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EXTRA : Please open the door! (0:00:05.89)
EXTRA : You have nowhere else to run! (0:00:07.23)
EXTRA : King! (0:00:09.31)
EXTRA : King! (0:00:10.19)
Bartra Lyonesse : You must escape, Elizabeth. (0:00:12.44)
Elizabeth Liones : I won't go alone! You must get to safety as well! (0:00:14.71)
Bartra Lyonesse : Your father will be fine. (0:00:17.71)
Elizabeth Liones : But! (0:00:19.64)
Bartra Lyonesse : Go now, before the Holy Knights get inside. (0:00:20.78)
EXTRA : Due to the coup d'état by the Holy Knights, (0:00:35.43)
EXTRA : The third princess of the
Liones Kingdom, Elizabeth,
EXTRA : fled in distress and began her journey (0:00:42.43)
EXTRA : in search of the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:00:45.35)
Meliodas : How is it? (0:00:51.41)
Elizabeth Liones : Delicious... (0:00:53.04)
EXTRA : However, her journey was fraught with peril. (0:00:54.90)
EXTRA : Before long, she almost ended up captured. (0:00:57.20)
EXTRA : But then a certain person appeared to save her. (0:00:59.91)
EXTRA : This person was the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins, (0:01:03.78)
EXTRA : The Dragon's Wrath, Meliodas! (0:01:07.00)
EXTRA : There, she met her savior! (0:01:09.35)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans
and beings from other worlds.
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:19.15)
EXTRA : The Holy Knights who protected this country (0:01:21.75)
EXTRA : wielded immensely powerful magic. (0:01:23.84)
EXTRA : They were both feared and revered. (0:01:26.00)
EXTRA : However, (0:01:29.26)
EXTRA : a faction arose who betrayed their country and turned their blades against the remaining Knights. (0:01:30.48)
EXTRA : To the masses, they were known as the "Seven Deadly Sins." (0:01:35.44)
Meliodas : Elizabeth! (0:03:22.87)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes? (0:03:24.11)
Meliodas : Take a look outside. (0:03:25.09)
Elizabeth Liones : Okay! (0:03:27.22)
Elizabeth Liones : This isn't a dream! (0:03:29.56)
Elizabeth Liones : I've really found one! (0:03:31.19)
Elizabeth Liones : The legendary member of the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:03:34.00)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:03:36.91)
Elizabeth Liones : I think... (0:03:38.93)
Elizabeth Liones : Um... About this outfit... (0:03:42.43)
Meliodas : It's my bar's uniform. (0:03:44.57)
Hawk : Sorry that his taste is so obvious. (0:03:46.23)
Elizabeth Liones : So, all I have to do is gather rumors and information on the Seven Deadly Sins (0:03:50.18)
Elizabeth Liones : while I wait on customers, right? (0:03:54.97)
Meliodas : Information on the Holy
Knights would be helpful too.
Meliodas : Don't worry, just making sure it's nice and snug. (0:04:01.40)
Hawk : Idiot! We just got some eye candy in
here and you're gonna drive her away?! {I dunno the correct word for this. Pretty much she's just there to attract attention to the shop. I swear there's a proper term for this.}
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, there's just one question I wish to ask you. (0:04:11.55)
Elizabeth Liones : The Seven Deadly Sins... (0:04:17.37)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, are you as evil as the rumors say you are? (0:04:19.38)
Elizabeth Liones : If you are, what crime did you
commit to earn your reputation?
Meliodas : What crime did I commit... (0:04:28.14)
Elizabeth Liones : I just feel like there must be some
sort of misunderstanding here.
Elizabeth Liones : Because you saved me! Someone you barely know. (0:04:34.56)
Meliodas : Well... (0:04:38.87)
Meliodas : Ten years ago, I traveled all around Liones and stole all the women's underwear I could find. (0:04:40.25)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-You're kidding, right?! (0:04:44.96)
Meliodas : Yep. (0:04:46.51)
Meliodas : Actually, I went around groping
the breasts of over 1,000 women.
