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Katsumi Matsunaga : I knew without
a doubt that I killed—
Katsumi Matsunaga : Nothing can change that fact. (0:00:09.81)
Katsumi Matsunaga : That's why I decided
to come clean.
Katsumi Matsunaga : This is my confession. (0:00:16.80)
Katsumi Matsunaga : It's been two weeks
since that trip,
Katsumi Matsunaga : and nobody can remember—
being a member of the class.
Katsumi Matsunaga : He's been completely forgotten, (0:00:27.70)
Katsumi Matsunaga : and only I, the person involved
with his death, can still remember—
Katsumi Matsunaga : I get the feeling it's only
a matter of time, though.
Katsumi Matsunaga : That's why, while I
can still remember,
Katsumi Matsunaga : I want to tell you the truth, (0:00:43.77)
Katsumi Matsunaga : and how you can
stop the calamity.
Katsumi Matsunaga : Are you listening? (0:00:50.84)
Katsumi Matsunaga : Send them back to death,
where they belong.
Katsumi Matsunaga : Send the dead back to death. (0:00:54.33)
Katsumi Matsunaga : That's how to stop the
calamity once it's begun.
Izumi Akazawa : There was a girl who looked like
her back in elementary school.
Takako Sugiura : Are you talking about Misaki? (0:01:08.96)
Izumi Akazawa : Yes. (0:01:11.59)
Takako Sugiura : Isn't Misaki an only child? (0:01:12.94)
Izumi Akazawa : We weren't in the same class, (0:01:16.19)
Izumi Akazawa : but I know there was
someone called Misaki.
Takako Sugiura : That's strange. (0:01:21.35)
Takako Sugiura : Judging by her address, (0:01:23.29)
Takako Sugiura : she wouldn't have been
in the same school as you.
Izumi Akazawa : Right? That's why it's strange. (0:01:27.63)
Takako Sugiura : Did she wear an eyepatch
over her left eye?
Izumi Akazawa : No, she didn't. (0:01:38.08)
Izumi Akazawa : Our Misaki lost her eye
when she was four!
Takako Sugiura : Huh? That means... (0:01:44.40)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Is the dead person
here with us?
Mei Misaki : The extra person... (0:02:18.26)
Mei Misaki : here. (0:02:22.14)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Who is it? (0:02:27.53)
Mei Misaki : It's... (0:02:30.58)
Naoya Teshigawara : Sakaki! (0:02:33.49)
Naoya Teshigawara : I think I fucked up! (0:02:34.58)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Teshigawara? What happened? (0:02:37.07)
Naoya Teshigawara : May I ask you both a question? (0:02:41.98)
Kouichi Sakakibara : What is it? (0:02:45.26)
Naoya Teshigawara : Do you know someone
named Kazami Tomohiko?
Kouichi Sakakibara : Huh? (0:02:51.76)
Naoya Teshigawara : Just answer me! (0:02:53.03)
Naoya Teshigawara : Do you know Kazami?
Who is he?
Kouichi Sakakibara : Of course I know him. (0:02:58.62)
Kouichi Sakakibara : He's a class officer and the guy
you've always been stuck with.
Naoya Teshigawara : And you, Misaki? (0:03:03.94)
Mei Misaki : How would I not know him? (0:03:05.27)
Naoya Teshigawara : Fuck... (0:03:11.49)
Naoya Teshigawara : Something bad happened. (0:03:13.05)
Kouichi Sakakibara : What happened? (0:03:14.78)
Naoya Teshigawara : I think I fucked up bad. (0:03:17.02)
Kouichi Sakakibara : How? What did you do? (0:03:20.13)
Naoya Teshigawara : I... I, uh... (0:03:23.86)
Naoya Teshigawara : I was certain that
he was the extra...
Naoya Teshigawara : So I... (0:03:29.80)
Kouichi Sakakibara : The extra? Don't tell me... (0:03:32.14)
Naoya Teshigawara : Kazami. (0:03:35.41)
Kouichi Sakakibara : No way! (0:03:37.04)
Naoya Teshigawara : Yes! (0:03:37.98)
Kouichi Sakakibara : You can't be serious. (0:03:41.07)
Naoya Teshigawara : Why on Earth would
I lie about this?!
