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Zolzal el Caesar : In the name of Zolzal el Caesar, (0:00:03.85)
Zolzal el Caesar : I declare the establishment of
the Crown Prince's Government!
Zolzal el Caesar : I am the new ruler of the Empire! (0:00:11.29)
Zolzal el Caesar : The Empire is in a weakened state right now! (0:00:14.87)
Zolzal el Caesar : After only a few defeats,
the Senate have lost their nerve
Zolzal el Caesar : and given up on fighting. (0:00:20.11)
Zolzal el Caesar : And they are about to
surrender to the enemy,
Zolzal el Caesar : and sign away your freedom and dignity! (0:00:24.28)
Zolzal el Caesar : To save their own hides! (0:00:29.28)
EXTRA : Hell no! (0:00:30.94)
EXTRA : Disband the Senate! (0:00:31.90)
Zolzal el Caesar : Can we really trust these cowards
with the future of the country?
Zolzal el Caesar : Nay, I say! (0:00:39.47)
Zolzal el Caesar : Of course not! (0:00:39.95)
Zolzal el Caesar : We cannot and should not! (0:00:40.84)
EXTRA : That's right! (0:00:42.19)
Zolzal el Caesar : You are the wise, strong,
and noble people of the Empire.
Zolzal el Caesar : The chosen people who have ruled
this continent for over 600 years.
Zolzal el Caesar : Now is the time for us to come together (0:00:53.85)
Zolzal el Caesar : and do our utmost! (0:00:56.86)
Zolzal el Caesar : We will overcome this chaos to make
the Empire even greater than before!
Zolzal el Caesar : Gather under my banner! (0:01:05.25)
Zolzal el Caesar : And we shall create a new history! (0:01:07.37)
EXTRA : Zolzal! Zolzal! Zolzal! Zolzal! (0:01:12.07)
EXTRA : Zolzal! Zolzal! Zolzal! Zolzal! (0:01:16.51)
EXTRA : Speech (0:01:25.27)
Zolzal el Caesar : Now, Japan... (0:01:38.26)
Zolzal el Caesar : Let the war begin. (0:01:40.90)
EXTRA : I see. (0:03:18.30)
EXTRA : So Zolzal's coup d'état was successful? (0:03:19.55)
EXTRA : Over. (0:03:22.77)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:03:23.77)
EXTRA : The entire capital is under curfew. (0:03:24.60)
EXTRA : No one's allowed to leave. Over. (0:03:27.66)
EXTRA : Is the vice-minister safe? Over. (0:03:30.20)
EXTRA : The Jade Palace is protected by treaty. (0:03:32.35)
EXTRA : We shouldn't need to worry. Over. (0:03:34.77)
EXTRA : Don't underestimate them. (0:03:37.24)
EXTRA : And try to find out the
Emperor's status. Over.
EXTRA : Roger. End transmission. (0:03:42.98)
EXTRA : Episode 19 Dangerous Sisters (0:03:47.12)
Pina Co Lada : Have you found Lelei-dono? (0:03:47.61)
Grey Co Aldo : Yes. (0:03:49.93)
Grey Co Aldo : She is attempting to acquire
the title of Master, it seems.
Pina Co Lada : Master? (0:03:53.84)
Zolzal el Caesar : Which means she's in Rondel? (0:03:55.03)
Pina Co Lada : Brother! (0:03:57.44)
Zolzal el Caesar : She is a hero of the empire. (0:03:58.89)
Zolzal el Caesar : Send her a respectful summons. (0:04:01.40)
Grey Co Aldo : Of course. (0:04:02.90)
Pina Co Lada : A word, brother? (0:04:04.33)
Zolzal el Caesar : What is it? (0:04:06.76)
Zolzal el Caesar : I'm busy, whether or not I look it. (0:04:07.92)
Pina Co Lada : What gives you the right to
imprison the pro-peace senators?
Zolzal el Caesar : That? (0:04:15.80)
Pina Co Lada : What did you say? (0:04:18.21)
Zolzal el Caesar : I'm telling you,
they were bribed by the Japanese.
