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EXTRA : Did you know that if two people who\nlove each other go to Tokyo U, (0:01:40.52)
EXTRA : they say they'll live\nhappily ever after! (0:01:44.19)
EXTRA : When we grow up, let's go\nto Tokyo U together, okay? (0:01:49.20)
EXTRA : Kei-kun! Bye-bye! (0:01:58.64)
EXTRA : No! Don't go! (0:02:01.81)
EXTRA : Promise me you'll go to Tokyo U! (0:02:04.35)
EXTRA : We'll see each other there\nwhen we grow up! (0:02:06.55)
EXTRA : Okay... (0:02:19.03)
Keitaro Urashima : Tokyo U, here I come! (0:02:20.14)
Masayuki Haitani : I knew you'd make it in, Keitaro! (0:02:26.23)
Kimiaki Shirai : Congratulations! (0:02:28.17)
Keitaro Urashima : Yeah! Now I'm finally a
Tokyo University student!
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry, girls... My heart\nalready belongs to someone else. (0:02:36.88)
EXTRA : Kei-kun... (0:02:43.65)
EXTRA : I've waited for so long\nfor this moment... (0:02:45.25)
Keitaro Urashima : Come on, let's live\nhappily ever after! (0:02:47.39)
Keitaro Urashima : Just like we promised,\nthe two of us... (0:02:53.23)
Keitaro Urashima : ...will go to Tokyo U together\nand eat lunch on campus! (0:02:55.40)
Keitaro Urashima : Handmade box lunches\nmade by her, of course. (0:02:58.33)
Keitaro Urashima : And we'll go to tennis camp together\nat Karuizawa, just the two of us! (0:03:01.20)
Keitaro Urashima : And then one day, we'll\nhave a student wedding! (0:03:04.04)
Keitaro Urashima : It's good to be alive! (0:03:06.44)
Keitaro Urashima : At age 20, Urashima Keitaro is\nthe happiest man in the world! (0:03:08.48)
Hinata Urashima : Keitaro! (0:03:12.35)
Hinata Urashima : Congratuiations, my dear\nlittle grandson...! (0:03:14.92)
Keitaro Urashima : Stop, Grandma!
Y-Your mustache!
Keitaro Urashima : I'm Urashima Keitaro, and I'm 20. (0:03:28.53)
Keitaro Urashima : The only girl who ever liked me\nwas that one little girl, (0:03:31.03)
Keitaro Urashima : and I can't even\nremember her name. (0:03:34.77)
Keitaro Urashima : My hobbies are drawing and\ncollecting photo stickers. (0:03:36.90)
Keitaro Urashima : But I'm the only one in them. (0:03:38.94)
Keitaro Urashima : This is the second time I've\nfailed to get into Tokyo U. (0:03:41.84)
Keitaro Urashima : I really wish I had a girlfriend... (0:03:45.91)
Keitaro Urashima : Man, what a disgusting dream... (0:03:57.49)
EXTRA : What's the matter, Kei-kun?
You're not feeling well?
EXTRA : Oh, look at this...
Do I have to do everything for you?
EXTRA : What are you doing, Keitaro? (0:04:06.51)
Keitaro Urashima : What do you mean? (0:04:08.51)
EXTRA : The prep school says your chances\nof getting into Tokyo U is a 'D'. (0:04:09.78)
EXTRA : You're still trying to get into there? (0:04:13.51)
Keitaro Urashima : It's okay, Mom.
I'm trying really hard.
EXTRA : Some things are impossible\nno matter how hard you try. (0:04:18.69)
EXTRA : We can't afford to keep feeding\nyou forever, you know! (0:04:21.29)
Keitaro Urashima : Fine, I'll get a part-time job and\nmove out! Is that what you want? (0:04:25.39)
EXTRA : Really?! You'd do that for us?! (0:04:28.86)
EXTRA : Hey, Keitaro!
