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Jin Mazama : Okay, so... (0:00:03.81)
Jin Mazama : Remember, you may be the pack's boss, (0:00:09.81)
Jin Mazama : but the president of this club is Hino-san, (0:00:12.41)
Jin Mazama : and after her comes me, the vice president! (0:00:14.29)
Jin Mazama : If you can't cook something
at least a little bit tasty,
Jin Mazama : you won't be allowed to join the club! (0:00:19.25)
Hitomi Hino : Good luck! (0:00:21.90)
Ranka Okami : Okay! I'll— (0:00:23.91)
Yukari Komori : I'll do my best! (0:00:24.57)
Hitomi Hino : Who are you?! (0:00:26.90)
Jin Mazama : Who are you?! (0:00:26.90)
Ranka Okami : Who are you?! (0:00:26.90)
Yukari Komori : Sorry for butting in. (0:02:24.10)
Jin Mazama : Koala? (0:02:29.79)
Yukari Komori : Yes! I'd like to take the
test for this club, too!
Jin Mazama : Huh? Why? (0:02:34.21)
Yukari Komori : Because I want to study cooking, of course! (0:02:35.72)
Hitomi Hino : That's fine, right, Jin-kun? (0:02:38.38)
Hitomi Hino : I know it'd make me happy to have more members. (0:02:40.32)
Jin Mazama : Oh... Sure. (0:02:42.71)
Jin Mazama : But... (0:02:43.94)
Jin Mazama : I'm pretty sure koalas only eat eucalyptus. (0:02:44.85)
Yukari Komori : That's exactly right. (0:02:48.90)
Yukari Komori : We normally only eat a
certain type of eucalyptus.
Yukari Komori : From morning to night, it's all
eucalyptus, eucalyptus, eucalyptus, eucalyptus.
Yukari Komori : I mean, I like it. I like eucalyptus. (0:02:58.61)
Yukari Komori : But I want to try different
things sometimes.
Yukari Komori : I told my mom that, but... (0:03:04.55)
Yukari Komori : all she ever says. (0:03:08.38)
Yukari Komori : If I don't do something, I'll eat
nothing but eucalyptus until I die.
Hitomi Hino : I can see how that would be stressful. (0:03:14.34)
Jin Mazama : So you want to join the cooking
club to try some different foods?
Yukari Komori : No! (0:03:19.01)
Yukari Komori : I'm searching... (0:03:21.54)
Yukari Komori : for something... (0:03:23.22)
Yukari Komori : that I ate long ago! (0:03:25.83)
Jin Mazama : Is this a food manga now?! (0:03:27.70)
Yukari Komori : But it was so far back,
I don't remember when it was.
Yukari Komori : I can't even remember what food it was. (0:03:32.14)
Hitomi Hino : No one in your family knows, either? (0:03:35.07)
Yukari Komori : I thought of that, so I asked my mom once. (0:03:37.25)
Yukari Komori : And she said... (0:03:40.61)
Yukari Komori : ...and wouldn't tell me, for some reason. (0:03:47.12)
Jin Mazama : Okay, I get it. You can take the test to— (0:03:50.87)
Yukari Komori : Thank you! (0:03:53.85)
Jin Mazama : She's really good with a knife! (0:03:57.33)
Jin Mazama : Barely anything's going in! (0:03:59.71)
Jin Mazama : Measure the amounts! (0:04:06.43)
Jin Mazama : She's backed way off now. (0:04:12.85)
Ranka Okami : I guess she's afraid of fire. (0:04:14.27)
Yukari Komori : It's done! My special eucalyptus pasta! (0:04:17.82)
Jin Mazama : You ended up using eucalyptus anyway?! (0:04:22.70)
Hitomi Hino : This is good! (0:04:26.78)
Ranka Okami : W-Wolves don't accept charity from— (0:04:32.71)
Jin Mazama : Just eat it! (0:04:35.25)
Hitomi Hino : So Yukari-chan passes! (0:04:37.46)
Jin Mazama : Y-Yeah, I guess so. (0:04:39.50)
Hitomi Hino : Okay, now it's Ranka-chan's turn! (0:04:47.99)
Jin Mazama : Huh?! (0:04:50.11)
Jin Mazama : H-Hino-san, why her? (0:04:50.81)
Hitomi Hino : Well, she doesn't have any experience,
so we'll need to help her.