Pina Co Lada : Impossible. What proof do you have? (0:04:23.39)
Zolzal el Caesar : We'll find the proof eventually. (0:04:25.83)
Zolzal el Caesar : Incontrovertible proof. (0:04:27.83)
Pina Co Lada : What are you planning, Brother? (0:04:32.34)
Zolzal el Caesar : Nothing. (0:04:35.12)
Zolzal el Caesar : With the emperor absent, (0:04:37.23)
Zolzal el Caesar : I'm running things in my own way. (0:04:39.11)
Zolzal el Caesar : If you insist on interfering... (0:04:42.53)
Pina Co Lada : Will you make a criminal of me, too? (0:04:44.98)
Zolzal el Caesar : I'm joking. (0:04:47.01)
Zolzal el Caesar : I need you to lead negotiations with Japan. (0:04:48.90)
Pina Co Lada : You think we can keep negotiating?! (0:04:52.37)
Zolzal el Caesar : Of course. (0:04:54.21)
Zolzal el Caesar : But after we've done what
we need to do to win
Zolzal el Caesar : without giving into defeatism. (0:04:58.79)
Zolzal el Caesar : Then, and only then. (0:05:02.30)
EXTRA : We've come as requested. (0:05:03.49)
Zolzal el Caesar : These are the new generals. (0:05:06.39)
Zolzal el Caesar : You know them. (0:05:09.43)
Pina Co Lada : Yes. (0:05:11.85)
Zolzal el Caesar : Now then, (0:05:12.72)
Zolzal el Caesar : I've brought you here to discuss the future. (0:05:14.14)
Zolzal el Caesar : Did you come up with anything? (0:05:18.08)
EXTRA : Our opponent is extremely strong. (0:05:19.72)
EXTRA : We can't win in a head-on battle. (0:05:22.12)
EXTRA : So we'll have to use less ethical methods. (0:05:24.89)
Zolzal el Caesar : Oh? Less ethical methods? (0:05:27.19)
EXTRA : Yes. We'll gather up the goblins (0:05:29.38)
EXTRA : and have them attack the
villages surrounding Alnus.
Pina Co Lada : Wha— (0:05:34.47)
Zolzal el Caesar : Won't that spur them to invade further? (0:05:35.14)
EXTRA : No need to worry about that. (0:05:39.10)
EXTRA : It'll simply be the work of
bandits and criminals.
EXTRA : We also have the option of having our own men
dress as the enemy and attack villages.
Zolzal el Caesar : So they take the blame? (0:05:51.56)
EXTRA : That will ruin their reputation
and turn the people against them.
Pina Co Lada : You should be ashamed of yourselves! (0:05:58.62)
Pina Co Lada : Have you forgotten your
pride as imperial soldiers?
EXTRA : This is the only way to fight
an opponent we can't defeat,
EXTRA : Princess Pina. (0:06:06.63)
Zolzal el Caesar : Very well. (0:06:08.80)
Zolzal el Caesar : You may proceed with those plans. (0:06:10.27)
Pina Co Lada : Brother! (0:06:12.15)
EXTRA : We shall prepare immediately. (0:06:13.13)
Pina Co Lada : It was a mistake to let you go. (0:06:16.94)
EXTRA : We can't thank you enough,
former commanding officer.
EXTRA : Leave the rest to us and be at ease. (0:06:23.64)
Pina Co Lada : Brother Diabo! (0:06:32.25)
Pina Co Lada : What is this? (0:06:34.37)
Pina Co Lada : Where are you going? (0:06:35.76)
Diabo : Keep going. (0:06:37.51)
EXTRA : Sir! (0:06:38.78)
Pina Co Lada : Answer me, Brother! (0:06:39.45)
Diabo : I'm running, of course! (0:06:41.72)
Pina Co Lada : What? (0:06:43.66)
Pina Co Lada : Stay with me and stop Brother Zolzal. (0:06:45.18)
Pina Co Lada : You have a responsibility
as a member of the royal family.
Diabo : I'm going to fulfill that responsibility. (0:06:50.80)
Diabo : I intend to bring in other countries to stop Zolzal. (0:06:52.95)
Pina Co Lada : You'll invite other
countries into the Empire?
Diabo : There's no other way. (0:06:59.23)
Diabo : That's dangerous, you fool! (0:07:04.40)
Pina Co Lada : Rethink this, Brother. (0:07:05.73)
Pina Co Lada : If we do that, our land and
people will be stolen,
Pina Co Lada : and nothing will remain of the Empire. (0:07:11.81)
Diabo : If Zolzal's dictatorship continues, (0:07:13.49)
Diabo : the country is doomed either way. (0:07:16.08)
Diabo : We have to make that stubborn fool
listen to us by force.
