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Kyon : Shortly after a month had passed since entering school... (0:00:01.46)
Kyon : ...much like Sisyphus forced to eternally roll a boulder uphill... (0:00:04.62)
Kyon : ...I'd had my fill of this mandatory morning hiking course. (0:00:09.66)
Kyon : But then, as if being dealt the final blow... (0:00:14.31)
Kyon : normal life came to a grinding halt when the incident happened. (0:00:16.95)
Kyon : N-No. (0:00:22.03)
Kyon : Began would be more accurate. (0:00:24.08)
Haruhi Suzumiya : If there isn't one, I just have to make it myself! (0:00:27.73)
Haruhi Suzumiya : A club! (0:00:30.89)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Assist me. (0:00:32.24)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I just came up with a name! (0:00:34.14)
Haruhi Suzumiya : SOS Brigade! (0:00:37.41)
Kyon : Thanks to Suzumiya Haruhi... (0:00:40.52)
Kyon : ...eccentric among eccentrics, my journey through never-ending hell had begun. (0:00:42.07)
Ryoko Asakura : Good morning! (0:00:46.24)
Kyon : Good morning. (0:00:49.06)
Ryoko Asakura : I forgot that I had to do today's class duties. (0:00:49.85)
Ryoko Asakura : I have to hurry to the staff office and ask for the diary. (0:00:52.00)
Ryoko Asakura : Sorry! (0:00:54.87)
Ryoko Asakura : I'm going on ahead! (0:00:55.58)
Kyon : It's hard to believe a girl like her is in the same class when... (0:00:57.57)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Hey, Kyon. (0:01:04.09)
Haruhi Suzumiya : What else do you think we need? (0:01:05.28)
Kyon : For what? (0:01:07.53)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I really want to get my hands on a mysterious transfer student, don't you think? (0:01:08.38)
Kyon : I'm begging you. (0:01:12.37)
Kyon : Establish the context before you start talking. (0:01:13.42)
Haruhi Suzumiya : What the SOS Brigade needs! (0:01:16.12)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I at least want a mysterious transfer student. (0:01:18.48)
Kyon : I'd like you to define mysterious first. (0:01:20.94)
Haruhi Suzumiya : It hasn't even been two months since the new term began. (0:01:24.18)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Anyone who transfers in at this point must qualify as mysterious, right? (0:01:27.28)
Haruhi Suzumiya : You agree, right? (0:01:31.72)
Kyon : Maybe the student's dad was suddenly transferred. (0:01:32.90)
Haruhi Suzumiya : No! (0:01:35.50)
Haruhi Suzumiya : That's abnormal. (0:01:36.24)
Kyon : What would you consider normal? (0:01:37.77)
Kyon : I'd like to know that. (0:01:40.00)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I wonder if a mysterious transfer student will show up. (0:01:42.06)
Kyon : In other words, you don't give a damn what I think... (0:01:46.16)
Kyon : Do you... (0:01:49.81)
Kyon : It would appear that a rumor had spread that Haruhi and I were plotting something. (0:03:23.09)
Taniguchi : Say. (0:03:28.39)
Taniguchi : What are you and Suzumiya up to? (0:03:29.56)
Taniguchi : Don't tell me you're going out. (0:03:31.56)
Kyon : Absolutely not. (0:03:34.31)
Kyon : I'm the one who would like to know exactly what the hell we're doing. (0:03:35.98)
Taniguchi : Don't overdo it. (0:03:41.15)
Taniguchi : We're not in middle school anymore. (0:03:42.74)
Taniguchi : If you render the grounds unusable... (0:03:44.45)
Taniguchi : ...they'll at least suspend you. (0:03:46.24)
Kyon : I have to at least prevent Nagato Yuki and Asahina Mikuru-san from coming to any harm. (0:03:49.45)
Kyon : After the SOS Brigade was founded... (0:03:56.29)
Kyon : ...the bleakness of the former literary clubroom... (0:03:58.30)
Kyon : ...was replaced by a growing number of items. (0:04:00.26)
Kyon : I mean. Is she planning on living here? (0:04:02.30)
Haruhi Suzumiya : A computer would be nice, too. (0:04:07.05)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We're living in the information age and yet we don't have a single computer... (0:04:11.02)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I can't forgive them! (0:04:14.06)
Kyon : Can't forgive who? (0:04:15.65)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Then. (0:04:18.23)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Let's go scrounge one up. (0:04:19.07)
