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Cecile Dorm Tutor : Good morning, Master Henderson. (0:00:46.94)
Henry Henderson : Good morning, sir. (0:00:49.90)
Henry Henderson : Would you like some tea, as well? (0:00:52.27)
Cecile Dorm Tutor : Yes, I'd love some. (0:00:54.78)
Cecile Dorm Tutor : It's been a while since you were in
charge of the grade school kids.
Cecile Dorm Tutor : How are the kids this year? (0:01:05.08)
Henry Henderson : I must say, they show promise. (0:01:07.37)
Cecile Dorm Tutor : I heard you had to give one of them
a Tonitrus Bolt on their first day.
Henry Henderson : True, it was a rather rare occurrence
for our prestigious Eden College.
Cecile Dorm Tutor : It's the first time I've heard
of it happening, too.
Henry Henderson : I only did what was necessary. (0:01:25.77)
Henry Henderson : Good deeds shall be praised, (0:01:29.61)
Henry Henderson : and misconduct will be met with punishment. (0:01:31.61)
Henry Henderson : That is essential to education. (0:01:34.94)
Cecile Dorm Tutor : I have much to learn from you, sir. (0:01:37.91)
Henry Henderson : As the elementary students pass
through the gates of Eden College
Henry Henderson : to learn true elegance every day,
our school's traditions shall live on.
Henry Henderson : Our house of learning exists to ensure
the future of our country is elegant.
Ewen Egeberg : Lord Damian! (0:02:17.44)
Ewen Egeberg : Isn't this your older brother, Lord Damian? (0:02:19.95)
Damian Desmond : Yes... (0:02:24.74)
Ewen Egeberg : This must be his entrance ceremony! (0:02:25.74)
Ewen Egeberg : He's probably elsewhere in this book, too! (0:02:28.41)
Emile Elman : Oh, there he is! (0:02:31.21)
Ewen Egeberg : Ooh! (0:02:32.63)
Emile Elman : There he is again! (0:02:33.87)
Ewen Egeberg : And here! He's truly an MVP! (0:02:35.84)
Emile Elman : Your brother is just raking in
the Stellas! How magnificent!
Ewen Egeberg : But I'm sure you'll become an Imperial
Scholar even faster, Lord Damian!
Ewen Egeberg : We all know you'll be the first
to get a Stella in our grade!
Damian Desmond : W-Well, yes. (0:02:54.23)
Emile Elman : But we still have a while until our exams. (0:02:55.87)
Emile Elman : Your first opportunity will be... (0:02:59.61)
Emile Elman : Our P.E. class next week. (0:03:02.41)
Emile Elman : We'll be having a dodgeball tournament
with the other classes!
Ewen Egeberg : My friend told me something he
heard from his friend in Class 7.
Ewen Egeberg : He said if you become MVP,
you can get a Stella!
Damian Desmond : Really? (0:03:16.13)
Emile Elman : This is your chance, Lord Damian! (0:03:17.25)
Damian Desmond : MVP, eh? (0:03:19.59)
Henry Henderson : It is a clear, sunny day. (0:03:45.82)
Henry Henderson : Young ladies and gentlemen of Eden, (0:03:47.66)
Henry Henderson : you will be adding another page
to Eden's history today...
Henry Henderson : Elegantly and brilliantly. (0:03:55.54)
Damian Desmond : Shut up! You picked a fight with me first! (0:04:01.47)
Anya Forger : Anya didn't do anything wrong! (0:04:05.22)
Becky Blackbell : Exactly! First off, you— (0:04:06.55)
Damian Desmond : Shut up, uggo! (0:04:08.18)
Becky Blackbell : Excuse me?! (0:04:09.47)
Anya Forger : Shithead. (0:04:10.27)
Damian Desmond : Shut it, Stubby Legs! (0:04:10.93)
Becky Blackbell : You're not supposed to talk to girls like that! (0:04:12.68)
Henry Henderson : Ele...gant. (0:04:16.65)
Anya Forger : I have returned! (0:05:50.74)
Yor Forger : Welcome home, Miss Anya. (0:05:52.45)
Anya Forger : Papa, I have acquired important news! (0:05:54.45)
Loid Forger : What? (0:05:57.12)
Loid Forger : You may be able to get a Stella
at your next P.E. class?
Anya Forger : That's what Becky said. (0:06:01.63)
Becky Blackbell : My friend told me something she
heard from her friend in Class 7.
