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EXTRA : For the sake of saving the kingdom,
Elizabeth continued her search for the Sins.
EXTRA : She encountered a mysterious man in the village of Ordan. (0:00:05.10)
EXTRA : Meanwhile, Meliodas and the others stumble upon a battle between the Armor Giant, (0:00:09.23)
EXTRA : believed to be the Goat's Sin, Gowther, and the murderous group Dawn Roar. (0:00:15.03)
EXTRA : However! (0:00:20.12)
Meliodas : Gowther! (0:00:24.50)
EXTRA : He was the fifth member of the Sins. (0:00:27.52)
EXTRA : His name is... (0:00:29.85)
Gowther : Member of the Seven Deadly Sins, (0:00:30.71)
Gowther : the Goat's Sin of Lust, Gowther. (0:00:33.48)
Slader : This kid is a member of the legendary Seven? (0:00:38.10)
Simon : Impossible! (0:00:41.78)
Weinheidt : No, this guy was able to stop my fully charged arrow with his bare hands. (0:00:43.08)
Weinheidt : An ordinary boy wouldn't be able to do such a thing. (0:00:47.12)
Gowther : Correct. (0:00:52.03)
Gowther : I am indeed Gowther, the Goat's Sin. (0:00:53.34)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:00.14)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:05.22)
EXTRA : Liones wasn't the only nation with the power of the Holy Knights. (0:01:07.33)
EXTRA : They are used throughout all Britannia. (0:01:11.19)
EXTRA : Magic is power. (0:01:13.82)
EXTRA : And that very power (0:01:15.44)
EXTRA : is what shapes the fate of each nation. (0:01:16.86)
EXTRA : Amongst the numerous Holy Knights, (0:01:21.51)
EXTRA : there is one group whose fame stretched all across Britannia. (0:01:23.47)
EXTRA : And that group's name was— (0:01:26.20)
Ban : Oh, so this is what was inside the armor all along. (0:03:03.82)
Ban : I totally figured you were
a big old geezer or something.
Gowther : Judging by your posture, stride, tone of voice, attitude, and the scar on your face, (0:03:11.21)
Gowther : you are, without a doubt, The Undead Ban. (0:03:15.88)
Ban : Whoa, this vibe! And you're definitely Gowther. (0:03:18.09)
Jillian : He's one of the Sins too? (0:03:21.22)
Gowther : That must mean this young boy over here
who looks exactly like the Meliodas I knew is...
Meliodas : Yeah. I'm the captain, Meliodas! (0:03:29.56)
Simon : This shorty is the Captain
of the Seven Deadly Sins?!
Meliodas : Eh? Is that a shock? (0:03:36.40)
Gowther : What a surprise. (0:03:37.69)
Ban : Your face doesn't exactly look surprised. (0:03:39.23)
Ban : Well, how about that? (0:03:41.73)
Ban : This'll be surprising. That's King! (0:03:43.16)
Gowther : No, he's not the same person. (0:03:45.99)
Gowther : His skeletal structure, voice,
and body odor are nothing like King's.
Ban : Body odor? (0:03:52.45)
Jillian : Gross— (0:03:55.71)
Gowther : That's definitely him. (0:03:58.21)
Ban : Changed your mind pretty quick! (0:04:00.21)
Slader : Wonderful! (0:04:02.51)
Slader : Meeting three other Sins in addition to Gowther... (0:04:04.42)
Slader : Happy! (0:04:08.43)
Slader : I'd enjoy nothing more than to
fight you all, but unfortunately,
Slader : our mission for today is just to bring back the head of the Armor Giant. (0:04:14.18)
Meliodas : Who's inside your armor right now? (0:04:20.52)
Gowther : I'm not exactly sure. (0:04:23.28)
Slader : Now, time for us to get back to work. (0:04:25.82)
Gowther : Is there any chance you could leave him alone? (0:04:29.66)
Gowther : Please. (0:04:32.13)
Ban : Hey, Gowther. Why can't you
just let them fight this monster?
King : Well, yeah... (0:04:36.46)
King : We were only protecting it because we thought it was you, Gowther. (0:04:37.80)
Gowther : After experiencing his power,
do you still think you can defeat him?
