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EXTRA : (0:00:00.00)
Ying Zheng : We've finally made it. (0:00:05.88)
Ying Zheng : It took quite a while. (0:00:08.31)
Ten Karyou : So... that's...? (0:00:10.70)
Ying Zheng : Yes. (0:00:13.35)
Ying Zheng : That is the capital of the State of Qin. Xianyang. (0:00:15.03)
EXTRA : Ancient China. (0:00:25.12)
EXTRA : After learning that the era of saints had ended, (0:00:27.01)
EXTRA : human desire was unleashed. (0:00:29.03)
EXTRA : And a storm of violent wars erupted for 500 years... (0:00:32.06)
EXTRA : until over one hundred states were reduced to merely seven. (0:00:34.97)
EXTRA : And now, a wind of great history gusts from the State of Qin in the far West. (0:00:38.23)
EXTRA : This is the tumultuous tale of a nameless boy and a young king who brought the warring era to its end! (0:00:44.27)
EXTRA : Invading the Royal Capital (0:02:22.20)
Shin : Wh-What is that? (0:02:27.62)
Shin : It's way too gigantic! I haven't got a clue what anything is! (0:02:31.10)
Ten Karyou : Don't piss yourself, moron! (0:02:35.07)
Shin : How- How the hell do you make something like that? And what for?! (0:02:36.76)
Ten Karyou : Calm down! (0:02:40.90)
You Tanwa : Just as I'd expect. (0:02:42.64)
Shin : Hey, Zheng, are we gonna go attack that thing? (0:02:44.16)
Ying Zheng : Yes. (0:02:47.37)
Shin : How the hell do you attack something that huge?! (0:02:48.29)
Shin : I can't even see the other side! (0:02:51.19)
Ying Zheng : Don't get flustered. (0:02:53.41)
Ying Zheng : Can you see the especially large building in the center? (0:02:56.02)
Shin : Huh? Yeah, I see it. (0:02:59.91)
Ying Zheng : That's the royal palace. (0:03:02.07)
Ying Zheng : This rebellion has not been publicly announced outside of the royal palace. (0:03:04.28)
Ying Zheng : Which means the outside has not yet joined my little brother's ranks. (0:03:09.01)
Ten Karyou : Huh?! So you mean we've just gotta beat the people in the royal palace?! (0:03:12.29)
Ying Zheng : That's right. (0:03:16.57)
Shin : Hold on a second! (0:03:17.26)
Shin : The royal palace is smack in the center of Xianyang! (0:03:18.69)
Ying Zheng : Of course. (0:03:21.82)
Ying Zheng : Xianyang was built with the royal palace in the center, surrounded by many castle walls, (0:03:23.62)
Ying Zheng : and the dwellings of noble families, warrior families, and commoners. (0:03:27.38)
Ying Zheng : In other words, Xianyang itself is one giant castle. (0:03:31.20)
Shin : Of course...? (0:03:34.75)
Shin : How the hell are we gonna get through all that to get to the palace?! (0:03:36.92)
Changwenjun : Like we said, we've worked out a plan. (0:03:40.80)
Shin : Even if you've got a plan, besides those friggin' tall castle walls, (0:03:44.33)
Shin : they've got an army waiting for us inside! (0:03:47.96)
Changwenjun : That's our objective. (0:03:50.94)
Shi Ketsu : 80,000, is it? (0:03:58.44)
Shi Ketsu : That is not nearly enough, Shi Shi. (0:04:05.11)
Shi Shi : My humblest apologies. But seeing as we have yet to find the sovereign's seal, (0:04:08.16)
Shi Shi : this was the largest number of soldiers we could muster. (0:04:11.87)
Shi Ketsu : You can gather soldiers without the sovereign's seal, can't you?! (0:04:14.29)
Shi Ketsu : Use bribery, threats, whatever it takes! (0:04:18.35)
Shi Ketsu : Go spank the behinds of the influential men that are silently observing this revolt! (0:04:20.64)
Shi Ketsu : This is not a defensive battle. (0:04:25.06)
Shi Ketsu : We have only one goal; (0:04:27.10)
Shi Ketsu : to wipe out the Lü Army of 200,000 men! (0:04:29.26)
Shi Ketsu : For that, we require many, many more soldiers! (0:04:31.44)
