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Black Rabbit : Well, here we go! (0:00:09.73)
You Kasukabe : Wow! (0:00:36.25)
Asuka Kudou : I can't believe a single tree is capable of this! (0:00:40.01)
Jin Russell : Now we don't have to worry about gathering water. (0:00:42.67)
Jin Russell : We can expand the Community without participating in any Gift Games! (0:00:45.89)
Black Rabbit : Today's been crazy! (0:02:35.51)
Black Rabbit : Who would've thought that finding new members would be so exhausting? (0:02:38.02)
Asuka Kudou : Are you trying to make us feel guilty? (0:02:44.16)
Black Rabbit : O-Of course not! (0:02:46.57)
Black Rabbit : Definitely not! (0:02:48.75)
Calico : I feel like I'm back in the wild... (0:02:49.99)
Black Rabbit : I didn't mean it like that! (0:02:50.19)
You Kasukabe : Yeah. (0:02:53.12)
You Kasukabe : It smells like a forest in here. (0:02:54.12)
Black Rabbit : It came straight from the water tree after all. (0:02:56.71)
Black Rabbit : I'm glad you like it! (0:02:59.72)
Asuka Kudou : The kids are to thank for this bath, aren't they? (0:03:02.09)
Black Rabbit : Don't worry about it. (0:03:08.07)
Black Rabbit : It's customary for those who cannot participate in Gift Games to assist the players who can. (0:03:09.71)
Asuka Kudou : Gift Games... (0:03:17.86)
Asuka Kudou : I thought they'd just be a fun pastime, (0:03:20.52)
Asuka Kudou : but with all this trouble with Communities, (0:03:23.07)
Asuka Kudou : I guess I'll have to be more careful. (0:03:24.88)
Asuka Kudou : What do you think, Kasukabe-san? (0:03:26.97)
You Kasukabe : I think we just have to keep winning. (0:03:30.03)
You Kasukabe : That way we'll have fun, (0:03:32.85)
You Kasukabe : and the people of the Community will be happy. (0:03:35.01)
You Kasukabe : What more could we ask for? (0:03:36.62)
Black Rabbit : She's exactly right! (0:03:37.96)
Black Rabbit : Nobody can become a top
player without enjoying the games.
Asuka Kudou : That's good to know. (0:03:45.05)
Black Rabbit : By the way, (0:03:48.18)
Black Rabbit : since we're all naked in here, (0:03:49.64)
Black Rabbit : would you mind if I got to know
the both of you a little better?
Black Rabbit : I've been dying to have some girl talk! (0:03:55.36)
You Kasukabe : Girl talk...? (0:03:59.94)
Black Rabbit : Yes! (0:04:01.42)
Black Rabbit : For example, your hobbies, your homes... (0:04:02.15)
Asuka Kudou : Our homes... (0:04:05.46)
You Kasukabe : I want to hear about you, Black Rabbit. (0:04:12.91)
You Kasukabe : I think it's awesome how your hair can turn pink! (0:04:16.06)
Black Rabbit : Am I that admirable? (0:04:20.59)
Black Rabbit : You're flattering me! (0:04:22.78)
EXTRA : Are we really gonna do this? (0:04:36.83)
EXTRA : It's an order. (0:04:38.87)
EXTRA : But still... (0:04:40.22)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Hey. (0:04:40.90)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I've been expecting you guys. (0:04:42.05)
Jin Russell : Wh-What the?! (0:04:51.41)
Jin Russell : What's going on? (0:04:55.29)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Forres Gallow sent some sketchy people over. (0:04:57.19)
EXTRA : He has a ridiculous amount of power! (0:05:01.37)
EXTRA : It's no surprise that he was able to defeat a Water God. (0:05:03.71)
EXTRA : This guy might be able to beat him in a Game. (0:05:07.74)
EXTRA : Our revenge will be complete with this. (0:05:10.75)
EXTRA : We beg you! (0:05:16.17)
EXTRA : Please crush Gard's Community, (0:05:18.10)
EXTRA : Forres Gallow! (0:05:20.67)
Izayoi Sakamaki : No. (0:05:22.71)
