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Lydia Beginsgate : Gin-gin! (0:00:07.68)
Lydia Beginsgate : Let's wash each other's backs! (0:00:10.16)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : No, thank you! (0:00:11.91)
Lydia Beginsgate : Let me rub your sudsy boobs! (0:00:12.92)
Latima : Excuse me. (0:00:22.42)
Latima : It's a pleasure to meet you. (0:00:24.30)
Latima : I'm Latima. (0:00:26.28)
Latima : You'll all be staying here in this
villa until our next expedition.
Latima : Lady Lydia has informed me (0:00:33.80)
Latima : you all are welcome to use this home as
you would your own or your close friend's.
Latima : Please relax and make yourself at home. (0:00:41.63)
Ard Meteor : We're grateful. (0:00:45.05)
Ard Meteor : Like a close friend's home, huh? (0:00:49.86)
Ard Meteor : And yet I killed someone so irreplaceable. (0:00:54.66)
Ard Meteor : Do I even have any right to call
her a close friend anymore?
Lydia Beginsgate : This sensation! (0:01:05.43)
Lydia Beginsgate : This volume! (0:01:06.42)
Lydia Beginsgate : They're the best! (0:01:07.38)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Don't grope my breasts! (0:01:09.16)
Ard Meteor : She's still a scumbag. (0:01:14.18)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : It's starting, isn't it? (0:02:51.48)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : W-Will we be okay? (0:02:53.60)
Ard Meteor : Our Verda Army is on standby (0:02:56.24)
Ard Meteor : in a location far removed
from the front lines.
Ard Meteor : We won't be coming into major
conflict with the enemy.
Ard Meteor : Even on the off chance that we do, (0:03:06.62)
Ard Meteor : that magic equipment will protect you two. (0:03:08.94)
Ard Meteor : Judging from Verda and Lydia's conversations, (0:03:13.90)
Ard Meteor : we're currently in the past age when I, (0:03:17.18)
Ard Meteor : that is, the Demon Lord Varvatos,
was expanding his forces
Ard Meteor : and the battle against the demons and the
Outer Ones was entering its final stages.
Ard Meteor : Plus, from what I can see, (0:03:29.66)
Ard Meteor : this is the probably the
Battle of Aralia Plains.
Ard Meteor : Demons ruled over the Aralia Plains, (0:03:34.57)
Ard Meteor : and the combined forces of
the Lydia Army and Verda Army
Ard Meteor : took down the many fortresses
and castle towns built there,
Ard Meteor : building the foundation for
our control of the continent.
Ard Meteor : I don't recall this battle
being any trouble, however.
Lydia Beginsgate : Advance! (0:03:56.24)
EXTRA : My stomach hurts! (0:04:15.26)
EXTRA : Medics! Call the medics! (0:04:16.22)
EXTRA : Don't come back over that little! (0:04:18.57)
EXTRA : You all right? (0:04:19.61)
EXTRA : Get back to the front-lines pronto! (0:04:20.62)
EXTRA : I know! (0:04:22.27)
EXTRA : Argh, my leg! (0:04:23.15)
EXTRA : Oh, I've left that corpse alone on purpose. (0:04:24.56)
EXTRA : It's for Lady Verda's data collection. (0:04:27.93)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Miss Ireena! (0:04:32.41)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : We need to carry this
container to the supply squad!
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : I-I know. (0:04:37.80)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Wh-What was that? (0:04:41.20)
Ard Meteor : Hmm, it seems like an enemy attack. (0:04:42.66)
Bulgan : Weep! (0:04:52.20)
Bulgan : Lament! (0:04:53.37)
Bulgan : Let your guts scatter across the ground! (0:04:54.62)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : I-I thought the enemy
wouldn't come to the rear?
Ard Meteor : It looks like this enemy had some brains. (0:05:06.76)
Ard Meteor : Crushing the enemy's supplies and
medics is a standard tactic of war.
Ard Meteor : My prediction that we'd
be safe back here was off,
Ard Meteor : but that's even better for us. (0:05:18.38)
Ard Meteor : This might not be enough
to meet the Demon Lord,
Ard Meteor : but an achievement is still an achievement. (0:05:24.59)
Lydia Beginsgate : Something's off. (0:05:37.91)
Lydia Beginsgate : I can't believe he hasn't shown himself,
even after we've advanced so far.