Naoya Teshigawara : I kept poking at him because
he'd been acting strange lately.
Naoya Teshigawara : He told me that he didn't remember anything about our childhood. (0:03:50.88)
Naoya Teshigawara : That he didn't remember much
from elementary school, either.
Kouichi Sakakibara : And then? (0:03:59.59)
Naoya Teshigawara : I prepared myself, and asked him, (0:04:01.40)
Naoya Teshigawara : "You're not really Kazami, are you?" (0:04:04.01)
Naoya Teshigawara : "You're the extra person, aren't you?!" (0:04:06.87)
Naoya Teshigawara : He was alarmed at first,
but then flew into a rage.
Naoya Teshigawara : He acted so suspicious that
I was certain it was him.
Naoya Teshigawara : So, like we heard on the tape,
if he died—if he "returned to death",
Naoya Teshigawara : we'd all be saved. (0:04:24.87)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Don't tell me... (0:04:28.00)
Kouichi Sakakibara : killed him? (0:04:30.73)
Mei Misaki : Did you... really? (0:04:32.33)
Naoya Teshigawara : I didn't intend to. (0:04:34.41)
Naoya Teshigawara : We had started grappling, and then ended up outside on the balcony. (0:04:38.15)
Naoya Teshigawara : Before I knew it... (0:04:41.34)
Naoya Teshigawara : ...he laid still on the brick floor. (0:04:44.11)
Naoya Teshigawara : There was blood
pouring from his head.
Naoya Teshigawara : Then, I got scared, (0:04:49.95)
Naoya Teshigawara : so I ran down the hall. (0:04:53.33)
Naoya Teshigawara : I saw you come in here earlier... (0:04:55.60)
Kouichi Sakakibara : ...and you wanted to find out
if Kazami was the extra?
Naoya Teshigawara : Yeah. (0:05:04.64)
Naoya Teshigawara : I thought that,
if the extra died,
Naoya Teshigawara : then it'd be as if
he'd never existed.
Naoya Teshigawara : Since you two said
you know him, though....
Naoya Teshigawara : I must have fucked up! (0:05:16.41)
Naoya Teshigawara : Hey, Sakaki. What should I do? (0:05:19.22)
Kouichi Sakakibara : You either made a mistake,
or he's not really dead.
Naoya Teshigawara : Huh? (0:05:25.24)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Falling two stories down
wouldn't necessarily kill him.
Naoya Teshigawara : You can't see it from here. (0:05:39.65)
Naoya Teshigawara : It's past that row of shrubs. (0:05:42.50)
Kouichi Sakakibara : We should check to
see if he's alive, first.
Naoya Teshigawara : Y-Yeah. (0:05:49.48)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Maejima? (0:06:33.08)
Kouichi Sakakibara : What happened? (0:06:34.24)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Blood...? (0:06:39.20)
Manabu Maejima : I can't... (0:06:43.06)
Kouichi Sakakibara : No way... (0:06:45.13)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Were you stabbed? (0:06:46.45)
Manabu Maejima : I looked... in the dining hall... (0:06:47.38)
Manabu Maejima : Th-The manager... (0:06:51.17)
Kouichi Sakakibara : The manager? (0:06:53.62)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Maejima!
We've gotta get out of here!
Izumi Akazawa : Why are you
screaming, Kouichi?
Naoya Teshigawara : Sakaki! What's going on? (0:07:23.67)
Mei Misaki : Who is that? (0:07:26.03)
Kouichi Sakakibara : It's Maejima! (0:07:27.36)
Kouichi Sakakibara : He's hurt! (0:07:28.94)
Naoya Teshigawara : How? (0:07:30.39)
Kouichi Sakakibara : He's been stabbed! (0:07:31.31)
Kouichi Sakakibara : There's also a fire
in the dining hall!
Mei Misaki : A fire? (0:07:35.20)
Kouichi Sakakibara : The manager's inside, dead. (0:07:36.31)
Kouichi Sakakibara : He was murdered! (0:07:38.84)
Kouichi Sakakibara : The killer must've
started the fire.
