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Ranma Saotome : You bastard! (0:00:30.00)
Ranma Saotome : That's enough already! (0:00:32.18)
EXTRA : I-It's a panda! (0:01:00.54)
EXTRA : Panda? (0:01:01.66)
Ranma Saotome : C'mon! (0:01:05.05)
EXTRA : It is a panda! (0:01:06.74)
Ranma Saotome : I told you all along,
I'm not interested!
Ranma Saotome : Picking my fiancée for me like that! (0:01:14.59)
Ranma Saotome : I'm going back to China! (0:01:26.44)
Ranma Saotome : Stay like that forever, for all I care! (0:01:28.76)
EXTRA : Oh, my! Look what
the panda did to that girl!
EXTRA : Wh-What's going on here?! (0:01:45.99)
EXTRA : How terrible! (0:01:47.98)
EXTRA : What's this world coming to?! (0:01:50.49)
Soun Tendou : Today is the day
Ranma will finally arrive!
Soun Tendou : How I've waited for this day! (0:02:16.10)
Soun Tendou : Hey! (0:02:22.85)
Soun Tendou : Hey! (0:02:24.85)
Soun Tendou : Kasumi! Nabiki! (0:02:25.83)
Soun Tendou : Akane! (0:02:29.22)
Soun Tendou : Kasumi! (0:02:34.56)
Kasumi Tendou : What is it, Father? (0:02:35.32)
Soun Tendou : Nabiki! (0:02:38.66)
Nabiki Tendou : Huh? (0:02:39.65)
Soun Tendou : Akane! (0:02:41.70)
Soun Tendou : Is Akane here? (0:02:44.81)
Akane Tendou : Phew! Not bad! (0:03:03.42)
Akane Tendou : Huh? (0:03:05.86)
Nabiki Tendou : There you go again, Akane. (0:03:06.41)
Nabiki Tendou : It's 'cause you're
always doing stuff like this
Nabiki Tendou : that the boys don't like you
in a normal way!
Akane Tendou : Mind your own business!
Unlike you, Sis,
Akane Tendou : I hate boys! (0:03:15.70)
Nabiki Tendou : Really? Then I guess this has
nothing to do with you.
Kasumi Tendou : Fiancé? (0:03:28.41)
Soun Tendou : Yes, he's the son of
your father's very good friend.
Soun Tendou : His name is Saotome Ranma. (0:03:33.31)
Soun Tendou : If one of you three girls were to marry him (0:03:36.00)
Soun Tendou : and carry on this training hall,
then our family legacy would be secure.
Akane Tendou : Hey, wait a minute! (0:03:43.73)
Akane Tendou : You can't just decide it like that!
Count me out!
Nabiki Tendou : Maybe you should wait until you meet him. (0:03:48.60)
Nabiki Tendou : You never know, he might be
more handsome than you think.
Nabiki Tendou : Right, Daddy? (0:03:54.16)
Soun Tendou : He'll be here very soon. (0:03:59.40)
Soun Tendou : Ranma and his father have been
on a training mission.
Soun Tendou : Recently, they crossed into China. (0:04:05.70)
Nabiki Tendou : Oh, China! (0:04:07.76)
Akane Tendou : Just 'cause they trained in China (0:04:09.46)
Akane Tendou : doesn't mean they're strong. (0:04:11.16)
Kasumi Tendou : Father, how old is this Ranma? (0:04:13.48)
Nabiki Tendou : Is he handsome? (0:04:15.94)
Kasumi Tendou : I hope he isn't younger than me. (0:04:17.13)
Nabiki Tendou : Well, what kind of guy is he? (0:04:18.44)
Soun Tendou : I don't know. (0:04:25.22)
Nabiki Tendou : You don't know? (0:04:26.41)
Soun Tendou : I mean, I've never met him. (0:04:28.21)
Akane Tendou : I don't believe this. (0:04:36.13)
Ranma Saotome : L-Leggo, you fool!
Lemme go, I said!
Ranma Saotome : I told you, I don't want any part of this! (0:04:50.45)
Kasumi Tendou : Oh, my! We have visitors! (0:04:54.44)
Nabiki Tendou : It must be Ranma! (0:04:56.45)
Soun Tendou : Saotome! We've been waiting! (0:04:58.45)
Kasumi Tendou : I hope he's older than me. (0:05:03.21)
Ranma Saotome : C-C'mon!
Y-You're scaring 'em! Stop!
Kasumi Tendou : Are these your friends, Father? (0:05:14.50)
Nabiki Tendou : If they're not your friends,
then what's a panda doing here?!
Soun Tendou : Y-You wouldn't be... Ranma? (0:05:36.68)
Ranma Saotome : I'm Saotome Ranma.