Diabo : Got that? Now get out of the way. (0:07:22.56)
Pina Co Lada : I will not! (0:07:23.88)
Diabo : Then I'll run you over! (0:07:25.04)
Pina Co Lada : I'm willing to lay down
my life for the Empire.
Diabo : Shut up! (0:07:30.09)
Pina Co Lada : Brother! (0:07:32.61)
Diabo : You can't survive on
nothing but tired clichés,
Diabo : Pina! (0:07:36.31)
Lelei la Lalena : I'll introduce you again. (0:07:40.84)
Lelei la Lalena : This is Mimoza, (0:07:42.90)
Lelei la Lalena : a mage and great sage. (0:07:44.31)
Lelei la Lalena : She's one of the elders of Rondel. (0:07:46.63)
Mimoza : Nice to meet you. (0:07:48.77)
Mimoza : It's been so long, Rory. (0:07:50.42)
Tuka Luna Marceau : You know each other? (0:07:53.05)
Lelei la Lalena : I didn't know that... (0:07:54.07)
Mimoza : It would've been around 50 years ago. (0:07:56.14)
Mimoza : We went on a journey together. (0:07:58.26)
Mimoza : Right? (0:08:00.91)
Rory Mercury : Mimoza, you've gotten so old. (0:08:01.71)
Mimoza : Oh my, that's right. (0:08:04.86)
Mimoza : I'm an old woman now. (0:08:06.91)
Mimoza : Jealous, aren't you? (0:08:09.16)
Mimoza : Anyway, I heard you went beyond the gate. (0:08:11.17)
Mimoza : What was it like? (0:08:14.97)
Rory Mercury : Hmm... the towns were so clean. (0:08:17.60)
Tuka Luna Marceau : All the shops were bustling
and full of goods to sell!
Lelei la Lalena : The bookstores, especially, were wonderful! (0:08:25.90)
Youji Itami : Lelei? (0:08:29.93)
Lelei la Lalena : There were books about
every field imaginable,
Lelei la Lalena : sold at a price that a common
citizen could afford.
Mimoza : Common citizens, reading books? (0:08:36.07)
Lelei la Lalena : That's right. (0:08:37.83)
Lelei la Lalena : In Japan, publishing is a very common thing. (0:08:38.77)
Lelei la Lalena : Citizens can even
self-publish books called doujinshi.
Mimoza : Oh my... (0:08:44.45)
Mimoza : Cheap books...
That's wonderful.
Arpeggio El Lelena : That's wrong! (0:08:48.46)
Arpeggio El Lelena : That's just... really, really... (0:08:51.54)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Really wrong! (0:08:54.19)
Arpeggio El Lelena : If the magic encyclopedias I spent night
after night copying were ever worth less...
Youji Itami : What's her problem? (0:09:01.68)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Do you know how much time and effort
it takes just to make a single copy?!
Lelei la Lalena : Arpeggio copies books on the side. (0:09:03.10)
Arpeggio El Lelena : It can take so much time that
I don't get to do my own work!
Lelei la Lalena : So she heard us talking about
cheap books and panicked.
Mimoza : Her specialty is mineral magic,
which isn't cheap to practice.
Arpeggio El Lelena : And with my right hand hurting,
I've had to slow down!
Arpeggio El Lelena : If on top of all that,
the prices started dropping...
Arpeggio El Lelena : Next month's food bill, next month's rent... (0:09:16.70)
Arpeggio El Lelena : If I miss another payment, they'll evict me. (0:09:18.83)
Lelei la Lalena : Don't worry. (0:09:21.43)
Lelei la Lalena : The prices aren't going
down today or tomorrow.
Lelei la Lalena : It'll take a long time. (0:09:25.88)
Arpeggio El Lelena : A long time? (0:09:27.87)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Then don't scare me like that! (0:09:29.87)
Mimoza : Itami-san, she may not look it, (0:09:33.03)
Arpeggio El Lelena : That was so shocking!
I nearly had a heart attack!
Mimoza : but since minerals are her specialty. (0:09:34.81)
Arpeggio El Lelena : But really, if I didn't get paid, (0:09:37.30)
Arpeggio El Lelena : I'd never take on that annoying job... (0:09:39.37)
Youji Itami : That would be wonderful. (0:09:40.63)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Of course, if you're okay with me. (0:09:44.56)
Mimoza : Interested? (0:09:50.15)
Mimoza : You keep glancing over. (0:09:51.52)
Rory Mercury : Not really. (0:09:54.68)
Mimoza : I'm glad you're here,
even if it's only by accident.
