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Shin : Sorry, but I'm going out, Diao. (0:00:08.18)
EXTRA : Xin (0:00:09.28)
Ten Karyou : Where? (0:00:10.40)
Shin : Well... it'll just be for a bit. (0:00:11.44)
Ten Karyou : Will you be back for dinner? (0:00:13.94)
Shin : Nope. (0:00:16.01)
Ten Karyou : Then when? (0:00:17.23)
Shin : Dunno. (0:00:18.01)
Shin : I might head straight to the next war after this. (0:00:18.96)
Shin : I can't say for sure. (0:00:21.76)
EXTRA : He Liao Diao (0:00:23.66)
Ten Karyou : You don't know? (0:00:24.24)
Shin : I'm goin'! (0:00:26.67)
Ten Karyou : Xin... (0:00:33.18)
EXTRA : Ancient China. (0:00:35.96)
EXTRA : After learning that the era of saints had ended, (0:00:37.76)
EXTRA : human desire was unleashed. (0:00:39.77)
EXTRA : And a storm of violent wars erupted for 500 years... (0:00:43.06)
EXTRA : until over one hundred states were reduced to merely seven. (0:00:45.78)
EXTRA : And now, a wind of great history gusts from the State of Qin in the far West. (0:00:49.10)
EXTRA : This is the tumultuous tale of a nameless boy and a young king who brought the warring era to its end! (0:00:55.16)
EXTRA : A New Trial (0:02:33.09)
EXTRA : Yuan (0:02:38.05)
Shin : Mornin', Mr. Yuan! (0:02:42.27)
En : Good morning. (0:02:44.03)
En : Is there something you need, so early in the morning? (0:02:45.84)
Shin : Yeah. (0:02:47.65)
Shin : Actually, there's a place I'd like you to bring me on a little trip to. (0:02:49.05)
En : Little trip...? (0:02:52.96)
En : So, Lord Xin, where is this little trip to? (0:02:56.56)
Shin : General Wang Qi's castle. (0:02:58.89)
En : General Wang Qi?! (0:03:02.29)
En : I-I can't! (0:03:04.90)
En : I can't go to a place like that! (0:03:05.89)
En : I'm turning back! (0:03:07.46)
Shin : Wh-Why?! (0:03:08.48)
Shin : Mr. Yuan! You were told by the royal palace to help me, weren't you? (0:03:10.35)
En : That's true, but this is too much! (0:03:14.94)
En : Way too much! (0:03:17.45)
Shin : Oh, come on! (0:03:18.64)
Shin : You're not doing anything else, are ya? (0:03:20.52)
En : That's not the problem! (0:03:21.68)
En : Th-That is a place we're not allowed to approach! (0:03:23.72)
En : It's a place where if you get close without permission, no one will object to you being killed. (0:03:27.17)
En : There are rumors that several people that did go went missing! (0:03:31.94)
Shin : Those're just rumors! (0:03:34.82)
Shin : The nig-lipped giant... (0:03:36.62)
Shin : Er, big-lipped general... (0:03:37.90)
Shin : That guy, he's not actually such a bad guy. (0:03:39.66)
En : Big-lipped general!? (0:03:42.43)
En : Lord Xin! (0:03:44.51)
En : How could you say such a terrifying thing?! (0:03:45.44)
Shin : Here. I'll give ya this. So c'mon. (0:03:47.09)
En : What's this? (0:03:49.49)
Shin : Money. (0:03:50.87)
En : No matter how much money you have, it won't be enough. (0:03:51.77)
En : I have two lovely children. (0:03:54.80)
En : My life is dear to me. (0:03:57.34)
Shin : Is it, now? (0:03:58.73)
En : Hey, how about we turn back after all? (0:04:15.47)
Shin : No! (0:04:17.49)
En : You sure? (0:04:18.47)
Shin : Totally sure. (0:04:19.59)
Shin : That's the only way I'm gonna get a lot stronger. (0:04:20.95)
En : Is that so? (0:04:24.87)
