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Alyssa : A-A baby? (0:00:30.18)
Alyssa : This is a human baby, right?! (0:00:34.76)
Alyssa : But I kinda sense magic—
so is it a witch baby?!
Alyssa : Wait, how much magic am I sensing? (0:00:40.36)
Alyssa : Not a baby amount! (0:00:42.08)
Alyssa : Okay, focus: Why is it in the woods? (0:00:43.44)
Alyssa : Where are its parents? Is it lost?
Was it abandoned?
Viola : I'd like this, please! (0:01:11.17)
Old Man : Sure, one moment— (0:01:13.56)
Old Man : Well, my goodness. (0:01:14.97)
Old Man : A witch, and... (0:01:18.00)
Old Man : Her apprentice, perhaps? (0:01:19.90)
Viola : That's right! (0:01:22.48)
Old Man : My, you two must be very close. (0:03:04.03)
Old Man : You're practically stuck together! (0:03:07.13)
Viola : Yes! (0:03:10.26)
Viola : Getting lost is a problem. (0:03:12.13)
Old Man : How wonderful. You really
care about your apprentice.
Viola : A nice compliment! (0:03:21.41)
Viola : La la la la! (0:03:29.56)
Viola : ♪ Oh, it's so fun! Shopping with Mama! ♪ (0:03:31.55)
Viola : Hey, Mama, I wanna visit
the secondhand shop.
Alyssa : No! (0:03:43.61)
Viola : Aw, why? (0:03:46.08)
Alyssa : Today, we're only shopping
for tea party snacks,
Alyssa : so we're not going to buy anything else! (0:03:50.58)
Viola : Aw, please, Mama! (0:03:55.08)
Viola : Buy me a phoenix-summoning stone! (0:03:57.84)
Alyssa : I said, "no"! (0:04:01.86)
Alyssa : You summoned a volcano
dragon just the other day.
Viola : Meanie! I want a phoenix!
I'm gonna summon a phoenix!
Viola : Phoenix! I wanna summon a phoenix! (0:04:12.73)
Alyssa : Viola, stop... (0:04:12.73)
Alyssa : You're attracting attention! (0:04:16.01)
Viola : Nothing else is good enough! (0:04:16.72)
Viola : Meanie! Meanie! Meanie! (0:04:19.22)
Lyra : Honestly, you're always such a softie. (0:04:23.75)
Lyra : Folded like a house of cards, eh? (0:04:27.24)
Viola : I'm ashamed to say it, but yes. (0:04:30.37)
Lyra : I'm jealous of how close you two are. (0:04:32.50)
Lyra : My son called me an old hag, (0:04:35.25)
Lyra : so I split his two buns into six. (0:04:38.68)
Viola : Are you sure that's safe?! (0:04:41.01)
Lyra : It's fine! That's how firm you gotta be
with kids in their rebellious phase.
Lyra : Better prepare yourself, Alyssa. (0:04:47.76)
Alyssa : What? (0:04:49.56)
Viola : Oh, wow! It's so cool! (0:04:50.89)
Alyssa : She's still just a little girl. (0:04:55.91)
Alyssa : The rebellious phase is a long way off. (0:04:58.65)
Lyra : Don't be ridiculous.
Viola is 16 already, right?
Lyra : She's overdue. (0:05:04.44)
Alyssa : What? But 16 is still a baby! (0:05:06.16)
Alyssa : She was an embryo not too long ago! (0:05:09.55)
Lyra : You can't measure her on a witch's scale. (0:05:12.30)
Viola : Mama! (0:05:15.15)
Viola : I picked this one. (0:05:17.29)
Lyra : Thanks for your business! (0:05:18.92)
Alyssa : Rebellious phase, huh? (0:05:24.61)
Alyssa : If Viola has one, I'll need
to scold her for acting out.
Alyssa : Maybe I should start being stricter
on a daily basis, like Lira...
Viola : Mama? (0:05:36.01)
Viola : Thank you. I'll take good care of it. (0:05:39.06)
Alyssa : Of course! (0:05:43.48)
Alyssa : Aw, she's cute, so it's fine! (0:05:44.33)
Alyssa : I know it's early, but
why don't we have lunch?
Viola : Yay! I want a chicken sandwich! (0:05:50.93)
Alyssa : Oh? Didn't you tell me this morning
that you wanted omelet rice?
