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EXTRA : (0:00:00.00)
EXTRA : Emergency report! (0:00:04.62)
EXTRA : An enemy attack from the left! (0:00:05.97)
EXTRA : It's about 100 men! (0:00:07.23)
EXTRA : They've already progressed to the second formation! (0:00:08.34)
Feng Ji : I see. (0:00:11.14)
Feng Ji : So that's what it is...? (0:00:13.10)
Feng Ji : Wang Qi, (0:00:16.26)
Feng Ji : your target is... my head? (0:00:18.92)
Feng Ji : Interesting. If you think you can get it, go ahead and try! (0:00:23.96)
EXTRA : The setting is before the common era, (0:00:29.40)
EXTRA : in the State of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period. (0:00:30.72)
EXTRA : The nameless boy Xin met with the young King Zheng, (0:00:33.53)
EXTRA : distinguished himself in war, and finally become a Hundred-Man General. (0:00:37.23)
EXTRA : Among those events, the neighboring State of Zhao suddenly invaded, (0:00:42.04)
EXTRA : presenting an unprecedented crisis. (0:00:45.56)
EXTRA : What kind of war will Supreme Commander Wang Qi wage? (0:00:48.04)
EXTRA : And what kind of growth with Xin achieve? (0:00:52.04)
EXTRA : Wang Qi's Flying Arrow (0:02:26.25)
Shin : We can do it! We can do it! (0:02:40.21)
Shin : If we keep this up, we can do it! (0:02:42.75)
Shin : The method of a surprise attack where the enemy isn't prepared, (0:02:45.55)
Shin : that was a tactic Mr. Yuan and I used tons of times in that stateless area! (0:02:48.15)
Shin : We were only protecting 100 tribe members. (0:02:53.58)
Shin : So honestly, that was the only trick we had. (0:02:57.10)
Shin : But thanks to that, we learned the power of surprise attacks! (0:03:00.26)
Bi Hei : W-We got through. (0:03:10.83)
Ro En : B-But the real problem is what comes next. (0:03:12.68)
EXTRA : Lu Yan (0:03:13.83)
Ro En : So far, we've attacked them while they were unprepared... (0:03:16.01)
Ro En : but now that effect is gone. (0:03:18.54)
Ro En : The battle now... (0:03:22.05)
Ro En : will simply be strength versus strength. (0:03:25.29)
Suu Gen : Be careful! (0:03:37.18)
Suu Gen : These guys all look pretty decent! (0:03:38.44)
En : A Wu! Form a Wu! (0:03:44.18)
Bi Hei : We're screwed! (0:03:47.79)
En : L-Lord Xin! (0:03:53.71)
En : Lord Qiang Lei! (0:04:00.17)
En : W-We have to fight! (0:04:01.78)
En : Feixin Unit! Follow our general! (0:04:07.68)
EXTRA : At this moment, the State of Qin's left army fight had become one sided. (0:04:15.84)
EXTRA : Running away under a rain of arrows, the State of Qin Army was (0:04:21.34)
EXTRA : being thoroughly beaten by the State of Zhao's Cleanup Unit. (0:04:24.32)
EXTRA : Gan Yang and Bi's units of about 1,500 were marching forward and escaping the hardship, (0:04:28.43)
EXTRA : but the vast majority of the State of Qin's left army was being routed and beaten. (0:04:34.22)
EXTRA : No more than 30% of the original left army survived. (0:04:38.19)
EXTRA : And the Zhao soldiers leisurely chased after them. (0:04:41.31)
EXTRA : But in spite of this state of affairs, Wang Qi did not move. (0:04:45.47)
Bi Tou : Shit... (0:05:00.60)
Bi Tou : The enemy... is too strong... (0:05:02.05)
Bi Hei : Plus, we're so fatigued... (0:05:05.50)
Bi Hei : My consciousness is fading... (0:05:07.94)
Bi Tou : My eyes are... getting hazy... (0:05:13.27)
Bi Tou : I feel like I'm about to collapse already... (0:05:16.30)
Bi Hei : But... But... (0:05:20.60)
Bi Tou : Every time he cuts someone, my strength comes back! (0:05:29.29)
Bi Tou : Every time our general cuts down an enemy... (0:05:34.99)
Bi Tou : power surges throughout our bodies again! (0:05:43.56)
EXTRA : What's with these guys...? (0:05:47.79)
EXTRA : The general of this Hundred-Man Unit is such a skilled kid...? (0:05:50.19)
EXTRA : And amazingly, he seems to be a pillar holding up his unit's spirit. (0:05:54.48)