Slader : We can. (0:04:54.31)
Slader : No doubt, two of us— (0:04:55.77)
Slader : No, one of us will die. (0:04:58.10)
Slader : But I also have no doubt that
we will be able to take its head.
Gowther : A calm, objective assessment. (0:05:03.82)
Gowther : Then I have no choice. (0:05:05.99)
Gowther : Take it. (0:05:16.95)
Slader : What are you planning? (0:05:18.67)
Gowther : This is the most peaceful solution. (0:05:20.42)
Gowther : If we were to start a three-way battle here, (0:05:23.09)
Gowther : the village of Ordan at the foot of the mountain would end up destroyed in the crossfire. (0:05:25.92)
Gowther : And with this, we can also pay our
respects to the knights who fell here.
Slader : Well then, we'll take it. (0:05:36.31)
Simon : Are you sure, Threader? (0:05:37.90)
Simon : He just took our target and— (0:05:39.58)
Slader : Silence, child! (0:05:40.31)
Slader : I like you, Goat's Sin, Gowther. (0:05:42.11)
Slader : I'll respect your strength and the
legends of the Sins and retreat for now.
Slader : But if we were to receive an order for your heads someday, then... (0:05:50.07)
Slader : When that time comes... (0:05:54.95)
Slader : Well, you understand. (0:05:56.91)
Slader : Bye-bye! (0:05:57.83)
Gowther : Bye-bye. (0:06:01.29)
King : That was a surprise. (0:06:04.67)
King : It seemed like you were
sympathizing with this monster.
Gowther : Sympathy... (0:06:09.93)
Gowther : Was I sympathizing? (0:06:11.63)
Meliodas : Isn't this your armor? (0:06:15.35)
Meliodas : Did you use him as a scapegoat? (0:06:17.52)
Gowther : No, though it did end up that way. (0:06:19.02)
Gowther : They probably mistook him for me. (0:06:22.69)
Ban : That's because they've never seen your real face. (0:06:24.78)
Gowther : I see. (0:06:27.82)
Gowther : That means a disguise was unnecessary after all. (0:06:28.90)
Meliodas : Either way, I've never seen a monster like this before. (0:06:31.86)
Gowther : The faint smell that emanates from the core of his power. (0:06:35.62)
Gowther : It was most likely a human. (0:06:39.41)
King : Human?! (0:06:42.00)
Gowther : Well then, the four of us
should do our best to stop him.
Meliodas : What's going on? (0:06:52.97)
Gowther : Didn't I say already? If this devolved into a three-way battle, chaos would've ensued. (0:06:54.01)
King (human form) : I-It's still alive after being decapitated! (0:06:59.06)
Gowther : Well, the head is nothing more than a decoration. (0:07:02.48)
King (human form) : And how could this thing have been a human?! (0:07:05.69)
King (human form) : This is absurd! (0:07:07.86)
Gowther : Of course, it wasn't just any ordinary human being. (0:07:09.36)
Gowther : It's the remnant of a former Holy Knight. (0:07:11.32)
Simon : I don't understand. (0:07:17.12)
Simon : Why would Gowther make
a monster wear his own armor?
Jillian : I couldn't care less. (0:07:23.58)
Jillian : I just wish we had gotten to fight them. (0:07:25.17)
Slader : I don't understand... (0:07:28.80)
Simon : Right? (0:07:30.01)
Slader : Why was that geezer Helbram so
determined to kill this strange monster?
Slader : And why didn't he use his favorite pawns, the New Generation? (0:07:37.22)
Weinheidt : Maybe the New Generation
wouldn't have been able to handle it.
Slader : It seems to me like he's desperately trying to hide the existence of this monster. (0:07:44.85)
King : The remnant of a former Holy Knight? (0:07:53.90)
Gowther : Can't you feel it? (0:07:56.11)
Gowther : A Holy Knight's power is buried deep underneath, within that evil magic. (0:07:57.95)
Gowther : Therefore, I forced it into my armor to seal that malevolent force. (0:08:03.70)
Gowther : However, it looks like the seal has
been broken due to frequent damage.
Meliodas : So that's how it is. (0:08:12.59)
Meliodas : Anyway, it doesn't look like
something that can be reasoned with.
Meliodas : Let's send him flying! (0:08:20.06)
Ban : Yeah! (0:08:20.93)
King : You two, a battle should always begin with
the observation of how the opponent reacts.
