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EXTRA : November 5, 2024 Floor 22: Lake Outside Coral City (0:00:03.12)
Nishida : Catch anything? (0:00:24.98)
Nishida : Sorry to scare you... (0:00:31.15)
Nishida : My name is Nishida. (0:00:39.28)
Nishida : In the game, I'm a fisherman. (0:00:42.39)
Nishida : In Japan, I was head of
network security for a company
Nishida : called Toto High-Speed Internet. (0:00:47.85)
Kirito : I'm Kirito. (0:00:49.87)
Kirito : Didn't Toto High-Speed Internet... (0:00:51.98)
Nishida : Yes. (0:00:54.07)
Nishida : I oversaw network security for this game. (0:00:55.19)
Kirito : It's big! (0:01:03.99)
Nishida : This one's easy. (0:01:06.08)
Kirito : Splendid. (0:01:12.13)
Nishida : Thank you. (0:01:13.53)
Nishida : I can catch these things,
but I can't cook them.
Nishida : I'd love to stew them or make sashimi, (0:01:19.10)
Nishida : but I don't have any soy sauce. (0:01:22.12)
Nishida : Or maybe baked with soy sauce. (0:01:25.32)
Nishida : Or maybe with radishes and soy sauce... (0:01:28.43)
Kirito : I may be able to help with that. (0:01:29.15)
Nishida : What?! (0:01:33.89)
EXTRA : Edge of Hell's Abyss (0:03:08.00)
Nishida : That was wonderful! (0:03:14.50)
Nishida : I had no idea you could get
soy sauce in this world.
Asuna Yuuki : It's homemade. (0:03:20.90)
Asuna Yuuki : Take some with you, if you'd like. (0:03:22.51)
Nishida : Really? (0:03:24.09)
Nishida : That's so kind of you. (0:03:25.50)
Asuna Yuuki : Your fishing skill must be very high. (0:03:29.39)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun's never brought anything home. (0:03:33.53)
Kirito : The lakes around here are too hard! (0:03:38.75)
Nishida : No, (0:03:42.38)
Nishida : that isn't really true. (0:03:43.45)
Nishida : The only difficult one (0:03:45.52)
Nishida : is the big lake where you were fishing. (0:03:47.06)
Kirito : Why design it like that? (0:03:51.91)
Nishida : Yes, that's an excellent question! (0:03:54.63)
Nishida : That lake contains (0:03:56.96)
Nishida : an enormous fish. (0:03:59.45)
Asuna Yuuki : An enormous fish? (0:04:01.55)
Kirito : An enormous fish? (0:04:01.55)
Nishida : Yeah... (0:04:02.97)
Nishida : I've encountered it several times. (0:04:04.32)
Nishida : But it's so huge, it dragged
my pole away altogether.
Nishida : And so, I'd like to make you an offer. (0:04:15.15)
Kirito : I don't mind fishing for that thing, (0:04:25.36)
Kirito : but is switching possible with a fishing pole? (0:04:27.13)
Asuna Yuuki : I know you can do it. (0:04:30.89)
Asuna Yuuki : If you catch it, then what? (0:04:37.66)
Asuna Yuuki : Will you keep it? (0:04:39.14)
Kirito : Can you keep something like that? (0:04:40.12)
Kirito : He was a friendly guy... (0:04:47.86)
Asuna Yuuki : I was surprised when you brought him here. (0:04:50.81)
Asuna Yuuki : In this world, many people
are living normally.
Asuna Yuuki : Since we can fight on the front lines, (0:05:01.39)
Asuna Yuuki : we have a responsibility to them, don't we? (0:05:04.14)
Kirito : The main reason (0:05:09.12)
Kirito : I got stronger was so I'd be able to survive. (0:05:10.71)
Asuna Yuuki : I think that lots of people expect
great things from you now...