Shi Ketsu : Retrieve another 100,000 soldiers at once! (0:04:35.19)
Shi Ketsu : Do not disappoint me, Shi Shi. (0:04:39.48)
Shi Shi : Yes, my lord. (0:04:42.66)
Shin : 80,000 is a little? (0:04:49.33)
Changwenjun : By our original calculations, we expected no less than 400,000 soldiers. (0:04:51.84)
Changwenjun : But when they called out for soldiers, they only gathered 80,000. (0:04:57.04)
Changwenjun : You can be sure that Jie Shi is very nervous. (0:04:59.62)
Changwenjun : And then, a large band of people seeking to be his allies will come from a place he didn't expect. (0:05:02.87)
Shin : Us? (0:05:07.78)
Ying Zheng : Yes. We'll make him think we're allies. And if he invites us into the royal palace... (0:05:08.96)
Ying Zheng : We will have overcome the castle walls unscathed. (0:05:14.93)
Ying Zheng : Now, let's go! (0:05:20.17)
EXTRA : Those are...! (0:05:29.04)
Ying Zheng : Finally. (0:05:39.02)
Ying Zheng : Yang Duan He, you have my deep gratitude for fighting with us. (0:05:41.16)
You Tanwa : Words of gratitude are something to be said after victory. (0:05:46.08)
Ying Zheng : After our victory, it won't be with words. It will be by giving a castle and a friendly welcome to you Mountain People. (0:05:50.14)
You Tanwa : I'll be looking forward to it. (0:05:55.16)
Shi Ketsu : A crowd of Mountain People have appeared at the West Gate?! (0:05:56.95)
EXTRA : Yes, my lord! (0:06:00.54)
Shi Ketsu : Their number? (0:06:01.23)
EXTRA : 2,000 to 3,000. (0:06:02.15)
EXTRA : They came on horseback wearing odd outfits and carrying weapons. (0:06:03.71)
EXTRA : Though they do not seem to be here to do battle. (0:06:07.46)
Shi Ketsu : Was there no messenger? (0:06:10.98)
EXTRA : There was. He informed us that the Mountain King has descended the mountains in order to reform an alliance. (0:06:13.82)
EXTRA : He then returned to the crowd. (0:06:17.71)
Shi Ketsu : The Mountain King... seeks an alliance...?! (0:06:20.70)
Shin : I'll bet an army of 80,000 are suddenly gonna come prancing out. (0:06:23.94)
Ten Karyou : Why do you always say stuff like that? (0:06:27.57)
Ying Zheng : It's all right. They're sure to take the bait. (0:06:33.21)
Shin : That'd be nice... (0:06:36.71)
EXTRA : With the deciding battle with Lü Shi approaching, (0:06:38.89)
EXTRA : we should be grateful to gain any allies! (0:06:41.79)
EXTRA : It may be only 3,000, (0:06:44.35)
EXTRA : but if the blood of those Majiu Soldiers is flowing through their veins, (0:06:45.75)
EXTRA : they'll be a force to be reckoned with! (0:06:47.84)
EXTRA : Wait! (0:06:49.29)
EXTRA : After having cut all ties with us for all these years, why would they suddenly revive the alliance?! (0:06:50.24)
EXTRA : It's obvious that they're scheming something! (0:06:54.43)
EXTRA : But they're already at the castle gate! What do we do?! (0:06:56.77)
EXTRA : There's no way we can ally with those mountain monkeys! (0:07:01.37)
EXTRA : Just send out 30,000 men to kill them all! (0:07:03.50)
EXTRA : That will be a good training exercise before the battle with the Lü army. (0:07:06.20)
Shin : They sure are taking a while! (0:07:16.60)
Ying Zheng : They're opening it. (0:07:21.91)
EXTRA : Greetings. Please come in. (0:07:46.98)
EXTRA : The State of Qin welcomes you. (0:07:48.84)
Kyou Sei : You're inviting monkeys into the royal palace?! (0:07:59.08)
Kyou Sei : What is this nonsense you've decided on without consulting me?! (0:08:01.88)
Shi Ketsu : It is to form an alliance. (0:08:06.08)
Shi Ketsu : You did entrust all governing to me, so I went by my own judgement. (0:08:08.96)
Shi Ketsu : If you are displeased with my decision, I beg your forgiveness... (0:08:13.83)
Shi Ketsu : But would the sight of the Lü Army fighting the Mountain People not be amusing? (0:08:18.59)
