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EXTRA : Lord Zaratras... (0:00:03.27)
EXTRA : This is brutal! (0:00:04.85)
EXTRA : Why would anyone do this to the Great Holy Knight? (0:00:06.15)
Gilthunder : Father?! (0:00:11.69)
EXTRA : Lord Gilthunder! (0:00:13.32)
EXTRA : No, this isn't something you should see! (0:00:14.53)
Gilthunder : Who?! (0:00:17.28)
Gilthunder : Who did this to Father?! (0:00:18.24)
EXTRA : Looks like they've already left town and headed southwest. (0:00:29.84)
Gilthunder : Southwest... (0:00:33.38)
Gilthunder : That's toward the Forest of White Dreams. (0:00:34.93)
EXTRA : Yes. (0:00:37.22)
EXTRA : But over there is— (0:00:38.10)
EXTRA : Lord Gilthunder! (0:00:40.72)
Gilthunder : Meliodas... (0:00:44.81)
EXTRA : Having found one of the legendary traitors, Meliodas, the Dragon's Sin of Wrath, (0:00:52.65)
EXTRA : Elizabeth continued her search for the others, (0:00:59.08)
EXTRA : bringing her to the village of Bernia, renowned for its ale. (0:01:01.25)
EXTRA : Meliodas saved the village by (0:01:05.50)
EXTRA : pulling out the Holy Knight's sword that had sealed the village's underground water source. (0:01:07.06)
EXTRA : Their journey to find more members of the Seven Deadly Sins continues from there. (0:01:11.46)
Gilthunder : So you were alive after all, Meliodas. (0:01:19.60)
EXTRA : This is a tale of humans and beings from other worlds. (0:01:26.81)
EXTRA : It is a story of ancient times. (0:01:32.40)
EXTRA : The Holy Knights who protected this country (0:01:34.94)
EXTRA : wielded immensely powerful magic. (0:01:37.07)
EXTRA : They were both feared and revered. (0:01:39.03)
EXTRA : However, (0:01:42.45)
EXTRA : a faction arose who betrayed their country and turned their blades against the remaining Knights. (0:01:44.00)
EXTRA : To the masses, they were known as the "Seven Deadly Sins." (0:01:48.75)
Hawk : Are we really gonna be okay? (0:03:34.77)
Hawk : It's been three hours since we entered the forest, (0:03:37.57)
Hawk : but we haven't seen a sign of man or beast anywhere. (0:03:39.94)
Elizabeth Liones : Yeah... (0:03:43.11)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas, are you sure one of the Seven is hiding here in the forest? (0:03:45.28)
Meliodas : Probably. (0:03:50.66)
Hawk : So we came here with no hard evidence?! (0:03:51.54)
Hawk : There are rumors of a crazy monster in this forest, you kn— (0:03:54.92)
Hawk : What's wrong?! (0:04:00.05)
Elizabeth Liones : S-Something's touching my butt... (0:04:01.47)
Meliodas : Don't worry. (0:04:05.01)
Meliodas : It's just me. (0:04:06.55)
Elizabeth Liones : Oh, thank goodness! (0:04:08.14)
Hawk : How is that okay?! (0:04:09.52)
Meliodas : Well, moving past that... (0:04:10.68)
Hawk : You're letting it end there?! (0:04:13.10)
Meliodas : I do have a hunch. (0:04:15.65)
Meliodas : This Forest of White Dreams is covered by fog, making it difficult to traverse on horseback. (0:04:17.77)
Meliodas : It's easy to lose your sense of direction,
so even hunters and travelers avoid this place.
