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Denji : That was my stomach. (0:00:11.24)
Makima : What's your name? (0:00:14.31)
Denji : It's Denji! (0:00:17.45)
Makima : I need to tell you something right now. (0:00:18.57)
Makima : From now on, you're in my care, Denji. (0:00:21.26)
Makima : I expect "yes" or "woof" for answers.
I don't need a dog that says "no."
Denji : When you say that... (0:00:31.92)
Makima : Someone in forensics once told me... (0:00:33.45)
Makima : That when we get dogs that
aren't helpful, we put them down.
Denji : I thought she was nice. (0:00:46.32)
Denji : I kind of liked her. (0:00:48.97)
Denji : I had no idea she was scary like this. (0:00:51.20)
Denji : Treating me like a damn dog... (0:00:54.09)
Denji : I just remembered how Pochita's dead. (0:01:02.65)
Makima : We haven't had breakfast yet, either.
Let's grab something at the rest area.
Denji : Sorry, but I don't have any cash. (0:01:14.99)
Makima : Just pick what you want. I'll pay. (0:01:18.18)
Makima : And you're conspicuous
without a shirt on, so wear this.
Makima : Here. (0:01:28.73)
Denji : All my life people have avoided me,
saying I'm filthy and smell bad.
Denji : No one's ever been nice to me before. (0:01:39.39)
Denji : Much less a girl who looks this good! (0:01:42.14)
Denji : I love her! (0:01:47.92)
Denji : I'll take some udon... (0:03:23.72)
Denji : Udon and... a sausage! (0:03:25.58)
Denji : Is that cool? (0:03:28.41)
Makima : Sure is. I'll take a curry udon, please. (0:03:29.43)
EXTRA : Coming up. (0:03:32.69)
Denji : Oh, that sounds good, too... (0:03:33.82)
Makima : Whoa, there. (0:03:37.15)
Makima : Denji? You okay? (0:03:39.14)
Denji : You smell good. (0:03:42.70)
EXTRA : How much will it be? (0:03:44.37)
EXTRA : Gimme one sec... (0:03:45.68)
Makima : Denji? (0:03:46.37)
EXTRA : It'll be 1,100 yen, all together. (0:03:48.16)
Denji : The chainsaws cut me up, too, (0:03:49.98)
EXTRA : Here's 2,000. (0:03:52.70)
Denji : so I think I'm a little
low on blood right now.
Makima : How did you end up like this? (0:03:56.66)
Denji : I had a pet devil, and he replaced my heart. (0:03:59.61)
Denji : Kinda hard to believe, huh? (0:04:03.93)
Denji : I don't really wanna believe it, either. (0:04:05.68)
Denji : Pochita dying for my sake... (0:04:08.32)
Makima : There's not a lot of precedent
for your condition,
Makima : even from a historical perspective. (0:04:18.40)
Makima : It doesn't even have a name. (0:04:21.07)
Makima : I believe you. (0:04:25.71)
Makima : I've got a particularly good sense of smell. (0:04:29.99)
Makima : So I can tell. (0:04:33.31)
Makima : Your best friend is alive inside of you. (0:04:35.95)
Makima : Not in the sentimental sense, either. (0:04:39.04)
Makima : Your body has the scents
of both a human and a devil.
Denji : Is that right? (0:04:46.39)
Denji : That's awesome! (0:04:47.62)
Denji : Really... awesome... (0:04:48.88)
Denji : Udon?! (0:04:58.97)
Denji : The udon? (0:05:01.57)
Denji : Is it cool if I eat my udon? (0:05:08.82)
Makima : Are you all right?
Can you eat on your own?
Denji : I can... (0:05:15.33)
Denji : I can not. (0:05:18.23)
Makima : Here. Say, "Ahh." (0:05:19.84)
Denji : Ahh... (0:05:22.00)
Makima : Is it good? (0:05:24.92)
Denji : Woof! (0:05:25.84)
Makima : You are really sweet to be
enjoying soggy udon this much.
