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Riko Kurahashi : There you go. (0:00:01.65)
Natsuo Maki : Wow! (0:00:03.75)
Natsuo Maki : Do I look lovely? (0:00:05.44)
Riko Kurahashi : You look plenty lovely. (0:00:06.81)
Natsuo Maki : Does the nape of my neck look attractive? (0:00:08.36)
Riko Kurahashi : It sure does. (0:00:10.49)
Suzune Tanahashi : Wh-What should I do? (0:00:11.83)
Riko Kurahashi : Forget it. What are we gonna do from now on? (0:00:14.18)
Natsuo Maki : We're going to keep learning about love! (0:00:16.94)
Suzune Tanahashi : Learning? (0:00:19.30)
Suzune Tanahashi : What does she mean, learning about love? (0:00:20.62)
Suzune Tanahashi : What's the president talking about? (0:00:22.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Yeah, it sure is. (0:00:24.71)
Riko Kurahashi : Too fast for me to see anything, though. (0:00:28.28)
Suzune Tanahashi : No way! The president... (0:00:31.09)
Suzune Tanahashi : The president everyone adores is... (0:00:33.72)
Natsuo Maki : I feel sick. (0:00:37.28)
Riko Kurahashi : Seriously?! (0:00:39.31)
Riko Kurahashi : Sheesh, your fangirls would burst
into tears if they saw you like this.
Natsuo Maki : If that ever happened... (0:00:45.93)
Natsuo Maki : I'd burst into tears before they did. (0:00:48.71)
Suzune Tanahashi : I-I'm so sorry! (0:00:56.72)
Riko Kurahashi : Whoa, hey! (0:00:59.66)
Riko Kurahashi : Is she the first-year clerk
you were talking about?
Natsuo Maki : That was... (0:01:04.74)
Natsuo Maki : a fairy! (0:01:05.82)
Natsuo Maki : Definitely a fairy! (0:01:07.22)
Suzune Tanahashi : What do I do? What do I do? (0:01:10.05)
Suzune Tanahashi : What am I gonna do?! (0:01:12.51)
Riko Kurahashi : Come on. (0:02:47.87)
Riko Kurahashi : It's already been two days. (0:02:51.77)
Riko Kurahashi : I think you're gonna be all right. (0:02:53.58)
Natsuo Maki : No, I'm not! It's all over! (0:02:55.49)
Natsuo Maki : I'm done for! (0:02:58.57)
Riko Kurahashi : Hey, why don't we practice hugging with Dakky? (0:03:01.03)
Riko Kurahashi : I-I mean, like you always do... (0:03:07.93)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, forget it! (0:03:11.20)
Riko Kurahashi : You're gonna be fine! (0:03:17.07)
Riko Kurahashi : She didn't laugh at you
or anything, remember?
Natsuo Maki : I would've felt better if she'd just laughed. (0:03:21.31)
Natsuo Maki : I would've preferred it if she'd laughed at me (0:03:24.22)
Natsuo Maki : instead of running away. (0:03:27.18)
Natsuo Maki : That was a sign of disdain! (0:03:29.86)
Natsuo Maki : She was such a nice girl too! (0:03:32.08)
EXTRA : So, Suzu, are you friends
with the president now?
EXTRA : That must be awesome! (0:03:44.20)
EXTRA : Kurahashi-senpai joined
the council too, right?