Sorry about this.
Soun Tendou : Oh, I see! So you are Ranma! (0:05:46.16)
Nabiki Tendou : He is cute! (0:05:49.03)
Soun Tendou : Oh, it's so good of you to come! (0:05:50.89)
Soun Tendou : Hmm? (0:05:55.33)
Ranma Saotome : Um, please stop that. (0:06:23.07)
Nabiki Tendou : 100% female, I tell you! (0:06:26.53)
Soun Tendou : A-A girl? (0:06:28.78)
Kasumi Tendou : Father! (0:06:38.67)
Kasumi Tendou : Oh, poor Father.
He must be so disappointed.
Nabiki Tendou : I'm the one who's disappointed! (0:06:53.16)
Nabiki Tendou : I was looking forward to finding out
what kind of man he was.
Nabiki Tendou : Then I get a look at him,
and it turns out he is a she.
Akane Tendou : Stop it, Sis! She came a long way to visit us. (0:07:02.24)
Kasumi Tendou : Look, everyone! Father's waking up. (0:07:05.22)
Nabiki Tendou : This is all your fault, Daddy! (0:07:07.65)
Nabiki Tendou : Couldn't you have checked
if he was a boy or a girl?!
Soun Tendou : Saotome told me that
he'd been blessed with a son.
Nabiki Tendou : What part of this looks like a boy?
What part of this?
Ranma Saotome : Um, please stop that. (0:07:18.01)
Akane Tendou : She's right! (0:07:20.12)
Akane Tendou : So what if she's a girl, Sis.
A guest is a guest!
Akane Tendou : Hey, you wanna come see our dojo? (0:07:26.20)
Akane Tendou : I'm Akane.
You wanna be friends?
Akane Tendou : You study kenpo, right? (0:07:37.17)
Ranma Saotome : A bit. (0:07:39.51)
Akane Tendou : Hey, why don't we have
a little match?
Ranma Saotome : A match? (0:07:42.85)
Akane Tendou : Yeah! For fun. (0:07:43.54)
Akane Tendou : For fun. (0:07:45.11)
Akane Tendou : Don't worry,
I won't attack you for real.
Akane Tendou : What's wrong?! Attack me! (0:08:03.83)
Akane Tendou : I-I can't get through!
Is she reading my moves?
Akane Tendou : Okay, then, this time for real! (0:08:16.08)
Akane Tendou : Here I come! (0:08:18.22)
Akane Tendou : You're pretty good. (0:08:38.92)
Akane Tendou : I'm so glad you're a girl. (0:08:41.90)
Ranma Saotome : Huh? (0:08:43.70)
Akane Tendou : It's just... (0:08:44.27)
Akane Tendou : well, I couldn't stand losing to a boy. (0:08:46.73)
Soun Tendou : So that's how it was. (0:09:21.64)
Soun Tendou : "The path of a true martial artist is
fraught with peril..."
Kasumi Tendou : Ranma, please use this room. (0:09:37.51)
Kasumi Tendou : Why don't you go down
right now and take a bath.
Ranma Saotome : Uh, no thanks. (0:09:43.85)
Kasumi Tendou : You have to! (0:09:45.25)
Kasumi Tendou : You must be sweating
from all that exercise, right?
Ranma Saotome : Yes... (0:09:48.15)
Nabiki Tendou : Hey Sis, who's that strange man
in our living room?
Kasumi Tendou : Who knows? (0:09:59.06)
Kasumi Tendou : Nabiki, would you go tell Akane
to take her bath?
Nabiki Tendou : Okay. (0:10:04.89)
Ranma Saotome : Brrr! That's cold! (0:10:11.25)
Akane Tendou : Guess she's already in there. (0:10:18.58)
Ranma Saotome : What am I gonna do? (0:10:27.13)
Ranma Saotome : They're bound to find out sooner or later. (0:10:31.14)
Ranma Saotome : Oh, well. (0:10:32.81)
Ranma Saotome : Might as well go out like I am. (0:10:36.78)
Akane Tendou : I'm gonna beat him to a pulp! (0:11:22.55)
Kasumi Tendou : Akane? (0:11:24.94)
Kasumi Tendou : What's the matter?
What are you doing with that?
Akane Tendou : There's a pervert in our bathroom! (0:11:29.12)
Nabiki Tendou : So why didn't you clobber him, then? (0:11:31.40)
Akane Tendou : How could I?! I was scared! (0:11:33.92)
Kasumi Tendou : That's odd. (0:11:36.80)
Kasumi Tendou : I thought that Ranma was
in there right now.