Elizabeth Liones : That's true! It would be easy to hide here. (0:04:26.41)
Elizabeth Liones : Huh? (0:04:30.12)
Elizabeth Liones : U-Um... (0:04:31.54)
Elizabeth Liones : Th-They're gone! (0:04:33.50)
Elizabeth Liones : No way! (0:04:35.21)
Hawk : What's wrong? (0:04:36.08)
Elizabeth Liones : Ah! W-Well, it's nothing. (0:04:37.25)
Elizabeth Liones : This can't be happening! (0:04:40.71)
Elizabeth Liones : No, you need to calm down and think this through, Elizabeth. (0:04:42.84)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm sure I put them on in the morning when I woke up. (0:04:46.05)
Elizabeth Liones : In the bathroom? (0:04:48.85)
Elizabeth Liones : No. (0:04:49.99)
Elizabeth Liones : There's no way I would've forgotten them then. (0:04:50.77)
Elizabeth Liones : They're really gone! (0:04:56.02)
Hawk : Hey, quit slowing us down and keep moving! (0:04:57.77)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:05:00.44)
Meliodas : No need to be in a rush. (0:05:01.65)
Meliodas : No one likes an uptight piglet. (0:05:03.49)
Hawk : Huh? Who's an uptight piglet?! (0:05:07.11)
Hawk : What? There are so many of me! (0:05:11.83)
Hawk : So many of me?! (0:05:13.75)
Hawk : What the hell? (0:05:14.91)
Hawk : Who are you? (0:05:15.83)
Hawk : Who're you? (0:05:17.17)
Elizabeth Liones : Is this the monster of the forest? (0:05:18.17)
Meliodas : Well, this is a bit crazy. (0:05:20.13)
Hawk : Meliodas! I'm telling you I'm the real one! (0:05:21.96)
Hawk : What are you saying, you impostor? (0:05:25.22)
Hawk : Shut up, swine! (0:05:26.68)
Hawk : N-No mercy... (0:05:34.18)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk! (0:05:36.19)
Hawk : Elizabeth! (0:05:39.15)
Hawk : Mommy doesn't hurt me like you! (0:05:41.69)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk? (0:05:45.24)
Elizabeth Liones : Huh? (0:05:47.86)
Elizabeth Liones : Wh-Who's there? (0:05:49.32)
Hawk : Wh-What? (0:05:54.25)
Elizabeth Liones : M-Me? (0:06:04.05)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:06:06.34)
Elizabeth Liones : You know I'm the real one, right? (0:06:08.26)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm right here. (0:06:10.18)
Elizabeth Liones : No, I'm the real one! (0:06:11.85)
Elizabeth Liones : No, I'm real! (0:06:13.60)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm the real Elizabeth! (0:06:15.27)
Meliodas : Wow, boobs galore! (0:06:16.10)
Hawk : Now's not the time for that! (0:06:18.14)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:06:18.31)
Elizabeth Liones : The rest of you are fakes! (0:06:19.69)
EXTRA : Leave! (0:06:19.69b)
EXTRA : Leave, human! Leave this forest! (0:06:21.11)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:06:26.52)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:06:28.28)
Meliodas : Hmm... (0:06:30.10)
Meliodas : I can't tell them apart by looking. (0:06:31.16)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:06:33.66)
Meliodas : Now, now, let's see. (0:06:38.21)
Meliodas : Which one of you is the real one? (0:06:40.00)
Elizabeth Liones : It's me! (0:06:41.83)
Elizabeth Liones : Please believe me. I'll do anything to convince you. (0:06:42.79)
Meliodas : Perfect! (0:06:45.34)
Meliodas : Then you have to do exactly as I say, all right? (0:06:46.14)
Elizabeth Liones : Huh? (0:06:49.18)
Meliodas : Well? (0:06:50.43)
Elizabeth Liones : Y-Yes! (0:06:51.30)
Meliodas : First... (0:06:52.76)
Meliodas : Raise your right hand and put your left hand on your cheek. (0:06:54.18)
Elizabeth Liones : Okay! (0:06:55.97)
Meliodas : Say my name with an embarrassed face. (0:06:58.77)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:07:01.52)
Meliodas : Massage your breasts. (0:07:03.02)
Meliodas : Wow, what a view! (0:07:06.78)
Hawk : Take this seriously! (0:07:08.49)
EXTRA : Leave! (0:07:10.36)
EXTRA : Leave! You will never pass through here. (0:07:12.78)
Meliodas : All right, last one! (0:07:18.08)
Meliodas : Jump as high as you can! (0:07:19.46)
Elizabeth Liones : Jump! (0:07:21.21)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm sorry, I can't do it! (0:07:24.92)
EXTRA : Eh? (0:07:36.39)
