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EXTRA : I hear from Mr. Rizzo that this place has a fairly skilled chef. (0:00:07.68)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Sorry to have kept you waiting. This is today's mixed appetizer.{antipasto will often include a selection of pickles and other firm vegetables, which are known as an antipasto misto.} (0:00:17.25)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please relax and enjoy the food. (0:00:30.16)
EXTRA : Doesn't it look delicious? (0:00:33.30)
EXTRA : Indeed. (0:00:35.27)
EXTRA : What's wrong? (0:00:55.32)
EXTRA : Uh, nothing... (0:00:56.61)
EXTRA : Excuse me! (0:00:58.56)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Yes? (0:00:59.60)
EXTRA : Why do all the employees here wear reading glasses? (0:01:03.20)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : That's just how this place is... (0:01:07.89)
EXTRA : Eh? (0:01:10.82)
Nicoletta : This mysterious restaurant can be found on a street near the center of Rome... (0:01:13.08)
Nicoletta : What's this? (0:02:58.46)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Oh, that's the commemorative picture that was taken when we opened the restaurant. (0:02:59.52)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Our staff back then was a bit different than now. (0:03:04.56)
Nicoletta : This person doesn't have reading glasses... (0:03:08.73)
Luciano De Luca : Yeah, that's why he quit. (0:03:10.94)
Nicoletta : What? Did he get fired? (0:03:13.10)
Vito : Not at all. (0:03:14.96)
Vito : Getting fired for that would be pretty harsh. (0:03:16.15)
Teo : But the owner is kind of weird too. (0:03:18.02)
Teo : To open a place like this just because the madame has a fetish for gentlemen wearing reading glasses. (0:03:20.98)
Furio Facchini : Now, now. (0:03:24.87)
Furio Facchini : This wine is certainly something, wouldn't you say, Gigi? (0:03:26.44)
Vito : He truly is a devoted husband. (0:03:31.73)
Furio Facchini : The madame met a wonderful husband, didn't she. (0:03:34.24)
Nicoletta : She's looking happy... (0:03:37.59)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : How are you feeling? (0:03:40.24)
Nicoletta : U–Uh, fine. (0:03:42.39)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : You can tell us anything. (0:03:44.62)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Since you are one of madame's precious acquaintances, you might as well be family to us. (0:03:47.08)
Nicoletta : Thank you. I'll keep that in mind. (0:03:53.18)
Nicoletta : I've done it now... (0:03:57.13)
Nicoletta : Now it'll be even harder to tell them I'm actually her daughter. (0:03:59.24)
Nicoletta : Yeah, everything's fine over here. (0:04:05.00)
Nicoletta : She's paying for my living expenses and such. (0:04:07.56)
Nicoletta : But she's been putting off her promise to talk. (0:04:10.89)
EXTRA : Well, she is a busy woman. (0:04:14.52)
Nicoletta : And, by the way, Grandma, (0:04:18.40)
Nicoletta : there's someone I just can't get out of my mind over here. (0:04:20.82)
Nicoletta : But I really don't know myself if it's love or not. (0:04:24.53)
EXTRA : I'm not very good with things like that. (0:04:28.02)
EXTRA : Couldn't you ask Olga? (0:04:32.14)
EXTRA : She's your mother after all, and she just happens to be close by.{This is a bit wierd, sekkaku means something like [with trouble, at great pains, long-awaited] i.e. that "she should take the chance while she's there" because she her mother is close to her position, I rewrote it to get it to make more sense, but this is really hard to TL} (0:04:34.55)
Nicoletta : I know she suggested that I go to Rome because she wanted me to make up with Mom, but... (0:04:43.62)
Nicoletta : And I know she's busy... (0:04:50.76)
Nicoletta : But if I'm going to stay in Rome,
I'm going to have to find a job sooner or later.