Kyon : Hey, now. (0:04:20.48)
Kyon : Do you actually have any leads? (0:04:21.19)
Kyon : Are you planning on raiding an electronics store? (0:04:22.53)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Of course not. (0:04:24.40)
Haruhi Suzumiya : There's one much closer. (0:04:25.70)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Hello! (0:04:28.70)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We're here to take one set of computer and peripherals! (0:04:30.74)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Who's the leader? (0:04:36.17)
Computer Club President : Do you need something? (0:04:37.75)
Haruhi Suzumiya : There's only one reason I would come in person to the Computer Research Society. (0:04:39.67)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I only need one... (0:04:44.05)
Haruhi Suzumiya : give me a computer. (0:04:45.26)
Computer Club President : What are you talking about? (0:04:47.18)
Haruhi Suzumiya : One can't hurt. (0:04:48.60)
Haruhi Suzumiya : You've got so many! (0:04:50.14)
Computer Club President : Now look here. (0:04:51.64)
Computer Club President : Wait. Who are you people? (0:04:52.81)
Haruhi Suzumiya : The SOS Brigade Chief, Suzumiya Haruhi. (0:04:54.14)
Haruhi Suzumiya : These two are subordinates #1 and #2. (0:04:56.90)
Haruhi Suzumiya : There you have it. (0:05:01.53)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Stop your grumbling and hand one over. (0:05:02.73)
Computer Club President : For what reason!? (0:05:04.95)
Computer Club President : There's no way I would ever do that! (0:05:06.28)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I see. (0:05:11.58)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Well, I have my own ideas about that. (0:05:13.08)
Kyon : What's this!? (0:05:22.67)
Computer Club President : Wh-What are you trying to do!? (0:05:28.39)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Okay! (0:05:31.14)
Haruhi Suzumiya : One more shot! (0:05:31.93)
Computer Club President : What are you doing!? (0:05:36.44)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. (0:05:38.94)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I've got pictures of your sexual harassment now. (0:05:40.56)
Haruhi Suzumiya : If you don't want me to spread these pictures around school... (0:05:44.19)
Haruhi Suzumiya : up and hand over a computer. (0:05:46.90)
Computer Club President : That's ridiculous! (0:05:49.16)
Computer Club President : You forced me to do it! (0:05:50.37)
Computer Club President : I'm innocent! (0:05:52.12)
Haruhi Suzumiya : And how many people do you think will believe your words? (0:05:53.99)
Computer Club President : A-All the members here are witnesses! (0:06:00.46)
EXTRA : That's right! (0:06:02.92)
EXTRA : It wasn't the prez's fault! (0:06:04.38)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I'll say that the whole club was planning on ****-****** her! (0:06:07.13)
Kyon : That's taking it too far... (0:06:12.39)
Haruhi Suzumiya : What will it be? (0:06:14.01)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Are you going to hand it over? (0:06:14.93)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Or not? (0:06:15.85)
Mikuru Asahina : Su-Suzumiya-san... (0:06:16.73)
Computer Club President : That's... (0:06:19.60)
Computer Club President : Take whichever one you want... (0:06:31.16)
EXTRA : Prez! (0:06:33.53)
EXTRA : Hang in there! (0:06:35.12)
EXTRA : Get a hold of yourself! (0:06:37.16)
EXTRA : It wasn't your fault! (0:06:38.87)
EXTRA : But! (0:06:41.17)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Which one's the newest? (0:06:44.09)
Computer Club President : Why do I have to tell you that!? (0:06:45.63)
Computer Club President : Damn it. (0:06:52.30)
Computer Club President : That one. (0:06:53.18)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I looked over all the newest models at the computer shop yesterday. (0:06:54.89)
Haruhi Suzumiya : This wasn't one of them. (0:07:00.48)
Computer Club President : W-Wait! (0:07:05.65)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Give me this one! (0:07:06.90)
