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Farnese de Vandimion : We finally found you, Black Swordsman! (0:00:06.74)
EXTRA : Hey, look. (0:00:13.44)
EXTRA : Is that a sword? (0:00:14.80)
EXTRA : No way... (0:00:16.81)
EXTRA : How could anyone wield that? (0:00:17.98)
Farnese de Vandimion : This man is (0:00:21.08)
Farnese de Vandimion : the Hawk of Darkness. (0:00:23.52)
Farnese de Vandimion : We are the Holy See's Holy Iron Chain Knights. (0:00:25.57)
Farnese de Vandimion : We have made haste, by order of
the Miracle Certification Bureau,
Farnese de Vandimion : to take you to the Holy See. (0:00:33.01)
Farnese de Vandimion : You will not be harmed if you lay
down your sword and surrender.
Farnese de Vandimion : If not, we swear upon God
that you will be captured!
Guts : I don't recall doing anything that'd
make a priest arrest me.
Farnese de Vandimion : How callous... (0:00:43.97)
Farnese de Vandimion : What is all that blood from? (0:00:45.61)
Farnese de Vandimion : While tracking you, (0:00:47.30)
Farnese de Vandimion : we saw the bodies of a monk,
his daughter, and countless others.
Puck : Guts... (0:00:53.98)
Farnese de Vandimion : The time for talk is over! (0:00:54.78)
Farnese de Vandimion : This is God's will! (0:00:56.62)
Farnese de Vandimion : Troops, capture the Black Swordsman! (0:00:58.71)
Puck : This doesn't look good... (0:01:06.97)
Puck : What are you gonna do? (0:01:08.13)
EXTRA : The Holy Iron Chain Knights (0:01:18.64)
Guts : Listen, I'll create an opening. (0:02:49.75)
Guts : When I do, race through the forest. (0:02:51.89)
Casca : But... (0:02:55.05)
Guts : Don't get me wrong! (0:02:56.06)
Guts : Do you really want to die like this,
in the middle of nowhere?
Guts : A good blade should rest in a scabbard. (0:03:02.38)
Guts : You should return to the master of your sword! (0:03:05.78)
EXTRA : What's his deal? (0:03:15.85)
EXTRA : He can't use his sword at all. (0:03:17.02)
Puck : Guts! (0:03:18.34)
Guts : I can't get a good grip. (0:03:20.09)
EXTRA : Great! (0:03:21.21)
EXTRA : Have at him! (0:03:22.32)
EXTRA : Idiot, don't kill him! (0:03:24.72)
EXTRA : H-He's fast... (0:03:25.80)
EXTRA : Stop, you'll kill him. (0:03:26.81)
EXTRA : His false hand! Watch that hand! (0:03:34.86)
EXTRA : Calm down! Don't get worked up! (0:03:36.26)
EXTRA : Surround him! Don't let him move around! (0:03:37.70)
EXTRA : We'll just hit each other... (0:03:41.84)
Azan : No! (0:03:43.53)
Farnese de Vandimion : Idiots! We can't kill him! (0:03:44.09)
Azan : The whole lot of you is pathetic... (0:03:55.02)
Azan : How can a single fugitive
have you in such disarray?
Serpico : You can't blame them. (0:03:59.18)
Serpico : The Holy Iron Chain Knights, also known
as the "Spoiled Brat Knights,"
Serpico : are full of pampered heirs their
noble families wanted safe.
Serpico : They're here for the prestige
and safety the order affords.
Serpico : Most have never fought in a real battle. (0:04:09.83)
Azan : Thank you for the lecture. (0:04:12.95)
Azan : So, why are you here, Sir Serpico? (0:04:14.35)
Serpico : Oh, come now... (0:04:17.17)
Serpico : I'm sure you know. (0:04:18.29)
Serpico : I became an officer of arms because
I hate the sight of blood—
Farnese de Vandimion : Good... Now! Secure him! (0:04:30.64)
Serpico : Oh, crap. (0:04:32.57)
Farnese de Vandimion : This is the Black Swordsman... (0:04:54.52)
Farnese de Vandimion : His malice is unmistakable. (0:04:56.58)
Farnese de Vandimion : He is the one written of in Revelations. (0:05:00.54)
Azan : Lady Farnese... (0:05:03.06)
Azan : As Serpico stated, (0:05:04.69)
Azan : given our troops' combat inexperience,
we face mounting casualties
Azan : if we seek to overwhelm him with numbers. (0:05:09.47)
Azan : I ask that you allow me, Azan,
to undertake this task!