Nicoletta : But what kind of job should I get? (0:05:06.78)
Nicoletta : I really didn't think this through and just rushed out of the house to come here. (0:05:10.69)
Nicoletta : What? (0:05:17.50)
Nicoletta : A day off? (0:05:22.54)
Nicoletta : They could've told me. (0:05:28.12)
Luciano De Luca : Would you like to get some food soon, Francesco? (0:05:34.60)
Francesco : Sure, Grandpa. (0:05:37.61)
Luciano De Luca : What about that place's panini? (0:05:39.88)
Francesco : I wonder if they have the usual. (0:05:41.69)
Luciano De Luca : Let's see... (0:05:46.03)
Luciano De Luca : Hey. (0:05:52.95)
Luciano De Luca : Hey! (0:05:56.04)
Nicoletta : Luciano. (0:06:01.31)
Francesco : Grandpa, who's this? (0:06:02.50)
Luciano De Luca : One of the madame's acquaintances. (0:06:05.71)
Luciano De Luca : For some reason, she has the nerve to come eat with us every single day. (0:06:08.13)
Nicoletta : Your grandson? (0:06:14.87)
Francesco : I'm Francesco. (0:06:19.51)
Francesco : Nice to meet you. (0:06:21.54)
Nicoletta : I'm Nicoletta. (0:06:25.52)
Nicoletta : Don't always take what your grandpa says seriously, okay? (0:06:26.84)
Francesco : Are you hungry? (0:06:30.43)
Francesco : Oh, it's Gigi! (0:06:33.00)
Francesco : Good morning! (0:06:34.77)
Nicoletta : Could it be that you're always here at this bench? (0:06:37.92)
Luciano De Luca : Not even allowed to be left alone on my day off... (0:06:42.46)
Nicoletta : Yeah, put that in too. (0:06:55.01)
Nicoletta : We'll add the salt and pepper. (0:06:57.00)
Francesco : You're really good at this, Sis. (0:06:58.70)
Nicoletta : I've been helping my grandma in the kitchen ever since I was about your age, you see. (0:07:00.64)
Francesco : Grandma? Not your mother? (0:07:04.56)
Nicoletta : Yeah, it was my grandma who taught me how to cook. (0:07:07.03)
Francesco : It's good! (0:07:17.88)
Nicoletta : So, have I redeemed myself? (0:07:20.10)
Luciano De Luca : Well, for an amateur... (0:07:22.00)
Gian Luigi Orsini : It works. (0:07:24.54)
Nicoletta : He talked! (0:07:25.79)
Luciano De Luca : How long are you staying? (0:07:27.84)
Luciano De Luca : Are you, perchance, planning to stay here? (0:07:30.14)
Nicoletta : Would that be bad? (0:07:33.29)
Luciano De Luca : What do your parents think? (0:07:35.04)
Francesco : My dad is always away on business trips. (0:07:38.77)
Nicoletta : Oh, that's unfortunate. (0:07:41.90)
Luciano De Luca : Well if you really want to stay, you should at least get a job. (0:07:44.27)
Luciano De Luca : But don't take this lightly. (0:07:47.22)
Luciano De Luca : If you're serious, I could consider introdu— (0:07:49.34)
Nicoletta : I was already looking even without you telling me to. (0:07:51.78)
Francesco : To! (0:07:53.78)
Luciano De Luca : Stop imitating. (0:07:54.99)
Nicoletta : Stop imitating. (0:07:54.99)
Francesco : Okay. (0:07:56.97)
Nicoletta : Isn't Claudio coming? (0:08:04.59)
Nicoletta : Is he helping his wife since it's a day off or something? (0:08:10.28)
Nicoletta : Hey. (0:08:17.76)
Luciano De Luca : This pasta is better than I thought. (0:08:19.75)
Nicoletta : What's up with that... (0:08:24.80)
Lorenzo Orsini : Nicoletta seems to be showing up quite diligently at the restaurant. (0:08:27.85)
Olga : I guess she finds it exciting. (0:08:32.39)
Olga : She's still a child. (0:08:34.81)
Lorenzo Orsini : How about we invite her over from time to time? (0:08:36.87)
Lorenzo Orsini : She is an acquaintance after all. (0:08:39.73)
Olga : To be honest, I'm not sure how I should approach her. (0:08:42.12)
Olga : I still see her as the small child she was when I last saw her. (0:08:45.74)
Lorenzo Orsini : Just be yourself. (0:08:50.67)
Lorenzo Orsini : It's not like you to fret over details like this. (0:08:53.20)
Olga : Thanks. (0:08:56.65)
Nicoletta : What's up with Luciano treating me like a kid? (0:09:05.83)