Computer Club President : H-Hold on! (0:07:08.53)
Computer Club President : We just bought that last month! (0:07:09.78)
Computer Club President : Take it, you thief. (0:07:15.33)
Kyon : It's as you say. (0:07:17.45)
Kyon : We're thieves. (0:07:18.70)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Come on, Kyon. (0:07:20.41)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Carry this. (0:07:22.33)
Kyon : And so, just like that... (0:07:23.92)
Kyon : ...after blackmailing herself a spanking new computer... (0:07:26.21)
Kyon : ...Haruhi, discovering that the literary clubroom wasn't equipped for Internet use... (0:07:29.51)
Kyon : ...summoned the Computer Society's president and members... (0:07:32.63)
Kyon : ...and had them run a LAN cable between our rooms. (0:07:34.59)
Kyon : She even had him set it up so we could connect through the school's domain. (0:07:36.93)
Kyon : This is what you call an extortionist. (0:07:40.93)
Kyon : Let's go back for now. (0:07:46.48)
Kyon : Asahina-san. (0:07:53.20)
Kyon : You shouldn't get involved with such a weird group. (0:07:54.87)
Kyon : Who knows what else she'll do to you. (0:07:58.49)
Mikuru Asahina : No. (0:08:03.83)
Mikuru Asahina : It's okay. (0:08:04.96)
Mikuru Asahina : You're also here, aren't you? (0:08:10.80)
Mikuru Asahina : This was probably an inevitability on this time plane. (0:08:16.85)
Mikuru Asahina : And I'm concerned about why Nagato-san is here. (0:08:24.14)
Kyon : What about it? (0:08:27.19)
Mikuru Asahina : No. (0:08:29.32)
Mikuru Asahina : It's nothing. (0:08:30.28)
Mikuru Asahina : I may be inexperienced... (0:08:32.69)
Mikuru Asahina : ...but I hope to get along with everyone. (0:08:35.03)
Mikuru Asahina : Also, if you'd like... (0:08:38.07)
Mikuru Asahina : ...please call me Mikuru-chan. (0:08:41.41)
Kyon : Well... (0:08:45.25)
Kyon : What was next? (0:08:46.42)
Kyon : So? Who's going to make it? (0:08:51.05)
Kyon : That site or whatever. (0:08:53.09)
Haruhi Suzumiya : You. (0:08:54.80)
Haruhi Suzumiya : You've got time, don't you? (0:08:55.76)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Make it. (0:08:57.18)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I have to find more members. (0:08:58.43)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Have it finished in a day or two. (0:09:01.56)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We can't participate in any activities until a site's up. (0:09:04.02)
Kyon : Making a website, huh... (0:09:12.61)
Kyon : And despite all the grumbling, I actually enjoyed making it. (0:09:15.28)
Kyon : The Computer Society had installed most of the necessary programs so it was pretty simple. (0:09:18.49)
Kyon : Not a bad way to kill time during lunch break. (0:09:23.37)
Kyon : Speaking of which, what am I supposed to put on here? (0:09:27.00)
Kyon : After all, I still have no idea what the SOS Brigade does. (0:09:29.96)
Kyon : Nagato. (0:09:35.22)
Kyon : Do you have anything you want to put on the site? (0:09:36.09)
Yuki Nagato : Nothing. (0:09:38.18)
Kyon : Not that I care, but... (0:09:43.31)
Kyon : ...she does go to class, right? (0:09:45.14)
Kyon : Crap. (0:10:01.37)
Kyon : Time for class. (0:10:02.28)
Yuki Nagato : Here. (0:10:06.83)
Yuki Nagato : I'll lend you this. (0:10:08.04)
Kyon : I still have my misgivings... (0:10:26.47)
Kyon : why is it that I continue commuting to the clubroom? (0:10:29.02)
Kyon : Why, indeed... (0:10:32.56)
Kyon : Is this the power of habit? (0:10:34.36)
Kyon : What a riot. (0:10:36.53)
Kyon : 'Sup! (0:10:38.74)
Kyon : And yeah. Are these two really that bored? (0:10:41.16)
Kyon : Though I guess I'm not one to talk. (0:10:44.37)
Mikuru Asahina : Where's Suzumiya-san? (0:10:46.95)
Kyon : Beats me. (0:10:48.71)
Kyon : She was already gone during sixth period. (0:10:49.66)
Kyon : Perhaps she's off extorting more equipment. (0:10:52.71)
Mikuru Asahina : Will I be forced to do something like yesterday again... (0:10:57.26)
Kyon : Do not worry. (0:11:00.72)
Kyon : Next time, I'll do everything I can to prevent it. (0:11:02.26)
Mikuru Asahina : Really? (0:11:05.26)
Mikuru Asahina : Thank you! (0:11:06.93)
Mikuru Asahina : I'm counting on you then! (0:11:08.27)
