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Silver Fang : Fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock! (0:00:00.57)
Genos : Those moves are the perfect
offense and defense alike.
Genos : They may be using the same style,
but the difference in skill is obvious.
Genos : This battle's already been decided. (0:00:25.93)
Garou : What the hell? The old man
never fights this fiercely...
Garou : Sh-Shit... I'm losing consciousness... (0:00:58.12)
Garou : Actually... I'm probably going to die. (0:01:02.16)
Silver Fang : Why are you moving so strangely? (0:01:11.87)
Silver Fang : Where did you learn that? (0:01:14.26)
Silver Fang : You're like a beast. (0:01:16.97)
Garou : Not yet... (0:01:19.03)
Garou : I can still figure this out if I use him... (0:01:20.30)
Bomb : Not happening. (0:01:22.64)
Bomb : I took care of the monsters. (0:01:29.58)
Bomb : Bang, all that's left is Garo. (0:01:32.83)
EXTRA : Cleaning Up the Disciple's Mess (0:01:40.51)
Phoenix Man : I sent in some monsters in
order to take Garo alive,
Phoenix Man : but the Demon Cyborg... (0:01:46.82)
Phoenix Man : I didn't expect him to be that strong. (0:01:48.73)
Phoenix Man : And even Silverfang is here. (0:01:52.71)
Phoenix Man : This will make it hard to snatch him. (0:01:55.68)
Phoenix Man : But if I go back empty-handed,
Orochi might eat me next.
Phoenix Man : I need Garo to survive
this on his own somehow,
Phoenix Man : but I'm not sure things
could be any worse.
Silver Fang : Say, Big Bro, if you were him, (0:02:11.52)
Silver Fang : would you still be able to stand
after being hurt that badly?
Bomb : If I were 60 years younger,
I could've held on... probably.
Bomb : Come on! Just a little more! (0:02:22.12)
Bomb : Let's go, Bang! (0:02:24.97)
Garou : Damn it... Old Man Bang (0:02:31.94)
Garou : is taking advantage of the fact that
his former top pupil is weakened.
Garou : Not to mention the other geezer is the
master of the Fist of Whirling Wind,
Garou : Slashing Steel, Bomb! (0:02:41.17)
Garou : Have they no shame? (0:02:42.97)
Garou : Even if I were to beg for my
life in front of these two,
Garou : the Demon Cyborg wouldn't let me go. (0:02:49.61)
Garou : So if I want to get through this dire situation, (0:02:52.49)
Garou : I need to kill all three of them. (0:02:55.01)
Garou : That's impossible, though. (0:03:00.83)
Silver Fang : Know the pain that my top
pupil Charanko felt, Garo!
EXTRA : Let's play heroes! (0:03:10.42)
EXTRA : You wanna play, too, don't you, Garo? (0:03:12.81)
EXTRA : Yeah, let's play! (0:03:15.08)
Garou (Child) : Huh? Sure. (0:03:16.25)
EXTRA : Bum-ba-bom! Justice Man is here! (0:03:18.45)
EXTRA : Hup! (0:03:22.05)
EXTRA : Justice Man Kick! (0:03:22.76)
Garou (Child) : That's dangerous! (0:03:27.40)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:03:28.83)
Garou (Child) : That's mean! (0:03:29.54)
EXTRA : In that case... (0:03:33.07)
EXTRA : You can be the monster. (0:03:34.20)
Garou (Child) : Huh? (0:03:36.26)
EXTRA : You be the monster. (0:03:36.87)
Garou : The hell is this? Am I seeing
my life flash before my eyes?
Garou : This is a pretty shitty memory. (0:03:43.65)
Garou : This guy is... (0:03:46.93)
EXTRA : Now you get to be the monster. (0:03:48.42)
Garou : That's right. Tatsu. (0:03:51.20)
Garou : He was the popular kid in class. (0:03:54.31)
EXTRA : Wait, what's going on? (0:03:56.46)
EXTRA : Garo's going crazy. (0:03:58.58)
EXTRA : We were just playing, but
then Garo suddenly got mad.