EXTRA : It's from your grandmother\nup at Hinata! (0:04:33.60)
Keitaro Urashima : It's Grandma...? (0:04:35.30)
Hinata Urashima : And so, i'm quitting my job\nas apartment manager here... (0:04:39.07)
Hinata Urashima : ...and will be leaving to get\na change of air for my health. (0:04:41.74)
Naru Narusegawa : Y-You quit? (0:04:45.35)
Naru Narusegawa : But what'll happen to the\nbuilding without you, Granny? (0:04:47.92)
Naru Narusegawa : Without a superintendent,
I know my parents will...
Hinata Urashima : Now, don't you worry.
It'll all work out.
Naru Narusegawa : Wait, Motoko-chan! (0:04:58.26)
Motoko Aoyama : I'm sorry, but my club's\ntraining camp starts today. (0:04:59.73)
Motoko Aoyama : I'll go along with whatever you decide. (0:05:02.36)
Motoko Aoyama : Out of my way! (0:05:05.30)
EXTRA : Wait! (0:05:06.67)
Naru Narusegawa : Su-chan? (0:05:09.34)
Naru Narusegawa : Kitsune! (0:05:12.84)
Mitsune Konno : Please, lemme sleep some more... (0:05:15.14)
Mitsune Konno : I'm hung over from my\ncoming-of-age party... (0:05:18.15)
Naru Narusegawa : Can't you take this more seriously? (0:05:20.51)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't you care what happens?! (0:05:23.12)
EXTRA : Man cannot live on dreams alone. (0:05:31.19)
EXTRA : Dreams are themselves a reality. (0:05:33.53)
EXTRA : It's hard to remember where the\ndream ends and reality begins. (0:05:35.23)
Hinata Urashima : One more time.
Just one more time...
Haruka Urashima : I can never figure them out... (0:05:43.37)
EXTRA : Urashima Keitaro got the highest score in Japan on the practice exam again! (0:05:46.51)
EXTRA : How do you do it, Urashima? (0:05:51.48)
Keitaro Urashima : I don't do anything special, really. (0:05:54.25)
Keitaro Urashima : You wanna shake my hand? Okay. (0:05:56.52)
Keitaro Urashima : Sure! Not a problem! (0:05:59.75)
Naru Narusegawa : Uh... (0:06:03.59)
Masayuki Haitani : Huh? (0:06:04.79)
Masayuki Haitani : Nationally, you rank
27th from the bottom.
Masayuki Haitani : Should you be\nhitting on girls now? (0:06:10.20)
Kimiaki Shirai : Two months from now, we're\nprobably gonna be third-time losers. (0:06:12.00)
Keitaro Urashima : Three-time losers? (0:06:14.87)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't touch me!
What if your grades are contagious?!
Keitaro Urashima : I-I'm sorry. (0:06:21.41)
Naru Narusegawa : Ow... (0:06:24.85)
Keitaro Urashima : Pink... I mean "ow"... (0:06:37.32)
Masayuki Haitani : Hey, he's alive. (0:06:40.26)
Masayuki Haitani : What's with her? (0:06:41.56)
Kimiaki Shirai : You don't know her? (0:06:43.06)
Kimiaki Shirai : They say that somebody from our prep\nschool got the top score in Japan. (0:06:44.33)
Masayuki Haitani : It's her. (0:06:48.24)
Masayuki Haitani : WHAT?! (0:06:49.37)
Masayuki Haitani : Oh, well. That's got\nnothing to do with me. (0:06:50.77)
Masayuki Haitani : Come on, Keitaro. Face facts\nand give up on Tokyo U. (0:06:53.14)
Keitaro Urashima : But... (0:06:57.28)
Keitaro Urashima : Can you spot me some money? (0:06:59.65)
Keitaro Urashima : I forgot, I have to go\nto my grandma's place. (0:07:01.08)
Keitaro Urashima : Hey! (0:07:04.15)
Keitaro Urashima : Gimme some money! (0:07:05.45)
Keitaro Urashima : Next stop is Hinata Hot Springs,\nthe end of the line. (0:07:13.79)
Keitaro Urashima : I don't remember it being like this... (0:07:20.97)
EXTRA : Beware your dreams. (0:07:26.04)
Keitaro Urashima : Excuse me? (0:07:28.58)
Keitaro Urashima : Right! That girl's face! (0:07:40.99)
Keitaro Urashima : I just can't remember... (0:08:01.24)
Keitaro Urashima : What am I doing? (0:08:11.08)
Keitaro Urashima : I really oughta go straight to Grandma's\nand find out what she wants... (0:08:12.79)
Shinobu Maehara : That's a nice smile. (0:08:18.09)
Keitaro Urashima : Huh? No, this isn't... (0:08:19.93)
Shinobu Maehara : If you don't mind, could\nyou tell me your name? (0:08:21.80)
EXTRA : Interesting... (0:08:26.10)
EXTRA : Hey! Give that back! (0:08:30.90)
Shinobu Maehara : How could you... (0:08:37.48)
Shinobu Maehara : That's mean...! (0:08:39.65)
Keitaro Urashima : No, it's just that my hand\nhas a mind of its own! (0:08:41.08)
Keitaro Urashima : Bad hand!
