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The final of Rinkai League Ito Hot Spring
EXTRA : Bicycle Race Mikarin Cup is finally here! (0:00:03.15)
EXTRA : Will the winner go to Kurume Tsutsuji,
who won the individual sprint
EXTRA : at the World Championships? (0:00:08.21)
Izumi Itou : Will Kurume win? Will she? (0:00:11.05)
Ai Kumamoto : We don't know the result yet,
but Tachikawa will win.
Miko Yahiko : So exciting! I'm thrilled! (0:00:16.55)
Kinusa Takamatsu : The bicycle race in autumn is so exciting. (0:00:19.29)
Sachi Nagoya : Today's race must be awesome. (0:00:22.02)
Kinusa Takamatsu : You bought betting tickets? (0:00:24.10)
Sachi Nagoya : Yes, I bet about a million yen on Player Kurume
and Player Tachikawa for the top two.
Izumi Itou : A million yen? (0:00:30.28)
Ai Kumamoto : A million yen? (0:00:30.28)
Kinusa Takamatsu : You are really the daughter
of Nagoya Zaibatsu.
Sachi Nagoya : Even if they really get the top two,
I will only win my money back.
Miko Yahiko : Sounds even richer. (0:00:36.03)
Izumi Itou : Here it comes. (0:00:38.62)
EXTRA : Get ready. (0:00:57.76)
EXTRA : Ready! (0:01:03.43)
EXTRA : Now on the back stretch,
Tachikawa takes the lead.
EXTRA : Kurume races up with a burst of energy! (0:01:39.18)
EXTRA : As expected, it's a competition between
the two, Tachikawa or Kurume.
Izumi Itou : Kurume! (0:01:46.14)
EXTRA : The winner is No. 4, Mukomachi Miyako! (0:01:55.87)
Miko Yahiko : No way. (0:02:03.12)
Ai Kumamoto : This is bicycle race? (0:02:04.87)
Izumi Itou : This is bicycle race? (0:02:07.71)
Kinusa Takamatsu : ITO HOT SPRING HOTEL
Is this the address?
Izumi Itou : My home is deep in the mountains. (0:02:23.56)
Izumi Itou : Once you arrive,
go rest in the rooms first.
Ai Kumamoto : Be careful. (0:02:28.52)
Izumi Itou : -We'll head out first.
-See you later.
Sachi Nagoya : -We'll head out first.
-See you later.
Atsumi Itou : (Episode 1: Hot Springs and Vows)
Sachi Nagoya : Thanks for your kindness. (0:04:13.28)
Ai Kumamoto : Thanks for your kindness. (0:04:13.28)
Miko Yahiko : Thanks for your kindness. (0:04:13.28)
Atsumi Itou : Not at all, you're welcome. (0:04:15.28)
Atsumi Itou : Have a good rest here today. (0:04:17.07)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I've parked the car out front. (0:04:19.95)
Atsumi Itou : I see. (0:04:22.79)
Izumi Itou : Indeed, it's fast to drive a car. (0:04:24.12)
Izumi Itou : Come on in. (0:04:26.88)
Miko Yahiko : Izumi? (0:04:28.96)
Ai Kumamoto : No way. You got here so fast? (0:04:31.67)
Sachi Nagoya : You came back by bike, right? (0:04:33.47)
Izumi Itou : I'm familiar here. (0:04:35.26)
Izumi Itou : I went to my aunt's
to get some soft drinks.
Izumi Itou : I'll put them in the fridge. (0:04:39.60)
Atsumi Itou : You took the shortcut through
Yoshida's vegetable patch again?
Izumi Itou : Here, this one's for you. (0:04:49.61)
Atsumi Itou : You're quite clever! (0:04:51.44)
Izumi Itou : -I knew you would love it.
-You know me well.
Atsumi Itou : -I knew you would love it.
-You know me well.
Atsumi Itou : But that's a different matter! (0:04:57.20)
Izumi Itou : My friends are still here. (0:04:59.99)
Izumi Itou : There are still guests around. (0:05:01.58)
Atsumi Itou : Don't bother the neighbors. (0:05:03.24)
Izumi Itou : We got to know each other (0:05:09.88)
Izumi Itou : on the Tackle Channel, a video website (0:05:11.84)
Izumi Itou : for fans of
Player Tachikawa and Player Kurume,
Izumi Itou : who are competing
in the Cycling World Championships.
