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Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu, your room's still a mess. (0:01:43.06)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm sorry... (0:01:46.50)
Mrs. Maehara : The day after tomorrow is the big day.
What did your teacher say?
Shinobu Maehara : Mom... (0:01:52.57)
Mrs. Maehara : What? (0:01:53.57)
Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu! (0:02:00.31)
EXTRA : What a nice bath... (0:02:06.75)
Shinobu Maehara : What's he drawing?
He's kinda creepy...
Shinobu Maehara : The town council elders...! (0:02:31.61)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm smiling... (0:02:38.25)
Shinobu Maehara : How could you?
That's so mean...!
Keitaro Urashima : No, it's just my hand!
Bad hand! Bad hand!
EXTRA : Try smiling. (0:02:55.37)
EXTRA : Nope, doesn't look like you. (0:02:58.90)
Shinobu Maehara : I have to return this. (0:03:00.67)
EXTRA : That boy was heading for\nthe Hinata Apartments. (0:03:02.17)
Shinobu Maehara : The Hinata Apartments?! (0:03:05.51)
EXTRA : That's right. (0:03:07.08)
Mrs. Maehara : Where have you been, Shinobu? (0:03:15.62)
Shinobu Maehara : I... I... (0:03:45.48)
EXTRA : Yeah? Somebody call me? (0:03:47.55)
EXTRA : Oh. Hey, Maehara-san.
What is it?
Shinobu Maehara : Nothing. (0:03:54.93)
EXTRA : You thought it was someone from\nanother class, didn't you? (0:03:57.70)
EXTRA : Well, can you blame me?
She never talks to anybody!
EXTRA : Okay, pay up for the makeup job. (0:04:05.84)
EXTRA : It's a steal! (0:04:07.41)
EXTRA : I'll come back for it at the\nnext five-minute break. (0:04:13.35)
Shinobu Maehara : Uh... Are you okay? (0:04:18.72)
Akiko Taichi : I'm fine, thanks.
We're all friends, so...
EXTRA : Hey, Maehara and Taichi are friends! (0:04:25.39)
Shinobu Maehara : W-What? (0:04:29.66)
Shinobu Maehara : Not really... (0:04:31.83)
EXTRA : Taichi. What's the\nmatter with your face? (0:04:34.73)
Akiko Taichi : Nothing, sir.
This is how I usually look.
EXTRA : So, I should let everyone\nknow tomorrow, then? (0:04:49.15)
Shinobu Maehara : But... I should probably\ntell them myself. (0:04:51.82)
EXTRA : It sounds like you haven't told\nany of your classmates yet. (0:04:54.99)
EXTRA : And you're always\nalone during breaks. (0:04:59.22)
EXTRA : Be sure you make some friends\nat your new school, okay? (0:05:03.83)
Shinobu Maehara : Um... Sensei... (0:05:07.60)
Kaolla Su : Hi-ho, Silver! (0:05:09.80)
Kaolla Su : Jitterbug! Rumba! (0:05:11.57)
EXTRA : Hey, Kaolla Su!
You and your toys again!
Kaolla Su : Aw, c'mon!
Play with me! Play with me!
Kaolla Su : Please please please please! (0:05:56.11)
Mitsune Konno : Oh, come on! (0:05:57.65)
Mitsune Konno : Look, you can play with Motoko as much\nas you want once she gets back, okay? (0:05:58.65)
Motoko Aoyama : Go away! (0:06:11.23)
Kaolla Su : Hey, that's Maehara Shinobu! (0:06:13.63)
Mitsune Konno : Is she in your class? (0:06:16.53)
Kaolla Su : No, she's in 7th grade.
She sits at desk 23 in Class B.
Mitsune Konno : Oh, so she's not even in\nthe same grade as you. (0:06:23.48)
Kaolla Su : I memorized the names and faces\nof all the students at school! (0:06:25.78)
Kaolla Su : Hey, Shinobu! (0:06:29.31)
Kaolla Su : What'cha want? (0:06:31.32)
Kaolla Su : What's up?
Have anything to eat?
Kaolla Su : Something smells good! (0:06:37.39)
Naru Narusegawa : Hey, what are you doing?! (0:06:39.86)
Naru Narusegawa : Cut that out! (0:06:42.66)
Naru Narusegawa : Oh! Hey, your family owns that\nrestaurant in town, right? (0:06:45.40)
Mitsune Konno : I guess she's Su's friend. (0:06:48.77)
Naru Narusegawa : Oh, that's nice!