Bad hand!
Keitaro Urashima : My sketchbook! (0:09:03.37)
Keitaro Urashima : No, I can't go back there now! (0:09:04.47)
Keitaro Urashima : I really need to get my\nimagination under control! (0:09:06.61)
Keitaro Urashima : I know this street! (0:09:11.41)
Keitaro Urashima : I came here all the time\nwhen I was a kid! (0:09:13.78)
Keitaro Urashima : Right at the top... (0:09:18.09)
Keitaro Urashima : ...there's the Hinata Lodge! (0:09:22.22)
Keitaro Urashima : Grandma! (0:09:26.83)
Keitaro Urashima : Grandma Hina? (0:09:28.86)
Keitaro Urashima : It's Keitaro! (0:09:31.30)
Keitaro Urashima : Great, I come all the way out here,\nand nobody's home... (0:09:34.63)
Keitaro Urashima : Damn it, I should be looking\nfor a job so I can move out... (0:09:37.77)
Keitaro Urashima : Right, there's an\nopen-air bath here! (0:09:44.71)
Keitaro Urashima : Awesome! (0:09:52.05)
Keitaro Urashima : Hey, if I asked Grandma\nto let me stay here, (0:09:54.79)
Keitaro Urashima : maybe I wouldn't have to get a job! (0:09:57.86)
Keitaro Urashima : I'll have to ask! (0:09:59.39)
Keitaro Urashima : So there are guests staying here... (0:10:04.20)
Naru Narusegawa : Hi! (0:10:19.48)
Naru Narusegawa : Nothing beats a bath in\nthe middle of the day! (0:10:29.05)
Keitaro Urashima : W-Who is that? (0:10:31.55)
Naru Narusegawa : You know, my breasts have\ngotten bigger lately! (0:10:34.52)
Naru Narusegawa : Kitsune? (0:10:40.56)
Keitaro Urashima : I can explain... (0:10:41.93)
Naru Narusegawa : Somebody! (0:10:45.77)
Keitaro Urashima : Stop pulling!
Stop pulling!
Naru Narusegawa : Get away from me! (0:10:50.81)
Keitaro Urashima : Then let go! (0:10:52.81)
Keitaro Urashima : Damn, this must be a women-only\nbath... I've gotta apologize, and fast! (0:10:58.28)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm so sorry! (0:11:03.29)
Mitsune Konno : Who are you, mister? (0:11:11.36)
Naru Narusegawa : That guy's a pervert, Kitsune! (0:11:13.80)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry!
You've got it all wrong!
Mitsune Konno : My underwear!
Pay up!
