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Matsuemon Tennouji : South-southeast! (0:00:01.06)
Matsuemon Tennouji : Your next location is south-southeast! (0:00:02.85)
Tanjirou Kamado : I heard you! (0:00:06.56)
Tanjirou Kamado : I heard, so give me a break
and quiet down!
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm begging you! (0:00:10.90)
Tanjirou Kamado : I got the message, so please! (0:00:12.03)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Please! (0:00:13.86)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Please! Please! Please! (0:00:17.91)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Please marry me! (0:00:19.79)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I could die any day, you know! (0:00:21.83)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That's why I want you to marry me! (0:00:24.71)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : So please! Please, I'm begging you! (0:00:27.29)
Tanjirou Kamado : Wh-What's up with that? (0:00:30.25)
Tanjirou Kamado : What on earth? (0:00:33.22)
Tanjirou Kamado : Huh? (0:00:37.89)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm begging you! (0:02:23.62)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : There's no one else! (0:02:24.91)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're all that I have! (0:02:26.58)
Tanjirou Kamado : I see! Gotcha! (0:02:29.58)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'll do something about it! (0:02:31.33)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Please help me! Please marry me! (0:02:35.21)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm begging— (0:02:38.59)
Tanjirou Kamado : What do you think you're doing
right in the middle of the road?
Tanjirou Kamado : Can't you see she wants no part of you? (0:02:43.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : And don't go making trouble
for your sparrow, either!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That uniform! (0:02:49.06)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're that guy from Final Selection! (0:02:50.23)
Tanjirou Kamado : No one I know is anything like you!
I don't know you!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : But we met, remember? We met, remember? (0:02:56.94)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're the one with the problem!
Like your memory!
Tanjirou Kamado : All right, it's been taken care of. (0:03:11.83)
Tanjirou Kamado : You can head home now
without any worries.
EXTRA : I will. Thank you very much! (0:03:15.79)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey! (0:03:17.96)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Stay out of my way!
That girl is going to marry me!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Because she's in love with me, all ri— (0:03:23.01)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey! Ouch! That hurts!
Stop it! Stop it! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!
Tanjirou Kamado : H-Hey, calm down! (0:03:30.85)
EXTRA : When did I ever tell you that I loved you? (0:03:34.94)
EXTRA : You were crumpled up on the side of the road
looking ill, and all I did was speak to you!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You mean you didn't reach out to me
out of love because you were worried?
EXTRA : I already have a fiancé, so not on your life! (0:03:47.87)
EXTRA : With all that energy,
you must be fine now, right?
EXTRA : Goodbye! (0:03:54.63)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : W-Wait, come back! (0:03:56.50)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Come... (0:03:58.21)
Tanjirou Kamado : Look, cut it out! (0:03:58.92)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Wh-Why'd you get in my way?
This has nothing to do with you!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : What's with that look on your face? (0:04:05.39)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Stop that! (0:04:07.18)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Why are you staring at me
like I'm a creature or something?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey you! You're responsible for it! (0:04:13.44)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Since it's your fault
that I missed out on getting married!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Jeez, say something! (0:04:22.86)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Listen up! I'm going to die soon! (0:04:24.78)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : During my next job! (0:04:27.07)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : The thing is, I'm horribly weak, okay? (0:04:28.91)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm not kidding! (0:04:31.50)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You gotta protect me
until I manage to get married, all right?
Tanjirou Kamado : My name is Tanjiro Kamado! (0:04:36.50)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Is that right? My apologies! (0:04:38.50)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma!
Please save me, Tanjiro!
Tanjirou Kamado : What do you mean, save you? (0:04:45.43)
Tanjirou Kamado : What was your reason
for becoming a swordsman, Zenitsu?