EXTRA : Wha— (0:05:23.62)
EXTRA : P-Please! Hear us out! (0:05:25.20)
EXTRA : We have suffered so much because of Forres Gallow! (0:05:26.96)
EXTRA : They've been taking advantage of their
power as a subordinate of the Demon Lord
EXTRA : and are causing chaos everywhere! (0:05:32.82)
EXTRA : However, Gard has taken some of us hostage, (0:05:34.50)
EXTRA : and we don't even have a chance of— (0:05:38.19)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Yeah, about those hostages... (0:05:40.27)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They're all dead now. (0:05:42.48)
Izayoi Sakamaki : There you go. (0:05:44.16)
Jin Russell : I-Izayoi-san! (0:05:46.06)
Jin Russell : How could you?! (0:05:47.65)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You want me to be nice? (0:05:48.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Just who do you think has been kidnapping those hostages only to have them killed? (0:05:50.58)
Izayoi Sakamaki : These guys. (0:05:53.74)
EXTRA : Th-Then, are they really... (0:05:57.83)
Jin Russell : Yes. (0:06:00.45)
Jin Russell : Gard takes hostages and... (0:06:01.44)
Jin Russell : kills them immediately. (0:06:04.71)
EXTRA : No way... (0:06:06.34)
EXTRA : How could this happen? (0:06:08.53)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I know what you guys are thinking. (0:06:15.24)
Izayoi Sakamaki : To you, Gard... (0:06:18.65)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Or rather, the Demon Lord, who is behind all this, deserves to be punished. (0:06:20.25)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You shouldn't worry, though. (0:06:23.87)
Izayoi Sakamaki : This kid here will avenge everyone. (0:06:25.47)
Jin Russell : Huh?! (0:06:28.45)
Izayoi Sakamaki : This is the one man who stood up against all Demon Lords: (0:06:28.98)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Jin Russell! (0:06:32.23)
Jin Russell : What?! (0:06:34.05)
Jin Russell : Wha— (0:06:37.97)
Jin Russell : What? (0:06:39.07)
Jin Russell : What?! (0:06:40.93)
Black Rabbit : Fine ladies like you wouldn't want to wear the same thing all the time, would you? (0:06:44.51)
Asuka Kudou : Fine ladies, huh...? (0:06:50.18)
You Kasukabe : Fine ladies, huh...? (0:06:50.18)
Black Rabbit : Y-You're misunderstanding! (0:06:52.19)
Black Rabbit : Shiroyasha-sama (0:06:54.37)
Black Rabbit : forced me to wear these, and... (0:06:55.97)
Asuka Kudou : I didn't come to a different world for this... (0:06:59.99)
Asuka Kudou : Huh? (0:07:02.68)
Asuka Kudou : It's beautiful! (0:07:08.26)
Asuka Kudou : It's very easy to move around in, too. (0:07:09.55)
You Kasukabe : It looks great on you. (0:07:11.36)
Black Rabbit : Shiroyasha-sama gave me that outfit for judging. (0:07:12.80)
Black Rabbit : It comes with a defense charm, (0:07:17.78)
Black Rabbit : so it might be a good idea to
wear it to tomorrow's Gift Game.
Asuka Kudou : I like it. (0:07:24.54)
Black Rabbit : I'll fix it tonight so that it fits you... (0:07:27.73)
Asuka Kudou : Th— (0:07:32.11)
Asuka Kudou : Thank you... (0:07:32.76)
Jin Russell : What was that for?! (0:07:38.21)
Jin Russell : You make it sound like— (0:07:40.41)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Down with all Demon Lords and their subordinates... (0:07:41.49)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Contact Jin Russell for assistance. (0:07:45.14)
Izayoi Sakamaki : How's that for a catchphrase? (0:07:48.45)
Jin Russell : Don't be facetious. (0:07:51.29)
Jin Russell : Other Demon Lords might come
after us if people spread the word!
