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Ging Freecss : All I'm doing is furthering the old man's will. (0:00:01.68)
Ging Freecss : I'm not looking for any trouble. (0:00:04.71)
Beans : Ging-san, why do this if you don't want (0:00:07.83)
Beans : to change the result? (0:00:10.73)
Ging Freecss : If I can get my target to move as I want, (0:00:14.97)
Ging Freecss : I've succeeded as a Hunter. (0:00:17.75)
EXTRA : On August 8th at 12:00 AM, (0:01:49.55)
EXTRA : in the Hunter Association main headquarters, (0:01:52.00)
EXTRA : the voting to elect Netero's successor, (0:01:54.71)
EXTRA : the 13th Chairman, began. (0:01:57.76)
EXTRA : The rules set by Ging (0:02:02.21)
EXTRA : made all of the six hundred and sixty-one members (0:02:04.52)
EXTRA : both a candidate and voter. (0:02:07.89)
EXTRA : On this day, (0:02:10.90)
EXTRA : voter turnout was below the required 95%, (0:02:12.47)
EXTRA : meaning the vote had to be redone. (0:02:15.36)
EXTRA : However, the second vote (0:02:19.71)
EXTRA : also failed to meet the requirements, (0:02:25.01)
EXTRA : and had to be redone again. (0:02:26.66)
Pariston Hill : Taking the results from the
two votes into consideration...
Pariston Hill : First, we will have Beans-san review all ballots (0:02:32.42)
Pariston Hill : before they are entered, to reduce
the number of invalid votes.
Pariston Hill : Second, (0:02:40.54)
Pariston Hill : Hunters who violate the rules by
abstaining or submitting invalid votes
Pariston Hill : will have their licenses temporarily taken away. (0:02:45.94)
Pariston Hill : Those are my two suggestions. (0:02:48.66)
Saiyu : If we implement the first,
do we still need the second?
Saiyu : Just getting rid of the invalid
votes would put us over 95%.
Pariston Hill : I wouldn't be so sure... (0:03:00.27)
Pariston Hill : Some Hunters may play hooky when they
learn they can't submit invalid votes.
Pariston Hill : There are those who would trample
on the former chairman's wishes.
Kanzai : What? (0:03:10.19)
Mizaistom Nana : Drop it. You'll only waste time. (0:03:11.06)
Pariston Hill : Oh? Did I say something wrong? (0:03:13.88)
Pariston Hill : The former chairman declared that
a 95% turnout was required,
Pariston Hill : so Hunters who submit invalid votes or
won't vote are betraying his memory.
Kanzai : They just don't want to see you become chairman! (0:03:25.00)
Pariston Hill : Then they should vote for someone else. (0:03:28.70)
Pariston Hill : I'm sure there are other qualified candidates. (0:03:32.37)
Pariston Hill : Though that isn't how the majority of Hunters feel... (0:03:35.87)
Pariston Hill : Is that too hard for you, with your limited
vocabulary and math skills?
Mizaistom Nana : I told you that you'd only waste time. (0:03:51.06)
Mizaistom Nana : You get a warning, Kanzai. (0:03:53.80)
Cheadle Yorkshire : Before adding new rules,
I believe we should broadcast
Cheadle Yorkshire : each candidate's message. (0:04:00.02)
Cheadle Yorkshire : Besides, abstaining and submitting invalid
votes are not technically violations.
Pariston Hill : I fully agree with your first statement, (0:04:06.05)
Pariston Hill : but the second makes me
wonder if I heard right...
Pariston Hill : I cannot believe those words came from one (0:04:11.85)
Pariston Hill : of the former chairman's leading supporters. (0:04:14.34)
Pariston Hill : The former chairman said (0:04:17.84)
Pariston Hill : that the difficulty of this election was D-rank. (0:04:19.05)
Pariston Hill : Which means, for us Hunters with stars,
this should be a simple task.
Pariston Hill : In other words, the former chairman
trusted us to handle this.
Cluck : Pariston, you're a pain! (0:04:31.29)
Cluck : Don't talk! Keep your mouth shut! (0:04:32.74)
Piyon : The difficulty level is just his way of
expressing his degree of trust in the Zodiacs.