Tanjirou Kamado : Why are you being
so blatantly shameless?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That's a harsh way to put it! (0:04:51.85)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I got swindled by a woman
and racked up all this debt!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : The old geezer who took it over
for me was a cultivator!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Day after day, I had to go
through hellish training!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : It was so bad that I thought
I'd be better off dead!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I was hoping I could die
during Final Selection!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : But since I was lucky enough to survive,
I'm still going through hell every day!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm so scared! Scared! Scared! Scared! (0:05:12.08)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I just know that I'm gonna get devoured
and killed soon by a demon!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : My brains are gonna get sucked
through my ears while I'm still alive!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : No! No! (0:05:21.00)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Please save me! (0:05:24.34)
Tanjirou Kamado : What's the matter? (0:05:27.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are you okay? (0:05:28.97)
Tanjirou Kamado : How are you? (0:05:48.28)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Yeah. (0:05:49.53)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Now that I'm calmer,
I'm getting hungry.
Tanjirou Kamado : Don't you have any food on you? (0:05:53.33)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Nope. (0:05:56.29)
Tanjirou Kamado : Here, take this. (0:06:00.75)
Tanjirou Kamado : Would like to eat it? (0:06:01.92)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, thanks. (0:06:04.17)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're not eating, Tanjiro? (0:06:12.14)
Tanjirou Kamado : No, since that's all I've got. (0:06:14.35)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Here. (0:06:24.53)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You eat half. (0:06:25.53)
Tanjirou Kamado : You sure? (0:06:27.57)
Tanjirou Kamado : Thanks! (0:06:28.70)
Tanjirou Kamado : I know what you mean
when you say you're scared of demons,
Tanjirou Kamado : but you can't make trouble
for your sparrow.
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Was it distressed? The sparrow? (0:06:53.05)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : How can you tell? (0:06:55.43)
Tanjirou Kamado : Well, he says that you're always whining
about not wanting to go to work,
Tanjirou Kamado : and you're always hitting on girls,
and that you snore so loud, he's had it!
Tanjirou Kamado : So he says. (0:07:05.36)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : He's saying that? (0:07:08.40)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You can understand bird language? (0:07:09.78)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're lying, right?
You're just trying to trick me!
Matsuemon Tennouji : Start running! Start running! (0:07:16.91)
Matsuemon Tennouji : Tanjiro, Zenitsu, run! (0:07:19.21)
Matsuemon Tennouji : Both of you head over
to your next destination!
Matsuemon Tennouji : Run! Run, Tanjiro, Zenitsu! (0:07:24.88)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That crow is talking! (0:07:31.72)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, Tanjiro, (0:07:44.81)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : on second thought,
I'm not gonna make it.
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Even if I go along,
I'm gonna be totally useless.
Tanjirou Kamado : The demon scent
is getting stronger little by little.
Tanjirou Kamado : There's something up ahead. (0:07:56.95)
Tanjirou Kamado : What's that? (0:08:01.46)
Tanjirou Kamado : I can smell blood. (0:08:11.05)
Tanjirou Kamado : But this particular scent... (0:08:13.22)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You smell something? (0:08:16.14)
Tanjirou Kamado : Something I've never smelled before. (0:08:18.26)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I don't know about that,
but do you hear that sound?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Also, are you and I gonna work
together, after all?
Tanjirou Kamado : Sound? (0:08:27.82)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : K-Kids... (0:08:35.53)
Tanjirou Kamado : I wonder what's wrong. (0:08:37.74)
Tanjirou Kamado : Hey, guys, what are you doing here? (0:08:40.62)
Tanjirou Kamado : They seem really spooked. (0:08:49.55)
Tanjirou Kamado : Okay, wanna see something cool? (0:08:52.72)
Tanjirou Kamado : Ta-da! (0:08:57.26)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's a tame sparrow! (0:08:59.51)
Tanjirou Kamado : See? Isn't he cute? (0:09:04.39)
Tanjirou Kamado : Please tell me. (0:09:15.82)
Tanjirou Kamado : Did something happen? (0:09:17.32)
Tanjirou Kamado : Is this your house? (0:09:19.03)
Shouichi : No. No, it's not. (0:09:20.99)
Shouichi : This... (0:09:23.00)
Shouichi : This is... (0:09:24.04)
Shouichi : A-A monster's... (0:09:25.75)
Shouichi : house! (0:09:28.46)
Shouichi : Our big brother got taken away. (0:09:32.84)
Shouichi : When we were walking
down the road at night,
Shouichi : this monster we'd never
seen before showed up.
