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EXTRA : In order to retrieve Diane's Sacred Treasure, the group enters the Byzel Fight Festival. (0:00:01.12)
EXTRA : The festival begins to heat up as
everyone focuses on their own goals.
Diane : Capt—no, wait, Meliodaz! Good luck! (0:00:22.25)
King : B-Baan! If you lose and get humiliated, I'll tell Elaine! (0:00:25.84)
Diane : Oh, that's right! (0:00:30.96)
Diane : You should cheer too, Elizabeth! (0:00:32.60)
Diane : It's all right! No one will notice you. (0:00:34.31)
Elizabeth Liones : O-Okay... (0:00:37.30)
Love Helm : Well then, let the fight begin! (0:00:38.68)
Ban : It would've been nice if the ring were a bit bigger. (0:00:41.52)
Ban : What's wrong all of a sudden? (0:00:45.52)
Ban : Are you that excited to fight me? (0:00:47.16)
Meliodas : I was just reminded of something... (0:00:49.86)
Meliodas : It was about this size back then as well. (0:00:52.11)
Ban : Back then? Tell me already! (0:00:54.56)
Meliodas : Don't worry, you'll get it right away! (0:00:57.96)
Ban : Ah, now I remember! (0:01:03.50)
Meliodas : This place sure is high-security. (0:01:09.11)
EXTRA : Of course it is! (0:01:11.64)
EXTRA : This is the man sentenced to die (0:01:12.63)
EXTRA : for the great sin of burning down the Fairy King's Forest four years ago! (0:01:15.10)
Meliodas : But he's still alive after being executed 33 times, isn't he? (0:01:18.48)
EXTRA : Correct. (0:01:22.73)
EXTRA : We've tried beheading and burning, but nothing's worked... (0:01:23.47)
EXTRA : H-He's not human! (0:01:27.03)
Meliodas : I see. What a coincidence. (0:01:29.73)
Meliodas : Open it up. (0:01:32.74)
Ban : Time for another execution? (0:01:38.28)
Ban : What a pain. I'm not moving an inch. (0:01:41.09)
Ban : If you're gonna do it, just do it here.{TLC: literally 'If you have some business with me, just do it here.'} (0:01:43.29)
Ban : A brat? (0:01:49.67)
Meliodas : Undead Ban. We're leaving. (0:01:52.24)
Ban : Huh? Didn't you hear what I just said, you brat? (0:01:54.39)
Meliodas : Guess I'll have to bust you out by force. (0:01:58.04)
Ban : Go ahead and try. (0:02:01.10)
Ban : Even if you're a brat, I won't go easy— (0:02:02.56)
Ban : You really did bust me out! (0:02:03.72)
Meliodas : Guess the first round goes to me, huh? (0:02:11.70)
Ban : Let's do that again! (0:02:14.48)
Meliodas : If you want to continue,
you'll have to come with me.{literally: 'If you want to continue, leave this place and team up with me.'}
Love Helm : A one-hit KO right off the bat! (0:02:22.20)
Ban : Here I come! (0:02:34.16)
Meliodas : Take this! (0:02:38.01)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:02:44.30)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:02:49.80)
EXTRA : Long ago, the Holy Knights fought alongside three tribes to seal away the Demon Clan. (0:02:52.56)
EXTRA : It was known as the Holy War, and memory of it has long left the minds of the people. (0:02:58.31)
EXTRA : However, a new Holy War has begun. (0:03:05.79)
EXTRA : The battle to banish the Seven Deadly Sins unto oblivion. (0:03:09.77)
EXTRA : Th-That Baan guy must be dead! (0:04:47.64)
EXTRA : Is this even considered a fight anymore? (0:04:50.16)
EXTRA : He's completely fine! (0:04:54.14)
Hauser : So these are the Deadly Sins! (0:04:59.02)
Hauser : They're both beyond monsters! (0:05:01.25)
Love Helm : Whoa! Are they both down?! (0:05:13.20)
Meliodas : Bastard, you've really done it, huh? (0:05:18.08)
Ban : Upsy-daisy. (0:05:22.00)
Love Helm : Wh-What's going on?! (0:05:24.17)
Love Helm : Baan's wounds have completely healed!{TLC: literally: 'The wounds inflicted on Baan have completely vanished!'} (0:05:25.85)
EXTRA : Th-Those two are insane! (0:05:36.76)
Hawk : Get your ale before it runs out! (0:05:38.48)
Hawk : Welcome! (0:05:40.97)
Ban : My body's as light as a feather! (0:05:42.62)
Ban : You made me lose a tooth! (0:05:48.81)
Ban : Just kidding. (0:05:51.31)
Diane : Hey, King! (0:05:55.24)
King : Yeah. (0:05:56.76)
King : Little by little, Captain's losing
his ability to keep up with Ban.
