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Jolyne Cujoh : I have obtained a disc. (0:00:13.51)
Jolyne Cujoh : Just one of them. (0:00:15.05)
Jolyne Cujoh : We can bring him back. (0:00:16.14)
Jolyne Cujoh : I just know that
the discs will bring him back.
EXTRA : Let's call it
Operation Savage Guardian for now.
Emporio Alniño : You should take him. (0:00:25.31)
Emporio Alniño : He can aid your cause. (0:00:26.90)
Emporio Alniño : His name is Weather Forecast. (0:00:28.98)
Lang Rangler : Jumpin' Jack Spark! (0:00:33.11)
Weather Report : Weather Forecast! (0:00:34.57)
Jolyne Cujoh : But where did he go? (0:00:42.95)
Jolyne Cujoh : I need to get the disc back! (0:00:46.12)
EXTRA : Emergency alarm activated. (0:02:22.10)
EXTRA : Corridor 7B. (0:02:24.06)
EXTRA : -Yes, that's correct. Corridor 7B.
-Emergency alarm activated.
EXTRA : We are awaiting reports. (0:02:28.69)
Enrico Pucci : Did something happen? (0:02:30.56)
EXTRA : We aren't sure as of yet. (0:02:32.06)
EXTRA : But Corridor 7B's sole function
is for access to the factory.
EXTRA : There is no possibility
that it is a fire or a prisoner riot.
EXTRA : Rest assured. (0:02:41.36)
Enrico Pucci : Yes, indeed. (0:02:42.62)
Enrico Pucci : I trust this prison and the prisoners. (0:02:45.08)
Enrico Pucci : With all the commotion,
curiosity got the better of me.
EXTRA : Surely, you are aware (0:02:54.17)
EXTRA : that no prisoner has managed
to escape from this prison for 20 years.
EXTRA : Furthermore, the courtyard
is outside of Corridor 7B.
EXTRA : No prisoner would choose
to escape from there, of all places.
Enrico Pucci : You're quite right. (0:03:07.27)
EXTRA : Leave the rest to us, Father. (0:03:08.93)
Enrico Pucci : I'll be off then. (0:03:10.56)
Enrico Pucci : Just one more thing out of curiosity… (0:03:18.99)
Enrico Pucci : Is the clock on the wall accurate? (0:03:22.28)
EXTRA : Yes, of course. (0:03:25.70)
EXTRA : It is now 11:58 a.m. (0:03:27.08)
EXTRA : It's almost lunchtime. (0:03:29.83)
Enrico Pucci : 11:51 a.m. (0:03:35.92)
Enrico Pucci : A call to The Speedwagon Foundation. (0:03:38.05)
Enrico Pucci : I have the usual request. (0:03:42.80)
Enrico Pucci : I'd like access to the collect call list
and the recorded conversations.
Enrico Pucci : Women's prison, phone booth 16. (0:03:50.27)
Enrico Pucci : The call from about seven minutes ago. (0:03:53.48)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast. (0:03:56.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : Since you touched me, (0:03:59.07)
Jolyne Cujoh : you are now weightless too. (0:04:00.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : I don't see our enemy anywhere. (0:04:08.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : We need to retrieve the disc right away. (0:04:10.58)
Weather Report : Stay calm. (0:04:13.54)
Weather Report : He must be within this laundry room. (0:04:15.46)
Weather Report : He is lurking somewhere. (0:04:18.38)
Weather Report : The courtyard is past that door. (0:04:21.05)
Weather Report : You are trying to reach that door, (0:04:24.13)
Weather Report : but it is most likely locked. (0:04:27.10)
Weather Report : You might need to blast it,
or force it open somehow.
Jolyne Cujoh : There's... A slight problem... (0:04:34.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : I know now's not the time for this… (0:04:38.48)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's a personal thing… (0:04:41.53)
Jolyne Cujoh : But it's urgent, and I need to go now. (0:04:43.65)
Jolyne Cujoh : So, like… (0:04:47.24)
Jolyne Cujoh : I don't know why it suddenly so suddenly. (0:04:49.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : But, well… (0:04:52.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's something that happens to everyone! (0:04:54.37)
Weather Report : What is this about? (0:04:58.04)
Jolyne Cujoh : Well, (0:04:59.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : it's the P-word related to
the pelvic area.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm just glad it's not "number two." (0:05:04.17)
Jolyne Cujoh : You know, the biological phenomenon! (0:05:07.05)
Weather Report : You need to take a piss? (0:05:09.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : No need to say it up close. (0:05:11.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm serious. I need to go. (0:05:13.93)
Weather Report : Just pick any corner. (0:05:18.44)
Jolyne Cujoh : Dammit, why did I even try
talking to a guy about this?