She's Kuma, a fan of Player Tachikawa,
Izumi Itou : very reliable, and in her second year
of high school like me.
Ai Kumamoto : This tatami room is quite spacious. (0:05:26.73)
And the rich young lady, Nago.
Sachi Nagoya : This simple atmosphere is really nice. (0:05:31.40)
Miko Yahiko : Are you being sarcastic, rich? (0:05:33.44)
She's Miko, the administrator of the Tackle Channel.
Izumi Itou : I heard she used to be an idol. (0:05:38.66)
And Takama who's more modern and mature than us.
Kinusa Takamatsu : However, this place is really nice. (0:05:45.14)
And me, a fan of Kurume.
Izumi Itou : My name is Ito Izumi. (0:05:50.54)
Izumi Itou : I'll go clean my bike. (0:05:52.17)
Izumi Itou : You can have a rest before dinner. (0:05:54.71)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Got it. (0:05:56.46)
Ai Kumamoto : Got it. (0:05:56.46)
Sachi Nagoya : Got it. (0:05:56.46)
Miko Yahiko : Got it. (0:05:56.46)
Izumi Itou : Today, because of the two players
we support, Tachikawa and Kurume,
Izumi Itou : are both participating
in the local cycling race.
Izumi Itou : So we organized the first offline meetup. (0:06:05.47)
Izumi Itou : And I invited them to stay
at my family's hot spring hotel.
Izumi Itou : Alright, it's done. (0:06:10.48)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Izumi! (0:06:12.02)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I heard today's race made the news column. (0:06:14.11)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Come and take a look! (0:06:16.69)
Izumi Itou : Thank you. I'm coming! (0:06:18.36)
EXTRA : In today's Rinkai League
Ito Hot Spring Bicycle Race Mikarin Cup,
EXTRA : the much-watched queens
of the World Championships
EXTRA : Kurume Tsutsuji and Tachikawa Remu
performed wonderfully in the final.
EXTRA : What a shock that they both lost! (0:06:30.12)
Remu Tachikawa : That's really too much. (0:06:33.79)
Remu Tachikawa : Miss Mukomachi, you won the race,
yet the news didn't even mention you.
Miyako Mukoumachi : It's rare for women's bicycle race (0:06:38.67)
Miyako Mukoumachi : to get on the news. (0:06:41.59)
It's all thanks to you young people.
You're getting a lot of attention.
Miyako Mukoumachi : Whether it's TV or the internet,
Kurume and Tachikawa are mentioned.
It's amazing how much attention bicycle race gets.
Remu Tachikawa : It surprised me too. (0:07:00.32)
Remu Tachikawa : We've been receiving interviews
since we got back.
Miyako Mukoumachi : No wonder you're unprepared. (0:07:04.78)
Remu Tachikawa : But that's not an excuse
for losing the race.
Remu Tachikawa : After all, I did not quit the race. (0:07:09.75)
Miyako Mukoumachi : You're still stubborn. (0:07:12.83)
Sorry for the waiting.
Tsutsuji Kurume : You are amazing, Mukomachi Miyako. (0:07:17.84)
Tsutsuji Kurume : I took it easy after I won the gold medal. (0:07:21.22)
Tsutsuji Kurume : You are truly the strongest opponent. (0:07:24.01)
Miyako Mukoumachi : Enough. (0:07:27.43)
Miyako Mukoumachi : Congratulations on your victory
in the World Championships.
Miyako Mukoumachi : And you've attracted
a lot of new bicycle race fans.
Tsutsuji Kurume : I got shocked. (0:07:36.19)
Tsutsuji Kurume : It's the first time I've seen
so many young girls in the arena.
Remu Tachikawa : I heard sales are also off the charts. (0:07:41.32)
Miyako Mukoumachi : That's a good thing. (0:07:43.66)
Miyako Mukoumachi : But honestly, the attention
is probably at its peak right now.
Miyako Mukoumachi : So we need to let more people know (0:07:51.54)
Miyako Mukoumachi : about women's bicycle race
while it's still hot.