Diane : You mean Captain's running out of stamina? (0:06:00.79)
King : When Captain started getting sluggish, Ban suddenly became more agile! (0:06:03.55)
Elizabeth Liones : What do you mean? (0:06:09.32)
King : Ban's power, Snatch, can take away speed and power—it can rob physical abilities! (0:06:11.08)
Meliodas : Take this! (0:06:20.12)
Love Helm : Meliodaz turns around and smashes Baan back and forth like a rag doll! (0:06:21.94)
Love Helm : Such power! (0:06:26.53)
Ban : This feeling of having Cap'n's
power coursing through me...
Ban : This ecstasy! (0:06:39.37)
Ban : I wonder how much of Cap'n's
power has been added to mine!
Ban : Let me test it out! (0:06:45.71)
Ban : You've gotta be kidding me. (0:06:56.36)
Ban : Just how much strength lies within you, Cap'n? (0:06:58.00)
Ban : All right, I've decided. (0:07:02.55)
Meliodas : Decided to give up? (0:07:04.40)
Ban : Well, I don't think we can end this fight (0:07:05.89)
Ban : just by stealing a little speed or strength here and there, so... (0:07:09.43)
Ban : I'll take it all! (0:07:12.66)
Diane : End it right here and now! (0:07:17.66)
King : Ban will win if he can steal all of Captain's strength. (0:07:20.16)
King : But Captain will win if he can finish it before then! (0:07:22.64)
Ban : That was delicious, Cap'n! (0:07:33.43)
Love Helm : Whoa, what's going on?! (0:07:37.01)
Love Helm : Meliodaz ran out of strength after a ferocious offensive! (0:07:39.33)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord King, what happened to Lord Meliodas? (0:07:44.73)
King : Ban has completely robbed
Captain of his physical abilities.
Ban : The happy and fun brawl with the Cap'n is about to come to an end... (0:07:51.60)
Ban : What would you like to do? (0:07:57.62)
Diane : Ban! (0:07:59.50)
Diane : If you do anything more to Captain, I'll never forgive you! (0:08:00.62)
Diane : I'll cut all ties with you, too! (0:08:04.38)
Ban : The audience needs to shut up. (0:08:06.20)
Ban : I'm the one winning this fight. (0:08:08.37)
Meliodas : You can keep on dreaming. (0:08:11.63)
Meliodas : I'm the one who's gonna win! (0:08:14.18)
Ban : I knew it! Cap'n and I really do go well together! (0:08:17.84)
Ban : Well then, allow me to deliver one final blow! (0:08:21.56)
Elizabeth Liones : Please stop Lord Ban!
If this keeps going, Lord Meliodas will—
Diane : This fight is gonna go to Captain! (0:08:28.81)
Elizabeth Liones : What do you mean? (0:08:32.02)
Diane : Captain's just pretending to be defeated to bait Ban into delivering his most powerful blow. (0:08:32.99)
Diane : Then he'll reflect it back with Full Counter. (0:08:37.91)
King : That's impossible. (0:08:39.91)
King : Sorry, Diane. (0:08:42.12)
King : Captain's special power can only
reflect direct special power attacks.