Piyon : If it's S, he's encouraging us. (0:04:41.31)
Piyon : If it's F, he's challenging us. (0:04:42.94)
Saiyu : You can spin it however you want, (0:04:45.80)
Saiyu : but abstaining and submitting invalid
votes don't violate any rules, scumbag.
Pariston Hill : When I called them violations... (0:04:51.33)
Pariston Hill : I was only insinuating that those
Hunters are mistaken in their manner
Pariston Hill : of paying respects to the former chairman. (0:04:56.71)
Pariston Hill : The message is that making the election
a success would be the right way
Pariston Hill : to pay our respects to him. (0:05:02.99)
Kanzai : Then, say that during your speech! (0:05:04.81)
Kanzai : If you make it a rule, that's coercion! (0:05:06.89)
Pariston Hill : Is coercion such a bad thing? (0:05:09.62)
Mizaistom Nana : Okay, I get the idea... (0:05:12.91)
Mizaistom Nana : That's enough. (0:05:14.71)
Mizaistom Nana : I'm fine with both suggestions. (0:05:15.94)
Mizaistom Nana : My reasons are different than yours, (0:05:18.80)
Mizaistom Nana : but I agree that, barring
extraordinary circumstances,
Mizaistom Nana : no Hunters should be abstaining
or submitting invalid votes.
Pariston Hill : Then let's take a vote. (0:05:27.19)
Cheadle Yorkshire : First things first. (0:05:29.64)
Cheadle Yorkshire : I hope you aren't going to say that,
during that time, Hunters who
Cheadle Yorkshire : have their licenses taken away
aren't considered pro Hunters.
Cheadle Yorkshire : You aren't that stupid, are you? (0:05:37.59)
Pariston Hill : Of course not... (0:05:42.21)
Pariston Hill : I wouldn't think of using such underhanded
logic to manipulate the vote.
Pariston Hill : Their licenses will be confiscated. Nothing more. (0:05:49.14)
Mizaistom Nana : What if they're lost? (0:05:51.49)
Mizaistom Nana : A Hunter who has lost his license (0:05:53.79)
Mizaistom Nana : may be protected by the rules, (0:05:56.64)
Mizaistom Nana : but is not qualified to be a pro
as far as we're concerned, yes?
Pariston Hill : Uh... (0:06:03.77)
Pariston Hill : Are you saying that someone (0:06:05.68)
Pariston Hill : would use the threat of a license going
missing to manipulate the vote?
Pariston Hill : We can't guarantee no one will do that. (0:06:12.22)
Pariston Hill : Let this be clearly recorded in the minutes... (0:06:15.74)
Pariston Hill : Hunters who lose their licenses during the election (0:06:18.70)
Pariston Hill : will not lose their right to vote. (0:06:21.90)
Pariston Hill : That way, no one can manipulate
the turnout or the majority.
Cheadle Yorkshire : I hate to admit it, (0:06:36.37)
Cheadle Yorkshire : but unless we do something about
the majority, not just the turnout,
Cheadle Yorkshire : Pariston will keep smiling. (0:06:41.54)
Cheadle Yorkshire : He already seems to have secured the votes (0:06:44.75)
Cheadle Yorkshire : that went to Ginta, Piyon, and Cluck. (0:06:47.62)
Cheadle Yorkshire : If our timing is wrong, there will be casualties. (0:06:51.46)
Cheadle Yorkshire : I hate to admit it... (0:06:58.66)
Cheadle Yorkshire : But some part of me (0:07:00.53)
Cheadle Yorkshire : wishes that Ging were here. (0:07:03.98)
Cheadle Yorkshire : A beast that cannot be tamed... (0:07:11.11)
Cheadle Yorkshire : Why did the Chairman select
him as Vice Chairman?
Isaac Netero : Since I get to choose my second-in-command, (0:07:32.69)
Isaac Netero : choosing a yes-man wouldn't be any fun. (0:07:36.21)
Isaac Netero : It should be someone I can't stand... (0:07:39.15)
Isaac Netero : That is who I want at my side. (0:07:42.57)
Beans : Chairman, (0:07:49.45)
Beans : I still believe you made a mistake. (0:07:51.74)
Seaquant : Young Killua has returned? (0:08:03.01)
Seaquant : That's great... (0:08:05.81)
Seaquant : When I saw his name on the list of Hunters
who didn't vote, I was worried.