Ranka Okami : Hey, Jin... (0:04:58.82)
Ranka Okami : Do you think I can do this? (0:05:00.32)
Jin Mazama : You can if you do exactly as I say. (0:05:04.98)
Jin Mazama : First, rinse off the vegetables. (0:05:08.82)
Ranka Okami : Got it! (0:05:11.08)
Ranka Okami : I washed it! (0:05:12.33)
Jin Mazama : Don't use soap! (0:05:13.61)
Jin Mazama : Whatever. Now bring the meat over. (0:05:14.87)
Ranka Okami : Right! (0:05:17.12)
Ranka Okami : I brought the meat! (0:05:19.00)
Jin Mazama : Not in your mouth! (0:05:21.04)
Yukari Komori : Why does Ranka-san want
to join the cooking club?
Hitomi Hino : Huh? (0:05:27.59)
Hitomi Hino : Hmm... Because she's Jin-kun's...
and my boss, I guess?
Yukari Komori : You're all friends, then! (0:05:33.98)
Yukari Komori : But are you sure you don't mind? (0:05:36.57)
Yukari Komori : She's taking your male. (0:05:37.85)
Yukari Komori : She's taking your male. (0:05:39.48)
Yukari Komori : I mean, there are no other
humans at this school,
Yukari Komori : so I thought you two were a couple. (0:05:45.93)
Yukari Komori : Not at all! We're not like that at all! (0:05:48.76)
Yukari Komori : Jin-kun is just my friend! (0:05:51.66)
Yukari Komori : He's absolutely, positively not my boyfriend! (0:05:53.32)
Ranka Okami : Why are you crying? (0:05:56.28)
Jin Mazama : Cutting onions makes me tear up! (0:05:57.62)
Ranka Okami : Oh... (0:06:00.06)
Yukari Komori : So the two of them are an
interspecies couple, then?
Yukari Komori : That can't be easy,
so we should cheer them on!
Ranka Okami : What's wrong? (0:06:12.23)
Jin Mazama : Dumb dog... (0:06:14.58)
Jin Mazama : You can handle the rest however you like! (0:06:17.70)
Ranka Okami : Huh?! But if you don't tell me what to do... (0:06:20.19)
Jin Mazama : Love! (0:06:23.21)
Jin Mazama : Cooking is about love. (0:06:24.75)
Jin Mazama : If you make it with love, it'll taste good! (0:06:26.01)
Ranka Okami : Love... (0:06:29.57)
Jin Mazama : You can do it! I know you can! (0:06:30.45)
Ranka Okami : Okay! I'll try! (0:06:32.88)
Ranka Okami : Thanks, Jin! (0:06:34.41)
Ranka Okami : Dinner is served! (0:06:46.93)
Ranka Okami : It's my special "Ranka's Love"! (0:06:48.67)
Yukari Komori : Love? (0:06:52.02)
Hitomi Hino : Love? (0:06:52.02)
Yukari Komori : Th-This smell... It's totally po— (0:06:54.30)
Jin Mazama : It's love. (0:06:57.18)
Jin Mazama : By the way, you seem to
be mistaken, little koala.
Jin Mazama : When you passed earlier, we only
meant you cleared the first test.
Yukari Komori : Huh?! (0:07:06.83)
Jin Mazama : If you want to join the club... (0:07:07.70)
Jin Mazama : You have to eat all of this! (0:07:09.43)
Yukari Komori : Why?! (0:07:11.20)
Hitomi Hino : Jin-kun?! (0:07:12.21)
Jin Mazama : We all cook for each other here. (0:07:13.12)
Jin Mazama : A picky eater has no place in this club! (0:07:15.52)
Jin Mazama : If you can't eat that, the results
of the previous test will be—
Ranka Okami : Jin! (0:07:22.06)
Ranka Okami : Open wide! (0:07:22.96)
Jin Mazama : What are you trying to do? (0:07:26.07)
Ranka Okami : I filled this with my love for you! (0:07:27.84)
Ranka Okami : So open wide! (0:07:30.41)
Jin Mazama : I will not! (0:07:32.09)
Jin Mazama : Hey! Don't! (0:07:50.34)
Jin Mazama : You'll die! (0:07:51.36)
Yukari Komori : This is it! (0:08:00.16)
Yukari Komori : This is the dish I've been searching for! (0:08:01.71)
Jin Mazama : I'm almost positive it's not! (0:08:04.30)
Yukari Komori : No, it is! (0:08:05.79)
Yukari Komori : This flavor... I've tasted it somewhere before. (0:08:07.04)
Yukari Komori : I finally remember. (0:08:38.46)
Yukari Komori : It was... from my mom's butt. (0:08:41.01)
Jin Mazama : Hey! Are you okay?! (0:08:44.54)
Ranka Okami : Here! (0:08:45.44)
Ranka Okami : No! My love! (0:08:49.99)
Jin Mazama : Enough! Stay away from me! (0:08:52.53)
Hitomi Hino : If you like it, Yukari-chan,
that means Ranka-chan passes, too.