EXTRA : But mere morale will never be enough to break through our elite guards! (0:05:59.96)
EXTRA : That's right. (0:06:05.45)
EXTRA : If they keep up this war of attrition, (0:06:07.39)
EXTRA : they'll eventually get worn down and collapse. (0:06:10.35)
EXTRA : The certainty of our victory shall not change! (0:06:13.09)
Shin : Forward! Forward! (0:06:16.57)
Shin : Forward! (0:06:18.06)
Shin : Shit. Even if we keep fighting like this, we're not making any progress! (0:06:23.54)
Shin : What the hell can we do...? (0:06:28.00)
Ro En : Vice General! (0:06:32.20)
En : What is it, Lu Yan?! (0:06:33.78)
Ro En : Continuing like this will get us nowhere! (0:06:35.32)
En : I know! (0:06:37.67)
En : But right now, unless we make our way through these enemies... (0:06:38.75)
Ro En : In regards to that... (0:06:42.04)
En : Y-You're right, that's our only chance. (0:06:46.78)
En : Lord Xin! I'm sorry! (0:06:50.12)
Shin : What're you doing at a time like this?! (0:06:55.39)
En : Sorry, (0:06:57.42)
En : but this is urgent! (0:06:58.75)
Shin : Split up... the unit? (0:07:04.11)
En : Yes! (0:07:07.69)
En : If this war of attrition keeps going, we'll eventually all run out of strength (0:07:08.55)
En : and we won't be able to break through here. (0:07:11.61)
En : So while we have the chance, we break up this Hundred Man Unit into two units, (0:07:13.92)
En : an elite unit and a lesser unit. (0:07:18.05)
En : The rear unit will draw the attention of the enemy to this area, (0:07:20.26)
En : and the elite unit should head toward the location of Zhao General, Feng Ji. (0:07:22.90)
Shin : Draw their attention...? (0:07:26.99)
Shin : Hold on a second! (0:07:28.70)
Shin : If we do that, the guys that stay behind will be wiped out! (0:07:29.88)
En : Never mind that! (0:07:32.81)
Shin : What?! (0:07:35.40)
En : The Feixin Unit's mission is not to attack the enemy in this area (0:07:37.28)
En : nor is it to bring all 100 members back alive. (0:07:40.85)
En : It is to defeat the Zhao General, Feng Ji! (0:07:43.63)
En : As long as we achieve that, even if our unit is reduced by half or more, (0:07:46.57)
En : it will be the Feixin Unit's victory! (0:07:50.13)
En : If we can be the foundation of that, (0:07:51.81)
En : then we will gladly remain here! (0:07:53.95)
Shin : We? (0:07:56.85)
En : I'll stay behind! (0:07:59.14)
En : The people fighting here will need a general, after all. (0:08:00.83)
Shin : Mr. Yuan... (0:08:04.81)
Taku Kei : Young Xin! (0:08:06.10)
Taku Kei : It is just as Vice General Yuan says. (0:08:07.80)
Taku Kei : Don't worry about us, just go, please! (0:08:09.84)
Shin : Mr. Ze... (0:08:12.28)
Taku Kei : Just as you said, Young Xin. (0:08:13.22)
Taku Kei : This is a battle we absolutely must win! (0:08:14.88)
Taku Kei : And many of us are almost at our limits, myself included. (0:08:18.30)
Taku Kei : If only an elite unit escapes, (0:08:22.72)
Taku Kei : then there will no longer be a need for anyone here. (0:08:24.73)
Taku Kei : We will withdraw from here as well, without delay. (0:08:30.18)
Taku Kei : If it's running away we need to do, then we're more than capable. (0:08:33.56)
Taku Kei : Please, you must hurry. (0:08:37.16)
Shin : Mr. Ze... (0:08:38.64)
En : It's a bluff. (0:08:40.17)
En : Escaping from this enemy formation would be no easy feat. (0:08:41.59)
En : But since that came from Lord Xin's former Wuchang (0:08:44.81)
En : I would expect Lord Xin will be able to act! (0:08:47.93)
Shin : The Wu that can still run... (0:08:54.45)
Shin : Pei Lang! Tian Yong! (0:08:56.30)
Shin : The Wu that can still fight... (0:08:57.92)
Shin : Zhong Tie! Qu Hai! Long You! Bang! (0:08:59.52)
Shin : The Wu that still haven't lost their vigor! (0:09:02.03)
Shin : Tian You! Long Chuan! Wei Ping! Wei Dao! (0:09:04.51)