Viola : I changed my mind. Chicken sandwich! (0:05:57.66)
Alyssa : All right. Let's go, then. (0:06:00.71)
Viola : Yay! (0:06:02.96)
Alyssa : They must mean Viola.
I guess everyone's drawn to her!
Alyssa : I thought she was too young
for romance, but...
Alyssa : What does she think right now? (0:06:14.91)
Viola : "Witch"? They're thinking
dirty thoughts about Mama.
Viola : I'll curse them so that peanuts
fall out of their butts forever.
Viola : You may leave. (0:06:32.93)
Alyssa : Oh, I see! (0:06:41.27)
Viola : You gotta watch out, Mama! (0:06:42.75)
Alyssa : Huh? (0:06:44.67)
Viola : Watch out for flirts! (0:06:45.40)
Viola : You're super-cute! I wish
you'd be more conscious of that.
Alyssa : Don't worry, nobody's ever flirted with Mama. (0:06:51.50)
Alyssa : And I'm not beautiful like you. (0:06:56.28)
Viola : Lies! I know for a fact you're
in more danger than me!
Viola : People flirt with you all the time
when I'm not next to you.
Alyssa : Th-That's not flirting! (0:07:10.40)
Giriko : That story is too good! (0:07:15.68)
Luna : I agree. (0:07:18.09)
Alyssa : It's not funny! (0:07:19.26)
Giriko : If you don't want people to confuse
the witch with the apprentice,
Giriko : just dress her to fit the image. (0:07:28.12)
Luna : Yes. Actually, I order you
to wear something witchier.
Alyssa : But she wants to wear that stuff... (0:07:40.81)
Viola : So cool! (0:07:43.96)
Alyssa : Besides, when I get clothes or food,
I always give the best of it to Viola.
Luna : Such a mom. (0:07:51.45)
Giriko : Total mom. (0:07:52.39)
Alyssa : Plus... (0:07:53.51)
Alyssa : When I wear witchy clothes...
they look like a Halloween costume.
Giriko : Ah. (0:08:01.88)
Giriko : Well, never mind, Alyssa. Viola
could have a lover in no time!
Luna : Very true! You should prepare yourself. (0:08:10.34)
Luna : Girls grow up fast, after all. (0:08:13.84)
Alyssa : Yeah, you're right. (0:08:17.96)
Alyssa : Someday she'll grow up and
strike out on her own, huh?
Alyssa : I have to steel myself so
I'll be ready to encourage her in that.
Giriko : Alyssa... (0:08:30.86)
Luna : Such a mom. (0:08:32.11)
Giriko : Total mom. (0:08:33.42)
Viola : Mama! (0:08:34.49)
Viola : Mama, can I keep the phoenix I summoned? (0:08:36.69)
Phoenix : Seekest thou power? (0:08:40.71)
Alyssa : No! Put him back where he came from! (0:08:43.12)
Viola : Aw, why? (0:08:44.87)
Alyssa : I said, "no"! (0:08:47.38)
Viola : No fair! (0:08:48.53)
Luna : Parenting is hard, huh? (0:08:48.53)
Alyssa : Put him back! (0:08:49.64)
Viola : But I just summoned him! (0:08:51.08)
Giriko : I'm good with at least 50
more years of the single life.
Alyssa : I won't allow it! (0:08:52.67)
Viola : Oh, you're here already, aunties? (0:08:54.38)
Alyssa : Now, now. (0:08:58.69)
Alyssa : We're over 200 years old,
so "aunties" seems fine to—
Luna : Don't act so blasé about aging just
because your body's doing it slowly .
Giriko : If you think you'll be girlish
forever, you're sorely mistaken.
Alyssa : I-I'm sorry... (0:09:13.20)
Viola : No bullying Mama! (0:09:14.82)
Luna : Nonsense, we were just playing. (0:09:17.78)
Giriko : Yeah, it was an expression of love. (0:09:20.56)
Viola : That's worse! (0:09:22.79)
Luna : Girls are so complicated during puberty. (0:09:25.72)
Giriko : She really has grown so much. (0:09:29.19)
Viola : Boob. (0:09:39.53)
Viola : Mama! Boobies! (0:09:42.04)
Alyssa : Sorry, honey, Mama can't
give you her boobies.
Viola : Bye-bye boobies? (0:09:47.56)
Giriko : That's right. Your mama has no boobies. (0:09:50.40)
Luna : Work hard to make up for that, okay? (0:09:53.67)
Alyssa : You phrased that like
you meant something else!