EXTRA : Suzu? (0:03:50.77)
EXTRA : You've been acting strange lately. (0:03:51.62)
EXTRA : Let me guess... You don't like being around Kurahashi-senpai? (0:03:53.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : O-Of course I do! (0:03:57.18)
Suzune Tanahashi : I admire her! She's the Wild One! (0:03:58.46)
Suzune Tanahashi : Or the WO for short! (0:04:01.68)
EXTRA : "The Woe"? (0:04:03.34)
EXTRA : You sure you admire her? (0:04:04.86)
EXTRA : Then did something happen? (0:04:06.92)
Suzune Tanahashi : That's... (0:04:08.85)
Suzune Tanahashi : I peeked on them during their secret conversation (0:04:11.56)
Suzune Tanahashi : and then ran away when they asked me to stop. (0:04:14.47)
Suzune Tanahashi : That was a terrible thing I did. (0:04:16.76)
Suzune Tanahashi : They must be mad at me. (0:04:18.42)
Riko Kurahashi : Is Tanahashi Suzune here? (0:04:21.19)
EXTRA : The Wi... (0:04:25.91)
EXTRA : The Wi... (0:04:27.08)
Riko Kurahashi : What the hell are they shouting? (0:04:31.29)
EXTRA : The... The... The... (0:04:33.84)
Suzune Tanahashi : The WO! (0:04:36.08)
EXTRA : Suzu? (0:04:38.54)
Riko Kurahashi : "The Woe"? (0:04:39.63)
Suzune Tanahashi : That was so stupid! (0:04:43.81)
Suzune Tanahashi : I ran away again! (0:04:45.23)
Suzune Tanahashi : But I just couldn't help it. (0:04:46.56)
Riko Kurahashi : Tanahashi? You're here, right? (0:04:49.89)
Suzune Tanahashi : I-I'm so sorry! (0:04:52.24)
Suzune Tanahashi : I just suddenly felt nature's overpowering call! (0:04:53.68)
Riko Kurahashi : O-Okay. (0:04:56.02)
Riko Kurahashi : So... (0:04:58.09)
Suzune Tanahashi : Y-Yes? (0:04:59.16)
Riko Kurahashi : Why were you hiding in the council room? (0:05:00.32)
Suzune Tanahashi : H-Hiding? I wasn't trying to hide at all. (0:05:02.87)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'm too shy to talk to the president face-to-face. (0:05:07.20)
Suzune Tanahashi : So that day... (0:05:11.28)
Suzune Tanahashi : I came in while you two were gone to drop off the paperwork I finished. (0:05:17.43)
Suzune Tanahashi : But then... (0:05:21.68)
Natsuo Maki : Now, what shall we study today? (0:05:30.26)
Suzune Tanahashi : That's what happened. (0:05:38.31)
Riko Kurahashi : I see now. (0:05:39.69)
Riko Kurahashi : Then you saw everything that
happened afterward too.
Suzune Tanahashi : Sorry! I won't tell anybody,
so please forgive me!
Riko Kurahashi : You haven't done anything wrong. (0:05:47.48)
Riko Kurahashi : But could you talk to Maki about it? (0:05:50.32)
Suzune Tanahashi : Huh? (0:05:53.72)
Riko Kurahashi : She's really worried. (0:05:54.20)
Riko Kurahashi : She thinks you despise her. (0:05:56.40)
Suzune Tanahashi : N-No way! (0:05:58.72)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'd never despise her! (0:05:59.92)
Suzune Tanahashi : If anyone deserves hate, it's me. (0:06:02.42)
Riko Kurahashi : So it'd be nice if you could
clear things up with her.
Riko Kurahashi : All right, I'll leave you to do your business. (0:06:08.90)
Suzune Tanahashi : I never thought about how she felt. (0:06:16.27)
Suzune Tanahashi : I should apologize. (0:06:21.36)
Suzune Tanahashi : E-Excuse me! (0:06:27.95)
Suzune Tanahashi : She's not here yet. (0:06:34.79)
Suzune Tanahashi : What should I do? (0:06:36.60)
Suzune Tanahashi : I guess I could clean the room until they get here. (0:06:37.75)
Natsuo Maki : Dakky! (0:06:47.87)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh crap, I just stuffed it in there yesterday. (0:06:49.04)
Natsuo Maki : Dakky's cheating on me! (0:06:51.59)
Riko Kurahashi : That's what bothers you? (0:06:54.02)
Suzune Tanahashi : I-I'm so sorry! (0:06:56.93)
Suzune Tanahashi : My glasses... (0:07:06.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : Glasses... (0:07:07.66)
Suzune Tanahashi : Glasses... (0:07:09.62)
Suzune Tanahashi : Ow! (0:07:11.88)
Suzune Tanahashi : They must be looking at me
with contempt right now!
Suzune Tanahashi : I came here to apologize, (0:07:19.40)
Suzune Tanahashi : but I don't think I can do it! (0:07:21.50)
Suzune Tanahashi : They must hate me for sure! (0:07:22.94)
Suzune Tanahashi : President? (0:07:30.93)
Natsuo Maki : Tanahashi-san. (0:07:34.18)
Natsuo Maki : Could you teach me the way of the klutz? (0:07:35.71)
Suzune Tanahashi : Sorry? (0:07:38.73)
Riko Kurahashi : What the heck's this way of the klutz? (0:07:39.31)
Natsuo Maki : Maki Natsuo, the student council president. (0:07:41.23)
Natsuo Maki : Popular with both the student body and the faculty, (0:07:44.03)
Natsuo Maki : she does her job with speed and precision! (0:07:46.60)
Natsuo Maki : And she's always thoughtful! (0:07:48.70)
Natsuo Maki : She's a flawless girl who can do no wrong! (0:07:51.63)
Natsuo Maki : Except for once every six months,
when she messes up big time!