Hawk : It's the Hide-and-Seek Prankster Imps! (0:07:36.93)
Hawk : So those were the forest monsters? (0:07:40.43)
Meliodas : Let's follow them! (0:07:43.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes! (0:07:44.19)
Meliodas : Oh right, you can have these back! (0:07:44.77)
Elizabeth Liones : So it was you! (0:07:50.61)
Meliodas : Don't lose sight of them! (0:07:55.70)
Meliodas : They must be running back to something! (0:07:56.97)
Elizabeth Liones : Th-That's— (0:08:00.00)
Elizabeth Liones : A girl? (0:08:01.71)
Hawk : Whoa, no way! (0:08:02.92)
Hawk : They're not going to attack her next, are they? (0:08:04.25)
Elizabeth Liones : Attacking a little girl like that... (0:08:07.29)
Hawk : That's just— (0:08:09.42)
Hawk : Attacking a... little... girl... (0:08:10.59)
Elizabeth Liones : Little... (0:08:13.34)
EXTRA : Lady Diane! (0:08:14.47)
EXTRA : Lady Diane! (0:08:16.18)
Hawk : She's not small at all! (0:08:18.01)
EXTRA : Lady Diane, a Holy Knight made it past us. (0:08:20.43)
EXTRA : Lady Diane! (0:08:26.52)
Elizabeth Liones : Is she... (0:08:35.11)
Elizabeth Liones : a giant? (0:08:36.95)
Diane : A Holy Knight? (0:08:38.95)
Hawk : Sh-She's huge! (0:08:41.70)
Elizabeth Liones : N-No, we're definitely not Holy Knights! (0:08:44.00)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas? (0:08:50.55)
Hawk : There he is! (0:08:52.21)
Diane : Are you a Holy Knight? (0:08:54.55)
Hawk : You're not going to eat him, are you? (0:08:57.22)
Elizabeth Liones : Let go of Lord Meliodas! (0:08:59.56)
Diane : Huh, Meliodas? (0:09:02.68)
Meliodas : Hey, Diane! (0:09:04.77)
Meliodas : It's been a long ten years! (0:09:05.85)
Diane : Captain! (0:09:10.98)
Diane : Captain! (0:09:13.90)
Diane : Captain! (0:09:14.53)
Diane : Captain! (0:09:15.36)
Diane : I really missed you, Captain! (0:09:16.57)
Diane : Captain? (0:09:19.66)
Hawk : Diane? You mean this giant is one of the Seven Deadly Sins? (0:09:20.99)
Hawk : The Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane? (0:09:25.54)
Diane : Captain, you remembered how much I love a whole pig roast! (0:09:32.30)
Hawk : No! (0:09:37.98)
Hawk : I'm not food! (0:09:39.35)
Hawk : Hot! (0:09:41.43)
Diane : Can't eat it until it's roasted. (0:09:42.93)
Hawk : Let me go! (0:09:45.43)
Hawk : My back is already roasting! Get me off this thing! (0:09:46.57)
Meliodas : Something smells really good. (0:09:51.14)
Hawk : Hey, this is no time to joke around! (0:09:52.74)
Hawk : Didn't you hear me?! (0:09:55.19)
Diane : So, who's that girl? (0:10:02.20)
Elizabeth Liones : N-Nice to meet you, Lady Diane. (0:10:04.91)
Elizabeth Liones : I am Elizabeth. (0:10:08.29)
Elizabeth Liones : I'm traveling together with Lord Meliodas. (0:10:10.38)
Diane : Just you and the Captain? (0:10:14.38)
Meliodas : Hawk as well! (0:10:16.09)
Diane : Oh, is that so? (0:10:18.59)
Meliodas : Yep! Anyway— (0:10:20.76)
Diane : You cheater! (0:10:22.64)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas! (0:10:32.65)
Diane : Just when I thought I was finally reunited with the man I love, you bring another woman with you? (0:10:36.07)
Diane : You've scarred a maiden's heart! (0:10:41.99)
Diane : But... (0:10:45.67)
Diane : If you have any excuses, tell me now! (0:10:47.50)
Meliodas : Well, I don't really have an excu— (0:10:49.79)
Diane : I don't wanna hear it! (0:10:53.96)
Diane : You pervert! You womanizer! (0:10:55.35)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:10:58.41)
Hawk : What the hell is this? (0:11:00.18)
Diane : Captain, you... (0:11:02.60)
Diane : idiot! (0:11:04.43)
Meliodas : And that's why Elizabeth is searching (0:11:12.15)
Meliodas : for the Seven Deadly Sins to stop the Holy Knights. (0:11:16.28)
Diane : Oh... So that's why. (0:11:20.10)
Diane : I got ahead of myself and lost my temper. (0:11:21.99)
Diane : Sorry... And I'm sorry for trying to eat piggy over there as well. (0:11:26.08)
Hawk : That's all you have to say?! (0:11:30.25)
Hawk : You went as far as putting a fruit inside of me! (0:11:31.50)
Hawk : Wh-What? (0:11:36.13)
Hawk : I-If you touch me again,
Mom won't stay quiet about it!
Diane : You don't have that kind of
relationship with Captain, do you?