Ban : Quit bein' so cocky! (0:08:35.05)
Meliodas : So fluffy! (0:08:36.95)
King : Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Form Two, Guardian. (0:08:37.62)
King : To protect itself, (0:08:41.49)
King : the Sacred Tree shapeshifts
the moss that grows upon it.
King : The body made from moss
can parry any physical attack,
King : and because it contains a high concentration of water, it's highly resistant to fire. (0:08:51.25)
Meliodas : But it's weak to cold! (0:08:59.43)
Meliodas : You're up next, Gowther! (0:09:02.31)
Gowther : My glasses have fogged up. (0:09:05.43)
Gowther : You three can hold it off on your own for a bit. (0:09:07.89)
Ban : Well, well... (0:09:16.82)
Ban : Cap'n, this is gonna be tough with our bare hands. (0:09:18.37)
Meliodas : Guess this isn't the time to be picky. (0:09:21.74)
Meliodas : I'm borrowing this! (0:09:24.62)
King : Would an ordinary weapon even have any effect? (0:09:30.46)
Meliodas : Enchant: Hellblaze! (0:09:33.88)
Meliodas : Black flames? (0:09:38.47)
Ban : That's... (0:09:40.01)
Ban : Cap'n! (0:09:43.26)
Ban : End it in one strike! (0:09:44.14)
Meliodas : Yeah! (0:09:45.81)
EXTRA : Don't... me... please... (0:09:49.02)
Ban : Hurry up and end it! (0:09:52.94)
Meliodas : Ah, crap. (0:09:55.82)
Ban : You idiot! (0:09:56.61)
King : An arrow of light? (0:09:59.32)
King : Now's your chance! (0:10:00.91)
Ban : What're you doing, Cap'n? (0:10:05.75)
Ban : You could've finished it! (0:10:07.37)
Meliodas : He said something. (0:10:08.91)
Meliodas : He must be the original Holy Knight! (0:10:11.75)
Ban : So what? Hurry up and kill it! (0:10:13.46)
Meliodas : He's still alive! (0:10:16.05)
Ban : Quit being so naive! (0:10:17.17)
Gowther : Are you quarreling amongst yourselves? (0:10:20.26)
King : Gowther... (0:10:22.43)
King : It stopped moving? (0:10:25.05)
King : Did we defeat it? (0:10:26.85)
Gowther : No, he is merely caught in an illusion. (0:10:28.81)
Gowther : That is the power of my Invasion. (0:10:31.69)
Gowther : He is currently enveloped in the scene
from his past that he most desired to see.
Ban : As ever, you're a sly and painstaking bastard. (0:10:40.53)
Ban : Just hurry up and kill him. (0:10:43.99)
Gowther : I cannot do that. (0:10:45.62)
Ban : Huh? (0:10:47.62)
Gowther : He never asked to be born like this. (0:10:48.21)
Gowther : Therefore, I cannot kill him. (0:10:52.21)
Ban : As if anyone asked to be born into this world. (0:10:55.79)
Ban : Step aside. I'll kill it. (0:10:59.34)
Meliodas : Stop. (0:11:02.05)
Meliodas : He's still partly human. (0:11:03.30)
Diane : Captain sure is late. (0:11:10.02)
Hawk : Maybe he caught something amazing? (0:11:11.73)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:11:15.40)
Cain Barzad : Hello? Excuse me, are you open? (0:11:17.48)
Cain Barzad : All the other places are closed. (0:11:20.57)
Elizabeth Liones : Welcome! (0:11:23.90)
Elizabeth Liones : Is that you, Mr. Cain? (0:11:25.91)
Elizabeth Liones : If I remember correctly, you fought Lord Meliodas back at Byzel. (0:11:28.45)
Cain Barzad : Impossible... (0:11:32.41)
Cain Barzad : This must be a dream. (0:11:33.87)
Cain Barzad : Liz! (0:11:35.63)
Gowther : If they're quarreling amongst themselves, does that mean they get along well? (0:11:47.68)
King : That's not really quarreling. (0:11:51.41)
Gowther : Is friendship... a beautiful thing? (0:11:53.33)
King : What? (0:11:57.27)
Ban : Don't order me around. (0:12:01.90)
Cain Barzad : I see, so Meliodas is fine. (0:12:06.78)
Cain Barzad : That's great to hear. (0:12:09.97)
Elizabeth Liones : Here. (0:12:12.43)
Cain Barzad : My apologies for having the
Princess of Liones wait on me.
