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Aki Shino : Tsurayuki-kun! Why in the heck did you do it?! (0:00:00.31)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I'm sorry, okay? (0:00:03.60)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I was hungry, and there was
nothing else that looked good.
Aki Shino : How's that make it okay
to eat other people's stuff?!
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Seriously, I do feel bad! (0:00:10.32)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Which is why I went ahead and got
you some Sukiyamon! See?
Aki Shino : This is is soy sauce-flavored! (0:00:17.87)
Aki Shino : Umakatoyo is tonkotsu-flavored! (0:00:19.29)
Aki Shino : They ain't the same thing! (0:00:21.13)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I don't get the big deal.
They're both instant ramen.
Kyouya Hashiba : Starting this spring,
along with enrolling in art school,
Aki Shino : They can be the same kinda food,
but that don't make them the same food!
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I've started living in this share house
with some of my classmates.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : In general terms, they're the same thing! (0:00:29.41)
Aki Shino : Are not! (0:00:31.26)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : They are! (0:00:32.25)
Aki Shino : I want mine back! (0:00:33.45)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Too bad! (0:00:34.56)
Nanako Kogure : I heard the whole argument! (0:00:36.59)
Nanako Kogure : Tsurayuki, seriously,
eating someone else's food
Nanako Kogure : is the one of the worst
things a roommate can do!
Nanako Kogure : What's wrong? Why'd everyone go so quiet? (0:00:47.10)
Kyouya Hashiba : Uh, well, Nanako... Your clothes... (0:00:51.03)
Nanako Kogure : My clothes? (0:00:54.89)
Nanako Kogure : Quit looking! (0:01:02.94)
Nanako Kogure : I forgot I was in the middle of changing! (0:01:05.43)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Hell of a puncher, isn't she? (0:01:08.22)
Kyouya Hashiba : For whatever reason, I ended up traveling (0:01:10.93)
Kyouya Hashiba : ten years into the past
with my memories intact.
Kyouya Hashiba : It's what you might call a "time leap." (0:01:17.21)
Kyouya Hashiba : My second attempt attempt
at college has so far been colored
Kyouya Hashiba : with instant ramen's flavor and
painful hits to the solar plexus,
Kyouya Hashiba : along with hope and anxiety. (0:01:25.22)
Kyouya Hashiba : It won't be long before
we start creating for real.
Kyouya Hashiba : I can't help but wonder what awaits us. (0:01:31.61)
Misaki Kanou : When it comes to filmmaking,
these four areas are going to be crucial.
Misaki Kanou : I want you to form groups of four,
with each person handling one area.
Misaki Kanou : The project is to be three minutes long. (0:03:24.01)
Misaki Kanou : And I mean that seriously, (0:03:26.38)
Misaki Kanou : because once you've all turned
in your shorts, we'll be screening them.
Nanako Kogure : Everyone's gonna see? (0:03:31.14)
Aki Shino : Better make sure it turns out good! (0:03:33.97)
Misaki Kanou : Finally, regarding the theme of the
short films I want you all to make...
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : "Time" is kinda broad as far as themes go. (0:03:42.86)
Kyouya Hashiba : So broad it's hard to know
where to drill down.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Yeah. (0:03:48.85)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : And there's a three-minute
limit on our runtime, too.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : That teacher isn't trying to make this easy! (0:03:53.80)
Kyouya Hashiba : It's a good thing we were able to
pick out our team so quickly, though.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Team Kitayama, featuring the roommates
from Share House Kitayama...
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Kinda on the nose, huh? (0:04:02.38)
Kyouya Hashiba : You're directing. Shinoaki's handling
the technical side.
Kyouya Hashiba : Nanako's performing, and I'm production... (0:04:07.64)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Well, I wanna do the script, but don't care
about the performance side of things.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I'm counting on you, Kyoya! (0:04:15.61)
Kyouya Hashiba : I didn't think we'd end up
at the same part time job, too.
Nanako Kogure : Tell me about it. (0:04:22.95)
Nanako Kogure : The manager gave me a funny look (0:04:24.25)
Nanako Kogure : when he noticed we had the same
address on our applications.