Natsuo Maki : How does that sound? (0:07:59.30)
Riko Kurahashi : Ridiculous. (0:08:00.56)
Natsuo Maki : Come on, Riko! (0:08:01.68)
Natsuo Maki : I'm going for the alluring personality clash! (0:08:03.50)
Natsuo Maki : A perfectionist who occasionally acts like a klutz! (0:08:05.23)
Natsuo Maki : It's like you said before. (0:08:08.26)
Natsuo Maki : I won't get guys if I don't
mess up every now and then!
Riko Kurahashi : You're still going for that klutz thing? (0:08:12.84)
Natsuo Maki : For example, a pigeon flies out when I open my bag! (0:08:16.05)
Riko Kurahashi : A magic trick?! (0:08:18.59)
Natsuo Maki : Or when I elegantly try to
make black tea, flags pop out!
Riko Kurahashi : What's with the magic tricks?! (0:08:23.06)
Riko Kurahashi : Klutzes do stuff like making
green tea instead of black tea,
Riko Kurahashi : or putting in salt instead of sugar! (0:08:28.04)
Natsuo Maki : No one lacks that much common sense! (0:08:31.24)
Riko Kurahashi : What kind of common sense do you have? (0:08:32.82)
Riko Kurahashi : A real klutz messes up without planning it! (0:08:35.44)
Natsuo Maki : I wouldn't feel comfortable if I didn't plan it. (0:08:38.64)
Riko Kurahashi : How should I put it? The way you're thinking about this is klutzy in and of itself. (0:08:41.84)
Suzune Tanahashi : Sorry. You two were so funny. (0:08:47.99)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'm sorry for what happened the other day. (0:08:55.29)
Natsuo Maki : Um, were you disappointed
to see that side of me?
Suzune Tanahashi : It startled me at first, (0:09:01.02)
Suzune Tanahashi : but I think that clash makes you even more adorable! (0:09:03.66)
Riko Kurahashi : Good for you! (0:09:07.29)
Natsuo Maki : See, Riko? It really was the answer all along! (0:09:08.74)
Natsuo Maki : Let's study more about personality clashes! (0:09:12.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't get carried away. (0:09:14.68)
Suzune Tanahashi : Um, by studying, do you mean studying love? (0:09:15.86)
Natsuo Maki : Exactly! (0:09:19.78)
Natsuo Maki : Riko the love expert is teaching me all about it! (0:09:21.20)
Riko Kurahashi : H-Hey! (0:09:23.91)
Suzune Tanahashi : Expert? (0:09:25.75)
Natsuo Maki : Yep! She already has experience charming many boyfriends! (0:09:26.46)
Suzune Tanahashi : That's amazing! (0:09:31.30)
Suzune Tanahashi : I can't even bring myself to talk to guys! (0:09:32.54)
Riko Kurahashi : I shouldn't keep lying to them. (0:09:35.93)
Riko Kurahashi : Better just come clean. (0:09:38.22)
Riko Kurahashi : Um... (0:09:39.64)
Suzune Tanahashi : I always thought you two
lived in a different world,
Suzune Tanahashi : but you're interested in love
just like the rest of us!
Suzune Tanahashi : It makes me kinda happy! (0:09:52.70)
Natsuo Maki : I'm glad to have friends
who accept the real me.
Natsuo Maki : True friendships can't exist
if you're not being honest!
Natsuo Maki : I need to keep it secret from the public
to maintain my dignity,
Natsuo Maki : but let's make this room a lie-free zone! (0:10:07.20)
Suzune Tanahashi : Yep! (0:10:10.84)
Suzune Tanahashi : My mom said that lying was the first step to becoming a thief! (0:10:12.00)
Natsuo Maki : You look pale, Riko. (0:10:16.87)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, don't worry about it. (0:10:19.20)
Suzune Tanahashi : Senpai! (0:10:23.77)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, Tanahashi. (0:10:25.83)
Suzune Tanahashi : I wonder what the president
wants to study today.