Kyon : You can count on me. (0:11:10.31)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Ya-hoo! (0:11:11.85)
Kyon : Yahoo? (0:11:14.40)
Haruhi Suzumiya : First up is this! (0:11:20.28)
Kyon : A proclamation of the SOS Brigade creed... (0:11:21.70)
Haruhi Suzumiya : And this. (0:11:27.87)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Ta-ta-ta-da! (0:11:29.41)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We're going to distribute flyers wearing these. (0:11:32.08)
Kyon : Where at? (0:11:34.46)
Haruhi Suzumiya : The front gate. (0:11:35.63)
Haruhi Suzumiya : There should be plenty of students heading home right now. (0:11:36.71)
Kyon : So? (0:11:39.05)
Kyon : What are we wearing? (0:11:39.55)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I wasn't talking about you. (0:11:40.67)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Mikuru-chan's the one who's wearing this. (0:11:42.34)
Mikuru Asahina : Yes? (0:11:44.30)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Bunny girl! (0:11:45.22)
Mikuru Asahina : Um... Um... (0:11:46.60)
Mikuru Asahina : What do you... (0:11:47.93)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Come on! (0:11:49.27)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Get changed! Get changed! (0:11:49.89)
Mikuru Asahina : I don't want to! (0:11:50.93)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Shut up! (0:11:51.77)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Take it off! Take it off! (0:11:52.56)
Mikuru Asahina : No! (0:11:53.77)
Kyon : Hey, Suzumiya! (0:11:55.23)
Kyon : What are you doing!? (0:11:56.44)
Mikuru Asahina : No! (0:11:57.23)
Mikuru Asahina : Don't look! (0:11:58.65)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Come on! Do as I say! (0:12:01.19)
Haruhi Suzumiya : There! (0:12:03.28)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Take it all off! (0:12:05.99)
Mikuru Asahina : No! (0:12:13.16)
Mikuru Asahina : At least let me undress myself... (0:12:15.33)
Mikuru Asahina : N-No! (0:12:18.46)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Come on in! (0:12:22.76)
Kyon : She's like some evil feudal lord. (0:12:24.18)
Haruhi Suzumiya : What do you think? (0:12:27.72)
Haruhi Suzumiya : This'll be perfect for attracting attention, right? (0:12:28.72)
Kyon : More like suck in attention... (0:12:31.02)
Kyon : What about Nagato? (0:12:33.14)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I could only buy two of them. (0:12:34.44)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I got the full set so it was expensive. (0:12:36.60)
Kyon : Where do they sell this stuff? (0:12:39.15)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I ordered it online. (0:12:40.86)
Kyon : I see. (0:12:42.44)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I'm off then! (0:12:43.86)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Let's go, Mikuru-chan! (0:12:45.99)
Mikuru Asahina : No! (0:12:48.99)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Let's go! (0:12:52.16)
Kyon : Sorry. (0:12:56.17)
Kyon : To be honest, I can't get enough of that outfit. (0:12:57.54)
Kyon : My passion is running wild. (0:13:01.46)
Kyon : Wha— (0:13:10.01)
Kyon : Good grief... (0:13:18.31)
Kyon : I can still feel their body heat. (0:13:20.69)
Kyon : It's all warm. (0:13:22.19)
Kyon : A proclamation of the SOS Brigade creed... (0:13:28.45)
Kyon : Our SOS Brigade is looking for mysteries of the world. (0:13:31.79)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Our SOS Brigade is looking for mysteries of the world. (0:13:31.79)
Haruhi Suzumiya : People who have experienced something mysterious in the past... (0:13:36.46)
Haruhi Suzumiya : People who have run into something mysterious recently... (0:13:39.38)
Haruhi Suzumiya : People who plan on a mysterious experience in the near future... (0:13:43.34)
Haruhi Suzumiya : If any of the above apply to you, come see us! (0:13:46.38)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We will solve your problem on the spot! (0:13:49.76)
Haruhi Suzumiya : However, a normal mystery will not do. (0:13:52.01)
Haruhi Suzumiya : It has to be a mystery that wows us! (0:13:54.89)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Make note of that! (0:13:58.19)