EXTRA : I have news! (0:05:42.96)
EXTRA : The Verda Army supporting our rear suffered
a surprise attack from the enemy!
Lydia Beginsgate : Hidden forces? How many? (0:05:48.08)
EXTRA : There were not that many of them. (0:05:50.00)
EXTRA : However, the one leading them (0:05:52.57)
EXTRA : is the enemy commander, Bulgan. (0:05:55.00)
Lydia Beginsgate : What?! (0:05:56.48)
Bulgan : Impossible! (0:06:12.64)
Bulgan : I can't— (0:06:14.64)
Ard Meteor : I guess he was all show. (0:06:24.70)
Ard Meteor : Is everyone all right? (0:06:27.12)
Ard Meteor : Hm? (0:06:29.42)
Sylphy Marheaven : Big Sis Lydia? (0:06:33.64)
Lydia Beginsgate : Apparently, it was over
before we even arrived.
Ard Meteor : Well, he wasn't even worth killing, (0:06:39.93)
Ard Meteor : but even a general this
weak is still a general.
Ard Meteor : So I made sure to capture him alive. (0:06:45.48)
Lydia Beginsgate : This weak? (0:06:47.60)
Lydia Beginsgate : That's the big general we've
been trying to take down.
Ard Meteor : Huh? The big general? (0:06:54.48)
Sylphy Marheaven : You stole the glory from us! (0:06:58.24)
Sylphy Marheaven : You cheeky new recruit! (0:07:00.51)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Ard is just that awesome! (0:07:03.00)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : That's my Ard! (0:07:05.76)
Lydia Beginsgate : Well, either way. (0:07:08.27)
Lydia Beginsgate : You're impressive! (0:07:10.71)
Lydia Beginsgate : It's a just matter of time now, (0:07:13.92)
Lydia Beginsgate : until you meet with Varvy. (0:07:16.65)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Varvy? (0:07:18.49)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Is that? (0:07:20.12)
Lydia Beginsgate : Of course. (0:07:21.97)
Lydia Beginsgate : I'm talking about Varvatos. (0:07:23.90)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Th-This is the Castle Millennion? (0:07:29.88)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : It's an amazing castle, (0:07:33.38)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : befitting that great man! (0:07:36.25)
Ard Meteor : Beautiful, isn't it? Epic, isn't it?
And above all, it's cool, isn't it? My castle!
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Th-The inside's incredible, too. (0:07:50.24)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : I've never seen a building more worthy of
being described as luxurious and gorgeous.
Sylphy Marheaven : Hmph! (0:07:58.47)
Sylphy Marheaven : There's nothing fun about this castle!
It's just big.
Sylphy Marheaven : The castle that Big Sis built
is a million times better!
Sylphy Marheaven : Wh-What? (0:08:10.15)
Sylphy Marheaven : Is there something on my face? (0:08:12.00)
Ard Meteor : No, it's nothing. (0:08:14.40)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : I-It's finally happening! (0:08:16.98)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : I can't believe we'll get
to see him in person!
Ginny Fin de Salvan : It feels like this is going
too smoothly, and I'm scared.
Ard Meteor : True. (0:08:27.30)
Ard Meteor : When I was in my prime, that is,
when I was Varvatos in this castle,
Ard Meteor : such a feat would come naturally. (0:08:33.44)
Ard Meteor : Yet right now I'm Ard Meteor. (0:08:35.96)
Ard Meteor : If a nameless, common soldier easily
defeated a big general, I'd be suspicious.
Alvart Exex : Bravo, bravo! (0:08:56.29)
Alvart Exex : Oh, my apologies. (0:09:01.46)
Alvart Exex : Please take that as my
praise for your endeavors.
Alvart Exex : After all, this is the only
way I can express my respect.
Ard Meteor : I've heard much about you, Sir Alvarto. (0:09:12.26)
Lydia Beginsgate : You're the same as always, aren't you? (0:09:19.85)
Lydia Beginsgate : If you want a fight that badly,
I'll be your opponent.