Makima : A lot like a dog, actually. (0:05:32.10)
Denji : Um... what's your name? (0:05:37.30)
Makima : Makima. (0:05:41.51)
Denji : Miss Makima... is there a type
of guy you l-like?
Makima : I'm into the "Denji" type. (0:05:54.58)
Denji : Denji? (0:05:57.82)
Denji : Dude, that's me. (0:06:02.59)
Denji : Is there a type of guy you like? (0:06:12.57)
Makima : I'm into the "Denji" type. (0:06:15.25)
Denji : I like you, too, Miss Makima. (0:06:19.41)
Makima : Denji? This way, come on. (0:06:24.05)
Makima : This is the Tokyo headquarters
for our Devil Hunters.
Makima : There are over a thousand Devil Hunters
in Tokyo, including civilians,
Makima : but Public Safety has the best benefits
and a lot of paid vacation time.
Denji : If Miss Makima likes me... (0:06:49.10)
Denji : Then maybe, if we work together,
we'll eventually get together?
Denji : And if we get together...
we can get together , right?
Denji : I wanna! I wanna get together
with her real bad!
Makima : Denji... (0:07:08.58)
Denji : Yeah? (0:07:10.30)
Makima : We're supposed to
wear uniforms, so put this on.
Makima : Once you've changed,
I'll introduce you to a coworker.
Makima : This is Aki Hayakawa. He started
three years before you, Denji.
Makima : You're going to be shadowing him today. (0:07:30.99)
Denji : I'm not working with you, Miss Makima? (0:07:34.56)
Aki Hayakawa : That should be obvious. (0:07:37.69)
Aki Hayakawa : You're not even in her league. (0:07:39.31)
Aki Hayakawa : Time for patrol. (0:07:42.22)
Denji : No! Miss Makima! (0:07:43.28)
Aki Hayakawa : Damn it, get up. (0:07:46.85)
Denji : No way! I wanna work with Miss Makima! (0:07:48.48)
Makima : If you do a good job,
we can work together someday.
Makima : So, do that, okay? (0:08:08.06)
Denji : Hey, big man. (0:08:17.58)
Denji : Does Miss Makima have a boyfriend? (0:08:20.06)
Denji : Hey, come on. (0:08:26.30)
Denji : Hey! (0:08:29.40)
Aki Hayakawa : Come with me. (0:08:30.97)
Aki Hayakawa : You need to quit this job. (0:08:58.13)
Aki Hayakawa : Show up tomorrow,
and I'll kick your ass again.
Denji : Why, though? (0:09:03.59)
Aki Hayakawa : Look, I'm trying to be nice, here. (0:09:06.06)
Aki Hayakawa : People who start this job without
thinking it through end up dead.
Aki Hayakawa : I've had colleagues who got
into devil hunting for the payday,
Aki Hayakawa : and it got them all killed by devils. (0:09:16.23)
Aki Hayakawa : The survivors are the ones
with real motivation.
Aki Hayakawa : You're just after Makima, right?
That's why you took the job?
Denji : Ding-ding! (0:09:28.75)
Aki Hayakawa : Then I'm glad I hit you. (0:09:31.49)
Aki Hayakawa : I'll let her know that you ran off,
scared away by the devils.
Denji : You really are a nice guy, huh? (0:09:58.50)
Denji : Because... when I fight a dude... (0:10:02.38)
Denji : It's nuts... or nothing! (0:10:06.62)
Denji : I had udon for the first time today, man. (0:10:17.21)
Denji : A sausage, too. (0:10:20.57)
Denji : Got treated like a decent
human being for the first time,
Denji : and even had someone pay for my meal. (0:10:25.29)
Denji : It's like a dream come true for me. (0:10:28.21)
Denji : I didn't really think it through
when I started devil hunting,
Denji : but if I get to keep up this kind of life? (0:10:36.16)
Denji : I don't care if it kills me. (0:10:39.41)
Denji : Actually, y'know, I take it back. (0:10:42.69)
Denji : It's not just my life, anymore. (0:10:45.49)
Aki Hayakawa : Makima... (0:10:52.71)
Aki Hayakawa : is not the kind of woman
a punk like you should be chasing!