Azan : Back, back! (0:05:21.95)
Azan : Back, I say! (0:05:23.22)
EXTRA : Vice-commander... (0:05:24.89)
EXTRA : Sir Azan! (0:05:25.62)
Azan : I am Azan, Second-in-Command of
the Holy Iron Chain Knights!
Puck : Wow, we'll never run out
of surprises around here.
Guts : Iron Staff Demon Azan? (0:05:33.64)
Guts : I've heard of you. (0:05:34.92)
Guts : I believe you're also called
the Knight of the Bridge.
Azan : Oh? (0:05:39.22)
Puck : You know this guy, Guts? (0:05:40.45)
Guts : The story goes that an injured old man
was standing on a narrow bridge.
Guts : The Knight of the Bridge was a curious guy, (0:05:47.31)
Guts : who refused to let an army of
a hundred mounted men pass
Guts : because he was protecting that guy. (0:05:52.78)
Azan : That was a long time ago. (0:05:54.66)
Guts : People laughed and said he could've ended it
by carrying the old man to the other side.
Azan : A knight has a duty to uphold
his code of chivalry!
Azan : My circumstances led to being a cleric knight. (0:06:05.90)
Azan : In any event, I have named myself. (0:06:07.91)
Azan : If you are a knight,
courtesy demands you reciprocate!
Guts : I'm no knight... (0:06:12.18)
Guts : I'm Guts. (0:06:13.87)
Guts : Just "Guts," old man. (0:06:14.85)
Azan : Very well, Guts... (0:06:16.68)
Azan : Prepare yourself! (0:06:18.66)
Serpico : He's so old-fashioned. (0:06:19.69)
Azan : Prepare to break at least one or two bones! (0:06:21.27)
Guts : One or two bones, eh? (0:06:28.72)
Guts : I can't keep dodging with this gimpy leg. (0:06:31.53)
Guts : And the old man isn't just an idiot
who relies on brute strength.
Azan : You nimble trickster! (0:06:44.05)
Azan : Summer Showers Thrust! (0:06:46.50)
EXTRA : Vice-commander Azan! (0:06:51.97)
Azan : I would commend you. (0:06:56.73)
Azan : But given your lack of offense,
your execution lacks finesse.
Azan : Your swordsmanship
affirmed its battle-testing.
Azan : I'll admit it thrilled me,
hearkening to my own past.
Azan : I must apply myself to the order
with greater diligence,
Azan : to mend my foolish ways. (0:07:09.63)
Guts : Shit... (0:07:12.19)
Guts : I can barely feel my limbs anymore. (0:07:13.36)
Guts : What should I do? (0:07:15.45)
Azan : A frontal attack? (0:07:20.65)
Azan : Commendable resolve! (0:07:21.90)
Azan : What? (0:07:25.40)
Azan : I was careless! (0:07:26.40)
EXTRA : Lady Farnese! (0:07:28.31)
Farnese de Vandimion : I was the one who put him down? (0:07:54.30)
EXTRA : Well done, Lady Farnese. (0:07:57.84)
EXTRA : You really are our Lady Commander! (0:07:59.65)
EXTRA : Hey, you! Get up! (0:08:01.58)
EXTRA : Wait, is he dead? (0:08:03.37)
EXTRA : He's unconscious. He seems to be asleep. (0:08:04.93)
EXTRA : Oh, Tonio! (0:08:07.08)
EXTRA : He was a good man... (0:08:09.43)
Azan : Lady Farnese, please order a retreat. (0:08:12.07)
Azan : Lady Farnese, was this the
first blood you've drawn?
