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EXTRA : Searching for her best friend, \n the Lady Yui, Lady Miaka... (00:01:34.513)
EXTRA : ...the Priestess of Suzaku, headed \n for the land of Kutou on her own. (00:01:39.285)
EXTRA : After meeting a Kutou \n general along the way... (00:01:47.726)
EXTRA : ...the Lady Miaka was \n taken to Kutou palace and... (00:01:52.131)
EXTRA : though guided by Suzaku, was able \n to be safely reunited with the Lady Yui. (00:01:56.335)
EXTRA : But, at that moment... (00:02:06.679)
Nakago : This is Suzaku's \n "Universe of the Four Gods"! (00:02:17.523)
EXTRA : ...the general discovered \n the Lady Miaka's identity... (00:02:22.194)
EXTRA : the Priestess of Suzaku! (00:02:25.197)
Nakago : I thought it was her \n from the beginning. (00:02:45.851)
EXTRA : Seize that girl! (00:02:48.721)
EXTRA : I beg your pardon, Highness! (00:02:56.729)
EXTRA : Strangers have broken through the \n gates and are inside the palace! (00:02:57.896)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, let's run! (00:03:01.600)
Nakago : After them! But be sure \n not to harm Lady Yui! (00:03:05.971)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (00:03:09.008)
EXTRA : - Hey! Are they there? \n - No! Where could they be?! (00:03:17.282)
Yui Hongou : Miaka, what do we do now? (00:03:31.897)
Miaka Yuuki : Somehow we both \n have to get to Konan. (00:03:34.433)
Yui Hongou : To Konan? (00:03:37.669)
Miaka Yuuki : Well, if you become the Priestess \n of Seiryu for this country... (00:03:39.071)
Miaka Yuuki : ...then we'll both become enemies! (00:03:42.574)
Yui Hongou : Miaka... (00:03:45.677)
Miaka Yuuki : I just know Tamahome and the \n others will be glad to welcome you! (00:03:47.146)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome... (00:03:51.183)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, how did you get this scar? (00:03:56.221)
Yui Hongou : Oh, it's... It's nothing! \n Just a scratch. (00:03:59.024)
Yui Hongou : Three months ago, when the \n blue light came out of... (00:04:02.594)
Yui Hongou : ..."The Universe of the Four \n Gods" at the National Library... (00:04:04.596)
Yui Hongou : ...and took me to this world, \n it looks like I got hurt. (00:04:06.598)
Miaka Yuuki : That guy before didn't? (00:04:09.334)
Yui Hongou : Uh-uh. When I was in \n trouble in this world... (00:04:10.669)
Yui Hongou : ...I didn't know anything \n about, he saved me. (00:04:13.672)
Miaka Yuuki : Oh, I see... (00:04:16.608)
Miaka Yuuki : Still, a man with blond hair and blue \n eyes is pretty rare in this world. (00:04:17.976)
Yui Hongou : He's a kojin (foreigner). (00:04:21.914)
Miaka Yuuki : A kojin (dead person)? (00:04:23.816)
Yui Hongou : Wrong kojin! (00:04:26.618)
Yui Hongou : I meant he's a man who \n comes from the very far west. (00:04:28.687)
Miaka Yuuki : Way to go, Yui! \n You know everything! (00:04:33.158)
EXTRA : - They in there? \n - No! (00:04:40.132)
Nakago : One of the Suzaku Seven, \n I presume? (00:05:07.693)
Tamahome : Where's Miaka? (00:05:09.895)
Nakago : The mark of ogre. Tamahome. (00:05:14.399)
Nakago : Coming to an enemy \n nation alone in search... (00:05:17.269)
Nakago : ...of your priestess shows \n you have an admirable heart. (00:05:19.805)
Nakago : Still, in the end, \n you're just a fool. (00:05:21.807)
Tamahome : I asked you where Miaka was. (00:05:24.042)