Riko Kurahashi : No clue. (0:10:30.60)
Riko Kurahashi : It's probably something pointless again. (0:10:31.70)
Riko Kurahashi : It's tiring playing the straight man. (0:10:34.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : U-Um... (0:10:36.22)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh? (0:10:37.50)
Suzune Tanahashi : I made this to hopefully make your job easier. (0:10:38.21)
Riko Kurahashi : Made what? (0:10:41.24)
Suzune Tanahashi : Here. (0:10:42.62)
Riko Kurahashi : You're pretty ruthless. (0:10:43.88)
Riko Kurahashi : Maki! (0:10:50.25)
Natsuo Maki : President! (0:10:51.63)
Riko Kurahashi : Hey, Maki, pull it together! (0:10:53.23)
Suzune Tanahashi : We need an ambulance! (0:10:55.36)
Natsuo Maki : Please carry me there like a princess! (0:10:58.21)
Riko Kurahashi : So what the hell were you doing? (0:11:03.19)
Natsuo Maki : I was practicing the princess carry. (0:11:05.26)
Natsuo Maki : It's one situation every girl dreams about! (0:11:07.52)
Natsuo Maki : Across fields, over mountains, and through the whole country! (0:11:09.84)
Riko Kurahashi : What are you, a mailman? (0:11:13.00)
Riko Kurahashi : Geez, you always come up with
things I've never even imagined.
Suzune Tanahashi : That's so original. (0:11:18.40)
Natsuo Maki : You mean you've never dreamed
of being carried like that?
Natsuo Maki : The standard situation for a princess carry is when the girl has fainted, right? (0:11:25.85)
Riko Kurahashi : So that's why you were on the floor. (0:11:31.08)
Natsuo Maki : But I've never fainted before, (0:11:33.25)
Natsuo Maki : so I don't know what it's supposed to be like! (0:11:36.26)
Riko Kurahashi : I haven't either. (0:11:38.09)
Suzune Tanahashi : If you actually fainted... (0:11:40.03)
Suzune Tanahashi : your eyes would roll back, and
you'd have a faint smile, or so I hear.
Natsuo Maki : W-Well... (0:11:47.85)
Natsuo Maki : Let's talk about what it's like to be carried! (0:11:49.54)
Natsuo Maki : Like this maybe? (0:11:52.67)
Suzune Tanahashi : If you actually fainted... (0:11:55.11)
Suzune Tanahashi : you'd get really heavy, and people might carry you like this, or so I hear. (0:11:57.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : And then you'd hear them shout, "One, two!" (0:12:01.74)
Natsuo Maki : That's enough about fainting! (0:12:05.66)
Riko Kurahashi : Yeah! It's inconsiderate of
people who actually do faint!
Natsuo Maki : Then, let's say you've sprained
your ankle and can't move.
Natsuo Maki : Ow! (0:12:14.97)
Natsuo Maki : I sprained my ankle! (0:12:15.99)
Riko Kurahashi : That came out of nowhere. (0:12:17.10)
Natsuo Maki : Could someone carry me? (0:12:18.25)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't lie there expecting it! (0:12:20.82)
Natsuo Maki : But it'd make it easier to carry me! (0:12:22.93)
Riko Kurahashi : That kind of consideration won't help you! (0:12:23.92)
Riko Kurahashi : Instead of waiting for the guy to carry you, (0:12:26.25)
Riko Kurahashi : you need to look shy and turn him down once! (0:12:27.87)
Riko Kurahashi : He'll just carry you if you
keep insisting you're fine...
Riko Kurahashi : and then say, "You're pretty light," or something. (0:12:33.88)
Natsuo Maki : That's very detailed. (0:12:36.86)
Riko Kurahashi : O-Oh no. (0:12:39.36)
Riko Kurahashi : I accidentally shared what I daydream about with them! (0:12:41.28)
Natsuo Maki : Oh, I see! (0:12:43.52)
Natsuo Maki : You were talking from experience! (0:12:45.84)
Suzune Tanahashi : What an expert! (0:12:47.60)
Riko Kurahashi : I want a guy to tell me I'm light too! (0:12:49.58)
Natsuo Maki : Teach me how to look cute
when he's holding me!