Alvart Exex : I'd have no complaints about
sparring with the Champion.
Alvart Exex : However, right now I would like to
savor the heights of the unknown.
Varvatos : Lydia, Alvarto, why are you
two always causing trouble?
Lydia Beginsgate : Long time no see, Varvy. (0:09:57.92)
Alvart Exex : You're as lovely as ever today, my lord. (0:10:01.38)
Sylphy Marheaven : Tch. (0:10:04.42)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Th-That's... (0:10:05.71)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : I can't... (0:10:08.93)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Ginny?! Get a grip! (0:10:10.23)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Hey! Ginny, come on! Ginny! (0:10:11.99)
Varvatos : I don't recall summoning you, Alvarto. (0:10:26.38)
Varvatos : How many promising recruits
have you crushed this way?
Varvatos : That's why I wanted to hold this
audience in secret, but as usual...
Alvart Exex : I'm overjoyed by your praise. (0:10:38.63)
Varvatos : Either way, you should leave now. (0:10:42.82)
Varvatos : Otherwise... (0:10:45.54)
Alvart Exex : I understand. (0:10:47.88)
Alvart Exex : I shall take my leave for now. (0:10:49.94)
Ard Meteor : I've been alive for a long time, (0:11:03.01)
Ard Meteor : but this is the first time
I've been jealous of myself.
Varvatos : So you are Ard Meteor? (0:11:08.85)
Ard Meteor : Yes, I am, Your Majesty. (0:11:12.86)
Varvatos : Follow me. (0:11:18.35)
Lydia Beginsgate : Still, it really has been a long time, huh? (0:11:20.83)
Lydia Beginsgate : Hey, weren't you starting to miss me by now? (0:11:24.50)
Lydia Beginsgate : You don't have any friends
aside from me, after all.
Varvatos : You're calling yourself a friend? (0:11:33.15)
Lydia Beginsgate : What, acting all shy now? (0:11:36.01)
Varvatos : You all may relax, as well. (0:11:43.04)
EXTRA : Your Majesty, would you
like something to drink?
EXTRA : Your Majesty, I've brought a light meal. (0:11:49.80)
EXTRA : Your Majesty, would you like a massage?! (0:11:51.68)
EXTRA : Restrain yourself, servant! (0:11:54.35)
EXTRA : You must not touch His Majesty's body! (0:11:56.43)
Varvatos : All of you are dismissed. (0:11:59.31)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:12:01.30)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : The Demon Lord is far prettier than I imagined. (0:12:02.96)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Pretty?! (0:12:06.56)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Such a common form of expression
is worthy of death, Miss Ireena!
Ginny Fin de Salvan : The Demon Lord can only be
described with loftier words!
Varvatos : You there, young lady. (0:12:18.35)
Varvatos : who is this Demon Lord you refer to? (0:12:19.83)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : What?! Um, well... (0:12:22.64)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : What?! Um, well... (0:12:22.64)
Ard Meteor : They merely voiced the other
name Your Majesty is known by.
Ard Meteor : They were simply copying the
title they heard in the ports.
Ard Meteor : Were you... not aware of that? (0:12:37.24)
Ard Meteor : That's odd. (0:12:39.77)
Ard Meteor : The title of "Demon Lord" was
already taking root by this time.
Varvatos : Now that's an odd story. (0:12:45.60)
Varvatos : I know there is another
known as Demon Lord...
Ard Meteor : There's another Demon Lord? (0:12:52.18)
Varvatos : But people now call me that? (0:12:56.73)
Ard Meteor : No, I'm sure it must have
been our misunderstanding.
Ard Meteor : My sincerest apologies for the
strange slip of the tongue.
Veda al Hazred : Oh? (0:13:13.34)
Veda al Hazred : So then what, then what? (0:13:14.72)
Ard Meteor : Nothing. (0:13:16.76)
Ard Meteor : He didn't demand anything of us, (0:13:18.35)
Ard Meteor : and I didn't speak to him
about that any further.