Kyou Sei : Using monkeys to fight a fox... is that right? (0:08:27.64)
Shi Ketsu : That is right. (0:08:31.35)
Kyou Sei : But I won't be speaking with any monkeys! (0:08:33.16)
Shi Ketsu : Sitting on the throne as the king of the State of Qin is sufficient. (0:08:35.32)
Shi Ketsu : Leave everything to me, your chancellor... (0:08:39.38)
Shin : Easy-peasy! (0:08:44.31)
Heki : Things are going well so far. (0:08:47.69)
Heki : But... (0:08:49.76)
Heki : the idea that we would have needed to break down all of these castle walls gives me the chills. (0:08:51.65)
Shin : You thought so, too, Brother Bi? (0:08:57.41)
Heki : Of course. (0:09:00.46)
Heki : Ordinarily, you need two to three times the enemy's number of men in order to attack a castle. (0:09:01.77)
Heki : We're trying to do that with 3,000. (0:09:06.27)
Heki : This is truly a plan among plans. (0:09:08.94)
Shin : Really? I'm kinda fired up now! (0:09:11.66)
Heki : It's good to be enthusiastic, but don't let your guard down! (0:09:15.59)
Heki : Though we may be outside of the royal palace, we're still on enemy ground. (0:09:18.03)
Shin : I know. (0:09:20.98)
Ten Karyou : Look, Xin! It's the city! (0:09:22.36)
Heki : Something's odd. (0:09:36.39)
Shin : What is it, Brother Bi? (0:09:38.13)
Heki : It feels different from how Xianyang is normally. There's an odd tension in the air... (0:09:40.84)
Shin : Do you think they found us out? (0:09:45.51)
Changwenjun : It's unlikely. (0:09:47.78)
Changwenjun : Take a good look at the people. (0:09:49.30)
Shin : There are a lotta guys dressed in all black. (0:09:56.32)
Heki : Those are police officers. (0:09:58.59)
Shin : What're plicofficers? (0:10:00.26)
Heki : People who apprehend criminals. (0:10:02.54)
Heki : I see... Those who support the younger brother... (0:10:05.39)
Heki : They're silencing the people. (0:10:08.58)
Changwenjun : Chengjiao's claim to the throne is legitimate only if it's due to the king's sudden death. (0:10:11.66)
Changwenjun : It cannot be due to stealing it through a rebellion. (0:10:16.10)
Changwenjun : So they must firmly prevent any disparaging rumors from leaking from the royal palace. (0:10:19.42)
Changwenjun : According to reports, the ones who have spoken about the current events happening inside the palace (0:10:24.26)
Changwenjun : have been immediately arrested by the police officers and barred from ever returning to their homes. (0:10:27.70)
Shin : That's terrible... (0:10:32.08)
Ying Zheng : That's just the beginning. (0:10:33.67)
Ying Zheng : Chengjiao and Jie Shi will do anything to achieve their goals. (0:10:36.55)
Ying Zheng : This is certainly nothing more than a small fraction of the tyranny those two are carrying out. (0:10:40.51)
EXTRA : They're a bunch of monkeys. (0:10:47.13)
EXTRA : Stop it. We've been ordered not to excite them. (0:10:50.07)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:10:53.09)
EXTRA : You're in the way! (0:10:55.50)
EXTRA : Hey! Do you think you're gonna get away with doing that to... (0:10:58.08)
EXTRA : It-It's the top-class military officers, Lord Zuoci and Lord Weixing! (0:11:03.51)
EXTRA : If they're following that man, that means... (0:11:06.93)
EXTRA : That man is Chancellor Jie's right-hand man, Shi Shi! (0:11:10.52)
Zuoci : You should get lost. (0:11:17.03)
EXTRA : Y-Yes, sir! Excuse us! (0:11:18.83)
Weixing : But to have to invite them inside the royal palace in order to gain 3,000 soldiers... (0:11:22.48)
Weixing : Don't you think the chancellor is being hasty? (0:11:26.63)
Shi Shi : It is not 3,000. (0:11:29.80)
Shi Shi : That is the Mountain World King, Yang Duan He. (0:11:31.74)