Yukari Komori : Hitomi-san, you'd better eat
some before I finish it off!
Hitomi Hino : Huh?! (0:09:00.31)
Yukari Komori : Here! Don't be shy! Eat! Eat! (0:09:00.74)
Hitomi Hino : Um... (0:09:03.12)
Yukari Komori : Please, eat it quickly! (0:09:03.68)
Ranka Okami : We need someone to give us vegetables? (0:09:24.27)
Hitomi Hino : Our budget is small, so we can't
supply all the ingredients.
Jin Mazama : Do you know someone who can help? (0:09:29.91)
Hitomi Hino : Yeah. I heard the gardening club is
handing out the food they've grown,
Hitomi Hino : so I was thinking we could ask
them to share some with us.
Jin Mazama : Yeah. Good idea. (0:09:39.80)
Ranka Okami : Good idea! (0:09:41.49)
Yukari Komori : Good idea! (0:09:42.56)
Kurumi Nekomai : Good idea! (0:09:43.63)
Jin Mazama : Who are you?! (0:09:45.53)
Yukari Komori : Oh! I know you! (0:09:46.75)
Yukari Komori : You were chosen as Miss Female at Seton Academy (0:09:48.56)
Yukari Komori : Middle School for three years in a row! (0:09:50.34)
Kurumi Nekomai : I'm Nekomai Kurumi! (0:09:52.74)
Jin Mazama : And what does Miss Female want with us? (0:09:54.57)
Ranka Okami : Do you wanna join our pack? (0:09:57.32)
Yukari Komori : Huh?! (0:09:59.41)
Yukari Komori : But if you do, there's a very tough test to— (0:09:59.82)
Jin Mazama : We're not doing that anymore! (0:10:02.83)
Yukari Komori : What?! (0:10:04.28)
Hitomi Hino : If you have any interest in our club at all... (0:10:05.73)
Kurumi Nekomai : Of course not! (0:10:08.14)
Kurumi Nekomai : That doesn't interest meow at all! (0:10:09.72)
Jin Mazama : Look! (0:10:13.41)
Jin Mazama : If you're just window shopping, get out! (0:10:13.96)
Kurumi Nekomai : Aw, I can take just a little peek, can't I? (0:10:15.77)
Kurumi Nekomai : Can't I? (0:10:19.26)
Jin Mazama : Look, just go away alrea— (0:10:32.48)
Hitomi Hino : You're welcome to just watch. (0:10:34.56)
Yukari Komori : We can't refuse a request
from the school idol.
Jin Mazama : Huh?! (0:10:40.33)
Ranka Okami : Hey, Jin, what's going on? (0:10:41.27)
Ranka Okami : Everyone's suddenly being all nice to her! (0:10:43.49)
Ranka Okami : Do you all prefer cats?! Tell me, Jin! (0:10:45.79)
EXTRA : Sorry, but I can't give you any vegetables. (0:10:55.09)
Ranka Okami : Why not?! (0:10:57.59)
EXTRA : Our crops have suddenly started yielding less. (0:10:58.91)
Hitomi Hino : They have? (0:11:01.66)
EXTRA : I think some idiot has been stealing our crops. (0:11:02.94)
Jin Mazama : Who would do that? (0:11:05.56)
EXTRA : Boars have very poor eyesight. (0:11:06.98)
EXTRA : It wasn't you guys, was it? (0:11:09.27)
Ranka Okami : A proud wolf would never do that! (0:11:12.02)
EXTRA : Is that so?! (0:11:14.54)
Ranka Okami : Let's just come back at night
and take some in secret.