Riko Kurahashi : Oh, you girls. (0:13:00.17)
Riko Kurahashi : The hell am I doing?! (0:13:01.80)
Suzune Tanahashi : How do I make myself feel light? (0:13:04.01)
Riko Kurahashi : Hell if I know! (0:13:06.44)
Riko Kurahashi : Tighten your belly muscles and focus! (0:13:07.59)
Riko Kurahashi : Then your body will become lighter... (0:13:10.52)
Riko Kurahashi : or so I think. (0:13:13.02)
Natsuo Maki : Okay! (0:13:13.94)
Suzune Tanahashi : Okay! (0:13:13.94)
Natsuo Maki : How do I appear cute? (0:13:14.80)
Riko Kurahashi : That's something I'd like to know! (0:13:16.34)
Riko Kurahashi : Er... (0:13:17.77)
Riko Kurahashi : F-First, look down. (0:13:19.24)
Natsuo Maki : Okay! (0:13:21.42)
Suzune Tanahashi : Okay! (0:13:21.42)
Riko Kurahashi : Th-Then... (0:13:22.11)
Riko Kurahashi : Look up occasionally (0:13:25.52)
Riko Kurahashi : and draw him in with your eyes! (0:13:27.57)
Suzune Tanahashi : With our eyes? (0:13:28.87)
Natsuo Maki : With our eyes? (0:13:28.87)
Riko Kurahashi : Yeah, with your eyes! (0:13:30.24)
Riko Kurahashi : He'll think you're adorable
if you have dazzling eyes...
Riko Kurahashi : probably. (0:13:34.66)
Natsuo Maki : Okay! (0:13:35.64)
Suzune Tanahashi : Okay! (0:13:35.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Let's review! (0:13:36.73)
Riko Kurahashi : Belly! (0:13:38.17)
Suzune Tanahashi : Belly! (0:13:38.98)
Natsuo Maki : Belly! (0:13:38.98)
Riko Kurahashi : Eyes! (0:13:39.94)
Suzune Tanahashi : Eyes! (0:13:41.07)
Natsuo Maki : Eyes! (0:13:41.07)
Riko Kurahashi : Belly! (0:13:42.13)
Suzune Tanahashi : Belly! (0:13:43.02)
Natsuo Maki : Belly! (0:13:43.02)
Riko Kurahashi : Eyes! (0:13:43.98)
Natsuo Maki : Eyes! (0:13:45.00)
Suzune Tanahashi : Eyes! (0:13:45.00)
Suzune Tanahashi : What's the matter? (0:13:57.23)
Riko Kurahashi : Lately I've been getting the feeling that people are watching me. (0:13:58.64)
Riko Kurahashi : Maybe I'm imagining things. (0:14:02.16)
EXTRA : That's Kurahashi-senpai! (0:14:04.03)
EXTRA : So wild! (0:14:05.87)
EXTRA : The Wild One! (0:14:06.96)
Suzune Tanahashi : You aren't imagining things, though. (0:14:08.36)
Suzune Tanahashi : And it didn't just start recently either. (0:14:10.62)
Suzune Tanahashi : Watch out! (0:14:21.26)
Suzune Tanahashi : Wi— (0:14:26.03)
Riko Kurahashi : What's this? (0:14:29.07)
Natsuo Maki : Harassment? (0:14:30.26)
Riko Kurahashi : Maybe. I'm not sure what it is . (0:14:31.68)
Natsuo Maki : I don't really get it. (0:14:35.81)
Riko Kurahashi : I know, right? (0:14:38.04)
Suzune Tanahashi : Um, I found this in the papers
the teachers gave me.
Natsuo Maki : Oh, another harassment letter? (0:14:47.86)
Riko Kurahashi : You're smiling. (0:14:50.03)
Sayori Mizushima : Enomoto Yuiko, a third-year student. (0:14:58.75)
Sayori Mizushima : She's decently attractive, (0:15:01.63)
Sayori Mizushima : gets okay grades, is sufficiently talented, (0:15:03.79)
Sayori Mizushima : and has a fair amount of
trust among her peers.
Sayori Mizushima : She's an all right girl. (0:15:10.54)
Yuiko Enomoto : Hey, stop with the half-assed compliments. (0:15:12.64)
Yuiko Enomoto : Also, they don't look hurt at all! (0:15:15.56)
Yuiko Enomoto : You sure you got it right, Sayo? (0:15:18.80)
Yuiko Enomoto : I knew something was off. (0:15:20.48)
Yuiko Enomoto : There's no way they're trying to become macho. (0:15:22.94)
Sayori Mizushima : Well, I did hear them say... (0:15:25.74)
Sayori Mizushima : Belly! (0:15:28.22)
Sayori Mizushima : Eyes! (0:15:29.50)
Yuiko Enomoto : Wh-What's that for? (0:15:30.16)
Sayori Mizushima : That's what I heard. (0:15:31.91)
Sayori Mizushima : It sounded like they were
doing muscle training.