Azan : As one who wields a sword,
you mustn't fear it.
Azan : But always remember
the weight of a life taken,
Azan : so long as you have men under your command. (0:08:27.68)
EXTRA : What's this? (0:08:36.16)
Farnese de Vandimion : Very well! (0:08:41.48)
Farnese de Vandimion : All troops, retreat! (0:08:42.53)
Griffith : Hey, are you alive? (0:08:53.77)
Guts : Yeah, somehow. (0:08:56.20)
Griffith : Well, you're a hard one to kill. (0:08:59.53)
Griffith : Here. (0:09:08.55)
Griffith : Good work. (0:09:23.11)
Griffith : On the battlefield, a common soldier's life
is worth less than a single silver coin.
Griffith : In this day and age, most people are (0:09:30.95)
Griffith : abused by royalty and the nobility. (0:09:33.87)
Griffith : Well, not that even kings can
live as they please.
Griffith : Everyone is merely swept along by the tide. (0:09:42.15)
Griffith : The tide known as fate. (0:09:45.49)
Griffith : And their lives spent, (0:09:47.51)
Griffith : they vanish into its depths. (0:09:49.61)
Griffith : They die before learning who they truly are. (0:09:51.50)
Griffith : Some, regardless of rank or station,
are born as key individuals,
Griffith : who will shape this world. (0:09:59.39)
Griffith : They are the true privileged class. (0:10:02.21)
Griffith : I want to know who I am in this world. (0:10:05.93)
Griffith : What I am capable of, (0:10:10.25)
Griffith : and what I am meant to do. (0:10:11.91)
Griffith : How strange. (0:10:15.75)
Griffith : I've never spoken to anyone about this before. (0:10:17.17)
Guts : At that moment, (0:10:20.84)
Guts : the man appeared to me as something
beautiful, noble, and absolute.
EXTRA : We have brought the Black Swordsman. (0:11:08.88)
Farnese de Vandimion : Enter. (0:11:10.71)
EXTRA : Yes, my lady. (0:11:11.38)
Farnese de Vandimion : Well done. (0:11:14.44)
Farnese de Vandimion : After you bind him to the post,
you are free to go.
EXTRA : But that would— (0:11:19.05)
Farnese de Vandimion : No need for concern. (0:11:20.28)
Farnese de Vandimion : With those gigantic shackles,
what harm could he possibly do?
EXTRA : We shall inform the vice-commander, then. (0:11:24.80)
Farnese de Vandimion : That won't be necessary. (0:11:26.53)
EXTRA : But... (0:11:27.53)
Farnese de Vandimion : Further, instruct the guards to leave
this tent until I order otherwise.
EXTRA : But if something should happen... (0:11:33.75)
EXTRA : We should inform the vice-commander. (0:11:36.00)
Farnese de Vandimion : What is your name and rank? (0:11:37.57)
Farnese de Vandimion : You dare say you cannot follow my order (0:11:39.99)
Farnese de Vandimion : unless the vice-commander tells you to?! (0:11:42.46)
Farnese de Vandimion : Tell me, who is the Supreme Commander
of the Holy Iron Chain Knights?
EXTRA : Yes, my lady! It is you, Commander Farnese! (0:11:49.15)
EXTRA : I deeply regret speaking out of turn! (0:11:51.84)
Farnese de Vandimion : As long as you bear this in mind. Leave. (0:11:54.73)
EXTRA : Yes, my lady! (0:11:56.72)
Farnese de Vandimion : Black Swordsman... (0:12:00.88)
Farnese de Vandimion : Or should I say... Guts, was it? (0:12:02.90)
Farnese de Vandimion : Before we deliver you to the Holy See, (0:12:05.41)
Farnese de Vandimion : it falls to me, as one of the grand
tribunal's junior members,
Farnese de Vandimion : to ask you a few simple questions. (0:12:11.60)
Farnese de Vandimion : Why do you laugh, cur?! (0:12:15.89)
Guts : Oh, I was just thinking that
I have the worst luck
Guts : with God and things of that ilk. (0:12:21.40)
Farnese de Vandimion : Blasphemy. I shan't allow you
to blaspheme a second time.