Seaquant : How's he doing? (0:08:10.90)
Seaquant : He's opened Testing Gates 1 through 5? (0:08:26.30)
Zebro : Actually, his expression was what concerned me. (0:08:29.13)
Zebro : He looked very distressed... (0:08:33.03)
Zebro : I couldn't bring myself to speak to him. (0:08:35.01)
Zebro : If you run into his friend there,
can you relay a message?
Zebro : Ask him to help young Killua. (0:08:44.04)
Seaquant : Well... (0:08:47.40)
Seaquant : His friend is why he's upset. (0:08:50.57)
Zebro : What? Gon-kun? (0:08:55.20)
Zebro : Young Killua... (0:09:02.87)
Killua Zoldyck : Let me see Alluka. (0:09:27.15)
Killua Zoldyck : I need her power. (0:09:30.08)
Silva Zoldyck : Killua... (0:09:33.20)
Killua Zoldyck : I don't have time, Dad! (0:09:34.64)
Killua Zoldyck : I'll go even if you try to stop me, so come with me. (0:09:37.61)
Silva Zoldyck : It's useless. (0:09:40.77)
Silva Zoldyck : No one can control Alluka. (0:09:43.10)
Killua Zoldyck : That's wrong! (0:09:45.61)
Killua Zoldyck : You're wrong... Brother's wrong... (0:09:47.42)
Killua Zoldyck : Alluka's a member of the family! (0:09:49.34)
Killua Zoldyck : She isn't a machine! (0:09:50.90)
Killua Zoldyck : As her brother, I'm asking her for help! (0:09:52.87)
Silva Zoldyck : For help? (0:09:58.10)
Silva Zoldyck : That child (0:10:04.93)
Silva Zoldyck : is not human. (0:10:06.61)
Silva Zoldyck : You shouldn't consider (0:10:09.43)
Silva Zoldyck : that thing to be a member of the family. (0:10:11.46)
Killua Zoldyck : What did you say? (0:10:14.65)
Silva Zoldyck : That thing (0:10:25.94)
Silva Zoldyck : is something that came (0:10:28.27)
Silva Zoldyck : from somewhere else. (0:10:32.74)
Killua Zoldyck : Sit. (0:11:03.81)
Killua Zoldyck : If someone tries to dispel the restriction
and covenant Gon set for himself,
Killua Zoldyck : they'll be either repelled or killed. (0:11:14.15)
Killua Zoldyck : If Alluka hasn't changed, (0:11:19.62)
Killua Zoldyck : I'm the only one who can help her. (0:11:21.69)
Killua Zoldyck : And Alluka's the only one who can save Gon. (0:11:25.54)
Silva Zoldyck : Promise me one thing. (0:11:34.07)
Silva Zoldyck : Never betray your friends. (0:11:36.52)
Killua Zoldyck : If I ignore a friend I have the ability to help,
wouldn't I be betraying him?
Silva Zoldyck : Come with me. (0:11:49.16)
Silva Zoldyck : I'm sure you already know this, (0:13:02.07)
Silva Zoldyck : but no new requests have been made. (0:13:04.49)
Killua Zoldyck : Who made the last wish? (0:13:08.46)
Silva Zoldyck : Milluki. (0:13:11.31)
Silva Zoldyck : He asked for the newest computer
available at the time.
Silva Zoldyck : He made the wish himself in Alluka's
presence, so he couldn't lie.
Killua Zoldyck : A computer shouldn't be that bad... (0:13:23.10)
Killua Zoldyck : Was it because Illumi was controlling me? (0:13:30.00)
Killua Zoldyck : How could I leave my little
sister in this situation?
Silva Zoldyck : Killua, I want to go over this again. (0:13:41.79)
Silva Zoldyck : When making a wish to Alluka,
what are the rules?
Killua Zoldyck : It's not necessary... (0:13:49.53)
Killua Zoldyck : I know Alluka better than anyone. (0:13:50.79)
Silva Zoldyck : It's necessary. (0:13:53.76)
Silva Zoldyck : Have you forgotten how many people have died? (0:13:55.42)
Killua Zoldyck : We've killed more people! (0:13:58.15)
Silva Zoldyck : Killua, (0:14:01.39)
Silva Zoldyck : if you can't stay calm, we're stopping now. (0:14:02.96)
Silva Zoldyck : Our promise matters to me because
I care about you, as your father.