Yuiko Enomoto : How did you get to "macho" from just that? (0:15:35.70)
Yuiko Enomoto : In any case, they're definitely up to something. (0:15:38.30)
Yuiko Enomoto : Let's gather evidence and tell the whole school about it! (0:15:43.01)
Yuiko Enomoto : We'll show everyone (0:15:45.86)
Yuiko Enomoto : that the president shouldn't be
Maki Natsuo, but me, Enomoto Yuiko!
Sayori Mizushima : You totally sound like a villain when you laugh. (0:16:00.21)
Suzune Tanahashi : Huh? There's something on the back. (0:16:03.98)
Riko Kurahashi : Mine says... (0:16:09.46)
Riko Kurahashi : What's this? (0:16:11.13)
Riko Kurahashi : "Regular" students aren't council members... (0:16:12.34)
Suzune Tanahashi : This one might be a mistake. (0:16:14.86)
Suzune Tanahashi : What vice-president? (0:16:16.82)
Natsuo Maki : Those are terrible harassment letters! (0:16:19.05)
Suzune Tanahashi : What? (0:16:20.95)
Suzune Tanahashi : Oh, I forgot you were just the acting president... (0:16:21.46)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh yeah, I remember now. (0:16:25.79)
Riko Kurahashi : I see. (0:16:28.74)
Riko Kurahashi : That's why it said "vice-president." (0:16:29.76)
EXTRA : No way! Really? (0:16:35.14)
EXTRA : Yeah, really! It was hilarious! (0:16:36.80)
Yuiko Enomoto : You guys! (0:16:38.48)
Yuiko Enomoto : Be quiet in the hallway! (0:16:39.81)
EXTRA : S-Sorry! (0:16:42.63)
Yuiko Enomoto : Geez. (0:16:44.69)
EXTRA : Who was that? (0:16:47.31)
EXTRA : Enomoto-senpai. She's a third-year. (0:16:48.72)
EXTRA : You know, she handed over the
presidency to the Princess of Fuji.
Yuiko Enomoto : I never handed it over! (0:16:53.78)
Sayori Mizushima : Eno, be quiet in the hallway. (0:16:58.08)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm so upset! (0:16:59.79)
Yuiko Enomoto : Everyone's treating me like a has-been! (0:17:01.36)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm still officially the president! (0:17:03.36)
Sayori Mizushima : Then you can always announce
your return to the post.
Sayori Mizushima : You wouldn't have to peek into the council room with binoculars every day like a perv. (0:17:09.85)
Yuiko Enomoto : Not every day! Yesterday was only my second time! (0:17:14.13)
Yuiko Enomoto : So I'm not a perv! (0:17:17.06)
Sayori Mizushima : She sounds like a culprit giving excuses. (0:17:18.60)
Yuiko Enomoto : I already tried to settle it peacefully. (0:17:20.77)
Yuiko Enomoto : But when I brought it up to the advisor... (0:17:23.59)
Katsuragi : What? (0:17:26.87)
Katsuragi : B-But Maki-san's the de facto president now. (0:17:27.53)
Katsuragi : I-I'm not saying you're useless! (0:17:30.73)
Katsuragi : But you know... (0:17:35.04)
Yuiko Enomoto : That pissed me off, so I peeked
into the council room,
Yuiko Enomoto : and I saw them doing something weird! (0:17:40.24)
Sayori Mizushima : But only pervs spy on others. (0:17:42.33)
Yuiko Enomoto : No! (0:17:44.58)
Yuiko Enomoto : I just want to blackmail them! (0:17:45.74)
Yuiko Enomoto : You want to be the treasurer again too, right? (0:17:48.16)
Sayori Mizushima : The big event, distributing the club funds, has already been done. (0:17:52.39)
Sayori Mizushima : So I don't really care. (0:17:55.07)
Yuiko Enomoto : But you love keeping track of money! (0:17:56.91)
Sayori Mizushima : I like money, not accounting! (0:17:58.59)
Sayori Mizushima : It'd be so frustrating to keep records without touching the cash! (0:18:01.15)
Yuiko Enomoto : Sayo can seem pretty sinister sometimes. (0:18:03.77)
Yuiko Enomoto : But I really need her help. (0:18:06.96)
Yuiko Enomoto : Sure, we're done distributing the club funds, (0:18:10.69)
Yuiko Enomoto : but we'll have extra funds
for the summer tournaments!