Giriko : Good for you! (0:10:00.93)
Giriko : You worked really hard. (0:10:02.58)
Giriko : Thanks for the tea! (0:10:14.34)
Luna : See you later. (0:10:16.44)
Alyssa : Yep, get home safe. (0:10:17.91)
Viola : Bye-bye! (0:10:19.83)
Viola : Come back soon, aunties! (0:10:21.91)
Viola : What? Dating? (0:10:29.09)
Alyssa : I mean, you're at that age, right? (0:10:30.98)
Alyssa : So I wondered if you were
interested in that stuff...
Viola : Why would you say that out of nowhere?! (0:10:36.94)
Viola : I've never even thought about dating. (0:10:39.49)
Viola : And I'm not interested at all . (0:10:41.97)
Alyssa : Oh, good. (0:10:43.67)
Viola : But actually... (0:10:45.08)
Viola : I think a lot about what I'd do
if you dated someone.
Viola : Don't you worry. I run
different simulations in my mind,
Viola : so that I'll be ready to
obliterate anyone at any time.
Alyssa : Why?! (0:10:57.71)
Viola : Why did she suddenly bring that up? (0:11:03.26)
Viola : Don't tell me Mama found someone?! (0:11:07.64)
Alyssa : How lovely! (0:11:10.85)
Viola : No! Mama's being stolen from me! (0:11:12.69)
Alyssa : What? What's the matter?! (0:11:15.55)
Viola : Don't date anyone, Mama! (0:11:17.49)
Alyssa : There, there. I've never
considered it even once in my life.
Alyssa : If you want a papa, though,
I can make an effort... I guess...
Viola : I'd never say that! (0:11:32.17)
Viola : If I wanted a papa, I could make one myself! (0:11:36.18)
Alyssa : You mustn't create new life so casually! (0:11:39.54)
Alyssa : Viola. (0:11:44.83)
Alyssa : I mean it. (0:11:47.27)
Alyssa : I've never considered dating. (0:11:49.15)
Alyssa : It's always been fun just being with you. (0:11:52.34)
Alyssa : So I'm plenty happy with just the two of us. (0:11:56.06)
Viola : Mama... (0:12:00.41)
Papa : Mama! (0:12:01.45)
Alyssa : I just said two and now there are four! (0:12:03.10)
Viola : Fight! (0:12:05.07)
Viola : Phoenix, Papa, do your best! (0:12:06.07)
Papa : Over the top! (0:12:08.60)
Phoenix : I like thy spirit. (0:12:09.81)
Alyssa : Viola. (0:12:12.15)
Viola : What brought this on? (0:12:26.71)
Alyssa : Oh, no reason. (0:12:31.85)
Giriko : That's a lot of work.
Will you be able to do it alone?
Luna : It's a big responsibility!
And it's not easy!
Alyssa : I know that. (0:12:50.28)
Alyssa : It's okay. I'll stay by your side. (0:12:54.41)
Alyssa : "The Educational Circumstances
of the Mysterious Life-form."
Alyssa : You want a familiar? (0:13:15.75)
Viola : Yeah. A cool one! (0:13:17.60)
Alyssa : That explains why she's been
so into summoning lately.
Viola : So, Mama... (0:13:25.55)
Phoenix : Delicious. (0:13:29.31)
Viola : I can keep Phoenix, right? (0:13:30.12)
Alyssa : He's here again?! (0:13:32.33)
Alyssa : We can't take care of either
a phoenix or a dragon at home.
Viola : Okay. (0:13:40.00)
Alyssa : Therefore... (0:13:41.67)
Alyssa : Instead of a fantasy beast, why don't
we get you something more standard?
Alyssa : What do you think? (0:13:48.76)
Viola : I like fantasy beasts, 'cause they're cooler... (0:13:51.41)
Viola : Well, it's a little conventional,
but how about a cat?
Alyssa : That could be great! (0:13:57.75)
Alyssa : I love cats! (0:13:59.70)
Alyssa : I had a bunch when I was a kid. (0:14:01.79)
Viola : No cats. I think they'd steal your love. (0:14:06.20)
Alyssa : The possessiveness of an only child... (0:14:09.16)
Alyssa : C'mon, let's get a cat! Cats are great! (0:14:13.03)
Alyssa : They're the traditional witch's familiar, (0:14:17.26)
Alyssa : and they're really popular
in the witching industry!