Miyako Mukoumachi : Not just a bicycle race, (0:07:56.54)
Miyako Mukoumachi : we need to make them aware that there are
people like us fighting every day.
Miyako Mukoumachi : As the figures
whom those girls who admire,
Miyako Mukoumachi : as the goal they strive for, (0:08:07.55)
Miyako Mukoumachi : we must keep
women's bicycle race moving forward.
Miyako Mukoumachi : We can't let it stop at a momentary craze. (0:08:13.18)
Miyako Mukoumachi : We need to keep it alive
as a sport and as a culture.
Miyako Mukoumachi : We can't let women's bicycle race
be abolished again.
Miyako Mukoumachi : We have an obligation to pass it (0:08:23.90)
Miyako Mukoumachi : on to our successors. (0:08:26.16)
Tsutsuji Kurume : To do this, we need to step up promotion
and further expand our influence.
Tsutsuji Kurume : This is our mission. (0:08:32.83)
Remu Tachikawa : And present more intense races. (0:08:35.00)
Miyako Mukoumachi : Yes. As long as we persist,
someone is bound to be impressed.
Miyako Mukoumachi : All cyclists need
to build that future together.
Miyako Mukoumachi : Agree? (0:08:43.97)
Tsutsuji Kurume : Just hearing your passionate speech, (0:08:46.72)
Tsutsuji Kurume : I felt like I've truly returned. (0:08:50.39)
Remu Tachikawa : I almost forgot. (0:08:53.18)
Here's a specialty for you.
Miyako Mukoumachi : You bought them in Japan, right? (0:08:58.23)
Miko Yahiko : The hot spring is so nice. (0:09:05.19)
Izumi Itou : Right? (0:09:07.61)
Izumi Itou : Nago, come over here. (0:09:09.66)
Izumi Itou : You are closer to the spring head, which
is for those who often take hot springs.
Sachi Nagoya : No wonder I feel so hot. (0:09:16.00)
Sachi Nagoya : Thank you for the reminder. (0:09:18.54)
Izumi Itou : Kuma, are you okay? You don't say much. (0:09:24.67)
Miko Yahiko : Are you enjoying the hot spring? (0:09:29.43)
Ai Kumamoto : Today's bicycle race was really intense. (0:09:35.10)
Izumi Itou : Yes, indeed! (0:09:40.65)
Miko Yahiko : The result, though somewhat unexpected,
was truly shocking.
Miko Yahiko : They can ride that fast. (0:09:46.07)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Even Kurume and Tachikawa lost, which
shows that she's quite amazing.
Sachi Nagoya : Player Mukomachi. (0:09:52.41)
Sachi Nagoya : My betting ticket
went to waste in an instant.
Miko Yahiko : That's your problem. (0:09:57.87)
Ai Kumamoto : I… (0:10:00.12)
Ai Kumamoto : I want to be a cyclist. (0:10:02.46)
Kinusa Takamatsu : What did you say? (0:10:04.55)
Miko Yahiko : You want to be a cyclist? (0:10:06.17)
Ai Kumamoto : I didn't have such an idea (0:10:09.38)
Ai Kumamoto : when I was watching
the World Championships on TV.
Ai Kumamoto : But after actually
watching the game at the scene,
Ai Kumamoto : I had this idea. (0:10:16.77)
Ai Kumamoto : I wonder what it would be like (0:10:19.52)
Ai Kumamoto : to be one of them
and compete with Tachikawa.
Ai Kumamoto : Izumi, don't you have such ideas? (0:10:25.65)
Ai Kumamoto : Don't you want to ride
on the same race with Kurume?
Ai Kumamoto : You were riding your bike very fast! (0:10:30.24)
Izumi Itou : That's because I took a shortcut. (0:10:33.78)
Miko Yahiko : Even so, it's still fast. (0:10:35.74)
Kinusa Takamatsu : And it's a mountain road. (0:10:37.91)
Sachi Nagoya : You even had time to buy drinks. (0:10:39.79)
Izumi Itou : No, no. Even so, I can't be a cyclist. (0:10:42.04)
Izumi Itou : Kuma, do you have experience in cycling? (0:10:45.71)
Izumi Itou : Didn't you say
you weren't in the cycling club?