Asuna Yuuki : Including me. (0:05:25.80)
Kirito : Yeah... (0:05:30.15)
Kirito : I promised that I'd save everyone. (0:05:31.28)
Asuna Yuuki : But for just a little longer... (0:05:38.20)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:05:42.62)
EXTRA : You can do it, Nishida! (0:05:48.45)
EXTRA : Catch the enormous fish! (0:05:50.47)
Kirito : Seriously? (0:05:52.92)
Asuna Yuuki : Everyone had heard about the fish! (0:05:54.88)
Nishida : And now, (0:05:59.91)
Nishida : it's time for the day's main event. (0:06:01.84)
EXTRA : We've been waiting for this! (0:06:05.16)
Nishida : Kirito-san, (0:06:06.69)
Nishida : let's do this. (0:06:07.30)
Kirito : How big is this thing? (0:06:13.48)
Nishida : Here we go... (0:06:16.69)
Kirito : Um, isn't that it? (0:06:42.15)
Nishida : Not yet. (0:06:44.23)
Kirito : N-Nishida-san... (0:06:46.94)
Nishida : No, not yet. (0:06:48.58)
Nishida : Now! (0:06:52.89)
Nishida : I've got it! (0:06:54.01)
Nishida : Go! (0:06:56.64)
Kirito : S-Switch... (0:06:58.10)
Kirito : Damn it! You little... (0:07:04.44)
Asuna Yuuki : I see it! (0:07:10.79)
Kirito : Okay, I can do this... (0:07:19.36)
Kirito : What? (0:07:23.74)
Kirito : Hey! (0:07:24.54)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:07:31.76)
Asuna Yuuki : It's dangerous! (0:07:33.77)
Kirito : What's dangerous? (0:07:36.54)
Kirito : Th-Th-That's unfair! (0:07:51.37)
Kirito : Don't run away, leaving me... (0:07:52.59)
Nishida : Kirito-san! (0:07:54.54)
Kirito : It's running on land. (0:07:58.58)
Kirito : Is it a lungfish? (0:08:00.50)
Nishida : Kirito-san! (0:08:02.12)
Nishida : Pay attention! (0:08:03.12)
Nishida : Run away! (0:08:05.59)
Kirito : Ah, right. (0:08:07.08)
Asuna Yuuki : Oh, fine... (0:08:09.42)
Nishida : Miss, run! (0:08:14.72)
Kirito : She'll be fine. (0:08:16.44)
Nishida : Kirito-san, your wife! (0:08:19.39)
Nishida : Your wife! (0:08:23.17)
EXTRA : A-Amazing! (0:08:36.98)
EXTRA : You're Asuna-san, right? (0:08:40.76)
EXTRA : What are you doing here? (0:08:42.56)
EXTRA : I'm a fan! (0:08:44.57)
EXTRA : Can I shake your hand, too? (0:08:45.83)
Kirito : Good work. (0:08:49.25)
Kirito : Heathcliff? (0:08:53.31)
Asuna Yuuki : All right, stop moping. (0:09:02.98)
Kirito : But it's only been two weeks... (0:09:05.91)
Asuna Yuuki : If he's summoning us to the front
lines when we're on vacation,
Asuna Yuuki : something big must've happened. (0:09:12.70)
Kirito : True, but... (0:09:14.36)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's at least talk to him. (0:09:17.18)
Asuna Yuuki : Come on, it's time. (0:09:19.69)
Asuna Yuuki : Let's deal with it and come back. (0:09:28.15)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:09:30.47)
Kirito : Thanks for seeing us off. (0:09:34.79)
EXTRA : November 7, 2024 Floor 22: Coral Teleport Gate Plaza (0:09:36.53)
Kirito : We didn't spend much time together, (0:09:37.43)
Kirito : but it was fun. (0:09:39.15)
Nishida : Yes, it was a good experience for me. (0:09:40.64)
Nishida : Actually, before meeting you, (0:09:44.35)
Nishida : I'd thought of those working to clear
the game as in a different world.
Nishida : I've been trapped in here for two years. (0:09:53.68)
Nishida : Even if I make it back somehow,
I don't know if I can return to my old job.
Nishida : It's possible I'd already given up on escape. (0:10:00.83)
Nishida : And so, I told myself that spending my time (0:10:04.60)
Nishida : with a fishing rod in my hand
would be the best thing for me.
Nishida : It's pretty sad. (0:10:12.34)
Kirito : No... (0:10:14.56)
Kirito : No, that isn't... (0:10:15.71)
Asuna Yuuki : Me, too. (0:10:17.55)
Asuna Yuuki : At first, I thought the same thing. (0:10:19.80)
Asuna Yuuki : I cried alone every single night. (0:10:23.75)
Asuna Yuuki : It felt like every day that passed here (0:10:26.50)
Asuna Yuuki : stole another piece of my real life away. (0:10:28.99)
Asuna Yuuki : After I cried, I'd go and
fight as hard as I could.
Asuna Yuuki : My only thought was of winning, (0:10:38.24)
Asuna Yuuki : moving forward, and getting stronger. (0:10:40.40)
Asuna Yuuki : But then, (0:10:43.80)
Asuna Yuuki : I saw someone napping in
the shade, at the plaza.
Asuna Yuuki : It made me so mad. (0:10:49.11)
Asuna Yuuki : I told him to stop wasting his time. (0:10:51.32)
Asuna Yuuki : And he replied that it was
Aincrad's best season,
Asuna Yuuki : and its best weather setting, too. (0:10:58.74)
Asuna Yuuki : So entering a dungeon would be a waste. (0:11:01.07)
Asuna Yuuki : Then I tried lying down, as well, (0:11:05.64)
Asuna Yuuki : and I slept like a baby. (0:11:08.30)
Asuna Yuuki : When I awoke, it was evening,
and he looked a bit annoyed.