Elizabeth Liones : Wh-What? Are you joking?! (0:04:53.14)
Meliodas : Yep. (0:04:55.39)
Elizabeth Liones : Please stop making fun of me! (0:04:57.43)
Elizabeth Liones : Or did you really commit a crime that you can't speak about to anyone? (0:04:59.13)
Meliodas : Something like that. (0:05:04.18)
Meliodas : Whoa, watch out! (0:05:07.61)
Hawk : Hey, hey! (0:05:08.97)
Meliodas : Here we are. (0:05:11.83)
Meliodas : Our next target for gathering information. (0:05:13.55)
Meliodas : Bernia Village! (0:05:16.29)
Meliodas : My bar stocks alcohol from all over the kingdom, (0:05:28.73)
Meliodas : but the booze from Bernia is on a different level. (0:05:31.66)
Meliodas : Using water from a river hailed as the best in all of Liones (0:05:33.85)
Meliodas : and grout that's found growing along the banks, Bernia Ale is renowned throughout the kingdom. (0:05:36.44)
Hawk : But... (0:05:42.45)
Hawk : it appears that the famous river has dried up. (0:05:43.28)
Elizabeth Liones : The herbs all look like they've wilted too. (0:05:46.36)
Meliodas : What could've happened? (0:05:49.46)
Elizabeth Liones : There are so many people here! (0:05:55.95)
Elizabeth Liones : I wonder if there's a festival? (0:05:58.22)
Meliodas : Yo! (0:05:59.75)
EXTRA : You're the Boar Hat's— (0:06:02.25)
Meliodas : Is there a festival today? (0:06:03.32)
EXTRA : Huh? Does this look like a festival to you? (0:06:04.75)
EXTRA : We're trying to pull out the sword that the Holy Knight stuck into the ground! (0:06:07.63)
Meliodas : The Holy Knight stuck the sword? (0:06:11.84)
Meliodas : Why'd he do that? (0:06:13.82)
EXTRA : Yesterday, we incurred the wrath of a Holy Knight. (0:06:15.03)
EXTRA : The Holy Knight's magic-imbued sword (0:06:19.62)
EXTRA : has sealed away the village's underground water source. (0:06:22.18)
EXTRA : At this rate, not only will the river disappear, but all the grout, too! (0:06:25.06)
EXTRA : If that happens, Bernia's ale will be... (0:06:29.17)
EXTRA : Dammit! (0:06:31.53)
Elizabeth Liones : A Holy Knight... (0:06:32.27)
Elizabeth Liones : It couldn't be the one that Lord Meliodas defeated, could it? (0:06:33.49)
Meliodas : You mean Lord Twigo? (0:06:38.83)
Meliodas : He wasn't really a Holy Knight. (0:06:41.39)
Meliodas : A real one is nothing like that. (0:06:44.17)
EXTRA : If a Holy Knight stuck the sword into the ground, only a Holy Knight could pull it out. {To pull out a Holy Knight's sword, we'd need the power of a Holy Knight.} (0:06:47.46)
EXTRA : It pains me to say this, (0:06:52.76)
EXTRA : but this village is finished. (0:06:55.41)
Elizabeth Liones : But... (0:06:58.24)
Mead : Oh, come on, what's everyone whining about? (0:06:59.47)
EXTRA : Mead! (0:07:03.13)
Mead : What's with the commotion about this Holy Knight's sword? (0:07:04.11)
Mead : If you leave it to my pal from the
Seven Deadly Sins, it'll be a breeze.
EXTRA : Listen, Mead! (0:07:12.32)
EXTRA : Just who do you think is responsible for this in the first place? (0:07:13.71)
EXTRA : Mentioning the Deadly Sins is just
about the worst thing you could do!
EXTRA : Yeah! Don't make the Holy
Knight angrier than he already is!
EXTRA : What exactly do you have against us?! (0:07:24.19)
Mead : Wh-What?! (0:07:26.33)
Mead : I never meant it like that. (0:07:28.93)
EXTRA : We're through with your lies and jokes! (0:07:30.55)
EXTRA : Stupid Mead! (0:07:33.18)
Mead : I hate you all! (0:07:36.20)
EXTRA : Yeah, well, we all hate you too, Mead! (0:07:38.64)
Mead : Shut up you idiots! Idiots! (0:07:42.13)
Meliodas : Why am I getting dragged into this? (0:07:42.75)
EXTRA : Everyone, stop! (0:07:45.45)
Hawk : Looks like we dropped by at a bad time. (0:07:48.53)
EXTRA : He's a good kid deep down, but... (0:07:52.23)
Meliodas : Man, that was horrible. (0:07:57.99)
Meliodas : Hey, kid. (0:08:00.85)
Meliodas : Back there... (0:08:02.12)
Mead : Aren't you a kid too? (0:08:02.95)
Meliodas : I ain't no kid. (0:08:05.06)
Mead : Is this... a bar? (0:08:07.35)
Meliodas : The Boar Hat. (0:08:08.88)
Meliodas : It's my bar. (0:08:10.30)
Mead : I'm hungry. (0:08:11.58)
Meliodas : Well, answer my question
and I'll cook you something.