Nakago : Who knows? But no matter where \n she is, you can't have her back. (00:05:26.445)
Tamahome : Is that so? Well, then... (00:05:30.215)
Tamahome : He barely touched me! (00:05:40.659)
Tamahome : This guy's GOOD! (00:05:42.694)
Chichiri : This isn't good! (00:05:49.635)
Chichiri : Tamahome! Go on ahead! (00:05:52.571)
Tamahome : Chichiri? Thanks! (00:05:54.573)
Nakago : You've brought \n a friend with you, eh? (00:05:57.442)
Nakago : The Suzaku Seven... How cute. (00:06:04.850)
Yui Hongou : What're we going to do, Miaka? (00:06:11.323)
Yui Hongou : We won't accomplish \n anything sitting in here. (00:06:12.858)
Miaka Yuuki : Oh, no! Suzaku's \n "Universe of the Four Gods"! (00:06:14.793)
Yui Hongou : What's the matter with you?! \n Don't yell like that! (00:06:17.529)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, we have to get Suzaku's... (00:06:20.199)
Miaka Yuuki : ..."Universe of the Four Gods" \n back from your blond-haired friend. (00:06:22.167)
Yui Hongou : Hey, wait! \n If you go out now! (00:06:26.371)
Miaka Yuuki : That book has hints on how to find \n the other three of the Suzaku Seven! (00:06:28.707)
Miaka Yuuki : Without it... (00:06:33.345)
EXTRA : Found 'em! (00:06:34.680)
Miaka Yuuki : Tamahome... (00:06:38.584)
Tamahome : Um, you're the girl who \n was with Miaka that time. (00:06:41.320)
Tamahome : Yui, right? It's been a while. (00:06:48.126)
Yui Hongou : You remember me? (00:06:50.395)
Tamahome : C'mon, let's get out of here. (00:06:53.799)
Miaka Yuuki : What's wrong? (00:06:56.501)
Yui Hongou : Are you hurt? (00:06:57.436)
Tamahome : Nothing serious. That kojin \n before got a hit in on me. (00:06:58.937)
Miaka Yuuki : Hey, baby, nice butt \n you've got there! (00:07:02.641)
Tamahome : That's an ojin (old lech)! (00:07:05.811)
Yui Hongou : So, he did it. \n I'll go talk to him! (00:07:07.679)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui! (00:07:11.283)
Yui Hongou : You're both going \n back safely with... (00:07:13.018)
Yui Hongou : ...the " Universe of \n the Four Gods" scroll. (00:07:15.087)
Yui Hongou : Along with me, of course. (00:07:16.922)
Yui Hongou : - Wait! \n - Don't worry. He can't disobey me. (00:07:18.490)
Tamahome : - Wait! \n - Don't worry. He can't disobey me. (00:07:18.490)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... (00:07:22.194)
Tamahome : Miaka, why did you do this? (00:07:24.363)
Miaka Yuuki : Because... (00:07:27.132)
Nakago : You still haven't found Lady Yui \n and the Priestess of Suzaku? (00:07:32.938)
Nakago : Go! Find them, no matter what! (00:07:36.141)
Yui Hongou : Nakago? (00:07:39.978)
Nakago : Lady Yui! \n Where have you been? (00:07:42.681)
Nakago : You shouldn't be cooperating \n with the Priestess of Suzaku. (00:07:46.451)
Nakago : Especially since you're \n the Priestess of Seiryu. (00:07:50.289)
Yui Hongou : I am not the Priestess of Seiryu! \n I never agreed to any of that! (00:07:52.824)
Yui Hongou : Miaka is my friend! (00:07:57.663)
Yui Hongou : You kept saying that Miaka \n had forgotten about me... (00:07:59.531)
Yui Hongou : ...and now she's come all the \n way here looking for me! (00:08:03.201)
Yui Hongou : Give me Suzaku's " Universe of \n the Four Gods"! (00:08:06.471)
Yui Hongou : I'm going to Konan with Miaka! (00:08:08.507)
Nakago : I see. Then you may \n do whatever you like. (00:08:12.811)