EXTRA : We were playing heroes,
and Garo got super mad at Tatsu.
EXTRA : What the heck? What's his problem? (0:04:06.50)
EXTRA : Poor Tatsu. (0:04:08.77)
EXTRA : So, what made you so angry? (0:04:12.47)
Garou (Child) : Well... (0:04:15.73)
EXTRA : I heard you got angry while
playing heroes. Is that true?
Garou (Child) : That's because Tatsu always... (0:04:20.73)
EXTRA : You can't even tell the difference
between real life and make-believe?
Garou (Child) : That's not it. (0:04:25.90)
Garou (Child) : I always have to play the monster and— (0:04:27.30)
EXTRA : You're the one who lost control! (0:04:29.16)
EXTRA : How are you going to take
responsibility for this?!
Garou : It's not that I didn't like
playing the monster...
Garou : Did I just not like Tatsu playing the hero? (0:04:36.42)
Garou : No, that wasn't the problem. (0:04:39.71)
Garou : I just learned how unbelievably unfair
things were while we were playing heroes.
Garou : Playing heroes is just (0:04:47.69)
Garou : supposed to be kids reenacting what they
see on a kids' show. It's make-believe.
Garou : It shouldn't matter who plays what role. (0:04:53.33)
Garou : Tatsu was the most popular kid in class. (0:04:55.73)
Garou : On the other hand, I was a loner
who basically kept to himself.
Garou : The one to play the hero is decided when
everyone agrees on who it should be.
Garou : Of course I'd never get that chance. (0:05:07.53)
EXTRA : Justice Man Cross Chop! (0:05:10.07)
EXTRA : Why the heck are you dodging? (0:05:13.62)
EXTRA : Guys, hold on to Garo for me. (0:05:17.29)
EXTRA : You got it. (0:05:20.50)
Garou (Child) : Huh? (0:05:21.83)
Garou : This should be obvious, but there's no
scenario where the monster actually wins.
Garou : I would always lose. (0:05:27.37)
EXTRA : Justice Man Kick! (0:05:28.92)
EXTRA : I've defeated the monster Garo Poop Man! (0:05:32.21)
Garou : The system in which the
popular kid everyone loves
Garou : beats the crap out of the weak,
loner kid who's hated by everyone...
Garou (Child) : I can't take it anymore! (0:05:44.13)
Garou (Child) : Fight me, Tatsu! (0:05:45.53)
EXTRA : Huh? What the heck are you talking about? (0:05:47.61)
Garou (Child) : I don't want to play the monster anymore! (0:05:50.38)
Garou (Child) : If I win, promise me that you
won't mess with me anymore!
EXTRA : Guys, hold on to Garo for me. (0:05:58.10)
Garou (Child) : That's not fair! Let me go! (0:06:02.50)
Garou (Child) : I want to fight Tatsu fair and square! (0:06:04.77)
EXTRA : The others said you suddenly (0:06:10.74)
EXTRA : went crazy when you were
all just playing around.
Garou (Child) : That's not true. (0:06:15.02)
Garou (Child) : Tatsu's popular, so everyone's
making me out to be the bad guy.
EXTRA : That's not true! You did a bad thing! (0:06:20.54)
EXTRA : Go apologize to everyone right now! (0:06:23.15)
Garou : Justice, my ass. Evil, my ass. (0:06:26.75)
Garou : In the end, they were just going to
kill me based on popular opinion.
Garou : It's unfair. It's unforgivable. (0:06:33.69)
Garou : I'm angry! (0:06:36.07)
Garou : I just want to teach them all a lesson! (0:06:38.26)
Garou : I want them to feel a blow from the weak! (0:06:42.67)
Garou : Screw justice and evil! (0:06:45.92)
Silver Fang : It's over, Garo! (0:06:50.29)
Garou : Like hell... it's over! (0:06:53.61)
Silver Fang : What? (0:07:00.52)
Silver Fang : Garo... (0:07:06.50)
Genos : Bang! Above you! (0:07:08.66)
Bomb : A monster? (0:07:23.59)
Silver Fang : Genos! (0:07:28.27)
Genos : Bang! He's a monster now! (0:07:29.17)
Genos : I'm going to blast that thing
along with Garo! Got it?