Kyouya Hashiba : What do you mean? (0:04:28.35)
Nanako Kogure : Forget about it. (0:04:30.73)
Nanako Kogure : Here, hand that over. I'll put it on this shelf. (0:04:31.88)
Kyouya Hashiba : Say, Nanako... (0:04:41.87)
Kyouya Hashiba : Why'd you enroll in art school? (0:04:44.73)
Kyouya Hashiba : Is there something you want to do? (0:04:46.75)
Nanako Kogure : There wasn't any real reason. (0:04:54.25)
Nanako Kogure : Maybe because I was sick of Lake Biwa? (0:04:57.56)
Kyouya Hashiba : The big lake from where you live? (0:05:00.42)
Nanako Kogure : Yeah. (0:05:02.41)
Nanako Kogure : When I was in grade school,
I used to think it was the ocean.
Nanako Kogure : L-Listen, it's seriously huge! (0:05:09.41)
Nanako Kogure : You would've thought it was
the ocean at that age, too!
Nanako Kogure : Anyway, there's really nothing else to it... (0:05:19.37)
Nanako Kogure : I mean, there are towns and stores, (0:05:22.76)
Nanako Kogure : and you can find most things
you need there.
Nanako Kogure : But I think if I had never left home, (0:05:27.80)
Nanako Kogure : I would've never learned
what the ocean was really like.
Nanako Kogure : The idea of time just passing by
in a place like that scared me.
Nanako Kogure : And before I knew it, here I was. (0:05:49.19)
Nanako Kogure : It's embarrassing to admit, but it's
kind of like I'm here to find myself.
Kyouya Hashiba : I think I get what you mean. (0:05:58.68)
EXTRA : The doors are closing. Please stand clear. (0:06:17.57)
Nanako Kogure : Are you here for a similar reason? (0:06:38.59)
Kyouya Hashiba : Yeah. (0:06:40.79)
Kyouya Hashiba : What is it? (0:06:45.79)
Nanako Kogure : Let me. (0:06:46.53)
Nanako Kogure : This goes up here. (0:06:47.67)
Kyouya Hashiba : Wait, Nanako... (0:06:50.13)
Nanako Kogure : Aw, it got caught on something. (0:06:51.80)
Nanako Kogure : Sorry, gimme one second... (0:06:55.31)
Kyouya Hashiba : Just one? (0:06:57.66)
Kyouya Hashiba : Uh, never mind. (0:07:00.05)
Nanako Kogure : Almost done... (0:07:02.28)
Kyouya Hashiba : I might be trying to act like I did
when I was younger,
Kyouya Hashiba : but I'm still 28 mentally. (0:07:09.59)
Kyouya Hashiba : Say, Nanako... (0:07:13.93)
Kyouya Hashiba : Uh... thank you. (0:07:15.26)
Nanako Kogure : No sweat. (0:07:17.61)
Nanako Kogure : Come on. Let's finish up. (0:07:18.66)
Kyouya Hashiba : I'm sure I don't need to explain how
I was in no hurry to finish up.
Nanako Kogure : Get those hands moving, Kyoya. (0:07:26.04)
Misaki Kanou : You're going to fill this in, later, then? (0:07:38.88)
Kyouya Hashiba : Right. We're still not sure
what we're doing.
Misaki Kanou : There's no telling when inspiration
will strike, after all.
Misaki Kanou : Make sure to keep your antennae up. (0:07:48.12)
Kyouya Hashiba : Right... (0:07:50.43)
Misaki Kanou : Has anything interesting happened
lately that you could use?
Kyouya Hashiba : Lately? (0:07:55.81)
Misaki Kanou : Well, it sure looks like something has. (0:08:02.34)
Kyouya Hashiba : You have no idea. (0:08:04.92)
Kyouya Hashiba : Uh, no, nothing really! (0:08:08.25)
Kyouya Hashiba : I-If you'll excuse me! (0:08:10.78)
Kyouya Hashiba : We'd better figure this out soon. (0:08:17.81)
Kyouya Hashiba : I'm home... (0:08:21.41)
Kyouya Hashiba : Shinoaki, you'll catch a cold. (0:08:28.52)
Aki Shino : Can't eat another bite... (0:08:31.81)
Kyouya Hashiba : Come on. Time to finish eating. (0:08:34.71)
Aki Shino : Good morning, Kyoya-kun. (0:08:46.90)
Aki Shino : That was a real nice dream. (0:08:56.68)
Aki Shino : I had a bunch of Itoshima oysters to eat. (0:08:59.01)
Kyouya Hashiba : Sorry to interrupt your meal. (0:09:02.24)
Kyouya Hashiba : Come to think of it, Shinoaki,
why'd you enroll in art school?