Ranma Saotome : Excuse me... (0:11:41.81)
Kasumi Tendou : Who? (0:11:44.89)
Nabiki Tendou : Who are you?! (0:11:46.97)
Ranma Saotome : I'm Saotome Ranma. (0:11:49.75)
Ranma Saotome : Sorry about this. (0:11:53.21)
Soun Tendou : Let me introduce them once more. (0:12:12.10)
Soun Tendou : This is your father's dear friend, (0:12:14.24)
Genma Saotome : Saotome Genma. And this is my son, (0:12:16.34)
Ranma Saotome : Ranma. (0:12:19.88)
Nabiki Tendou : What is the meaning of this? (0:12:27.83)
Kasumi Tendou : Are you really her?
The same girl from before?
Ranma Saotome : Well... (0:12:33.88)
Genma Saotome : Well, I just don't know
where to begin.
Genma Saotome : All right, then. (0:12:44.08)
Genma Saotome : Why don't you take a look at this,
for starters.
Ranma Saotome : What are you doing?! (0:12:56.25)
Nabiki Tendou : Oh, my. (0:12:57.67)
Kasumi Tendou : He turned into a girl. (0:12:59.61)
Genma Saotome : I cannot bear to see my son like this! (0:13:01.67)
Genma Saotome : Ranma, your father... (0:13:07.93)
Genma Saotome : Your father is in such agony! (0:13:09.60)
Ranma Saotome : Why, you! (0:13:19.31)
Ranma Saotome : You're in no position to talk! (0:13:20.22)
Kasumi Tendou : Father, you certainly have
some unusual friends.
Soun Tendou : I myself have yet to hear all the details. (0:13:26.45)
Soun Tendou : Their strange physiques seem (0:13:30.70)
Soun Tendou : somehow related to
their dangerous training in China.
Soun Tendou : Before we go any further, (0:13:36.98)
Soun Tendou : let's give them a few moments to
come back to themselves.
Genma Saotome : It all started one month ago. (0:13:46.34)
Genma Saotome : In order to continue
our warrior's conditioning,
Genma Saotome : my son and I crossed to China
to find a new place to train.
Genma Saotome : It was in China's
Mt. Quanjing region,
Genma Saotome : in the Bayankala Range,
Qinghai Province,
Genma Saotome : that we finally came to the legendary
training grounds of Jusenkyo.
Jusenkyo Guide : Here, sirs. (0:14:10.44)
Jusenkyo Guide : We come to famous Training
Ground of Cursed Springs, Jusenkyo.
Genma Saotome : Are you prepared, Ranma? (0:14:15.78)
Ranma Saotome : This place ain't near
as bad as I thought it'd be.
Jusenkyo Guide : Oh, sirs! You very strange ones. (0:14:21.41)
Jusenkyo Guide : This place very dangerous,
nobody use now.
Jusenkyo Guide : More than one hundred
spring here
Jusenkyo Guide : and each one have
own tragedy there!
Genma Saotome : Ranma, follow me! (0:14:34.93)
Ranma Saotome : Okay! (0:14:36.98)
Jusenkyo Guide : Oh, sirs! What you doing? (0:14:38.02)
Jusenkyo Guide : You no go there!
I no finish my tragic story!
Genma Saotome : I won't go easy on you! (0:14:43.64)
Ranma Saotome : That's just the way I like it! (0:14:46.67)
Jusenkyo Guide : Oh, sirs!
Very bad you fall in spring!
Ranma Saotome : Gotcha! (0:14:55.41)
Ranma Saotome : What's wrong, Old Man?
We done already?
Ranma Saotome : Wh-What is that?! (0:15:09.14)
Jusenkyo Guide : That one Shonmaoneechuan, (0:15:11.56)
Jusenkyo Guide : There very tragic legend of panda
who drown there 2,000 year ago.
Jusenkyo Guide : Now, whoever fall there
take body of panda.
Jusenkyo Guide : Is very cursed spring. (0:15:21.90)
Ranma Saotome : It's the first we've heard about it! (0:15:22.85)
Jusenkyo Guide : Ah, now you fall Nyanneechuan! (0:15:32.08)
Jusenkyo Guide : There very tragic legend of
young girl who drown 1,500 years ago.
Jusenkyo Guide : Now, whoever fall in spring
take body of young girl.
Jusenkyo Guide : Is very cursed spring. (0:15:45.51)
Jusenkyo Guide : You see? You turn into girl. (0:15:51.80)
Soun Tendou : Jusenkyo, the legendary
training ground of cursed springs!
Soun Tendou : Its true horror has been
shrouded in mystery until now.
