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Cayna : Yup, that looks great on you. (0:00:01.09)
Roxilius : You look lovely, Lady Luka. (0:00:08.91)
Luka : "Lady"? No, I'm not a lady. (0:00:11.99)
Roxilius : I do beg your pardon. (0:00:15.84)
Roxilius : But you are my master's daughter. (0:00:17.66)
Roxilius : Therefore, I shall address you as "Lady." (0:00:20.44)
Cayna : Alrighty, why don't we go out? (0:00:26.71)
Luka : Go out? (0:00:30.69)
Luka : Where are we going? (0:00:32.65)
Cayna : I'm going to introduce you to
your older brothers and sister.
Cayna : And I need to go say hi to some people
who helped me out before we move.
Cayna : Okay? (0:00:45.68)
EXTRA : An Introduction, a Carriage, a Maid, and Moving (0:02:17.42)
Cayna : I bet it's surprising to see
this many people, huh?
Cayna : That's the marketplace. You can find
anything you want to eat there.
Cayna : That's the Adventurers' Guild. (0:02:37.77)
Cayna : That's where we adventurers get
a lot of ques—we get a lot of jobs.
Cayna : That's the castle. (0:02:48.01)
Luka : A castle... Like where a
king or a princess lives?
Cayna : Yup, exactly. And... (0:02:54.02)
Cayna : This is the Ejidd River. We're going
to take a boat and head over there.
Lonti Arbalest : You adopted her?! (0:03:07.14)
Mai-Mai : You adopted her?! (0:03:07.14)
Cayna : This is Luka, your new little sister. (0:03:09.75)
Mai-Mai : It's nice to meet you, Luka. I'm Mai-Mai. (0:03:15.90)
Mai-Mai : You can call me Big Sister Mai-Mai. (0:03:18.59)
Luka : Big Sister Mai-Mai... (0:03:24.09)
Mai-Mai : I love the sound of that! (0:03:27.28)
Cayna : And that's... (0:03:30.18)
Roxilius : I am Roxilius. (0:03:32.19)
Mai-Mai : I never knew you had a butler, Mother. (0:03:34.42)
Lonti Arbalest : H-Here you go, Miss Cayna, Little Miss Luka. (0:03:37.02)
Cayna : Thanks, Lonti. (0:03:40.63)
Luka : Thank you... (0:03:42.28)
Lonti Arbalest : Um... Would you like some tea, Roxilius? (0:03:44.02)
Roxilius : I am fine, thank you. (0:03:48.49)
Lonti Arbalest : I-I see... (0:03:50.83)
Mai-Mai : You're always full of surprises, Mother. (0:03:53.29)
Mai-Mai : You went to look for some Palace of the
Dragon King and came back with a child.
Mai-Mai : And when you came to the royal capital... (0:04:03.17)
Mai-Mai : You caught a runaway prince, (0:04:05.99)
Mai-Mai : sent the High Priest flying into the ceiling, (0:04:08.60)
Mai-Mai : annihilated the bandits that were giving
the knights trouble all on your own,
Mai-Mai : and defeated an Event Monster
like it was child's play.
Mai-Mai : Mother, your life is so eventful. (0:04:19.19)
Cayna : I can't help but think I'm some
kind of deterrent in this world.
Cayna : By the way, Mai-Mai... (0:04:29.49)
Cayna : Now that I've got a new daughter named Luka, (0:04:31.42)
Cayna : I'm going to build a house near my tower, (0:04:34.60)
Cayna : and I'm going to settle down there. (0:04:37.81)
Mai-Mai : Not in the royal capital? (0:04:40.11)
Cayna : I want Luka to grow up carefree
and surrounded by nature.
Cayna : Besides, if I stay here, (0:04:46.73)
Cayna : I'm afraid Skargo will try
to attack me every day.
Mai-Mai : True... (0:04:51.84)
Lonti Arbalest : True... (0:04:52.89)
Key : True. (0:04:54.09)
Cayna : Now, then... (0:04:57.48)
Cayna : I'm going to go see Skargo and Kartatz.
Could you let them know for me?
Cayna : Could you also tell Kartatz, "I'm going
to build a house, so I'd love some lumber.
Cayna : It'd make me so happy to have a lot." (0:05:08.32)
Mai-Mai : Very well. (0:05:11.88)
Skargo : Ah, a new little sister! (0:05:17.44)
Skargo : Welcome to our family! (0:05:19.84)
Cayna : Skargo... (0:05:32.56)
Skargo : I'm very sorry, Mother Dearest! (0:05:35.79)
Cayna : It's okay. He's just a weirdo.