King : So it's useless against something like an ordinary punch. (0:08:48.21)
Diane : No way! (0:08:50.79)
Diane : Then what is Captain doing?! (0:08:52.14)
King : Even I don't know! (0:08:53.75)
Ban : If you survive this, tell me how it feels! (0:08:56.59)
Ban : I want to know how the fist with our combined powers tastes! (0:09:00.24)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:09:04.31)
Hauser : He really finished him off! (0:09:09.07)
Hauser : Aren't they comrades? (0:09:11.54)
Elizabeth Liones : No way... Lord Meliodas... (0:09:13.59)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:09:16.24)
Meliodas : Shh! Elizabeth, you can't be so loud! (0:09:19.24)
Hauser : Wha— (0:09:24.76)
Love Helm : The only person left in the ring is Meliodaz! Where did Baan go?! (0:09:25.96)
Meliodas : Look over there. (0:09:30.70)
Love Helm : Then I guess... this means... (0:09:37.36)
Meliodas : It's my win! (0:09:41.30)
Love Helm : Winner, Meliodaz! (0:09:43.55)
Hawk : Hell yeah! Sold a whole barrel before the semifinals! (0:09:47.73)
Hawk : I always knew I was the best at this! (0:09:51.37)
King : D-Diane... (0:09:53.98)
Diane : Yeah... (0:09:55.75)
King : For a split second, I thought I saw something strange. (0:09:56.74)
Diane : Yeah... I was able to see it clearly. (0:10:00.75)
Diane : Ban hit Captain with everything he had. (0:10:04.41)
Diane : But at the same time, Captain's hand crushed Ban's wrist. (0:10:08.28)
Diane : And then, in the next instant... (0:10:13.72)
Diane : Ban's body was blown away. (0:10:17.97)
Diane : I've seen Captain like that once before... (0:10:21.49)
Diane : I don't know why, but it makes me feel uneasy. (0:10:25.22)
Elizabeth Liones : A black mark on his forehead... (0:10:29.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Isn't that the same as Dalmary— (0:10:31.45)
Meliodas : Yo, guys! (0:10:34.55)
Meliodas : What's going on? (0:10:35.99)
Meliodas : Looking all gloomy like that... (0:10:37.31)
King : Are you feeling okay already? (0:10:39.24)
Meliodas : Yep, as you can see! (0:10:41.29)
Meliodas : As soon as I blew Ban away, I returned to normal! (0:10:42.99)
Diane : Then how was he able to move before Ban was defeated? (0:10:45.82)
Meliodas : What's wrong, Diane? (0:10:49.28)
Meliodas : Are you nervous for once? (0:10:51.35)
Meliodas : Your next opponent does look tough... (0:10:53.13)
Hauser : All right! (0:10:55.96)
Hauser : Watching a fight like that has got me all fired up! (0:10:57.02)
Diane : Oh no, I have to get going! (0:11:00.60)
Diane : Here, Captain! (0:11:02.90)
King (human form) : Do your best, Matrona! (0:11:15.57)
Elizabeth Liones : Please don't push yourself, Diane! (0:11:17.57)
Diane : Yep! (0:11:20.61)
Diane : Meliodaz! (0:11:23.16)
Griamore : Lady Veronica. (0:11:28.77)
Veronica Lyonesse : Did you find her? (0:11:30.67)
Griamore : I've searched the area, but there are no signs of her. (0:11:31.51)
Hendrickson : We will lure the Sins to the town of Byzel. (0:11:36.26)
Griamore : How? (0:11:39.97)
Hendrickson : We'll use Diane's Sacred Treasure as the extra prize in the festival. (0:11:41.22)
Veronica Lyonesse : Then my sister— (0:11:45.02)
Hendrickson : Princess{seku: Well, shoot. I've always been making Elizabeth-sama "Princess Elizabeth."} Elizabeth will definitely be with them. (0:11:46.47)