Asuna Yuuki : But as we partied up together... (0:11:15.82)
Asuna Yuuki : Even in a world like this,
he was really living.
Asuna Yuuki : He wasn't losing a day in the real world. (0:11:25.26)
Asuna Yuuki : He was gaining a day here. (0:11:28.25)
Asuna Yuuki : The one who taught me that (0:11:31.50)
Asuna Yuuki : was Kirito-kun. (0:11:33.79)
Asuna Yuuki : When I began thinking of
him as I fell asleep,
Asuna Yuuki : I stopped having nightmares. (0:11:39.40)
Asuna Yuuki : I began to look forward to seeing him. (0:11:41.94)
Asuna Yuuki : For the first time since I arrived here, (0:11:45.23)
Asuna Yuuki : I was happy... (0:11:47.49)
Asuna Yuuki : To me, Kirito-kun is (0:11:51.00)
Asuna Yuuki : the meaning of my two years here... (0:11:54.05)
Asuna Yuuki : And proof that I'm alive. (0:11:57.19)
Asuna Yuuki : The reason I tried the NerveGear that day (0:12:00.57)
Asuna Yuuki : was so that I could meet him. (0:12:03.70)
Asuna Yuuki : I'm sure there's also something
important to you here.
Nishida : That's true... (0:12:12.98)
Nishida : You're exactly right. (0:12:15.03)
Nishida : Life isn't so bad. (0:12:17.49)
Nishida : It's not so bad... (0:12:20.13)
Nishida : There's nothing I can do to help you. (0:12:25.55)
Nishida : But good luck. (0:12:29.00)
Kirito : Let's go fishing together again. (0:12:30.45)
Asuna Yuuki : We'll be back. (0:12:33.82)
Asuna Yuuki : Teleport: Grandzam. (0:12:38.59)
Kirito : Teleport: Grandzam. (0:12:38.59)
EXTRA : November 7, 2024 Floor 55: Grandzam (0:12:53.62)
Kirito : The recon team was wiped out? (0:12:54.40)
Heathcliff : We sent in a twenty-member party, (0:12:57.14)
Heathcliff : taken from five different guilds,
to prepare for the boss fight.
Heathcliff : However, (0:13:03.42)
Heathcliff : when the first ten reached
the center of the room,
Heathcliff : and the boss appeared,
the entrance closed.
Kirito : An anti-crystal area. (0:13:14.46)
Heathcliff : And when it opened five minutes later, (0:13:16.85)
Heathcliff : nothing remained in the room. (0:13:23.14)
Heathcliff : Neither the ten... (0:13:26.07)
Heathcliff : Nor the boss. (0:13:27.55)
Kirito : That's crazy... (0:13:29.33)
Heathcliff : But we cannot give up on clearing the game. (0:13:30.98)
Heathcliff : We'll have to attack with
the largest group we can.
Kirito : We'll help. (0:13:38.16)
Kirito : However, Asuna's safety
is my highest priority.
Kirito : If things get bad, (0:13:44.80)
Kirito : I will protect her over the rest of the party. (0:13:46.91)
Heathcliff : A person is very strong when he
seeks to protect something.
Heathcliff : I'll expect a good fight. (0:13:54.53)
Asuna Yuuki : Three hours left, huh? (0:14:01.52)
Asuna Yuuki : What should we do? (0:14:04.02)
Asuna Yuuki : What's wrong? (0:14:09.00)
Kirito : Don't get mad when I say this. (0:14:12.59)
Kirito : But today, would you stay here (0:14:15.29)
Kirito : rather than go to the boss fight? (0:14:17.12)
Asuna Yuuki : Why would you ask that? (0:14:22.86)
Kirito : We can't know what will happen
when we can't use teleport crystals.
Kirito : I'm scared. (0:14:30.72)
Kirito : If anything happened to you... (0:14:32.47)
Asuna Yuuki : So you want to go yourself, (0:14:33.89)
Asuna Yuuki : while I wait here, where it's safe? (0:14:37.26)
Asuna Yuuki : If you went and didn't come back, I would (0:14:43.34)
Asuna Yuuki : kill myself! (0:14:48.61)
Asuna Yuuki : I'd have no reason to live anymore. (0:14:51.33)
Asuna Yuuki : And I wouldn't forgive myself for not going. (0:14:53.26)
Kirito : I'm sorry... (0:14:56.95)
Kirito : I'm panicking. (0:14:58.34)
Kirito : Honestly, I'd rather run away with you. (0:15:00.36)
Kirito : We don't have to return to the real world. (0:15:03.93)
Kirito : We can just live in the house in the forest! (0:15:06.92)
Asuna Yuuki : It'd be nice if we could... (0:15:12.07)
Asuna Yuuki : We could be together every day, forever. (0:15:14.13)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun, have you ever considered (0:15:20.10)
Asuna Yuuki : what's happening to our real bodies? (0:15:22.54)
Asuna Yuuki : When several weeks had passed,
after the game began,
Asuna Yuuki : there was a point when most players
went offline for several hours, right?