Silva Zoldyck : Can you go over the rules for me? (0:14:15.18)
Killua Zoldyck : Alluka is... (0:14:21.44)
Alluka Zoldyck : Mitsuba... Mitsuba! (0:14:28.22)
Alluka Zoldyck : Carry me. (0:14:31.47)
EXTRA : Yes, yes... I will! (0:14:33.10)
EXTRA : There! (0:14:35.90)
Alluka Zoldyck : Climb the stairs! (0:14:37.93)
EXTRA : Yes, yes. (0:14:39.96)
Alluka Zoldyck : Raise me up high! (0:14:42.01)
EXTRA : Yes, yes. (0:14:44.11)
EXTRA : There you go! (0:14:45.40)
Alluka Zoldyck : Mitsuba... (0:14:46.90)
EXTRA : Yes, yes? What is it, Master Alluka? (0:14:48.28)
EXTRA : Yes... Master Alluka's
face suddenly changed!
Killua Zoldyck : Yeah, it's okay. I can handle this. (0:15:09.21)
Killua Zoldyck : Alluka, lift me up high! (0:15:14.26)
Alluka Zoldyck : 'Kay. (0:15:17.91)
Alluka Zoldyck : Up high... (0:15:19.35)
Alluka Zoldyck : Up high... (0:15:21.53)
Alluka Zoldyck : 'Kay. (0:15:24.55)
Killua Zoldyck : See? She's back. (0:15:25.57)
Killua Zoldyck : Keep this a secret from everyone. (0:15:27.67)
EXTRA : Oh, I already told your mother... (0:15:29.23)
Killua Zoldyck : What? (0:15:32.40)
Killua Zoldyck : But it was our secret! (0:15:33.57)
Kikyou Zoldyck : It happens after three requests are fulfilled... (0:15:38.53)
Killua Zoldyck : Yep, her eyes turn black. (0:15:41.46)
Silva Zoldyck : And they turn back after Alluka lifts you up high? (0:15:44.73)
Killua Zoldyck : No, then Alluka grants a wish. (0:15:47.75)
Killua Zoldyck : I didn't understand at first... (0:15:53.94)
Killua Zoldyck : So I wished for her to tell me
how to turn her eyes back,
Killua Zoldyck : and Alluka told me. (0:16:01.05)
Silva Zoldyck : Do you remember the exact words Alluka said? (0:16:03.95)
Killua Zoldyck : After she grants a wish, her eyes turn white. (0:16:08.91)
Killua Zoldyck : And when three of her requests
are fulfilled, they turn black.
Kikyou Zoldyck : Refuse any requests that Alluka makes. (0:16:24.28)
Kikyou Zoldyck : No matter how small they are. (0:16:27.60)
EXTRA : Yes, I understand. (0:16:29.69)
Alluka Zoldyck : Mitsuba... Carry me! (0:16:34.21)
EXTRA : I can't do that, Master. (0:16:37.37)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then, Mitsuba, shake my hand. (0:16:41.67)
EXTRA : Oh, um... (0:16:44.21)
EXTRA : I can't do that, Master. (0:16:46.40)
EXTRA : I'm sorry. (0:16:47.64)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then I want a piggyback ride, Mitsuba. (0:16:49.61)
EXTRA : I'm sorry... I can't. (0:16:53.21)
EXTRA : What should I do? (0:16:55.47)
EXTRA : Come on, Master! (0:16:58.79)
EXTRA : Let's go catch some bugs. (0:17:00.30)
EXTRA : Okay? (0:17:02.64)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then, Mitsuba, lift me up high. (0:17:03.82)
EXTRA : I can't do that, either, Mast— (0:17:07.01)
Kikyou Zoldyck : Mitsuba was in the play area... (0:17:27.82)
Kikyou Zoldyck : Hasamu was in the butlers' quarters. (0:17:29.95)
Silva Zoldyck : So two people, in different locations, (0:17:32.43)
Silva Zoldyck : were instantly crushed at the same time... (0:17:35.42)
Kikyou Zoldyck : What is happening? (0:17:39.79)
Killua Zoldyck : It's because she refused. (0:17:43.02)
Killua Zoldyck : She refused four of Alluka's requests. (0:17:46.06)
Alluka Zoldyck : Yasuha, piggyback ride! (0:17:51.98)
EXTRA : Yes, Master. (0:17:54.78)
EXTRA : Master Alluka... (0:18:11.10)
EXTRA : Can you make me (0:18:14.65)
EXTRA : a millionaire? (0:18:18.59)
Alluka Zoldyck : 'Kay. (0:18:21.65)
Alluka Zoldyck : 'Kay. (0:18:42.72)
EXTRA : There has been a mysterious incident
in which an airship transporting money
EXTRA : suddenly went missing, and when it
was found, all the money was gone.
