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Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I... had no idea you were
on death row, Draken-kun.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : What happened? Why would you murder anyone? (0:00:07.42)
Ken Ryuuguuji : If I actually could relive my life... (0:00:12.68)
Ken Ryuuguuji : I'd have to kill Kisaki! (0:00:18.47)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Naoto... Exactly who the
hell is Kisaki, anyway?
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Kisaki Tetta... (0:00:28.15)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : He's one of the most important people
in the Tokyo Manji Gang right now,
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : and the acting commander. (0:00:33.66)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : He must be the one who
keeps having my sister killed.
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : The police are doing everything
we can to investigate him,
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : but we don't even have any leads. (0:00:43.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Naoto... (0:00:49.97)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : There's only one thing we can do. (0:00:52.71)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : I'm gonna become the head of Toman. (0:00:56.56)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : If I become the head of Toman,
I'll be able to stop Kisaki,
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : and I'll be able to protect everyone,
including Draken, Mikey, and Hina.
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : What we've been doing isn't going to work. (0:01:06.72)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : We need to take down the source! (0:01:09.07)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : All right. (0:01:12.50)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : I'll believe in you. (0:01:14.08)
Takemichi Hanagaki (adult) : Yeah. (0:01:18.43)
Takashi Mitsuya : It's finally happening. (0:01:29.89)
Manjiro Sano : Let's go, Takemitchy. (0:01:35.70)
Manjiro Sano : It's time to formally welcome
the new 3rd Division Captain!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh?! (0:01:43.08)
EXTRA : Good evening, sir! (0:03:49.64)
Ken Ryuuguuji : We will now officially appoint the new
3rd Division Captain of the Tokyo Manji Gang.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Appoint the new 3rd Division Captain? (0:04:20.07)
EXTRA : I wonder who's gonna get picked. (0:04:23.50)
EXTRA : Peh-yan? (0:04:25.53)
EXTRA : That's not happening. (0:04:26.28)
EXTRA : Would they pick the guy who
attacked Draken-kun to be a captain?
EXTRA : No way. (0:04:31.31)
EXTRA : Then who is it? (0:04:32.92)
EXTRA : Me? (0:04:34.62)
EXTRA : Yeah, right! (0:04:35.15)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Are they not here? (0:04:36.91)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Wait, could it be... (0:04:39.57)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Nah, surely not. (0:04:41.23)
Manjiro Sano : 3rd Division Captain! Step up! (0:04:44.56)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:04:49.89)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Is Mikey-kun calling for me? (0:04:51.54)
EXTRA : Who is it? (0:04:55.96)
EXTRA : Dunno. (0:04:56.86)
Tetta Kisaki : Let's go. (0:04:58.79)
Tadaomi Hamada : Yes, sir. (0:04:59.64)
Tadaomi Hamada : Move! (0:05:06.16)
EXTRA : That's the new 3rd Division Captain? (0:05:15.33)
EXTRA : The big one or the small one? (0:05:18.64)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yeah, of course it's not me. (0:05:25.70)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:05:33.65)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I've seen him before. Who is he again? (0:05:55.19)
EXTRA : What's his deal? (0:06:16.83)
EXTRA : He can't be serious! (0:06:18.49)
EXTRA : He's sitting with his back to the commander! (0:06:20.03)
EXTRA : What's your problem?! (0:06:22.88)
EXTRA : Who the hell do you think you are?! (0:06:24.16)
EXTRA : Hey, he's not gonna say anything to us? (0:06:31.99)
EXTRA : The hell is that guy's problem? (0:06:35.13)
Tadaomi Hamada : Listen up! The person sitting behind me (0:06:36.95)
Tadaomi Hamada : is the new 3rd Division Captain, Kisaki Tetta! (0:06:41.96)
Atsushi Sendou : I'm scared. I'm just... terrified of Kisaki. (0:06:52.24)
Ken Ryuuguuji : I'd have to kill Kisaki! (0:06:58.12)
Naoto Tachibana (adult) : Kisaki is behind everything. (0:07:01.52)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This is Kisaki?! (0:07:07.80)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I didn't expect him to just
show up right in front of me!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What should I do? (0:07:14.36)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What do I do?! (0:07:16.16)
EXTRA : I've seen him before! (0:07:18.74)
EXTRA : Isn't he from Moebius? (0:07:20.46)
EXTRA : Kisaki from Moebius?! (0:07:22.29)
EXTRA : Why's someone from Moebius here?! (0:07:24.38)
EXTRA : Get the hell out, Moebius! (0:07:26.91)
EXTRA : Yeah! Piss off! (0:07:28.80)
EXTRA : Piss off! Piss off! (0:07:33.30)
EXTRA : Piss off! Piss off! Piss off! Piss off! (0:07:36.60)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Shut up! If any of you've got a problem
with Mikey's decision, step up!