Phoenix Man : Hear me! I'm taking Garo! (0:07:35.76)
Phoenix Man : I'm leaving the rest to you! (0:07:40.06)
Genos : Spiral Incineration Cannon! (0:07:42.35)
Phoenix Man : Centichoro! (0:07:44.79)
Bomb : What in the world is that?! (0:07:57.30)
Bomb : That thing's actually alive?! (0:08:07.57)
Silver Fang : Oh, no! We need to get to them! (0:08:09.99)
Silver Fang : To think it didn't even suffer a scratch (0:08:27.91)
Silver Fang : after being hit by Genos' attack... (0:08:30.28)
Silver Fang : That thing's going to be a pain in the ass. (0:08:32.49)
EXTRA : Threat Level:
Garou : What the hell do you guys think
you're doing, interfering like that?
Phoenix Man : Just shut up and let Centichoro handle this. (0:08:47.91)
Phoenix Man : He's a catastrophe that devours all. (0:08:51.59)
Phoenix Man : I can't help but admire his
desire to destroy everything.
Phoenix Man : I see that your endgame is
as weak as ever, hero hunter.
Phoenix Man : When you defeat them, you need to make
sure they aren't breathing anymore.
Phoenix Man : All those heroes on the ground
over there are still alive.
Phoenix Man : But don't worry.
Centichoro will end everything.
Garou : Quit interfering! (0:09:18.24)
Garou : They're my prey! (0:09:20.67)
Phoenix Man : Come on, now. Stop squirming. (0:09:21.99)
Garou : Damn it! Put me down! (0:09:24.00)
Garou : You won't get away with this! (0:09:26.16)
Phoenix Man : Why are you so angry? (0:09:27.79)
Phoenix Man : It's your fault for not finishing them off. (0:09:29.87)
Phoenix Man : Getting rid of two Class S heroes at
once works out quite well for us.
Phoenix Man : They are our greatest enemies, after all. (0:09:42.90)
Phoenix Man : I'm sure you've seen by now
that some opponents
Phoenix Man : are better suited for each other than others. (0:09:48.80)
Phoenix Man : According to our strategist, Gyoro-Gyoro, (0:09:51.36)
Phoenix Man : there are only four heroes who
stand a chance against Centichoro.
Phoenix Man : Terrible Tornado, who has
unparalleled psychic powers.
Phoenix Man : Metal Knight, who hoards military
might on an unknown scale.
Phoenix Man : King, the strongest human alive. (0:10:07.75)
Phoenix Man : And the top hero who nearly killed
Centichoro in the past, Blast.
Phoenix Man : Centichoro aligned with (0:10:17.34)
Phoenix Man : the Monster Association in order
to get revenge against Blast.
Phoenix Man : It means that he's determined to
drag Blast out onto the battlefield.
Phoenix Man : In terms of compatibility between
fighters, those two Class S heroes
Phoenix Man : don't have what it takes to survive this fight. (0:10:32.52)
Phoenix Man : Silverfang has unrivaled strength,
but that only applies
Phoenix Man : for opponents of a size that allow
him to use his martial arts.
Phoenix Man : The Demon Cyborg's functionality
is also terrifyingly proficient,
Phoenix Man : but he doesn't have enough firepower
to take down something that big.