Izayoi Sakamaki : That would be best, wouldn't it? (0:07:57.79)
Jin Russell : You can't be serious! (0:08:00.56)
Jin Russell : We need this time to win Gift Games (0:08:02.71)
Jin Russell : and let the Community regain its power! (0:08:05.30)
Jin Russell : With so many talented players, (0:08:08.11)
Jin Russell : we will be able to win any Gift Game. (0:08:10.22)
Jin Russell : And yet... (0:08:12.57)
Jin Russell : And yet... (0:08:14.21)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You really disappoint me, (0:08:15.30)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Kiddo. (0:08:17.52)
Jin Russell : K-Kiddo? (0:08:18.62)
Izayoi Sakamaki : There's no way we aren't going to regain power through Gift Games, (0:08:20.33)
Izayoi Sakamaki : but the important thing is to defeat the Demon Lords. (0:08:23.82)
Jin Russell : Y-Yes, but— (0:08:27.16)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We don't have a name or an emblem. (0:08:29.09)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We have nothing to represent us. (0:08:31.84)
Izayoi Sakamaki : There isn't a symbol for our Community. (0:08:36.97)
Izayoi Sakamaki : That's a huge disadvantage. (0:08:40.71)
Izayoi Sakamaki : However, (0:08:43.91)
Izayoi Sakamaki : what you need to do is to shoulder that
burden and go beyond your predecessors.
Jin Russell : Go... (0:08:50.89)
Jin Russell : beyond... (0:08:52.38)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Because you don't have a name or emblem,
all you've got left to sell is the leader's name...
Izayoi Sakamaki : "Jin Russell." (0:09:00.50)
Jin Russell : My name?! (0:09:03.01)
Izayoi Sakamaki : And you're not just any leader. (0:09:04.41)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're the leader of a Community that promises to defeat all the Demon Lords. (0:09:06.50)
Izayoi Sakamaki : There's no doubt that winning tomorrow's game will bring you some fame. (0:09:09.63)
Izayoi Sakamaki : The Demon Lords aren't the only ones who'll react. (0:09:12.90)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Those who stand against them will, too. (0:09:17.66)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Most importantly, we're lacking in numbers. (0:09:21.27)
Izayoi Sakamaki : We need some tough guys that will, at the very least, stand somewhat of a chance against me. (0:09:23.83)
Izayoi Sakamaki : They'll be a little more useful than your old buddies who vanished into nowhere. (0:09:27.99)
Izayoi Sakamaki : What's it gonna be? (0:09:34.35)
Jin Russell : They... haven't vanished. (0:09:35.99)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Huh? (0:09:38.34)
Jin Russell : One of our comrades is owned
by an executive of Thousand Eyes.
Izayoi Sakamaki : Owned? (0:09:45.24)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Like a slave? (0:09:46.81)
Jin Russell : Yes. (0:09:48.65)
Jin Russell : Rumor has it that she is going to be the prize for an upcoming Gift Game. (0:09:49.61)
Jin Russell : An old comrade is now a prize in a Gift Game. (0:09:55.00)
Jin Russell : She was even one of the Demon Lords... (0:09:58.43)
Izayoi Sakamaki : An ex-Demon Lord, huh? (0:10:02.73)
Black Rabbit : What's the matter, you two? (0:10:07.62)
Jin Russell : Huh? Well, (0:10:10.25)
Jin Russell : uh... (0:10:11.67)
Asuka Kudou : Were you fighting over something? (0:10:12.51)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Nah, just having a man-to-man discussion. (0:10:15.15)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Right, Kiddo? (0:10:19.09)
Jin Russell : Huh? (0:10:20.30)
Jin Russell : Y-Yes. (0:10:20.94)
You Kasukabe : Boy talk... (0:10:23.03)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You'd better win tomorrow's Gift Game. (0:10:26.37)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I'll get that old friend of yours back if you do. (0:10:28.67)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Do whatever it takes to win. (0:10:33.08)
Jin Russell : Izayoi-san... (0:10:36.29)
Jin Russell : Yes, I will. (0:10:39.02)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I'll leave the Community if you lose. (0:10:42.31)
Jin Russell : Okay! (0:10:45.07)
EXTRA : Wait... (0:10:46.10)
EXTRA : G-Gard-sama! (0:10:57.65)