Shi Shi : If we form an alliance with him, we'll be able to make allies of hundreds of thousands of Mountain People. (0:11:34.89)
Weixing : I see. (0:11:39.59)
Weixing : So the chancellor made his decision, seeing through to that end. (0:11:40.82)
Shi Shi : But even so, one thing bothers me... (0:11:43.96)
Shi Shi : Why now? (0:11:47.60)
Shi Shi : After having no ties for hundreds of years, why would they suddenly... (0:11:49.71)
Zuoci : I got my hand dirty... (0:11:55.98)
Shin : Here? (0:12:15.31)
Ying Zheng : It's the royal palace. (0:12:17.24)
Shin : It looks even bigger than it did from up on the cliff... (0:12:21.06)
Shin : Guess you've gotta expect that, though. (0:12:24.00)
Shin : What's up? (0:12:27.59)
Shin : Lose your nerve, Zheng? (0:12:28.58)
Ying Zheng : Everything started here... (0:12:30.90)
Ying Zheng : Inside the royal palace, Piao always used to talk about you. (0:12:34.22)
Ying Zheng : His eyes would light up as if showing us a treasure of his. (0:12:40.29)
Ying Zheng : The stories about the two of you training together. (0:12:45.18)
Ying Zheng : Like when you used an ox in place of a horse for training. (0:12:47.78)
Ying Zheng : Or about the dream the two of you had of becoming great generals... (0:12:50.19)
Shin : Generals? (0:12:55.65)
Hyou : Yeah! We'll wear golden armor and travel the world! (0:12:57.27)
Hyou : And finally, we'll become the greatest generals under the heavens! (0:13:01.68)
Shin : Great generals?! (0:13:05.73)
Shin : And our names will go down in history?! (0:13:07.97)
Ying Zheng : If it weren't for Chengjiao's rebellion, (0:13:12.51)
Ying Zheng : I would never have met you or Piao, but... (0:13:14.57)
Ying Zheng : I suppose Piao would not have died, either... (0:13:19.02)
Ying Zheng : And the ringleaders who sparked the flame of that rebellion are inside here right now. (0:13:23.50)
Ying Zheng : It's time to end this, Xin! (0:13:29.43)
Shin : Right! (0:13:32.35)
Ying Zheng : Even if we're wrong, don't die. (0:13:35.11)
Shin : Me, die? (0:13:37.44)
Shin : This is my first step towards being the greatest general under the heavens! (0:13:42.25)
Shin : Like hell I'm gonna drop dead in a place like this! (0:13:45.00)
EXTRA : Even if you're not welcoming them in person, are you sure this is wise, Chancellor? (0:13:53.81)
EXTRA : Allowing those wild beasts in here... (0:13:57.60)
Shi Ketsu : You fool! (0:13:59.58)
Shi Ketsu : Jiang, you know nothing... (0:14:01.31)
Shi Ketsu : This is Yang Duan He we're meeting with. (0:14:03.84)
Shi Ketsu : Though just a little, I have been personally trading with a portion of the Mountain People. (0:14:08.25)
Shi Ketsu : They have many tribes. (0:14:13.16)
Shi Ketsu : Though of course, I did not know they would be descending the mountains at this time... (0:14:16.35)
Shi Ketsu : But I have heard of the Mountain King, Yang Duan He. (0:14:20.55)
Shi Ketsu : He has a strong interest in the flatlands, (0:14:24.50)
Shi Ketsu : and has been seeking a chance to descend the mountains, it seems. (0:14:26.47)
Shi Ketsu : With Yang Duan He as king, the Mountain People have become more powerful than they ever have. (0:14:30.11)
Shi Ketsu : And right now, we need that power... (0:14:35.72)
Bajiou : It seems they will only let the king and 50 envoys with her past this point. (0:14:39.78)
Shin : 50?! (0:14:43.42)
Shin : How the hell are we gonna fight 80,000 people with just 50?! (0:14:44.65)
Ying Zheng : Calm down. (0:14:48.10)
Ying Zheng : The army of 80,000 made up of militia men will not be inside the royal palace. (0:14:49.19)
Ying Zheng : The army is stationed far to the east of here. (0:14:53.68)
Shin : What? Why didn't ya say so? (0:14:56.78)