Farnese de Vandimion : The Band of the Hawk. (0:12:30.21)
Farnese de Vandimion : A band of mercenaries, hired by Midland. (0:12:33.58)
Farnese de Vandimion : The Band of the Hawk. (0:12:36.40)
Farnese de Vandimion : An elite military force that
won countless victories,
Farnese de Vandimion : their military prowess
was said to be peerless.
Farnese de Vandimion : But they plotted treason against the royal
family, becoming wanted fugitives.
Farnese de Vandimion : However, the entire company
vanished into thin air overnight.
Farnese de Vandimion : No one heard, even in rumors,
that the bounty was claimed.
Farnese de Vandimion : Did someone obliterate them? (0:13:00.98)
Farnese de Vandimion : All we know is that there
are very few survivors.
Farnese de Vandimion : Th-The leader of the Band
of the Hawk was Griffith.
Farnese de Vandimion : After he went missing, (0:13:13.36)
Farnese de Vandimion : it's said a woman replaced
him as their leader.
Farnese de Vandimion : It's also said that the captain of their raiders (0:13:20.55)
Farnese de Vandimion : wielded a massive sword and could
slay a hundred men with ease.
Farnese de Vandimion : You seem to match his description. (0:13:26.88)
Farnese de Vandimion : And if I recall, his name was... (0:13:29.24)
Farnese de Vandimion : Also... (0:13:31.71)
Farnese de Vandimion : A questionable item, (0:13:33.88)
Farnese de Vandimion : one that would conceivably be
in a heretic's possession...
Griffith : Nice, isn't it? (0:13:40.56)
Farnese de Vandimion : If this is a heathen idol, (0:13:46.96)
Farnese de Vandimion : you will be tried as a heretic. (0:13:49.12)
Farnese de Vandimion : If you do not wish to endure that,
you should confess everything now.
Farnese de Vandimion : Is that not preferable to (0:13:55.61)
Farnese de Vandimion : being interrogated under torture,
then burned at the stake?
Farnese de Vandimion : Answer me, cur! (0:14:00.72)
Guts : Do you believe in God and the devil? (0:14:02.99)
Farnese de Vandimion : What's your point? (0:14:06.49)
Farnese de Vandimion : Are you trying to blaspheme yet again? (0:14:08.01)
Guts : Have you ever met God? (0:14:09.98)
Farnese de Vandimion : God does not show us His miraculous
existence on this Earth so easily.
Farnese de Vandimion : Through our faith, God is always with us. (0:14:17.10)
Farnese de Vandimion : In our souls and up in Heaven. (0:14:20.12)
Farnese de Vandimion : Wh-Why do you laugh? (0:14:25.49)
Guts : What a picture-perfect response. (0:14:27.43)
Guts : Did you learn that in a convent? (0:14:29.59)
Guts : On a battlefield, a nobleman
said the exact same thing,
Guts : burning a city to the ground,
with its women and children.
Guts : I'm not talking about some shitty, useless god (0:14:38.30)
Guts : who's just an empty decoration. (0:14:42.09)
Guts : A confession would be a waste of time. (0:14:46.17)
Guts : I have no intention of repenting, (0:14:48.56)
Guts : and I don't think you'll learn
anything, even if I told you.
Guts : Just go say a prayer for me in
some moldy temple, will you?
Farnese de Vandimion : You cur! (0:14:57.46)
Puck : You just had to say that? (0:15:02.10)
Farnese de Vandimion : Cur, (0:15:03.59)
Farnese de Vandimion : how dare you blaspheme in front of me, (0:15:04.71)
Farnese de Vandimion : Commander of the Holy Iron Chain Knights? (0:15:07.39)
Farnese de Vandimion : I was prepared to show mercy, (0:15:11.10)
Farnese de Vandimion : in consideration of your
injuries, but no longer!
Farnese de Vandimion : I shall make you talk, (0:15:17.90)
Farnese de Vandimion : even if it means flaying
the skin from your body!