Shin : Bring everyone in your Wu that can fight and come with me! (0:09:07.28)
Hairou : We're splitting the Hundred Man Unit in two? (0:09:11.21)
Bi Tou : No, that's fine. (0:09:13.42)
Bi Tou : That's our only plan now. (0:09:14.83)
Shin : Qiang Lei! (0:09:16.42)
Shin : Where's Qiang Lei?! (0:09:17.48)
Shin : Mr. Yuan! (0:09:20.57)
En : Yes?! (0:09:21.26)
Shin : When we're gone, get out of here no matter what comes your way! (0:09:22.48)
Shin : We'll definitely meet up again after! (0:09:26.15)
Shin : I'll make Feng Ji bow his head to me! (0:09:28.26)
En : I wish you the fortunes of battle! (0:09:30.54)
Shin : You, too. (0:09:31.96)
Shin : Let's go! (0:09:33.28)
EXTRA : Do you think we'll let you State of Qin dogs escape?! (0:09:34.32)
EXTRA : We will get through! (0:09:37.35)
EXTRA : And we're looking forward to taking your general's head! (0:09:39.15)
EXTRA : Leave this to me! (0:09:42.86)
EXTRA : Captain! (0:09:46.42)
Shin : Feng Ji! (0:09:48.81)
Ki Ou : Just like how one maintains a distance from one's opponent in a sword fight, (0:09:51.90)
Ki Ou : a general leading an army also has his own fighting space. (0:09:54.78)
Ki Ou : A general's full ability is displayed when one is within that range. (0:10:00.66)
Ki Ou : Feng Ji's space is from mid-range to long-range, isn't it? (0:10:05.82)
Tou : Yes, so it would seem. (0:10:09.44)
Ki Ou : Yes. And that range deviates from Feng Ji's space, isn't it? (0:10:11.52)
Tou : Yes, sir. It is too close. (0:10:17.73)
Ki Ou : I'm counting on you, Youngster Xin. (0:10:20.24)
Ki Ou : My flying arrow... (0:10:23.84)
Feng Ji : What's come of that small unit that attacked from the side? (0:10:29.00)
EXTRA : They still seem to be in mid-battle, (0:10:31.48)
EXTRA : but their number has already been reduced to half. (0:10:33.16)
Feng Ji : So it's over, is it? (0:10:36.40)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:10:37.92)
Shin : So that's... the headquarters?! (0:10:50.79)
EXTRA : I-Impossible! (0:11:10.91)
EXTRA : They got through the elite guard?! (0:11:12.30)
EXTRA : No, they're still fighting! (0:11:14.21)
EXTRA : What do you mean?! (0:11:16.51)
Feng Ji : So they split their 100 in two. (0:11:18.30)
Feng Ji : They used half their comrades as a shield to get here, did they? (0:11:20.77)
Hairou : It's the headquarters. (0:11:25.44)
EXTRA : We finally... made it here... (0:11:26.58)
Hairou : Let's kill them. (0:11:29.02)
Bi Tou : Qiang Lei, what're the enemy's numbers? (0:11:30.22)
Kai Kyou : Two to three hundred. (0:11:32.62)
Den Yuu : So it's 30 versus 300, huh? (0:11:34.08)
Hairou : Don't worry. (0:11:36.24)
Hairou : There's only 150 on this side of Feng Ji. (0:11:37.80)
Hairou : It's 15 across and 10 wide. (0:11:40.09)
Hairou : In other words, if we can cut through 10 men, we can get to the general's head. (0:11:42.26)
Bi Hei : All right! (0:11:46.04)
Bi Hei : That, we can make! (0:11:46.99)
Shin : Okay. Wait for us, Mr. Yuan, everybody... (0:11:49.13)
Shin : And prepare yourself, Feng Ji! (0:11:52.03)
Shin : Let's go, bastards! (0:11:55.14)
Shin : General Wang Qi said that this battle, the opening phase is the most important one! (0:11:57.17)
Shin : We're going to end it with our own hands! (0:12:01.39)
EXTRA : They're charging. (0:12:05.87)
EXTRA : Do you seriously think they'll make it all the way here? (0:12:07.46)
EXTRA : Or do you think they're planning to scatter in a showy fashion? (0:12:10.51)
Feng Ji : No, they'll come. (0:12:12.67)
Feng Ji : They'll come here. (0:12:15.55)
EXTRA : Those 30 people are challenging this entire headquarters formation? (0:12:18.18)
EXTRA : Foot soldiers, at the ready! (0:12:22.16)
EXTRA : Send those death-dodging bastards to the next world! (0:12:25.32)
Feng Ji : In extremely rare cases, there are times when people hold
a power that goes beyond the boundaries of conventional thinking.