Mimoza : I wanted to tell you the
answer to your homework.
Youji Itami : Homework? (0:10:02.60)
Rory Mercury : That's right. (0:10:03.68)
Rory Mercury : I gave her homework
before we said goodbye.
Rory Mercury : "Why are there so many races in this world?" (0:10:07.78)
Youji Itami : Is there a reason? (0:10:12.21)
Rory Mercury : Of course. (0:10:13.75)
Mimoza : It's because of... (0:10:15.27)
EXTRA : And so, the Self Defense Force fought (0:10:17.92)
Mimoza : ...the gate. (0:10:18.57)
Mimoza : The creation myths of the elves (0:10:21.25)
EXTRA : Primal Forest (0:10:22.43)
EXTRA : Ancestors (0:10:22.43b)
Mimoza : begin with a man and woman, the "ancestors," (0:10:23.27)
Mimoza : being guided by God to the primal forest. (0:10:26.43)
Mimoza : All of the different clans of elves scattered around
the continent tell more or less the same story.
EXTRA : Primal Forest (0:10:30.60)
EXTRA : Ancestors (0:10:30.60b)
EXTRA : Primal Forest (0:10:33.61)
EXTRA : Ancestors (0:10:33.61b)
Mimoza : If you ask them where the
Primal Forest can be found,
EXTRA : "Where is the Primal Forest?" (0:10:37.07)
Mimoza : the elves of the north say, "In the south." (0:10:39.41)
EXTRA : "South" (0:10:40.07)
EXTRA : "Where is the Primal Forest?" (0:10:41.20)
Mimoza : And the elves of the south say, "In the north." (0:10:41.32)
EXTRA : "North" (0:10:42.07)
Mimoza : They all point to a single location. (0:10:43.34)
EXTRA : Primal Forest (0:10:44.99)
Youji Itami : And that's Alnus? (0:10:46.23)
EXTRA : Alnus (0:10:46.25)
Mimoza : Indeed. (0:10:47.62)
Tuka Luna Marceau : So all of the elves call
Alnus their homeland?
Mimoza : Not just the elves. (0:10:51.70)
Mimoza : Dwarves (0:10:53.42)
Mimoza : Every species calls Alnus its homeland. (0:10:53.51)
EXTRA : Comnouko (0:10:54.42)
EXTRA : Kobolds (0:10:55.17)
EXTRA : Goblins (0:10:55.96)
EXTRA : Orcs (0:10:56.67)
EXTRA : Homeland (0:10:57.13)
Arpeggio El Lelena : You're sure? (0:10:58.77)
Mimoza : I've spent my whole life researching this. (0:11:00.26)
Rory Mercury : And so what's your answer? (0:11:04.58)
Mimoza : All of the demihumans who live in this world
moved here when a gate opened.
EXTRA : Alnus (0:11:14.11)
Mimoza : After a silence spanning centuries,
or perhaps over a millennium,
EXTRA : Gate (0:11:17.82)
Mimoza : the gate opens. (0:11:18.06)
Mimoza : And then new visitors come to this world. (0:11:20.01)
Mimoza : Sometimes they fight with
those who already live here,
Mimoza : other times they interbreed. (0:11:27.08)
Mimoza : In the end,
they become part of this world.
Mimoza : And the gate enters a long period of sleep
before it opens again.
Mimoza : This is the history that's been repeated
again and again in this world.
Mimoza : Of course, we humans are no exception. (0:11:40.39)
Mimoza : From both our texts and the
distribution of ruins we've discovered,
Mimoza : it's clear that we're the newest here. (0:11:46.58)
Mimoza : That explains why the Empire considers
Alnus holy ground, right?
Rory Mercury : That's my girl. (0:11:54.87)
Mimoza : Hooray! (0:11:56.48)
Mimoza : I'm finally free! (0:11:58.68)
Youji Itami : You knew all this, Rory? (0:12:01.15)
Rory Mercury : Not all of it. (0:12:03.06)
Rory Mercury : It's all the will of the gods. (0:12:04.78)
Rory Mercury : All we demigods do is (0:12:07.31)
Rory Mercury : obey the will of the gods
and protect this world.