Phoenix Man : Those two don't stand a chance. (0:10:50.26)
Genos : He's coming! (0:10:58.82)
Silver Fang : Genos... (0:10:59.81)
Bomb : We're counting on you. (0:11:00.70)
Genos : Got it! (0:11:01.56)
Bomb : Whirling Wind... (0:11:10.37)
Silver Fang : Flowing Water... (0:11:15.46)
Silver Fang : Fist of Roaring Ki, Rending Air! (0:11:18.15)
Bomb : Fist of Roaring Ki, Rending Air! (0:11:18.15)
Genos : What an amazing attack... (0:11:36.17)
Genos : They broke through that hard exoskeleton... (0:11:38.52)
Genos : That is truly the ultimate technique. (0:11:42.50)
Silver Fang : Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!
Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!
Bomb : Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!
Not yet! Not yet! Not yet!
Bomb : We let our guard down. (0:12:10.29)
Silver Fang : But we were able to use the huge
attack that we can only use once.
Silver Fang : Thanks, Genos. (0:12:15.80)
Genos : It's no big deal. (0:12:17.72)
Bomb : It looks like it was effective. (0:12:19.13)
Bomb : That shock is currently
coursing through its body.
Bomb : I hope you explode into
bits, you stupid monster.
Silver Fang : It's over. (0:12:29.34)
Silver Fang : Seriously? (0:12:50.62)
Silver Fang : He molted! (0:12:52.16)
Bomb : How is that even possible?! (0:12:54.63)
Bomb : We can't defeat this! What are we going to do? (0:12:56.36)
Silver Fang : We're just outside the city. (0:12:58.63)
Silver Fang : If we let it go into that area,
civilians are going to get hurt.
Genos : Bang. (0:13:04.85)
Genos : I'll fight that thing. (0:13:06.68)
Genos : I'll hold off that centipede for as
long as possible. You guys can run.
Silver Fang : Genos, I cannot agree to that. (0:13:14.51)
Bomb : You shouldn't risk your life when
you know there's no way to win.
Bomb : You young'uns still have a future. (0:13:21.15)
Doctor Kuseno : Genos, just make sure you
don't push yourself too hard.
Genos : Is that really okay, though? (0:13:31.89)
Genos : Of course it's not! (0:13:37.27)
Silver Fang : This is too reckless!
Cannons won't work on that thing!
Genos : This thing, the monster from
yesterday, and Garo are all
Genos : part of the Monster Association. (0:14:08.88)
Genos : This battle is inevitable! (0:14:11.87)
Genos : Dual Blade Rush! (0:14:19.55)
Genos : But that's what it means
to fight against them!
Elder Centipede : I'll grind you to death! (0:14:33.70)
Genos : If that's being reckless, then... (0:14:38.33)
Silver Fang : Genos! (0:14:52.69)
Genos : At this rate... I'm... (0:14:55.57)
Genos : unworthy. (0:14:59.11)
Genos : Jet Drive Arrow! (0:15:08.70)
Elder Centipede : You impudent creature! (0:15:13.30)
Elder Centipede : What?! (0:15:24.90)
Silver Fang : He went into its mouth! (0:15:25.71)
Elder Centipede : Die! (0:15:30.29)
Genos : This is... digestive fluid! (0:15:35.41)
Elder Centipede : I'll melt you until there's nothing left! (0:15:37.62)
Genos : You're the one... (0:15:41.30)
Genos : who's going to melt! (0:15:43.41)
Genos : Ultra Spiral Incineration Cannon! (0:15:46.30)
Silver Fang : He did it! (0:15:59.64)
Genos : Again... (0:16:40.45)
Genos : I cannot... (0:16:42.92)
Genos : defeat him... (0:16:45.30)
Genos : I cannot protect them! (0:16:49.83)
Bomb : Run, Big Bro! (0:16:53.53)
Elder Centipede : It's no use! (0:16:57.25)
Phoenix Man : What's the matter? (0:16:59.74)
Phoenix Man : You sure quieted down, hero hunter. (0:17:01.32)
Garou : I just don't agree with
how this battle ended.
Garou : I want to defeat them on my own. (0:17:10.19)
Garou : Then I would become the
greatest object of fear.