Feng Ji : The more logical the general, the more easily they slip against such people. (0:12:35.89)
Feng Ji : This is honestly the first time an enemy has gotten this close to me, (0:12:41.89)
Feng Ji : but it's not a bad thing to have battles like this on occasion. (0:12:45.78)
EXTRA : What're you doing?! Don't let them through! (0:12:53.44)
EXTRA : Stooop! (0:12:57.76)
EXTRA : Out of the way! (0:13:00.25)
EXTRA : I'll bury them myself! (0:13:01.34)
EXTRA : Lord Shou! (0:13:03.94)
EXTRA : You brat! (0:13:10.00)
EXTRA : Zhao Jue Unit, Zhao Gao Unit, move forward! (0:13:16.68)
EXTRA : Why can't the mounted soldiers stop a mere thirty people?! (0:13:19.18)
EXTRA : Would you hurry and take them down?! (0:13:22.52)
Tou : Though they only number in the dozens, (0:13:25.15)
Tou : to use their momentum means they are quite untouchable, yes? (0:13:26.94)
Ki Ou : The down side to having a headquarters mostly made up of mounted soldiers has shown its face. (0:13:31.84)
Ki Ou : Horses are used for running. (0:13:36.41)
Ki Ou : Gathered into a crowd, they cannot utilize that strength. (0:13:39.62)
Tou : What do you think that schemer Feng Ji is planning to do next? (0:13:45.07)
Ki Ou : There's nothing, really. (0:13:49.36)
Ki Ou : Cramped into that position, there's no room for any plans. (0:13:50.56)
Ki Ou : Especially for Feng Ji... (0:13:55.47)
Ki Ou : It's true that interring the majority of the Qin left army was skillful, (0:13:58.54)
Ki Ou : but in exchange for that, (0:14:02.86)
Ki Ou : Feng Ji allowed the Feixin Unit to penetrate deep into his bosom. (0:14:05.36)
Ki Ou : Against someone as unskilled at close-range battles as Feng Ji, (0:14:09.42)
Ki Ou : overlooking the Feixin Unit will turn out to be an irrecoverable misstep. (0:14:12.01)
Tou : Will it continue like this to a conclusion? (0:14:17.69)
Ki Ou : I would say so. (0:14:20.30)
Ki Ou : Though, I suppose there is still one way for Feng Ji to weasel his way out of this situation... (0:14:23.29)
Shin : All right! We got though! (0:14:30.32)
Bi Hei : Through? (0:14:32.99)
Bi Hei : We got... through? (0:14:35.00)
Ki Ou : The one method Feng Ji can use to recover... (0:14:40.42)
Ki Ou : is... (0:14:44.69)
Ki Ou : to regain the distance he lost. (0:14:48.73)
Bi Hei : Y-You're kidding, right? (0:14:55.62)
Bi Hei : Even though he's a general... (0:14:58.20)
Bi Hei : Even though he's got 150 men... (0:15:01.17)
Bi Hei : They're retreating from the 30 of us? (0:15:03.50)
Feng Ji : Stop. That's enough. (0:15:10.30)
EXTRA : All units, halt! (0:15:12.16)
Ki Ou : Just what I'd expect from him. (0:15:16.91)
Ki Ou : With that one tactic, Youngster Xin has been brought to the jaws of death. (0:15:18.65)
Tou : If he sends out the mounted units from that range (0:15:23.56)
Tou : not one foot soldier will be left standing. (0:15:26.13)
Ki Ou : Yes, indeed... (0:15:28.82)
Bi Hei : This is bad! (0:15:38.54)
Bi Hei : We're gonna be attacked from behind! (0:15:39.46)
Den Yuu : Wh-What do we do? (0:15:40.85)
Shin : We're totally cornered... (0:15:43.40)
Shin : Right now, we need to get out of here or... (0:15:45.28)
Shin : Maybe Qiang Lei and I could manage something, but... (0:15:48.02)
Shin : these guys don't have a chance! (0:15:54.37)
Bi Hei : G-Go... Xin... (0:16:03.61)
Bi Hei : You and Qiang Lei... can make it... out. (0:16:06.59)
Bi Hei : Go! (0:16:12.33)
Shin : What're you talking about?! (0:16:13.25)
Shin : Don't go screwing around- (0:16:14.79)