Veronica Lyonesse : Ellie is here. (0:11:51.20)
Veronica Lyonesse : Somewhere in this venue. (0:11:52.98)
Griamore : Lady Veronica... (0:11:54.91)
Veronica Lyonesse : And not just because Hendriksen said so. (0:11:56.73)
Veronica Lyonesse : I can feel her presence. (0:11:59.21)
Griamore : I will go and look once more. (0:12:01.11)
Veronica Lyonesse : Thank you. (0:12:03.02)
EXTRA : Could you hurry up and decide, sir? (0:12:06.22)
EXTRA : The semifinals have started already. (0:12:09.14)
Alan : The Crime in the Sleeping Forest. (0:12:12.16)
Alan : I've read this before. (0:12:14.05)
Alan : Dangerous Man is an interesting title too. (0:12:16.45)
Alan : This is... (0:12:21.06)
Ban : Dammit, I can't believe myself... (0:12:32.57)
Ban : I totally forgot about Cap'n's trump card. (0:12:34.86)
Ban : Seriously, what was that? (0:12:39.80)
Hawk : Hey, you're heavy! Why don't you walk by yourself? (0:12:41.74)
Ban : Don't be so cold, Master Pig. (0:12:45.18)
Hawk : What are you, a spoiled brat? (0:12:47.53)
Ban : My body feels so heavy after using Physical Hunt. (0:12:49.62)
Hawk : I smell something. (0:12:56.37)
Ban : Leftovers? (0:12:57.15)
Hawk : No! (0:12:58.08)
Hawk : There's a storm brewing. (0:12:59.26)
Love Helm : Fight one of the semifinals, begin! (0:13:02.30)
Love Helm : Whoa, Hauser! What a gentleman! (0:13:11.43)
Love Helm : He let Matrona know that her button was undone! (0:13:13.77)
Love Helm : But he receives a hail of boos from the crowd! (0:13:18.15)
Hauser : I can't fight if there's
a distraction right in front of me!
Love Helm : Despite his looks, does Hauser actually have a pure heart? (0:13:24.28)
Diane : Well, this is what I'm used
to looking like all the time...
Hauser : Rising Tornado! (0:13:35.13)
Diane : I'll be in trouble if I take a direct hit from that! (0:13:38.93)
Hauser : Looks like you understand! (0:13:41.97)
Hauser : However... (0:13:43.71)
Hauser : Quit struggling and leave it to me! (0:13:47.45)
Hauser : It'll feel amazing! (0:13:50.32)
Hauser : You'll feel like you're flying through the sky! (0:13:51.46)
Meliodas : That guy is amazing! (0:13:53.85)
Meliodas : So many perverted comments in a row!{TLC: 'So many perverted comments in a row!' we used this tl in next ep preview}{seku: dammit. I like double entendres more. maybe change for batch?} (0:13:55.81)
Hauser : Th-That's not— (0:13:58.55)
Diane : Is that true? (0:13:59.60)
Hauser : Hell no! (0:14:00.68)
Hauser : I just don't like hurting women, that's all! (0:14:01.85)
Hauser : No matter how strong they are! (0:14:05.10)
Love Helm : Whoa! Matrona finds herself on the defensive! (0:14:07.75)
Hauser : Guess there's no other way. (0:14:11.11)
Hauser : I didn't want to force a woman into anything, but... (0:14:12.20)
Love Helm : What?! Two twisters appear on each side of Matrona! (0:14:16.77)
Love Helm : And she's backed to the edge of the ring! She's cornered! (0:14:19.75)
King : No! (0:14:23.55)
Hauser : Whether you try to jump up high or hunker down low, (0:14:24.21)
Hauser : the twisters will hug the
ground and rise to the skies!
Hauser : Checkmate! (0:14:30.19)
Hauser : No way! (0:14:34.68)
Hauser : Back then you said it'd be bad if you took— (0:14:35.51)
Diane : I borrowed these clothes,
so I didn't want them to be damaged!