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : I can't believe there are two Demon Lords. (0:13:25.35)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : What do you think could be going on? (0:13:28.37)
Veda al Hazred : I think it's safe to assume that
who you consider the Demon Lord
Veda al Hazred : and who we consider the Demon
Lord are two different people.
Ard Meteor : Meaning? (0:13:39.18)
Veda al Hazred : If I may speak in bold conjecture, (0:13:41.75)
Veda al Hazred : I think it's possible that your history
differs from the history of our dimension.
Ard Meteor : Dimension? (0:13:52.84)
Veda al Hazred : This is just a theory, as well, (0:13:54.66)
Veda al Hazred : but I think someone altered history. (0:13:56.81)
Veda al Hazred : And that alteration gave rise to this dimension's
Demon Lord that all of you don't recognize.
Ard Meteor : There's also what that
self-proclaimed god said.
EXTRA : However, "that being" is
trying to upset that order.
EXTRA : Trying to transcend those
laws and alter the world.
EXTRA : The encounter with the Demon Lord (0:14:18.23)
EXTRA : will greatly shake your world, (0:14:21.08)
EXTRA : and one shall vanish. (0:14:23.40)
EXTRA : I want you to eliminate "that being." (0:14:25.40)
Ard Meteor : I think we misinterpreted what
that self-proclaimed god said.
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Huh? (0:14:34.22)
Ard Meteor : The self-proclaimed god demanded
that we meet the Demon Lord,
Ard Meteor : and that we eliminate "that being." (0:14:39.33)
Ard Meteor : But if those two demands represent
the same thing, then...
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Th-Then the one that's altering
history is this world's Demon Lord,
Ginny Fin de Salvan : and if we defeat him to restore our history, (0:14:51.89)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : we'll be able to return to our world? (0:14:53.96)
Ard Meteor : Most likely. (0:14:57.88)
Ard Meteor : I thought meeting the
Demon Lord, or rather His Majesty,
Ard Meteor : would greatly advance our quest, though. (0:15:02.71)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Way to go, Ardy! (0:15:05.52)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : I mean, thanks to your deduction (0:15:07.66)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : we now know that this world's Demon Lord
is the one we need to defeat!
Ard Meteor : That's still just a theory, and even if want
to defeat him, we know nothing about him...
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Then why don't we ask
for Lord Varvatos's help?
Veda al Hazred : Oh, that's impossible. (0:15:22.63)
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Huh? Why?! (0:15:24.24)
Veda al Hazred : For one thing, the Demon Lord of this world (0:15:26.27)
Veda al Hazred : appeared out of nowhere
about three years ago,
Veda al Hazred : and he conquered the lands between the
Outer Ones' territory and our own in no time.
Veda al Hazred : To be honest, we don't know
what the Demon Lord is after.
Veda al Hazred : We've tried to negotiate, but he ignores us. (0:15:42.54)
Veda al Hazred : Varvy fought him once,
but he couldn't fully defeat him.
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Even Lord Varvatos couldn't defeat him? (0:15:50.19)
Ard Meteor : I see. Then His Majesty wouldn't
act without sufficient cause.
Veda al Hazred : That's right. (0:15:57.99)
Veda al Hazred : You understand Varvy well. (0:15:59.56)
Ard Meteor : I suppose. (0:16:02.63)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Um, (0:16:03.97)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : why don't we try revealing
our situation to His Majesty?
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Our situation? (0:16:09.30)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Yes. (0:16:10.84)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : We tell him that we're from the future. (0:16:12.52)
Ginny Fin de Salvan : Then if we explain the
danger of the Demon Lord...
Ard Meteor : I see. (0:16:19.95)
Ard Meteor : However, we haven't earned enough of
His Majesty's trust to ask for his help.
Ireena Litz de Olhyde : Which means... (0:16:28.23)
Ard Meteor : It could be possible to persuade him
if we earn more achievements for him.
Ard Meteor : Though the problem would be what constitutes
an achievement big enough to earn his trust.
Lydia Beginsgate : Hey! Is Ard here?! (0:16:41.13)
Lydia Beginsgate : What's brought this on? (0:16:53.89)
Lydia Beginsgate : You agreed instantly, despite
wanting to work as logistical support.