Weather Report : I have relieved myself already. (0:05:25.15)
Weather Report : See? It's floating over there. (0:05:27.11)
Weather Report : In zero gravity, the blood in your body
will suddenly collect in your head.
Weather Report : Blood that is usually in the lower parts
of the body due to gravity.
Weather Report : The space between the skin and the bone
is swollen and squishy with blood.
Weather Report : It's called a "moon face." (0:05:45.13)
Weather Report : However, (0:05:49.09)
Weather Report : it's dangerous when too much blood
goes to your head.
Weather Report : The kidney automatically works harder
to reduce the amount of blood.
Weather Report : This triggers an acute diuretic effect. (0:05:58.31)
Weather Report : It attempts to thin the blood content (0:06:01.27)
Weather Report : by expelling salt. (0:06:03.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : -But--
-Don't worry.
Weather Report : -But--
-Don't worry.
Weather Report : I'll use my clouds to absorb your urine. (0:06:07.28)
Jolyne Cujoh : What? (0:06:09.36)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, wait, what are these droplets? (0:06:13.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : They're leaking out of your cloud! (0:06:17.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast! (0:06:30.84)
Jolyne Cujoh : No, that's not it. (0:06:32.43)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's being sucked out
through the gap in the wall!
Weather Report : Me too. (0:06:36.52)
Weather Report : Blood from the wound I got earlier. (0:06:37.81)
Jolyne Cujoh : My nose won't stop bleeding! (0:06:40.14)
Weather Report : I'm having difficulty breathing… (0:06:42.52)
Weather Report : No, it can't be! (0:06:46.48)
Weather Report : Jolyne! (0:06:50.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : Everything I touch becomes zero gravity. (0:07:00.83)
Jolyne Cujoh : I touched the walls leading to the door. (0:07:05.55)
Jolyne Cujoh : That means the whole room
is unaffected by gravity!
Jolyne Cujoh : The air! (0:07:15.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : Air can't stay in zero gravity! (0:07:15.93)
Jolyne Cujoh : It'll get pulled by
the surrounding gravity, and it'll escape!
Jolyne Cujoh : We need to close up the gap! (0:07:23.10)
Jolyne Cujoh : Otherwise, we'll suffocate to death! (0:07:25.36)
Weather Report : Jolyne, you're wrong. (0:07:28.86)
Weather Report : Suffocation isn't our primary concern. (0:07:30.11)
Weather Report : The blood in our bodies will boil first,
leading to our death.
Weather Report : In a vacuum, blood boils up like water. (0:07:37.29)
Weather Report : In a zero-gravity vacuum, (0:07:41.66)
Weather Report : people's blood will dry up in 20 seconds, (0:07:43.62)
Weather Report : before even suffocating. (0:07:46.29)
Lang Rangler : I'll reload my bullets. (0:08:00.98)
Weather Report : We'll get shot. (0:08:06.27)
Weather Report : We must hide somewhere! (0:08:07.94)
Jolyne Cujoh : What are you saying? (0:08:10.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'm bleeding out of my nose! (0:08:11.74)
Jolyne Cujoh : We need to stop the air! (0:08:13.40)
Weather Report : Weather Forecast! (0:08:15.74)
Weather Report : Just take shallow breaths. (0:08:46.52)
Weather Report : I gathered what little air
is remaining in this room,
Weather Report : and covered our bodies with clouds. (0:08:52.61)
Jolyne Cujoh : Cloud suits. (0:08:57.57)
Weather Report : The room is almost a complete vacuum. (0:09:00.70)
Weather Report : This is all the remaining air. (0:09:02.79)
Weather Report : Your nosebleed has stopped. (0:09:06.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : How long can we keep breathing? (0:09:09.42)
Weather Report : I wish I didn't have to answer that. (0:09:13.21)
Weather Report : I'd say about two minutes. (0:09:15.30)
Weather Report : It's a cloud suit on the verge of death. (0:09:17.76)
Jolyne Cujoh : If we don't defeat our enemy
within that time,
Jolyne Cujoh : we'll be thrown into the vacuum, right? (0:09:23.27)
Weather Report : Precisely. (0:09:27.06)
Weather Report : Where is he? (0:09:30.48)
Weather Report : We must find him. (0:09:32.73)
Weather Report : Whether we act or not, (0:09:34.03)
Weather Report : his attack will finish us both. (0:09:36.40)
Jolyne Cujoh : Hey, now that my nosebleed has stopped, (0:09:39.16)
Jolyne Cujoh : I notice something. (0:09:41.91)
Weather Report : Listen, Jolyne. (0:09:43.62)
Weather Report : I said two minutes, but it could be one! (0:09:44.91)
Weather Report : We must find him immediately! (0:09:47.46)
Weather Report : Carbon dioxide is increasing as we speak! (0:09:49.42)
Jolyne Cujoh : The laundry hampers. (0:09:51.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : They aren't floating. (0:09:53.50)
Jolyne Cujoh : The hampers over there. (0:09:56.09)
Jolyne Cujoh : I touched the walls, shutters,
and floor of this room.
