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EXTRA : 21st Century Japan... (0:00:01.59)
EXTRA : A family of vampires have\nsettled down in a certain street. (0:00:03.86)
EXTRA : They survived by secretly\nsucking and drinking... (0:00:08.13)
EXTRA : very small amounts of blood\nfrom human beings. (0:00:11.30)
EXTRA : very small amounts of blood\nfrom human beings. (0:00:13.87)
EXTRA : The Maaka
EXTRA : However, their eldest daughter,
Karin, had a shocking secret.
EXTRA : Yes. She was not\na bloodsucker... (0:00:19.64)
EXTRA : but a blood discharger... (0:00:22.78)
EXTRA : but a blood discharger... (0:00:24.85)
EXTRA : Oh no, she was a blood maker. (0:00:25.38)
EXTRA : Blood Maker
Kenta Usui : Is my expression\nreally that bad? (0:00:32.72)
Karin Maaka : Here, Usui.
This is today's lunch box.
Kenta Usui : Thank you. (0:02:13.59)
Karin Maaka : I tried a new recipe\nfor the chicken. (0:02:15.16)
Karin Maaka : I fried it in oyster sauce,\nand I'm sure it'll be tasty! (0:02:18.16)
Kenta Usui : R-Really? Well... (0:02:22.90)
Karin Maaka : Actually, he can just get\nfood from the kitchen... (0:02:26.40)
Karin Maaka : on days that he's working. (0:02:29.14)
Karin Maaka : Perhaps you don't\nneed my lunch box? (0:02:31.21)
Julian's manager : - O-Oh, no...
- It's good to be young, isn't it?
Kenta Usui : - O-Oh, no...
- It's good to be young, isn't it?
Julian's manager : A lunch box made with love\nis much more delicious... (0:02:38.65)
Julian's manager : than the food we have in\nthe restaurant's kitchen. (0:02:41.85)
Karin Maaka : W-What are you talking\nabout, Manager? (0:02:45.62)
Julian's manager : The wonders of youth! (0:02:48.16)
EXTRA : Big Brother is Really
Karin Maaka : Really, that manager... (0:02:59.74)
Kenta Usui : He thinks we're a couple... (0:03:02.64)
Karin Maaka : Seems like it... (0:03:05.84)
Karin Maaka : My home's over there,\nso from here... (0:03:15.72)
Karin Maaka : - See you!
- M-Maaka!
Kenta Usui : - See you!
- M-Maaka!
Kenta Usui : Take this. (0:03:21.59)
Kenta Usui : Thank you.
It was delicious.
Kenta Usui : Well, see you tomorrow. (0:03:35.41)
Karin Maaka : See you! (0:03:38.54)
Karin Maaka : My blood hasn't been\nincreasing that much... (0:03:42.48)
Karin Maaka : when I'm with Usui recently... (0:03:45.98)
Karin Maaka : Perhaps it's just Operation
Lunch taking effect.
Karin Maaka : So it was... delicious? (0:03:52.49)
Ren Marker : Bah! She's totally\noverwhelmed by him. (0:04:03.74)
EXTRA : Hey Ren, when can I\nsee you again? (0:04:10.01)
Ren Marker : - We shall see...
- Well...
EXTRA : I don't want to wait\nthat long to see you! (0:04:15.65)
EXTRA : I want to be with\nyou tonight! (0:04:17.98)
Ren Marker : I feel the same way, darling. (0:04:22.39)
Fumio Usui : L-I'm sorry! (0:04:29.46)
Ren Marker : She's... (0:04:32.26)
Ren Marker : Kenta Usui's mother. (0:04:41.01)
Fumio Usui : I'm sorry. I was too engrossed\nin my own thoughts. (0:04:43.41)
EXTRA : Hey! What are you\nlooking at, Ren? Hey, Ren! (0:04:53.22)
Ren Marker : That woman is filled\nwith nice feelings... (0:04:58.79)
Ren Marker : of delicious stress... (0:05:02.33)
Fumio Usui : I was fired again from\nmy part-time job. (0:05:06.26)
Fumio Usui : How should I break\nthe news to Kenta? (0:05:08.77)
Ren Marker : I have found good prey. (0:05:13.57)
Winner Sinclair : There's nothing out\nof the ordinary. (0:05:18.18)
Winner Sinclair : What's that?!