He's not actually scary.
Luka : He's just a weirdo? (0:05:43.49)
Cayna : Let's try these introductions again. (0:05:45.54)
Cayna : This is my son, Skargo. (0:05:48.17)
Luka : Big Brother Skargo? (0:05:51.84)
Skargo : Ah, my precious little sister! (0:05:54.54)
Cayna : Just think of him as your pathetic,
weird older brother, who holds a high rank,
Cayna : but is only remembered for
producing his own special effects.
Luka : 'Kay. (0:06:05.38)
Skargo : Mother Dearest, you don't have
to say it like that...
Cayna : You deserve every word of it. (0:06:09.35)
Skargo : But, Mother Dearest... (0:06:10.96)
Skargo : These effects are what make me
who I am. They are my identity!
Cayna : I'm telling you to get rid of that identity. (0:06:18.67)
Skargo : But... you're the one who raised
me to be this way, are you not?
Key : He's got a point, Cayna. (0:06:28.07)
Roxilius : So this lad is Master's son. (0:06:30.86)
Roxilius : I see. (0:06:34.98)
Cayna : So, yeah. I'm going to be living
in the village near my tower.
Cayna : If you need anything,
you can contact me there.
Skargo : Very well. In that case, I think I'll
also move my church over there—
Cayna : Yeah, don't. (0:06:51.80)
Skargo : Mother Dearest... (0:06:55.17)
Cayna : Okay, I'll be taking all of this. (0:06:57.88)
Kartatz : That should be plenty. (0:07:04.03)
Cayna : Yup. (0:07:06.55)
Cayna : This should be plenty to build
a house or two. Thanks, Kartatz.
Kartatz : I'm not a kid. Stop patting me on the head. (0:07:13.43)
Kartatz : You're my little sister, huh?
Pleased to meet ya.
Luka : It's nice to meet you. (0:07:25.86)
Kartatz : What a good little lass. (0:07:29.14)
Cayna : You're such a good boy, Kartatz. (0:07:30.80)
Kartatz : Damn it, stop patting my head. (0:07:33.57)
Cayna : You're so personable, unlike Skargo. (0:07:35.48)
Cayna : I wonder if it's because
you're so old and wise.
Kartatz : Old and wise? You're way older than I am. (0:07:40.90)
Elineh : Ah, I see. (0:07:46.89)
Elineh : So you've adopted a daughter. (0:07:49.19)
Arbiter : And you're moving to that village?
We sure will miss you.
Cayna : It's not like we'll never
see each other again.
Elineh : I was hoping you'd be our
caravan's dedicated bodyguard.
Arbiter : And we wanted you to join
the Flame Spears, too.
Elineh : I guess we'll just have to give up. (0:08:10.42)
Arbiter : Yeah. (0:08:13.01)
Cayna : You can call me at any time, though
I may not be able to help every time.
Elineh : Oh, by the way, Cayna... (0:08:19.85)
Elineh : Moving will be an expensive proposition. (0:08:22.27)
Cayna : Yes, I'm sure it will. (0:08:25.52)
Elineh : If you need anything, (0:08:27.81)
Elineh : please stop by my shop.
I assure you, it's got everything.
Cayna : Maybe she's tuckered out from
meeting so many new people.
Cayna : I'll try to get us a ride for our journey. (0:08:45.06)
Cayna : Could you take Luka back to the inn for me? (0:08:47.57)
Roxilius : You can count on me.
Where are you headed, Master?
Cayna : I figured I'd stop by Elineh's
shop since I'm here.
Cayna : That's, uh... (0:09:05.19)
Key : Elineh has been beautified by 300 percent. (0:09:06.95)
Luka : One Cayna... Two Caynas?! (0:09:14.29)
Roxilius : Meow, meow. Meow, meow. Meow, meow... (0:09:19.64)
Roxine : Are you trying to change your image? (0:09:22.41)
Cayna : Hello? (0:09:34.30)
Armuna : Welcome. Is this your first time here? (0:09:36.46)
Cayna : Oh, yes. (0:09:39.59)
Cayna : This employee is another
kobold, just like Elineh.
Cayna : Um, what kind of shop is this? (0:09:45.18)
Armuna : We have everything from household items
to swords you can use as an adventurer.