Shouichi : It didn't give us a glance. (0:09:40.35)
Shouichi : Just our brother. (0:09:42.43)
Tanjirou Kamado : And they went inside that house, right? (0:09:45.06)
Shouichi : Yeah. (0:09:47.35)
Shouichi : Yeah. (0:09:48.35)
Tanjirou Kamado : Did you two follow them here? (0:09:49.81)
Tanjirou Kamado : You did good! (0:09:51.90)
Tanjirou Kamado : Great job! (0:09:53.03)
Shouichi : We followed the traces of his blood. (0:09:55.90)
Shouichi : Because he got hurt! (0:09:58.57)
Tanjirou Kamado : Hurt... (0:10:01.33)
Tanjirou Kamado : Don't worry! (0:10:03.58)
Tanjirou Kamado : We're going to defeat the bad guy
and rescue your brother!
Teruko : Really? You really will? (0:10:08.87)
Tanjirou Kamado : Yeah. (0:10:11.13)
Tanjirou Kamado : For sure! (0:10:12.42)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Tanjiro... (0:10:14.46)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, what is this sound? (0:10:16.47)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : This creepy sound never stops. (0:10:19.47)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Is it a tsuzumi? (0:10:22.64)
Tanjirou Kamado : Sound? (0:10:25.81)
Tanjirou Kamado : I don't hear any. (0:10:27.73)
Tanjirou Kamado : Don't look! (0:10:56.96)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are you all right? (0:11:00.18)
Tanjirou Kamado : Are you all right? (0:11:03.39)
Tanjirou Kamado : Stay with me! (0:11:04.85)
Tanjirou Kamado : The wound is so deep. (0:11:07.31)
Tanjirou Kamado : Is this... (0:11:09.27)
EXTRA : Even though... I got out... (0:11:11.35)
EXTRA : Even though I made it out... (0:11:17.61)
EXTRA : Made it outside. (0:11:20.53)
EXTRA : Still... (0:11:24.20)
EXTRA : Am I gonna die? (0:11:26.58)
EXTRA : Am I still gonna die? (0:11:30.33)
Tanjirou Kamado : And now he's gone... (0:11:48.89)
Tanjirou Kamado : It must've hurt a lot. (0:11:51.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : You must've suffered. (0:11:53.15)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Tanjiro, by any chance,
is that guy these kids'...
Tanjirou Kamado : We couldn't save him. (0:12:27.64)
Tanjirou Kamado : If only we'd gotten here a little sooner, (0:12:31.14)
Tanjirou Kamado : we might've managed to save him. (0:12:33.69)
Tanjirou Kamado : Hey, (0:12:37.36)
Tanjirou Kamado : is this man your... (0:12:38.52)
Shouichi : I-It's not Brother. (0:12:40.90)
Shouichi : Brother's wearing
a persimmon-colored kimono.
Tanjirou Kamado : I see. (0:12:49.03)
Tanjirou Kamado : So it's captured more than one person. (0:12:50.37)
Tanjirou Kamado : I promise to bury you when I return. (0:12:54.92)
Tanjirou Kamado : Forgive me. (0:12:58.59)
Tanjirou Kamado : Forgive me. (0:12:59.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : All right. (0:13:02.09)
Tanjirou Kamado : Zenitsu, come on! (0:13:03.13)
Tanjirou Kamado : But no one else can help them now
but you and me.
Tanjirou Kamado : Really? (0:13:19.61)
Tanjirou Kamado : All right, then. (0:13:21.23)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, come on! Why are you making
that ogre face at me?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Okay, I'll go! (0:13:28.62)
Tanjirou Kamado : I have no intention of forcing you to. (0:13:31.99)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I said I'll go! (0:13:34.75)
Tanjirou Kamado : In case of an emergency,
I'm leaving this box behind.
Tanjirou Kamado : Even if something happens,
you two will be protected.
Tanjirou Kamado : Okay, we're going now. (0:13:49.09)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Tanjiro! (0:14:23.05)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, Tanjiro! (0:14:25.09)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You'll protect me, right?
You'll protect me, right?
Tanjirou Kamado : Zenitsu, I hate to put you
on the spot, but...
Tanjirou Kamado : I've got a broken rib and leg
from my previous battle.