Elizabeth Liones : It's fine. (0:12:16.60)
Cain Barzad : However, I am surprised. (0:12:21.48)
Cain Barzad : Your beautiful face and
gentle voice are just like hers.
Cain Barzad : I thought maybe Liz had come back to life. (0:12:27.86)
Cain Barzad : If that girl were still alive, she would've been a beautiful woman by now. (0:12:31.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Was she your daughter, Mr. Cain? (0:12:36.29)
Cain Barzad : Liz was her nickname. (0:12:40.96)
Cain Barzad : Her real name was Elizabeth, just like you, Princess. (0:12:42.71)
Cain Barzad : She was Meliodas's lover. (0:12:47.09)
Cain Barzad : Liz was originally a knight of an enemy kingdom. (0:12:50.37)
Cain Barzad : She was captured after a failed night raid on Danafor. (0:12:53.50)
Cain Barzad : She was sentenced to death. (0:12:56.23)
Cain Barzad : And the one who saved her was none other than (0:12:58.19)
Cain Barzad : the captain of the Danafor Holy Knights, Meliodas. (0:13:00.56)
Cain Barzad : Obviously, he was met with strong objection, but... (0:13:05.36)
Meliodas : So I guess that makes you all my enemies. (0:13:08.55)
Liz : You're just a stupid boy! (0:13:13.83)
Meliodas : Really? (0:13:15.74)
Liz : What do you mean, "really?" (0:13:16.66)
Liz : I bet you're just after my body. (0:13:18.08)
Liz : If you come near me, I'll kill you! (0:13:20.57)
Meliodas : Come now, don't get so excited. (0:13:22.71)
Meliodas : Let's eat. (0:13:25.13)
Liz : You—! (0:13:26.26)
Cain Barzad : Originally, Liz was sold to the opposing kingdom as a slave. (0:13:27.16)
Cain Barzad : She never trusted anyone, aside from herself. (0:13:31.72)
Cain Barzad : Perhaps you could call it a fated meeting... (0:13:35.68)
Cain Barzad : Even though she always clashed with that simple boy, (0:13:39.73)
Cain Barzad : she gradually found herself drawn to him. (0:13:42.21)
Cain Barzad : Liz always had this charming aura about her as well. (0:13:46.03)
Cain Barzad : And so we began to open up to her. (0:13:50.15)
Cain Barzad : These were all scenes from long ago. (0:13:53.37)
Elizabeth Liones : A simple boy... (0:13:58.08)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas is just really kind, that's all. (0:14:01.33)
Cain Barzad : Do you know why Meliodas never wields a real sword? (0:14:07.09)
Cain Barzad : He's too strong. (0:14:12.66)
Cain Barzad : No one who's fought him seriously using swords has ever come out unscathed. (0:14:14.64)
Cain Barzad : That's why he won't use one. (0:14:18.43)
Cain Barzad : Well, at the same time,
he's too kind for his own good.
Elizabeth Liones : What's that? (0:14:28.26)
Cain Barzad : It was a gift for Meliodas from Liz. (0:14:29.44)
Meliodas : I don't need a sword. (0:14:33.07)
Meliodas : I don't want to kill anyone. (0:14:34.66)
Cain Barzad : So I've been holding onto it all this time. (0:14:36.98)
Meliodas : Ban, why did you kill him? (0:14:48.17)
Ban : I just ended that bastard's miserable, shitty life as a monster. (0:14:50.57)
Ban : He'd thank me if he could. (0:14:55.97)
Meliodas : Ban! (0:14:57.70)
King : You two, look at that! (0:14:59.14)
King : He's mumbling something. (0:15:02.69)
Gowther : He's still trapped in that illusion,
even after his heart was gouged out.