Mead : Food first. (0:08:16.06)
Mead : It looks delicious! Time to eat! (0:08:19.43)
Mead : Disgusting! (0:08:24.56)
Meliodas : I never said it would be good. (0:08:25.44)
Meliodas : So... (0:08:28.87)
Meliodas : Is it true? (0:08:29.44)
Meliodas : That your friend is one of the Seven? (0:08:31.07)
Mead : The food was so disgusting that I forgot. (0:08:35.39)
Mead : That smell... It's Bernia Ale, right? (0:08:38.99)
Mead : Wait, you're a kid, so you shouldn't really be drinking that. (0:08:41.37)
Meliodas : Like I said, I ain't no kid. (0:08:45.62)
Mead : I-It tastes amazing, right?! (0:08:47.58)
Meliodas : Yeah. (0:08:50.74)
Mead : The sweet and rich taste makes it the best ale! (0:08:51.40)
Mead : Or that's what the adults told me, anyway... (0:08:54.80)
Meliodas : Oh, you're back. (0:08:58.34)
Elizabeth Liones : Mead, you're quite the prankster, aren't you? (0:09:01.05)
EXTRA : The Village Chief told me everything. (0:09:05.74)
Mead : Huh? What's with this meddling lady? (0:09:07.77)
Elizabeth Liones : When I was younger, my father used to
scold me all the time for pulling pranks.
Mead : What's your point? (0:09:17.57)
Elizabeth Liones : I wanted his attention. (0:09:19.36)
Elizabeth Liones : Because he wasn't my real father. (0:09:21.99)
Elizabeth Liones : One time, I climbed the big tree in our garden (0:09:27.13)
Elizabeth Liones : to try to give him a fright. (0:09:30.25)
Elizabeth Liones : However, my father's face turned pale, and he began to climb up after me. (0:09:33.97)
Elizabeth Liones : He had never climbed a tree before. (0:09:38.48)
Elizabeth Liones : As expected, he couldn't climb it,
fell down, and was injured.
Elizabeth Liones : I... (0:09:47.13)
Elizabeth Liones : can't forget what happened, even now. (0:09:48.49)
Elizabeth Liones : If my father had died back then... (0:09:51.83)
Mead : I... (0:09:56.55)
Mead : didn't mean to pull pranks or tell lies because of that. (0:09:57.48)
Elizabeth Liones : Tell me. (0:10:03.17)
Mead : M-My... (0:10:05.99)
Mead : mom and dad were both travelers. (0:10:08.66)
Mead : But a few years ago, they both fell victim to an epidemic when they stopped by Bernia Village. (0:10:11.86)
Mead : I was alone... (0:10:18.37)
Mead : But the villagers took me in and
raised me in place of my parents.
Mead : I was really happy. (0:10:23.08)
Mead : But in the end, I was never a part of anyone's family. (0:10:25.82)
Mead : I became jealous of everyone else who had families. (0:10:29.37)
Mead : Started pulling pranks and telling lies... (0:10:33.29)
Elizabeth Liones : Is that why you put the bug in the Holy Knight's drink? (0:10:36.15)
Mead : No! It was because that Holy
Knight made fools out of all of us!
EXTRA : This year's ale is the best batch we've ever made. (0:10:46.47)
EXTRA : It's our pride and joy. (0:10:50.26)
Gilthunder : Disgusting. (0:10:58.85)
Gilthunder : It's only slightly better than a horse's urine. (0:11:00.93)
EXTRA : N-No! (0:11:13.11)
EXTRA : Please forgive us! (0:11:14.77)
Mead : All the adults and even the kids (0:11:23.87)
Mead : worked hard every single day to make the very best ale. (0:11:26.00)
Mead : But he... (0:11:29.89)
Mead : Holy Knights are all a joke! (0:11:32.03)
Meliodas : So, when you said your friend was one of the Seven... (0:11:34.30)
Mead : I-It was a lie... (0:11:38.87)
Meliodas : I see. Got worked up for nothing. (0:11:40.17)
Elizabeth Liones : Why make up a lie like that? (0:11:44.00)
Mead : Because the Seven Deadly Sins are
being chased by the Holy Knights, right?