Hauser : Jeez. (0:14:41.42)
Hauser : Interesting... (0:14:42.54)
Hauser : Guess I can go all out for once. (0:14:44.53)
Hauser : If you don't want to die, run. (0:14:49.91)
Hauser : Whirl Shock! (0:14:53.46)
King : Diane! (0:14:56.87)
Diane : That scared me... (0:15:00.46)
Hauser : I'm not done yet! (0:15:02.08)
Love Helm : What's going on?! The referee needs to get away! (0:15:05.74)
Hauser : How does my strongest storm taste?! (0:15:11.18)
Meliodas : This is crazy! I can barely see inside. (0:15:14.76)
King : At this rate, Diane will— (0:15:17.84)
Ban : If you let your feet off the ground for even a moment, it's over. (0:15:19.14)
Hawk : I-I'm sure I'd be able to hold my ground! (0:15:22.38)
Hauser : Fly! (0:15:25.50)
Hauser : This fight is over! (0:15:29.06)
Diane : Heavy Metal! (0:15:35.41)
Love Helm : Th-This is...?! (0:15:43.37)
Love Helm : H-Hauser is completely down and out! (0:15:44.21)
Love Helm : The winner of the first semifinals fight is Matrona! (0:15:46.81)
Diane : A-Are you alright? (0:15:52.24)
Hauser : I-It's my utter defeat. (0:15:53.93)
Diane : I lost my self-control and got serious, sorry. (0:15:55.62)
Hauser : A member of the Seven
Deadly Sins took me seriously...
Hauser : I-I'm honored. (0:16:02.60)
Diane : Eh? I-I'm just a girl who happened to be in the area. (0:16:04.02)
Hauser : Yeah, right... (0:16:09.63)
Meliodas : They seem to be in a good mood. (0:16:11.28)
King : Diane! Get away from that man right now! (0:16:13.17)
Diane : Ugh, jeez! (0:16:15.99)
Hauser : Diane... I knew it! (0:16:17.55)
Hauser : Wait! (0:16:20.84)
Diane : I'm really sorry. (0:16:23.12)
Taizoo : I don't believe this. (0:16:25.87)
Taizoo : To think a human exists who can defeat a Holy Knight... (0:16:27.58)
Cain Barzad : This world's so big, yet so small, too. (0:16:31.94)
Cain Barzad : Now it's time for me to confirm that. (0:16:34.76)
Love Helm : And now, the second semifinal fight! (0:16:38.35)
Love Helm : Meliodaz versus Cain! (0:16:40.78)
Diane : Captain, do your best! (0:16:42.60)
Elizabeth Liones : Please be careful! (0:16:44.76)
Meliodas : Leave it to me! (0:16:45.89)
King : Avenge my loss as well! (0:16:47.02)
Meliodas : Do it yourself. (0:16:48.88)
EXTRA : We're counting on you, shorty! (0:16:50.06)
EXTRA : Show us something amazing again! (0:16:51.90)
EXTRA : Don't lose, gramps! (0:16:54.00)
EXTRA : You gotta beat a kid like him! (0:16:55.55)
EXTRA : Do your best, both of you! (0:16:57.41)
Cain Barzad : You sure do resemble him... (0:16:58.99)
Cain Barzad : When I first saw your face, I thought it was possible, (0:17:02.37)
Cain Barzad : but once I heard your name, Meliodaz, I knew for sure. (0:17:05.44)
Meliodas : Hmm? (0:17:09.38)
Cain Barzad : You're Meliodas's son, are you not? (0:17:10.82)
Meliodas : Nope. (0:17:14.47)
Meliodas : I'm Meliodas. (0:17:15.44)
Cain Barzad : Wh-Wh-Wh-What?! (0:17:17.14)
Cain Barzad : Yeah, right! How could a little
midget kid like you be Meliodas?
Meliodas : Shh! I'm trying to lay low
right now for various reasons.