Ken Ryuuguuji : We're eventually going to
butt heads with Valhalla.
Ken Ryuuguuji : The new Valhalla is so huge that
Moebius has nothin' on them!
Ken Ryuuguuji : To defeat them, Toman needs to grow, too! (0:08:04.28)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Kisaki Tetta here kept our generation
in check through Moebius.
Ken Ryuuguuji : We need Kisaki if we're gonna fight Valhalla! (0:08:13.89)
Ken Ryuuguuji : The 3rd Division Captain is Kisaki Tetta! (0:08:17.96)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Remember that! (0:08:22.04)
Ken Ryuuguuji : This ends the 3rd Division Captain
appointment ceremony!
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Shit! This is the worst possible outcome! (0:08:33.44)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Not only is Kisaki in Toman, but he
jumped straight to 3rd Division Captain!
Tetta Kisaki : Commander! (0:08:47.17)
Tetta Kisaki : Thank you, sir! (0:08:59.20)
Manjiro Sano : Yeah. (0:09:01.73)
Ken Ryuuguuji : What the hell is our commander thinking? (0:09:12.53)
Tetta Kisaki : Let's go. (0:09:20.59)
Tadaomi Hamada : Yes, sir! (0:09:21.68)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Damn it! (0:09:28.50)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This means Hina's going to... (0:09:31.48)
Ken Ryuuguuji : What the hell are you doing, Takemitchy?! (0:09:54.07)
EXTRA : Hey, what's he doing? (0:10:00.67)
EXTRA : Holy shit. (0:10:03.13)
EXTRA : He's gonna get killed by the top brass! (0:10:04.04)
Tadaomi Hamada : Hey! The hell are you?! (0:10:06.60)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Oh, shit. Now I've done it. (0:10:11.24)
Ken Ryuuguuji : You ain't even in Toman,
so what the hell are you doing?!
Ken Ryuuguuji : Are you tryin' to ruin this ceremony?! (0:10:16.86)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Draken-kun... (0:10:21.54)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I-I wasn't... (0:10:25.79)
Takashi Mitsuya : The hell are you thinking, Takemitchy?! (0:10:27.00)
Nahoya Kawata : Hey... (0:10:31.40)
Nahoya Kawata : You throwin' dirt at Mikey's face? (0:10:33.21)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : N-No, guys... (0:10:38.92)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I... I was... (0:10:43.83)
Keisuke Baji : Yo, what's goin' on? (0:10:46.08)
Keisuke Baji : This looks like fun! (0:10:53.75)
Takashi Mitsuya : Baji... (0:10:56.41)
Yasuhiro Mutou : Hey, you're not allowed here right now. (0:10:58.29)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? Baji? Who's that? (0:11:00.76)
Takashi Mitsuya : Quit it, Baji. (0:11:16.32)
Keisuke Baji : Let go, Mitsuya. I'll murder you. (0:11:19.88)
Takashi Mitsuya : What are you tryin' to do? (0:11:23.05)
Keisuke Baji : Mikey! (0:11:32.54)
Manjiro Sano : What are you doing here, Baji? (0:11:35.80)
Manjiro Sano : You're not allowed at our meetings because
of a certain internal conflict, remember?
Keisuke Baji : I ended up punching some twerp just now. (0:11:41.58)
Keisuke Baji : Am I finally gonna be fired for
ruining your precious meeting?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What? What the hell is
this guy talking about?