Shin : Yeah. (0:04:26.37)
Shin : That old man looks to be the greatest general under the heavens. (0:04:27.19)
En : B-But... (0:04:30.74)
Shin : After I got appointed as a Hundred-Man General, (0:04:33.00)
Shin : I heard more about the general at the royal palace. (0:04:35.72)
EXTRA : (0:04:38.82)
Ying Zheng : Why are you so interested in General Wang Qi? (0:04:40.23)
Shin : After talking to him directly on the battlefield, I understood. (0:04:44.49)
Shin : That guy is different from other generals. (0:04:47.85)
Shin : I mean, he's unbelievably huge. (0:04:50.82)
Shin : It felt overwhelming being near him. (0:04:53.80)
Shin : I want to know the reason for that. (0:04:55.77)
EXTRA : King of Qin Ying Zheng (0:04:57.48)
Ying Zheng : I see. (0:04:58.57)
Ying Zheng : Xin. I don't blame you for thinking that. (0:05:00.21)
Ying Zheng : It's true. General Wang Qi is no ordinary general. (0:05:03.92)
Ying Zheng : He is the last remnant of the Six Great Generals of the State of Qin. (0:05:07.40)
Shin : The Six Great Generals of the State of Qin? (0:05:10.74)
Ying Zheng : In the age of my great grandfather, King Zhao, who was called the God of War, (0:05:14.06)
Ying Zheng : the State of Qin was without a doubt the most feared state in China. (0:05:18.70)
Ying Zheng : When the State of Qin started marching, (0:05:24.06)
Ying Zheng : all enemies would shut their gates tight. (0:05:27.14)
Ying Zheng : Why do you think that is? (0:05:30.75)
Shin : The Six Great Generals? (0:05:32.71)
Ying Zheng : That's right. (0:05:34.32)
Ying Zheng : Because the Six Great Generals appointed by King Zhao (0:05:35.36)
Ying Zheng : rampaged across all of China. (0:05:39.23)
Ying Zheng : In those days, the State of Qin was always invading other states and often fought multiple states at once. (0:05:44.37)
Ying Zheng : The battlefield was far from Xianyang. (0:05:50.83)
Ying Zheng : Because of that, King Zhao gave the generals... (0:05:53.53)
Ying Zheng : Six Great Generals Bai Qi (0:05:56.54)
Ying Zheng : Bai Qi, (0:05:57.01)
EXTRA : Six Great Generals Wang He (0:05:58.29)
Ying Zheng : Wang He, (0:05:58.61)
EXTRA : Six Great Generals Hu Shang (0:06:00.04)
Ying Zheng : Hu Shang, (0:06:00.38)
EXTRA : Six Great Generals Sima Cuo (0:06:01.75)
Ying Zheng : Sima Cuo, (0:06:02.10)
EXTRA : Six Great Generals Liao (0:06:03.55)
Ying Zheng : Liao, (0:06:04.05)
EXTRA : Six Great Generals Wang Qi (0:06:05.30)
Ying Zheng : and Wang Qi... (0:06:05.63)
Ying Zheng : a certain power. (0:06:08.22)
Ying Zheng : That was freedom of war. (0:06:12.25)
Ying Zheng : Against the state of war, changing moment by moment, (0:06:15.38)
Ying Zheng : the six generals were allowed to develop these wars on their own discretion. (0:06:18.94)
Ying Zheng : For the other states, it was like there were six dragons rampaging on their own wills (0:06:24.49)
Ying Zheng : unleashed into the wild... (0:06:28.72)
Shin : A-Awesome... (0:06:31.58)
Ying Zheng : Yes. (0:06:33.73)
Ying Zheng : King Zhao and the Six Great Generals (0:06:34.93)
Ying Zheng : were linked by strong bonds of loyalty. (0:06:36.91)
Ying Zheng : That is why King Zhao created the system of the Six Great Generals. (0:06:40.31)
Ying Zheng : But now that is nothing more than a legend. (0:06:44.40)
