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Freya : Can everyone hear my voice? (0:01:39.21)
EXTRA : Princess Flare... (0:01:42.96)
EXTRA : The princess! (0:01:44.42)
Freya : I have spent a short time in this city
for a certain purpose.
Freya : In those days, I saw people and demonic beings
living and laughing together.
Freya : There was no coercion, nor was there brainwashing. (0:01:59.63)
Freya : They simply lived their lives together. (0:02:02.58)
Freya : The demonic beings of this city are not our enemies. (0:02:05.54)
Freya : I do not mean to say that
all of the demonic beings are good.
Freya : However, the same holds true for humans. (0:02:12.96)
Freya : I beg you, do not pointlessly spill any more blood. (0:02:16.46)
Freya : This is not a holy war. (0:02:20.67)
Freya : It is nothing more than a massacre. (0:02:23.42)
Freya : This city is like a miracle. (0:02:26.38)
Freya : It has taught me how to talk to
and spend time with demonic beings.
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : What is she saying?
It has taught me how to talk to
and spend time with demonic beings.
Freya : We must not lose a treasure like this
due to the prejudice of the kingdom.
Freya : Please, stop fighting! (0:02:42.79)
Freya : Not only in this city, (0:02:47.75)
Freya : but all the different races will sit at one table
and talk, laugh, and enjoy meals together.
Freya : My wish is for the world to become like that. (0:02:57.33)
Keyaruga : Princess Norn, your strategy was brilliant. (0:03:06.04)
Keyaruga : However, you can't overlook the fact that I am here! (0:03:09.92)
Keyaruga : A deadly mistake. (0:03:15.67)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : What is going on? (0:03:19.38)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Why is my big sister Flare interfering in that form? (0:03:21.25)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : How the hell are we equals?! (0:03:25.17)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : You never thought demonic beings
and demi-humans were any better than insects!
Hawkeye : That person was not Princess Flare. (0:03:30.63)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Compared to her, I am so much cuter! (0:03:34.42)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : I'm using discrimination for
the benefit of the kingdom,
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : but that woman blindly spread her love of bigotry. (0:03:41.58)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : That's why she's vile. (0:03:45.46)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : But this is concerning. (0:03:47.75)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : That speech she just made...
Those aren't her words.
Hawkeye : And what do you mean by that? (0:03:53.88)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : We had the same view on this. (0:03:55.29)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : If this is a speech she come up with by herself (0:03:57.58)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : it definitely would have been condescending. (0:04:00.29)
Keyaruga : Just as expected, Princess Norn. (0:04:02.83)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : That woman is being manipulated. (0:04:04.92)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : And, the one that thought this up is that
mysterious swordsman from the news we just got.
Hawkeye : I see. And that swordsman is... (0:04:11.71)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Hero of Recovery, Keyaru. (0:04:15.17)
Keyaruga : Yes, indeed! (0:04:17.46)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : But there's not a single logical reason for that man
who disappeared from Lanritter to protect Branica.
Keyaruga : Very good. I can use this woman. (0:04:26.63)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : John! John!
I knew she was smart.
Keyaruga : John! John!
I knew she was smart.
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Ugh, jeez! I should have brought him with me! (0:04:32.04)
Hawkeye : I see, so you can dodge. (0:04:39.83)
Hawkeye : What were you playing at when you said you were
an alchemist, Hero of Recovery, Sir Keyaru?
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : So you're Keyaru... (0:04:47.96)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : How did you get in here? (0:04:49.58)
Keyaruga : How anyone would... (0:04:51.54)
Keyaruga : through the front door. (0:04:53.50)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Accept your fate. (0:04:57.04)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Though you are a hero, do you think your
"recovery" will be any match for Hawkeye?
Hawkeye : The poison applied to this blade robs even
the large-scale monsters of consciousness.
Hawkeye : With this... (0:06:00.33)
Keyaruga : How unfortunate! (0:06:03.25)
Keyaruga : My constitution is one that's very resistant to poison! (0:06:05.46)
Keyaruga : Georgius' Autoheal. (0:06:11.00)
Keyaruga : As long as I am not dealt an insta-kill, I will not die! (0:06:13.33)
Keyaruga : Alas, I also use hidden weapons. (0:06:26.17)
Hawkeye : I see. It's no wonder you can read my moves. (0:06:29.58)
Keyaruga : So he won't let me make contact, huh? (0:06:33.08)
Hawkeye : I can't be touched by that hand. (0:06:41.71)
Keyaruga : My apologies. (0:06:52.21)
Keyaruga : Even if you don't touch it,
I can use the deteriotating heal on you.
Keyaruga : That was a waste, huh? (0:07:01.88)
Keyaruga : I wanted to touch him and
copy his skills and knowledge.