Jolyne Cujoh : That's why the whole room
entered zero gravity,
Jolyne Cujoh : and everything is floating. (0:10:04.97)
Jolyne Cujoh : But why are those hampers
and barrels not floating,
Jolyne Cujoh : and attached to the floor? (0:10:11.48)
Jolyne Cujoh : Also, that enemy. (0:10:14.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : How is he breathing in a vacuum? (0:10:16.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : Shouldn't his blood be boiling over? (0:10:20.82)
Jolyne Cujoh : In other words, (0:10:27.58)
Jolyne Cujoh : that's the range of his ability. (0:10:29.92)
Jolyne Cujoh : There is a distance range
to this zero gravity.
Jolyne Cujoh : It's not the entire room! (0:10:36.13)
Weather Report : An attack range! (0:10:38.30)
Jolyne Cujoh : From here to the hampers (0:10:40.26)
Jolyne Cujoh : is about 20 meters or so. (0:10:42.64)
Jolyne Cujoh : Zero gravity ends there. (0:10:44.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : If we can get there,
there will surely be normal air!
Jolyne Cujoh : You must go, Weather Forecast. (0:10:50.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : He is outside of the vacuum range. (0:10:52.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : If you do not control the air now, (0:10:54.32)
Jolyne Cujoh : we will never reach our enemy. (0:10:56.98)
Weather Report : You may be correct. (0:11:00.03)
Weather Report : Outside that hamper… (0:11:01.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : Go, Weather Forecast. (0:11:10.12)
Jolyne Cujoh : The pressure in the suit
is becoming strange.
Jolyne Cujoh : Go before this cloud suit
disperses into the vacuum!
Lang Rangler : Don't think you can
get out of my attack range!
Jolyne Cujoh : He's gonna shoot him down! (0:11:39.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : I won't let you! (0:11:41.49)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll protect Weather Forecast! (0:11:43.82)
Weather Report : He's coming around us! (0:11:54.79)
Weather Report : I'll charge ahead! (0:11:56.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's going to reach air in a few meters. (0:12:32.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : Once Weather Forecast gets air, (0:12:35.54)
Jolyne Cujoh : he's going to corner you! (0:12:38.29)
Lang Rangler : If you want air that bad, you can have it. (0:12:40.05)
Lang Rangler : No need to even reach the hampers. (0:12:43.67)
Lang Rangler : I just now (0:12:46.72)
Lang Rangler : completed my attack. (0:12:48.76)
Lang Rangler : I wasn't trying to ricochet
the bullets to injure him.
Lang Rangler : I shot the barrel itself! (0:12:57.98)
Lang Rangler : A bit of air is left in the barrel. (0:13:03.44)
Lang Rangler : Highly pressurized air (0:13:06.20)
Lang Rangler : on the verge of explosion, that is! (0:13:09.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast! (0:13:14.54)
Lang Rangler : He was pushed back to zero gravity. (0:13:24.01)
Lang Rangler : He is done for. (0:13:26.84)
Lang Rangler : He won't be able to gain enough force
to stop the momentum.