Aki Shino : I can't do anything, (0:09:11.97)
Aki Shino : so I wanted to find something I could do. (0:09:14.42)
Aki Shino : That's how I ended up here. (0:09:17.68)
Kyouya Hashiba : That's why you choose art school? (0:09:19.85)
Aki Shino : Yeah. (0:09:21.39)
Aki Shino : I've never been real good at studying,
even in elementary school.
Aki Shino : I'd even miss the train a lot. (0:09:26.81)
Kyouya Hashiba : I can imagine that. (0:09:29.71)
Aki Shino : Since it was in the country, missing the
train meant waiting for a whole half hour.
Aki Shino : The folks from the station
even got to know me.
Aki Shino : What's wrong? (0:09:59.22)
Kyouya Hashiba : I think I have an idea
that goes with our theme!
Kyouya Hashiba : I'm thinking of having the short
take place at a train station.
Nanako Kogure : Why a train station? (0:10:07.34)
Kyouya Hashiba : Since it's the type of place
everyone is familiar with,
Kyouya Hashiba : there's a lot of obvious shorthand
that'll help people understand the setting.
Kyouya Hashiba : And I think it'd be well-suited to a story
that wraps up in three minutes.
Nanako Kogure : You've got a point! (0:10:19.43)
Aki Shino : Everybody uses the train. (0:10:21.35)
Kyouya Hashiba : And since stations tend to stay intact
for long periods of time,
Kyouya Hashiba : they work well for depicting
the passage of time.
Kyouya Hashiba : My idea is to use that to depict
the life of one woman
Kyouya Hashiba : over the course of three minutes. (0:10:33.22)
Kyouya Hashiba : And I thought it might be good to have her
life progress in tune with the time of day.
Kyouya Hashiba : What do you think? (0:10:41.90)
Nanako Kogure : Sounds interesting! I think it'll work. (0:10:42.89)
Aki Shino : I like it, too. (0:10:45.27)
Aki Shino : I can't wait to see it screened! (0:10:47.10)
Kyouya Hashiba : What do you think, Tsurayuki? (0:10:49.77)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Can I get a half-hour? (0:10:51.76)
Aki Shino : I wonder what that's about. (0:10:57.29)
Nanako Kogure : I dunno. (0:10:58.95)
Kyouya Hashiba : What's this? (0:11:09.35)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I wrote up a plot for the
setup you described.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I figured it was what you were after. (0:11:13.44)
Kyouya Hashiba : Wow! This is exactly what I meant! (0:11:15.40)
Aki Shino : You're really something, Tsurayuki-kun! (0:11:17.95)
Aki Shino : You were able to come up
with something so quick!
Nanako Kogure : That's better than
I figured you could manage!
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Well, I didn't come up with the idea myself,
so I figured I should do this much.
Aki Shino : That settles it, then! (0:11:30.25)
Nanako Kogure : No objections! (0:11:32.16)
Kyouya Hashiba : Yeah, I'm looking forward to the script— (0:11:33.64)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Kyoya... (0:11:36.05)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : You got a second? (0:11:37.92)
Kyouya Hashiba : What is it, Tsurayuki? (0:11:47.14)
Kyouya Hashiba : What's this? (0:11:51.21)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Something from my idea notebook. (0:11:52.39)
Kyouya Hashiba : Isn't this— (0:11:58.07)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It's the exact same thing. (0:11:59.29)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Your idea, and what I had
written down in my notes.
Kyouya Hashiba : I swear, I didn't see— (0:12:05.32)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Yeah, I know. (0:12:06.32)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I actually had it locked up. (0:12:09.06)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : You couldn't possibly have seen it. (0:12:11.58)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : But you still managed to come up
with the same idea,
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : like you read my mind. (0:12:18.78)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It honestly felt like you took
something right out of my head.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Which is why I rushed
to write down the outline.
Kyouya Hashiba : I didn't mean to. (0:12:28.22)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It was scary, man, if I'm being honest. (0:12:29.51)
Kyouya Hashiba : Come to think of it, how exactly
did I come up with that idea?