Ying Zheng : But if they notice any abnormalities inside the royal palace, they'll immediately send them to march on us. (0:14:59.57)
Ying Zheng : We must defeat Chengjiao and Jie Shi before that happens. (0:15:03.51)
Ying Zheng : Changwenjun! Bring forward the ten people who have knowledge of the inside of the royal palace. (0:15:07.18)
Changwenjun : Yes, my king. (0:15:11.69)
Heki : If a battle does start, should the people on the outside try to break down the gate? (0:15:12.44)
Ying Zheng : In that case, the external enemy army will gather here. (0:15:16.98)
Ying Zheng : Unless we settle this inside the royal palace, we have no chance of victory. (0:15:20.11)
Ying Zheng : So all those outside the gate will watch over all of the exits (0:15:25.03)
Ying Zheng : and capture anyone who goes outside. (0:15:28.20)
Ying Zheng : I'll request that the other 40 to enter be Mountain People. (0:15:30.28)
Bajiou : Understood. (0:15:33.33)
Shin : Hey! I'm going, too! (0:15:35.30)
Ying Zheng : Of course. (0:15:37.32)
Shin : Why the hell are you tagging along?! (0:15:55.41)
Shin : Get the hell back there! (0:15:58.46)
Ten Karyou : It's too late now. (0:15:59.87)
Shin : Do you have any idea what's about to happen?! (0:16:01.41)
Ten Karyou : Yeah, I do! (0:16:04.80)
Ten Karyou : If we lose in there, even if we're outside, we're all gonna get killed. (0:16:06.39)
Ten Karyou : And on top of that, I don't fit in with those guys outside. (0:16:11.81)
Ten Karyou : Even though they saw the clothes I'm wearing, they didn't react at all. (0:16:16.60)
Ten Karyou : So it looks like I can't call those guys my comrades. (0:16:20.51)
Ten Karyou : So I'm... (0:16:24.26)
Ten Karyou : I'm sticking with you guys to rack up some achievements and get rich! (0:16:27.37)
Shin : Sheesh... (0:16:31.71)
Shin : You might die, ya know. (0:16:33.16)
Ten Karyou : Lord He Liao Diao of Heibei Village cannot be killed so easily! (0:16:34.95)
EXTRA : At Zhugui Gate, we'll confiscate their weapons and let only the Mountain King and one attendant through. (0:16:43.74)
EXTRA : The king is personally agreeing to it, so I don't think they have any underhanded schemes planned, (0:16:50.04)
EXTRA : but if there is any such thing, it will happen there. (0:16:54.48)
EXTRA : So there are no mistakes in any such unlikely case, (0:16:57.81)
EXTRA : we have stationed many guards there. (0:17:00.90)
Shin : They're confiscating our weapons?! (0:17:06.58)
Bajiou : Yes. (0:17:09.41)
Shin : Then we can't fight, can we?! (0:17:10.49)
Ying Zheng : Exactly. (0:17:13.11)
Ying Zheng : That is why... the battle will start there! (0:17:15.94)
Shi Ketsu : Look. The Mountain People have appeared. (0:17:27.06)
Shin : Looks like this is gonna be one flashy start to a battle. (0:17:38.82)
Ten Karyou : D-Do you think it's gonna start already? (0:17:44.77)
Shin : Yeah! (0:17:47.62)
Ten Karyou : This isn't good! They've got twice as many people as we do! (0:17:48.92)
Shin : Doesn't matter! (0:17:53.25)
Ten Karyou : Hold on a second, Xin! (0:17:57.43)
Ten Karyou : It's... hard to breathe... (0:18:00.52)
Ten Karyou : I can barely walk.. (0:18:03.05)
Shin : Diao! No matter what, don't drift away from me! Got that?! (0:18:05.77)
Ten Karyou : G-Got it! (0:18:09.72)
Ten Karyou : I-I definitely won't leave you! (0:18:11.96)
EXTRA : Mountain People! Surrender your weapons here! (0:18:13.98)
EXTRA : Everyone, lay down your arms! (0:18:17.83)
EXTRA : Hey! What?! (0:18:21.41)
EXTRA : They're acting strangely! (0:18:24.03)
Bajiou : No. (0:18:25.82)
Bajiou : The one most suited to make the first strike in this battle is... (0:18:27.66)
EXTRA : What is going on with you guys?! (0:18:30.87)
Bajiou : him! (0:18:32.35)