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast! (0:13:36.02)
Weather Report : This is it. (0:13:37.98)
Weather Report : The suit itself is about to collapse! (0:13:38.94)
Weather Report : Jolyne! How reckless! (0:13:50.74)
Weather Report : You must go back! (0:13:53.12)
Weather Report : He'll shoot you down! (0:13:54.50)
Weather Report : That thrust itself
will dissipate your suit!
Lang Rangler : She makes incredibly quick decisions. (0:13:59.67)
Lang Rangler : She charged into that bastard
to stop his movement,
Lang Rangler : and to push him outside of
the zero gravity again!
Lang Rangler : However, (0:14:12.14)
Lang Rangler : I won't let you through! (0:14:14.27)
Lang Rangler : I already know. (0:14:18.77)
Lang Rangler : Your Stand is very powerful. (0:14:20.56)
Lang Rangler : My rotating bullets aren't fast enough,
and would get flicked away in defense.
Lang Rangler : That's why I've been preparing. (0:14:29.15)
Lang Rangler : I've looked for them. (0:14:31.49)
Lang Rangler : I'd captured them away from view. (0:14:33.24)
Lang Rangler : There were quite a lot. (0:14:38.33)
Jolyne Cujoh : Rats! They're alive! (0:14:39.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : Could they be… (0:14:42.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:14:45.13)
Jolyne Cujoh : Push them away! (0:14:46.09)
Jolyne Cujoh : I can't see! (0:14:51.93)
Lang Rangler : Okay! (0:14:53.39)
Lang Rangler : I did not expect you to fight
against my ability like this.
Lang Rangler : This is checkmate. (0:14:59.18)
Lang Rangler : You're finished, Jolyne Cujoh! (0:15:01.10)
Lang Rangler : My mission is now complete! (0:15:06.40)
Lang Rangler : Jumpin' Jack Spark is the best. (0:15:15.83)
Lang Rangler : I feel invincible. (0:15:19.25)
Lang Rangler : I'm glad I was imprisoned here. (0:15:21.54)
Lang Rangler : With this ability I obtained here, (0:15:24.08)
Lang Rangler : there is nothing I can't do in this world. (0:15:26.42)
Lang Rangler : My future is rosy! (0:15:29.51)
Lang Rangler : I will hand this disc over to Pale Snake. (0:15:32.38)
Lang Rangler : I can defeat him too, if I wanted to. (0:15:35.47)
Lang Rangler : WIth my own hands! (0:15:38.68)
Jolyne Cujoh : I knew it… (0:15:54.99)
Jolyne Cujoh : I knew you'd do it. (0:15:58.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was waiting (0:16:02.29)
Jolyne Cujoh : for you to reload. (0:16:04.38)
Jolyne Cujoh : I was waiting with my threads ready (0:16:05.63)
Jolyne Cujoh : for you to reload your gun. (0:16:08.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : And you shot at me. (0:16:10.13)
Lang Rangler : These threads! (0:16:13.47)
Lang Rangler : When the hell did you do this?! (0:16:14.39)
Jolyne Cujoh : Stone Ocean! (0:16:16.39)
Lang Rangler : What? (0:16:22.52)
Jolyne Cujoh : You are the one in a complete vacuum. (0:16:33.03)
Jolyne Cujoh : And now, (0:16:36.45)
Jolyne Cujoh : without a suit, your blood will boil up (0:16:37.83)
Jolyne Cujoh : and explode faster than us! (0:16:41.00)
Jolyne Cujoh : We won! (0:16:45.67)
Jolyne Cujoh : If you don't want to die, (0:16:46.79)
Jolyne Cujoh : you must deactivate
the zero gravity immediately!
Lang Rangler : Dammit! (0:16:54.47)
Lang Rangler : The crime that put me in this prison… (0:16:58.22)
Lang Rangler : How many times did I stab her? (0:17:01.18)
Lang Rangler : When I killed the female professor, (0:17:04.81)
Lang Rangler : the prosecutor said
I stabbed her 69 times.
Lang Rangler : That compulsion. (0:17:11.86)
Lang Rangler : It's surging within me once more. (0:17:13.49)
Lang Rangler : Shit. (0:17:15.95)
Lang Rangler : I won't let you underestimate me. (0:17:17.11)
Lang Rangler : That bitch! (0:17:19.16)
Lang Rangler : A reaction between hydrogen peroxide
and manganese dioxide
Lang Rangler : produces oxygen. (0:17:25.46)
Lang Rangler : Just like the oxygen in this bottle,
it keeps coming out!