Tanjirou Kamado : And neither are fully healed yet. So— (0:14:41.61)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : What do you mean, broken bones? (0:14:46.49)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Don't go breaking any bones on me! (0:14:48.24)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : If you've got fractures,
you can't possibly protect me!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I-I-I'm gonna die! (0:14:53.16)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? (0:14:56.20)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm gonna die now! (0:14:57.66)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die! (0:14:58.79)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Broken bones? How could you?
I'm a dead man now! 99.9% dead!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm dead! (0:15:05.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : Zenitsu, quiet down! (0:15:06.88)
Tanjirou Kamado : You'll be all right! (0:15:09.34)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Don't sugarcoat it! (0:15:10.30)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm not! I can tell, all right?
Zenitsu, you're—
Zenitsu Agatsuma : No good! (0:15:16.72)
Tanjirou Kamado : You shouldn't be here! (0:15:19.31)
Shouichi : M-Mister, we heard scratching sounds
from inside that box!
Tanjirou Kamado : E-Even still, it pains me
that you left it behind!
Tanjirou Kamado : I mean, it's more precious
to me than my own life!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Sorry! My butt... (0:15:41.42)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's a different room. (0:15:53.89)
Tanjirou Kamado : No. (0:15:55.89)
Tanjirou Kamado : Were we the ones that moved? (0:15:56.85)
Tanjirou Kamado : To the beat of that tsuzumi? (0:15:58.89)
Tanjirou Kamado : Sorry you got separated
from your brother, okay?
Tanjirou Kamado : But I'm gonna protect you
no matter what.
Tanjirou Kamado : And Zenitsu is gonna protect your brother. (0:16:11.07)
Tanjirou Kamado : Don't worry! (0:16:13.74)
Tanjirou Kamado : What's your name? (0:16:15.45)
Teruko : Teruko. (0:16:17.16)
Tanjirou Kamado : Is that right? Teruko?
That's a fine name you have—
Tanjirou Kamado : Even among all these scents, (0:16:36.43)
Tanjirou Kamado : this is the strongest one
that this house is steeped in!
Tanjirou Kamado : This one's devoured
a whole slew of humans!
Tanjirou Kamado : This one's the master of this house! (0:16:43.77)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm gonna die! (0:16:48.11)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Gonna die, gonna die, gonna die,
I'm telling you!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Tanjiro and I got split up! (0:16:53.28)
Shouichi : Teruko! (0:16:56.03)
Shouichi : Teruko! (0:16:57.58)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : No, no, no, no! (0:16:58.58)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Don't yell like that! (0:16:59.49)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : If you yell and the bad guy hears you,
it won't be pretty!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Come on, let's step outside! (0:17:04.71)
Shouichi : What... (0:17:06.38)
Shouichi : Why outside? (0:17:07.46)
Shouichi : Are you trying to escape all by yourself? (0:17:09.09)
Shouichi : All this constant yammering about dying...
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
Shouichi : Clinging onto a younger person...
Don't you feel pathetic?
Shouichi : What are you wearing that sword
on your hip for anyway?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Those words cut so deep. (0:17:26.35)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That's not it! (0:17:31.36)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm not gonna be of any use anyway, (0:17:32.53)
Shouichi : Let me go! (0:17:33.69)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : so I'm gonna summon
a grownup here, okay?
Shouichi : Let me go! (0:17:36.24)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Because this isn't something
us kids can resolve on our own!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : You're kidding me, kidding me, kidding me! (0:17:47.04)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm sure this was the front door! (0:17:49.25)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Where'd the outside go?
I mean, this door was...
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Is it this one? (0:17:53.84)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : How about this one? (0:17:55.34)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : What about this one? (0:17:56.59)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : It's a monster! (0:18:09.61)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : What the heck?
What's that look in your eyes?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Stop looking at me like that! (0:18:28.04)
Kyougai : If it hadn't been... (0:18:40.47)
Kyougai : If it hadn't been for their meddling... (0:18:42.39)
Tanjirou Kamado : Teruko, you gotta try not to scream. (0:18:46.52)
Tanjirou Kamado : The room's going to flip around,
so don't go into the hall.