Yuiko Enomoto : So you'll get to handle a lot of cash if you get your job back now! (0:18:17.17)
Sayori Mizushima : Then I'll have to do everything I can to get it back! (0:18:24.37)
Yuiko Enomoto : All right! (0:18:26.50)
Sayori Mizushima : So far, I've just been tagging along because it was amusing to see you acting like a perv. (0:18:27.38)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm not a pervert! (0:18:32.16)
Sayori Mizushima : But I'll take things seriously from now on! (0:18:33.55)
Yuiko Enomoto : I told you I'm not a perv! (0:18:35.76)
Yuiko Enomoto : Are you listening? (0:18:38.34)
EXTRA : Why does she keep saying "perv"? (0:18:39.52)
Yuiko Enomoto : Hey! I asked if you're listening! (0:18:40.52)
EXTRA : She was shouting that she loves money. (0:18:41.75)
Yuiko Enomoto : Say something! (0:18:43.54)
EXTRA : Is that why they left the council? (0:18:44.01)
Yuiko Enomoto : Who do you think I am? (0:18:45.26)
Yuiko Enomoto : Answer me! (0:18:47.37)
Riko Kurahashi : Aren't you overthinking this? (0:18:48.52)
Riko Kurahashi : It doesn't look like harassment. (0:18:51.02)
Natsuo Maki : But just in case someone is harassing us, (0:18:52.25)
Natsuo Maki : I'll focus even harder on
my work until they lose interest.
Riko Kurahashi : You're pushing yourself too hard again. (0:18:58.45)
Natsuo Maki : It's all right. I can handle it. (0:19:00.61)
Natsuo Maki : And once the harassment stops, (0:19:03.00)
Natsuo Maki : we'll be able to practice love
with fresh enthusiasm!
Riko Kurahashi : Fresh enthusiasm...? (0:19:08.33)
Riko Kurahashi : Oh yeah! (0:19:10.84)
Riko Kurahashi : You said you banned the treasurer! (0:19:12.26)
Riko Kurahashi : You could ask her to come back! That'll reduce your workl— (0:19:15.20)
Natsuo Maki : I figured out who's harassing me. (0:19:20.17)
Riko Kurahashi : What? (0:19:22.61)
Natsuo Maki : It's Mizushima-senpai, the treasurer. (0:19:23.67)
Natsuo Maki : She'd have no problem doing something like this. (0:19:26.00)
Natsuo Maki : She's very elusive. (0:19:28.69)
Natsuo Maki : She's particularly good
at hiding her presence,
Natsuo Maki : so she can soundlessly approach
people and snoop around.
Sayori Mizushima : Hey! (0:19:36.18)
Sayori Mizushima : What is this? (0:19:37.36)
Riko Kurahashi : When did you get in here?! (0:19:40.24)
Natsuo Maki : Mizushima-senpai! (0:19:42.52)
Riko Kurahashi : What? This is the treasurer? (0:19:43.74)
Suzune Tanahashi : I'm back! (0:19:46.95)
Suzune Tanahashi : Mizushima-senpai? (0:19:52.79)
Sayori Mizushima : Hey, Tanahashi-san, (0:19:54.49)
Sayori Mizushima : what is this? (0:19:56.99)
Sayori Mizushima : What's this thing? (0:19:57.72)
Suzune Tanahashi : Th-That is the president's d— (0:19:58.51)
Natsuo Maki : Tanahashi-san! (0:20:01.24)
Sayori Mizushima : D... what? (0:20:05.18)
Natsuo Maki : Don't tell her! (0:20:07.51)
Riko Kurahashi : Dodge it! (0:20:08.34)
Suzune Tanahashi : D... D... (0:20:09.93)
Suzune Tanahashi : Dapan Dabadaba! It's the baron's self-portrait! (0:20:12.39)
Riko Kurahashi : The hell's that?! (0:20:16.48)
Riko Kurahashi : And what, a baron?! (0:20:17.42)
Sayori Mizushima : What's a baron's self-portrait doing here? (0:20:18.57)
Riko Kurahashi : No, no! The real question is, how is that a baron?! (0:20:21.33)
Suzune Tanahashi : Th-The baron is the ultimate student council leader, our guardian god! (0:20:23.61)
Riko Kurahashi : Just stop talking, Tanahashi! (0:20:28.03)
Sayori Mizushima : So that's why he's wearing a school uniform. (0:20:32.03)
Riko Kurahashi : She made sense out of it! (0:20:33.72)
Natsuo Maki : That was a fantastic cover-up! (0:20:35.58)
Riko Kurahashi : Damn it! Am I the weird one for finding so many things wrong here? (0:20:37.94)
Sayori Mizushima : But I must say, he looks like a rookie. (0:20:41.67)
Natsuo Maki : A rookie?! (0:20:43.46)
Natsuo Maki : Dakkyy is my— (0:20:44.72)
Riko Kurahashi : You idiot! (0:20:46.75)
Sayori Mizushima : Your what? (0:20:47.51)
Natsuo Maki : My... My... (0:20:49.54)
Natsuo Maki : My expensive pillow I bought from a mysterious merchant during a journey with my parents . (0:20:51.86)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't add more bogus backstory! (0:20:56.06)
Riko Kurahashi : And why are you using English words?! (0:20:58.12)
Sayori Mizushima : Expensive?! (0:20:59.23)
Sayori Mizushima : So it cost you an arm and a leg?! (0:21:01.17)
Riko Kurahashi : She took the bait in a way
no one could've ever imagined!
