions-
Max : O-oh my god, my stomach!
Being a hero means living in
the hearts and minds of millions-
Being a hero means living in
the hearts and minds of millions-
Demon Lord : Well, when you act that insufferable, (0:15:53.79)
Demon Lord : it's not hard to imagine why people
want to expose you.
Demon Lord : "The nail that sticks out gets hammered down." (0:15:58.92)
Max : Tell that to the Max from ten years ago... (0:16:00.92)
Demon Lord : I guess that explains how you ended up here... (0:16:03.21)
Demon Lord : Is this a photo of your companions? (0:16:09.08)
Demon Lord : It seems you treat them better
than you treat your sword.
Max : It's really not that big a deal... (0:16:14.33)
Demon Lord : Ah, look at that toned physique... (0:16:17.00)
Demon Lord : And a gaze that just screams
"hidden potential"...
Demon Lord : Where the hell did THIS Max go...? (0:16:22.25)
Max : Okay, the obsession with me
is gettin' a little freaky...
Demon Lord : Are you and your companions still close? (0:16:28.63)
Max : Haven't seen 'em in years. (0:16:31.08)
Demon Lord : That's pretty sad... (0:16:33.17)
Max : That's just how life goes. (0:16:35.63)
Max : Relationships don't last when there's
nothin' in it for the people involved.
Max : Why would I bother seein' those guys
after all this time?
Demon Lord : You've got it backwards... (0:16:44.96)
Demon Lord : It's that egotistical attitude of yours (0:16:47.25)
Demon Lord : that drove a wedge between you
and your companions.
Max : Quit your yappin' already! (0:16:52.21)
Max : And don't act like you know me... (0:16:53.79)
Max : Get out. I'm tired of you. (0:16:55.79)
Demon Lord : Now I get why Zenia tried to stop me
from coming here...
Demon Lord : The Hero I knew is long gone... (0:17:02.75)
Demon Lord : I'm leaving. We shall never meet again. (0:17:05.42)
Max : Good, get lost! (0:17:08.17)
Demon Lord : Y'see, but the thing is... (0:17:11.00)
Demon Lord : The Human Realm cannot prevail
without its precious Hero around!
Demon Lord : I shall return home, rouse everyone from
their slumber, and reassemble my army!
Demon Lord : You foolish humans won't even know
what hit you!
Max : 'Kay, sounds good! Go ahead and
destroy this crappy world!
Demon Lord : Things could get rather hairy
for your companions!
Demon Lord : Perhaps I should pay them a visit
right now and slice their heads off!
Max : Oh, good idea! (0:17:31.29)
Max : 'Specially since I owe Leo
a nice chunk of change.
Max : If he's dead, I won't have to worry
about payin' him back!
Demon Lord : DAMN YOU! (0:17:39.13)
Demon Lord : YOU DESERVE... TO ROT IN HELL! (0:17:40.75)
Demon Lord : Haven't lost your touch, I see... (0:17:49.50)
Max : What bullshit... (0:17:57.38)
Max : They're not stupid enough to get killed
by a pipsqueak like you...
Demon Lord : Huh...? Wh-what happened...? (0:18:08.33)
Demon Lord : I'm in a... closet? (0:18:12.58)
Demon Lord : That infuriating Hero...
Why wouldn't he just finish me off...?
Max : That's it...! (0:18:32.54)
Demon Lord : Seriously? (0:18:33.92)
Demon Lord : Can't you at least wait until I'm gone
to do that kind of stuff...?
Max : What is WRONG with you?!
Stay in the closet!
Demon Lord : Why didn't you slaughter me
when you had the chance?
Demon Lord : You could have done it if you wanted to... (0:18:46.88)
Max : I ain't a hero anymore. (0:18:49.04)
Max : Got no business killin' demon lords. (0:18:51.21)
Max : In fact, if I were to kill you
in your current state,
Max : tomorrow's headlines would probably read, (0:18:55.71)
Max : "Hero's Abuse Results in
Death of Secret Love Child."