A vampire bat?!
Winner Sinclair : Stage a comeback (0:05:25.65)
Winner Sinclair : Stage a comeback!
A chance not to be missed!
Winner Sinclair : Stage a comeback!
A chance not to be missed!
Winner Sinclair : A chance not to be missed (0:05:27.22)
Winner Sinclair : Flying in front of an\nhonourable Vampire Hunter? (0:05:28.79)
Winner Sinclair : I'll definitely capture\nyou, vampire! (0:05:32.12)
Winner Sinclair : Vampire Hunter... Winner! (0:05:34.56)
EXTRA : Hey... Hey, you there! (0:05:39.26)
EXTRA : What do you think\nyou're doing? (0:05:41.47)
Winner Sinclair : - Me?
- Yes. You.
EXTRA : Are you filming a movie?
Where's your permit?
EXTRA : - What's your name?
- My name is Winner.
Winner Sinclair : - What's your name?
- My name is Winner.
EXTRA : - Come to the station with me.
- Well, I...
Winner Sinclair : - Come to the station with me.
- Well, I...
Karin Maaka : What should I prepare for\ntomorrow's lunch box? (0:06:02.42)
Karin Maaka : It's summertime, so I should make\nsomething nutritious for him. (0:06:05.46)
Karin Maaka : That's right! I have recipes for\ngarlic dishes somewhere... (0:06:10.56)
Ren Marker : You're actually making\ngarlic dishes? (0:06:14.73)
Ren Marker : How could you be so excited\nat making human feed? (0:06:17.04)
Karin Maaka : Big Brother! Don't refer to it\nas feed! That's rude! (0:06:20.27)
Karin Maaka : The food is for Usui! (0:06:25.51)
Ren Marker : Why don't you just bite him\nand save all this trouble? (0:06:30.28)
Ren Marker : That's what vampires\nare supposed to do. (0:06:35.39)
Karin Maaka : L-I can't possibly do that! (0:06:37.72)
Karin Maaka : Usui's keeping his promise\nnot to tell anyone... (0:06:41.36)
Karin Maaka : about my blood increasing! (0:06:44.43)
Ren Marker : - Are you in love with him?
- What?
Karin Maaka : - Are you in love with him?
- What?
Karin Maaka : W-W-What are you talking about?
Don't be absurd, Big Brother!
Karin Maaka : No way! That is impossible! (0:06:55.77)
Ren Marker : Well, I'm relieved\nto hear that. (0:07:01.31)
Ren Marker : Now I can go ahead and\nsuck their blood then. (0:07:04.88)
Karin Maaka : Big Brother? (0:07:08.39)
Karin Maaka : Go ahead and suck\ntheir blood? (0:07:13.09)
Karin Maaka : Could it be... (0:07:16.39)
Karin Maaka : No! Don't do that! (0:07:20.50)
Karin Maaka : But... there's no way\nthat's going to happen. (0:07:24.20)
Anju Marker : That means... His target\nis Usui's mother. (0:07:30.61)
Karin Maaka : She would be the one, right? (0:07:34.98)
Anju Marker : If her unhappiness is enough to\nmake your blood increase, (0:07:37.55)
Anju Marker : then she'd surely have stress,
Big Brother's affinity.
Karin Maaka : Of course. (0:07:47.56)
Anju Marker : Basically, Usui's mother is... (0:07:48.83)
Anju Marker : burdened with stress,
Big Brother's affinity.