Denji : What the hell are you saying? (0:10:59.49)
Denji : Sounds to me like you just like her, too! (0:11:01.59)
Aki Hayakawa : You... really did... (0:11:09.68)
Aki Hayakawa : Only aim... for my balls... (0:11:13.31)
Denji : Shit. (0:11:23.28)
Denji : The big guy's testicles were attacked
by the Nut Devil, ma'am!
Aki Hayakawa : That's a lie. He's lying. (0:11:31.01)
Makima : So, do you think you two can work together? (0:11:35.24)
Denji : No way! (0:11:38.59)
Aki Hayakawa : He's a piece of trash! (0:11:39.58)
Makima : I'm glad two are hitting it off. (0:11:41.26)
Makima : Denji, you're going to
be joining Hayakawa's unit.
Denji : Unit? (0:11:47.51)
Aki Hayakawa : This punk?! (0:11:48.68)
Aki Hayakawa : I've already got enough
troublemakers, don't I?
Aki Hayakawa : Adding another... I don't know... (0:11:54.04)
Makima : I told you when I put it together, right? (0:11:56.26)
Makima : Your team's an experimental one,
operating differently from the usual method.
Aki Hayakawa : What exactly is he, ma'am? (0:12:05.71)
Makima : Denji's human, but can
transform into a devil.
Denji : Damn right! Pretty sweet, huh? (0:12:12.26)
Aki Hayakawa : And that's the truth? (0:12:14.16)
Aki Hayakawa : I always figured those stories
were baseless rumors.
Makima : He's special. (0:12:20.23)
Makima : Which is why he's going to be
receiving special treatment.
Makima : If he tries to resign,
or becomes insubordinate...
Makima : Denji will be disposed of as a devil. (0:12:31.91)
Denji : Uh, what's that mean? (0:12:37.05)
Makima : It means we're working
together until you die.
Aki Hayakawa : You're going to be living with me
so I can keep an eye on you.
Aki Hayakawa : Just remember, they said I can
kill you if you try to run off.
Denji : Hey, is Miss Makima a bad person? (0:13:01.05)
Aki Hayakawa : If you think that's the case,
then give up on her.
Aki Hayakawa : If you're really a devil, you should
just be grateful she doesn't kill you.
Aki Hayakawa : We're Devil Hunters, got that? (0:13:11.72)
Denji : So, she's a good person, then? (0:13:14.66)
Aki Hayakawa : Of course she is. (0:13:16.63)
Aki Hayakawa : She saved my life. (0:13:19.80)
Denji : Miss Makima... (0:13:32.19)
Denji : I hope I get to hug her again. (0:13:34.46)
Denji : Strawberry jam, plum jam, orange jam... (0:13:40.65)
Denji : Then some butter and honey, plus... (0:13:44.76)
Denji : Let's throw some cinnamon on, too. (0:13:48.11)
Denji : I got the best toast ever right here! (0:13:50.51)
Denji : So good! (0:13:56.27)
Denji : It's freaking fantastic! (0:13:59.20)
Aki Hayakawa : How long are you gonna be in there?! (0:14:11.03)
Aki Hayakawa : Don't fall asleep on the toilet! (0:14:14.89)
EXTRA : A Fiend has been reported
in an east Nerima residence.
EXTRA : Civilian evacuation and cordon
are both complete.
EXTRA : The Fiend in question has
holed up in a second story room.
EXTRA : We'll leave it to you
Devil Hunters from here.
EXTRA : Is this a new rookie, Hayakawa? (0:14:40.26)
Denji : Hey, what's a Fiend? (0:14:47.73)
Aki Hayakawa : Did you never go to school or something? (0:14:49.82)
Denji : Nah, man, no. (0:14:53.48)
Aki Hayakawa : When a devil takes control
of a human corpse, you get a Fiend.