Elizabeth Liones : N-No! (0:11:48.72)
Meliodas : By the way, we don't have
that type of relationship either.
Meliodas : Anyway, Elizabeth and I are tracking down the Seven Deadly Sins. (0:11:54.31)
Meliodas : I have a few questions for them myself. (0:11:59.11)
Diane : Hmm, I see. (0:12:01.38)
Diane : Well, I'll tag along as well. (0:12:03.57)
Diane : The Serpent's Sin of Envy, Diane, (0:12:05.95)
Diane : shall lend you her power. (0:12:09.62)
Meliodas : Thanks! That'll help. (0:12:11.04)
Elizabeth Liones : Thank you very much, Lady Diane! (0:12:12.67)
Diane : Let me say this first! (0:12:14.71)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes? (0:12:15.67)
Diane : The only reason I'm lending you my power is because of Captain here. (0:12:16.38)
EXTRA : Th-Thank goodness! (0:12:21.05)
EXTRA : We can finally live in peace! (0:12:23.22)
EXTRA : Lady Diane threatened to go on a rampage if we didn't help her hide here forever! (0:12:25.55)
Hawk : You guys have had it rough too, huh? (0:12:31.56)
Elizabeth Liones : Just now— (0:12:37.19)
Diane : That's weird. (0:12:38.23)
Diane : I'm sure most of the animals
from this forest have left already.
Hawk : Smells like rain clouds. (0:12:43.36)
Hawk : Look! (0:12:45.70)
Diane : Those are... (0:12:48.66)
Elizabeth Liones : Thunder clouds? (0:12:50.95)
Meliodas : What is this? (0:12:57.33)
Diane : Captain? (0:12:58.42)
Elizabeth Liones : M-My body's paralyzed... (0:13:02.09)
Hawk : I can't move! (0:13:04.13)
EXTRA : Can't move! (0:13:05.63)
Meliodas : You're... (0:13:10.06)
Gilthunder : We finally meet, (0:13:11.97)
Gilthunder : Seven Deadly Sins. (0:13:14.43)
Gilthunder : We finally meet, Seven Deadly Sins. (0:13:26.78)
Diane : This power... (0:13:31.16)
Meliodas : Yep, without a doubt. (0:13:32.49)
Meliodas : It's a Holy Knight. (0:13:34.56)
Elizabeth Liones : Gilthunder...{ed: omitted "Lord" because she's not using -samaTLC: she did NOT say 'lord or -sama'} (0:13:36.50)
Elizabeth Liones : You're Gilthunder, right? (0:13:38.79)
Elizabeth Liones : Why... (0:13:43.21)
Elizabeth Liones : Why are you... (0:13:44.48)
Meliodas : You know him? (0:13:46.22)
Elizabeth Liones : Yes. (0:13:47.43)
Elizabeth Liones : He's a Holy Knight very
close to my father, the king.
Elizabeth Liones : He's the son of the Great Holy Knight Zaratras, (0:13:52.31)
Elizabeth Liones : so he would visit the royal palace often. (0:13:55.68)
Elizabeth Liones : I've known him since I was young. (0:13:58.06)
Meliodas : The Great Holy Knight's son? (0:14:00.86)
Meliodas : You're Li'l Gil? (0:14:03.73)
Elizabeth Liones : You know him? (0:14:05.61)
Meliodas : Yeah. (0:14:06.70)
Meliodas : He'd tag along to my training sessions in the palace! (0:14:07.83)
Meliodas : You've gotten big! (0:14:12.16)
Meliodas : Then again, it has been ten years. (0:14:14.24)
Gilthunder : If you've got time to be joking around, (0:14:17.50)
Gilthunder : then you've got an escape plan, haven't you? (0:14:19.79)
Hawk : Hey, this lightning... (0:14:23.75)
Meliodas : Yeah. (0:14:25.55)
Meliodas : Sealing the underground river at Bernia and attempting to destroy the village... (0:14:26.76)
Meliodas : That was you, right? (0:14:31.35)
Elizabeth Liones : No, Lord Meliodas, (0:14:33.43)
Elizabeth Liones : there's no way! (0:14:34.97)
Elizabeth Liones : He's not that type of person— (0:14:36.32)
Elizabeth Liones : No way... (0:14:41.02)
Diane : This is nothing... (0:14:42.61)
Gilthunder : It's futile. (0:14:44.82)
Meliodas : Diane, stop struggling. (0:14:47.99)
Diane : But, Captain... (0:14:49.70)
Gilthunder : Do you know why the Holy
Knights are after the Sins' heads?