Naoya Teshigawara : Seriously?! (0:07:42.12)
Izumi Akazawa : Dammit. (0:07:45.84)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Did you find Kazami? (0:07:49.71)
Naoya Teshigawara : No. (0:07:52.40)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Huh? (0:07:53.69)
Izumi Akazawa : Was that... Takako? (0:07:57.58)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Sugiura! (0:07:59.70)
Izumi Akazawa : Get Maejima someplace
safe, and call 119!
Naoya Teshigawara : Right... (0:08:05.13)
Mei Misaki : This room... (0:08:20.82)
Izumi Akazawa : mine and Takako's. (0:08:22.42)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako, are you here? (0:08:30.60)
Izumi Akazawa : No way...! Takako! (0:08:34.36)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako! Where are you? (0:08:36.18)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako! (0:08:37.92)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Sakakibara? (0:08:41.86)
Yuuya Mochizuki : What's happening? (0:08:44.76)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Have you seen
Sugiura or Kazami?
Yuuya Mochizuki : I saw Kazami. (0:08:49.11)
Yuuya Mochizuki : He came by my room, covered with mud, his face clouded with anger, (0:08:51.17)
Yuuya Mochizuki : saying that Teshigawara
was acting weird.
Kouichi Sakakibara : Huh? (0:08:57.63)
Yuuya Mochizuki : I asked him what happened, (0:08:58.55)
Yuuya Mochizuki : but he glared daggers at me. (0:09:00.25)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Then I mentioned the tape... (0:09:02.10)
Kouichi Sakakibara : You told him? (0:09:05.16)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Yeah. (0:09:06.42)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Where is he? (0:09:11.40)
Yuuya Mochizuki : It's gone! (0:09:13.57)
Yuuya Mochizuki : The tape recorder's gone! (0:09:14.73)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Wha— How? (0:09:16.78)
Naoya Teshigawara : Sakaki! (0:09:18.55)
Naoya Teshigawara : Is Kazami in here? (0:09:20.12)
Kouichi Sakakibara : How's Maejima? (0:09:24.12)
Naoya Teshigawara : I left him with someone who heard the screams and came by to help. (0:09:25.58)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Hey... (0:09:29.14)
Yuuya Mochizuki : What on Earth is happening? (0:09:31.40)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Let's split up and
search for Kazami.
Kouichi Sakakibara : Stop by every room and
tell everyone to evacuate.
Kouichi Sakakibara : There's a fire! We need to leave! (0:09:44.52)
Makoto Ouji : Huh? (0:09:46.31)
Noboru Saruta : A fire? (0:09:47.76)
Yuuya Mochizuki : A killer? (0:09:50.19)
Naoya Teshigawara : Somewhere inside this building. (0:09:51.73)
Naoya Teshigawara : There's also a fire
in the dining hall,
Naoya Teshigawara : and we've no clue as
to where Kazami went.
Naoya Teshigawara : Everything's going horribly! (0:10:00.03)
Yuuya Mochizuki : We have to tell Ms. Mikami. (0:10:03.07)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Ms. Mikami? Are you there? (0:10:07.49)
Yuuya Mochizuki : We're coming in. (0:10:12.95)
Naoya Teshigawara : She's not here. (0:10:19.02)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Is that blood? (0:10:26.37)
Naoya Teshigawara : No doubt about it. (0:10:28.22)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Do you think something
happened to Ms. Mikami?
Naoya Teshigawara : H-Hey... maybe we should go outside and call the police. (0:10:33.38)
Yuuya Mochizuki : No. (0:10:37.53)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Not until we make
sure Ms. Mikami's safe.
Yuuya Mochizuki : Ms. Mikami...? (0:10:53.19)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Who's voice was that? (0:11:18.73)
Izumi Akazawa : Teshigawara's... (0:11:20.18)
Mei Misaki : ...and Mochizuki's. (0:11:21.36)
Kouichi Sakakibara : It came from downstairs. (0:11:23.44)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Let's take a look. (0:11:26.78)
Takako Sugiura : There you are. (0:11:48.27)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako! (0:11:49.43)
Izumi Akazawa : Are you okay? (0:11:50.60)
Takako Sugiura : Thank goodness. (0:11:53.00)
Takako Sugiura : If you had died too, (0:11:54.72)
Takako Sugiura : I wouldn't be able to go on. (0:11:56.98)
Takako Sugiura : Much like how you
can't live without me.