EXTRA : I only wanted to talk about tomorrow's— (0:10:59.45)
Galdo Gasper : Get out! (0:11:04.03)
Galdo Gasper : This is my... (0:11:05.77)
Galdo Gasper : My... (0:11:08.60)
Leticia Draculair : The stage is set. (0:11:19.53)
Leticia Draculair : How will they overcome... (0:11:21.76)
Leticia Draculair : this game of madness? (0:11:24.20)
Black Rabbit : Th-This is... (0:11:32.43)
You Kasukabe : A jungle. (0:11:34.31)
Black Rabbit : I was told that today's game won't be held in the usual performance area, (0:11:36.98)
Black Rabbit : but in a residential area... (0:11:42.01)
You Kasukabe : Calico! (0:11:46.44)
Calico : Wh-What the hell?! (0:11:47.47)
Jin Russell : A Demon... (0:11:52.90)
Jin Russell : It's a Demon's Gift. (0:11:54.27)
Jin Russell : Could it be that she... (0:11:56.32)
Asuka Kudou : Jin-kun, (0:11:58.08)
Asuka Kudou : I found a Geas Roll. (0:11:59.02)
Jin Russell : The condition for victory is Gard himself? (0:12:01.74)
Jin Russell : We have to defeat him with "designated" weapons?! (0:12:04.26)
Black Rabbit : Th-This is terrible! (0:12:06.07)
Black Rabbit : We cannot use your Gifts to defeat Gard. (0:12:08.30)
Black Rabbit : We must use only the weapons designated in this area. (0:12:10.82)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Oh? (0:12:13.78)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Does that mean Miss Princess
and Kasukabe's Gifts won't work?
Izayoi Sakamaki : We were nearly guaranteed victory, (0:12:19.46)
Izayoi Sakamaki : but I guess we have less of a chance now. (0:12:20.83)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Should've set the rules beforehand, (0:12:22.31)
Jin Russell : Kiddo. (0:12:25.34)
Asuka Kudou : If we have "designated weapons," (0:12:27.53)
Asuka Kudou : then they will be indicated in some fashion, correct? (0:12:29.65)
Black Rabbit : Yes, of course. (0:12:34.17)
Asuka Kudou : It's no problem, then. (0:12:35.82)
Asuka Kudou : This should be a good handicap
to subdue that fool of a man.
Jin Russell : B-But— (0:12:41.77)
You Kasukabe : Don't worry. (0:12:43.38)
You Kasukabe : I'll do my best. (0:12:44.51)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Remember: we have to win this Game for the plan to work. (0:12:47.16)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It's too late for a change in plans. (0:12:50.95)
Asuka Kudou : Let's get going. (0:12:55.94)
You Kasukabe : There's nobody else here. (0:13:02.33)
Asuka Kudou : Oh, do you have canine friends? (0:13:04.19)
You Kasukabe : Yes. (0:13:06.79)
You Kasukabe : About twenty. (0:13:07.66)
Jin Russell : I don't see any hints around. (0:13:08.80)
Jin Russell : No weapons, either. (0:13:12.18)
Asuka Kudou : Let's take a different approach, then. (0:13:16.81)
Asuka Kudou : We'll find Gard with Kasukabe-san's— (0:13:19.15)
You Kasukabe : Already done. (0:13:21.94)
Asuka Kudou : What?! (0:13:23.07)
Jin Russell : What?! (0:13:23.07)
Asuka Kudou : I guess the jungle... (0:13:33.02)
Asuka Kudou : was not for an ambush. (0:13:35.94)
Asuka Kudou : I wonder what they're up to. (0:13:37.53)
You Kasukabe : We'll have to ask him personally. (0:13:40.01)
Asuka Kudou : Only if he's willing to tell us. (0:13:42.11)
Black Rabbit : Did you hear that?! (0:14:01.73)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Kasukabe must've turned into a tiger. (0:14:03.30)
Black Rabbit : I see... (0:14:05.04)
Black Rabbit : W-Wait! (0:14:06.23)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Are we not allowed to watch? (0:14:10.96)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're a Judge Master, and I'm your aide. (0:14:13.26)
Black Rabbit : My wonderful Rabbit ears can make sense of the big picture from this distance. (0:14:15.79)
Black Rabbit : Unless stated otherwise, spectators are not allowed. (0:14:20.70)
Izayoi Sakamaki : You're really pathetic, you know that? (0:14:25.19)
Black Rabbit : Could you mumble a little less loudly?! (0:14:28.18)
Black Rabbit : You're hurting my feelings here! (0:14:30.32)
Jin Russell : A Demon... (0:14:36.27)
Jin Russell : A vampiric one, too. (0:14:37.30)
Jin Russell : It must be her! (0:14:39.09)
Jin Russell : That's... (0:14:41.42)
Jin Russell : That's it! (0:14:43.15)
Jin Russell : That cruciform sword must be the
weapon mentioned in the Geas Roll!