Becky Blackbell : The MVP from the winning
class in next week's tournament
Becky Blackbell : will receive a Stella! (0:06:12.10)
Loid Forger : So it's a rumor? That seems dubious. (0:06:14.93)
Yor Forger : Then we need to train, Miss Anya! (0:06:18.77)
Anya Forger : Training! (0:06:21.40)
Yor Forger : So what sport will you be playing? (0:06:22.36)
Anya Forger : Dodgeball. (0:06:25.36)
Yor Forger : Dodgeball... (0:06:26.57)
Yor Forger : That's the game where you hit your opponent
with a ball to do them in, right?
Loid Forger : "Do them in"? (0:06:33.03)
Anya Forger : Mama! Teach me a killer move! (0:06:34.20)
Yor Forger : Very well! I shall teach you the
ultimate killer move with a ball.
Loid Forger : Are you also athletic, Yor? (0:06:43.54)
Yor Forger : Oh, not exactly. (0:06:45.84)
Yor Forger : I just used to play catch
with my brother sometimes.
Yor Forger : I can't tell them I rip people apart
and toss them around on a daily basis!
Yor Forger : Just leave this to me, Miss Anya! (0:06:53.80)
Yor Forger : I'll show you a killer move that
will help you catch that star!
Anya Forger : I will reach for the stars in dodgeball! (0:07:00.14)
Anya Forger : Anya will catch the star! (0:07:02.98)
Yor Forger : That's the spirit! (0:07:05.36)
Loid Forger : I'm glad she's so motivated... but... (0:07:05.65)
Anya Forger : Super Anya will catch the star! (0:07:06.94)
Yor Forger : Yes! (0:07:09.07)
Yor Forger : We'll start with strength training. (0:07:12.45)
Yor Forger : One... (0:07:14.33)
Yor Forger : Two... (0:07:17.16)
Yor Forger : Three... (0:07:21.58)
Yor Forger : Four... (0:07:26.88)
Yor Forger : Five. (0:07:33.26)
Yor Forger : Six. (0:07:37.77)
Yor Forger : Stamina is crucial, too. (0:07:44.61)
Yor Forger : Miss Anya! (0:07:52.32)
Yor Forger : Now, listen carefully. (0:07:55.16)
Yor Forger : You're not just using your
arms when you throw the ball.
Yor Forger : You need to make sure you
step out with your foot,
Yor Forger : twist your hips as you shift your weight, (0:08:02.41)
Yor Forger : channel all of your strength
into your shoulder, and... throw!
Yor Forger : Okay! Now you give it a try! (0:08:16.80)
Yor Forger : Oh, Loid. (0:08:20.68)
Loid Forger : This is training? (0:08:27.56)
Loid Forger : I don't really understand how,
but I did decide to let Yor handle this.
Yor Forger : Miss Anya, please wake up. (0:08:36.78)
Yor Forger : Hey! (0:08:40.99)
Anya Forger : Hey! (0:08:41.94)
Yor Forger : Hah! (0:08:42.91)
Anya Forger : Hah! (0:08:43.83)
Yor Forger : Hup! (0:08:45.04)
Anya Forger : Hup! (0:08:45.75)
Yor Forger : Slap! (0:08:46.88)
Anya Forger : Slap! (0:08:47.71)
Yor Forger : Fwap! (0:08:48.59)
Anya Forger : Fwap! (0:08:49.50)
Yor Forger : Chwass! (0:08:50.42)
Anya Forger : Chwass! (0:08:51.51)
Anya Forger : I'm gonna catch that star tomorrow! (0:09:08.19)
Anya Forger : I did my best. I survived
Mama's ruthless training.
Anya Forger : I even thought up a name for my killer shot. (0:09:23.08)
Anya Forger : I'm gonna seize that star! (0:09:26.92)
Anya Forger : I'm gonna get lots of stars... (0:09:36.09)
Anya Forger : so I can help Papa with his mission! (0:09:40.43)
Emile Elman : At least it's clear that you're motivated. (0:09:43.47)
Ewen Egeberg : Just make sure you don't hold
Lord Damian back, Stubby Legs.
Anya Forger : Second son... and his lackeys. (0:09:49.48)
Becky Blackbell : Why are we playing together with the boys? (0:09:51.61)
Becky Blackbell : Being on the same team
with him is the worst.
Anya Forger : Second son... The son of Papa's
target for this mission.
Anya Forger : Good things happen if
I become friends with him.
Damian Desmond : Wh-What are you staring at?! (0:10:04.54)
Anya Forger : But he gets really mean,
so I don't like him.
Damian Desmond : Well, I don't have any time to
waste on a runt like you, either.
Anya Forger : A runt? (0:10:15.88)
Damian Desmond : I'm going to get MVP in this tournament
and be rewarded a Stella.
Damian Desmond : I need to become an Imperial
Scholar just like my brother.