Bi Hei : I'm not screwing around! (0:16:15.82)
Bi Hei : I told you to go, you fucking moron! (0:16:16.99)
Bi Hei : You can't die here! (0:16:19.20)
Bi Hei : You're gonna become the greatest general under the heavens, aren't you?! (0:16:21.75)
Shin : I can't. (0:16:28.91)
Bi Hei : Xin! (0:16:30.20)
Bi Hei : If you don't do something, this is the end! (0:16:31.17)
Bi Hei : Go! (0:16:33.08)
Shin : How could I? (0:16:35.36)
Shin : I'm sorry, Qiang Lei. (0:16:37.60)
Kai Kyou : Don't apologize. (0:16:39.63)
Kai Kyou : It's not over yet. (0:16:43.64)
EXTRA : Wh-What?! (0:16:51.61)
EXTRA : L-Lord Feng Ji, from the front! (0:16:53.05)
Bi Hei : The left army... (0:17:01.97)
Bi Hei : The left army mounted soldiers are coming through the Zhao defensive wall! (0:17:03.95)
Bi Tou : 40... 50... They keep coming and coming! (0:17:08.34)
Shin : It's Gan Yang! (0:17:13.32)
Bi Hei : You know him?! (0:17:14.54)
Shin : He's one of Wang Qi's close aides. (0:17:16.13)
Shin : He's probably the general of the left army! (0:17:18.66)
Kan Ou : I'm here for your head, Feng Ji! (0:17:21.93)
Feng Ji : Impudent fool... (0:17:26.03)
Feng Ji : Call the right half! (0:17:28.64)
Feng Ji : What is it this time?! (0:17:37.30)
Heki : Backup the Gan Yang Unit! (0:17:40.52)
Heki : Do not let the enemy foot soldiers near their headquarters or near the Gan Yang Unit! (0:17:42.14)
Shin : Even Brother Bi is here. (0:17:48.02)
Kan Ou : All units, charge! (0:17:50.65)
Tou : They finally made it though, it seems. (0:17:54.86)
Shin : We're going, too! (0:18:03.01)
Bi Tou : It went just the way the general said, Xin! (0:18:09.31)
Bi Tou : He said it back at the beginning! (0:18:12.44)
Bi Tou : While the enemy and the left army are fighting, (0:18:14.18)
Bi Tou : we would slip though the confusion and take the general's head! (0:18:16.49)
Bi Tou : Now's that moment! (0:18:21.00)
Bi Tou : Don't slow down on our account! (0:18:23.04)
Bi Tou : Go at full speed to take General Feng Ji's head! (0:18:25.50)
Shin : Wei Dao... (0:18:29.09)
Bi Tou : Hurry, go! (0:18:30.17)
Bi Tou : You've got to take the general's head, Xin! (0:18:31.67)
Shin : Got it! (0:18:37.36)
Shin : That general's head is mine! (0:18:38.70)
Shin : But everyone, listen up! (0:18:42.95)
Shin : I'll be taking the achievement, (0:18:44.88)
Shin : but we're splitting the reward equally! (0:18:46.56)
Shin : The living and the dead, (0:18:48.50)
Shin : all get one hundredth of the total! (0:18:50.45)
Bi Hei : Go! (0:18:57.76)
EXTRA : Captain! (0:19:00.51)
Kai Kyou : Xin. (0:19:06.40)
Shin : What? (0:19:07.36)
Kai Kyou : When you get close to the general, aim for a moment's opening. (0:19:08.51)
Kai Kyou : Don't let it slip away. (0:19:11.77)
Kai Kyou : There will definitely be a chance. (0:19:13.14)
Shin : Got it. (0:19:15.12)
Kai Kyou : Comrades, huh...? (0:19:19.10)
Feng Ji : What are you acting so proud of? (0:19:22.87)
Feng Ji : Left army general, do you think you've cornered me? (0:19:25.35)
Feng Ji : There are no errors in my strategy. (0:19:29.38)
Feng Ji : But even without any strategical errors, (0:19:32.33)
Feng Ji : small errors in calculation manifest themselves. (0:19:35.14)
Feng Ji : That is the nature of actual battle. (0:19:38.11)
Feng Ji : The current state of affairs is nothing but the result of overlapping good luck they've had from that error in calculation. (0:19:41.45)
Feng Ji : Luck? (0:19:48.12)
Feng Ji : No. (0:19:49.65)