Rory Mercury : Sometimes we provide guidance
to those who are promising,
Rory Mercury : and sometimes we eliminate those
who approach what is forbidden.
Rory Mercury : That's how we maintain order in the world. (0:12:19.32)
Lelei la Lalena : I never learned that. (0:12:22.61)
Mimoza : That's because it's my research. (0:12:24.84)
Mimoza : I can't see Kato taking
an interest in history.
Arpeggio El Lelena : See, what did I tell you? (0:12:31.53)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Instead of studying with one Master, (0:12:33.48)
Arpeggio El Lelena : you could learn more by staying here. (0:12:34.89)
Lelei la Lalena : If I'd stayed here, (0:12:37.68)
Lelei la Lalena : I wouldn't have gotten a chance
to become a Master for a long time.
Arpeggio El Lelena : That's... true, maybe, but... (0:12:42.30)
Mimoza : That's right. (0:12:44.70)
Mimoza : What are you going to share with everyone? (0:12:45.84)
Mimoza : Could you tell me? (0:12:48.30)
Arpeggio El Lelena : What's this? (0:12:50.91)
Lelei la Lalena : A tool from Japan's civilization. (0:12:52.22)
Arpeggio El Lelena : You wouldn't need books
at all if you had this!
Mimoza : What's inside is even more amazing. (0:12:56.82)
Mimoza : You incorporated the knowledge
of another world into our system of magic.
Mimoza : That'll be plenty good enough
to shut up those nasty old men.
Arpeggio El Lelena : She's way ahead of me. My sister beat me! (0:13:07.55)
Arpeggio El Lelena : I can't take this! (0:13:10.85)
Arpeggio El Lelena : I have no money and my
sister's leaving me behind.
Arpeggio El Lelena : I've been researching for years
and I'm getting nowhere.
Arpeggio El Lelena : I've got no talent, do I? (0:13:18.11)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Okay, I'm going to marry
and become a housewife.
Arpeggio El Lelena : What's Itami-san like? (0:13:22.59)
Lelei la Lalena : Itami Youji is a Japanese officer. (0:13:24.76)
Lelei la Lalena : He has many additional titles, (0:13:27.09)
Lelei la Lalena : such as being a lord of
the Kingdom of Erube
Lelei la Lalena : and an honorary dark elf chieftain. (0:13:31.28)
Tuka Luna Marceau : Are you okay, Dad? (0:13:32.88)
Arpeggio El Lelena : An elite noble with an elven child... (0:13:34.99)
Arpeggio El Lelena : An elven child? (0:13:38.14)
Lelei la Lalena : You can ignore that. (0:13:39.32)
Arpeggio El Lelena : What's his money situation? (0:13:40.91)
Yao Ro Dushi : He owns a chunk of raw adamantite
that my clan gave him.
Yao Ro Dushi : About this size. (0:13:46.71)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Is he married? (0:13:47.68)
Rory Mercury : He's single now. (0:13:48.61)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Perfect! (0:13:50.18)
Mimoza : Perfect! (0:13:50.18)
Mimoza : My... (0:13:51.78)
Lelei la Lalena : No. He's not single anymore. (0:13:53.11)
Lelei la Lalena : Itami completed the Ceremony
of Three Nights with me.
Tuka Luna Marceau : When? (0:13:58.03)
Rory Mercury : Nobody told me this? (0:13:58.98)
Youji Itami : What are we talking about? (0:14:00.62)
Youji Itami : What's the Ceremony of Three Nights? (0:14:02.49)
Mimoza : If a man and woman sleep in the same room
for three nights, they're in a relationship.
Mimoza : It's basically a way of saying,
"We're married!"
Youji Itami : I don't remember this. (0:14:14.06)
Lelei la Lalena : We definitely slept in
the same bedroom for three nights.
Lelei la Lalena : First at the lodging house, (0:14:18.59)
Lelei la Lalena : then Risa's room... (0:14:20.25)
Lelei la Lalena : Finally, the inn at Hakone. (0:14:21.63)
Lelei la Lalena : That's three times. (0:14:24.09)
Youji Itami : The lodge house, Risa's room, the inn. (0:14:25.09)
Youji Itami : That's right. (0:14:27.26)
Tuka Luna Marceau : If that's how it works, then I've done
it a lot more than three times.