Ying Zheng : What's so funny, Xin? (0:06:49.44)
Shin : Because it's so freakin' cool, ain't it, Zheng? (0:06:51.78)
Shin : That settles it! (0:06:54.89)
EXTRA : (0:06:56.44)
Shin : Wait for me, General Wang Qi! (0:07:02.62)
En : Lord Xin! Wake up! (0:07:18.17)
En : I-I-I can see it! (0:07:21.48)
Shin : That's... (0:07:25.33)
En : Yes. That's... (0:07:26.41)
En : General Wang Qi's castle! (0:07:32.02)
Shin : So this is the entrance to General Wang Qi's castle? (0:07:42.42)
Shin : Open the gate! (0:07:46.45)
Shin : Open the dang gate! (0:07:47.58)
En : Please stop, Lord Xin! (0:07:49.09)
Shin : Open up! Open the gate! (0:07:49.45)
En : You'll be killed! (0:07:51.01)
Shin : What're you so afraid of, Mr. Yuan? (0:07:52.79)
Shin : I told you, it'll be fine. (0:07:54.82)
Shin : Open the gate! (0:07:57.32)
Shin : Open the gate! (0:07:58.76)
Shin : It opened. (0:08:04.42)
Shin : It-It closed... (0:08:22.19)
Shin : Hold on a minute, dammit! (0:08:24.98)
Shin : What the hell was that?! (0:08:26.48)
Shin : It's me, Xin! We met on the Wei Vice General's hill! (0:08:27.87)
Shin : Hey, aide! Open this thing! (0:08:31.39)
En : It-It seems that there was no point in coming. (0:08:33.35)
Shin : Open it! Open the gate! (0:08:33.68)
En : Perhaps we should go back for now and try to think of some other... (0:08:36.48)
Shin : Open it, you bastard! (0:08:36.50)
Ki Ou : Oh? (0:08:41.37)
Ki Ou : What do we have here? (0:08:45.97)
Ki Ou : If it isn't Youngster Xin? (0:08:46.86)
EXTRA : Wang Qi (0:08:48.21)
Ki Ou : What are you doing in a place like this? (0:08:49.74)
Tou : Welcome back, Lord. (0:08:54.53)
EXTRA : Teng (0:08:54.67)
Tou : How did the maneuvers go? (0:08:56.40)
EXTRA : (0:08:59.49)
Ki Ou : They were fine. (0:08:59.92)
En : M... Maneuvers? (0:09:01.29)
En : W-What in the world kind of maneuvers were they... (0:09:04.41)
Shin : Well for now, I'm glad I met up with him. (0:09:18.32)
Shin : I ended up coming at exactly the right time... (0:09:21.06)
Shin : B-But what's with this suffocating feeling...? (0:09:25.61)
Shin : Even though we met before, (0:09:29.33)
Shin : I'm feeling pressure just from looking at him right now. (0:09:31.21)
Shin : So this is the might of someone who was once feared from everywhere under the heavens. One of the Six Great Generals?! (0:09:34.63)
Shin : And this is a general's castle! (0:09:39.97)
Shin : See that, Piao?! (0:09:43.94)
Shin : Both the body and castle of the greatest general under the heavens that we seek to be are gigantic! (0:09:46.27)
EXTRA : (0:09:52.97)
Shin : Um... (0:10:01.50)
En : Wh-Why is this happening...? (0:10:02.23)
Ki Ou : So then, (0:10:04.49)
Ki Ou : what business do you have with me? (0:10:05.41)
Ki Ou : We'll be starting act two of our maneuvers soon, (0:10:07.86)
Ki Ou : so I ask you keep it brief. (0:10:10.78)
Shin : I came to request that you teach me how to become stronger. (0:10:13.88)
Ki Ou : Is that so? (0:10:19.41)
Ki Ou : I was certain it had to do with my mhmhm... (0:10:20.82)
Shin : Your mhmhm? (0:10:24.30)
Ki Ou : Just a joke. (0:10:26.96)
Ki Ou : Right, Teng? (0:10:28.24)
Tou : Yes, sir. (0:10:29.62)
Ki Ou : You have quite a commendable attitude to come request teachings. (0:10:31.32)