Did you come over to play?
Kaolla Su : Yay! A friend to play with! (0:06:53.30)
Shinobu Maehara : N-No, I... I didn't know that our\nexchange student, Su, lived here. (0:06:54.97)
Naru Narusegawa : Oh, I know! I bet Kitsune ran up\na tab at your family's restaurant! (0:06:59.24)
Mitsune Konno : What, she's their kid? (0:07:02.81)
Shinobu Maehara : No, no! (0:07:04.09)
Shinobu Maehara : H-Here! (0:07:05.82)
Mitsune Konno : What's that? A sketchbook? (0:07:08.29)
Kaolla Su : It's not food? (0:07:09.38)
Naru Narusegawa : What's this about? (0:07:10.62)
Kaolla Su : They're all pictures of girls! (0:07:15.26)
Naru Narusegawa : Huh? (0:07:17.16)
Mitsune Konno : It belongs to the Tokyo U student! (0:07:18.02)
Shinobu Maehara : What? Tokyo University?! (0:07:20.47)
Keitaro Urashima : What're you guys doing? (0:07:22.60)
Mitsune Konno : Well, that's a Tokyo U student for you!
You sure can draw!
Kaolla Su : Keitaro, you perv! (0:07:28.54)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm sorry!
I just wanted to return it!
Kaolla Su : You made her cry!
Keitaro made her cry!
Keitaro Urashima : Wait a minute! Don't you think\nyou guys are partly to blame, too? (0:07:45.06)
Keitaro Urashima : You shouldn't go through\nother people's things. (0:07:49.09)
Mitsune Konno : Well... I guess you're right. (0:07:51.60)
Mrs. Maehara : The Hinata Apartments?! Didn't I tell\nyou not to go near that place? (0:08:01.34)
Mrs. Maehara : It's full of young girls, and who\nknows what they get up to in there! (0:08:05.24)
Mrs. Maehara : And what about your packing? (0:08:09.28)
Mrs. Maehara : The moving truck is\ncoming tomorrow. (0:08:11.65)
EXTRA : Let's eat! (0:08:15.99)
Keitaro Urashima : It's too spicy! (0:08:19.72)
Mitsune Konno : Me first! (0:08:21.49)
Naru Narusegawa : That's my cup! (0:08:23.83)
Mitsune Konno : Move it! (0:08:24.96)
Kaolla Su : You guys just can't appreciate good food... (0:08:30.13)
Kaolla Su : ...because of all that junk food you eat. (0:08:31.32)
Kaolla Su : Back home, this is the kind of\nfood our royal family eats! (0:08:33.77)
Mitsune Konno : I can't handle this...
Let's eat out tonight.
Naru Narusegawa : How about the
Hinata Restaurant, then?
Keitaro Urashima : But that's where that girl lives! (0:08:43.08)
Naru Narusegawa : That's why. Do you think you can\nmake a girl cry and leave it at that? (0:08:44.58)
Mitsune Konno : It says they're closing... (0:08:51.39)
Naru Narusegawa : They're closing the restaurant? (0:08:53.22)
Kaolla Su : Shinobu!
Fix us something to eat!