EXTRA : The pilot and crew members have
provided baffling explanations.
EXTRA : It will take a while to determine the cause. (0:19:00.76)
EXTRA : I'm very sorry! (0:19:05.29)
EXTRA : I couldn't help myself... (0:19:07.29)
Illumi Zoldyck : I find it hard to believe that
this was just a coincidence.
Silva Zoldyck : When Alluka is with us... (0:19:15.00)
Kikyou Zoldyck : He never makes any requests. (0:19:16.97)
Illumi Zoldyck : Dad, can you let me choose the next butler? (0:19:20.51)
Illumi Zoldyck : So your mission is to fulfill Alluka's requests. (0:19:26.92)
EXTRA : Yes... I understand. (0:19:31.72)
Illumi Zoldyck : If you clear this mission,
I will spare you and your lover.
Alluka Zoldyck : Hey, Kasuga... (0:19:42.60)
EXTRA : Yes, what is it? (0:19:44.99)
Alluka Zoldyck : Give me your liver. (0:19:47.49)
EXTRA : Um, that's not... (0:19:50.29)
EXTRA : You know? (0:19:52.01)
Alluka Zoldyck : You won't do it? (0:19:53.92)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then, Kasuga, give me your duodenum. (0:19:56.79)
EXTRA : Please wait, Master... (0:20:01.21)
EXTRA : Let's play a different game! Okay? (0:20:03.19)
Alluka Zoldyck : You won't do it? (0:20:06.89)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then, Kasuga, give me your spine. (0:20:09.72)
EXTRA : Master! (0:20:14.84)
EXTRA : Master... Please... (0:20:16.78)
Alluka Zoldyck : Then, Kasuga... (0:20:21.30)
Alluka Zoldyck : Give me your brain. (0:20:25.63)
Killua Zoldyck : When three of Alluka's requests are
fulfilled, she'll grant one wish.
Killua Zoldyck : There probably isn't any limit
to the wishes she can grant.
Killua Zoldyck : My guess is that she can grant any wish. (0:20:45.54)
Killua Zoldyck : But the bigger the wish she grants... (0:20:49.58)
Killua Zoldyck : The bigger the next three requests will be. (0:20:54.90)
Killua Zoldyck : In other words, an equivalent exchange. (0:20:58.38)
Killua Zoldyck : And the sacrifice isn't made by the
one whose wish was granted.
Killua Zoldyck : It's the next person who fulfills the requests. (0:21:07.37)
Killua Zoldyck : If someone denies four of
Alluka's requests in a row,
Killua Zoldyck : that person and their most loved one, (0:21:24.30)
Killua Zoldyck : meaning a minimum of two people, will die. (0:21:28.25)
Killua Zoldyck : The bigger the wish, the more people
die when the requests aren't fulfilled.
Killua Zoldyck : After that wish, sixty-seven people died,
and those are just the ones we knew of.
EXTRA : Thinking of the family that
has been separated...
EXTRA : Thinking of the friend who is dying... (0:23:27.20)
EXTRA : What will Killua do next? (0:23:30.34)
EXTRA : Next time: Alluka x And x Something. (0:23:32.75)

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RIN IS MALE - Anonymous


See you again on the other side of the screen! - All Might

I am who I am today because of your teaching. - All Might

Aizawa, wait, hold up
with the restraints. I'm the cause.
- All Might

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