Sayori Mizushima : Then we should sell—I mean,
show it to everybody.
Riko Kurahashi : Wait! (0:21:09.06)
Riko Kurahashi : You can't do that... I'm afraid! (0:21:09.88)
Sayori Mizushima : How come? (0:21:11.83)
Sayori Mizushima : Is there anything wrong with that? (0:21:12.90)
Riko Kurahashi : Is she just pretending to be an idiot while she sounds us out? (0:21:14.46)
Sayori Mizushima : Just lend it to me for a minute. (0:21:17.79)
Riko Kurahashi : It won't protect the council anymore if we do that. (0:21:19.78)
Sayori Mizushima : Oh, I see. (0:21:22.96)
Sayori Mizushima : I give up! (0:21:24.56)
Natsuo Maki : Dakky! (0:21:26.59)
Natsuo Maki : Watch out! (0:21:27.97)
Suzune Tanahashi : Are you all right, President?! (0:21:36.98)
Riko Kurahashi : You're so desperate! (0:21:39.15)
Sayori Mizushima : I accidentally threw the guardian god of the student council. (0:21:40.94)
Sayori Mizushima : But I'm sure he'll forgive me. (0:21:43.58)
Sayori Mizushima : Seeing he has no problems with a do-nothing regular council member and a vice-president who hogs all the work. (0:21:45.50)
Riko Kurahashi : So it was her! (0:21:50.03)
Sayori Mizushima : All right, see you. (0:21:51.83)
Riko Kurahashi : Don't come back ever again! (0:21:58.00)
Natsuo Maki : Dakky! (0:21:58.93)
Yuiko Enomoto : She said she'd be fishing around for a bit, (0:22:02.59)
Yuiko Enomoto : but she's sure taking a while. (0:22:05.24)
Yuiko Enomoto : I wonder if they found he— (0:22:07.08)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm not going to spy anymore! (0:22:09.89)
Yuiko Enomoto : I'm not a perv! (0:22:11.50)
Sayori Mizushima : Eno! (0:22:13.25)
Yuiko Enomoto : Sayo! (0:22:15.25)
Sayori Mizushima : How was it? (0:22:16.31)
Sayori Mizushima : I declared war on them. (0:22:17.27)
Yuiko Enomoto : Wait... (0:22:20.64)
Yuiko Enomoto : What?! (0:22:22.98)
Suzune Tanahashi : Born as the third son of an
impoverished noble family,
Suzune Tanahashi : he left his homeland in search
of dreams and romance!
Natsuo Maki : Then, after a series of adventures,
he arrived at an island nation in the East,
Natsuo Maki : Fuji Girls' Kingdom. (0:24:07.71)
Suzune Tanahashi : There he met a beautiful princess caught in a fight over the throne (0:24:08.83)
Suzune Tanahashi : and heroically foiled the ambitions of a witch after the kingdom! (0:24:12.88)
Riko Kurahashi : Hey, what are you talking about? (0:24:15.93)
Natsuo Maki : How Baron Dapan Dabadaba became the guardian god of the student council! (0:24:17.68)
Riko Kurahashi : So you're one of them too. (0:24:22.02)
Riko Kurahashi : People who get so absorbed in
pointless, made-up stories.

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