Shinobu Maehara : I'm sorry! (0:08:57.56)
Keitaro Urashima : Looks like she's still mad. (0:09:00.20)
Mitsune Konno : Oh, well. Maybe we can have Haruka-san make us something over at her place. (0:09:02.77)
Naru Narusegawa : I wonder why they're closing\ndown all of a sudden... (0:09:06.47)
EXTRA : All dreams must end one day. (0:09:13.34)
EXTRA : Time moves in cycles...\njust as karma does. (0:09:15.58)
Naru Narusegawa : A divorce? (0:09:22.45)
Haruka Urashima : Yeah, that's what I heard. (0:09:23.22)
Haruka Urashima : She's not getting any alimony,\nso they're selling the restaurant. (0:09:25.12)
Keitaro Urashima : What about their daughter? (0:09:28.66)
Haruka Urashima : They say they're still fighting\nover who gets custody. (0:09:29.93)
Haruka Urashima : Supposedly, she's being\npicked on at school... (0:09:33.40)
Haruka Urashima : I guess they figure it's a good time for her to move to new school. (0:09:36.83)
Mitsune Konno : Did you know she's being picked on? (0:09:39.30)
Kaolla Su : It's news to me. (0:09:40.50)
Keitaro Urashima : I guess that means\nshe's leaving soon. (0:09:41.91)
Shinobu Maehara : Bye-bye! (0:09:59.32)
Shinobu Maehara : Bye-bye! (0:10:01.16)
Kaolla Su : Bye-bye! (0:10:02.79)
Mrs. Maehara : We've been over this before! (0:10:26.98)
Mrs. Maehara : Please stop coming here! (0:10:28.98)
Yasuharu Maehara : I've given this a lot of thought. (0:10:31.25)
Yasuharu Maehara : How are you going to be able\nto raise Shinobu without a job? (0:10:32.82)
Mrs. Maehara : Think about how she would feel about being raised by some strange woman! (0:10:36.19)
Yasuharu Maehara : There is no other woman! (0:10:40.19)
Mrs. Maehara : Why did you have to come here and\nbring this up on the day we're moving?! (0:10:41.76)
Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu!
Where are you going?
Yasuharu Maehara : Shinobu! (0:10:46.80)
Shinobu Maehara : I know... (0:11:01.21)
Shinobu Maehara : No matter how far I walk, I'm always\ngoing to end up at the same place. (0:11:02.88)
Shinobu Maehara : Where I'm going...
Which way I'm headed...
Shinobu Maehara : There's nothing I can do about it. (0:11:10.19)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm sorry, I... (0:11:18.80)
Keitaro Urashima : No, I'm the one who should apologize!
I'm so sorry!
Keitaro Urashima : We want to throw a party for you... (0:11:23.97)
Keitaro Urashima : apologize and say goodbye. (0:11:25.80)
Keitaro Urashima : It's sad that we have to say\ngoodbye when we've just met, (0:11:32.01)
Keitaro Urashima : but we ought to make the best of it. (0:11:34.98)
Shinobu Maehara : No, you're too kind. (0:11:37.02)
Keitaro Urashima : What's going on?! (0:11:44.99)
Mitsune Konno : Hey, he's still alive. (0:11:47.09)
Naru Narusegawa : Kitsune did it! (0:11:47.83)
Mitsune Konno : Hey, you were the one who\nknocked over the oil, Naru! (0:11:49.16)
Keitaro Urashima : Shinobu's already here! (0:11:53.80)
Naru Narusegawa : D-Don't worry, we'll start over!
Let's just throw this away, and...
Shinobu Maehara : No, don't! (0:11:58.97)
Shinobu Maehara : We just need to add some water.
Do you still have any raw vegetables?
Shinobu Maehara : We can still save this if we\nadd some basil and rosemary. (0:12:07.28)
Shinobu Maehara : That'll do the trick! (0:12:10.55)
Shinobu Maehara : Could you boil some water, please? (0:12:12.08)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh, sure. (0:12:13.62)
Shinobu Maehara : There! Special Party
Menu a la Shinobu!
Mitsune Konno : I can't believe it! You created\na feast out of that mess! (0:12:19.83)
Keitaro Urashima : Shinobu, I had no idea you\nwere such a great cook! (0:12:23.73)
Keitaro Urashima : This is amazing! Compared to\nthe people here, you're a... (0:12:26.37)
Shinobu Maehara : l-I'm nothing special.
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...
Naru Narusegawa : We're the ones who\nshould apologize. (0:12:35.64)
Naru Narusegawa : This going-away party is for you,\nand you did all the work. (0:12:37.74)
Shinobu Maehara : Going away... (0:12:41.21)
Kaolla Su : Shinobu, you're crying!
What's wrong?
Shinobu Maehara : I'm all right.
Just help yourselves, everyone.
Kaolla Su : Yum! (0:12:52.42)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh... (0:12:54.96)
Keitaro Urashima : You know, it kinda sounds like
Shinobu-chan doesn't want to move.
Mitsune Konno : Obviously. (0:12:59.80)
Keitaro Urashima : Then we have to do something! (0:13:01.60)
Mitsune Konno : No, kids always hate it when\nthey have to move away. (0:13:03.27)
Mitsune Konno : But once they get settled in their\nnew neighborhood, they get over it. (0:13:07.41)
Keitaro Urashima : But... (0:13:11.54)
Keitaro Urashima : She seems so sad... (0:13:13.71)
Shinobu Maehara : It's been a long time since I've\nhad a nice dinner like this. (0:13:20.29)
Keitaro Urashima : Oh, i'll take care of the cleanup! (0:13:25.89)
Naru Narusegawa : What're you doing?!