Kyon : I think I'm starting to understand the purpose of this brigade. (0:13:59.98)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I'm pissed! (0:14:09.16)
Haruhi Suzumiya : What's with those stupid teachers? (0:14:10.66)
Haruhi Suzumiya : They're such a pain! A pain! (0:14:12.45)
Kyon : Was there some kind of a problem? (0:14:13.70)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Way beyond that! (0:14:16.08)
Haruhi Suzumiya : We hadn't even distributed half the flyers... (0:14:17.33)
Haruhi Suzumiya : ...and the teachers told us to stop! (0:14:19.21)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Who do they think they are!? (0:14:21.29)
Kyon : If two bunny girls... (0:14:22.84)
Kyon : ...start handing out flyers at the front gate... (0:14:24.55)
Kyon : ...people who aren't teachers will come running. (0:14:26.55)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Mikuru-chan started sobbing... (0:14:28.22)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I was dragged to the student guidance office... (0:14:30.72)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Even that handball moron Okabe was brought in! (0:14:33.26)
Kyon : They were probably all on the verge of tears. (0:14:35.77)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Man... (0:14:38.98)
Haruhi Suzumiya : That's enough for today! (0:14:40.06)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Dismissed! (0:14:41.98)
Haruhi Suzumiya : How long are you going to keep crying!? (0:14:45.82)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Come on! (0:14:47.40)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Get changed! (0:14:47.86)
Mikuru Asahina : Kyon-kun. (0:14:58.08)
Mikuru Asahina : If I become ruined for marriage... (0:14:59.75)
Mikuru Asahina : ...will you take me? (0:15:02.75)
Kyon : What should I say? (0:15:09.55)
Kyon : Asahina-san. (0:15:11.09)
Kyon : From behind, you look like a student who just failed to get into college. (0:15:12.22)
Kyon : Or a salaryman after buying a house beyond his budget. (0:15:15.68)
Kyon : Wait. (0:15:20.98)
Kyon : You're going to call me that, too? (0:15:21.77)
Kyon : The next day, the name Suzumiya Haruhi had transcended mere notoriety... (0:15:26.44)
Kyon : ...and became common knowledge for all students. (0:15:29.94)
Taniguchi : Man, Kyon. (0:15:33.82)
Taniguchi : You've finally become one of Suzumiya's merry friends. (0:15:35.33)
Kyon : Shut up. (0:15:40.20)
Kyon : What's even worse is that... (0:15:41.71)
Kyon : ...Asahina-san's name and mine had become associated with hers. (0:15:43.79)
Kunikida : I was really surprised yesterday. (0:15:47.30)
Kunikida : I mean, there were bunny girls standing at the front gate. (0:15:49.80)
Kunikida : Huh... (0:15:52.47)
Kunikida : The other one was that second-year, Asahina-san, right? (0:15:53.18)
Taniguchi : The whole school has their attention on you guys now. (0:15:55.39)
Ryoko Asakura : What is this SOS Brigade? (0:15:59.14)
Kyon : Ask Suzumiya. (0:16:03.52)
Kyon : I have no idea. (0:16:05.36)
Kyon : Don't want to know either. (0:16:06.81)
Ryoko Asakura : It looks like you people are having fun. (0:16:08.11)
Ryoko Asakura : But I think that was going a bit too far. (0:16:11.03)
Kyon : Asahina-san was absent from school that day. (0:16:14.61)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Why don't we ever get e-mails? (0:16:18.66)
Haruhi Suzumiya : After all that publicity! (0:16:21.08)
Kyon : There aren't any people curious enough to want to get involved after witnessing your publicity. (0:16:22.75)
Kyon : I'll admit that you've made us famous though. (0:16:26.79)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Huh? (0:16:30.09)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Is Mikuru-chan absent today? (0:16:31.21)
Kyon : She might not ever come back. (0:16:33.84)
Kyon : I hope she doesn't become traumatized by the ordeal. (0:16:35.72)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I even brought a new outfit for her. (0:16:38.10)
Kyon : Wear it yourself. (0:16:41.22)
Haruhi Suzumiya : Of course! I'm going to wear it, too. (0:16:42.60)