Farnese de Vandimion : I swear this by my faith! (0:15:22.29)
Guts : You're trying way too hard, aren't you? (0:15:24.14)
Guts : Be it God or your rank, (0:15:27.03)
Guts : whatever weight you're trying to
throw around won't earn loyalty.
Guts : Not like that Knight of the Bridge commands. (0:15:32.65)
Guts : If you ask me, (0:15:35.17)
Guts : you're just like that idol you
worship, all empty inside.
Farnese de Vandimion : You... (0:15:47.85)
Farnese de Vandimion : You! (0:15:49.01)
Farnese de Vandimion : How dare you?! (0:15:53.77)
Azan : Lady Farnese! (0:16:19.56)
Azan : Excuse me... Just what is going on? (0:16:21.47)
Azan : Lady Farnese, what is the meaning of this? (0:16:23.79)
Farnese de Vandimion : Why all this commotion? (0:16:26.58)
Farnese de Vandimion : I am simply questioning him, (0:16:28.13)
Farnese de Vandimion : before we deliver him to the Holy See. (0:16:30.08)
Azan : However, this is... (0:16:32.79)
Farnese de Vandimion : I am finished. (0:16:34.37)
Farnese de Vandimion : Return him to his cell. (0:16:35.57)
Farnese de Vandimion : You are dismissed, as well. (0:16:37.16)
Azan : Lady Farnese... (0:16:38.72)
Farnese de Vandimion : Did you not hear me? (0:16:40.02)
Farnese de Vandimion : I said, you are dismissed! (0:16:41.04)
Azan : As you wish. (0:16:44.33)
Farnese de Vandimion : Do not unshackle him. (0:16:45.44)
Farnese de Vandimion : Tend his wounds, and leave him in the cell. (0:16:46.87)
Azan : Take him! (0:16:48.81)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:16:49.93)
Serpico : Don't be so rough on our commander, please. (0:16:53.44)
Serpico : She may not look it, but she
can be quite charming.
Guts : I can't afford to be wasting time here. (0:17:18.72)
Guts : Shit. (0:17:21.74)
Guts : I don't have time to be playing
nice with these lunatics.
Guts : Casca... (0:17:29.53)
Guts : And... (0:17:33.31)
Guts : It's nearly time. (0:17:36.12)
Guts : Shit... (0:17:42.01)
Guts : Unarmed and imprisoned, (0:17:47.07)
Guts : not to mention not in the best shape. (0:17:48.98)
Guts : What to do? (0:17:50.73)
Puck : Hup! (0:17:52.60)
Guts : I guess I had this guy. (0:17:54.77)
Puck : I'm here to save you, Guts. (0:17:57.04)
Puck : See, you can escape with this key. (0:17:58.95)
Guts : Why are you here? (0:18:01.47)
Puck : Elves have a strong sense of responsibility. (0:18:02.96)
Puck : What're you gonna do? (0:18:07.85)
Guts : I'm getting my stuff back. (0:18:09.64)
Guts : It's everything I have, after all. (0:18:11.53)
Puck : But your weapons are in that woman's tent. (0:18:16.46)
Guts : That's perfect. (0:18:19.60)
Guts : Depending how it goes, we'll take her hostage. (0:18:20.84)
Puck : What? (0:18:22.76)
Guts : I don't give a rat's ass if I end up
having to kill the lot of them.
Guts : There's someone I need to
find, no matter what.
Guts : I don't give a damn what happens
to those who try to stop me.
Puck : What's going on? (0:18:57.80)
Farnese de Vandimion : Oh, God... Please guide me. (0:19:11.35)
Farnese de Vandimion : You! (0:19:17.99)
Puck : Oh, man... (0:19:21.40)
Guts : Charming, huh? (0:19:22.56)
Puck : You were hurt pretty bad. (0:19:31.19)
Puck : You can't swing it around this soon.
You'll reopen the wound.