Denji : Wait, doesn't that make me a Fiend? (0:15:03.34)
Aki Hayakawa : No. Fiends always have characteristic heads. (0:15:06.03)
Aki Hayakawa : Should be obvious enough once we see him. (0:15:09.84)
Aki Hayakawa : The devil controls a Fiend's personality.
You kill this one.
Aki Hayakawa : Turn into a devil,
and show me what you can do.
Aki Hayakawa : That'll help me figure out
if you're of any use.
EXTRA : Don't look at me... (0:15:29.76)
EXTRA : You're dead! Dead, dead, dead! (0:15:31.20)
EXTRA : Damn Devil Hunters! (0:15:34.13)
Aki Hayakawa : Hey. Why didn't you use your devil powers? (0:15:44.31)
Denji : Thing is... (0:15:47.92)
Denji : When I kill devils with my powers,
they get real messed up.
Denji : So, like... I coulda ended up
like this Fiend, right?
Denji : So I kinda... wanted to
make it painless for him.
Aki Hayakawa : All right. Listen to me. (0:16:06.82)
Aki Hayakawa : Fiends are just like any other devil. (0:16:09.02)
Aki Hayakawa : If you're hunting them,
then drop the sympathy.
Aki Hayakawa : My entire family was killed
by a devil right in front of me.
Aki Hayakawa : I've had drinks with the cops down below. (0:16:18.74)
Aki Hayakawa : They're risking their lives
to protect their wives and kids.
Aki Hayakawa : Everyone is serious about this except you. (0:16:26.23)
Aki Hayakawa : I'd rather make any devil I kill
suffer as much as possible.
Aki Hayakawa : What are you trying to do?
Make friends with them?
Denji : If there's a devil I could be
friends with, then yeah, I would.
Denji : 'Cuz I don't have any friends. (0:16:42.57)
Aki Hayakawa : I'll remember that. (0:16:48.68)
Denji : Guess I pissed him off... (0:17:00.24)
Denji : I was just trying to keep
blood off these dirty magazines.
Denji : When the chainsaws are out, blood gets
everywhere and makes a real mess.
Denji : I made it easy for you,
so I get to keep these!
Denji : Okay, the porn is secured. (0:17:19.57)
Pochita : I want you to show me your dream. (0:17:22.35)
Denji : I'm pretty serious about this, Pochita. (0:17:25.19)
Denji : I'm already living the dream,
just like our bargain said.
Aki Hayakawa : I'll remember that. (0:17:32.78)
Denji : My dream might've come true already,
but he must be chasing his.
Denji : I get to bathe every day, eat good food... (0:17:43.10)
Denji : Get to hang around a hot chick... (0:17:46.93)
Denji : My life's a 10 outta 10, but it feels
like something's missing.
Denji : Am I missing something? Something that'd
give me a real perfect score?
Denji : He's gotta be after some revenge shit. (0:17:58.34)
Denji : They're trying to protect their families. (0:18:01.27)
Denji : I wonder if Miss Makima
is after anything like that?
Denji : Miss Makima... (0:18:09.60)
Denji : I wanna touch her boobs. (0:18:12.55)
Denji : Touching boobs is a dream I gave
up on a long time ago,
Denji : but I've got a real job now.
Maybe I could pull it off?
Denji : I probably couldn't score
with a girl just yet.
Denji : But boobs? (0:18:32.13)
Denji : If I had the right plan, and the
willpower, then maybe...
Aki Hayakawa : Everyone is serious about this except you. (0:18:38.26)
Denji : So that's what he meant! (0:18:40.60)
Denji : I've found it! Something to be serious about! (0:18:43.08)
Denji : My goal! It's... (0:18:46.21)
Denji : Boobs! (0:18:49.19)
Makima : Boobs? (0:18:51.06)
Aki Hayakawa : Hey! Pay attention, dumbass! (0:18:52.31)
Denji : Listen to what? (0:18:55.06)
Makima : I'm assigning you a partner
starting today, Denji.