Ai Kumamoto : Right. (0:10:52.14)
Ai Kumamoto : So this is the fate. (0:10:53.89)
Ai Kumamoto : I will join the cycling club from now on (0:10:56.56)
Ai Kumamoto : and try to become a cyclist. (0:10:58.81)
Ai Kumamoto : I've decided. This is
a major turning point in my life.
Ai Kumamoto : Don't stop me, Izumi. (0:11:04.77)
Izumi Itou : I won't. (0:11:06.61)
Izumi Itou : But the club might find it troubled
that a new member joins suddenly.
Miko Yahiko : Well, I think it's quite good. (0:11:12.49)
Miko Yahiko : Why don't we take this as a chance (0:11:14.99)
Miko Yahiko : for the five of us
to set a goal to become a cyclist?
Kinusa Takamatsu : Miko, you're talking nonsense again. (0:11:19.87)
Miko Yahiko : A special project for the Tackle Channel. (0:11:22.00)
Miko Yahiko : I'm actually excited (0:11:26.21)
Miko Yahiko : after watching the game live. (0:11:28.92)
Miko Yahiko : The impact of women's bicycle race
is just as intense as the men's.
Miko Yahiko : Well, it's like living off your body (0:11:35.72)
Miko Yahiko : and making money from it! (0:11:38.89)
Sachi Nagoya : Yeah, indeed. (0:11:41.64)
Miko Yahiko : Right? (0:11:43.73)
Miko Yahiko : A job where you can earn money on your own (0:11:45.06)
Miko Yahiko : isn't something you can find everywhere. (0:11:47.69)
Miko Yahiko : So I support Kuma. (0:11:49.73)
Miko Yahiko : Honestly, I've been getting tired lately
because I can't find any video material.
Kinusa Takamatsu : So this is the truth. (0:11:57.83)
Kinusa Takamatsu : But I can accompany you. (0:11:59.66)
Kinusa Takamatsu : My favorite piece of equipment
in the gym is the bicycle.
Sachi Nagoya : I want to try it too. (0:12:04.58)
Izumi Itou : Takama, Nago. Why you? (0:12:06.50)
Ai Kumamoto : Izumi, you should join too. Your
high school should have a cycling club.
Izumi Itou : I didn't even check. (0:12:13.26)
Izumi Itou : To be honest, I can't do it. (0:12:15.26)
Izumi Itou : Although I like cycling, (0:12:18.55)
Izumi Itou : I just don't have the perseverance
to become a professional.
Ai Kumamoto : I liked bikes at first. (0:12:23.43)
Izumi Itou : I'm really sorry. (0:12:28.54)
Izumi Itou : We didn't notice any other guests.
Sorry to disturb you.
Tsutsuji Kurume : It's okay. (0:12:32.74)
Tsutsuji Kurume : Sorry. I heard you were
having a great conversation,
Tsutsuji Kurume : so I couldn't help but chime in. (0:12:36.32)
Izumi Itou : Miss Kurume? (0:12:38.07)
Ai Kumamoto : -Is that her?
-No way.
Miko Yahiko : -Is that her?
-No way.
Tsutsuji Kurume : My perseverance is about average. (0:12:43.91)
Tsutsuji Kurume : I just want to ride a bike every day, so
I see it as my goal to become a cyclist.
Tsutsuji Kurume : You can definitely do it. (0:12:50.67)
Tsutsuji Kurume : Next, all you need
is the courage to take that step.
Tsutsuji Kurume : Thinking back to how you felt when you
learned to ride a bike, then go all out.
Tsutsuji Kurume : Hope to see you on the track. (0:13:06.52)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I'm not dreaming, right? (0:13:10.65)
Ai Kumamoto : Is that Kurume?
Or someone who looks a lot like her?
Sachi Nagoya : Judging by those legs, it must be her. (0:13:14.82)
Izumi Itou : Kurume left after soaking in
my family's hot spring.
Thank you for your patronage.
Tsutsuji Kurume : I didn't expect to meet those girls here. (0:13:27.25)
Tsutsuji Kurume : My efforts were all worth it. (0:13:29.83)
Tsutsuji Kurume : I have to tell Remu and Muko about this. (0:13:37.88)
Miko Yahiko : I'll start. To become a cyclist, (0:13:42.03)
Miko Yahiko : the first step is
to pass an exam held every October.