Nicoletta : But it's true that I haven't really thought about my future... (0:09:12.67)
Nicoletta : I know I have to think about it, (0:09:23.95)
Nicoletta : but on the other hand, I think that love is also important at my age. (0:09:28.63)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Good morning, Nicoletta. (0:09:34.72)
Vito : Good morning. (0:09:36.96)
Nicoletta : Good morning. (0:09:38.72)
Nicoletta : Could I really... be in love? (0:09:41.68)
Nicoletta : I just don't know. (0:09:45.56)
Luciano De Luca : You're here again? (0:09:50.41)
Nicoletta : For example, even Luciano, who doesn't let up with his scolding... (0:09:51.98)
Luciano De Luca : I'll walk you. (0:09:59.24)
Nicoletta : If he unexpectedly shows his kind side like this, (0:10:03.04)
Nicoletta : I might easily fall in love. (0:10:06.95)
Nicoletta : The weather report said it was supposed to be clear. (0:10:17.54)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Would you like to call a taxi? (0:10:20.06)
Nicoletta : We'll be fine if we run. (0:10:22.29)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'm fine with that, but you... (0:10:24.05)
Luciano De Luca : Use this. It can shelter two people easily. (0:10:28.44)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Thank you. (0:10:33.94)
Nicoletta : Thanks, Luciano. (0:10:35.84)
Luciano De Luca : I lent it to Claudio. (0:10:37.19)
Luciano De Luca : Get going before it gets any worse. (0:10:39.10)
Nicoletta : He really is a good guy, don't you think? (0:10:44.89)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Isn't he though? (0:10:47.37)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : That's true. (0:10:52.96)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Gigi is a bit odd. (0:10:55.52)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : But he actually is a nice guy. (0:10:59.05)
Nicoletta : What's your wife like? (0:11:06.66)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Er... (0:11:15.89)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I don't really have a wife. (0:11:17.93)
Nicoletta : But, your ring... (0:11:21.45)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : There's a reason for this ring. (0:11:24.13)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Among our patrons, there are sometimes those who seek a serious relationship. (0:11:27.20)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : There are even some who propose marriage. (0:11:32.85)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is something like a measure against that. (0:11:35.82)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I parted with my wife some years ago. (0:11:40.02)
Nicoletta : What am I supposed to do now? (0:11:45.86)
Nicoletta : The wall between us just disappeared. (0:11:47.88)
Nicoletta : I guess I was actually against adultery. (0:12:07.77)
Nicoletta : I wouldn't seriously propose marriage, but... (0:12:11.31)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I parted with my wife some years ago. (0:12:22.73)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Among our patrons, there are sometimes those who seek a serious relationship. (0:12:26.20)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This is something like a measure against that. (0:12:31.67)
Nicoletta : Here. (0:12:38.98)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : U–Um... (0:12:41.61)
Nicoletta : Please sit. (0:12:43.24)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : O–Okay. (0:12:44.58)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Thank you. (0:12:46.94)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : This smells wonderful. (0:12:53.10)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : What is it? (0:12:54.92)
Nicoletta : It's from that café. (0:12:56.79)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I see. (0:13:00.91)