Viola : No! You're already swooning at the idea! (0:14:22.42)
Alyssa : It's okay, I'm sure you'll fall in love, too! (0:14:26.89)
Alyssa : Cats are fluffy, and so cute! (0:14:30.31)
Viola : I know, but... (0:14:33.18)
Alyssa : I mean really fluffy! (0:14:35.04)
Alyssa : Fluffy, and fuzzy, and silky,
and soft, and warm!
Alyssa : Squooshy, and soft, and just so fluffy, (0:14:41.90)
Alyssa : and they can stretch so
much, and... soft kitty!
Alyssa : Soft kitty! (0:14:46.32)
Viola : You're scaring me. (0:14:47.75)
Viola : Look hard! (0:14:49.45)
Viola : I'm softer than they are! (0:14:50.69)
Alyssa : Ahem. Let's get back on topic. (0:14:52.82)
Alyssa : If we're going with classic familiars,
why not an owl or a crow?
Alyssa : They're clever and cute. (0:15:02.00)
Viola : Don't wanna. Either would
probably steal your love.
Alyssa : Her selection criteria have gotten weird. (0:15:07.09)
Alyssa : What are you doing? (0:15:11.45)
Viola : Look! (0:15:12.86)
Viola : I'll pick a gross monster that
you would never dote over!
Alyssa : Do you really want a familiar like that?! (0:15:18.16)
Alyssa : Listen, Viola... (0:15:26.53)
Alyssa : We won't find one with only a vague image, (0:15:28.36)
Alyssa : so let's think about it more specifically. (0:15:31.35)
Viola : Good point. (0:15:34.16)
Viola : Um... (0:15:36.89)
Viola : Okay, then... (0:15:39.21)
Viola : I want a familiar who's strong,
and big, and cool,
Viola : and super flashy, who can shoot laser beams! (0:15:53.59)
Alyssa : Her taste is like a boy's. (0:15:58.17)
Alyssa : That's a little greedy, (0:16:02.03)
Alyssa : so could you narrow it down
to your must-haves?
Viola : Awww. (0:16:09.31)
Viola : Okay, then. (0:16:13.03)
Viola : Go! (0:16:16.41)
Viola : I'll take a familiar who
can shoot laser beams!
Alyssa : That's the point I most
wanted you to compromise on!
Viola : Say, do the aunties have familiars? (0:16:26.54)
Viola : I don't think I've ever seen them. (0:16:30.04)
Alyssa : They sure do! They've never
brought them here, though.
Viola : What kind? (0:16:35.32)
Alyssa : Let's see... (0:16:36.53)
Alyssa : Giriko's... (0:16:38.43)
Alyssa : is a snake. (0:16:40.78)
Giriko : Peace. (0:16:42.10)
Viola : Oh, that suits her! (0:16:43.26)
Alyssa : And Luna's... (0:16:45.06)
Alyssa : Well, I guess you could say her
familiars... beg for the privilege...
Viola : What? That's so cool! (0:16:56.98)
Viola : Come to think of it, you
don't have a familiar.
Viola : Why not? (0:17:06.58)
Alyssa : Well, familiars are usually
for research or protection...
Alyssa : Basically, you make a contract with one
when you want help with something.
Alyssa : You help me with everything, so
I guess I don't need a familiar.
Viola : Yes! I'll help! (0:17:24.18)
Viola : I'll make mincemeat out of any bad guys! (0:17:26.06)
Alyssa : I think I'd like all help to
be as humane as possible...
Alyssa : More importantly, becoming
a living being's guardian
Alyssa : is a lot of responsibility. (0:17:38.53)
Giriko : That's a lot of work.
Will you be able to do it alone?
Luna : It's a big responsibility!
And it's not easy!
Alyssa : So if you're going to get a familiar, Viola, (0:17:54.11)
Alyssa : think it over carefully. (0:17:57.55)
Viola : Mama? (0:18:05.23)
Alyssa : Coming! (0:18:06.53)
Alyssa : What is it? (0:18:08.99)
Viola : Um... (0:18:10.34)
Alyssa : What's that? (0:18:12.15)
Viola : A flower seedling. (0:18:14.39)
Alyssa : Um... (0:18:15.78)
Viola : I thought things over when
you asked me to yesterday.