Haruhi Suzumiya : But it's no fun when Mikuru-chan isn't here! (0:16:44.73)
Kyon : You could have Nagato wear it. (0:16:47.77)
Kyon : She'd probably put it on without any complaints. (0:16:49.57)
Kyon : And I get the feeling I wouldn't mind seeing that. (0:16:51.99)
Haruhi Suzumiya : The SOS Brigade was just formed and we're already sitting around doing nothing. (0:16:57.28)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I wonder if they're all holding back. (0:17:00.87)
Haruhi Suzumiya : They want to keep the mystery to themselves? (0:17:03.45)
Kyon : Hey, Haruhi. (0:17:05.50)
Kyon : If you ask anybody here... (0:17:06.83)
Kyon : ...they'll say, "No, there aren't any." (0:17:08.33)
Kyon : There's no way this little public high school would have mysteries bouncing around. (0:17:10.84)
Kyon : You understand, right? (0:17:16.30)
Kyon : The truth is that you understand, right? (0:17:17.80)
Kyon : Just that you have nowhere to vent the frustrations of youth... (0:17:20.47)
Kyon : ...and that restlessness is leading you down a different path. (0:17:23.56)
Kyon : Snap out of it already. (0:17:27.10)
Kyon : How about you go find some handsome guy and walk home from school together... (0:17:29.15)
Kyon : ...or go see a movie on Sundays? (0:17:32.69)
Kyon : And join some sports club and knock yourself out. (0:17:35.19)
Kyon : They'd make you a regular member in a flash. (0:17:38.74)
Haruhi Suzumiya : I'm going home! (0:17:42.04)
Kyon : Well... (0:17:52.25)
Kyon : I'm going home, too. (0:17:52.96)
Yuki Nagato : Did you read it? (0:17:55.51)
Kyon : Read what? (0:17:57.13)
Yuki Nagato : The book. (0:17:59.97)
Kyon : No, not yet... (0:18:01.76)
Kyon : Should I return it? (0:18:03.68)
Yuki Nagato : Not necessary. (0:18:05.31)
Kyon : But man... (0:18:07.10)
Kyon : She's never one to mince words, huh... (0:18:07.85)
Yuki Nagato : Read it today. (0:18:11.65)
Yuki Nagato : As soon as you get home. (0:18:13.98)
Kyon : I understand. (0:18:18.15)
Kyon's Sister : Where are you going, Kyon-kun? (0:18:39.63)
Kyon : Station. (0:18:41.51)
Kyon : Don't talk while eating. (0:18:42.51)
Kyon : Was today okay? (0:18:57.61)
Kyon : Were you possibly waiting here yesterday as well? (0:19:01.28)
Kyon : Why here? (0:19:04.95)
Yuki Nagato : This way. (0:19:07.37)
Kyon : Where's your family? (0:19:30.35)
Yuki Nagato : They aren't here. (0:19:32.15)
Kyon : Well... (0:19:33.60)
Kyon : I can see that... (0:19:34.86)
Kyon : Are they out? (0:19:37.48)
Yuki Nagato : I am the only one who is ever here. (0:19:39.11)
Kyon : You're living alone? (0:19:42.32)
Yuki Nagato : Yes. (0:19:44.03)
Kyon : So what did you want? (0:19:46.37)
Yuki Nagato : Drink. (0:19:53.33)
Yuki Nagato : Is it good? (0:19:58.88)
Kyon : I'm gonna explode. (0:20:29.66)
Kyon : Uh... (0:20:31.79)
Kyon : Could you tell me why you brought me here? (0:20:33.08)
Kyon : What is it that you couldn't tell me at school? (0:20:40.05)
Yuki Nagato : About Suzumiya Haruhi. (0:20:48.97)
Yuki Nagato : And myself. (0:20:52.43)
Yuki Nagato : That is what I need to talk about. (0:20:57.52)
Kyon : What about Suzumiya and you? (0:21:02.15)
Yuki Nagato : It is difficult to convey in words. (0:21:08.82)
Yuki Nagato : Discrepancies may arise during the transmission of data. (0:21:11.33)
Yuki Nagato : Regardless... (0:21:15.54)
Yuki Nagato : ...listen. (0:21:17.04)
Yuki Nagato : Suzumiya Haruhi and I are not ordinary humans. (0:21:20.17)
Kyon : I kind of knew that already. (0:21:24.30)
Yuki Nagato : That isn't what I mean. (0:21:27.43)
Yuki Nagato : I am not referring to the absence of universally accepted personality traits... (0:21:31.35)
Yuki Nagato : I mean what I said. (0:21:36.23)
Yuki Nagato : She and I are different from the vast majority of humans like yourself. (0:21:38.06)
Yuki Nagato : An organic life contact-purpose humanoid interface... (0:21:44.28)
Yuki Nagato : ...created by the Data Integration Thought Entity which supervises this galaxy. (0:21:49.74)
Yuki Nagato : That would be me. (0:21:55.83)
Kyon : Say what? (0:21:59.17)
Yuki Nagato : In more common terminology... (0:22:00.58)
Yuki Nagato : ...I would be classified as an alien. (0:22:03.71)
Kyon : Alien? (0:22:09.76)

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