Kyouya Hashiba : I remember now... It was from
a collection of short stories.
Kyouya Hashiba : A story about a woman's life, depicted against
the background of a train station.
Kyouya Hashiba : I think the impression it left me with
is what had me imagine something similar.
Kyouya Hashiba : And I didn't read that book
until some point in the future.
Kyouya Hashiba : Does that mean I essentially stole the idea
from Tsurayuki's future self?
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Kyoya, is it just a coincidence? (0:13:08.03)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Or is there something else going on here? (0:13:11.50)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Well, Kyoya? Which one is it? (0:13:21.29)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Yeah, it couldn't be... (0:13:31.54)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Sorry about that.
It has to be a coincidence.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It's not out of the question
for different people to have the same idea.
Kyouya Hashiba : You've got a point. (0:13:41.53)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I've gotta be honest, I was kind of glad. (0:13:42.50)
Kyouya Hashiba : Why? (0:13:45.43)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : A train station makes for an easy setting, (0:13:46.71)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : both in terms of the possibility space
for characters' behavior,
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : and the things that can happen to them. (0:13:51.34)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : That's something that you pick up
from learning about screenwriting.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : But if anybody here at school
realized that, I sure didn't notice.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Which is why I was thinking about just
doing the bare minimum for the project,
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : and focusing on my individual studies. (0:14:06.90)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : But I get the feeling we could make
something good together, Kyoya.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Let's give the teachers
a real shock with our project!
Kyouya Hashiba : Yeah! (0:14:21.73)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : What do you mean, you want to make some cuts?! (0:15:02.21)
Kyouya Hashiba : As things stand, we're going to
end up going over three minutes,
Kyouya Hashiba : so I was hoping you could
rewrite the script.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I submitted the script we have
after already rewriting it a bunch,
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : because I thought it was
the best version of that story!
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : There's nothing in it
that can be cut for time!
Kyouya Hashiba : Still... (0:15:19.48)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Shinoaki, you can adjust the storyboards
to make sure everything fits, right?
Aki Shino : Let me think... (0:15:27.19)
Aki Shino : It should be doable, but... (0:15:29.45)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : And if we pick up the pace with your lines, (0:15:31.45)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : we can cram them in within
the time limit, right?
Nanako Kogure : Can we, though? (0:15:36.47)
Nanako Kogure : I mean, I'd have to try... (0:15:37.99)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : That's what I'm talking about! (0:15:40.26)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : We should at least try first! (0:15:41.92)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Right? (0:15:44.04)
Kyouya Hashiba : There's a hard time limit
on this assignment.
Kyouya Hashiba : No matter how good the short turns out, (0:15:50.75)
Kyouya Hashiba : if we go past that limit,
we'll be worse off for it.
Kyouya Hashiba : But is that good enough a reason
to convince Tsurayuki?
Kyouya Hashiba : Right now, this is probably
the best I can do.
Kyouya Hashiba : It's an assignment, after all, so we need
to follow the rules if we want the credit.
Kyouya Hashiba : So... (0:16:08.03)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Okay. Fine. I'll make the cuts. (0:16:11.69)
Kyouya Hashiba : Tsurayuki... (0:16:15.87)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Is this your approach when it comes
to making something good, Kyoya?
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Talk about lame. (0:16:26.13)
Nanako Kogure : Tsurayuki is such a perfectionist! (0:16:35.85)
Nanako Kogure : If it's running long, we should
just make the cuts!
Aki Shino : Don't let it bug you too much. (0:16:41.98)
Kiryu Takashi : You there, the young lady stepping on me... (0:16:45.61)
Kiryu Takashi : I'm going to refrain from the impulse
to savor this sensation,
Kiryu Takashi : and ask for your help instead. (0:16:54.96)
Kiryu Takashi : If you have any sympathy for your senpai,
who's run out of money from home,
Kiryu Takashi : and is slowly starving to death... (0:17:00.20)
Kyouya Hashiba : Is this the place? (0:17:04.41)
Kiryu Takashi : Y-Yes, thank you. (0:17:06.04)
Kiryu Takashi : This is a huge relief. (0:17:10.43)
Kiryu Takashi : It looks like I was able to make it back,
thanks to the three of you.