Denji : Partner? (0:18:59.95)
Makima : As a precaution, Public Safety executes patrols (0:19:01.09)
Makima : and smaller missions with two-person teams. (0:19:04.20)
Makima : This is great timing. She's here. (0:19:09.41)
Makima : Be careful. She's a Fiend. (0:19:12.96)
Power : Prostrate yourselves, humans! (0:19:17.54)
Power : For I am Power! (0:19:20.37)
Power : Are you to be my so-called partner?! (0:19:22.21)
Denji : Power?! Your name's Power?! (0:19:25.24)
Denji : And you're a Fiend?! (0:19:27.38)
Denji : Are Fiends allowed to be Devil Hunters?! (0:19:29.19)
Denji : Well, whatever! Nice to meet you! (0:19:35.23)
Makima : Fiends, like devils,
are targets for extermination.
Makima : But Power's highly rational, (0:19:42.49)
Makima : so she's been on Hayakawa's team. (0:19:44.97)
Makima : I mentioned this before, (0:19:47.77)
Makima : but Public Safety Devil Extermination
Special Division 4 is an experimental unit.
Makima : The higher-ups will be looking
to dissolve your team as soon as possible
Makima : if you can't get results. (0:19:56.39)
Makima : I don't need to explain what would happen
to you two if that happens, do I?
Makima : Power's horns stand out a bit too much, (0:20:08.77)
Makima : so you'll want to patrol areas
without a lot of pedestrians.
Power : Human! Provide me with something
to kill immediately!
Power : I am starved for blood! (0:20:28.41)
Denji : I can put up with crazy,
as long as she's hot enough.
Denji : The question is, how do I get
my hands on those boobs?
Makima : If you run into any civilian Devil Hunters, (0:20:44.16)
Makima : or the police try to question you
about what you're doing...
EXTRA : We've got a pair of suspicious individuals... (0:20:47.96)
EXTRA : Excuse me, I need to ask you— (0:20:48.60)
Denji : We're with Public Safety Devil
Extermination Special Division 4.
Makima : ...say that, show them your ID, (0:20:53.43)
Makima : and they'll make a sour face
and leave you alone.
Denji : Where the hell are all the devils?! (0:21:00.34)
Power : This is likely my fault! (0:21:02.40)
Power : Before becoming a Fiend,
I was a devil that was feared by all!
Power : Demonic peons will likely flee
the moment they catch my scent!
Denji : Wait, how are we gonna
get anything done, then?!
Makima : If you have any questions,
just ask Hayakawa.
Makima : He's the one who put you two together. (0:21:21.56)
Denji : That asshole! He set me up! (0:21:23.67)
Denji : He stuck me with Power
so I can't do anything cool!
Denji : He's trying to get me fired! (0:21:30.45)
Power : The scent of blood! (0:21:36.13)
Denji : Whoa! Hey, crazy, where you going?! (0:21:39.40)
Power : The game is afoot! (0:21:45.90)
Power : The battle is joined! (0:21:48.18)
Denji : Damn, she's fast! (0:21:49.87)
EXTRA : The scene's evacuated and blocked off. (0:21:50.99)
EXTRA : It's the Sea Cucumber Devil.
Yes, the Sea Cucumber Devil.
EXTRA : Requesting backup
in front of Nerima Station.
EXTRA : I said, it's the Sea Cucumber— (0:22:00.26)
EXTRA : Do you know what a sea cucumber is? (0:22:02.31)
EXTRA : Look, I'm trying to say— (0:22:04.39)
EXTRA : What the...? (0:22:11.44)
Power : Did you see?! The kill is mine! (0:22:13.25)

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Finally. A million thanks to the person who added her to the database. You're doing God's work. - Anonymous


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