Damian Desmond : Otherwise... (0:10:25.43)
Damian Desmond : Father will never notice me. (0:10:29.19)
Ewen Egeberg : Hey, wait, Lord Damian! (0:10:32.90)
Henry Henderson : Gather round! (0:10:37.82)
Henry Henderson : Your usual P.E. teacher, Bobby,
is out sick, so I will be his substitute.
Henry Henderson : Do not forget to be proper
young men and ladies,
Henry Henderson : and execute the most elegant of plays. (0:10:49.55)
EXTRA : Yes, sir. (0:10:52.58)
Henry Henderson : We will now begin the dodgeball tournament
between Class 3, Cecile Hall,
Henry Henderson : and Class 4, Wald Hall. (0:10:58.92)
Henry Henderson : You may now begin! (0:11:00.97)
Emile Elman : Let's show them who's boss, Lord Damian. (0:11:15.47)
EXTRA : You've got this, Damian! (0:11:17.99)
Emile Elman : Lord Damian! (0:11:25.66)
Ewen Egeberg : We gathered some intel on Class 4! (0:11:26.99)
Damian Desmond : Good. (0:11:30.08)
Damian Desmond : In order to be awarded a Stella,
you have to become the MVP.
Damian Desmond : My enemy... (0:11:37.63)
Damian Desmond : is him! (0:11:39.13)
Damian Desmond : In order to defeat Class 4
and win this match, first...
Damian Desmond : we need to defeat him! (0:11:45.85)
Damian Desmond : The son of a command major, Bill Watkins. (0:11:53.56)
EXTRA : Nice catch, Bill! (0:11:57.69)
Becky Blackbell : What the heck is that monster?! (0:12:01.19)
Becky Blackbell : There's no way he's our age! (0:12:03.28)
Ewen Egeberg : It's him... (0:12:06.28)
Emile Elman : Bazooka Bill! (0:12:08.08)
Emile Elman : Because of his obviously
blessed physique and brains,
Emile Elman : he won awards in all kinds of
sports tournaments in kindergarten.
Emile Elman : The Monster of Bodam! (0:12:16.63)
Becky Blackbell : Are there even that many
tournaments in kindergarten?!
Damian Desmond : Wearing glasses right now
is dangerous, old man.
Bill Watkins : I humbly thank you for your concern,
Damian, son of Chairman Desmond.
Bill Watkins : But I'll be fine, because that
ball won't be hitting me.
Bill Watkins : Also... (0:12:32.43)
Bill Watkins : Any hits above the shoulders don't count. (0:12:33.98)
Bill Watkins : Enemy positions confirmed. (0:12:37.19)
Bill Watkins : Airflow, humidity... both good. (0:12:38.86)
EXTRA : Gerf. (0:12:47.41)
EXTRA : Gah. (0:12:47.95)
Henry Henderson : Four hits. (0:12:51.20)
EXTRA : Wow! Way to go, Bill! (0:12:52.33)
Emile Elman : What?! (0:12:52.58)
Ewen Egeberg : Is that even possible?! (0:12:53.41)
Damian Desmond : Don't panic! That was just a fluke! (0:12:54.79)
Bill Watkins : Oh, that wasn't a fluke. (0:12:57.96)
Bill Watkins : When I throw the ball... (0:13:04.01)
Bill Watkins : Every imaginable detail has been calculated. (0:13:06.14)
Bill Watkins : We're not just talking simulations.
I've trained my body to its limit.
Bill Watkins : Daddy! (0:13:34.00)
EXTRA : Ah, my son, Bill. (0:13:38.21)
Bill Watkins : Yes, Daddy? (0:13:40.34)
EXTRA : You will eventually be the hero
of Eden, as well as our army.
EXTRA : Make sure you seize those
Stellas with your own hands.
EXTRA : For the future of Ostania! (0:13:52.14)
Bill Watkins : Sir, yes, sir! (0:13:54.65)
Bill Watkins : Yes... my victory is predetermined. (0:13:56.60)
Becky Blackbell : Um, hello?! We'll die if
that actually hits us!
Bill Watkins : Don't worry. I'll hold back on you women. (0:14:04.61)
Becky Blackbell : Actually, that also pisses me off. (0:14:08.36)
Becky Blackbell : Gurk! (0:14:11.41)
Henry Henderson : Hit. (0:14:13.29)
Damian Desmond : That's some mouth you've got on you. (0:14:16.46)
Damian Desmond : Do you really think we went into
this without a plan, you giant oaf?