Guts : Guess I'm still at half strength. (0:19:38.28)
EXTRA : Lady Farnese, we have an emergency. (0:19:39.81)
EXTRA : The Black Swordsman has... (0:19:41.23)
EXTRA : You— (0:19:42.62)
Puck : That's brutal. (0:19:44.39)
Guts : Guess I'll have to ask her along, after all. (0:19:45.62)
EXTRA : A fire! (0:19:58.15)
EXTRA : The Black Swordsman has escaped! (0:19:58.86)
EXTRA : Stop it from spreading to the other tents! (0:20:00.49)
Azan : Lady Farnese! (0:20:02.50)
Azan : You... (0:20:04.95)
Azan : How did you... (0:20:06.02)
Guts : Step aside, old man. (0:20:07.76)
Azan : You think you can escape with those injuries? (0:20:09.98)
Guts : Yeah, I do. (0:20:13.28)
Guts : The practice of burning people to death
isn't limited to clerics, is it?
Guts : Well? (0:20:17.87)
Guts : I'll burn her ass. (0:20:18.87)
Azan : Taking a woman hostage... You coward! (0:20:20.61)
Azan : You leave us no choice. (0:20:24.32)
Azan : Fall back, everyone. (0:20:25.82)
Guts : Sorry. (0:20:27.44)
Puck : What have you done? (0:20:33.65)
Guts : Don't worry. (0:20:36.15)
Azan : Hurry! (0:20:40.76)
Azan : Gather the horses! (0:20:41.84)
Azan : This is my biggest folly yet. (0:20:43.48)
Azan : We cannot let him escape! (0:20:45.15)
Azan : Who's that? (0:20:49.35)
Puck : You're unbelievable. (0:20:55.69)
Puck : Who do you think you have to
thank for being able to run this far?
Guts : The horse. (0:21:02.12)
Puck : Then apologize to the horse. (0:21:02.95)
Guts : Sorry, horse. (0:21:04.87)
Puck : As long as you remember that. (0:21:06.20)
Guts : Hey. (0:21:09.01)
Guts : How the tables have turned, eh? (0:21:10.00)
Guts : Quit struggling... (0:21:12.08)
Guts : With your hands tied, if you fall
on these rocks, you'll die!
Puck : Don't worry. (0:21:16.09)
Puck : We won't eat you or anything. (0:21:17.18)
Puck : Oh, I'm Puck. (0:21:18.52)
Farnese de Vandimion : Let me go, cur! (0:21:20.98)
Farnese de Vandimion : How dare you treat the Commander of the Holy Iron Chain Knights this way— (0:21:22.08)
Guts : Shut up. (0:21:26.24)
Puck : Oh, hey! (0:21:27.22)
Guts : Keep this up, and I'll just
knock you out again.
Guts : Sorry, you'll have to come along for now. (0:21:30.56)
Guts : And there's something I want to ask you. (0:21:33.02)
Farnese de Vandimion : This is humiliating! (0:21:34.48)
Farnese de Vandimion : How could a heretic do this to me? (0:21:35.95)
Farnese de Vandimion : Let me down! (0:21:37.90)
Farnese de Vandimion : I'd rather fall and die than listen to you! (0:21:39.06)
Farnese de Vandimion : No! (0:21:43.68)
Guts : Just calm down a bit, will you? (0:21:46.08)
Puck : Jeez, isn't he capable of
love for his fellow man?
Guts : Nope. (0:21:50.97)
Puck : Sorry, miss. (0:21:51.81)
Farnese de Vandimion : How dare you? Don't mock me! (0:21:58.46)
Guts : What are you doing? (0:22:00.92)
Puck : She isn't looking. (0:22:02.35)
Guts : Huh? (0:22:03.37)
Puck : She isn't trying to see me. (0:22:03.88)
Puck : She can't... (0:22:05.46)
Puck : She can't see elves. (0:22:06.54)

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Minoru Mineta

honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope? - ilikememes0


I don't know. - Shizuno Urushibara

I'm not playing dumb. - Shizuno Urushibara

I just don't want to declare
it like Ranjou-san did.
- Shizuno Urushibara

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