Cayna : Uh-huh... (0:09:54.63)
Cayna : I see. It's probably like Ama•••.
I definitely used •••zon a lot.
Cayna : I got my stuff immediately,
even at the hospital.
Armuna : Miss? (0:10:04.33)
Cayna : Oh, um... I was looking to buy
a carriage. Do you have one?
Armuna : We have everything other
than the things we don't have.
Cayna : Ooh! Way to go, Ama••• Prime! (0:10:12.98)
Armuna : Right this way, please. (0:10:15.94)
Armuna : These are our latest models. (0:10:20.39)
Cayna : Wow, there are a lot to choose from. (0:10:22.74)
Armuna : This one is an older model, (0:10:25.69)
Armuna : but its elaborate decorations
make it quite popular.
Cayna : It's so fancy. (0:10:30.25)
Cayna : I mean, pretty much
anything will work, but...
Armuna : That one is not for sale, (0:10:37.93)
Armuna : but it's the model our caravan
had been using until recently.
Armuna : It's old now, so it's slated for disposal. (0:10:43.91)
Cayna : So that's the one Elineh was using? (0:10:46.58)
Cayna : Come to think of it, it does look familiar. (0:10:50.15)
Cayna : That's the one that was attacked
by the laigayanma larva.
Armuna : Oh! (0:10:58.60)
Armuna : Please excuse my rudeness! (0:11:00.39)
Cayna : Huh? (0:11:03.89)
Armuna : Would your name happen to be Miss Cayna? (0:11:05.37)
Cayna : Uh... Yeah, it is. (0:11:10.23)
Armuna : Very well! (0:11:13.44)
Armuna : Then you needn't pay for this item. (0:11:15.48)
Armuna : Please go ahead and take it. (0:11:18.99)
Cayna : What?! (0:11:21.49)
Armuna : Miss Cayna, (0:11:22.63)
Armuna : I'm sure you must be wondering why, (0:11:24.16)
Armuna : but those are the president's orders. (0:11:27.64)
Cayna : President... You mean Elineh? (0:11:29.87)
Armuna : Yes. (0:11:33.14)
Armuna : He just instructed me (0:11:34.84)
Armuna : to let you have your first purchase
for free if you stopped by.
Cayna : I appreciate it, but Elineh
doesn't need to do that for me.
Armuna : You're just as my husband said you'd be. (0:11:49.36)
Cayna : Husband? (0:11:52.27)
Armuna : I should've mentioned this earlier. (0:11:53.39)
Armuna : My name is Armuna. I am Elineh's wife. (0:11:55.19)
Cayna : What?! (0:11:59.11)
Cayna : Oh, hello! It's a pleasure to meet you! (0:12:01.08)
Armuna : Oh, please! You don't need to bow! (0:12:04.61)
Cayna : I had no idea Elineh was married. (0:12:07.68)
Armuna : My husband deeply appreciates
everything you've done for him.
Armuna : Please consider this a token of our
gratitude and a housewarming gift.
Cayna : Okay... If you say so. (0:12:19.65)
Armuna : Yes. What shall we do? Would you
like it delivered to the inn later?
Cayna : No, I'll just take it with me. (0:12:26.27)
Armuna : Take it with you? (0:12:28.35)
Cayna : Like this. (0:12:32.56)
Armuna : Oh, I see. (0:12:33.85)
Armuna : Please come again. (0:12:36.40)
Cayna : Sure. Next time, I'll do some real
shopping. Say hi to Elineh for me.
Armuna : I will. We'll be waiting for your return. (0:12:45.11)
EXTRA : We'll be waiting for your return. (0:12:49.03)
Cayna : Right... (0:12:54.30)
Cayna : So, yeah. (0:12:56.97)
Cayna : We're going to be leaving tomorrow. (0:12:58.29)
Cayna : We'll go to the village,
build a house, and live there.
Luka : What should I do? (0:13:04.50)
Cayna : Hmm... I guess you can do some chores
for a while. Like cleaning up and stuff.
Cayna : I don't actually know what
household chores are like.
Cayna : I was always at the hospital,
so I wasn't home much.
Cayna : I wonder what kinds of
household chores are essential.
Cayna : I guess I can ask a professional housekeeper. (0:13:26.56)
Cayna : So, Rox... (0:13:30.66)
Roxilius : Yes, Master? (0:13:32.45)
Cayna : I don't know what I should
have Luka do at our new home.