Jin Mazama : What happened to your pride as a wolf?! (0:11:19.33)
Hitomi Hino : Now what are we going to do? (0:11:20.95)
Kurumi Nekomai : Please share some vegetables
with us, meow!
EXTRA : Um... but... fmumff... (0:11:30.91)
EXTRA : Take these! (0:11:33.14)
EXTRA : There's lots! (0:11:34.92)
EXTRA : We can pick as much as we want
without the prez seeing us!
EXTRA : Hey! (0:11:38.88)
EXTRA : It was you two?! (0:11:39.92)
Kurumi Nekomai : They said we could have these. (0:11:42.18)
Yukari Komori : I can see why you were
Miss Female three years in a row!
Hitomi Hino : Thanks, Kurumi-chan! (0:11:46.70)
Hitomi Hino : You're good at that, Kurumi-chan! (0:11:55.89)
Yukari Komori : So fast! Like I'd expect from a cat! (0:11:57.40)
Kurumi Nekomai : You're welcome to pet my
well-groomed hair if you like.
Ranka Okami : Th-They're relying on her more than me! (0:12:04.74)
Kurumi Nekomai : Hey, I'm bored of cooking. (0:12:16.17)
Jin Mazama : Then leave! (0:12:18.65)
Kurumi Nekomai : Hey, Jin-kun, are you Ranka-chan's boyfriend? (0:12:19.82)
Jin Mazama : Like hell I am! Who'd
go out with that dumb dog?
Jin Mazama : What'd you do that for? (0:12:30.55)
Kurumi Nekomai : It's how cats say hello, meow! (0:12:31.69)
Kurumi Nekomai : Hey, everyone! I have a suggestion, meow! (0:12:33.78)
Hitomi Hino : What's up, Kurumi-chan? (0:12:36.69)
Yukari Komori : What is it? (0:12:37.89)
Kurumi Nekomai : Well, why don't you all quit this club (0:12:39.06)
Kurumi Nekomai : and start a napping club with me? (0:12:42.18)
Kurumi Nekomai : Cooking's just a lot of hard work, right? (0:12:45.74)
Kurumi Nekomai : Starting a napping club with
me would be a lot more fun!
Kurumi Nekomai : Jin-kun agrees with me! Don't you? (0:12:55.37)
Jin Mazama : I do not. (0:12:58.11)
Hitomi Hino : Sorry, Kurumi-chan. (0:12:59.83)
Hitomi Hino : We can't do that. (0:13:01.38)
Yukari Komori : We all love cooking! (0:13:03.23)
Kurumi Nekomai : What?! (0:13:06.01)
Jin Mazama : You heard them. (0:13:07.64)
Kurumi Nekomai : But why?! (0:13:09.47)
Jin Mazama : Give it up. (0:13:10.64)
Jin Mazama : There are some times when you can't have
your way, no matter how much you purr.
Jin Mazama : If you want to take naps, go off and
take one somewhere on your own.
Ranka Okami : You were trying to take over my
pack from the start, weren't you?!
Kurumi Nekomai : Hmph! Fine, then! (0:13:24.02)
Kurumi Nekomai : I was just joking around, anyway!
Just killing some time!
Kurumi Nekomai : I don't even want to join this stupid club! (0:13:29.54)
Kurumi Nekomai : Hanging out in packs is so lame. (0:13:37.39)
Hitomi Hino : There goes a potential new member. (0:13:41.23)
Jin Mazama : Hino-san... (0:13:43.51)
Jin Mazama : I'm sure we'll find more soon. (0:13:45.03)
Hitomi Hino : Yeah... (0:13:47.22)
Ranka Okami : Jin! I found a new member for the club! (0:13:53.82)
EXTRA : So early in the morning? Gross. (0:13:56.85)
Jin Mazama : I get it! I get it! So bring them here already! (0:13:58.98)
Jin Mazama : That's a corpse! (0:14:05.74)
Ranka Okami : She's not a corpse! She's Miyubi! (0:14:07.36)
Jin Mazama : Looks like she's on death's door to me. (0:14:10.10)
Jin Mazama : She's got moss growing on her. (0:14:12.10)
Ranka Okami : Huh? What's that? (0:14:13.86)
Ranka Okami : She said this moss is her lunch! (0:14:19.96)
Ranka Okami : She survives by eating some
whenever she's hungry!