Kiryu Takashi : And now, freshmen— (0:17:17.82)
Kiryu Takashi : You're ours! (0:17:19.22)
Sugimoto : Nice one, Prez! (0:17:21.34)
Kiryu Takashi : Looks like we can avert
a third year of budget cuts!
Kakihara : We'll be able to survive another year! (0:17:27.15)
Kiryu Takashi : I am seriously so sorry! (0:17:29.65)
Hiyama : Sorry about the whole snare. (0:17:32.28)
Kyouya Hashiba : It's not a big deal, so please, stop bowing! (0:17:34.63)
Kiryu Takashi : So, you're going to join the club, right?! (0:17:36.91)
Kyouya Hashiba : That is a different matter altogether. (0:17:38.96)
Sugimoto : It's no use after all. (0:17:41.17)
Kakihara : Please! We're going to be
in real trouble without new members.
Kiryu Takashi : Could we at least get permission
to use your name?
Kiryu Takashi : Please, Hashy?! (0:17:48.61)
Kyouya Hashiba : Please don't come up
with weird nicknames for me!
Kyouya Hashiba : I don't really have time
for a circle, anyway.
Aki Shino : I'm thinking about joining. (0:17:55.72)
Nanako Kogure : Yeah, me too, as long as it's
for a trial period.
Kyouya Hashiba : Seriously? (0:18:01.33)
EXTRA : Hooray! Hooray! (0:18:02.22)
EXTRA : Hooray! (0:18:04.72)
Kyouya Hashiba : I... (0:18:06.58)
Kiryu Takashi : I'm Kiryu Takashi, in my fifth year
of the photography program.
Kiryu Takashi : If you have any questions
about taking pictures, I'm your man.
Kiryu Takashi : I'll make time. (0:18:16.11)
Eiko Kawasegawa : Hashiba Kyoya... (0:18:36.37)
Kyouya Hashiba : Oh, chief... (0:18:39.28)
Kyouya Hashiba : Er, Kawasegawa-san. (0:18:40.97)
Eiko Kawasegawa : Is your team going to be filming
at the station, too?
Kyouya Hashiba : Oh... yeah. Yours, too? (0:18:47.43)
Eiko Kawasegawa : You're not going to outdo us. (0:18:50.92)
Eiko Kawasegawa : No matter what
you're putting together,
Eiko Kawasegawa : my team intends to get
the highest marks.
Kyouya Hashiba : O...kay. (0:18:58.70)
Eiko Kawasegawa : Don't think we're competing
at the same level.
Eiko Kawasegawa : Because we're not. (0:19:03.09)
Kyouya Hashiba : We're trying to make something good— (0:19:05.09)
Eiko Kawasegawa : Then let me ask you... (0:19:06.93)
Eiko Kawasegawa : What's the concept of your short? (0:19:08.08)
Eiko Kawasegawa : What's the most important element of it? (0:19:10.71)
Eiko Kawasegawa : How are you going to use
the three-minute runtime?
Eiko Kawasegawa : You're handling production,
so you should have some idea, right?
Kyouya Hashiba : Well... (0:19:17.80)
Eiko Kawasegawa : Don't underestimate filmmaking. (0:19:21.05)
Kyouya Hashiba : Here's the location release form. (0:19:26.68)
Misaki Kanou : Have a seat, and I'll see about
getting that stamped for you.
Misaki Kanou : Let's see... (0:19:30.94)
Misaki Kanou : Sorry about— (0:19:36.79)
Misaki Kanou : Production's always got something
to worry about, huh?
Misaki Kanou : I heard your group's got
some creative differences.
Kyouya Hashiba : Well, uh... Yes. (0:19:45.08)
Kyouya Hashiba : What's this? (0:19:51.52)
Misaki Kanou : The script of a movie
that came out the other day.
Misaki Kanou : It's had great reception, and seems likely
to win a few some awards.
Misaki Kanou : But no one seems to like the actual movie. (0:19:59.88)
Misaki Kanou : The director and cast probably
did whatever they wanted.
Misaki Kanou : The runtime ended up too long,
ruining the tempo,
Misaki Kanou : and wasting the strengths of the story. (0:20:08.80)
Kyouya Hashiba : This really is hard, isn't it? (0:20:10.85)
Misaki Kanou : A script isn't a finished product. (0:20:12.82)
Misaki Kanou : If the point was to just have
people read something, and that's all,
Misaki Kanou : it'd be better done as prose. (0:20:17.45)
Misaki Kanou : At the script stage,
it can still go either way.