Boogie : You betcha! Ren's going\nto suck that woman dry. (0:07:56.03)
Boogie : I'd give anything to\nsee that happen! (0:08:00.07)
Karin Maaka : It's all right if he just\nsucks her blood. (0:08:03.17)
Karin Maaka : But for our brother... (0:08:05.44)
Karin Maaka : Sucking blood actually means\nsomething beastly, doesn't it? (0:08:09.91)
Karin Maaka : And despite her being the mom\nof his sister's classmate! (0:08:14.79)
Karin Maaka : Stupid Big Brother! (0:08:18.22)
Anju Marker : That's the way he is. (0:08:20.96)
Boogie : As long as she's stressed,\nany woman under fifty will do. (0:08:23.19)
Boogie : He's not very picky, is he? (0:08:28.10)
Karin Maaka : Why am I discussing this\nwith my little sister? (0:08:31.67)
Karin Maaka : Now the next step is\nto stop our brother! (0:08:35.34)
Karin Maaka : Usui and his mom only\nhave each other. (0:08:38.61)
Karin Maaka : And Usui really cares\na lot for his mom. But... (0:08:41.01)
Karin Maaka : Big Brother will never\ndo what I say. (0:08:46.18)
Karin Maaka : Hey, wait! Anju, if you\ncome with me... (0:08:50.32)
Anju Marker : No. (0:08:53.49)
Anju Marker : Do you think Big Brother\nwill bother about... (0:08:55.13)
Anju Marker : other people's views\non women? (0:08:58.73)
Anju Marker : I don't want to waste\nmy time on that. (0:09:01.23)
Boogie : Get ready, Usui's mom! (0:09:03.67)
Karin Maaka : N-No way! (0:09:05.67)
Anju Marker : And don't even think of\ntalking to Papa and Mama. (0:09:07.84)
Anju Marker : Big Brother detests people\nwho tell tales. (0:09:11.91)
Anju Marker : You'd never know\nwhat he'd do to you. (0:09:16.05)
Karin Maaka : Thanks for the warning. (0:09:19.72)
Karin Maaka : I'll go ponder over it. (0:09:22.22)
Karin Maaka : - Big Sister...
- What is it?
Anju Marker : - Big Sister...
- What is it?
Anju Marker : Why are you so\nanxious about it? (0:09:26.66)
Anju Marker : Regardless of what our brother\ndoes to Usui's mother... (0:09:29.86)
Anju Marker : He just has to erase\nher memory, (0:09:34.80)
Anju Marker : - and everything will be fine.
- Anju...
Karin Maaka : - and everything will be fine.
- Anju...
Anju Marker : So... why? (0:09:41.07)
Karin Maaka : I don't ever want\nthat to happen. (0:09:47.58)
Karin Maaka : That would be betraying Usui. (0:09:50.58)
Karin Maaka : I can't betray my friend. (0:09:53.62)
Karin Maaka : I can't do it. (0:09:56.02)
Kenta Usui : You don't have to worry.
You'll find another job soon.
Kenta Usui : I'll be working really hard\nduring the break as well! (0:10:06.63)
Fumio Usui : Thank you. (0:10:10.07)
Fumio Usui : I'm such a lousy mother...\naren't I? (0:10:11.60)
Kenta Usui : Mom... (0:10:15.41)
Karin Maaka : I hope Usui's mom\nis all right. (0:10:22.21)
Karin Maaka : I'll have to ask Usui if
Big Brother has bitten her yet!
Karin Maaka : Well, Usui... (0:10:30.79)
Karin Maaka : Oh no, this is... (0:10:33.79)
Karin Maaka : l-I haven't felt this\nin a long time. (0:10:37.26)
Karin Maaka : Absolute unhappiness?! (0:10:40.50)
Karin Maaka : No! (0:10:46.40)
Kenta Usui : Maaka! (0:10:49.44)
Kenta Usui : Are you all right, Maaka? (0:10:53.51)
Karin Maaka : Never mind that,\nwhat happened, Usui? (0:10:57.42)
Karin Maaka : You seem very unhappy. (0:11:00.65)
Kenta Usui : Well, Mom was fired from\nher job yesterday. (0:11:03.22)
Karin Maaka : What? Again? (0:11:07.33)
Karin Maaka : Sorry... (0:11:10.93)
Kenta Usui : Mom had thought that\nthis job would last, (0:11:13.40)
Kenta Usui : so it was a big blow to her. (0:11:16.37)
Karin Maaka : So, that's it. (0:11:19.10)
Karin Maaka : Usui's unhappiness surged\nbecause of that. (0:11:21.07)
Kenta Usui : If I put in more effort, (0:11:25.78)
Kenta Usui : Mom can sit back,\nrelax and smile more. (0:11:28.81)
Karin Maaka : Usui... (0:11:33.12)
Kenta Usui : But Mom smiled all the time... (0:11:34.99)
Kenta Usui : after you bit her\nthe other time. (0:11:38.02)
Karin Maaka : You mean you want me\nto bite her again? (0:11:43.09)
Kenta Usui : Darn! What am I talking about?