Lang Rangler : My urge to slaughter someone
like back then!
Lang Rangler : Take this! (0:17:38.80)
Lang Rangler : I'll make a headstone out of
your piss-soaked body with this glass!
Lang Rangler : Jolyne Cujoh,
your blood vessels will rupture first
Lang Rangler : since you are covered in wounds! (0:17:59.41)
Lang Rangler : I got incarcerated for murder. (0:18:01.99)
Lang Rangler : I will kill you
and leave this place an invincible man!
Weather Report : Take this. (0:18:17.76)
Weather Report : This will be sufficient (0:18:19.30)
Weather Report : just to take the disc back (0:18:20.55)
Weather Report : from that bastard. (0:18:24.56)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast! (0:18:29.52)
Lang Rangler : What? (0:18:31.61)
Lang Rangler : Dammit! My body is at its limit! (0:18:33.61)
Lang Rangler : If I deactivate my ability,
the air will rush in.
Lang Rangler : I may be able to escape using the impact! (0:18:41.16)
Lang Rangler : Zero gravity, deactivate! (0:18:44.37)
Lang Rangler : Jumpin' Jack Spark! (0:18:46.75)
Jolyne Cujoh : You should've deactivated it
the first chance you had.
Jolyne Cujoh : The change in air pressure
might have let you escape.
Jolyne Cujoh : If only you had deactivated it while
you still had distance from Stone Ocean.
Jolyne Cujoh : The air is blowing you back toward me! (0:19:11.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : How much longer
until The Speedwagon Foundation arrives?
Jolyne Cujoh : Three minutes? Or two minutes? (0:19:44.89)
Weather Report : There is a corridor past this door. (0:19:48.22)
Weather Report : Alongside the right wall, there are
windows that look out to the courtyard.
Weather Report : There, you'll be able to see
a revolving door's gate.
Weather Report : This gate leads to the courtyard. (0:19:59.32)
Weather Report : The gate is accessible
during the day and is unlocked.
Weather Report : The next challenge
is how to go about opening this door.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll get a prison guard to open it. (0:20:11.66)
Jolyne Cujoh : We have his work permit. (0:20:14.25)
Jolyne Cujoh : We'll trick them into opening it. (0:20:17.67)
Weather Report : I see. (0:20:20.55)
Weather Report : Once the door opens,
you'll knock the guards out
Weather Report : and force your way to the courtyard. (0:20:24.89)
Weather Report : Very well. (0:20:28.22)
Weather Report : Not only will you be charged
with attempted escape,
Weather Report : but you'll also receive
solitary confinement for six months
Weather Report : where you cannot even
exercise sufficiently.
Jolyne Cujoh : That's fine. (0:20:40.19)
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll go to the courtyard (0:20:42.15)
Jolyne Cujoh : and hand this disc over to someone
from The Speedwagon Foundation.
Jolyne Cujoh : That's my only mission in life right now. (0:20:47.62)
Jolyne Cujoh : The guards are coming. (0:20:59.96)
Jolyne Cujoh : Weather Forecast,
go find somewhere to hide.
Jolyne Cujoh : I'll go by myself from here. (0:21:05.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : You're severely wounded, (0:21:07.09)
Jolyne Cujoh : and if the guards see your injury, (0:21:09.01)
Jolyne Cujoh : they might lock the gate. (0:21:11.52)
Weather Report : Very well. I understand. (0:21:13.10)
EXTRA : What is it? (0:21:20.27)
EXTRA : Why are you knocking? (0:21:22.19)
EXTRA : It's you. (0:21:28.12)
Weather Report : "It's you"? (0:21:29.87)
Enrico Pucci : What is it, Rangler? (0:21:32.41)
Enrico Pucci : What is this noise about? (0:21:34.50)
Enrico Pucci : Hold still. I'll open the door. (0:21:36.25)
Enrico Pucci : If you are returning to the men's prison, (0:21:44.67)
Enrico Pucci : Lang Rangler, how about we stop
by the chapel on the way?
Enrico Pucci : I'd like to speak to you. (0:21:51.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : It's not a guard! (0:21:55.60)
Jolyne Cujoh : Who is he? (0:22:05.86)
Jolyne Cujoh : He's neither a guard nor a prisoner! (0:22:07.90)
Jolyne Cujoh : What could his attire mean? (0:22:11.91)

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