Keyaruga : Well, I didn't have the chance... (0:07:08.13)
Keyaruga : He was strong. (0:07:10.63)
Keyaruga : As exptected of one of the three great heroes. (0:07:11.83)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Who in the world are you?! (0:07:14.29)
Keyaruga : I'm a prince. (0:07:18.29)
Keyaruga : I've come to kidnap the princess... (0:07:21.38)
Keyaruga : 'Kay? (0:07:23.79)
Keyaruga : Heal. (0:07:44.38)
Keyaruga : I knew it. She's the reason Anna was... (0:07:49.67)
Keyaruga : Are you awake, Princess Norn? (0:07:57.71)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : S-someone-! (0:08:00.04)
Keyaruga : It's no use. (0:08:01.88)
Keyaruga : No one can hear you outside the walls
of this underground cellar.
Keyaruga : The imperial army has retreated. (0:08:07.38)
Keyaruga : No one is coming to save you. (0:08:09.67)
Keyaruga : For me, this is revenge. (0:08:12.42)
Keyaruga : The flame of revenge that dwells in my chest
can no longer be extinguished by anyone.
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : I-I don't know what you mean! (0:08:20.21)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : What revenge do you mean? (0:08:22.42)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Why am I the one... (0:08:24.00)
Keyaruga : I had a friend in Branica. (0:08:26.92)
Keyaruga : His name was Karman,
and he was a demonic being merchant.
Keyaruga : He was a good guy. (0:08:33.38)
Keyaruga : He... He laughed and said he dreamed of
opening a shop in a bigger city one day!
Keyaruga : But his life ended without his dream coming true. (0:08:42.71)
Keyaruga : He was killed. (0:08:47.58)
Keyaruga : And for what? (0:08:49.38)
Keyaruga : That's right, Norn! It's your fault! (0:08:51.25)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : You would seriously do something this crazy
for the sake of a trivial demonic being?
Keyaruga : A "trivial" demonic being?! (0:09:00.46)
Keyaruga : Are you kidding me?! (0:09:02.50)
Keyaruga : What do you think a life is?! (0:09:04.00)
Keyaruga : Every single life has dreams
and hopes and a future.
Keyaruga : You call that "trivial"?! (0:09:10.13)
Keyaruga : You killed my best friend,
and then you go on to belittle that life?
Keyaruga : You will pay. (0:09:18.58)
Keyaruga : I will make you pay. (0:09:20.79)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : I'm sorry! I'm sorry! (0:09:23.92)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Forgive me... I apologize... (0:09:26.38)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : So please, don't kill me! (0:09:29.04)
Keyaruga : Is it scary? (0:09:35.13)
Keyaruga : Is irrational violence scary? (0:09:36.75)
Keyaruga : Both the demonic beings and the humans
that you and your army have killed
Keyaruga : probably felt the same way that you do now. (0:09:42.75)
Keyaruga : But you ruthlessly killed them! (0:09:46.08)
Keyaruga : And that isn't all... (0:09:51.96)
Keyaruga : You also destroyed my home village. (0:09:55.04)
Keyaruga : Alban Village! (0:09:58.75)
Keyaruga : I really can't let you get away with this. (0:10:01.46)
Keyaruga : There is absolutely no way
you can get away with this!
Keyaruga : I'll start my revenge... (0:10:08.50)
Keyaruga : But... (0:10:11.29)
Keyaruga : I'm a kind person. (0:10:12.54)
Keyaruga : If you can win this game, I'll let you go. (0:10:14.58)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Game? (0:10:17.13)
Keyaruga : If you don't like it, I'll toss you to
all of the demonic beings, naked.
Keyaruga : With a sign marking you as
the mastermind of this debacle.
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : I-I'll do it! (0:10:26.04)
Keyaruga : Okay, come in. (0:10:28.75)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Huh? (0:10:37.17)
Keyaruga : You look good in that too. (0:10:40.25)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : My big sister Flare?! (0:10:43.00)
Freya : Arf! (0:10:46.04)
Keyaruga : The rules of the game are simple. (0:10:51.67)
Keyaruga : If you can last until morning
without reaching your peak
Keyaruga : from the fondling of
the horny dog Flare, then you win.
Freya : Arf! (0:11:00.58)
Keyaruga : The moment you lose, (0:11:02.13)
Keyaruga : you will forget everything and become my pet,
just like this doggy Flare.