Demon Lord : Yeah, that would be a problem... (0:19:00.08)
Max : Here, coffee. (0:19:03.04)
Demon Lord : Ew, yuck! (0:19:07.58)
Demon Lord : Got any orange juice instead? (0:19:08.75)
Max : God, you're a pain in the ass... (0:19:10.75)
Demon Lord : Well, there's no denying you're Max the Hero. (0:19:15.46)
Max : Now what? (0:19:18.38)
Demon Lord : Your lightning-fast movements,
your masterful technique...
Demon Lord : And you're still every bit as strong. (0:19:23.08)
Demon Lord : Yes, I could sense it... (0:19:25.04)
Demon Lord : The fiery spirit of a hero burning
deep within your chest...
Max : That's what we call "talk shit, get hit." (0:19:29.83)
Max : And by the way,
you're the one who's gone soft.
Max : A pipsqueak like you,
slicing my crew's heads off? Hilarious.
Demon Lord : Sh-shut up! I'm not myself
'cause I just woke up, that's all!
Demon Lord : Mark my words! My current dilemma
may be unfortunate...
Demon Lord : ...but someday, I shall restore my full strength
and force the Human Realm into submission!
Demon Lord : And when that happens,
we shall do battle once again!
Max : Sorry, but I can't promise that. (0:19:54.04)
Max : It's just like you said: I made my bed,
and now I gotta lie in it.
Max : Still... (0:20:02.63)
Max : I'd be lying if I said I wasn't
utterly disgusted with the world.
Max : It destroyed any ambition
to be a hero I ever had.
Max : Besides, I wasn't the first hero,
and I probably won't be the last.
Max : Eventually, whenever you start causing trouble, (0:20:14.42)
Max : a brand new hero will rise to the occasion. (0:20:16.71)
Demon Lord : I... see. (0:20:22.79)
Demon Lord : Alright then... (0:20:25.54)
Demon Lord : Sorry for barging in.
I appreciate your hospitality.
Demon Lord : Farewell. (0:20:36.38)
Max : Yup, it was nice catchin' up with ya. (0:20:37.63)
Max : Later. (0:20:40.33)
Max : Maybe I'll take a bath... (0:20:55.79)
Demon Lord : I'm back! (0:20:57.46)
Demon Lord : Can I borrow the kitchen? (0:20:59.54)
Demon Lord : It's a good thing I thought to bring
some human money.
Demon Lord : The cashier called me a "good little helper"
for running errands.
Demon Lord : You don't get enough vitamins, do you? (0:21:08.63)
Demon Lord : I'll throw together a hot pot for us! (0:21:11.08)
Max : What...? Wait... (0:21:13.83)
Max : What the hell are you doing? (0:21:15.42)
Max : You are vastly more terrifying now
than you were ten years ago!
Demon Lord : Well, after I left, I did some thinking... (0:21:20.75)
Demon Lord : The thought of turning a blind eye to a man
of your caliber was just far too tragic.
Demon Lord : Besides, a lot has changed in human society,
so I figured I ought to study up on it!
Demon Lord : Which is why I'm going to be staying
at your place for a while.
Max : WHAT?! (0:21:35.50)
Demon Lord : Babysit me?! Don't get it twisted! (0:21:38.04)
Demon Lord : I'm saying that I'M going to be the one
looking after YOU!
Demon Lord : You should be grateful! (0:21:44.46)
Demon Lord : Whaddya think? Tasty, right? (0:21:49.63)
Max : I gotta admit, it's surprisingly decent... (0:21:51.79)
Demon Lord : That's 'cause I've mastered
the five fundamental seasonings!
Demon Lord : Before I aim for the Human Realm, (0:21:57.96)
Demon Lord : I need to have a good grasp
on your stomach first!
Demon Lord : I'll be making your meals every day
from now on, so get ready!
Person Inside The Closet : Smells delicious... (0:22:06.13)
Demon Lord : Did you say something just now? (0:22:08.58)
Max : Huh? Uh, no...? (0:22:10.25)
Demon Lord : Oh. Well, eat up! (0:22:12.08)

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