Mitsune Konno : Pay for those! (0:11:20.50)
Keitaro Urashima : Please don't come after me! (0:11:22.87)
Mitsune Konno : Hold it right there, panty thief! (0:11:36.92)
Kaolla Su : Target has made landfall\nat some hot spring! (0:11:57.64)
Kaolla Su : We will make this foyer our last line\nof defense and crush the enemy here! (0:12:00.08)
Keitaro Urashima : I wonder if this one's sane? (0:12:11.25)
Kaolla Su : Mega Pervert Monster, taste the wrath\nof the Hinata Self Defense Force! (0:12:15.96)
Naru Narusegawa : You won't get away with this! (0:12:39.82)
Naru Narusegawa : First you sneak into an all-girls dorm,\nand then you feel... my breasts... (0:12:41.85)
Keitaro Urashima : All-girls dorm? (0:12:46.05)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:12:49.73)
Mitsune Konno : And he's a panty thief. (0:12:50.76)
Kaolla Su : So, what're we gonna do with him? (0:12:53.16)
Naru Narusegawa : Crucify and torture him, cut out\nhis tongue, and send him to Hell! (0:12:55.50)
Keitaro Urashima : NO! (0:12:58.33)
Haruka Urashima : Oh, so you're finally here, Keitaro. (0:12:59.94)
Haruka Urashima : What happened to your clothes? (0:13:03.51)
Keitaro Urashima : H-Haruka! (0:13:05.24)
Keitaro Urashima : Haruka-obasan! (0:13:06.71)
Keitaro Urashima : Haruka-obasan! (0:13:09.61)
Haruka Urashima : Haruka-san. (0:13:11.95)
Keitaro Urashima : I guess I caught a\nlucky break, but still... (0:13:17.29)
Mitsune Konno : What?! You go to Tokyo U? (0:13:21.36)
Kaolla Su : What's a Tokyo U?
Some kind of food?
Haruka Urashima : So, what are you now?
A sophomore?
Keitaro Urashima : No, Obasan, i'm not... (0:13:29.03)
Haruka Urashima : Anyway, that's the story. (0:13:30.93)
Haruka Urashima : He's a serious guy who\nstudies his brains out, (0:13:32.67)
Haruka Urashima : so he'll probably\nmake a good manager. (0:13:35.47)
Keitaro Urashima : Manager? (0:13:37.81)
Naru Narusegawa : No way! A young man can't be\nthe manager of an all-girls dorm! (0:13:39.04)
Naru Narusegawa : It's totally unacceptable! (0:13:42.31)
Mitsune Konno : Hey, so what's your major? (0:13:44.15)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh... I thought I'd try for pre-law. (0:13:47.68)
Mitsune Konno : Did you hear?! Did you hear?!
Pre-law at Tokyo University!
Mitsune Konno : He can be a politician,\nor a bureaucrat, or a lawyer! (0:13:53.19)
Mitsune Konno : Whichever way he goes, (0:13:55.42)
Mitsune Konno : he can be totally corrupt and make loads of money! (0:13:57.33)
Naru Narusegawa : You can't be serious! (0:13:59.23)
Mitsune Konno : What's the big deal, Naru?
You're shooting for Tokyo U, too, right?
Mitsune Konno : You could have a tutor again! (0:14:04.37)
Kaolla Su : Come on, what's a Tokyo U? (0:14:06.74)
Haruka Urashima : Anyway, why not let him spend the\nnight here while you talk it over? (0:14:09.00)
Haruka Urashima : I have my hands full with the tea house, (0:14:13.61)
Haruka Urashima : so we need to get an apartment manager. (0:14:15.37)
Naru Narusegawa : Hey, haven't we met before? (0:14:17.91)
Keitaro Urashima : What am I gonna do? I can't let them\ngo on thinking I go to Tokyo University... (0:14:24.35)
Keitaro Urashima : But if I'm the apartment manager,\nthat means I'll have a place to live... (0:14:29.76)
Keitaro Urashima : Besides, Tokyo U students sure\nare popuiar with the ladies...! (0:14:34.63)
Naru Narusegawa : Manager-san, please eat this! (0:14:40.07)
Mitsune Konno : Eat mine, too! (0:14:41.90)
Kaolla Su : Mine, too! Mine, too! (0:14:43.74)
Naru Narusegawa : Or maybe... you'd like\nto try me instead? (0:14:45.37)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm glad I made it into Tokyo U! (0:14:48.58)
Mitsune Konno : Glad because of what? (0:14:51.58)
Keitaro Urashima : I-It's nothing.
W-What is it, Kitsune-san?
Mitsune Konno : Oh, you know my\nname already? (0:14:56.99)
Mitsune Konno : But that's just a nickname.