Nakago : However... (00:08:19.251)
Nakago : Does that girl really feel... (00:08:20.552)
Nakago : strongly about you \n as you think she does? (00:08:22.688)
Nakago : You should think back to... (00:08:25.190)
Nakago : ...the condition you were in \n when I found you three months ago. (00:08:27.526)
Nakago : If you change your mind, then please \n go to the shrine hall of Seiryu... (00:08:38.236)
Nakago : ...Priestess of Seiryu. (00:08:44.009)
Tamahome : Why did you say you couldn't \n stand my protecting you? (00:08:50.749)
Miaka Yuuki : I can do anything by myself. (00:08:54.019)
Miaka Yuuki : Besides, this was \n between friends, so... (00:08:56.355)
Tamahome : So it was none of my \n business, is that it? (00:09:01.093)
Tamahome : Am I just a bother to you? (00:09:11.737)
Yui Hongou : Now I can go to Konan with Miaka... \n With Tamahome... (00:09:14.940)
Miaka Yuuki : Tamahome... (00:09:31.556)
Tamahome : I don't care if you think \n I'm a bother! But... (00:09:32.624)
Tamahome : I still love you! (00:09:35.460)
Miaka Yuuki : I don't think that! \n Because, when I went back... (00:09:39.331)
Miaka Yuuki : ...I just couldn't forget about you! (00:09:42.134)
Miaka Yuuki : I wanted to be with you! \n That's why I came back! (00:09:44.302)
Miaka Yuuki : Because I love you! (00:09:47.372)
Miaka Yuuki : I didn't want you risking \n yourself because of me! (00:09:48.907)
Tamahome : You little idiot... (00:09:54.045)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome... (00:10:08.527)
Nakago : You should think back to... (00:10:14.599)
Nakago : ...the condition you were in \n when I found you three months ago. (00:10:16.134)
Yui Hongou : Miaka! (00:11:29.875)
Yui Hongou : Look! I got Suzaku's \n "Universe of the Four Gods"! (00:11:31.243)
Yui Hongou : It's all settled, so let's go! \n I'll go with you back to Konan! (00:11:33.778)
Miaka Yuuki : This is just so great! \n The two of us are together again! (00:11:59.404)
Nakago : You should think back to... (00:12:06.978)
Nakago : ...the condition you were in \n when I found you three months ago. (00:12:08.580)
Miaka Yuuki : I wanted to be with you! \n That's why I came back! (00:12:13.685)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui? What's wrong? (00:12:18.123)
Yui Hongou : Uh, no. It's nothing. \n Nothing... (00:12:20.425)
Tamahome : Still, don't you think \n this is just a little too easy? (00:12:23.461)
Miaka Yuuki : What? (00:12:26.698)
Tamahome : I mean it's weird that golden boy \n is just letting us go home like this. (00:12:27.832)
Miaka Yuuki : He saved Yui, \n so he can't be a bad man. (00:12:33.004)
Tamahome : Oh, really? He felt like a \n pretty nasty character to me. (00:12:37.409)
Miaka Yuuki : Where are we? (00:12:44.549)
Yui Hongou : Before we leave, there's \n something I want to show you. (00:12:45.850)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome, you wait out here. (00:12:48.286)
Tamahome : Hm? Oh, sure. (00:12:49.788)
Tamahome : Miaka, what's wrong?! (00:13:01.032)
Tamahome : What the?! (00:13:04.135)
Tamahome : Chichiri! (00:13:09.174)
Chichiri : Oh... shut. (00:13:10.075)
Tamahome : Is that another pun? (00:13:11.977)
Chichiri : It's a barrier, you know? \n This is really bad. (00:13:13.845)
Chichiri : None of Suzaku's \n servants can get in there. (00:13:16.381)
Tamahome : What?! (00:13:18.883)