Viola : I was so happy I can do summon
magic that I got carried away.
Viola : I was taking familiars too lightly. (0:18:25.79)
Viola : So I want to start by raising a plant. (0:18:30.15)
Alyssa : Viola... (0:18:35.29)
Viola : But I'm not taking plants
lightly either, I swear!
Viola : I'll take care of it! (0:18:39.19)
Alyssa : Okay. (0:18:41.19)
Viola : I'll work extra hard to make up
for returning Papa to the soil so soon.
Papa : Recycling... (0:18:47.24)
Alyssa : He was a golem, honey! You
couldn't have done anything else!
Alyssa : But it's okay. I know you can do it (0:18:51.81)
Alyssa : because you thought it over for yourself. (0:18:55.94)
Alyssa : I'll support you, so if you need
to know anything, just ask.
Viola : Okay! (0:19:05.53)
Alyssa : Great, shall we have tea? (0:19:07.13)
Viola : Yes, please! (0:19:09.01)
Phoenix : I see... (0:19:11.63)
Phoenix : So thou hast only summoned me for fun. (0:19:15.21)
Phoenix : Thy intent was never
to make me thy familiar.
Phoenix : Well, that's fine. (0:19:21.22)
Phoenix : Over the eons, I have seen
mortals around the world
Phoenix : change their minds like this... (0:19:27.69)
Phoenix : So young. (0:19:52.07)
Viola : Well, it is still a seedling. (0:19:57.67)
Phoenix : Thou shouldst grow stronger
in order to protect thy contracted.
Viola : Are we treating it as a familiar? (0:20:04.92)
Phoenix : Ah, thou undertakest waterfall training? (0:20:08.25)
Phoenix : Then so shall I! (0:20:11.77)
Phoenix : Nothing easier. (0:20:20.59)
Viola : You're a phoenix. What's the point
of competing with a seedling?
Viola : She's still growing up, you know. (0:20:26.11)
Phoenix : Then watch closely, young seedling! (0:20:30.29)
Phoenix : Growth hath no end. (0:20:33.45)
Viola : Huh?! (0:20:35.61)
Viola : Wow... (0:20:37.27)
Viola : Your neck can stretch? (0:20:38.54)
Phoenix : If I want to, I can go quite far! (0:20:40.74)
Viola : Hey, that's enough. Come back down. (0:20:49.37)
Phoenix : Ah, 'tis my contracted.
I can still go further!
Viola : No! It's kinda scary! (0:20:55.83)
Phoenix : Well? Thy senior is tall, is he not? (0:21:00.26)
Phoenix : But no need to panic. (0:21:03.93)
Phoenix : If thou workst diligently each day, (0:21:05.82)
Phoenix : thou shalt be as fine
a familiar as I one day!
Viola : He's good at caretaking,
no matter what he says.
Viola : Phoenix?! (0:21:21.32)
Viola : Oh no! (0:21:24.67)
Viola : Here! (0:21:26.59)
Phoenix : Ah, that's good. (0:21:33.79)
Viola : This isn't a sauna... (0:21:35.73)
Viola : Sheesh. (0:21:37.99)
Viola : I promise I understand how
strong you are now, Phoenix.
Alyssa : I'm home! (0:21:44.45)
Viola : Welcome back, Mama! (0:21:47.01)
Alyssa : Sorry, I ran late shopping. (0:21:48.96)
Alyssa : I'll cook right aw— (0:21:52.49)
Viola : Mama! (0:21:56.32)
Phoenix : Art thou well, Mother?! (0:21:57.12)
Viola : What's wrong? (0:22:04.63)
Alyssa : He's like a cat! (0:22:09.82)
Alyssa : This is Alyssa. (0:22:59.33)
Viola : This is Viola. (0:23:00.24)
Alyssa : Ready, set... (0:23:01.07)
Viola : The world is deeply moved by how
Mama puts her all into raising me!
Alyssa : A helpful elfin boy we know visits! (0:23:08.30)
Viola : "The Commonplace Circumstances
of the Witch's Child-Rearing"!
Alyssa : The Commonplace Circumstances
of the Witch's Child-Rearing
Alyssa : "The Romantic Circumstances
of the Little Brother Position"!
Viola : Mama, I'll go get ready at Auntie Lira's. (0:23:14.65)
Alyssa : What? "Get ready"?! (0:23:17.49)

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