Lydia Beginsgate : Time for battle! (0:17:01.08)
Lydia Beginsgate : You're joining me on the front lines! (0:17:02.31)
Ard Meteor : Roger that! (0:17:05.20)
Ard Meteor : Yes, well, you could say
it's just what we needed.
Sylphy Marheaven : I bet you're just enjoying the
taste of your last victory!
Sylphy Marheaven : This time I'm taking the glory, though! (0:17:17.33)
Lydia Beginsgate : Glory aside, (0:17:20.99)
Lydia Beginsgate : it was wise to leave those
two behind this time,
Lydia Beginsgate : considering who we'll be facing. (0:17:27.79)
Ard Meteor : Who's that? (0:17:30.48)
Lydia Beginsgate : Mevilas the Curse King. (0:17:34.57)
Sylphy Marheaven : Looks like even you're scared. (0:17:41.12)
Ard Meteor : I have certainly heard his name before. (0:17:44.55)
Sylphy Marheaven : Huh? Only his name? (0:17:48.29)
Sylphy Marheaven : You should've heard more than
that! He's a really major enemy.
Sylphy Marheaven : Listen up. (0:17:55.80)
Sylphy Marheaven : Just as mages are ranked
from one through seven,
Sylphy Marheaven : demons have ranks, as well! (0:18:00.53)
Sylphy Marheaven : Mevilas is one of the demon's highest ranks, (0:18:03.96)
Sylphy Marheaven : making him an archdemon! (0:18:08.78)
Sylphy Marheaven : If you don't want to die,
then, at least remember that!
Ard Meteor : Remember? There's no way I could forget. (0:18:16.20)
Ard Meteor : Mevilas is... (0:18:20.10)
Ard Meteor : one of the reasons I had to kill Lydia. (0:18:36.14)
Lydia Beginsgate : What's wrong? (0:18:40.59)
Ard Meteor : Oh, just, after hearing such a renowned name, (0:18:42.00)
Ard Meteor : I'm shaking with excitement. (0:18:44.57)
Lydia Beginsgate : I get it. (0:18:46.15)
Lydia Beginsgate : I thought it was high time for
a really bad one to show up.
Lydia Beginsgate : I didn't think it would
be the Curse King already.
Lydia Beginsgate : Charge! (0:18:59.21)
Sylphy Marheaven : I'm taking the honor of leading the charge! (0:19:04.71)
Ard Meteor : Let's hurry onward! (0:19:18.43)
Sylphy Marheaven : H-Hey, don't get carried away
just because you want glory!
Sylphy Marheaven : No matter how many small fry you kill,
you won't get any honor for them!
Lydia Beginsgate : You're awfully motivated, aren't you? (0:19:30.88)
Ard Meteor : I always hated that look of hers. (0:19:38.31)
Lydia Beginsgate : Don't do anything stupid. (0:19:46.33)
Ard Meteor : I have no intention of doing anything stupid. (0:19:50.74)
Ard Meteor : This time, I won't allow
history to play out the same way.
Ard Meteor : What's this? (0:20:22.98)
Lydia Beginsgate : This head?! (0:20:42.86)
Sylphy Marheaven : It's Mevilas the Curse King. (0:20:44.69)
New Demon Lord : Looks like you were a little late. (0:20:49.56)
Ard Meteor : Who are you? (0:21:01.92)
New Demon Lord : You already have an idea who, don't you? (0:21:04.36)
New Demon Lord : I'm exactly who you suspect I am. (0:21:07.04)
New Demon Lord : I'm the Demon Lord. (0:21:12.62)
New Demon Lord : A monster of violence and tyranny,
the enemy of the world.
New Demon Lord : Go ahead and tell your leader for me. (0:21:22.43)
New Demon Lord : I'll be taking the lands I set eyes on. (0:21:25.51)
New Demon Lord : If he wants to take them back,
then he can come steal them by force.
Lydia Beginsgate : Does that mean you're declaring war on us? (0:21:33.35)
New Demon Lord : Farewell, Champion, (0:21:41.14)
New Demon Lord : and you, foolish young man. (0:21:43.72)

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I will do anything for you babygirl you can order whatever you want at mcdonalds - 1melco


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