Miaka Yuuki : Oh, it's just a fake dragon. (00:14:05.530)
Miaka Yuuki : People shouldn't make \n such a fuss over it! (00:14:08.099)
Yui Hongou : You're the only \n one making a fuss. (00:14:10.301)
Miaka Yuuki : It didn't scare me one bit! (00:14:13.471)
Yui Hongou : Say, Miaka... (00:14:17.976)
Yui Hongou : I was just thinking... \n What if it hadn't been you? (00:14:21.479)
Yui Hongou : If I'd stayed in this world... (00:14:25.116)
Yui Hongou : ...I could've been the one who became \n the Priestess of Suzaku, couldn't I? (00:14:27.218)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome may have ended up \n in love with me, instead... (00:14:33.358)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, what?! (00:14:38.897)
Miaka Yuuki : My... My body's going numb! (00:14:47.605)
Yui Hongou : Oh, does it hurt? (00:14:50.775)
Yui Hongou : This is the shrine \n of Seiryu, after all. (00:14:53.845)
Yui Hongou : So your dear Tamahome \n can't come to you now. (00:14:57.482)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... What are you? \n You tricked me... (00:15:01.486)
Yui Hongou : Who tricked who here?! \n You didn't come back for me! (00:15:07.959)
Yui Hongou : You only came back \n to be with Tamahome! (00:15:11.963)
Yui Hongou : Must be nice for you. You've always \n had someone to protect you! (00:15:16.201)
Yui Hongou : While I, on the other hand... (00:15:20.872)
Yui Hongou : Do you have any idea?! (00:15:23.541)
Yui Hongou : Of what I went through when \n I came here?! Of how I felt?! (00:15:25.143)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... (00:15:32.016)
Yui Hongou : Everything that happened \n was YOUR fault! (00:15:35.453)
Yui Hongou : You know what, Miaka? \n I love Tamahome. (00:15:40.391)
Yui Hongou : That's why I'm going \n to take him from you! (00:15:45.530)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... \n What happened to you? (00:15:54.572)
Yui Hongou : Nakago! (00:15:59.878)
Nakago : Yes, Priestess of Seiryu. (00:16:01.045)
Yui Hongou : Let me introduce you. (00:16:03.581)
Yui Hongou : This is Nakago, \n one of the Seiryu Seven. (00:16:05.183)
Yui Hongou : He's my servant. \n Funny, isn't it? (00:16:07.218)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... (00:16:10.855)
Yui Hongou : Well, see you around, Miaka. (00:16:11.790)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, wait! (00:16:13.792)
Nakago : Until Lady Yui summons Seiryu, \n no one must interfere. (00:16:15.794)
Nakago : You are a threat to Lady Yui's \n summoning Seiryu. (00:16:25.203)
Nakago : A threat to this country as well. (00:16:30.074)
Nakago : You will never return to Konan. (00:16:32.610)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui... (00:16:35.246)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, wait! \n Why are you doing this?! (00:16:37.115)
Yui Hongou : "Why," she asks! \n Hmpf! You're one to talk. (00:16:41.820)
Yui Hongou : You never really considered \n me your best friend, did you? (00:16:45.123)
Yui Hongou : I learned that \n clearly enough today! (00:16:49.494)
Yui Hongou : Even after what happened to me, \n I was foolish enough... (00:16:51.629)
Yui Hongou : keep on believing in you \n for these last three months! (00:16:53.965)
Tamahome : Damn it! I can't \n even touch that door! (00:16:59.470)
Tamahome : Chichiri, \n can't you do something?! (00:17:02.974)