Asuka Kudou : What?! (0:14:46.94)
Asuka Kudou : Stop! (0:14:48.90)
Asuka Kudou : My Gift doesn't work! (0:14:52.97)
Asuka Kudou : Kasukabe-san! (0:14:56.54)
You Kasukabe : Run! (0:14:57.67)
Asuka Kudou : Run, Jin-kun! (0:15:00.40)
Jin Russell : No way! (0:15:01.71)
Jin Russell : Even I can— (0:15:02.61)
Asuka Kudou : Stop! (0:15:03.55)
Asuka Kudou : Run! (0:15:04.55)
Asuka Kudou : W-Wait! (0:15:07.69)
Asuka Kudou : Don't take me, too! (0:15:09.06)
Asuka Kudou : Go by yourself! (0:15:10.07)
Asuka Kudou : H-Hold on! (0:15:11.51)
Asuka Kudou : Th-That's enough! (0:15:22.12)
Asuka Kudou : Stop! (0:15:23.54)
Asuka Kudou : Ow... (0:15:27.53)
Jin Russell : I-I'm sorry! (0:15:28.67)
Asuka Kudou : How rude! (0:15:30.14)
Asuka Kudou : You make it seem like I'm too heavy! (0:15:32.19)
Jin Russell : I'm sorry... (0:15:34.66)
Asuka Kudou : A vampire?! (0:15:38.00)
Jin Russell : Yes. (0:15:39.18)
Jin Russell : Gard was originally a tiger
that learned to take a human form,
Jin Russell : but was turned into a monster by a Demon Lord's powers. (0:15:42.88)
Jin Russell : A vampire must have turned him into a monster. (0:15:45.21)
Asuka Kudou : That must be the reason behind the silver cruciform sword. (0:15:49.31)
Asuka Kudou : But why did a vampire... (0:15:51.53)
Asuka Kudou : Who's there?! (0:15:55.14)
You Kasukabe : Me... (0:15:55.97)
Asuka Kudou : Kasukabe-san! (0:15:58.73)
Asuka Kudou : Are you all right? (0:15:59.62)
Jin Russell : Yo-san! (0:16:01.41)
You Kasukabe : I'm... not all right. (0:16:02.78)
You Kasukabe : I think I'm going to cry... (0:16:05.13)
Asuka Kudou : Kasukabe-san! (0:16:06.43)
Asuka Kudou : You're— (0:16:07.52)
You Kasukabe : I almost killed him, but... (0:16:08.95)
You Kasukabe : Sorry... (0:16:11.95)
Jin Russell : Yo-san?! (0:16:12.65)
Jin Russell : Wake up! (0:16:13.81)
Jin Russell : Yo-san! (0:16:15.12)
Jin Russell : Asuka-san? (0:16:18.14)
Asuka Kudou : Jin-kun, (0:16:20.44)
Asuka Kudou : please take care of Kasukabe-san. (0:16:21.53)
Leticia Draculair : The forest is changing rapidly. (0:16:24.43)
Leticia Draculair : Are they up to something? (0:16:27.67)
Black Rabbit : Yes! (0:16:33.94)
Black Rabbit : Asuka-san, your Gift, "Might," is like an unpolished gem. (0:16:34.79)
Black Rabbit : It seems like your upbringing and
disposition gave it the form of "Authority."
Asuka Kudou : A Gift of control... (0:16:47.31)
Asuka Kudou : A world where all replies are "Yes"... (0:16:49.68)
Black Rabbit : Here's a word of advice for you! (0:16:52.57)
Asuka Kudou : Advice? (0:16:56.01)
Asuka Kudou : You must forgive me for
destroying your beautiful mansion.