Manjiro Sano : Baji... (0:11:58.07)
Keisuke Baji : I'm goin' to Valhalla. (0:11:59.48)
Keisuke Baji : You don't want any troublemakers,
do you, Mikey?
Manjiro Sano : Baji! (0:12:09.75)
Keisuke Baji : I'll go ahead and quit. (0:12:17.58)
Keisuke Baji : Starting today, former 1st Division Captain
Baji Keisuke is an enemy of Toman.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : 1st Division Captain?! (0:12:32.24)
Tetta Kisaki : Looks like Toman's a mess. (0:12:45.30)
Manjiro Sano : Baji... (0:12:52.60)
Ken Ryuuguuji : Don't worry about it, Mikey. (0:12:54.57)
Ken Ryuuguuji : That's just how he is. (0:12:58.20)
Manjiro Sano : Yeah. (0:13:02.10)
Tetta Kisaki : Hey, Takemitchy. (0:13:07.95)
Tetta Kisaki : Your face or your gut. Pick one. (0:13:11.48)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? For what? (0:13:14.64)
Tetta Kisaki : I'd personally recommend your face. (0:13:16.43)
Tetta Kisaki : Which is it? (0:13:18.61)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Th-Then my gut? (0:13:20.81)
Tetta Kisaki : You just tightened up your gut, didn't you? (0:13:29.11)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Ow! (0:13:55.32)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Ow... (0:13:56.22)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Oh, right. Kisaki punched me... (0:13:58.77)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Why did I punch him, anyway? (0:14:05.75)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Kisaki's the 3rd Division Captain... (0:14:09.13)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I said I was gonna be the head of Toman, (0:14:14.55)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : but that's probably impossible. (0:14:17.81)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:14:21.85)
Manjiro Sano : You awake? (0:14:24.84)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : M-Mikey-kun? (0:14:26.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What's Mikey-kun doing here? (0:14:31.96)
Manjiro Sano : Takemitchy, you don't like Kisaki? (0:14:34.76)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:14:38.83)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Er, I... (0:14:40.00)
Manjiro Sano : It really sucks trying to make
your organization bigger.
Manjiro Sano : You bring in new blood,
and then some guys leave.
Manjiro Sano : The path toward my dream is still so long. (0:15:06.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mikey-kun... (0:15:09.24)
Manjiro Sano : I have a favor to ask, Takemitchy. (0:15:13.51)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Sure. (0:15:17.67)
Manjiro Sano : There's a guy I've known since I was a kid. (0:15:21.02)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yeah? (0:15:23.44)
Manjiro Sano : We were just neighbors, so we
weren't super close or anything.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mikey-kun's childhood friend...
They must be pretty crazy.
Manjiro Sano : He'd always pick fights with me,
and I'd kick his ass every single time.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He kept picking fights with you?
He must've been pretty dumb.
Manjiro Sano : Yeah. (0:15:45.08)
Manjiro Sano : It's the guy who punched you earlier. (0:15:46.37)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I sorta got punched by two
different guys... Which one is it?
Manjiro Sano : The 1st Division Captain... (0:15:55.03)
Manjiro Sano : Baji Keisuke. (0:15:57.93)
Manjiro Sano : He's pretty unreadable, isn't he? (0:16:03.79)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yeah... I still have no
idea why he punched me.
Manjiro Sano : He's always been like that. (0:16:12.90)
Manjiro Sano : He'd punch someone who walked
by just because he was tired.
Manjiro Sano : He set a car on fire just
because he was hungry.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I-I see... (0:16:21.28)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : This goes way beyond being unreadable. (0:16:23.48)
Manjiro Sano : Anyway, that's what he's like, (0:16:27.32)
Manjiro Sano : and he's one of Toman's founding members. (0:16:31.03)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Founding members? (0:16:33.72)
Manjiro Sano : Toman was created... (0:16:36.53)
Manjiro Sano : when I was a first-year in middle school, (0:16:38.69)
Manjiro Sano : by Draken, Mitsuya, Pah-chin, Baji, and myself. (0:16:41.06)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : So the five of you? (0:16:51.59)
Manjiro Sano : Yeah. (0:16:54.29)
Manjiro Sano : We got together and established this team. (0:16:56.69)
Manjiro Sano : Takemitchy, bring Baji
back from Valhalla for me.