Jin Mazama : I get it. (0:14:25.13)
Jin Mazama : So she's a sloth, right? (0:14:26.89)
Ranka Okami : She can join, right?! (0:14:41.44)
Jin Mazama : Nope. (0:14:42.77)
Ranka Okami : Wh-Why not? (0:14:45.83)
Jin Mazama : It should be obvious. She's... (0:14:47.04)
EXTRA : This is perfect. (0:14:51.29)
EXTRA : Miyubi-kun always stays in the
classroom after school's out.
EXTRA : It's a bit of a problem. (0:14:56.96)
EXTRA : You're her friends, so why don't
you take her to the dorm?
Jin Mazama : Uh, we're not her friends... (0:15:02.50)
EXTRA : Would you rather be stepped on? (0:15:04.25)
Jin Mazama : All right, fine! We'll take her! (0:15:07.51)
Jin Mazama : Jeez... (0:15:10.65)
Ranka Okami : Miyubi, let's go! (0:15:12.01)
Jin Mazama : Come on, let's get moving. (0:15:13.71)
Jin Mazama : This'll take all night! (0:15:29.11)
Ranka Okami : Miyubi! (0:15:38.78)
Jin Mazama : All she did was walk! (0:15:39.60)
Jin Mazama : Sheesh... I'll just carry you. (0:15:40.91)
Jin Mazama : But only this once! (0:15:43.26)
Jin Mazama : I think we've got the wrong room. (0:15:53.33)
Ranka Okami : She said she's been looking
for a sport she's good at.
Jin Mazama : I don't think she'll find one! (0:15:58.14)
Jin Mazama : Okay, later. (0:16:00.29)
Jin Mazama : I'm outta here. (0:16:01.27)
Ranka Okami : Wait, Jin! (0:16:03.02)
Ranka Okami : Help me carry Miyubi to our club room tomorrow. (0:16:04.93)
Jin Mazama : Listen... (0:16:08.25)
Jin Mazama : She doesn't eat anything but
five grams of leaves per day.
Ranka Okami : Five grams? (0:16:13.44)
Jin Mazama : You think someone who can't even eat
has any place in a cooking club?
Jin Mazama : If we force her, she'll just be miserable. (0:16:18.91)
Jin Mazama : Give it up. (0:16:21.90)
Ranka Okami : Fine! I won't ask for your help! (0:16:23.83)
Jin Mazama : Seriously, would you just— (0:16:25.58)
Ranka Okami : Okay, arms up! (0:16:28.50)
Jin Mazama : Wh-What are you doing?! (0:16:29.86)
Ranka Okami : She said she wanted a bath when
she got back to the dorm.
Ranka Okami : So I'm going to give her one! (0:16:34.51)
Ranka Okami : Oh, there's no soap! (0:16:43.07)
Ranka Okami : I'll go get some. (0:16:45.31)
Ranka Okami : Watch Miyubi for me! (0:16:46.88)
Jin Mazama : Hey! (0:16:48.55)
Jin Mazama : Fine, do what you want.
But I'm not helping, you hear?
Jin Mazama : Then don't take baths! (0:17:02.56)
Jin Mazama : Oh, damn it! Fine! (0:17:04.08)
Jin Mazama : I have no choice. (0:17:12.13)
Jin Mazama : Don't die! Don't die! (0:17:16.77)
Jin Mazama : I'm really leaving this time, all right? (0:17:28.69)
Jin Mazama : Wh-What? (0:17:36.26)
Jin Mazama : For me? (0:17:49.65)
Miyubi Shishio : As... thanks. (0:17:50.68)
Jin Mazama : For saving you from the bath? (0:17:55.11)
Miyubi Shishio : No. (0:17:57.28)
Miyubi Shishio : For letting me... join your... club. (0:17:59.22)
Jin Mazama : Uh, but I didn't... (0:18:03.56)
Miyubi Shishio : Ranka-chan said... (0:18:06.31)
Jin Mazama : W-Well, she's been nothing
but a hassle to me!