Roxilius : I see... Then why don't I run
everything in your household?
Cayna : What? But your statute of limitations... (0:13:45.17)
Roxilius : You're making it sound like
I've committed a crime.
Luka : Wait, are you going away? (0:13:53.35)
Roxilius : Well, you see... There is nothing
left in the place where I once was.
Roxilius : I'm not even sure if I can return there. (0:14:02.83)
Cayna : Ah, I see. (0:14:05.87)
Cayna : Since Leadale 's not running anymore, (0:14:07.74)
Cayna : I guess maybe all the systems
that were in place are in limbo.
Cayna : In that case... (0:14:15.37)
Cayna : Can I have you look after
Luka at our new home?
Roxilius : Of course. (0:14:20.30)
Cayna : Isn't that great? Rox will
teach you all kinds of things.
Luka : Yeah. (0:14:25.65)
Roxilius : Also, if I may... (0:14:26.33)
Cayna : Huh? What did you need? (0:14:28.88)
Roxilius : I was wondering if you could summon Roxine. (0:14:31.17)
Cayna : Summon Cie? (0:14:33.31)
Roxilius : I believe it would be beneficial to
Lady Luka if she had a female attendant.
Roxilius : Though I would much rather
not ask her for anything.
Cayna : I guess you two never got along very well. (0:14:43.90)
Roxilius : If she didn't start these petty squabbles,
I would never retaliate.
Cayna : I see. I guess we're calling Cie, too. (0:14:50.82)
Cayna : That actually sounds like
it'll be pretty fun.
Cayna : Let's not wait. (0:14:57.20)
Roxine : It has been too long, Lady Cayna. (0:15:20.11)
Roxine : I, Roxine, am at your service. (0:15:23.27)
Cayna : It's been a while, Cie. (0:15:26.61)
Roxine : Seeing that you have summoned me
while this numbskull is already here,
Roxine : is it safe to assume that this
numbskull acted inappropriately?
Cayna : Cie, this is Luka, my daughter. (0:15:36.37)
Roxine : My name is Roxine. (0:15:41.07)
Luka : I-I'm Luka. (0:15:44.87)
Cayna : I'd like you to take care
of Luka at our new home.
Roxine : As you wish. (0:15:51.26)
Roxine : I, Roxine, I will make sure to
raise Lady Luka into a fine lady
Roxine : who will never bring you shame,
wherever she may go.
Cayna : Uh, you don't need to raise her into a lady. (0:16:00.21)
Cayna : Just raise her normally
so she can be herself.
Roxine : I see. Very well. (0:16:06.86)
Roxine : Meaning, you are requesting
the minimal amount of care.
Cayna : Yeah, just let her be. I don't think she's
used to people pampering her so much.
Luka : Um... take care of me? (0:16:20.11)
Cayna : From getting dressed in the morning
to your bath at night,
Cayna : Roxine will help you with everything. (0:16:24.41)
Luka : But I don't deserve any of that. (0:16:27.55)
Cayna : Then let's have them take care of both of us. (0:16:30.13)
Cayna : Is that better? (0:16:33.05)
Luka : Okay... (0:16:35.89)
Roxine : But honestly, if you were going to
bother summoning this numbskull,
Roxine : you could've summoned me first. (0:16:40.29)
Roxilius : Who are you calling a numbskull?
Know your place.
Roxilius : You and I both live to serve our master. (0:16:46.15)
Cayna : They really don't get along,
even though they're so much alike.
Cayna : We're all going to be a family,
so try not to fight so much.
Cayna : No cutting down trees in
the city, destroying homes,
Cayna : or throwing people, either! (0:17:09.62)
Cayna : Make sure you behave yourselves
so you can set an example for Luka.
Cayna : I owe a lot to the village
we're about to live in.
Cayna : If you mess with the people or the
common property, I'll get mad.
Roxine : Very well, Lady Cayna. (0:17:25.54)
Roxilius : Understood. (0:17:28.08)
Cayna : Jeez... (0:17:30.19)
Cayna : All right, let's go! (0:17:39.53)
Luka : Where's the horse? This carriage
won't move without one.
Cayna : Oh, don't you worry your pretty little head. (0:17:44.81)
Cayna : Just watch. (0:17:47.03)
Roxine : Don't be frightened, Lady Luka. (0:17:54.34)
Roxilius : Yes. It's not as frightening
as Roxine, Lady Luka.