Keyaruga : This will be fun. (0:11:09.71)
Keyaruga : Come tomorrow, you'll be begging me like a fool. (0:11:11.29)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : You pervert! Psychopath! (0:11:18.29)
Keyaruga : Flare, keep tormenting her. (0:11:21.00)
Keyaruga : And give her plenty of pampering. (0:11:25.17)
Freya : Arf. (0:11:27.96)
Keyaruga : C'mon now, you won't last til morning like that. (0:11:45.42)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Be quiet! Shut up! (0:11:48.79)
Keyaruga : What's this? Feeling motivated? (0:12:25.96)
Keyaruga : Talk about perverted... (0:12:29.46)
Freya : Arf! (0:12:33.96)
Keyaruga : What a cute dog. (0:12:35.42)
Keyaruga : You did so well. (0:12:37.13)
Keyaruga : I owe you a reward, huh? (0:12:38.83)
Keyaruga : You've lost and now you need to be punished, eh? (0:12:41.21)
Keyaruga : I'm going to show you just how much of
a horny bitch your sister is.
Keyaruga : Flare. (0:12:49.08)
Freya : Arf! (0:12:50.08)
Keyaruga : Keep your eyes on her. (0:12:54.67)
Keyaruga : I told you to keep watching! (0:13:24.46)
Keyaruga : Look at the unsightly face of
your beloved older sister.
Keyaruga : You look so sad. (0:13:39.92)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Shut up! Shut up, shut up! (0:13:41.83)
Keyaruga : Flare, face this way. (0:13:44.46)
Freya : Arf! (0:13:46.83)
Keyaruga : You love her, don't you?
You love your sister Flare.
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Of course I don't! She's incompetent! (0:13:50.79)
Keyaruga : Flare, beg. (0:13:53.29)
Freya : Arf! (0:13:55.13)
Keyaruga : No lying, now. I know the truth. (0:13:58.13)
Keyaruga : You worked hard so your sister
would look back at you, right?
Keyaruga : You loved her so you wanted her attention. (0:14:05.96)
Keyaruga : You couldn't do magic so you learned
strategy and political influence,
Keyaruga : and you wanted your sister to acknowledge you. (0:14:12.67)
Keyaruga : I will make that wish come true, since I'm so kind. (0:14:15.71)
Keyaruga : If I please you like I pleased your sister,
then you two... are one.
Keyaruga : With that, the hearts of two sisters
that didn't see eye to eye became one.
Keyaruga : Yes, I've done such a good thing. (0:15:11.54)
Keyaruga : Now then. (0:15:15.96)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : Wh-what are you... (0:15:18.75)
Keyaruga : I told you at the very beginning. (0:15:20.58)
Keyaruga : If you lose, I erase your memories,
and you become my obedient livestock.
Keyaruga : Any last words you're like to share? (0:15:27.00)
Norn Clatalissa Jioral : G-go fuck yourself. (0:15:29.58)
Keyaruga : Nice one! Yes, that front you put up, I love it! (0:15:32.71)
Keyaruga : Making you submit to me is worth it! (0:15:37.25)
Keyaruga : Heal. (0:15:40.04)
Keyaruga : When you wake up, you will be Ellen. (0:15:42.21)
Keyaruga : You're my long lost younger sister. (0:15:45.38)
Keyaruga : We happened to reunite in this city. (0:15:47.54)
Keyaruga : You have an immeasurable amount of love
for me, your older brother.
Keyaruga : Princess Norn, goodnight for eternity. (0:15:54.04)
Kureha Clyret : She's your long lost... younger sister? (0:16:05.38)
Keyaruga : That's right.
I'm glad I'm finally able to see her again.
Keyaruga : Both Setsuna and Freia took to her right away. (0:16:12.96)
Kureha Clyret : Is that so... (0:16:16.25)
Keyaruga : That girl is Eve Ries, of the Black Wing Tribe. (0:16:20.13)
Keyaruga : We ended up traveling together for some reason. (0:16:22.88)
Kureha Clyret : Oh... (0:16:25.88)
Keyaruga : So, Kureha, why are you here? (0:16:27.17)
Kureha Clyret : Because I was worried about you,
but I see my worries were unfounded.
Keyaruga : After Princess Flare,
Princess Norn was also abducted,
Keyaruga : and the reputation of
the Gioral Kingdom was tarnished.
Keyaruga : They'll probably call for Hero of the Gun
Bullet to capture me.
Keyaruga : I'll turn the tables on him, completely torment him,
and trample on his dignity.
Keyaruga : If I can't make him suffer through hell,
then my revenge will not stop.
Keyaruga : First up is the Philosopher's Stone. (0:17:46.79)
Keyaruga : We'll subdue the divine bird Caladrius
and take on the demon lord.
Keyaruga : We're heading east. (0:17:52.63)
Keyaruga : I bought another raptor. (0:17:54.88)
Keyaruga : Setsuna will be in charge of this one. (0:17:57.92)
Setsuna : Okay. (0:18:00.79)
Setsuna : But I'm sad, I'd rather be with you Lord Keyarga. (0:18:02.38)
Keyaruga : Sorry, but everyone head out now
and wait for me outside of the city.