Mimoza : Oh, bigamy? (0:14:31.35)
Lelei la Lalena : At the time, you were insane, (0:14:32.75)
Lelei la Lalena : and thought he was your father. (0:14:34.70)
Lelei la Lalena : So it doesn't count. (0:14:37.04)
Rory Mercury : Youji... (0:14:38.10)
Rory Mercury : You didn't do anything with me, (0:14:40.81)
Rory Mercury : but you'll go after any other woman? (0:14:45.51)
Rory Mercury : What's the meaning of this? (0:14:48.07)
Lelei la Lalena : Arpeggio? (0:14:56.45)
Arpeggio El Lelena : I lose. (0:14:57.61)
Arpeggio El Lelena : She's ahead of me in
academics, money, and love.
Arpeggio El Lelena : I've lost all dignity as the elder sister,
so there is only one thing I can do.
Arpeggio El Lelena : I mustn't hesitate. (0:15:06.98)
Arpeggio El Lelena : This is necessary for our future
relationship as sisters.
Mimoza : Oh my! (0:15:19.18)
Mimoza : Oh my, oh my... (0:15:28.86)
Mimoza : Oh my! (0:15:31.45)
Mimoza : Oh my! (0:15:33.82)
Mimoza : Oh my, oh my, oh my... (0:15:35.78)
Mimoza : Oh my, oh my... (0:15:39.59)
Mimoza : Oh my! Oh my! (0:15:42.32)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Well? You give up? (0:15:43.43)
Mimoza : Oh my... (0:15:45.97)
Rory Mercury : The 13th battle between
the Lelei Sisters will now begin!
Rory Mercury : Permitted in the name of myself, (0:15:55.10)
Rory Mercury : Rory Mercury! (0:15:58.30)
Rory Mercury : The rules are as follows: no lethal blows. (0:16:00.33)
Rory Mercury : Nothing that would scar the face. (0:16:03.32)
Youji Itami : What the hell is going on here? (0:16:05.48)
Rory Mercury : As long as you obey these rules, (0:16:05.98)
Mimoza : They do love to fight. (0:16:07.00)
Rory Mercury : you can destroy the house, destroy the city, (0:16:07.52)
Mimoza : It seems like this one's going
to be a bit different, though.
Rory Mercury : or destroy the world! (0:16:10.76)
Youji Itami : R-Really... (0:16:12.69)
Rory Mercury : All right, then! (0:16:14.46)
EXTRA : Go, Lelei! (0:16:17.99)
Rory Mercury : Begin! (0:16:19.70)
Youji Itami : What's that? (0:16:22.16)
Mimoza : Amazing, huh? (0:16:23.09)
Mimoza : Arpeggio can use minerals
as catalysts to subvert
Mimoza : laws of physics and interfere
with fundamental theories.
Youji Itami : I don't know if I understand that, (0:16:29.80)
Youji Itami : but I do know that this has gone
way beyond a quarrel between sisters.
Mimoza : Fights between mages are always like this. (0:16:35.38)
Mimoza : Oh my... (0:16:39.18)
Mimoza : Maybe that was a little dangerous. (0:16:40.95)
Arpeggio El Lelena : She's fast! (0:16:45.27)
Youji Itami : What's that covering them? (0:16:51.84)
Mimoza : Defensive magic. (0:16:54.24)
Mimoza : Mages in Rondel are forced to
learn it first thing.
Mimoza : So it's a fight to see who can
break the other's defenses first.
Arpeggio El Lelena : Damn genius... (0:17:23.14)
Youji Itami : Hey, Rory. (0:17:24.89)
Youji Itami : Isn't this getting out of hand? (0:17:27.00)
Rory Mercury : If we stop them now, there'll be
a lingering grudge between them.
Youji Itami : Maybe, but... (0:17:32.50)
Rory Mercury : Shut up and watch. (0:17:35.13)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Taste my special move: (0:17:49.69)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Big Sister's Authority! (0:17:50.92)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Damn it! (0:18:23.49)
Youji Itami : What's this? (0:18:28.79)
Rory Mercury : A tie, perhaps? (0:18:29.97)
Rory Mercury : Grey Co Aldo... (0:19:04.13)
Rory Mercury : Can you tell me why a duel
officiated by Rory Mercury
Rory Mercury : has been interrupted? (0:19:10.69)
Grey Co Aldo : I suggest we leave this area immediately. (0:19:13.42)
Grey Co Aldo : We defeated one assassin,
but it's still not safe.