Roxine : What was that? (0:18:01.93)
Roxilius : You must be hearing things. (0:18:03.42)
Roxine : Tch... (0:18:04.69)
Roxilius : Well done, Master. (0:18:13.32)
Roxine : Excellent, Lady Cayna. (0:18:15.37)
Cayna : All right. Hop in. (0:18:17.31)
Cayna : Let's go! (0:18:21.07)
Cayna : I'm thinking about moving here
with my daughter and attendants.
Cayna : I hope you don't mind. (0:18:35.58)
Marelle : Oh, I see. All right. I'm sure everyone
will be happy you're here, Cayna.
Lytt : So you're going to stay here forever, Miss? (0:18:44.86)
Marelle : It's sure gonna get lively. (0:18:47.90)
Lytt : I'm Lytt. I'm the daughter
of this pub's owner.
Lytt : It's nice to meet you. (0:18:55.05)
Luka : I'm Luka. It's nice to meet you. (0:18:59.35)
Lytt : Yeah! Let's be friends! (0:19:02.65)
Lytt : Oh, sorry. Did that hurt? (0:19:06.05)
Luka : No... I'm okay. (0:19:10.01)
Lytt : Thank goodness! (0:19:13.33)
Marelle : Luka, was it? I hope she enjoys living here. (0:19:16.51)
Cayna : Yes. (0:19:21.01)
Marelle : So... who are these two? (0:19:21.99)
Roxilius : I apologize for my late introduction. (0:19:24.77)
Roxilius : I will also be living here along
with Lady Cayna as her attendant.
Roxilius : My name is Roxilius. (0:19:30.19)
Roxilius : It is a pleasure to meet you. (0:19:33.17)
Roxine : Yes, he is nothing but a lowly servant.
Please use him as you will.
Roxine : Use him like you would a dirty rag,
until there's naught but fur left.
Roxine : I am also an attendant. My name is Roxine.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Marelle : What a rather mean, er,
unique attendant you've got there.
Cayna : I'm so sorry. (0:19:55.12)
Cayna : Once our house is done, it'll probably
be best not to let Roxine out too much.
Marelle : So considering you've got
these nice attendants,
Marelle : you must be from an important family. (0:20:06.21)
Cayna : It's actually a long story...
More importantly,
Cayna : how's Mimily doing? (0:20:14.32)
Marelle : Oh, Mimily is... (0:20:16.39)
Mimily : There is a song (0:20:19.11)
Mimily : That you can only hear (0:20:21.15)
Mimily : On a night with shooting stars (0:20:23.91)
Mimily : The blue wave guides my fin (0:20:28.22)
Lytt : She's doing laundry. (0:20:28.99)
Cayna : Why is Mimily doing laundry? (0:20:30.69)
Mimily : Lytt found out that I can control water,
so she suggested I run a laundry business.
Mimily : Lytt ended up telling everyone in town
before I could give a proper answer,
Mimily : and then this happened. (0:20:46.53)
Cayna : I guess I underestimated
how proactive kids are.
Mimily : Yes, but I'm having fun. (0:20:53.64)
Mimily : It makes everyone in the village happy, (0:20:57.16)
Mimily : and I can earn a wage, so it's
killing two birds with one stone.
Marelle : She always gets everything
so clean. It's a huge help.
Luine : We don't have to spend time
on laundry, which is great.
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:21:10.95)
EXTRA : It's wonderful. (0:21:12.11)
Cayna : I see. (0:21:14.21)
Cayna : She's pretty reliable. (0:21:15.60)
Mimily : Lullaby... (0:21:17.32)
Marelle : Well, I need to start the preparations,
so I'll be heading back now.
Cayna : Preparations? (0:21:24.26)
Luka : For what? (0:21:25.35)
Marelle : What else? (0:21:26.41)
Marelle : We're throwing a welcome party
to celebrate you two living here.
Luine : It's going to be huge! (0:21:33.32)
Lytt : We're having a huge feast tonight! (0:21:35.21)
Luka : Okay. (0:21:37.64)
Cayna : N-No, I'm good on parties... (0:21:38.27)
Marelle : What are you talking about? (0:21:41.26)
Marelle : You're officially becoming
a member of our village.
Marelle : A welcome party is a necessary ritual. (0:21:46.19)
Cayna : Uh, well... Okay, but please go easy on me. (0:21:49.74)
Key : Looks like you're going to get black-out
drunk and have a hangover again.

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