Manjiro Sano : I really like him, y'know? (0:17:10.84)
Manjiro Sano : Will you do that for me? (0:17:16.64)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Yeah! If that's what you want, of course! (0:17:19.14)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But... could I ask for one thing in return? (0:17:25.91)
Manjiro Sano : What? (0:17:32.53)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Kisaki... (0:17:35.80)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I want you to kick Kisaki out of Toman. (0:17:38.36)
Manjiro Sano : What? (0:17:44.04)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Why'd you bring someone
like him into Toman?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I can't explain why, but he's bad news! (0:17:49.45)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He's... Kisaki's... (0:17:53.52)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He's going to ruin Toman in the future! (0:17:56.40)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He won't get it, no matter how
I explain it, but I have to try!
Manjiro Sano : Okay. (0:18:10.39)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? Really?! (0:18:11.27)
Manjiro Sano : We're going to end up butting
heads with Valhalla soon.
Manjiro Sano : Bring Baji back before then. (0:18:17.56)
Manjiro Sano : Prove to me that you're
more useful than Kisaki.
Manjiro Sano : I know Kisaki's bad news. (0:18:26.71)
Manjiro Sano : But at the same time, I know he's strong. (0:18:30.72)
Manjiro Sano : Toman's going to need Kisaki's
strength in the future.
Manjiro Sano : Work for me, Takemitchy. (0:18:39.32)
Manjiro Sano : You brought this trade to me. If you fail, (0:18:43.01)
Manjiro Sano : I'll kill you. (0:18:47.88)
Manjiro Sano : Mitsuya! (0:18:54.47)
Manjiro Sano : How long are you gonna eavesdrop? (0:18:57.04)
Manjiro Sano : Get out here. I keep seeing
glimpses of your dumb silver hair.
Takashi Mitsuya : Welp, guess you got me. (0:19:04.36)
Manjiro Sano : I was looking for the bathroom
and heard you guys talking.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mitsuya-kun... (0:19:12.26)
Manjiro Sano : Hey, perfect timing. (0:19:15.16)
Manjiro Sano : Mitsuya, I'm gonna have Takemitchy
join your 2nd Division.
Takashi Mitsuya : What? (0:19:22.34)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh?! (0:19:23.26)
Manjiro Sano : Takemitchy. (0:19:25.16)
Manjiro Sano : You're officially a member
of Toman starting today.
Manjiro Sano : Good to have you♥ (0:19:30.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Thanks for having me! (0:19:34.02)
Takashi Mitsuya : Why did I even eavesdrop? (0:19:37.67)
Manjiro Sano : We should head back. (0:19:42.08)
Takashi Mitsuya : Yeah. (0:19:43.74)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I'm gonna go wash this blood off first.
Go ahead without me.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Come to think of it... (0:20:11.62)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I wasn't even a member of Toman. (0:20:13.72)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Now I'm super embarrassed that I told
Naoto I was gonna be the head of Toman.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : But... (0:20:23.10)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I got a lead, Naoto! (0:20:26.00)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : As long as I can drag Baji-kun back,
I might be able to kick Kisaki out of Toman.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Huh? (0:20:34.66)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Why'd Baji-kun leave Toman, anyway? (0:20:36.68)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : A charm? (0:20:48.42)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Did someone drop it? (0:20:51.19)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : What's this? A photo? (0:20:56.63)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : It's Mikey-kun and Draken-kun! (0:21:03.27)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : They're so young! (0:21:06.28)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Mitsuya-kun and Pah-chin-kun are there, too. (0:21:08.12)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Baji-kun... (0:21:13.09)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Are these the founding members? (0:21:14.88)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : I think I just picked up
something super amazing.
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : One, two, three, four, five... (0:21:22.16)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : There are six of them. (0:21:26.29)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Weren't there just five founding members? (0:21:28.21)
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : Who's this guy who seems
super close to Baji-kun?
Takemichi Hanagaki (teen) : He's got a tattoo on his neck. Who is he? (0:21:37.19)
Keisuke Baji : It's been a while... (0:21:57.40)
Keisuke Baji : Kazutora. (0:22:01.75)

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