Chichiri : I can try, you know? (00:17:05.310)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui, after WHAT happened to you? (00:17:08.780)
Miaka Yuuki : What happened over \n these last three months?! (00:17:10.782)
Yui Hongou : Nakago. (00:17:14.485)
Chichiri : That was pretty close. (00:17:24.395)
Chichiri : If you'd hit the wall at that \n speed, you'd have died, you know? (00:17:25.897)
Miaka Yuuki : Chichiri... (00:17:28.867)
Nakago : A servant of Suzaku who can \n break the barrier and enter here... (00:17:31.135)
Nakago : Ah, now I see. (00:17:36.274)
Nakago : You were the one who cast \n that spell on me before. (00:17:37.442)
Chichiri : You got it! (00:17:40.712)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome... (00:18:10.708)
Nakago : There's no way that one can \n enter the barrier of Seiryu. (00:18:11.609)
Tamahome : Miaka! (00:18:22.420)
Chichiri : Tamahome! (00:18:29.627)
Yui Hongou : - Tamahome! \n - Please stand back. (00:18:41.839)
Nakago : - Tamahome! \n - Please stand back. (00:18:41.839)
Tamahome : Damn... you!!!! (00:18:51.816)
Tamahome : What did you do to Miaka?! (00:19:06.264)
Tamahome : Miaka, it's me! Speak to me! (00:19:38.229)
Miaka Yuuki : Tamahome... (00:19:40.531)
Chichiri : Tamahome, get into \n this hat with Miaka! (00:19:43.234)
Chichiri : It'll take you to them! (00:19:46.070)
Tamahome : "Them" who? (00:19:48.473)
Chichiri : Now, while I delay \n this guy here! (00:19:51.342)
Chichiri : - Hurry! \n - All right! (00:19:58.516)
Tamahome : - Hurry! \n - All right! (00:19:58.516)
Miaka Yuuki : No! What about Yui?! (00:20:00.418)
Yui Hongou : Come with us! (00:20:03.688)
Yui Hongou : Hurry! (00:20:07.492)
Nakago : You mustn't! (00:20:11.262)
Tamahome : Chichiri! (00:20:13.698)
Chichiri : Would you two go already?! \n I'll be right behind you! (00:20:14.665)
Miaka Yuuki : - Miaka, get in. \n - But what about Yui? (00:20:17.502)
Tamahome : - Miaka, get in. \n - But what about Yui? (00:20:17.502)
Tamahome : Chichiri! (00:20:26.744)
Chichiri : Get going! (00:20:28.546)
Miaka Yuuki : Chichiri... (00:20:30.048)
Tamahome : Let's go! (00:20:31.282)
Miaka Yuuki : Yui! I swear I'll \n come back and save you! (00:20:34.752)
Keisuke Yuuki : Well, then, \n time to say goodbye! (00:20:41.692)
Keisuke Yuuki : "The Suzaku Seven were \n not defeated by Seiryu..." (00:20:49.167)
Keisuke Yuuki : "...but they did not triumph either." (00:20:52.103)
Keisuke Yuuki : "At the very least, \n the Priestess was saved." (00:20:54.272)
Keisuke Yuuki : Jeez, that was close! \n This Nakago guy's really powerful! (00:20:56.707)
Nakago : I never expected them \n to breach the barrier. (00:21:03.981)
Yui Hongou : Tamahome... You breached \n the barrier for Miaka's sake... (00:21:08.119)
Nakago : Forgive me, Lady Yui. (00:21:13.324)
Yui Hongou : No matter, Nakago. Where's the \n fun if we beat them too quickly? (00:21:17.128)
EXTRA : Learning the truth \n of all that happened... (00:23:00.531)
EXTRA : ...the Lady Miaka finds \n it too cruel to bear. (00:23:03.201)
EXTRA : Bravely hiding her grief behind a \n smile, with tears on her cheeks... (00:23:07.071)
EXTRA : ...she loses herself in the tenderness \n of Tamahome's embrace. (00:23:14.111)
EXTRA : Next time, "Only You" (00:23:20.985)
EXTRA : Carried away by \n the confusion of the heart... (00:23:23.454)

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