Mead : If the evil Holy Knights are after them, (0:11:50.18)
Mead : that means they must be good people, right? (0:11:52.81)
Meliodas : Hmm? (0:11:59.51)
Mead : It's coming from the village. (0:12:03.07)
Elizabeth Liones : Mead! (0:12:05.41)
EXTRA : Listen up, you scum! (0:12:16.45)
EXTRA : If you aren't able to pull out the
Holy Knight's sword by sunset,
EXTRA : we're going to increase the
taxes on this village tenfold!
EXTRA : That's insane! (0:12:25.39)
EXTRA : Forget about being paid tenfold. (0:12:26.95)
EXTRA : With the water dried up, we won't even be able to make a single glass of ale! (0:12:28.37)
EXTRA : This is your punishment! (0:12:31.99)
EXTRA : Not only did you insult the Holy Knight, (0:12:33.14)
EXTRA : you even claimed that one of the villainous Seven Deadly Sins was a friend of yours! (0:12:35.61)
EXTRA : Shit, if only Mead hadn't shot his stupid mouth off! (0:12:39.40)
EXTRA : Mead?! (0:12:45.51)
EXTRA : Not you again. (0:12:46.41)
EXTRA : It's boring to watch
a brat like you try all the time.
EXTRA : Soon the taxes'll be twenty times as high! (0:12:51.33)
EXTRA : There's no way you'll be able to pull it out. (0:12:54.29)
EXTRA : Idiot! (0:12:56.71)
EXTRA : Stop embarrassing us even further! (0:12:57.31)
EXTRA : Enough of this! (0:12:59.95)
EXTRA : Village Chief... (0:13:03.22)
EXTRA : Who was it that insulted our pride as ale brewers? (0:13:05.60)
EXTRA : Was it Mead? (0:13:09.69)
EXTRA : No! (0:13:11.05)
EXTRA : That child said what we were all feeling, did he not? (0:13:12.25)
Mead : A-Auntie? (0:13:22.38)
EXTRA : It's as the Village Chief says. (0:13:23.60)
EXTRA : What you did was not wrong. (0:13:25.76)
EXTRA : Hey, did you fools not hear what we said earlier? (0:13:31.18)
EXTRA : It's going to be twenty times more, twenty! (0:13:34.41)
EXTRA : Women should stand back. (0:13:37.13)
EXTRA : Mead. (0:13:39.49)
EXTRA : All right, let's do this! (0:13:42.48)
EXTRA : It's not even moving an inch! (0:13:53.20)
EXTRA : We're gonna sit back and watch you
fools while we enjoy your cheap beer.
Mead : Come on! (0:14:02.53)
EXTRA : Come out, goddammit! (0:14:04.64)
EXTRA : Look at their desperate faces! (0:14:08.75)
EXTRA : A toast, to these fools! (0:14:10.20)
Meliodas : People who don't appreciate the taste
of alcohol don't deserve to drink this ale.
Meliodas : That hit the spot. (0:14:29.22)
Meliodas : Sorry, but I don't have anything on me to pay you with. (0:14:32.62)
Meliodas : So how's this instead? (0:14:36.44)
EXTRA : No way! (0:14:47.65)
EXTRA : A sword that only a Holy Knight can pull out... (0:14:48.89)
EXTRA : was taken by a kid?! (0:14:52.87)
EXTRA : What's that sound? (0:14:56.83)
Meliodas : You forgot something. (0:15:07.71)
Elizabeth Liones : Amazing... (0:15:15.28)
Elizabeth Liones : So this is the strength of one of the Seven. (0:15:17.09)
Mead : Hey, could you possibly be the real... (0:15:19.52)
Meliodas : Yep. (0:15:22.89)
Meliodas : Not just "possibly."
I'm the real, proud owner of a bar!