EXTRA : Please, forgive your father. (0:15:14.91)
EXTRA : This happened because I was too weak. (0:15:17.52)
EXTRA : I couldn't do anything for you two. (0:15:21.33)
EXTRA : Please protect your brother, Zeal. (0:15:24.87)
EXTRA : I'm counting on you, Guila. (0:15:29.42)
EXTRA : Farewell, my beloved daughter... my beloved son... (0:15:31.53)
Ban : What's going on? (0:15:44.38)
Ban : I'm sure I took his heart. (0:15:46.15)
Ban : Shit, that thing's a demon too?! (0:15:48.69)
Diane : What? (0:15:53.07)
Cain Barzad : What is this incredible power? (0:15:53.89)
Cain Barzad : I'm going to take a look! (0:15:57.07)
Cain Barzad : Princess, please stay here! (0:15:58.78)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:16:06.37)
Cain Barzad : What exactly is going on? (0:16:12.55)
Diane : Old Man Cain! (0:16:16.37)
Cain Barzad : A giantess?! (0:16:19.01)
Cain Barzad : How do you know me? (0:16:20.89)
Hawk : Elizabeth! (0:16:24.96)
Ban : Why did a Holy Knight turn into a demon? (0:16:32.15)
Ban : What's going on? (0:16:34.53)
Meliodas : I remember that face. (0:16:36.40)
Meliodas : That's Dale! He became an apprentice Holy Knight ten years ago! (0:16:38.43)
King : Dale, that doting parent? (0:16:42.06)
King : He was always saying he wanted to be strong just like us, so his daughter could be proud of him. (0:16:43.95)
King : How did he become like this? (0:16:48.57)
Gowther : He's coming. (0:16:51.03)
Meliodas : Dale! (0:16:52.84)
Meliodas : You remember me, right? (0:16:53.45)
Meliodas : Wake up, Dale! (0:16:54.91)
Ban : What are you doing, idiot? (0:16:57.70)
Meliodas : Ban! (0:17:00.37)
King : Take cover, Captain! (0:17:01.64)
King : Fight fire with fire! (0:17:03.93)
King : It didn't penetrate? (0:17:06.64)
King : How about... (0:17:09.77)
Meliodas : Stop, King! (0:17:10.30)
King : But... (0:17:12.06)
Meliodas : King! (0:17:14.05)
Meliodas : Dale, knock it off! (0:17:15.55)
Ban : The one who should knock it off... (0:17:17.86)
Ban : is you! (0:17:20.49)
Gowther : Ban just hit Captain. (0:17:22.57)
Gowther : Why? (0:17:24.33)
King : Gowther, you need to fight as well. (0:17:25.66)
Gowther : Please allow me to ponder this for a moment. (0:17:28.16)
King : Ponder?! (0:17:30.11)
Ban : If you're not gonna fight, get the hell out of here. (0:17:31.07)
Ban : That half-assed attitude ain't saving anyone. (0:17:34.19)
Ban : It'll only get you and your comrades killed. (0:17:37.63)
Meliodas : Ban... (0:17:40.22)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:17:41.34)
Meliodas : Elizabeth! (0:17:50.02)
Elizabeth Liones : Take this! (0:17:51.60)
Meliodas : That sword... (0:17:54.23)
Liz : Hey, Meliodas... (0:17:56.40)
Liz : I want you to take this sword. (0:17:58.65)
Elizabeth Liones : Liz didn't want you to keep fighting, (0:18:02.97)
Elizabeth Liones : but for you to keep on living! (0:18:06.41)
Elizabeth Liones : I feel the same way! (0:18:09.37)
Elizabeth Liones : About you, and how you fight for the people! (0:18:11.04)
Elizabeth Liones : If that's why you sin, (0:18:13.92)
Elizabeth Liones : I'll shoulder those sins along with you! (0:18:16.38)
Ban : Are you really going to let a lady say all that and— (0:18:19.45)
Meliodas : Forgive me, Dale. (0:18:25.75)
King : That's amazing, Captain! (0:18:44.01)
Gowther : As expected. (0:18:46.12)
Meliodas : King, I'm sorry. (0:18:47.16)
King : Don't be. (0:18:49.12)
King : This is nothing. (0:18:49.77)
Ban : See, Cap'n, you can do it if you put your mind to it. (0:18:51.33)
King : But... is it even possible for a
human to transform into a demon?