Ki Ou : Perhaps Youngster Xin has grown a little. (0:10:35.08)
Ki Ou : But I must say that to suddenly come to me is imprudent. (0:10:38.95)
Ki Ou : I have no reason to look after you, you see. (0:10:45.05)
Ki Ou : We have only met once, haven't we? (0:10:49.35)
Ki Ou : Would it not be more logical to have Changwenjun oversee you? (0:10:52.95)
Shin : Changwenjun isn't good enough. (0:10:57.58)
Shin : I want to be trained by the greatest general under the heavens! (0:10:59.63)
Shin : It's true that I don't have any reason for you to take me on. (0:11:04.01)
Shin : But there is a benefit for you! (0:11:08.08)
Ki Ou : Oh? What exactly? (0:11:09.79)
Shin : I'll become strong enough to be your right hand in no time! (0:11:12.85)
Shin : And the more strong generals there are, the larger the wars will become. (0:11:17.08)
Shin : That's your benefit! (0:11:21.53)
En : L-Lord Xin! (0:11:22.49)
En : There aren't words to describe how too far you're going! (0:11:23.92)
En : W-We'll be killed... (0:11:27.63)
Ki Ou : It's true that if a fool does not die once, he will never heal. (0:11:31.80)
En : O-Oh no... (0:11:35.64)
Ki Ou : All right then, Youngster Xin.
Get out of the bath and get prepared.
Shin : So you mean you'll take me on your maneuvers?! (0:11:42.58)
Ki Ou : No. (0:11:45.17)
Ki Ou : I'll be bringing you to an even more fun place, Youngster Xin. (0:11:47.15)
EXTRA : (0:11:55.10)
En : Wh-Where in the world do you think we're being taken? (0:12:00.64)
En : And why am I now getting involved? (0:12:03.33)
En : I have two precious children... (0:12:06.02)
Shin : C'mon already and work up some resolve. (0:12:08.54)
Ki Ou : If there's anything you'd like to ask, feel free to ask. (0:12:15.04)
Ki Ou : I mentioned it before, but you won't get many chances to talk to me like this. (0:12:19.55)
Shin : Then could you tell me about the legendary Six Great Generals? (0:12:26.09)
Ki Ou : You're quite learned to know about something so old. (0:12:34.07)
Ki Ou : I'm quite surprised to hear those words come out of your mouth, Youngster Xin. (0:12:37.28)
Ying Zheng : I heard about it from Zheng at the royal palace. (0:12:41.15)
Ying Zheng : He said the Six Great Generals were a system created by King Zhao... (0:12:43.24)
Ki Ou : System? (0:12:47.52)
Ki Ou : It would seem that you have some slight misapprehensions regarding the Six Great Generals. (0:12:48.75)
Shin : Misapprehensions? (0:12:54.51)
Ki Ou : We Six Great Generals ran through many a battlefield. (0:13:03.79)
Ki Ou : And buried many foes. (0:13:08.75)
EXTRA : ( Flag - Wang ) (0:13:11.97)
Ki Ou : And the result (0:13:12.21)
Ki Ou : was by simply approaching caused enemies bow down to us (0:13:14.23)
Ki Ou : and surrender their castles. (0:13:16.63)
Ki Ou : The military renown of those six resounded throughout all of China. (0:13:18.79)
Shin : Your military renown was... (0:13:23.75)
Shin : across all of China...?! (0:13:24.81)
Ki Ou : And then in order for us to move even more easily, (0:13:26.52)
Ki Ou : King Zhao created the Six General System. (0:13:30.50)
Ki Ou : In other words, even before the system was established, we six were extraordinarily strong. (0:13:33.72)
Ki Ou : You have things backwards. (0:13:39.06)
Ki Ou : Isn't that right, Teng? (0:13:40.72)