Izumi Akazawa : Takako...? (0:12:03.58)
Takako Sugiura : Send the dead back to death! (0:12:08.16)
Naoya Teshigawara : Ouch! (0:12:17.63)
Yuuya Mochizuki : Teshigawara! Let's run! (0:12:19.00)
Naoya Teshigawara : M-My leg... (0:12:20.84)
Takako Sugiura : Send the dead back! (0:12:34.89)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Stop! (0:12:36.73)
Takako Sugiura : Get the fuck out here! (0:12:41.36)
Kouichi Sakakibara : "Send the dead back to death"... (0:12:58.08)
Kouichi Sakakibara : How did she know about that? (0:13:00.51)
Izumi Akazawa : She... listened to the tape. (0:13:02.96)
Izumi Akazawa : You found it in class 3's
old homeroom, right?
Izumi Akazawa : Ogura told me. (0:13:10.58)
Kouichi Sakakibara : We're looking for a clue
to help stop the calamity.
Yumi Ogura : Seriously? (0:13:17.15)
Kouichi Sakakibara : I see. (0:13:18.64)
Kouichi Sakakibara : So someone brought the tape here? (0:13:20.67)
Izumi Akazawa : Yes. Mochizuki did. (0:13:22.42)
Izumi Akazawa : As the head of countermeasures,
I had to listen to it.
Kouichi Sakakibara : Why does she think Misaki
is the dead person, though?
Izumi Akazawa : Ever since our trip to the beach, (0:13:32.83)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako's been emotionally unstable. (0:13:35.84)
Izumi Akazawa : I'm going after her. (0:13:40.12)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Akazawa!
It's dangerous to go alone!
Takako Sugiura : This is an important announcement from the head of countermeasures to all the students of class 3. (0:13:45.02)
Takako Sugiura : The tape you are about to hear (0:13:50.36)
Takako Sugiura : was left behind 15 years ago,
when the calamity was stopped midyear.
Katsumi Matsunaga : —and how you can
stop the calamity.
Katsumi Matsunaga : Are you listening? (0:14:08.34)
Katsumi Matsunaga : Send them back to death,
where they belong.
Katsumi Matsunaga : Send the dead back to death. (0:14:12.36)
Katsumi Matsunaga : That's how to stop the
calamity once it's begun.
Takako Sugiura : This is the truth. (0:14:22.75)
Takako Sugiura : This is how the calamity was
stopped midyear, 15 years ago.
Takako Sugiura : And, the dead person this year is... (0:14:27.34)
Takako Sugiura : Misaki Mei. (0:14:32.09)
Takako Sugiura : I know this for a fact because we both went to the same elementary school, (0:14:33.97)
Takako Sugiura : and her left eye was intact. (0:14:39.65)
Takako Sugiura : Yet now, she is
missing her left eye.
Takako Sugiura : Do you know
what this means?
Takako Sugiura : It means she was
reborn incomplete.
Takako Sugiura : The Misaki Mei we
now know is a fake.
Takako Sugiura : That's why... (0:14:57.07)
Takako Sugiura : ...we must kill her! (0:15:01.66)
Kouichi Sakakibara : No! (0:15:03.96)
Tatsuji Chibiki : Return the dead... (0:15:19.93)
Kenzou Kawahori : death. (0:15:22.61)
EXTRA : Return the dead... (0:15:24.74)
Mikami-sensei : Stop it! (0:15:27.46)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Ms. Mikami! (0:15:29.74)
Kouichi Sakakibara : You can't kill your own classmate! (0:15:31.75)
Yukito Tsujii : But if we send the dead
person back to death,
Yukito Tsujii : no one else will have to die! (0:15:37.16)
Kenzou Kawahori : If we kill Misaki,
the calamity will end!
Mikami-sensei : No! (0:15:41.56)
Mikami-sensei : Don't do this!
You're making a mistake!
Kenzou Kawahori : Who the fuck's the
dead person, then?!