She's only in junior high!
Keitaro Urashima : S-Sorry. (0:13:40.37)
Shinobu Maehara : T-That's okay.
You sure are tough, Urashima-san!
Kaolla Su : Keitaro's a weakling! (0:13:45.01)
Keitaro Urashima : What're you... (0:13:47.68)
Naru Narusegawa : I swear, it's always like\nthis around here... (0:13:51.68)
Haruka Urashima : I knew I'd find her here. (0:13:56.89)
Haruka Urashima : Her parents are here to pick her up. (0:13:58.42)
Haruka Urashima : They say they're moving today,\nbut she disappeared. (0:14:00.73)
Naru Narusegawa : You're moving today?
Then you really ought to...
Shinobu Maehara : Um... Well... (0:14:08.07)
Keitaro Urashima : Shinobu-chan, if you'd like to stay\nhere a little longer, you... (0:14:09.87)
Haruka Urashima : Keitaro... (0:14:12.91)
Keitaro Urashima : Try to make her\nparents understand. (0:14:14.07)
Mitsune Konno : Don't be stupid! What if\nthey call the cops on you? (0:14:15.87)
Keitaro Urashima : Shinobu-chan, what do you want?
Do you want to go back now, or what?
Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu! (0:14:24.18)
Yasuharu Maehara : Shinobu!
Are you in here?!
Mrs. Maehara : Where is she?! (0:14:36.33)
Kaolla Su : Well... (0:14:38.30)
Mitsune Konno : Beats me. (0:14:43.04)
Naru Narusegawa : Look, Keitaro, I know it's tough\nwhen kids' parents split up, (0:14:48.81)
Naru Narusegawa : but it's nobody's\nbusiness but theirs. (0:14:53.38)
Naru Narusegawa : Why are you getting involved? (0:14:55.78)
Keitaro Urashima : I just think it's unfair. (0:14:57.12)
Keitaro Urashima : Divorce is about what parents want.
It's not like the kids want it to happen.
Keitaro Urashima : So why not let the kids have a say\nin what happens to them? (0:15:04.79)
Naru Narusegawa : Shinobu-chan, what do you want to do? (0:15:09.29)
Shinobu Maehara : I... (0:15:13.20)
Keitaro Urashima : She doesn't know.
That's why she needs some time!
Keitaro Urashima : We're gonna hide outside!
Stall them!
Naru Narusegawa : This won't solve anything! (0:15:20.31)
Naru Narusegawa : Why's he so concerned\nabout that girl? (0:15:22.04)
Naru Narusegawa : Not that I care... (0:15:25.34)
Shinobu Maehara : This way!
Over here!
Keitaro Urashima : I guess they won't find us up here\nfor a while, but why here? (0:15:45.73)
Shinobu Maehara : I used to come here to play all the time\nback when Granny Hina was here. (0:15:49.37)
Shinobu Maehara : This was my special spot back then. (0:15:53.91)
Keitaro Urashima : Be careful! (0:15:58.58)
Shinobu Maehara : But one time,
I slipped and hurt myself.
Shinobu Maehara : After that, my parents wouldn't\nlet me come up here. (0:16:05.35)
Keitaro Urashima : It's pretty special, all right... (0:16:13.73)
Shinobu Maehara : How's it feel to get into Tokyo U? (0:16:16.60)
Shinobu Maehara : My grades have always been terrible,\nand I've never been good at anything. (0:16:20.13)
Shinobu Maehara : I don't have any friends, either. (0:16:24.20)
Shinobu Maehara : So I could never get into
Tokyo U, not in a million years.
Shinobu Maehara : That's why I wanted to ask someone\nwho's good at everything. (0:16:31.68)
Keitaro Urashima : Delicious! (0:16:35.31)
Shinobu Maehara : No, I just learned how to make them!
They must taste terrible!
Keitaro Urashima : Come on, your cooking is amazing!
I'm jealous!