Making Maaka worry like that!
Karin Maaka : He's right! I should have\nthought of that before. (0:11:56.24)
Karin Maaka : I just have to bite
Usui's mom...
Karin Maaka : before my brother does! (0:12:05.15)
Fumio Usui : Everybody suffers during\nthe recession. (0:12:22.00)
Fumio Usui : Oh no... it seems like\nit will rain any minute! (0:12:29.77)
Winner Sinclair : You've finally appeared,\nvampire! (0:12:44.52)
Winner Sinclair : You thought you could escape\nfrom me, didn't you? (0:12:53.96)
Winner Sinclair : All or nothing!
Locked and loaded!
Winner Sinclair : Vampire Hunter, Winner! (0:13:00.57)
Winner Sinclair : Oops! He actually escaped? (0:13:05.01)
Winner Sinclair : The exasperation!
There won't be a next time!
EXTRA : It's you again? You're making\na nuisance of yourself. (0:13:10.01)
Winner Sinclair : - But!
- What's with the flashing light?
EXTRA : - But!
- What's with the flashing light?
EXTRA : You're acting as a patrol car? (0:13:16.49)
Winner Sinclair : This is a Vampire Sensor... (0:13:18.32)
EXTRA : Whatever. You aren't mocking\nthe police, are you? (0:13:21.43)
Winner Sinclair : I'm not mocking you! (0:13:24.26)
Winner Sinclair : - I think you're mocking us!
- No, I'm not mocking anyone!
Bah! An obstacle\nhas appeared.
Ren Marker : - I think you're mocking us!
- No, I'm not mocking anyone!
Bah! An obstacle\nhas appeared.
EXTRA : - I think you're mocking us!
- No, I'm not mocking anyone!
Bah! An obstacle\nhas appeared.
EXTRA : - I think you're mocking us!
- No, I'm not mocking anyone!
Well, I'll let more stress\naccumulate then.
Ren Marker : - I'm sure you're mocking us!
- I'm really not mocking you!
Well, I'll let more stress\naccumulate then.
EXTRA : Don't deny that you're not\nmocking us when you clearly are!
Well, I'll let more stress\naccumulate then.
Ren Marker : Don't deny that you're not\nmocking us when you clearly are!
Well, I'll let more stress\naccumulate then.
EXTRA : Don't deny that you're not\nmocking us when you clearly are!
I like that.
EXTRA : Don't deny that you're not\nmocking us when you clearly are! (0:13:35.21)
Karin Maaka : How exactly do I get near\nto Usui's mom? (0:13:38.88)
Karin Maaka : One wrong step, and my blood\nwill increase again! (0:13:43.05)
Karin Maaka : Geez! This is going\nto be tough! (0:13:46.35)
Karin Maaka : Is it right to even bite her\nin the first place? (0:13:50.22)
Karin Maaka : I may claim to be protecting\nher from Big Brother, (0:13:57.43)
Karin Maaka : but both of us are actually\ndoing the same thing. (0:14:00.26)
Karin Maaka : No, no, no, no!
I shouldn't be saying this now.
Karin Maaka : I'm fighting against my\nlecherous brother! (0:14:11.01)
Karin Maaka : I don't have a choice! (0:14:14.28)
Karin Maaka : Hello? (0:14:20.05)
Maki Tokitou : Oh, Karin!
You must help me!
Karin Maaka : M-Maki?
What's the matter?
EXTRA : Supermarket (0:14:28.93)
Karin Maaka : Newly opened!
Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant!
Karin Maaka : Please come in, everyone! (0:14:34.93)
EXTRA : Please come in! (0:14:37.40)
EXTRA : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant (0:14:37.43)
EXTRA : Please come in! (0:14:38.90)
Karin Maaka : W-Why am I... (0:14:39.30)
Karin Maaka : A Chinese restaurant? (0:14:43.61)
Maki Tokitou : It's a restaurant nearby.