EXTRA : C-Chancellor...! (0:18:48.55)
EXTRA : What is going on...?! (0:18:49.99)
EXTRA : Chancellor? (0:18:52.02)
Shi Ketsu : What are you monkeys doing?! (0:18:55.46)
Shi Ketsu : Kill! Kill them! (0:18:57.89)
Shi Ketsu : Kill them all! (0:19:00.07)
You Tanwa : A bloodbath! (0:19:02.25)
Ten Karyou : Xin! (0:19:13.65)
Shin : Let's go, Diao! (0:19:24.25)
Ten Karyou : R-Right! (0:19:26.23)
EXTRA : Chancellor, you should take shelter inside for now! (0:19:28.00)
Shi Ketsu : Do not panic. (0:19:30.85)
Shi Ketsu : That Yang Duan He... how dare he deceive me! (0:19:32.47)
Shi Ketsu : But you've underestimated the Zhugui Gate, you mountain monkeys! (0:19:37.06)
Shin : What's going on, Brother Bi?! (0:19:48.38)
Heki : The Zhugui Gate is built very sturdily, so unless you throw many heavy stones at it, it won't break down! (0:19:50.64)
Heki : That's why they chose this place! (0:19:56.24)
EXTRA : Are these guys monsters?! (0:20:05.98)
Heki : Don't recklessly climb the walls! (0:20:07.48)
Heki : They'll target you! (0:20:09.48)
Shin : But...! (0:20:11.18)
Shin : If we can't destroy the gate, (0:20:12.38)
Shin : the only thing we can do is climb over the walls and open it from the other side, right?! (0:20:13.69)
Heki : Exactly! (0:20:17.37)
Heki : But those walls are so tall that you'll never get up them in one bound! (0:20:18.78)
Shin : Then what do we do?! (0:20:23.25)
Heki : Well... (0:20:25.34)
Changwenjun : Form a base close to the wall! Form a human ladder and cross over it! (0:20:26.52)
Heki : Lord! At this rate, we're just going to lose more men! (0:20:33.66)
Changwenjun : I know. (0:20:36.69)
Changwenjun : But we have no other choice! (0:20:38.87)
Changwenjun : Don't falter! (0:20:40.67)
Changwenjun : Unless we cross over that wall, we'll never have victory! (0:20:41.89)
Shi Ketsu : Jiang, choosing Zhugui Gate as the checking station (0:20:47.77)
Shi Ketsu : and increasing the number of soldiers seems to have been a wise decision. (0:20:51.35)
EXTRA : Yes, sir. (0:20:54.35)
Shi Ketsu : Gather guards behind them. (0:20:56.15)
Shi Ketsu : We'll kill them all in front of the gate! (0:20:59.42)
Ten Karyou : It's no good! We failed, Xin! (0:21:04.73)
Ten Karyou : If we can't get through the gate, (0:21:06.93)
Ten Karyou : there's no point in fighting in a place like this! (0:21:08.48)
Shin : I've gotta do it... (0:21:18.79)
Shin : I've got to! (0:21:20.87)
EXTRA : Another one's going for it! (0:21:23.79)
Heki : That's reckless! Come back, Xin! (0:21:27.50)
Heki : That's a wall the Mountain People couldn't reach the top of! (0:21:31.89)
Ten Karyou : Xin! (0:21:45.60)
Shin : That hurt, dammit! (0:21:52.84)
Heki : He-He made it! (0:22:13.77)
EXTRA : Outta the way! Leave him to me! (0:22:18.21)
Heki : Oh no! Cover Xin! (0:22:20.53)
EXTRA : Die! (0:22:25.61)
Shin : Uh-oh! (0:22:28.35)
Ten Karyou : I hit him. (0:22:32.89)
Shi Ketsu : Wh... (0:22:35.18)
Shi Ketsu : Whaaaat?! (0:22:46.24)
Shin : Did ya see that? (0:22:50.76)
Shin : There's a huge old man up here. (0:22:53.20)
Shi Ketsu : Kill that little monkey! (0:22:55.78)
Shin : Ooh, here they come. (0:22:58.87)
Shin : Took 'em long enough. (0:23:01.26)
Shin : Sorry. (0:23:03.77)
Shin : This is also my battle to avenge Piao, so I'm not gonna go easy on you. (0:23:05.20)
EXTRA : Preview (0:24:45.21)
Heki : We'll enter the inner sanctuary and kill Chengjiao! (0:24:45.79)
EXTRA : Everyone's lives and resolves clash! (0:24:49.15)
EXTRA : Don't stop, Xin! (0:24:52.13)
EXTRA : The Fierce Fighting Begins (0:24:53.72)
EXTRA : Next time, (0:24:54.03)
EXTRA : The Fierce Fighting Begins (0:24:55.26)
EXTRA : End (0:24:55.38)

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