Damian Desmond : You can't win... (0:14:24.17)
Damian Desmond : at dodgeball all by yourself! (0:14:26.05)
Emile Elman : Ow! (0:14:47.24)
Emile Elman : You're gonna be the MVP! I just know it! (0:14:48.99)
Damian Desmond : I'm gonna be the MVP! (0:15:03.84)
Damian Desmond : Let's do this! Formation G! (0:15:06.80)
Emile Elman : Right! (0:15:09.17)
Ewen Egeberg : Right! (0:15:09.17)
Henry Henderson : Four hits. (0:15:25.69)
Damian Desmond : I'm not done yet! (0:15:30.90)
Emile Elman : Ultimate... (0:15:37.08)
Ewen Egeberg : ...Shadow... (0:15:37.87)
Damian Desmond : ...Clone... (0:15:38.45)
Damian Desmond : ...Attack! (0:15:39.29)
Emile Elman : ...Attack! (0:15:39.29)
Ewen Egeberg : ...Attack! (0:15:39.29)
Bill Watkins : Shadow clone, eh? (0:15:45.00)
Bill Watkins : Now, this is what you call... (0:15:47.30)
Bill Watkins : a real shadow clone attack! (0:15:49.51)
Emile Elman : Lord Damian... (0:15:55.01)
Emile Elman : It was an honor to fight by your side. (0:15:56.51)
Ewen Egeberg : Emile! (0:16:02.06)
Emile Elman : I know all kinds of great
things about you, Lord Damian.
Emile Elman : Though I can't remember a single one
right now, I'm sure there was something.
Emile Elman : Please win, Lord Damian! (0:16:13.98)
Emile Elman : Because you'll always be... (0:16:17.16)
Emile Elman : a true MVP in our hearts! (0:16:20.58)
Ewen Egeberg : The forbidden... face block! (0:16:30.46)
Ewen Egeberg : Emile! (0:16:35.89)
Ewen Egeberg : Emile! Hey! Speak to me! (0:16:38.52)
Emile Elman : Ewen... you dummy. Don't cry. (0:16:42.06)
Ewen Egeberg : I'm not crying! (0:16:47.69)
Emile Elman : It's not the end yet... (0:16:49.94)
Emile Elman : So don't give up hope. (0:16:52.57)
Ewen Egeberg : Yeah. I know. I know! (0:16:56.53)
Ewen Egeberg : Once we give up, it's game over— (0:16:59.16)
Damian Desmond : Damn it! At this rate, we're gonna lose. (0:17:03.54)
Damian Desmond : I need to find his weakness! (0:17:06.25)
Damian Desmond : I don't care if the others go down. (0:17:09.17)
Damian Desmond : I need to somehow survive and stand out! (0:17:12.17)
Anya Forger : Second son is a real shithead. (0:17:15.18)
Bill Watkins : Next up... (0:17:17.05)
Bill Watkins : we have that little runt over there. (0:17:18.40)
Bill Watkins : I'm going to aim for... her feet! (0:17:20.85)
Bill Watkins : Wha— (0:17:23.02)
Damian Desmond : Hey! He missed! Nice! (0:17:25.06)
EXTRA : Let's get the ball going! (0:17:27.44)
Bill Watkins : She just... (0:17:29.53)
Bill Watkins : jumped before I threw the ball! (0:17:31.03)
EXTRA : Take this! (0:17:34.45)
Bill Watkins : In that case... (0:17:36.99)
Bill Watkins : I'll aim for her right arm! (0:17:38.74)
Bill Watkins : Okay, her left! (0:17:42.03)
Bill Watkins : I guess I'll just have to use my secret weapon! (0:17:46.21)
Bill Watkins : This throw will suddenly change its course
and nail any opponent scampering about!
Bill Watkins : Take this! (0:17:53.96)
Bill Watkins : Homing Slider Shot! (0:17:55.19)
Becky Blackbell : What was that about holding back on women?! (0:17:59.73)
EXTRA : Blorf! (0:18:02.26)
EXTRA : Blorf! (0:18:03.33)
Henry Henderson : Hit. (0:18:05.77)
Bill Watkins : That's impossible! She's
reading my every attack!
Bill Watkins : Who in the world is that girl?! (0:18:14.11)
Damian Desmond : Hey, not bad... (0:18:15.99)
Anya Forger : Heh. (0:18:17.86)
Henry Henderson : "Dodgeball," of course, stems from "dodge," (0:18:18.41)
Henry Henderson : meaning to swiftly move out of the way. (0:18:21.23)
Henry Henderson : Such elegant evasion! (0:18:25.20)
Becky Blackbell : Anya! Look out for the guys out of bounds! (0:18:28.12)
Damian Desmond : You dummy! Get up, quick! (0:18:34.09)
Bill Watkins : You were impressive, but even you
can't dodge from that position!