Ranma Saotome : Whaddya mean, true horror ? (0:16:11.24)
Ranma Saotome : You, Old Man! (0:16:13.25)
Ranma Saotome : You just had to take me to
that stupid training ground in China!
Genma Saotome : Ranma, you sound like a girl! (0:16:18.51)
Genma Saotome : Were you not prepared to lay down
your life for the sake of the art?!
Ranma Saotome : My life, yes.
My manhood is another story!
Ranma Saotome : You just had to go and
seek out that training ground,
Ranma Saotome : even though you didn't speak
a word of Chinese!
Soun Tendou : This is certainly tragic. However, (0:16:47.36)
Soun Tendou : when doused with hot water,
you return to normal!
Genma Saotome : That was just a little hot there, Tendo! (0:16:59.20)
Soun Tendou : And in Ranma's case, being doused
with cold water makes him a girl.
Soun Tendou : But hot water turns him
back into a boy!
Ranma Saotome : You don't gotta boil me! (0:17:07.88)
Soun Tendou : Well, now! Your problem isn't
so terrible after all.
Soun Tendou : Look! My eldest daughter, Kasumi!
She's nineteen.
Soun Tendou : My second daughter, Nabiki.
She's seventeen.
Soun Tendou : And my third daughter, Akane.
She's sixteen.
Soun Tendou : Pick whichever you want.
She'll be your fiancée.
Kasumi Tendou : It's settled, then. It's Akane. (0:17:29.12)
Nabiki Tendou : They're made for each other. (0:17:30.86)
Akane Tendou : This isn't funny!
Why does it have to be me?!
Nabiki Tendou : You hate boys, right? (0:17:35.25)
Kasumi Tendou : That's right! How fortunate that
Ranma is half-girl.
Akane Tendou : No way! Don't expect me
to marry that pervert!
Ranma Saotome : Hey, hey!
Whaddya mean by pervert ?
Akane Tendou : You saw me in the nude,
you molester!
Ranma Saotome : Wait a minute! You're the one
who walked in on me!
Akane Tendou : It's different when a girl sees a boy! (0:17:50.42)
Soun Tendou : They're already the perfect couple! (0:17:53.78)
Akane Tendou : Molester! Pervert! (0:17:53.84)
Akane Tendou : We're having a fight here! (0:17:57.76)
Akane Tendou : The point is, I absolutely refuse to
marry someone like you!
Ranma Saotome : I refuse, too! Goodbye. (0:18:03.98)
Genma Saotome : Look here, Ranma!
Where are you going?
Ranma Saotome : Back to China! (0:18:08.54)
Ranma Saotome : I've gotta find a way to
change back for good!
Ranma Saotome : This is no time for fiancées. (0:18:14.75)
Ranma Saotome : By the way, I noticed that
you took a pretty good look at me, too.
Ranma Saotome : Also, since I've seen my own female body so many times, (0:18:23.33)
Ranma Saotome : it's no big deal for me to see a naked girl. (0:18:26.29)
Ranma Saotome : And my proportions are better anyway. (0:18:30.53)
Genma Saotome : Now that one was Ranma's own fault. (0:18:40.86)
Kasumi Tendou : Oh, he's awake! (0:18:51.68)
Ranma Saotome : Oww! (0:18:53.10)
Kasumi Tendou : Are you okay? (0:18:54.54)
Kasumi Tendou : Don't think too badly of Akane. (0:18:55.69)
Kasumi Tendou : She's basically a sweet girl at heart,
yet hopelessly violent.
Nabiki Tendou : Sis, I don't think you're helping any. (0:19:02.34)
Akane Tendou : Why, that! Making a fool of me... (0:19:07.75)
Ranma Saotome : And my proportions are better anyway. (0:19:10.25)
Akane Tendou : What kind of boy is he?! (0:19:12.75)
Ranma Saotome : Ouch! It still hurts! (0:19:17.34)
Ranma Saotome : What kinda girl is she, anyway? Jeez. (0:19:20.51)
Akane Tendou : You wanna be friends? (0:19:23.36)
Ranma Saotome : So she says. (0:19:24.51)
Ranma Saotome : So much for friends
when she found out I'm a boy.
Ranma Saotome : I, uh... (0:19:36.19)
Akane Tendou : Why, you! (0:19:38.65)
Nabiki Tendou : But you were both girls this time!
That makes it okay, doesn't it?
Akane Tendou : It's not okay!
Not okay at all!
Genma Saotome : So she's got spunk! (0:20:01.42)
Genma Saotome : That makes a fiancée even more cute! (0:20:02.55)
Ranma Saotome : She is not cute. (0:20:04.56)
Ranma Saotome : Not cute at all. (0:20:14.35)
EXTRA : Oww! (0:20:18.69)

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