My real name is Konno Mitsune.
Mitsune Konno : Nice to meet you, Keitaro-kun, Tokyo University student. (0:15:03.06)
Keitaro Urashima : Look, about that... (0:15:06.29)
Mitsune Konno : We still haven't reached an\nagreement about you staying here. (0:15:07.56)
Mitsune Konno : Narusegawa Naru is\ndead set against it. (0:15:10.13)
Keitaro Urashima : That girl with the long hair? (0:15:13.97)
Mitsune Konno : So you prefer girls with\nlong hair, Keitaro-kun? (0:15:15.94)
Keitaro Urashima : W-What the...? (0:15:20.98)
Mitsune Konno : The truth is, I just can't\nhold it in any longer... (0:15:22.81)
Mitsune Konno : It started when you saw me naked. (0:15:26.72)
Keitaro Urashima : I know I'm not imagining this! (0:15:31.75)
Mitsune Konno : That's worth a month's rent. (0:15:33.89)
Mitsune Konno : What, weren't you listening? (0:15:36.19)
Mitsune Konno : You cop one feel, I get one month's rent free! (0:15:38.49)
Keitaro Urashima : What're you talking about?! (0:15:42.26)
Naru Narusegawa : What do you think\nyou're doing, you sleaze?! (0:15:44.07)
Mitsune Konno : H-He started grabbing my breasts, going, (0:15:47.74)
Mitsune Konno : "You like it here? How about here?" (0:15:50.05)
Keitaro Urashima : It's the other way around! (0:15:51.87)
Naru Narusegawa : Come on, Kitsune. (0:15:53.28)
Naru Narusegawa : Scum! Pervert! (0:15:57.45)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't let him get you alone. There's no telling what he might try. (0:16:03.22)
Mitsune Konno : Oh, if that wimp tries anything,\nwe can just chase him out. (0:16:06.96)
Mitsune Konno : Besides, we're lucky to know a Tokyo U student! (0:16:11.19)
Keitaro Urashima : Lying is wrong. (0:16:22.50)
EXTRA : Beware the world around you. (0:16:25.47)
Haruka Urashima : What're you doing? (0:16:28.58)
Haruka Urashima : It guess it was my mistake. (0:16:36.52)
Haruka Urashima : You're still studying\nto get in, huh? (0:16:39.09)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm thinking of telling\nthem the truth. (0:16:42.12)
Keitaro Urashima : It'd be like I was lying\nto get into the building. (0:16:45.86)
Haruka Urashima : But will anyone be better off? (0:16:48.90)
Haruka Urashima : You'll go home, and they'll make you stop\ntaking the Tokyo U entrance exam. (0:16:52.43)
Haruka Urashima : Without a manager, Hinata
Apartments will close its doors.
Haruka Urashima : Naru, Kitsune, and Su will have\nto give up living on their own. (0:17:00.21)
Haruka Urashima : Without that rent money, we can't\neven maintain the building. (0:17:03.58)
Haruka Urashima : Keitaro, out here in the real world,\nthere are good lies and bad lies. (0:17:07.68)
Haruka Urashima : Don't be stubborn like some kid. (0:17:13.36)
Haruka Urashima : If you get into Tokyo U this year,\nit won't be a lie anymore. (0:17:15.46)
Naru Narusegawa : Now I remember!
It's him!
Keitaro Urashima : It sure is lonely here... (0:17:35.71)
Naru Narusegawa : I'm the one who'll be lonely! (0:17:37.71)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry, but I have to go. (0:17:41.45)
Naru Narusegawa : No, I won't let you leave!
I don't care if you were lying!