Feng Ji : That simply doesn't explain it. (0:19:50.64)
Feng Ji : Would I allow my enemies to get this close to me merely on luck? (0:19:52.75)
Feng Ji : Does that mean there was an error in my strategy? (0:19:57.94)
Feng Ji : It's him... (0:20:03.73)
Feng Ji : and that platoon that attacked from the side. (0:20:05.31)
Feng Ji : My headquarters is broken apart because of them. (0:20:07.29)
Feng Ji : But among the tactics with an army of 10,000 versus an army of 10,000, (0:20:11.05)
Feng Ji : the advancement of a Hundred Man Unit is nothing more than part of that error in calculation. (0:20:13.95)
Feng Ji : First, that platoon reaching the headquarters was a coincidence. (0:20:19.47)
Feng Ji : If I hadn't opened both wings in order to inter the State of Qin left army, (0:20:23.95)
Feng Ji : they wouldn't have gotten in. (0:20:27.73)
Feng Ji : Did the platoon break off because the wings opened?! (0:20:34.32)
Feng Ji : Was I pushed towards opening the wings?! (0:20:38.57)
Feng Ji : Did that man send the left army of 10,000 charging in order to achieve that...?! (0:20:42.08)
Feng Ji : The advance of the platoon is not a coincidence. (0:20:49.22)
Feng Ji : With my first move, I had already fallen for that man's tricks...! (0:20:52.06)
Tou : Feng Ji's love of tactics has backfired on him, hasn't it? (0:20:57.06)
Ki Ou : He lacked the caution to use those bold moves. (0:21:01.03)
Ki Ou : That Feng Ji just loves attacking, doesn't he? (0:21:04.93)
Ki Ou : But you occasionally need the a sense for defense. (0:21:08.80)
Tou : To have manipulated the left battlefield without even leading it, you are quite the genius, Lord. (0:21:11.82)
Ki Ou : Believe it or not, I actually don't mind them. (0:21:18.10)
Ki Ou : Long distance battles. (0:21:22.25)
Feng Ji : We're retreating! (0:21:29.25)
EXTRA : Lord Feng Ji! (0:21:30.36)
Feng Ji : I have no interest in dealing with these remnants. (0:21:31.70)
Feng Ji : You and the forward defensive wall take care of them. (0:21:33.56)
Feng Ji : The rear soldiers and I will be making a temporary retreat to the thicket. (0:21:36.94)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:21:41.72)
Kan Ou : That's far enough, Feng Ji! (0:21:42.45)
Kan Ou : You're ten years early to try to show off a plan in front of me! (0:21:49.42)
Feng Ji : Nonsense! (0:21:54.35)
Feng Ji : You're the one's conceited with your plans! (0:21:55.60)
Feng Ji : The proof of that is your group reached here alone. (0:21:57.88)
Feng Ji : I'll kill you, slaughter the remaining soldiers, and inter the entire left army! (0:22:01.16)
Kan Ou : That will never happen. (0:22:07.04)
Kan Ou : Your fate... (0:22:08.34)
Kan Ou : has already been sealed. (0:22:10.18)
Feng Ji : I should be the one saying that to you ! (0:22:11.57)
Feng Ji : Kill that man! (0:22:13.96)
Kan Ou : Feng Ji... (0:22:16.01)
Kan Ou : The Lord's flying arrow... (0:22:20.75)
Kan Ou : has reached its target. (0:22:24.71)
Shin : I... I got it... (0:23:12.54)
EXTRA : Preview (0:24:45.21)
Ten Karyou : The Li Bai Army's formation... is changing! (0:24:46.00)
EXTRA : Everything is in order! (0:24:49.28)
EXTRA : The strongest man devours the battlefield! (0:24:51.27)
EXTRA : {\fs90\t(0,1960,\fs70\1a&H90&)\move(656,0,656,45,0,1960)}Sudden Change in
the Tide of Battle
EXTRA : Next time, (0:24:55.09)
EXTRA : Sudden Change in
the Tide of Battle
EXTRA : End (0:24:55.51)

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