Asuka Kudou : But I am not wrong when I say that you have no pride or authority left, right? (0:17:15.51)
Asuka Kudou : At the very least, you should fight with some dignity as the king of the jungle! (0:17:20.33)
Asuka Kudou : Bring it on! (0:17:26.17)
Asuka Kudou : Are you ready for this? (0:18:03.72)
Asuka Kudou : Bind him! (0:18:14.60)
Black Rabbit : The power of your words is greater than you'd expect. (0:18:19.53)
Black Rabbit : It gives you control over the Gifts of others. (0:18:24.08)
Black Rabbit : You must sublimate your ability into miracles. (0:18:26.72)
Asuka Kudou : Give me power, sword! (0:18:35.67)
Asuka Kudou : The Game... (0:19:05.75)
Asuka Kudou : is over. (0:19:06.82)
EXTRA : Gard... (0:19:19.98)
EXTRA : is dead? (0:19:21.03)
EXTRA : Forres Gallow is over. (0:19:22.22)
Jin Russell : Wake up, Yo-san. (0:19:25.30)
Black Rabbit : Master Jin! (0:19:27.17)
Black Rabbit : Yo-san! (0:19:28.24)
Jin Russell : Over here, Black Rabbit! (0:19:29.34)
Jin Russell : Hurry! (0:19:30.57)
Calico : L-Lassie! (0:19:31.44)
Calico : Hang in there! (0:19:32.65)
Black Rabbit : We'll take her to the Community workshop immediately. (0:19:33.98)
Black Rabbit : We have people with healing Gifts there. (0:19:37.25)
Jin Russell : I couldn't do anything in the end. (0:19:43.62)
Izayoi Sakamaki : But you did win the game. (0:19:47.43)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Kasukabe wouldn't have made it without you. (0:19:50.02)
Jin Russell : But— (0:19:53.18)
Izayoi Sakamaki : What are you gonna do? (0:19:54.03)
Izayoi Sakamaki : It's up to you to execute the
plan we discussed yesterday, Kiddo.
Jin Russell : I'll do it. (0:20:05.09)
Jin Russell : If I play myself up to be a strong opponent,
I may be able to distract the enemy for a time.
Izayoi Sakamaki : All right. (0:20:13.60)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Jin Russell here will reclaim your pride that Forres Gallow took from you. (0:20:18.86)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Did you hear me? (0:20:25.46)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Jin Russell, who defeated Gard, (0:20:27.58)
Izayoi Sakamaki : will return your names and emblems to you! (0:20:30.03)
Jin Russell : Izayoi-san... (0:20:39.44)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:20:48.49)
Asuka Kudou : Man-to-man discussion, huh? (0:20:49.22)
Asuka Kudou : You must be up to some interesting things. (0:20:52.21)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I have no idea what you're talking about. (0:20:54.95)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I want to ask you guys something. (0:20:59.21)
Izayoi Sakamaki : As you all know, (0:21:02.05)
Izayoi Sakamaki : our Community is a No-Name, without a name or emblem. (0:21:03.46)
Izayoi Sakamaki : However, I ask of you but one thing... (0:21:08.41)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Remember Jin Russell, (0:21:12.47)
Izayoi Sakamaki : and his Community, which will defeat the Demon Lords. (0:21:15.77)
Jin Russell : U-Um... (0:21:20.22)
Jin Russell : I am Jin Russell. (0:21:26.55)
Jin Russell : I look forward to working with you all. (0:21:27.92)
EXTRA : Welco— (0:21:46.17)
EXTRA : me... (0:21:47.85)
Laius Perseus : Is Shiroyasha around? (0:21:50.48)
You Kasukabe : Are Demon Lords strong? (0:23:27.17)
Black Rabbit : All of them possess special privileges as "Host Masters" as well as powerful Gifts, (0:23:28.31)
Black Rabbit : so yes, they are immensely strong! (0:23:31.23)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I wanna go... (0:23:32.27)
Izayoi Sakamaki : I wanna go a round with a Demon Lord! (0:23:33.53)
Black Rabbit : H-Hey! Your eyes are really bloodshot, Izayoi-kun! (0:23:34.93)
Izayoi Sakamaki : Ha! (0:23:37.54)

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