Miko Yahiko : Then there is about ten months of training (0:13:48.53)
Miko Yahiko : at the training base in Izu starting
in the spring of the following year.
Miko Yahiko : Just get the desired results, (0:13:55.12)
Miko Yahiko : and one can register
as an official player.
Kinusa Takamatsu : October? It just ended. (0:14:00.09)
Sachi Nagoya : That means we can (0:14:03.42)
Sachi Nagoya : have a year to prepare for the exam. (0:14:05.92)
Ai Kumamoto : Perfect. It really must be fate. (0:14:08.39)
Ai Kumamoto : I'll be out of high school next year. (0:14:11.30)
Miko Yahiko : Let me see. (0:14:15.35)
Miko Yahiko : Registration for the exam is in July. (0:14:16.85)
Miko Yahiko : There are skill tests
for experienced cyclists
Miko Yahiko : and ability tests for those
with no cycling experience.
Izumi Itou : As expected, it's still impossible (0:14:30.41)
Izumi Itou : to become a cyclist. (0:14:33.41)
Izumi Itou : Although I didn't expect
Kurume to support us,
Izumi Itou : it's another story if we can do it or not. (0:14:39.50)
Izumi Itou : Is everyone serious? (0:14:42.79)
Izumi Itou : Doesn't Kuma need
to worry about entrance exams?
Izumi Itou : She simply decided her future like this, (0:14:48.59)
Izumi Itou : doesn't she need
to discuss it with her parents?
Izumi Itou : Takama and Miko were just on a whim. (0:14:55.56)
Izumi Itou : At least they seem so. (0:14:59.23)
Izumi Itou : And Nago… (0:15:02.02)
Sachi Nagoya : Stare… (0:15:03.86)
Izumi Itou : You want to be independent? (0:15:07.36)
Sachi Nagoya : Exactly. Although
it's a bit embarrassing to say it myself.
Sachi Nagoya : Nagoya family is really rich. (0:15:12.62)
Sachi Nagoya : But after the age of 20, (0:15:16.08)
Sachi Nagoya : we need to get away from home
and live on our own for a few years.
Sachi Nagoya : This is our family's creed. (0:15:21.79)
Izumi Itou : Why? Aren't you the family's young lady? (0:15:24.96)
Sachi Nagoya : I think it's to let us experience
the hardships of society.
Sachi Nagoya : Both my grandfather and father
have gone through this.
Sachi Nagoya : My two brothers did so too. (0:15:35.43)
Sachi Nagoya : They have come back and are now
directors of cooperative enterprises.
Sachi Nagoya : I'm also considering
how I should be independent.
Sachi Nagoya : Even if I want to find a job, (0:15:45.52)
Sachi Nagoya : the name of the Nagoya family
has become an obstacle instead.
Izumi Itou : I don't quite get it,
but I seem to understand.
Sachi Nagoya : So, after hearing what Kuma said
while taking a bath earlier,
Sachi Nagoya : I've decided on this. (0:15:56.37)
Izumi Itou : You want to become a cyclist? (0:15:58.79)
Sachi Nagoya : I don't think it's an easy thing to do. (0:16:02.58)
Sachi Nagoya : But, as Miko said, (0:16:04.83)
Sachi Nagoya : a job where one can truly be independent
without relying on anyone
Sachi Nagoya : isn't something you can find everywhere. (0:16:09.84)
Sachi Nagoya : So I want to take up the challenge (0:16:12.01)
Sachi Nagoya : to see how far I can go. (0:16:13.68)
Sachi Nagoya : Meeting Kurume might
also be a kind of fate.
Sachi Nagoya : You too, Izumi. (0:16:19.52)
Sachi Nagoya : We don't know
how decisive everyone really is.
Sachi Nagoya : You don't have to force yourself
to cooperate with us.
Sachi Nagoya : However, (0:16:29.71)
Sachi Nagoya : everyone would be so happy
if you could join us.
Izumi Itou : Nago, are you serious? (0:16:35.95)
Izumi Itou : But it seems like after tonight,
Miko might be back off.
Izumi Itou : That makes sense. (0:16:44.73)
Izumi Itou : Usually, no one easily
sets a goal on becoming a cyclist.