Tou : Yes, sir! (0:13:42.09)
Tou : There would be no point to making the system from insubstantial resources. (0:13:42.92)
Ki Ou : Youngster Xin, you called the Six Great Generals "legends", did you not? (0:13:46.62)
Shin : Uh, yeah. (0:13:52.06)
Ki Ou : Are you aware of the reason for which we are legends? (0:13:53.65)
Shin : N-No. (0:13:58.57)
Ki Ou : I expected not. (0:13:59.97)
Ki Ou : Then allow me to impart it to you. (0:14:01.70)
Ki Ou : It is true that even in the current State of Qin, (0:14:06.77)
Ki Ou : there are humans with the title of general. (0:14:08.52)
Ki Ou : But unfortunately, (0:14:11.85)
Ki Ou : there is not a single person who could measure up to the title of the Six Great Generals. (0:14:13.59)
Ki Ou : Meaning that no generals truly succeeded us. (0:14:18.53)
Ki Ou : But even as time has passed, (0:14:23.66)
Ki Ou : the strength of the Six Great Generals has not been forgotten. (0:14:26.78)
Ki Ou : That is why we are legends. (0:14:29.80)
Shin : A-Awesome. (0:14:32.91)
Shin : I knew this guy was (0:14:34.93)
Shin : the greatest general under the heavens! (0:14:36.89)
Ki Ou : So then, you want to become a general, Youngster Xin? (0:14:39.60)
Shin : The greatest general under the heavens! (0:14:44.65)
Ki Ou : So you wish to rise up to my level? (0:14:48.39)
EXTRA : (0:14:51.66)
Hyou : Do you hear me, Xin? (0:15:07.26)
EXTRA : Piao (0:15:08.46)
Hyou : We're going to become the greatest generals under the heavens, (0:15:08.96)
Hyou : and etch our names into history! (0:15:11.46)
EXTRA : (0:15:13.39)
Shin : Greatest generals under the heavens...? (0:15:14.96)
Shin : No, not that. (0:15:18.63)
Shin : I'll surpass you! (0:15:24.99)
Shin : I will become the strongest Great General under the heavens and etch my name into history! (0:15:27.28)
Ki Ou : Strongest under the heavens, is it? (0:15:43.86)
Ki Ou : What do you think of that, Teng? (0:15:46.96)
Tou : Yes. I'm quite taken aback. (0:15:48.56)
Ki Ou : Even for a fool, to come through to where you are you must have quite some talent, Youngster Xin. (0:15:51.34)
Ki Ou : All right. You've piqued my interest. (0:15:57.86)
Ki Ou : But realizing that goal would require quite a bit of effort. (0:16:00.65)
Ki Ou : Indeed, so much effort that it may kill you. (0:16:05.02)
Shin : I know. (0:16:07.69)
Shin : That's why I came to find a general. (0:16:08.71)
Ki Ou : Oh? So you say you have that resolve? (0:16:11.00)
Shin : Of course! (0:16:14.20)
Shin : I don't care how rigorous it is! (0:16:15.52)
Shin : I'm definitely gonna do it! (0:16:17.48)
Shin : So please, train me, General Wang Qi! (0:16:19.34)
Ki Ou : I don't want to. (0:16:23.30)
En : Lord Xin! (0:16:28.55)
Shin : What the fuck are you doing?! (0:16:40.61)
En : G-General Wang Qi! (0:16:42.19)
En : Wh-What were you intending?! (0:16:43.84)
En : This is too much! (0:16:45.61)
Ki Ou : What was I intending? That was training. (0:16:46.90)
En : Wh-What about this was training? (0:16:51.27)
Ki Ou : What are you talking about? (0:16:54.72)
Ki Ou : The training has now started. (0:17:01.32)
Shin : A-A battlefield? (0:17:05.67)
Ki Ou : This is one of the many stateless regions located inside the borders of the State of Qin. (0:17:08.25)
En : Stateless regions? (0:17:13.06)