Miyubi Shishio : I was... always... alone... before. (0:18:27.43)
Miyubi Shishio : So I'm... happy. (0:18:35.11)
Jin Mazama : All you did was make tea! (0:18:43.42)
Ranka Okami : I brought some soap! (0:18:45.49)
Ranka Okami : Huh? Jin? (0:18:47.56)
Jin Mazama : You brought Hino-san, too? (0:18:48.95)
Ranka Okami : You gave Miyubi her bath! (0:18:51.12)
Jin Mazama : Just with water, since there was no soap. (0:18:53.52)
Yukari Komori : You just couldn't help yourself when
you saw Miyubi-san naked, huh?
Jin Mazama : Don't be misleading like that! (0:19:00.57)
Ranka Okami : Listen, Jin... About Miyubi... (0:19:03.13)
Jin Mazama : It's fine. (0:19:06.38)
Jin Mazama : If you want her in the club, she can join. (0:19:08.17)
Jin Mazama : It'd make Hino-san happy to
have more members, anyway.
Hitomi Hino : Yeah! You're more than welcome! (0:19:14.25)
Ranka Okami : Yay! I'm so happy for you, Miyubi! (0:19:16.66)
Jin Mazama : And that just leaves you. (0:19:25.43)
Jin Mazama : You're getting annoying.
Just show yourself already.
Hitomi Hino : Kurumi-chan? (0:19:31.21)
Kurumi Nekomai : I-I was passing by and I heard voices,
so I came to see what was up, that's all!
Kurumi Nekomai : Well, I think I'll go take a nap now! (0:19:37.48)
Jin Mazama : You actually want to be part
of the group, don't you?
Kurumi Nekomai : Wh-What are you talking about?! I don't— (0:19:43.06)
Jin Mazama : Your tail. (0:19:45.24)
Jin Mazama : Your tail's telling everyone
how you really feel!
Hitomi Hino : That's how you felt, Kurumi-chan? (0:19:53.75)
Yukari Komori : Is it true that there's coffee
made from cat poop?
Kurumi Nekomai : I-I'm... (0:19:58.63)
Jin Mazama : We have a koala who's sick of
eucalyptus, a sloth who likes sports,
Jin Mazama : and a wolf who wants to form a pack with humans. (0:20:04.34)
Jin Mazama : Having an attention-seeking
cat around won't change much.
Kurumi Nekomai : The truth is, ever since the
first time I saw all of you,
Kurumi Nekomai : I envied you. (0:20:16.39)
Kurumi Nekomai : Yeah, right! I never felt that way at all! (0:20:19.44)
Kurumi Nekomai : A-And I don't want any friends, either! (0:20:22.69)
Kurumi Nekomai : And I don't want to join
your silly cooking club!
Hitomi Hino : Kurumi-chan... (0:20:29.06)
Ranka Okami : Jin, what should we do about the vegetables? (0:20:36.96)
Yukari Komori : Kurumi-san is gone, too. (0:20:39.23)
Hitomi Hino : Everyone! (0:20:41.87)
Ranka Okami : So many vegetables! (0:20:46.22)
Jin Mazama : Hino-san, are these... (0:20:47.82)
Hitomi Hino : The gardening club president said
we get first dibs from now on.
Ranka Okami : Wow! (0:20:53.65)
Yukari Komori : We can cook lots of things with all these! (0:20:54.85)
Hitomi Hino : Jin-kun, I guess we got one more new member. (0:20:57.07)
Jin Mazama : Huh? (0:20:59.78)
Jin Mazama : That cat... (0:21:02.49)
Hitomi Hino : The curry packed with vegetables is ready! (0:21:05.13)
Miyubi Shishio : Let's eat! (0:21:07.99)
Yukari Komori : Let's eat! (0:21:07.99)
Ranka Okami : Let's eat! (0:21:07.99)
Ranka Okami : Miyubi! (0:21:19.94)
Jin Mazama : Oh, just let her die already! (0:21:21.18)
Yukari Komori : Are you all right?! (0:21:23.67)
Jin Mazama : What are we supposed to do?! (0:21:25.33)
Yukari Komori : Hang in there! (0:21:26.78)
EXTRA : Let's eat! (0:23:08.77)

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Shotaro Kaneda

I will do anything for you babygirl you can order whatever you want at mcdonalds - 1melco


Aku, wait right here.
It seems dangerous in there.
- Hakuto Kunai

I'd like the best room you've got. - Hakuto Kunai

it'll be seen as the "Demon Lord's Castle." - Hakuto Kunai

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