Cain Barzad : Even if he was alive, he'd bce in his thirties by now! (0:17:26.66)
Meliodas : Look, believe it or not... (0:17:30.98)
Cain Barzad : I find it hard to believe you since you don't remember who I am. (0:17:33.44)
Meliodas : Well, sorry about that. (0:17:36.70)
Cain Barzad : If you really are the Meliodas that I know... (0:17:38.78)
Cain Barzad : I'll never forgive you! (0:17:47.65)
Meliodas : That crest... It's Danafor's. (0:17:50.04)
Elizabeth Liones : My father told me about it before. (0:17:54.09)
Elizabeth Liones : The kingdom where I was born... (0:17:56.96)
Cain Barzad : Gramps, you're...? (0:17:59.10)
Cain Barzad : Why did you destroy the kingdom?! (0:18:01.66)
King : A direct hit! (0:18:05.10)
Diane : Captain! (0:18:06.14)
Cain Barzad : Why did you kill the people?! (0:18:06.84)
Love Helm : Whoa! Meliodaz is defenseless
against Cain's mysterious powers!
Diane : What are you doing, Captain?! (0:18:14.74)
Diane : Fight back! (0:18:16.72)
King : He's still hurt from the fight with Ban. (0:18:18.68)
Ban : That's not it. (0:18:20.88)
Ban : He's taking those hits on purpose. (0:18:22.45)
Ban : I can't believe he's being so lame. (0:18:24.32)
Diane : Wh-What does that mean?! (0:18:26.61)
Ban : Do I look like Cap'n to you? (0:18:28.69)
Cain Barzad : Why did you kill the person most important to you?! (0:18:30.04)
Cain Barzad : Why did you kill Liz?! (0:18:32.96)
Cain Barzad : Why did you betray everyone?! (0:18:36.88)
Diane : It's huge! (0:18:40.68)
King : No! Dodge it! (0:18:41.62)
Meliodas : I wanted to protect them. (0:18:43.43)
Meliodas : I wanted to protect everything. (0:18:45.14)
Meliodas : But... (0:18:47.56)
Meliodas : I couldn't. (0:18:48.92)
Meliodas : That is my sin. (0:18:51.10)
Meliodas : That's why this time, (0:18:52.86)
Meliodas : I won't fail in protecting them! (0:18:54.61)
EXTRA : Huh? Where'd that huge fireball go? (0:19:00.03)
EXTRA : I-It disappeared? (0:19:02.46)
Cain Barzad : Counter Vanish. (0:19:04.04)
Cain Barzad : A technique that disperses any
special power attack directed at you.
Cain Barzad : There's no mistaking it. You're the Meliodas I know. (0:19:10.38)
Meliodas : I remember you now. You're Cain Barzad. (0:19:13.66)
Cain Barzad : So it finally came to you. (0:19:16.90)
Meliodas : Back when you were a Holy Knight,
you always called yourself "The Flame Barzad."
Meliodas : You always used to wear armor, too. (0:19:23.21)
Cain Barzad : Oh, is that so? (0:19:25.69)
Cain Barzad : Meliodas, can I believe in the words you just spoke? (0:19:29.39)
Cain Barzad : That you didn't betray Danafor or the people? (0:19:33.20)
Meliodas : Yeah. (0:19:37.41)
Cain Barzad : I'm so happy! (0:19:41.98)
Cain Barzad : I've always wanted to hear those words from you! (0:19:43.83)
Meliodas : Barzad... (0:19:47.48)
Cain Barzad : When I returned from my mission, everything was completely gone. (0:19:48.53)
Cain Barzad : I heard dreadful rumors that you destroyed the Kingdom. (0:19:52.20)
Cain Barzad : Even so, I wanted them to be lies. (0:19:56.73)
Diane : What's going on? (0:20:00.09)
King : Beats me. (0:20:01.88)
Cain Barzad : I'm so glad to have the chance to meet another comrade-in-arms from the past like this. (0:20:03.06)
Love Helm : A-About the fight... (0:20:08.91)
Cain Barzad : It's my loss. (0:20:11.40)
Love Helm : Whoa, what's this? Cain has admitted defeat! (0:20:13.35)
Love Helm : Therefore, the winner of the
second semifinal fight is Meliodaz!