Naru Narusegawa : Please! (0:17:47.39)
Naru Narusegawa : Urashima Keitaro! (0:17:48.79)
Keitaro Urashima : What are you doing here?! (0:17:51.53)
Naru Narusegawa : In the Sasaki Preparatory
School national practice exam,
Naru Narusegawa : you rank 27th from the bottom! (0:17:55.63)
Naru Narusegawa : You still don't recognize me? (0:17:59.27)
Naru Narusegawa : You were lying to us. (0:18:05.64)
Keitaro Urashima : I'm sorry! (0:18:06.87)
Keitaro Urashima : But I thought that something\nlike this could never happen, (0:18:07.71)
Keitaro Urashima : so I wanted to make\nit last a little longer! (0:18:11.45)
Naru Narusegawa : And you thought we'd forgive you\nif you cleaned the place? (0:18:13.15)
Keitaro Urashima : No! I just thought it was the\nleast I could do before I leave. (0:18:15.92)
Naru Narusegawa : Before you leave?
You're kidding...
Keitaro Urashima : My Haruka-obasan said that not all lies are bad. (0:18:22.29)
Keitaro Urashima : I almost agreed with her, but... (0:18:26.13)
Keitaro Urashima : But it wouldn't be right! (0:18:28.66)
Naru Narusegawa : Hey, wait a minute! (0:18:30.10)
Naru Narusegawa : What're we supposed to do\nif we don't have a manager? (0:18:32.27)
Keitaro Urashima : C-Could you... move? (0:18:45.01)
Naru Narusegawa : When you take off your glasses,\nyou're pretty cute. (0:18:47.42)
Naru Narusegawa : So, how does the real world compare? (0:18:51.09)
Keitaro Urashima : This isn't... I'm just\nfantasizing again. (0:18:53.39)
Keitaro Urashima : This can't be happening. (0:18:56.93)
Keitaro Urashima : But if it's just a fantasy,
I may as well...
Keitaro Urashima : ...touch her?! (0:19:03.03)
Naru Narusegawa : What do you think you're doing?! (0:19:04.67)
Kaolla Su : What's going on? (0:19:06.77)
Mitsune Konno : What the hell are you two doing? (0:19:08.14)
Naru Narusegawa : No, it's not what you think! (0:19:11.47)
Mitsune Konno : Wait, don't tell me you're going\nbehind our backs, Naru! (0:19:13.21)
Keitaro Urashima : If I stay, I'll just make trouble\nfor her and everyone else. (0:19:15.48)
Keitaro Urashima : The truth is... (0:19:20.01)
Naru Narusegawa : The truth is... (0:19:20.37)
Naru Narusegawa : ...I was asking him about Tokyo U! (0:19:22.78)
Naru Narusegawa : You can learn all sorts of useful stuff\nfrom somebody who actually goes there! (0:19:25.29)
Naru Narusegawa : I was so absorbed that I slipped and fell! (0:19:29.29)
Keitaro Urashima : Yeah, the truth is, l...
Keitaro Urashima : Lying is... (0:19:36.00)
Naru Narusegawa : Bad? (0:19:37.20)
Keitaro Urashima : The outdoor bath is girls-only, huh? (0:19:48.11)
Keitaro Urashima : Oh, well, I should just be thankful\nthey're letting me stay. (0:19:51.05)
Keitaro Urashima : Come to think of it, that was\nthe first time in my life... (0:19:53.92)
Keitaro Urashima : ...a girl's ever helped me out. (0:19:57.09)
Keitaro Urashima : I just wish she wasn't so violent. (0:19:59.59)
Keitaro Urashima : I wish she were more... vulnerable.
Somebody who needed to be protected.
Naru Narusegawa : Is that any way to talk about\nsomebody who saved your hide? (0:20:06.19)
Keitaro Urashima : Sorry, I didn't know you were there! (0:20:09.93)
Naru Narusegawa : You pervert! (0:20:13.77)
Keitaro Urashima : How the heck did that\npunch connect?! (0:20:17.24)
EXTRA : You think something's there,\nbut it isn't. (0:20:25.01)
EXTRA : You think something's not there,\nand it still isn't. (0:20:27.28)
EXTRA : How true, how true... (0:20:30.62)

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Whenever I'm sad, I get me some Kent! - Anonymous


This is beyond mere coincidence! It's destiny! - Cocoa Hoto

I'm Cocoa! Nice to meet you, Chino-chan! - Cocoa Hoto

So anyway, according to school policy, - Cocoa Hoto

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