Misaki Kanou : What you're doing isn't just
a matter of subtraction.
Misaki Kanou : If the production side stops trying,
then that means the whole project is doomed.
Misaki Kanou : That's how important it is. (0:20:31.67)
Eiko Kawasegawa : You're handling production,
so you should have some idea, right?
Eiko Kawasegawa : Don't underestimate filmmaking. (0:20:37.04)
Misaki Kanou : I've got one piece of advice for you. (0:20:40.62)
Misaki Kanou : Everyone involved in the
filmmaking process is a creator.
Misaki Kanou : And no one outranks anyone else. (0:20:47.20)
Kyouya Hashiba : Thank you so much! (0:20:52.41)
Kyouya Hashiba : Whether it's ten years in the past
or the future, time is limited either way.
Kyouya Hashiba : Why didn't I realize that sooner? (0:21:02.53)
Kyouya Hashiba : I have to make sure I have no regrets,
or nothing will change at all!
Kyouya Hashiba : Tsurayuki! Tsurayuki! (0:21:13.31)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : What? What is it? (0:21:15.89)
Kyouya Hashiba : I'm sorry, Tsurayuki! (0:21:17.13)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : What brought this on?! (0:21:18.13)
Nanako Kogure : What? What's up? (0:21:20.39)
Aki Shino : What's going on? (0:21:21.45)
Kyouya Hashiba : I want to talk this over again! (0:21:23.79)
Kyouya Hashiba : So please, can we make some time for it? (0:21:25.81)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It's already decided. Just do what you want. (0:21:28.64)
Kyouya Hashiba : That's not true! We haven't
even gotten started yet!
Kyouya Hashiba : You're right, Tsurayuki! (0:21:35.81)
Kyouya Hashiba : We haven't filmed anything,
or started an edit yet,
Kyouya Hashiba : so it's too soon to give up! (0:21:39.86)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Kyoya... (0:21:42.70)
Kyouya Hashiba : I want to talk this through as much
as we can, until the last minute,
Kyouya Hashiba : so we can decide what we can do
that'll have the best result!
Kyouya Hashiba : We'll worry about time later! (0:21:49.56)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : If you insist... I'm in, then. (0:21:54.17)
Kyouya Hashiba : Yeah! Let's do this! (0:21:58.60)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Great weather today. (0:22:11.85)
Kyouya Hashiba : We picked a day where it was
supposed to be clear.
Kyouya Hashiba : There was planning involved. (0:22:16.11)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : It was hard work getting everything
to fit into three minutes too, y'know?
Kyouya Hashiba : Thank you. (0:22:21.96)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : Let's make this good. (0:22:23.23)
Kyouya Hashiba : Yeah! (0:22:24.79)
Aki Shino : Oh... This is... (0:22:27.00)
Kyouya Hashiba : What is it? (0:22:30.09)
Aki Shino : The camera that Tsurayuki-kun
borrowed isn't a video camera.
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : No, that can't be... (0:22:36.49)
Nanako Kogure : Why not just go get the right one? (0:22:43.48)
Kyouya Hashiba : We can't. It'd take too long. (0:22:46.26)
Nanako Kogure : Oh, no... (0:22:48.72)
Tsurayuki Rokuonji : I'm sorry... I can't believe
it turned out like this...
Nanako Kogure : Hey, everyone makes mistakes.
Not much we can do.
Aki Shino : Yeah. There's nothing we can do. (0:22:55.87)
Kyouya Hashiba : Is there... nothing? (0:23:00.32)
Kyouya Hashiba : Didn't I spend my life ten years in the future (0:23:03.51)
Kyouya Hashiba : repeating that excuse,
and regretting it every time?
Kyouya Hashiba : And now, when I've got
the chance to do it all over...
Kyouya Hashiba : Am I going to just do it again? (0:23:12.56)
Kyouya Hashiba : Make excuses... and kick it all down the road,
without actually achieving anything?
Kyouya Hashiba : Put a hold on everything for ten years,
and see how that turns out?
Kyouya Hashiba : No! (0:23:25.98)
Kyouya Hashiba : We are not out of options! (0:23:27.30)
Kyouya Hashiba : We're going to figure something out, damn it! (0:23:31.93)

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