Ki Ou : This wasteland is not used for agriculture and has even been discarded by the State of Qin. (0:17:14.91)
Ki Ou : Fighting for the land, a few parties from tribes and ruined states have flowed into it. (0:17:19.31)
Ki Ou : And they now fight inside it. (0:17:26.46)
Ki Ou : A war for dominance over this small wasteland. (0:17:29.15)
Ki Ou : They're all incorrigible fools. (0:17:32.32)
Ki Ou : Youngster Xin! (0:17:36.90)
Ki Ou : Please subjugate this land. (0:17:39.02)
Shin : Subjugate? (0:17:42.57)
En : Th-That's absurd! (0:17:44.18)
En : Subjugate it? (0:17:45.98)
En : What can one person do?! (0:17:46.97)
Ki Ou : I'm not particularly expectant about the military force of one person. (0:17:49.34)
Ki Ou : Why do you think I took custody of your sword? (0:17:52.50)
Shin : H-Huh? (0:17:56.34)
Ki Ou : Youngster Xin. (0:17:57.83)
Ki Ou : The settlement you fell into belongs to the Nanba Tribe. (0:17:59.24)
Ki Ou : Which among the 10 tribes here, are the weakest. (0:18:01.64)
Ki Ou : I do believe I've heard they have a population of 100. (0:18:05.60)
Shin : 100?! (0:18:09.05)
Shin : So he's saying that before I become a Hundred-Man General, I have to lead these guys in a fight? (0:18:10.81)
Shin : So that's the Wang Qi style of training?! (0:18:15.06)
EXTRA : They broke through! (0:18:19.66)
EXTRA : H-Here they come! (0:18:21.53)
Shin : Is that defensive line made up of women and the elderly? (0:18:23.22)
EXTRA : Protect it even if it costs you your life! (0:18:26.51)
EXTRA : This is our land! (0:18:28.56)
Shin : General Wang Qi! (0:18:37.10)
EXTRA : Mom! Mom! Mom! (0:18:39.74)
EXTRA : Gong! (0:18:42.19)
EXTRA : No, stop! (0:18:44.85)
EXTRA : Mom! Mom! (0:18:45.42)
Shin : You moron! (0:18:48.16)
EXTRA : Who the hell are you? (0:18:50.50)
Shin : You old guys form five-man teams and attack individual enemies! (0:18:54.60)
Shin : The women should retreat and back them up with long spears! (0:18:57.53)
Ki Ou : You, there. (0:19:01.79)
Ki Ou : Please tell this to Youngster Xin. (0:19:03.36)
Ki Ou : I will train him after he's subjugated the land. (0:19:05.56)
En : Huh?! You want me down there, too? (0:19:08.98)
Ki Ou : Are you refusing? (0:19:10.97)
Ki Ou : In that case, I will need to kick you down there just like Youngster Xin. (0:19:13.08)
En : N-No need. (0:19:18.63)
En : I will go down on my own. (0:19:19.99)
Ki Ou : Although, if that level of enemy results in a close fight, (0:19:21.88)
Ki Ou : there won't be training or anything of the sort. (0:19:24.86)
En : I-I understand. (0:19:29.25)
En : I'll tell him. (0:19:30.78)
Shin : Don't panic! (0:19:42.46)
Shin : It'll be fine if you surround one person with a group of five! (0:19:43.47)
EXTRA : O-Okay! (0:19:45.82)
Shin : I'll hold off this area! (0:19:49.04)
Shin : Use this chance to fix the fence! (0:19:50.99)
EXTRA : Everyone, attack at once! (0:19:54.88)
Shin : Come get me, (0:19:57.46)
Shin : small fries! (0:19:58.97)
Shin : These guys are all elderly people, women, and children, ain't they?! (0:20:08.81)
Shin : I fuckin' hate people who torment people weaker than them! (0:20:12.16)
Shin : Get ready! (0:20:16.53)
EXTRA : Th-This guy's a monster! (0:20:17.53)
En : What are you doing, everyone?! (0:20:24.16)