Nicoletta : What do I do? (0:13:02.21)
Nicoletta : I can't take my eyes off him. (0:13:03.75)
Nicoletta : To feel this way about someone so much older... (0:13:06.90)
Nicoletta : It's so new. (0:13:11.68)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : U–Um... (0:13:24.28)
Nicoletta : I'd like to try something to see how I really feel. (0:13:26.12)
Nicoletta : I like you a lot, but I don't know if it's genuine or not. (0:13:32.03)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please... wait... (0:13:39.71)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Um... (0:13:45.32)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please don't. (0:13:47.99)
Nicoletta : I... (0:13:55.44)
Nicoletta : It seems I really like gentlemen. (0:13:57.15)
Olga : Nicoletta, long time no see! (0:14:01.45)
Olga : I brought chocolate! (0:14:03.43)
Olga : Keep your hands off my Claudio, okay? (0:14:09.78)
Nicoletta : And why's he yours?! (0:14:13.50)
Olga : All of those gentlemen are mine. (0:14:15.27)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'm sorry. (0:14:18.29)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : To be in the room of one of your acquaintances this late. (0:14:20.39)
Olga : It's all right. Go have a seat. (0:14:23.67)
Olga : I know she forced you to come here against your will. (0:14:26.91)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : No, but... (0:14:30.04)
Nicoletta : Could you let us talk in private? (0:14:32.75)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Okay. (0:14:36.36)
Olga : You're not actually serious, are you? (0:14:38.80)
Olga : You're serious?! (0:14:44.35)
Nicoletta : Yeah, well he's single so it should be all right. (0:14:45.91)
Olga : What about Luciano? (0:14:48.85)
Olga : He's single too. (0:14:50.80)
Nicoletta : Why? (0:14:52.07)
Olga : Then what about Teo? (0:14:53.28)
Nicoletta : Why, it's like you just don't want it to be Claudio. (0:14:54.89)
Olga : Well, I know what you mean, but... (0:14:58.62)
Olga : Claudio is the type of guy you want to fluster by chasing him, right? (0:15:01.28)
Olga : Hey, isn't it about time you went home to Grandma? (0:15:05.47)
Nicoletta : What's that all about?! (0:15:09.31)
Olga : Well, you're still young. No need to hurry. (0:15:10.53)
Olga : You should get yourself a job and start thinking about your future. (0:15:14.21)
Nicoletta : Bah, I've had enough! (0:15:17.25)
Nicoletta : Why does everyone keep insisting on treating me like a child? (0:15:18.60)
Olga : What? (0:15:21.52)
Nicoletta : And I am thinking about my future! (0:15:22.64)
Nicoletta : But I just don't know what to do. (0:15:24.71)
Nicoletta : What is it that I can do? (0:15:27.24)
Francesco : You're really good at this, sis. (0:15:30.72)
Olga : What happened? You're quiet all of a sudden. (0:15:37.14)
Nicoletta : Hey, I'd like to ask you for a favor. (0:15:41.02)
Olga : What? (0:15:43.30)
Nicoletta : If you agree, I'll reconsider revealing to the owner that I'm your daughter. (0:15:44.22)
Nicoletta : I'll be working here as an apprentice from now on. {She states her name at the end, in accordance to Japanese custom, I thought it sounded really silly to add it in the translation, but I'll leave it up to you I guess} (0:15:58.23)
Nicoletta : I'll be in your care. (0:16:01.66)
Olga : Lorenzo has approved of it, and I'm okay with it. (0:16:03.20)
Olga : But you are not to leave the kitchen. Promise me that, okay? (0:16:06.75)
Nicoletta : Of course. (0:16:11.85)
Furio Facchini : So, you've been interested in cooking for some time then? (0:16:19.05)
Furio Facchini : You even went to culinary school? (0:16:23.19)
Nicoletta : Yeah, but I never thought about making it my profession. (0:16:25.85)
Teo : Oh? (0:16:30.38)
Teo : So why did you suddenly change your mind? (0:16:31.43)