Izumi Itou : It's just a whim. (0:16:50.09)
Izumi Itou : When tomorrow comes, (0:16:51.71)
Izumi Itou : Kuma might calm down. (0:16:53.55)
Miko Yahiko : So from today on, we are sharing the goal
of becoming cyclists!
Miko Yahiko : In the coming year, (0:17:04.09)
Miko Yahiko : we shall report our practice results
to each other,
Miko Yahiko : encourage each other
and make progress together.
Izumi Itou : She isn't back off. (0:17:12.07)
Ai Kumamoto : You too, Izumi. Don't be shy. (0:17:14.90)
Izumi Itou : I'm not being shy. (0:17:17.70)
Miko Yahiko : Then you lead the cheer. (0:17:19.91)
Miko Yahiko : "Let's become cyclists together!"
Something like that.
Izumi Itou : What? (0:17:24.85)
Ai Kumamoto : I'll work hard to catch up with you. (0:17:26.54)
Izumi Itou : No, no. It's not about this. (0:17:29.71)
Izumi Itou : L-Let's become cyclists together! (0:17:33.26)
Sachi Nagoya : Go for it! (0:17:37.18)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Go for it! (0:17:37.18)
Ai Kumamoto : Go for it! (0:17:37.18)
Miko Yahiko : Go for it! (0:17:37.18)
Izumi Itou : Is it really okay for me
to make such a rash decision?
Izumi Itou : Hello. (0:17:52.23)
Sono Kouraku : Welcome. (0:17:53.78)
Izumi Itou : I'll put the empty bottle here. (0:17:55.65)
Sono Kouraku : You're taking the entrance exam
this year, aren't you?
Izumi Itou : No, it's next year. (0:18:02.16)
Izumi Itou : Next April,
I'll be in my third year of high school.
Sono Kouraku : You're already going to
be in your third year of high school.
Sono Kouraku : I'm getting old. (0:18:08.96)
Izumi Itou : You haven't changed at all
since I was a child.
Izumi Itou : How old is she? (0:18:16.67)
Uncle Tsubo : 88 years old. (0:18:18.59)
Izumi Itou : You will get scolded, Uncle Tsubo. (0:18:20.05)
Izumi Itou : Don't you go to work? (0:18:24.35)
Uncle Tsubo : It's my day off today. (0:18:26.23)
Izumi Itou : What a pity. (0:18:30.13)
Sono Kouraku : What about your future plans? (0:18:32.27)
Sono Kouraku : Will you go to university in Tokyo? (0:18:33.73)
Izumi Itou : I haven't decided yet. (0:18:35.69)
Izumi Itou : It's still a year away anyway. (0:18:37.24)
Sono Kouraku : A year will pass soon. (0:18:39.82)
Sono Kouraku : Or is there something else you want to do? (0:18:43.08)
Uncle Tsubo : Like becoming the second-generation owner? (0:18:46.16)
Uncle Tsubo : Or third-generation? (0:18:48.50)
Izumi Itou : Not really. (0:18:50.54)
Sono Kouraku : Are you going to take over our shop? (0:18:52.46)
Uncle Tsubo : I'm here. (0:18:54.09)
Izumi Itou : Going to university? What should I study? (0:18:56.97)
Izumi Itou : Half a year later, (0:19:03.89)
Izumi Itou : Kuma and the others are all
working hard to become cyclists.
Izumi Itou : Kuma kept her promise
and joined the cycling club,
Izumi Itou : and within three months,
she had won the prefecture championship.
Izumi Itou : Takama seems to be
taking up yoga and Pilates work
Izumi Itou : while borrowing her friend's gym (0:19:21.91)
Izumi Itou : for special bike training with Miko. (0:19:23.53)
Izumi Itou : Miko even gave up the video production, (0:19:29.08)
and devoted herself to practice.
Izumi Itou : Looks like they're serious. (0:19:34.21)
Izumi Itou : And so is Nago. (0:19:37.63)
Izumi Itou : Should I join in? (0:19:42.39)
EXTRA : I'm coming in. (0:19:45.55)
EXTRA : Izumi, are you going
to take after-school classes?
EXTRA : Make sure you decide early if you go.
I need to prepare the money.