Youji Itami : Assassin? (0:19:21.38)
EXTRA : Mommy, where's our house? (0:19:24.08)
Grey Co Aldo : We came to Rondel at Pina-sama's order, (0:19:27.68)
Grey Co Aldo : to bring Lelei-sama to the capital. (0:19:30.41)
EXTRA : Sorry (0:19:33.90)
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : But on our way, we learned that
assassins had been sent after her.
Youji Itami : Any idea who hired them? (0:19:39.32)
Grey Co Aldo : It's nothing more than a suspicion, (0:19:41.38)
Grey Co Aldo : so I don't wish to share it. (0:19:43.45)
Grey Co Aldo : But... (0:19:45.92)
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : Lelei-dono has been the talk of the town (0:19:47.68)
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : ever since the Fire Dragon's head
was brought to the capital.
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : It seems that this person
wasn't happy about that.
Arpeggio El Lelena : What do you mean, the Fire Dragon's head? (0:19:58.20)
Arpeggio El Lelena : What's that got to do with Lelei? (0:20:00.00)
Grey Co Aldo : You don't know? (0:20:02.43)
Grey Co Aldo : Your little sister worked with the others
here to defeat a Fire Dragon.
Arpeggio El Lelena : You're joking, right? (0:20:09.56)
Arpeggio El Lelena : Even if my sister is cute and a genius, (0:20:12.77)
Arpeggio El Lelena : that can't be... (0:20:15.89)
Arpeggio El Lelena : It can't be... (0:20:17.57)
Arpeggio El Lelena : It's true?! (0:20:19.56)
Youji Itami : The dark elves took the Fire Dragon's head
and said they were going to tell everyone.
Grey Co Aldo : It had quite an effect. (0:20:25.91)
Youji Itami : So why is Lelei the only one getting famous? (0:20:28.00)
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : That's because she's the only human
from the empire in the group!
Lelei la Lalena : I am part of the Rurudo clan. (0:20:37.36)
Lelei la Lalena : I've never been an imperial citizen. (0:20:39.65)
Grey Co Aldo : The people don't care. (0:20:42.54)
Grey Co Aldo : Instead, the fact that you're
one of the rogue peoples
Grey Co Aldo : has brought you even more fame. (0:20:48.46)
Youji Itami : So basically, this "someone" is jealous of Lelei? (0:20:52.07)
Zolzal el Caesar : It's good! (0:20:56.81)
Zolzal el Caesar : It's good, Furuta! (0:20:58.40)
Rufurus : You're really sure about this? (0:21:01.13)
Tyuule : Do you take issue
with Lord Zolzal's laws?
EXTRA : Rufurus (0:21:03.53)
Rufurus : No... (0:21:06.23)
Rufurus : It just seems like you could use this
to convict anyone you wanted.
Tyuule : That's what his Highness wants. (0:21:13.54)
Rufurus : Understood. (0:21:17.87)
Rufurus : I'll have the senate set things in motion. (0:21:19.28)
Tyuule : It's not going to fail, is it? (0:21:22.39)
Rufurus : Everything's ready. (0:21:25.73)
Rufurus : Leave it to me. (0:21:27.48)
Youji Itami : The Pied Piper? (0:21:33.81)
Grey Co Aldo : That's right. (0:21:35.51)
Grey Co Aldo : He's one of the assassins after her. (0:21:36.39)
Grey Co Aldo : The two of us are no match for him. (0:21:38.65)
Rory Mercury : For someone who killed a Fire Dragon, (0:21:41.78)
Rory Mercury : that's to be expected. (0:21:44.81)
シャンディー・ガフ・マレア : So we want your help. (0:21:45.90)
Youji Itami : I'd protect Lelei, even if you didn't ask me. (0:21:49.39)
Grey Co Aldo : That's what I'd expect of the green people. (0:21:52.35)
Grey Co Aldo : Let's work together to defeat the assassin. (0:21:54.38)
Youji Itami : No. (0:21:58.09)
Youji Itami : For now, (0:22:00.74)
Youji Itami : we run! (0:22:02.62)
EXTRA : Episode 20 Lover (0:23:33.39)
Lelei la Lalena : Next time on Gate : "Lover." (0:23:34.09)

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