Keyaruga : I want to make a stop somewhere before we leave. (0:18:11.29)
Freya : Sure thing. (0:18:13.54)
Eve Reese : Don't make us wait too long, okay? (0:18:14.71)
Keyaruga : What, does it make you sad to be
away from me for even a little while?
Eve Reese : O-of course not! (0:18:19.75)
Ellen : I want to be with you for even
a second longer, Big Brother!
Ellen : We've been apart for so long up until now! (0:18:25.54)
Setsuna : I do too! (0:18:28.17)
Freya : So do I! (0:18:29.21)
Keyaruga : Well, it won't take that much time. (0:18:33.17)
Keyaruga : I'll be back soon. (0:18:35.38)
Keyaruga : Karman. (0:18:48.13)
Keyaruga : I'll see enough of the world for the both of us. (0:18:50.13)
Keyaruga : And... (0:18:57.75)
Keyaruga : Anna, your revenge has been executed. (0:18:59.38)
Keyaruga : Please rest peacefully. (0:19:03.00)
EXTRA : Hey! (0:19:13.75)
EXTRA : Mister!! (0:19:15.63)
Keyaruga : It's you guys. (0:19:21.33)
EXTRA : Glad we caught you in time. (0:19:24.54)
EXTRA : When we went to the inn
they said you'd already left.
EXTRA : This here's to thank you! You all saved us. (0:19:29.71)
Keyaruga : I didn't really mean save you... (0:19:34.17)
EXTRA : That doesn't matter. Take this. (0:19:37.00)
EXTRA : It's nothing special though. (0:19:39.71)
EXTRA : It's about the least we can do... (0:19:42.08)
Keyaruga : Alright. (0:19:46.21)
Keyaruga : I'll use it with care. (0:19:49.29)
EXTRA : Stay safe out there! (0:19:53.96)
EXTRA : We'll never forget you! (0:19:55.33)
Keyaruga : I didn't save them with the intent of doing so, but... (0:19:59.29)
Keyaruga : I could get used to this. (0:20:03.88)
Keyaruga : Could I have gone soft? (0:20:06.58)
Keyaruga : Freia and the others were also nothing more
than tools to me at the beginning,
Keyaruga : but now I even feel affection for them. (0:20:14.42)
Keyaruga : Am I afraid of losing them? (0:20:17.63)
Keyaruga : No... No, I'm not! (0:20:23.79)
Keyaruga : What scares me most is this
desire for revenge disappearing.
Keyaruga : I despise him. I want to kill him. (0:20:30.79)
Keyaruga : I want to crush the bastard who tormented me. (0:20:32.79)
Keyaruga : It's okay. The flame in my chest is still burning. (0:20:36.88)
Keyaruga : Hero of the Gun, Bullet. (0:20:41.63)
Keyaruga : I'll make sure you feel it too! (0:20:43.46)
Bullet : I want to see you soon, cute little Keyaru! (0:20:49.00)
Bullet : You are the young boy of my dreams! (0:20:52.46)
Bullet : I love you, I love you, I love you with all I have! (0:20:56.08)
Bullet : I will make sure to add you to my collection
while you're still beautiful!
Keyaruga : At first, it was the Hero of Magic, Flare... (0:21:11.96)
Keyaruga : no, Freia, at the start of this journey. (0:21:14.67)
Keyaruga : But now, I have the Ice Wolf Clan prodigy, Setsuna, (0:21:18.75)
Keyaruga : and the great swordsman Kureha,
with the power and skill to rival even a Hero.
Keyaruga : I have the second-born princess of
the Gioral Kingdom, the strategist Norn...
Keyaruga : or rather, my little sister Ellen, (0:21:32.88)
Keyaruga : and the candidate for demon lord,
Eve of the Black Wing Tribe.
Keyaruga : They are all first-rate women. (0:21:41.54)
Keyaruga : As I continue doing what is right,
God is surely telling me to do my best.
Keyaruga : The world exists for me. (0:21:51.25)
Keyaruga : My happiness is this world's happiness. (0:21:53.71)
Keyaruga : Living my second life as a healer, (0:21:57.58)
Keyaruga : exacting all of my revenge, (0:22:01.33)
Keyaruga : I'm wondering what bright future lies ahead for me. (0:22:03.88)
Keyaruga : I am very, very much looking forward to it. (0:22:07.54)

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Himiko Toga

toga is mommy - Anonymous


This is what it feels like to sleep with someone? - Kou Yamori

She might be a bit weird, but I guess she's nice? - Kou Yamori

I'll pretend to be asleep for a bit and go home. - Kou Yamori

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