Shinobu Maehara : Please... Don't lie like that. (0:16:46.19)
Shinobu Maehara : I can't do anything right. (0:16:48.59)
Shinobu Maehara : I can't even smile like\nthat picture you drew! (0:16:50.83)
Keitaro Urashima : You can do anything! (0:16:54.43)
Keitaro Urashima : You could even get into
Tokyo U if you felt like it!
Keitaro Urashima : Hey, even a bozo like me got in, (0:16:58.37)
Keitaro Urashima : so I know you can\nsmile like that! (0:17:01.51)
Shinobu Maehara : But... (0:17:04.11)
Keitaro Urashima : I'd be a happy man if I could\neat great food like this every day... (0:17:10.02)
Naru Narusegawa : No, please stop!
That room is forbidden!
Naru Narusegawa : There's a... fox monster. (0:17:25.43)
Mitsune Konno : We got suckered into\nhelping him after all... (0:17:33.27)
Naru Narusegawa : Don't go that way!
Liddo and his friends will...
Yasuharu Maehara : I've had enough of this!
Where's Shinobu?!
Mrs. Maehara : We'll call the police! (0:17:42.78)
Haruka Urashima : Hey! What's it gonna be? (0:17:45.08)
Yasuharu Maehara : Shinobu! (0:17:47.52)
Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu! (0:17:48.62)
Mrs. Maehara : Please come down, Shinobu... (0:17:52.39)
Yasuharu Maehara : You can stay with me! (0:17:54.46)
Mrs. Maehara : You still won't give up? (0:17:55.55)
Yasuharu Maehara : She ran away because she\ndidn't want to go with you! (0:17:57.50)
Mrs. Maehara : What are you talking about?! (0:18:00.23)
Shinobu Maehara : I... I'm not going. (0:18:01.87)
Mrs. Maehara : Shinobu? What do\nyou mean by that? (0:18:04.04)
Shinobu Maehara : I love both of you! (0:18:06.71)
Shinobu Maehara : But I love this town\nand my school, too! (0:18:09.64)
Yasuharu Maehara : But you're being picked\non there! So why... (0:18:12.61)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm not being picked on! (0:18:15.75)
Shinobu Maehara : But I don't want to run away\nwithout making any friends! (0:18:18.12)
Shinobu Maehara : I'm going to stay here.
Okay? Can I, Manager?
Shinobu Maehara : I'll cook every day! (0:18:26.59)
Mitsune Konno : Hey! Sounds like\na good deal to me! (0:18:28.66)
Naru Narusegawa : Did you promise her that? (0:18:31.33)
Keitaro Urashima : Uh... Did I? (0:18:32.96)
Mrs. Maehara : What?! I'm not going\nto allow this! (0:18:35.30)
Mrs. Maehara : Don't just stand there,\nsay something! (0:18:37.87)
Haruka Urashima : If our manager says it's okay,\nthere's nothing I can do about it. (0:18:40.24)
Haruka Urashima : Keitaro, she's your responsibility. (0:18:44.71)
Keitaro Urashima : Yes, ma'am! (0:18:47.31)
Shinobu Maehara : Don't worry, he's a student at
Tokyo U and he's really reliable!
Naru Narusegawa : Oh, is that right? (0:18:53.29)
Keitaro Urashima : Knock it off! (0:18:55.59)
EXTRA : Well, if that's the case, I hope\nyou'll try harder from now on. (0:19:07.60)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:19:11.04)
Shinobu Maehara : Um... Excuse me. (0:19:14.64)
Shinobu Maehara : Would you like some cookies? (0:19:16.94)
Mitsune Konno : Hey, I think it'll work out. (0:19:34.33)
Mitsune Konno : We'll finally have some\ndecent food around here! (0:19:36.19)
Haruka Urashima : You'll still have to\ntake turns helping. (0:19:41.40)
Haruka Urashima : What're you doing, Naru?
You'll turn into a prune.
Naru Narusegawa : She should've just handed\nthis back to Keitaro herself, (0:19:47.41)
Naru Narusegawa : but I guess Shinobu-chan's too shy. (0:19:49.98)
Shinobu Maehara : It's this way!
Shinobu Maehara : But the arrow says... (0:19:59.58)
Shinobu Maehara : "Maehara Shinobu" (0:20:07.46)

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RIN IS MALE - Anonymous


The Lycoris who got fired from the DA. - Mizuki Nakahara

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