En : Now is your best chance to counterattack! (0:20:26.29)
EXTRA : Um, who are you? (0:20:28.39)
En : I am Yuan. (0:20:30.38)
En : I'm that boy, Lord Xin's... (0:20:31.53)
En : Yes! His aide! (0:20:34.96)
EXTRA : Aide? (0:20:37.93)
En : I don't have time to explain in detail. (0:20:39.73)
En : Come, follow after me! (0:20:41.87)
EXTRA : Everyone, let's go! (0:20:45.32)
Shin : You guys... (0:20:51.72)
Shin : And Mr. Yuan?! (0:20:52.61)
Shin : Good! Follow me! (0:20:53.81)
EXTRA : What're you bastards doing attacking elderly and women?! (0:21:04.61)
EXTRA : B-Boss... (0:21:08.75)
EXTRA : This monstrous kid showed up! (0:21:10.49)
Shin : Looks like you're the top dog, old man. (0:21:16.90)
EXTRA : You got beaten by this kid?! (0:21:19.19)
EXTRA : You damn morons! (0:21:21.53)
EXTRA : You guys are so noisy! (0:21:24.44)
EXTRA : Quiet the hell down! (0:21:26.33)
EXTRA : Do be careful. (0:21:29.26)
EXTRA : That man is called Xiao Ding. (0:21:30.92)
EXTRA : He's the most violent ruffian among them. (0:21:32.81)
Shin : Most violent ruffian, huh? (0:21:35.34)
EXTRA : Ain't he just a loud idiot? (0:21:37.19)
EXTRA : What did you just say, kid?! (0:21:39.93)
Shin : Looks like his ears work well enough, though. (0:21:42.44)
EXTRA : Talk while you can! (0:21:45.21)
Shin : Bastard! (0:21:51.53)
Shin : He's not all talk! (0:21:52.38)
Shin : And I can't do shit with just this spear. (0:21:53.56)
Shin : Okay! (0:21:56.20)
EXTRA : Did you think that was enough to win?! (0:22:08.42)
Shin : Dammit! It was shallow! (0:22:11.06)
EXTRA : Die, kid! (0:22:13.75)
EXTRA : Y-You bastards! (0:22:17.80)
Shin : Now! Charge! (0:22:20.81)
EXTRA : This can't be! (0:22:24.20)
EXTRA : Now! (0:22:28.09)
En : Lord Xin! (0:22:33.83)
Shin : Yeah. (0:22:34.99)
Shin : The enemy is retreating! (0:22:36.42)
Shin : Don't miss this chance! (0:22:37.84)
Shin : Everyone, follow my lead! (0:22:39.29)
Shin : Let's rout the enemy! (0:22:40.93)
Ki Ou : Though this is his first battle, (0:22:46.01)
Ki Ou : the enemy may have been too weak, eh, Teng? (0:22:47.09)
Tou : Yes, sir. (0:22:49.96)
Tou : They seem to have been too little of a resistance. (0:22:50.54)
Ki Ou : Well, it's only just beginning. (0:22:53.85)
Ki Ou : Youngster Xin, from there, you must first learn (0:22:55.51)
Ki Ou : both the difficulty of leading and the strength of fighting in groups. (0:22:58.92)
Shin : General Wang Qi, wait for me! (0:23:05.33)
Shin : No matter what it takes, I'll subjugate this land! (0:23:08.67)
EXTRA : Preview (0:24:45.04)
Changwenjun : Alone is fine. (0:24:45.40)
Changwenjun : With the combined strength of his attack and defense, (0:24:46.71)
Changwenjun : he is the ultimate military commander! (0:24:49.34)
EXTRA : The greatest crisis in the State of Qin! (0:24:51.25)
EXTRA : Breaking through the silence, a sleeping captain starts to move! (0:24:53.13)
EXTRA : Appointment (0:24:53.59)
EXTRA : Appointment (0:24:55.14)
EXTRA : End (0:24:55.18)
EXTRA : Next time, (0:24:56.36)

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She's so cute and awesome. i love her - Anonymous


Can I take a picture? - Sora

and you wagered
everything you own.
- Sora

Please forgive me! - Sora

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