Meliodas : You sure? (0:20:20.86)
Cain Barzad : Of course! (0:20:22.24)
Cain Barzad : But you're just as soft and naïve as always. (0:20:24.09)
Cain Barzad : You should've just reflected all my attacks. (0:20:27.18)
Meliodas : But if you had died from that, I would've felt bad. (0:20:30.09)
Cain Barzad : I haven't gotten that old yet. (0:20:33.31)
Cain Barzad : Well then, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy watching the finals! (0:20:35.84)
Love Helm : And now, the moment you've all been waiting for. (0:20:41.62)
Love Helm : The Byzel Fight Festival finals! (0:20:44.01)
Love Helm : We had a parade of monstrous contestants this year. (0:20:45.69)
Love Helm : This is the fight for the top! (0:20:48.62)
Diane : Wait up for us, okay? (0:20:51.52)
Hawk : Hey, we really need to do something about Elizabeth's appearance. (0:20:53.35)
Hawk : Guess it's up to me. (0:20:57.23)
Hawk : Elizabeth, can you raise your arms for just a moment? (0:20:58.41)
Elizabeth Liones : Thank you, Hawk! (0:21:04.10)
King : What an impressive yet useless skill! (0:21:06.64)
Love Helm : Time for both contestants to enter the ring! (0:21:08.90)
Meliodas : Well, we're definitely going to get your Sacred Treasure back. (0:21:14.08)
Meliodas : Let's just get this over quickly! (0:21:17.56)
Diane : My heart has been KO'd by Captain already, though. Just kidding! (0:21:19.43)
EXTRA : Meliodaz! Look over here! (0:21:24.87)
EXTRA : Let's do something naughty, just like the other night! (0:21:26.96)
EXTRA : Hurry up and beat that musclebound woman, then come play with us! (0:21:30.35)
EXTRA : No fair! What about me? (0:21:34.27)
Love Helm : Whoa! Meliodaz has some sexy fans! I'm so jealous! (0:21:36.19)
Ban : A climax should be exciting. (0:21:40.15)
Hawk : It's gone! My purse is gone! (0:21:42.90)
Love Helm : Well then, let's get started! (0:21:46.85)
Diane : You... (0:21:48.74)
Diane : cheater! (0:21:50.83)
Jericho : Guila, have we arrived at Byzel yet? (0:21:55.37)
Guila : We'll be there in a moment. No need to be so anxious. (0:21:58.85)
Jericho : Of course I'm going to be anxious. (0:22:01.95)
Jericho : I'm itching to use this power to its fullest. (0:22:04.11)
Alan : And so, the children believed in the return
of their father and lived happily every after.
Alan : The end. (0:23:43.81)
EXTRA : Children... (0:23:45.01)
Alan : That's right. The Knight's children. (0:23:46.69)
EXTRA : Waiting... (0:23:49.73)
Alan : Right. (0:23:52.15)
Love Helm : The final round of the Byzel Fight Festival has arrived! (0:23:57.79)
Love Helm : Meliodaz versus Matrona! (0:24:00.62)
Love Helm : You can feel the danger in the air! (0:24:03.21)
Love Helm : On the other hand, yet again,
we have the disappointing Holy Knight, Hauser!
Love Helm : On top of making many perverted comments, he suffered a crushing defeat! (0:24:09.05)
Hauser : That's not true! That's not what
I meant. I want to hide in a hole!
Hauser : Super Cycl— (0:24:15.61)
Meliodas : Next time, on The Seven Deadly Sins: "Terrifying Canon." (0:24:19.24)
Love Helm : I beg of you, please don't
destroy the tournament grounds!

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