They're reopening tomorrow.
Maki Tokitou : They asked me to\nwork there for a while. (0:14:49.41)
Karin Maaka : Why don't you\ndo it, Maki? (0:14:52.65)
Maki Tokitou : Sorry! I'm too tied up\nhelping out here... (0:14:55.22)
Maki Tokitou : So I can't help out\nthere too. (0:14:59.26)
Maki Tokitou : It's your day off at Julian then,\nso it's fine, right? (0:15:03.19)
Maki Tokitou : Won't you do me a favor?
Please, Karin!
Maki Tokitou : H-Hey, wait...
Won't you do me a favor?
Please, Karin!
Karin Maaka : H-Hey, wait...
Won't you do me a favor?
Please, Karin!
Maki Tokitou : Won't you do me a favor?
Please, Karin!
Karin Maaka : I don't have time for this. (0:15:13.17)
Karin Maaka : I must get close\nto Usui's mom! (0:15:16.14)
EXTRA : Why are you so\nembarrassed, Karin? (0:15:20.11)
EXTRA : You should be proud\nof your assets! (0:15:23.18)
Karin Maaka : B-Boss! (0:15:26.82)
Karin Maaka : W-What are you doing?! (0:15:28.85)
EXTRA : It's great to be young,\nisn't it? (0:15:31.39)
Fumio Usui : Excuse me... (0:15:35.29)
Fumio Usui : I saw your poster for\nhiring workers. (0:15:37.93)
Karin Maaka : - Usui's mom!
- Oh!
Fumio Usui : - Usui's mom!
- Oh!
Fumio Usui : Karin? You're working\nhere too? (0:15:45.10)
Karin Maaka : This might be the\nchance I need! (0:15:48.67)
Fumio Usui : Well... (0:15:54.11)
Fumio Usui : Do I look all right in this? (0:15:56.88)
EXTRA : Youth is such\na wonderful thing! (0:16:00.18)
Karin Maaka : Why am I in a daze? (0:16:03.55)
Karin Maaka : I must bite his mom\nwhile I have the chance! (0:16:06.66)
Karin Maaka : Okay! Here I go! (0:16:10.29)
Karin Maaka : Welcome! (0:16:14.13)
Fumio Usui : I'm... I'm sorry... (0:16:26.51)
Fumio Usui : - You'd like the "A" set?
- And...
EXTRA : - You'd like the "A" set?
- And...
EXTRA : - I'd like to have you as well.
- Please stop!
Fumio Usui : - I'd like to have you as well.
- Please stop!
EXTRA : What's the matter with\nthis restaurant? (0:16:45.50)
EXTRA : We're very sorry! (0:16:48.33)
EXTRA : We're really very sorry! (0:16:51.67)
EXTRA : - Your waitress is atrocious!
- We're sorry!
EXTRA : Oh, no! (0:16:57.41)
EXTRA : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant (0:17:04.01)
EXTRA : I'm so sorry! (0:17:05.55)
EXTRA : Sorry! (0:17:08.25)
EXTRA : Sorry! (0:17:09.95)
EXTRA : What are you doing, Fumio? (0:17:10.15)
EXTRA : Apologize to the customers\nright now! (0:17:12.22)
Fumio Usui : - I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
- We're very sorry!
Karin Maaka : My blood's about\nto increase... (0:17:18.63)
Karin Maaka : My body is at its limit...
If I don't bite her soon...
Fumio Usui : I have to put in my\nbest effort this time. (0:17:32.38)
Fumio Usui : I can't continue to make
Kenta worry for me.
Karin Maaka : I... I guess not. (0:17:39.78)
Karin Maaka : I have to... bite her soon... (0:17:47.62)
Karin Maaka : I can't... take it anymore! (0:17:56.80)
EXTRA : Karin! Can you give me\na hand over here? (0:18:00.54)
Karin Maaka : Sure! (0:18:03.87)
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant!
Please come in!
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant!
Please come in!