Asuna Yuuki : At that point, (0:15:36.43)
Asuna Yuuki : all the players were probably
moved to hospitals.
Asuna Yuuki : If our bodies (0:15:42.70)
Asuna Yuuki : are just barely being kept
alive on hospital beds,
Asuna Yuuki : I can't imagine that will work for too long. (0:15:48.38)
Kirito : In other words, (0:15:52.71)
Kirito : whether we clear the game or not, (0:15:54.01)
Kirito : there's a time limit? (0:15:57.45)
Asuna Yuuki : I... (0:16:05.87)
Asuna Yuuki : I want to stay with you forever... (0:16:07.52)
Asuna Yuuki : I want us to date for real. (0:16:12.70)
Asuna Yuuki : To really get married... (0:16:14.62)
Asuna Yuuki : To get old together! (0:16:17.02)
Asuna Yuuki : So... (0:16:21.47)
Asuna Yuuki : So... (0:16:23.59)
Kirito : For the moment, we have to fight, right? (0:16:27.30)
EXTRA : Floor 75: Yurinia Teleport Gate Plaza (0:16:34.61)
Klein : Hey! (0:16:52.63)
Kirito : What? You guys are coming, too? (0:16:55.73)
Agil : You should be happy to see me. (0:16:58.49)
Agil : I shut my shop down to come and help. (0:17:01.10)
Agil : You don't even understand
my selfless desire to help?
Kirito : Then, we'll remove you from item drop list. (0:17:08.34)
Agil : I wouldn't take it that far... (0:17:12.46)
Heathcliff : Corridor: open. (0:17:30.40)
Heathcliff : Now, let's go. (0:17:35.81)
Asuna Yuuki : I don't like this place... (0:17:45.70)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:17:48.44)
Heathcliff : Are you ready? (0:17:59.50)
Heathcliff : The Knights of the Blood Oath will take (0:18:02.92)
Heathcliff : the majority of damage on the front line. (0:18:05.41)
Heathcliff : While we do, (0:18:07.89)
Heathcliff : I'd like the rest to discern its attack patterns, (0:18:09.15)
Heathcliff : and prepare to change tactics as necessary. (0:18:11.38)
Heathcliff : It will be a difficult battle, (0:18:14.08)
Heathcliff : but I have faith that we can prevail. (0:18:16.35)
Heathcliff : For our day of liberation! (0:18:20.27)
Asuna Yuuki : It'll be okay. (0:18:36.08)
Asuna Yuuki : I'll protect you. (0:18:38.50)
Asuna Yuuki : So you protect me, okay? (0:18:40.85)
Kirito : Yeah, I will. (0:18:45.02)
Kirito : Don't die. (0:18:53.88)
Klein : Same to you! (0:18:55.08)
Agil : I'm gonna make a fortune off today's drops. (0:18:57.14)
Agil : I have no intention of dying. (0:18:59.64)
Heathcliff : Attack! (0:19:04.38)
EXTRA : Nothing's happening... (0:19:30.79)
Asuna Yuuki : Above us! (0:19:40.03)
Klein : The Skull... (0:19:45.93)
Kirito : ...Reaper? (0:19:47.16)
Heathcliff : Don't stay together! (0:19:51.46)
Heathcliff : Stay away from it! (0:19:52.42)
Kirito : This way! (0:19:55.16)
Kirito : Run! (0:19:56.80)
Klein : W-With one hit? (0:20:11.19)
Agil : That's insane... (0:20:13.34)
Agil : We can't even get close to it! (0:20:36.20)
Kirito : Get back! (0:20:40.79)
Kirito : It's too strong... (0:20:44.68)
Asuna Yuuki : If we block together, we can do this... (0:20:52.06)
Asuna Yuuki : We can do it! (0:20:55.02)
Kirito : Okay... (0:20:56.73)
Kirito : We'll deal with the scythes! (0:20:59.37)
Kirito : Everyone else, attack from the sides! (0:21:01.80)
Agil : Let's go! (0:21:05.10)
EXTRA : Okay... (0:21:06.31)
Agil : Stay put! (0:21:10.33)
Agil : Damn it! (0:21:17.96)
Asuna Yuuki : Kirito-kun! (0:21:31.46)
Kirito : Yeah. (0:21:33.34)
EXTRA : Next Time:
The End of the World

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