Mead : That's not what I meant! (0:15:27.19)
Meliodas : Besides, (0:15:29.13)
Meliodas : you still have something you need to do, right? (0:15:30.10)
EXTRA : Mead, (0:15:36.63)
EXTRA : we're really sorry. (0:15:37.52)
EXTRA : Can you forgive us? (0:15:39.00)
Mead : Whether or not I forgive you... (0:15:41.60)
Mead : For someone who's alone like me... (0:15:44.32)
Meliodas : Come on. (0:15:48.54)
Mead : Wh-What do you mean, "Come on"? (0:15:49.74)
Mead : I... don't get what you're saying... (0:15:52.09)
EXTRA : Mead. (0:15:54.62)
EXTRA : Mead! (0:15:55.84)
EXTRA : Mead! (0:15:57.29)
EXTRA : Mead! (0:15:59.26)
Meliodas : No matter what lies you tell, (0:16:05.18)
Meliodas : you can't fool your own heart. (0:16:07.15)
EXTRA : To Boar Hat's Meliodas! (0:16:14.35)
EXTRA : Cheers! (0:16:16.63)
Elizabeth Liones : I... (0:16:18.48)
Elizabeth Liones : I wonder if I'll be able to pull this off. (0:16:19.66)
Elizabeth Liones : It's the first time I've ever done anything like this. (0:16:22.15)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm so nervous. (0:16:24.68)
Meliodas : I see, I see. So this is your first time. (0:16:26.38)
Meliodas : Can you say that one more time? Just once more. (0:16:28.71)
Hawk : What are you getting all excited for?! (0:16:31.61)
Meliodas : Well, don't worry about gathering information today. (0:16:34.05)
Meliodas : Just focus on being a waitress for now. (0:16:37.27)
Meliodas : At any rate, you should take it easy for now. (0:16:39.18)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:16:42.18)
Elizabeth Liones : I'll take it easy! (0:16:43.44)
Elizabeth Liones : Sorry! I'm really sorry! (0:16:47.31)
Elizabeth Liones : You didn't order this? (0:16:50.64)
Elizabeth Liones : But... (0:16:51.61)
EXTRA : Hey, over here! (0:16:53.16)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:16:54.40)
Hawk : Well, looks like we'll have plenty of leftovers. (0:17:02.43)
Mead : Lady, you've never helped
out at home before, have you?
Mead : I can tell just by looking. (0:17:09.55)
Mead : You've never done a chore in your life. (0:17:11.78)
EXTRA : Stop it, Mead. Acting all high and mighty. (0:17:13.55)
EXTRA : You need to reflect on your actions more. (0:17:16.60)
EXTRA : If you get too cocky, we'll throw you into the Forest of White Dreams. (0:17:18.84)
Mead : Not that! (0:17:23.38)
Elizabeth Liones : Forest of White Dreams? (0:17:25.25)
Mead : A forest even the powerful Holy Knights avoid! (0:17:26.92)
Mead : Auntie, I'll be a good boy, so please forgive me! (0:17:30.33)
EXTRA : This kid is just... (0:17:34.31)
Mead : I promise! (0:17:36.24)
EXTRA : Don't even try to fool this auntie. I'm keeping a close eye on you! (0:17:37.57)
EXTRA : E-Earlier... (0:17:47.50)
EXTRA : We received a report from
the soldiers at Bernia Village.
EXTRA : A-An unidentified child has... (0:17:52.38)
EXTRA : pulled out Lord Gilthunder's sword! (0:17:55.44)
EXTRA : I'm sure it's by chance that the child— (0:17:59.98)
Gilthunder : Are you suggesting that a Holy Knight's sword was pulled from the ground by "chance"? (0:18:02.81)
EXTRA : N-No, sir, but... (0:18:06.06)
Gilthunder : Give me the direction and distance to Bernia. (0:18:09.39)
Gilthunder : Make sure it's accurate. (0:18:12.38)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:18:13.42)
EXTRA : From this fort, it is four o'clock to the southeast, (0:18:14.98)
EXTRA : 7.3 miles away. (0:18:17.57)
Gilthunder : That spear of yours... (0:18:19.67)
Gilthunder : Can I borrow it? (0:18:21.28)
EXTRA : Of course. (0:18:23.03)
Gilthunder : This angle, I guess. (0:18:29.03)
Hawk : Is this gonna work out? (0:18:53.00)
Hawk : She's a mess out there. (0:18:54.19)
Hawk : Aren't you gonna console her or anything? (0:18:57.00)
Meliodas : Going to pee. (0:19:00.52)
Hawk : Man, what an unreliable owner. (0:19:01.89)
Hawk : This bar's really riding on my pork shoulders. (0:19:04.70)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:19:16.34)
Meliodas : Yo. (0:19:17.96)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm sorry. (0:19:19.28)
Elizabeth Liones : I know we're in the middle of business, (0:19:20.50)
Elizabeth Liones : but after seeing Mead and everyone else,
I was reminded of Father and me.