Meliodas : Is it a curse? Or maybe some sort of experiment... (0:19:00.36)
King : Don't tell me, someone's trying to artificially create demons? (0:19:04.22)
Meliodas : They're using the kingdom's Holy Knights as well. (0:19:08.10)
King : That's impossible. With the two Great Holy Knights around to keep a watch on... (0:19:11.52)
King : Unless.. (0:19:17.23)
Meliodas : Yeah. (0:19:18.05)
Meliodas : It's very likely that the Great Holy Knights themselves are involved. (0:19:19.36)
King : In other words, either Dreyfus, or... (0:19:23.32)
Gowther : Hendrickson. (0:19:28.24)
Meliodas : Did you figure something out? (0:19:29.52)
Gowther : Yes. (0:19:31.16)
Gowther : I determined who was probably involved in this incident. (0:19:32.04)
Gowther : It was most likely the Great Holy Knight Hendrickson. (0:19:36.17)
Ban : Well, I'm pretty hungry, so let's head back. (0:19:43.84)
King : I'm sure Diane is worried sick too. (0:19:46.80)
Ban : About Captain, sure. (0:19:48.80)
King : Why, you— (0:19:50.43)
Gowther : Who are you? (0:20:09.24)
Gowther : What are you so worked up about? (0:20:10.87)
Gowther : I see. You don't understand either. (0:20:16.42)
Gowther : My name is Gowther, the Goat's Sin. (0:20:23.88)
Gowther : This armor has the ability to keep magic from going out of control. (0:20:27.05)
Gowther : I will give it to you. (0:20:31.85)
Gowther : Why are you following me? (0:20:39.41)
EXTRA : Book... (0:20:41.50)
Gowther : You wish to read too? (0:20:43.82)
Gowther : Understood. I'll read it. (0:20:47.80)
Gowther : You just stay there and listen. (0:20:50.53)
Gowther : I'm going to find more books at the village. (0:20:54.20)
Gowther : For that... (0:20:57.21)
Alan : "My name is Alan." (0:21:00.19)
Alan : "My hobby is reading books." What do you think? (0:21:01.59)
EXTRA : Gowther... (0:21:05.30)
Alan : I'm not Gowther, I'm Alan. (0:21:07.32)
EXTRA : Gowther... (0:21:10.76)
Gowther : Yes. I'm right here. (0:21:12.58)
EXTRA : Th-Thank you... (0:21:15.08)
EXTRA : Friend... (0:21:18.94)
Gowther : Friend? (0:21:20.60)
Gowther : Like a companion? (0:21:22.19)
Gowther : I've heard that a friend is
someone who is important to you.
Gowther : Was I able to become your friend? (0:21:27.90)
Gowther : Please tell me, Dale. (0:21:31.99)
Gowther : I wonder if people normally cry in this situation. (0:21:35.95)
Meliodas : Thanks to you, I feel like I
was released from something.
Meliodas : Let's go. (0:21:51.01)
Meliodas : From now on, we'll fight to the death. (0:21:51.92)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:21:54.30)
Slader : Here you are, as promised. (0:23:27.02)
Aldrich : You confirmed that it's dead, correct? (0:23:31.30)
Slader : You're quite the skeptical old man. (0:23:34.53)
Slader : Why don't you go confirm it with your own eyes? (0:23:37.03)
Aldrich : No, that'll be fine. Good work. (0:23:39.58)
Aldrich : Hey, Guila. (0:23:41.95)
Guila : Yes? (0:23:43.50)
Aldrich : Can you dispose of this, please? (0:23:43.94)
Guila : Yes. (0:23:46.63)
Aldrich : Okay, good work. (0:23:51.86)
EXTRA : The Goat's Sin, Gowther, of the Seven Deadly Sins has joined the party! (0:23:57.83)
EXTRA : By the way, Gowther's sin is the sin of lust! (0:24:01.85)
Hawk : So, how exactly are you lustful? (0:24:05.44)
Gowther : Let's see... (0:24:08.81)
Gowther : Here. (0:24:10.07)
Gowther : And here. (0:24:11.65)
Gowther : But my most lustful point is... (0:24:13.28)
Gowther : Right here! (0:24:16.70)
EXTRA : Next time, on the Seven
Deadly Sins: "Incited Legends."
Hawk : All right! (0:24:21.66)
Hawk : I'll show you a lustful point too, then! (0:24:22.10)

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