Mikami-sensei : I don't know, but... (0:15:48.70)
Yukito Tsujii : I... I don't... (0:15:52.94)
Yukito Tsujii : I don't want to die! (0:15:55.68)
Mikami-sensei : No! (0:15:57.64)
Kouichi Sakakibara : You fucking...! (0:16:14.14)
Kenzou Kawahori : Asshole! (0:16:17.23)
Aki Matsui : There she is! (0:16:31.71)
San Watanabe : The dead girl! (0:16:32.50)
Yumi Ogura : I'll avenge my brother! (0:16:34.47)
Kouichi Sakakibara : No! (0:16:35.97)
Yumi Ogura : You— (0:16:36.68)
Kouichi Sakakibara : I'm sorry! (0:16:38.51)
Kenzou Kawahori : Open up! (0:16:47.18)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Dammit. (0:16:48.35)
Yumi Ogura : Move! (0:16:51.74)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Careful, it's slippery. (0:17:04.18)
Yumi Ogura : Found you! (0:17:11.17)
Yumi Ogura : Send the dead back to death! (0:17:15.28)
Kenzou Kawahori : Ogura! (0:17:30.98)
Yukito Tsujii : They're in the hallway! (0:17:35.11)
Yuuya Mochizuki : We're saf— (0:17:44.76)
Kenzou Kawahori : Go in from downstairs! (0:17:54.76)
Makoto Ouji : You really think it's Misaki? (0:17:59.14)
Noboru Saruta : There's something off about her. (0:18:01.50)
Makoto Ouji : I know, but... (0:18:03.76)
Noboru Saruta : Something smells burnt. (0:18:08.93)
Makoto Ouji : He did say there was a fire. (0:18:11.81)
Noboru Saruta : I don't see any flames, though. (0:18:14.87)
Noboru Saruta : The dining hall? (0:18:19.93)
Kouichi Sakakibara : We should be safe here. (0:18:23.56)
Kouichi Sakakibara : I think it's over. (0:18:52.12)
Mei Misaki : What on Earth happened? (0:18:53.79)
Kouichi Sakakibara : An explosion in the
dining hall, probably.
Mei Misaki : I see. (0:18:58.56)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Maejima passed out in
front of the dining hall...
Kouichi Sakakibara : Could Sugiura have...? (0:19:05.07)
Takako Sugiura : It wasn't me. (0:19:06.74)
Takako Sugiura : It was probably that old hag. (0:19:16.91)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Old hag...? (0:19:18.92)
Takako Sugiura : You're... (0:19:21.79)
Takako Sugiura : ...a nuisance! (0:19:23.18)
Takako Sugiura : However, since you're not
the dead one, I won't kill you.
Takako Sugiura : Besides, Izumi seems fond of you. (0:19:29.33)
Takako Sugiura : Send the dead back to death! (0:19:41.01)
Takako Sugiura : Damn you! (0:19:46.57)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Why...? (0:20:22.87)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Why is this happening? (0:20:24.95)
Izumi Akazawa : Kouichi? (0:20:29.91)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Akazawa! (0:20:32.79)
Izumi Akazawa : Who is that? (0:20:35.28)
Izumi Akazawa : Takako! (0:20:40.09)
Izumi Akazawa : Misaki Mei...! (0:20:43.99)
Izumi Akazawa : You really are... (0:20:47.09)
Kouichi Sakakibara : No, Akazawa! (0:20:49.63)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Sugiura was... (0:20:51.17)
Izumi Akazawa : I'll kill you! (0:20:53.37)
Mei Misaki : If the dead person was gone, (0:20:56.45)
Mei Misaki : all of these tragic things... (0:21:00.72)
Mei Misaki : would end, right? (0:21:05.20)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Misaki? (0:21:15.41)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Misaki! (0:21:18.99)
Kouichi Sakakibara : Misaki! (0:21:23.65)

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I like how Raindrop is disabled- its a form of awareness in a way! - ilikememes0


Strong anger and hatred. - Kyuubey

They bring those seeds of disaster into the world. - Kyuubey

Witches hide inside magical barriers - Kyuubey

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