Meliodas : I see. (0:19:27.82)
Elizabeth Liones : I hope he's safe. (0:19:30.07)
Meliodas : Around here... I think... (0:19:32.28)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm useless, right? (0:19:34.02)
Elizabeth Liones : This is the wrong time to get homesick, isn't it? (0:19:35.11)
Meliodas : A little more to the right? (0:19:38.73)
Elizabeth Liones : The people suffering under the
oppression of the Holy Knights...
Elizabeth Liones : There are still so many of them. (0:19:43.90)
Elizabeth Liones : With me being so useless... (0:19:45.92)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm scared to think about what lies ahead. (0:19:47.56)
Meliodas : But you found me, right? (0:19:49.98)
Meliodas : If you didn't have the determination to protect the people, (0:19:53.46)
Meliodas : and to find my bar while
you could barely even walk,
Meliodas : none of this would've started. (0:19:58.44)
Elizabeth Liones : This is something I have to do for myself. (0:20:01.54)
Meliodas : Exactly. (0:20:04.01)
Meliodas : I have something I've gotta do for myself, too. (0:20:06.85)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:20:21.11)
EXTRA : Lord Gilthunder! (0:21:03.66)
EXTRA : Are you okay? (0:21:05.37)
EXTRA : Gilth— (0:21:06.61)
Gilthunder : You were alive after all... (0:21:10.96)
Gilthunder : The Seven Deadly Sins'... (0:21:12.60)
Gilthunder : Meliodas! (0:21:14.71)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:21:17.92)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! Just now, was that the same Holy Knight who attacked the village? (0:21:20.00)
Meliodas : Probably. (0:21:24.48)
Meliodas : I think it'd be best for
everyone if we left this village.
Elizabeth Liones : But what if they attack this village again? (0:21:28.86)
Meliodas : It'll be much more dangerous if we stay here. (0:21:31.83)
Hawk : Do we even have a place to hide? (0:21:35.06)
Elizabeth Liones : Come to think of it... (0:21:38.60)
Meliodas : What's up? (0:21:40.22)
Elizabeth Liones : Earlier, Mead said that the Forest of White
Dreams is a place where we should never go.
Elizabeth Liones : Even the Holy Knights refuse to enter. (0:21:45.70)
Hawk : That's the perfect place, then! (0:21:49.03)
Meliodas : Guess it's decided. (0:21:51.02)
Meliodas : However, we're not going there to hide. (0:21:52.60)
Meliodas : We're going to do what we set out to do. (0:21:54.45)
Hawk : What are you talking about? (0:21:56.71)
Elizabeth Liones : What we must do... (0:21:59.17)
Meliodas : Yup. (0:22:00.48)
Meliodas : There's probably another one there. (0:22:01.50)
Meliodas : Let's go! (0:22:05.62)
Meliodas : To search for our friends! (0:22:06.88)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:22:08.33)
EXTRA : Elizabeth's costume has changed! (0:23:57.74)
EXTRA : However, neither her strength nor defense have changed! (0:23:59.90)
EXTRA : No, if anything, they've decreased! (0:24:02.93)
Hawk : But her sex appeal has gone up, hasn't it? (0:24:05.36)
Meliodas : Nah, I think her previous outfit was better. (0:24:08.16)
Hawk : Isn't her outfit like this
because of your preferences?!
Meliodas : It's hard to throw this away though. (0:24:13.17)
Hawk : That one's all tattered! (0:24:14.64)
Meliodas : This one is fun too! (0:24:16.04)
Hawk : Enough of this! (0:24:16.89)
Meliodas : Next week (0:24:20.18)
Meliodas : on "The Seven Deadly Sins." (0:24:20.68)
Meliodas : The Sin of the Sleeping Forest. (0:24:21.94)
Elizabeth Liones : Don't play around with a person's clothing, please! (0:24:23.52)

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