Meliodas : Beats me. (0:14:56.45)
Gilthunder : One half says it's to kill the traitorous knights who attempted to overthrow the kingdom. (0:14:57.66)
Gilthunder : The other half says it's to prove our
might by defeating the legendary Seven.
Meliodas : And what do you say? (0:15:11.39)
Gilthunder : Both. (0:15:13.51)
Gilthunder : No, more than that. (0:15:14.76)
Meliodas : More? (0:15:16.68)
Gilthunder : Yeah. (0:15:19.02)
Gilthunder : Revenge for the murder of my father, the Great Holy Knight Zaratras. (0:15:20.27)
Gilthunder : He was hailed as the strongest of the Holy Knights. So killing you all will be proof... (0:15:25.77)
Gilthunder : that I have surpassed my father. (0:15:31.36)
Meliodas : So, in other words, you're saying I'm your father's enemy? (0:15:32.95)
Gilthunder : Is that incorrect? (0:15:37.91)
Meliodas : Who knows. (0:15:39.62)
Meliodas : But I don't have much of a recollection of what happened back then. (0:15:41.12)
Diane : Captain... (0:15:45.54)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas... (0:15:47.25)
Meliodas : The last thing I remember was being called to an old castle on the outskirts of town. (0:15:49.09)
Meliodas : It was the National Foundation Festival, so I thought I could finally go drinking. (0:15:56.56)
King : As if you need a festival as
an excuse to drink, Captain.
Meliodas : That's true. (0:16:04.81)
Merlin : Lord Great Holy Knight said he had something important to discuss. (0:16:06.36)
Diane : Maybe it's a special reward for
killing the Troll Queen a while back?
Meliodas : Oh well, doesn't matter. (0:16:15.16)
Meliodas : After the scolding, let's hit the festival! (0:16:16.95)
Ban : You already decided we're in for a scolding? (0:16:18.95)
Meliodas : Yo! (0:16:22.16)
Meliodas : Great Holy Knight! (0:16:24.96)
Ban : This is brutal... (0:16:34.09)
Diane : He's completely skewered! (0:16:35.64)
King : Who would do such a thing? (0:16:37.10)
Merlin : More importantly, why was the Great Holy Knight targeted? (0:16:39.22)
Ban : Yeah. (0:16:44.23)
Ban : Holy Knights are guardians of the
kingdom and divine, warlike entities.
Ban : Killing one is basically an act of treason. (0:16:50.19)
Diane : So this was premeditated? (0:16:54.03)
King : This presence! (0:16:57.62)
Meliodas : This is... (0:17:01.33)
Meliodas : There are knights from all over the kingdom! (0:17:03.46)
Diane : What's going on? (0:17:06.58)
Diane : What's the meaning of this? (0:17:08.09)
Ban : Shit! (0:17:10.17)
Ban : They've begun attacking! (0:17:10.92)
Meliodas : No time to figure this out now! (0:17:12.42)
Meliodas : Just get out of here! We'll regroup later! (0:17:14.01)
Ban : Understood! (0:17:16.13)
Meliodas : Those were the last words I remember. (0:17:24.35)
Meliodas : When I came to my senses, I was lying in a hole somewhere. (0:17:27.40)
Meliodas : That's where I met Hawk. (0:17:30.98)
Elizabeth Liones : That's... (0:17:32.48)
Elizabeth Liones : That means the person who killed the Great Holy Knight isn't Meliodas— (0:17:33.82)
Gilthunder : Who cares what he says? (0:17:37.28)
Elizabeth Liones : Gilthunder! (0:17:39.95)
Gilthunder : The traitorous knights who attempted to overthrow the kingdom... (0:17:40.99)
Gilthunder : I've just found them. (0:17:45.62)
Elizabeth Liones : Gilthunder, you're wrong! (0:17:47.25)
Elizabeth Liones : You heard what Lord Meliodas said, right? (0:17:49.59)
Elizabeth Liones : They weren't the ones who
killed the Great Holy Knight!