Nicoletta : I hadn't actually decided on what I wanted to do. (0:16:33.59)
Nicoletta : But I really want to be independent, (0:16:36.20)
Nicoletta : so I'd like to take this opportunity to learn how to cook. (0:16:38.25)
Furio Facchini : Please do. (0:16:42.77)
Nicoletta : Hey, aren't you holding a cooking class at your home? (0:16:43.85)
Nicoletta : Would it be okay if I joined? (0:16:47.38)
Furio Facchini : It would be a pleasure. (0:16:49.40)
Teo : The pancetta isn't in here. (0:16:52.13)
Teo : That Giuseppe... and I told him like a hundred times. (0:16:53.99)
Furio Facchini : That's troublesome. (0:16:56.78)
Furio Facchini : Even if we called him, he still wouldn't be able to make it here in time. (0:16:58.57)
Nicoletta : Would you like me to go get it? (0:17:01.50)
Nicoletta : I just need to know where to go. (0:17:03.96)
Furio Facchini : Please. (0:17:06.45)
Furio Facchini : Claudio, it's like you heard. Could you go with her? (0:17:08.89)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Um... (0:17:27.27)
Nicoletta : I'm sorry for doing something like that so suddenly last night. (0:17:28.25)
Nicoletta : But just so you know, I'm serious. (0:17:35.20)
Nicoletta : I don't regret anything. (0:17:37.76)
Nicoletta : Oh well, I'll let you off the hook for a while. (0:17:44.87)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Nicoletta... I'm... (0:17:47.68)
Nicoletta : I really do want to learn how to cook. (0:17:50.39)
Nicoletta : The reason I started to work there isn't just because of you. (0:17:53.34)
Nicoletta : I'd like to try and do the things I might be good at. (0:17:59.04)
Nicoletta : And not rely on Olga all the time. (0:18:02.79)
Nicoletta : And be truly independent someday. (0:18:05.84)
Nicoletta : I'll become a really great woman and make her see that. (0:18:09.09)
Nicoletta : I won't let her treat me like a child any longer. (0:18:13.75)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Please do your best. (0:18:17.67)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : I'll be cheering for you. (0:18:19.21)
Nicoletta : Okay. (0:18:20.73)
Nicoletta : I'll be in your care again. (0:18:21.97)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Here you go. (0:18:29.96)
Nicoletta : Thanks. (0:18:31.02)
Nicoletta : It's truly wonderful to be able to work at the same place. (0:18:37.10)
Luciano De Luca : Gabriella will be here tonight, right? (0:18:41.17)
Teo : In that case, we should make the
dessert more extravagant than usual.
Nicoletta : Gabriella? (0:18:47.06)
Nicoletta : Is she a VIP? (0:18:48.45)
Vito : Good evening. (0:19:00.89)
Vito : Gabriella's here. (0:19:04.01)
Teo : Understood. (0:19:05.75)
Nicoletta : Hey, is Gabriella some kind of VIP? (0:19:07.00)
Furio Facchini : Yes, she's Claudio's ex-wife. (0:19:10.14)
Nicoletta : I wanna see! (0:19:13.67)
Furio Facchini : Don't get spotted. (0:19:15.54)
Nicoletta : Her skin is beautiful. (0:19:24.08)
Nicoletta : Ex-wife? (0:19:27.88)
Furio Facchini : Yes. (0:19:29.59)
Nicoletta : She's his ex... right? (0:19:31.56)
Vito : Great work today, Nicoletta. (0:19:41.61)
Nicoletta : See you tomorrow! (0:19:43.54)
Gabriella : When are you going to take that ring off? (0:19:53.65)
Gabriella : I'm not telling you to though. (0:20:02.12)
Gabriella : Well, see you later. (0:20:09.16)
Nicoletta : I'm sorry for interrupting. (0:20:20.82)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Not at all. (0:20:24.13)
Nicoletta : Claudio... (0:20:30.32)
Nicoletta : I wonder if he still loves her. (0:20:32.35)
Nicoletta : Located on one of the streets of Rome, (0:20:43.97)
Nicoletta : the restaurant's name is "Casetta dell'Orso." (0:20:46.76)
Nicoletta : She's my mom. (0:20:58.07)
Nicoletta : I said it! (0:21:02.00)
Santo Claudio Paradiso : Eh?! (0:21:03.15)

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