Garou : That's the point of being the hero hunter. (0:17:18.66)
Phoenix Man : Object of fear? You? (0:17:21.51)
Phoenix Man : You don't have the strength (0:17:25.86)
Phoenix Man : to defy the likes of Centichoro or the
upper echelon of the Monster Association.
Garou : Just you wait... (0:17:33.67)
Garou : What is it that I'm lacking? (0:17:43.19)
Garou : There are still others like him? (0:17:45.83)
Garou : Is there nothing I can do against
these opponents but just watch?
Bomb : Bang, this isn't good. (0:17:55.76)
Bomb : We're going to end up back in the city. (0:17:57.76)
Bomb : There will be civilian casualties! (0:17:59.72)
Genos : Bang? (0:18:06.69)
Silver Fang : Big Bro. (0:18:08.60)
Silver Fang : I guess it's do or die. (0:18:17.72)
Silver Fang : I will exert my life's
last remaining strength!
King : Courage... (0:18:40.06)
King : Centichoro! (0:18:42.10)
King : Hey, you pest! (0:18:45.02)
King : I brought you Blast,
the guy you've been looking for!
Silver Fang : That's King's voice! (0:18:50.45)
Genos : Blast?! (0:18:52.19)
Bomb : Hey, look! (0:18:53.15)
Bomb : He's turning toward the voice! (0:18:55.64)
Elder Centipede : Blast? (0:18:58.45)
King : That's right! (0:19:00.05)
King : The one who beat you so bad that you
pissed yourself as you ran away!
King : The hero Blast! (0:19:08.03)
King : If you want to fight him
again, come over here!
King : What's wrong? You scared? (0:19:13.84)
King : You coward! (0:19:16.80)
King : Hey, if you're going to shit
yourself, do that at home!
King : Vermin like you should go back into the
ground and suckle on your mama's teat!
EXTRA : Looks like King made it in time. (0:19:29.13)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:19:31.68)
EXTRA : He had mentioned that he wanted
something to provoke Centichoro.
EXTRA : Is he trying to draw him in close
and fight him one-on-one?
EXTRA : I know it's top secret, (0:19:40.63)
EXTRA : but I told him about
Centichoro's grudge against Blast.
EXTRA : What did he say? (0:19:45.88)
EXTRA : He just said... "Understood." (0:19:47.04)
EXTRA : And then I heard the rumbling
of the King Engine.
King : To finish this, I need to bring
him over here and make sure
King : our attack doesn't cause
any casualties in the city.
King : Those are the rules. (0:20:03.33)
King : Saitama? (0:20:10.54)
King : Saitama! (0:20:14.06)
Saitama : Is that you, Genos? (0:20:53.78)
Saitama : I figured you'd be here. (0:20:57.16)
King : It's a good thing we came. (0:20:59.62)
King : Huh? Saitama, you look refreshed... (0:21:01.69)
Saitama : I feel like I was able
to blow off some steam.
Saitama : I kept losing to you at video games,
so I was pretty stressed out.
King : You were still annoyed about that? (0:21:13.73)
Genos : Master Saitama! (0:21:17.23)
Genos : There's something I'd like to ask you. (0:21:18.88)
Saitama : What's up? (0:21:21.05)
Genos : What do you think I'm lacking? (0:21:22.42)
Saitama : Huh? Probably power? (0:21:24.97)
Genos : Thank you very much! (0:21:28.60)
King : No... Don't use Saitama as an example... (0:21:31.84)
King : Genos! (0:21:36.57)
Genos : Your battles show me the way, Master. (0:21:39.57)
Genos : He has shown me true strength and
the destination I should strive for.
Genos : I will also head there. (0:21:51.23)
Saitama : Let's go home. (0:21:57.71)
Phoenix Man : Garo? Looks like he passed out. (0:23:32.61)
Phoenix Man : Get plenty of rest. (0:23:35.77)
Phoenix Man : We'll reach Orochi soon. (0:23:42.02)

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