Bill Watkins : Die! (0:18:41.51)
Damian Desmond : The bastard just threw that
ball with everything he has!
Damian Desmond : It's unfortunate... But in the end,
this is her own fault.
Damian Desmond : Don't worry. I shall survive
and lead Class 3 to victory.
Henry Henderson : Hit. (0:19:14.55)
Ewen Egeberg : Wh-What are you doing, Lord Damian?! (0:19:17.96)
Damian Desmond : Oh, no! My chance at MVP! (0:19:20.18)
Anya Forger : You protected me? (0:19:22.97)
Damian Desmond : Huh? (0:19:25.14)
Anya Forger : Are you a good guy? (0:19:25.72)
Damian Desmond : N-N-No! (0:19:27.35)
Damian Desmond : I was just frustrated that he was
taking out our team left and right,
Damian Desmond : so I tried to catch it... (0:19:31.48)
Damian Desmond : Damn it all! (0:19:34.13)
Damian Desmond : You're the only one left.
It's in your hands now.
Anya Forger : The future is in Anya's hands. (0:19:45.53)
Anya Forger : Now is the time to unleash my killer shot! (0:19:48.37)
Yor Forger : Miss Anya, this is my final lesson for you. (0:19:52.08)
Yor Forger : The key to throwing a ball well is to
put your whole body into the throw.
Yor Forger : Think of this ball as an arrow of light! (0:19:58.71)
Anya Forger : I won't let your death
go to waste, second son.
Damian Desmond : I'm not dead! (0:20:15.15)
Anya Forger : I will avenge you! (0:20:17.23)
Damian Desmond : That power she had when she knocked me out... (0:20:29.87)
Damian Desmond : She might just be able to... (0:20:32.79)
Becky Blackbell : I have no idea what's going on,
but this is intense.
Becky Blackbell : Could it be... (0:20:38.42)
Anya Forger : The most important thing
is shifting my weight.
Anya Forger : The power in my step
and the twisting of my hips
Anya Forger : need to go to my widdle hands... (0:21:00.15)
Anya Forger : And then my widdle hands... um... um... (0:21:01.78)
Anya Forger : Anyway! (0:21:04.41)
Anya Forger : Killer Shot! (0:21:06.12)
Anya Forger : Star Catch Arrow! (0:21:07.32)
Bill Watkins : Huh? What? (0:21:15.62)
Bill Watkins : Huh?! (0:21:23.84)
Henry Henderson : That's game. (0:21:25.84)
Becky Blackbell : Huh? (0:21:27.39)
Damian Desmond : Huh? (0:21:29.76)
Emile Elman : Huh? (0:21:29.76)
Ewen Egeberg : Huh? (0:21:29.76)
EXTRA : Now you're definitely
getting that Stella, Bill!
Henry Henderson : Hm? Stella? (0:21:33.85)
Henry Henderson : There are no Stella awarded for winning
a mere mini-game in a single class.
Henry Henderson : Who in the world suggested otherwise? (0:21:40.07)
Henry Henderson : On the other hand, you had the nerve to yell
something as vile as "die" during the match,
Henry Henderson : so I have no issue with giving
you a Tonitrus Bolt instead.
EXTRA : Don't worry, Bill! We'll just
try harder next time!
EXTRA : We'll have another chance. (0:21:54.94)
Henry Henderson : But to think... (0:21:56.85)
Henry Henderson : Two students who were at odds with each other
worked together to take on this challenge.
Becky Blackbell : Too bad, Anya. But you did great! (0:22:00.17)
Henry Henderson : This shows that you are worthy of
a Stella, young ladies and gentlemen.
Becky Blackbell : Cheer up! (0:22:04.37)
Damian Desmond : You can't be serious, you moron!
What was that crappy throw?!
Damian Desmond : I shouldn't have defended you! (0:22:12.40)
Anya Forger : Shock! (0:22:13.92)
Becky Blackbell : What's your problem?
It's not like you hit anyone!
Anya Forger : Anya doesn't like you after all. (0:22:17.71)
Damian Desmond : What did you say, Stubby Legs?! (0:22:19.68)
Becky Blackbell : You're not supposed to say
stuff like that to girls!
Henry Henderson : Or perhaps not. (0:22:23.98)
Anya Forger : You really are a shithead. (0:22:24.84)
Damian Desmond : Huh?! Say that again! (0:22:25.94)
Anya Forger : Everything Mama teaches me is useless. (0:22:26.56)
Ewen Egeberg : Yeah! (0:22:27.55)
Emile Elman : Yeah! (0:22:27.55)

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