Tanjirou Kamado : Step back and hide behind the shelves. (0:18:52.52)
Kyougai : Curses, curses! (0:19:01.24)
Kyougai : Thanks to them, he got away! (0:19:03.87)
Kyougai : When he was my prey! (0:19:06.70)
Kyougai : Why is it? Why do they all keep
barging into someone else's home?
Kyougai : It's infuriating. (0:19:16.09)
Kyougai : That was my prey! (0:19:17.80)
Kyougai : My own prey, discovered on my own turf! (0:19:19.97)
Kyougai : Curse them! (0:19:29.81)
Kyougai : Curse them! (0:19:31.85)
Tanjirou Kamado : Hey! Listen! (0:19:33.73)
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm with the Demon Slayers Corp.
Rank 10, Tanjiro Kamado!
Tanjirou Kamado : I'm going to slay you now! (0:19:40.57)
Kyougai : A child with rare blood
that I found myself!
Tanjirou Kamado : Got him! (0:19:51.25)
Tanjirou Kamado : Teruko! (0:19:58.42)
Tanjirou Kamado : Now the tatami floors are on the sides! (0:20:03.80)
Tanjirou Kamado : The room's been flipped! (0:20:06.10)
Tanjirou Kamado : So, this is that demon's Blood Demon Art! (0:20:08.10)
Tanjirou Kamado : This entire house is this demon's territory! (0:20:10.73)
Tanjirou Kamado : What's this? (0:20:15.27)
Tanjirou Kamado : An odd scent is wafting this way. (0:20:16.32)
Tanjirou Kamado : It's not a demon! (0:20:18.65)
Inosuke Hashibira : Comin' through! Comin' through! (0:20:22.78)
Inosuke Hashibira : Comin' through! (0:20:25.78)
Tanjirou Kamado : Wh-Who's that guy? (0:20:35.58)
Tanjirou Kamado : He's wearing a boar's hide! (0:20:38.00)
Tanjirou Kamado : And he's wielding Nichirin Swords! (0:20:44.13)
Inosuke Hashibira : All right, you monster... (0:20:49.31)
Inosuke Hashibira : Die on the battlefield
and serve as my springboard!
Inosuke Hashibira : So that I can become more powerful
and soar even higher!
Kyougai : Infuriating! (0:20:59.15)
Kyougai : Infuriating! (0:21:00.99)
Inosuke Hashibira : Here goes... (0:21:04.74)
Inosuke Hashibira : Comin'... (0:21:06.24)
Inosuke Hashibira : through! (0:21:07.74)
EXTRA : PREVIEW (0:22:41.21)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, Tanjiro, (0:22:43.71)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I think that girl you forcibly pulled
away from me loves me after all.
Tanjirou Kamado : What are you talking about? (0:22:49.68)
Tanjirou Kamado : It was so obvious
that she wasn't into you!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : That's not true!
She might've said all those things,
Zenitsu Agatsuma : but she could've really wanted me
to chase after her, right?
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I think there was love in her eyes
when she slapped me,
Zenitsu Agatsuma : and then all the other times she hit me, (0:22:59.69)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : she was really putting her heart
into it every single time!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : She must be in love with me
for sure, for sure, for sure!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Say something, will you? (0:23:09.66)
Tanjirou Kamado : Now, it's time for a Taisho secret! (0:23:11.07)
Tanjirou Kamado : I hear that Zenitsu gets self-conscious
in front girls, and his heart starts fluttering.
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Well, I can't help it! (0:23:18.75)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Girls are so adorable,
so soft, and they smell so nice!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Oh, man, now that I'm thinking about them,
I just remembered that girl!
Zenitsu Agatsuma : If I make it out of this house, (0:23:26.80)
Zenitsu Agatsuma : I'm gonna go right after her
and rub my cheek against her!
Tanjirou Kamado : Next, Episode 12,
"The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps."
Zenitsu Agatsuma : Hey, don't just ignore me, Tanjiro! (0:23:34.43)
EXTRA : TO BE CONTINUED (0:23:37.22)

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This is a literal child - Anonymous


Hey, idiot! Here! - Katsuki Bakugo

All Might tried to keep it a secret... - Katsuki Bakugo

I couldn't tell anyone! - Katsuki Bakugo

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10 fun things to do on ACDB

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