Gilthunder : Elizabeth... (0:17:56.80)
Gilthunder : The Kingdom's top priority is to ensure your safety. (0:17:59.26)
Gilthunder : But that's got nothing to do with me. (0:18:02.60)
Gilthunder : The matter of your life or death is a mere grain of sand in the path toward the Holy Knights' rule. (0:18:07.48)
Gilthunder : Get out of here. (0:18:16.57)
Gilthunder : I only have business with the Sins. (0:18:18.11)
Elizabeth Liones : I won't let you lay a hand on them! (0:18:25.50)
Hawk : I can't hold on any longer... (0:18:31.08)
Hawk : The electricity is making me numb... (0:18:33.59)
Elizabeth Liones : Hawk! (0:18:40.84)
Gilthunder : Now that I've taken care of the nuisances... (0:18:44.64)
Meliodas : You sure about this? (0:18:47.64)
Meliodas : You've never beaten me before, you know. (0:18:49.04)
Gilthunder : The past is merely the past. (0:18:52.81)
Gilthunder : I'm stronger than any of the Sins now. (0:18:55.73)
Meliodas : That might be true, but you don't know for sure. (0:19:01.03)
Gilthunder : Well, then. I'll release you and we can find out. (0:19:05.49)
Meliodas : Nah, no need for that. (0:19:08.58)
Meliodas : I could've escaped whenever I felt like it. (0:19:14.04)
Gilthunder : If I felt like it, I could cut you
down along with this entire forest.
Meliodas : That's impossible. (0:19:22.18)
Gilthunder : In that case, I'll just kill you. (0:19:23.55)
Meliodas : Right back at you. (0:19:25.69)
Meliodas : Stay out of this one, Diane. (0:19:28.14)
Diane : Okay, Captain. (0:19:30.94)
Gilthunder : Too embarrassed to lose a fight with a two-on-one advantage? (0:19:33.02)
Meliodas : You don't get it, do you? I'm trying to be polite. (0:19:38.24)
Meliodas : I told you, didn't I? "Right back at you." (0:19:48.54)
Gilthunder : I told you , didn't I? (0:19:51.83)
Gilthunder : That I'd kill you. (0:19:53.50)
Gilthunder : It's pointless! (0:19:56.84)
Meliodas : Looks like you've gotten a lot better in the past ten years. (0:20:05.39)
Gilthunder : Looks like you think you're still better than me. (0:20:07.72)
Gilthunder : I can tell. (0:20:14.02)
Gilthunder : You won't be able to handle this for much longer. (0:20:15.69)
Meliodas : Oh, really? (0:20:18.07)
Meliodas : So persistent! (0:20:29.79)
Gilthunder : Too slow! (0:20:39.42)
Elizabeth Liones : Lord Meliodas. (0:20:46.89)
Meliodas : I never imagined you'd become this strong. (0:20:57.69)
Gilthunder : Don't fret. (0:21:02.24)
Gilthunder : The remaining six will be joining you soon. (0:21:03.45)
Diane : Captain? (0:21:13.00)
Gilthunder : Dragon's Sin of Wrath, Meliodas of the Seven Deadly Sins, do you have any last words? (0:22:57.31)
Meliodas : The others... (0:23:04.32)
Meliodas : What happened to the others? (0:23:06.11)
Meliodas : That's all I want to know.... (0:23:10.78)
Gilthunder : Very well. I'll tell you. (0:23:16.08)
Gilthunder : Of the remaining five, the whereabouts of three are unknown. (0:23:17.87)
Gilthunder : However, we know the location of the other two. (0:23:22.63)
Gilthunder : The Fox's Sin of Greed is
imprisoned at the Baste Dungeon.
Gilthunder : The Grizzly's Sin of Sloth has passed. He perished in the City of the Dead. (0:23:33.18)
Gilthunder : Do not worry. I will see to them personally. (0:23:40.64)
Meliodas : I see... (0:23:44.65)
Meliodas : Thanks! (0:23:47.90)
Meliodas : Li'l Gil. (0:23:51.82)
EXTRA : Diane, another of the Sins, joins the team. (0:23:57.83)
EXTRA : Height: 297 feet. Weight: A girl's secret. (0:23:59.79)
Hawk : You're huge! What exactly do you eat to get that big? (0:24:04.33)
Diane : Hmm, let me see. (0:24:08.17)
Diane : Roast pork, steamed pork, braised pork, pork cutlet, roasted pork fillet, (0:24:09.59)
Diane : pigs' feet, pork sauté, pork shabu-shabu, pork belly... (0:24:12.80)
Diane : Ham is the best thing to eat! (0:24:15.01)
Meliodas : Next time on The Seven Deadly Sins: "A Young Girl's Dream." (0:24:17.26)
EXTRA : At this time, Elizabeth was thinking... (0:24:20.23)
EXTRA : What would Hawk taste like? (0:24:22.69)

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Azana Tenshouin
Anonymous : mmm...Azana Tenshouin is male, and the protagonist of this game. He looks young, but he is already old enough to drink.

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