Izumi Itou : Okay. (0:19:56.61)
EXTRA : The exam is only a year away. (0:19:58.48)
EXTRA : You have to work hard no matter how. (0:20:00.70)
Izumi Itou : Okay. (0:20:03.41)
Izumi Itou : If I say I want
to attend cyclist training,
Izumi Itou : she would probably be very surprised. (0:20:11.83)
Kinusa Takamatsu : If you can get into college,
you have nothing to lose.
Kinusa Takamatsu : You need to think carefully
about the future you want.
Kinusa Takamatsu : Don't end up with regrets like me. (0:20:23.18)
Izumi Itou : Regrets? Takama, you? (0:20:26.68)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I've never encountered any difficulties,
whether in exams or job-seeking.
Kinusa Takamatsu : I've listened to what my parents said,
and followed the rules of society,
Kinusa Takamatsu : just going with the flow. (0:20:36.77)
Kinusa Takamatsu : But at some point, (0:20:40.36)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I realized I didn't have anything. (0:20:42.99)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I was so scared. (0:20:45.45)
Izumi Itou : Scared? (0:20:47.45)
Kinusa Takamatsu : But now, I am truly fulfilled. (0:20:49.41)
Kinusa Takamatsu : So, no matter how it results, (0:20:52.37)
Kinusa Takamatsu : I want to challenge my limits. (0:20:54.33)
Kinusa Takamatsu : After watching Player Kurume
and Player Tachikawa compete,
Kinusa Takamatsu : I realized that although they and I are
the same age, we shine in different ways
Kinusa Takamatsu : and have different consciousness. (0:21:03.68)
Kinusa Takamatsu : Therefore… (0:21:06.09)
Izumi Itou : Bicycle race is a dream,
and the exam is the reality.
Izumi Itou : But either way, for me now, (0:21:27.32)
Izumi Itou : it is a goal that cannot be
achieved without efforts.
Izumi Itou : I can't keep being indecisive like this. (0:21:33.00)
Izumi Itou : I have to make the decision
I would least regret.
Izumi Itou : I want to be like Kuma and Nago, (0:21:39.88)
Izumi Itou : staking my fate on one thing. (0:21:42.55)
Izumi Itou : Bicycle race, university. (0:21:45.47)
Izumi Itou : I still can't decide. (0:21:48.64)
Izumi Itou : I wish someone could decide for me. (0:21:51.97)
Tsutsuji Kurume : You definitely can do it. (0:21:56.06)
Tsutsuji Kurume : Hope to see you on the track. (0:21:58.02)
Izumi Itou : Kurume. (0:22:01.07)
Izumi Itou : No, no way. (0:22:06.11)
EXTRA : Wow, she was on it at once. (0:22:08.66)
EXTRA : Her legs are really strong. (0:22:11.08)
Izumi Itou : My name is Ito Izumi. (0:22:13.24)
Izumi Itou : We met before at the open-air bath.
I am the daughter of the hotel owner.
Izumi Itou : PS: I'm the youngest daughter. (0:22:20.33)
Izumi Itou : If you still remember me, (0:22:21.79)
Izumi Itou : I would be so honored. (0:22:24.84)
Izumi Itou : Since I can't decide for myself, (0:22:27.38)
Izumi Itou : let the person I respect most
decide for me.
Izumi Itou : If Kurume supports me… (0:22:32.76)
Izumi Itou : But if she doesn't reply
to me after a week,
Izumi Itou : I'll give up and study for the exam. (0:22:40.77)
Izumi Itou : Please… (0:22:43.40)
EXTRA : Amazing. (0:22:51.78)
EXTRA : Nana is overwhelming. (0:22:53.33)
Izumi Itou : Here it is. (0:23:01.13)
Izumi Itou : My future is about to be settled. (0:23:07.26)
Izumi Itou : Do you like Dagashi? (0:23:14.31)
Izumi Itou : Dagashi? (0:23:17.31)
Izumi Itou : What does this mean, Kurume? (0:23:20.85)
Izumi Itou : Kuma, you can get out of the bath now. (0:23:26.36)
Ai Kumamoto : No. To become a cyclist, (0:23:29.90)
Ai Kumamoto : I have to soak in hot water for one hour. (0:23:32.56)
Izumi Itou : What kind of new form
of self-discipline is this?

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