EXTRA : Supermarket (0:18:09.55)
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant!
Please come in!
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant
Please come in!
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant
Please come in!
Geez! Everyone's\nlooking at me!
Karin Maaka : Shiihaba Chinese Restaurant
Please come in!
Karin Maaka : Even if I look all right\nin this Chinese dress, (0:18:17.69)
Karin Maaka : it's still embarrassing! (0:18:20.69)
Karin Maaka : Furthermore, because I\ngot close to Fumio, (0:18:23.23)
Karin Maaka : my blood increase has\ngone out of control! (0:18:26.90)
Karin Maaka : I must go back and\nbite her soon... (0:18:29.30)
Kenta Usui : Hey, Maaka? (0:18:32.77)
Kenta Usui : What are you doing?
In such a place?
Karin Maaka : U-Usui! (0:18:38.54)
Karin Maaka : Oh, no! I'm overflowing! (0:18:42.81)
Anju Marker : What are you reading,
Big Brother?
Ren Marker : The ancient records\nfound in the house. (0:18:54.36)
Ren Marker : Legends about our vampire clan,\nfamily trees, and stuff. (0:18:57.19)
Anju Marker : - These books are really old.
- I know.
Ren Marker : - These books are really old.
- I know.
Anju Marker : Papa was searching for\ninformation on whether... (0:19:06.00)
Anju Marker : there were other un-vampires\nlike Big Sister too. (0:19:09.24)
Anju Marker : Can I ask another question? (0:19:12.84)
Anju Marker : Why did you especially\ntarget Kenta Usui's mom? (0:19:15.11)
Ren Marker : I just want to get the point\nacross to our dear sister... (0:19:29.89)
Ren Marker : so that she'll accept\nthe harsh reality. (0:19:33.53)
Anju Marker : - Reality?
- Yes.
Ren Marker : - Reality?
- Yes.
Ren Marker : That we vampires\naren't human. (0:19:39.20)
Anju Marker : Big Sister... (0:19:50.65)
Karin Maaka : No! Stay away from me! (0:19:54.08)
Kenta Usui : Maaka! Your... blood... (0:19:57.05)
EXTRA : What? A lovers' quarrel? (0:19:59.76)
Kenta Usui : This is bad. If her blood\noverflows in front of everyone... (0:20:02.23)
Kenta Usui : Maaka! (0:20:07.56)
Karin Maaka : No! My blood's going\nto increase! (0:20:09.70)
Karin Maaka : My blood vessels are\nbursting soon! (0:20:13.00)
Karin Maaka : I have to bite her... (0:20:15.61)
Karin Maaka : What? (0:20:24.11)
Karin Maaka : Who am I supposed to bite?
Karin Maaka : Anybody is fine. (0:20:37.59)
Kenta Usui : I'm sure nobody will\ncome here. (0:20:50.74)
Kenta Usui : Maaka, tell me how to\ncontact your sister. (0:20:53.28)
Kenta Usui : Hey, Maaka! (0:21:01.62)
Kenta Usui : Ouch! (0:21:08.49)
Kenta Usui : Hey, Maaka... What's the matter?
Will you get off me?
Kenta Usui : Please get off me,\nwill you? (0:21:16.10)
Ren Marker : Next on Karin... (0:22:55.23)
Ren Marker : Really, you are a dumb\nlittle sister. (0:22:55.50)
Ren Marker : As a vampire, you must know\nsome basic facts, don't you? (0:22:57.93)
Ren Marker : We're totally different\nfrom humans. (0:23:01.20)
Ren Marker : We're totally different\nfrom humans. (0:23:03.81)
Ren Marker : We're totally different\nfrom humans. (0:23:03.84)
Ren Marker : Awakening is Embarrassing (0:23:03.87)
Ren Marker : Next on Karin... (0:23:04.51)
Ren Marker : Awakening is Embarrassing. (0:23:05.84)

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Caris al Britannia

nice - Anonymous


How many people in this school \n are tougher than you? - Bob Makihara

And who are they? - Bob Makihara

I'm sure that shrimpy girl is one, \n but I don't think she's at the top... - Bob Makihara

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