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Lyria : Katalina? (0:00:03.54)
Gran : Katalina! (0:00:04.50)
Vyrn : What's going on?! (0:00:05.63)
Vyrn : I-I thought we were goners! (0:01:59.91)
Gran : Lyria, are you okay? (0:02:02.04)
Lyria : Y-Yes... (0:02:03.58)
Katalina Aryze : I thought this would be easier to fly... (0:02:05.29)
Rackam : Whoa, whoa, whoa... (0:02:09.63)
Rackam : What do we have here? (0:02:12.55)
Rackam : Sheesh. You really did a number on that ship. (0:02:14.26)
Rackam : Did the power unit explode? (0:02:19.05)
Rackam : Everything's fried in here. (0:02:23.06)
Rackam : It might never fly again. (0:02:25.68)
Gran : Really? That bad? (0:02:27.89)
Rackam : Hey, who's the helmsman here. (0:02:31.40)
Rackam : How was the temperature? (0:02:35.53)
Katalina Aryze : Temperature? (0:02:37.40)
Rackam : Did you adjust the power load? (0:02:38.28)
Katalina Aryze : Oh, um... (0:02:40.20)
Rackam : So you flew this thing
without knowing how?
Rackam : Look at this.
You ruined a perfectly good ship.
Rackam : What a waste. (0:02:49.79)
Rackam : At least take some basic training. (0:02:52.42)
Lyria : He got really mad... (0:02:56.59)
Gran : But he didn't seem like a bad guy... (0:02:58.63)
Vyrn : Hey, for now,
let's find somewhere to rest.
Vyrn : I'm beat. (0:03:03.64)
Gran : Good idea... Huh? (0:03:05.22)
Gran : An airship. (0:03:08.52)
Katalina Aryze : Yeah. (0:03:10.27)
Katalina Aryze : It's a cargo ship heading for town. (0:03:11.19)
Katalina Aryze : Perfect timing.
Let's head for town as well.
Katalina Aryze : This is Eingana, the main island
of the Port Breeze Archipelago.
Katalina Aryze : And its central city, Eora. (0:03:24.70)
Lyria : Wow, look at all the people! (0:03:37.38)
Gran : And over there... (0:03:39.01)
Gran : There are so many airships! (0:03:41.01)
Katalina Aryze : This is a hub for island-to-island travel. (0:03:43.60)
Katalina Aryze : Skyfarers come from all over to buy supplies,
and sell valuables from their travels.
Katalina Aryze : Business is booming here. (0:03:54.11)
Katalina Aryze : You can probably get your hands on anything. (0:03:57.36)
Gran : Even an airship? (0:04:00.15)
Katalina Aryze : I'm sure it's possible. (0:04:01.15)
Katalina Aryze : But right now,
that's far beyond our means.
Gran : How are we going to continue our journey? (0:04:08.24)
Katalina Aryze : Well, for the time being,
we'll use a passenger ship.
Katalina Aryze : Why don't we get prepared first? (0:04:15.71)
Gran : Right! (0:04:18.88)
Katalina Aryze : This island's opposing the empire's rule,
so the military can't act too openly.
Katalina Aryze : We won't need to worry
about being followed here.
Vyrn : What are you doing? (0:04:48.87)
Lyria : Katalina loves fluffy animals
and cute things.
Katalina Aryze : I can't get enough! (0:04:55.46)
Katalina Aryze : Vyrn's actually looking quite pettable too. (0:04:58.29)
Vyrn : What! N-No!
It's no fun petting me at all!
Vyrn : Don't! Let go! (0:05:07.72)
Katalina Aryze : Vyrn! (0:05:09.72)
Katalina Aryze : I'm good at petting fluffy animals! (0:05:13.14)
EXTRA : What do you think? (0:05:15.98)
EXTRA : How about this blank journal? (0:05:17.98)
EXTRA : You can use it to write down
memories of your travels.
Lyria : A journal... (0:05:23.49)
Katalina Aryze : What a cute cover. (0:05:25.28)
Lyria : He said I can use it to
write down my memories.
Katalina Aryze : A journal, huh? (0:05:29.24)
Katalina Aryze : Are you interested in it? (0:05:32.16)
Lyria : Yes. (0:05:34.66)
Katalina Aryze : I see. Then why don't we get it? (0:05:35.67)
Katalina Aryze : It'll help you learn to read and write, too. (0:05:38.75)
Lyria : Yes! (0:05:42.46)
Lyria : That's a huge building. (0:06:04.69)
Gran : I wonder what it is. (0:06:06.65)
EXTRA : Are you interested in the temple? (0:06:08.66)
EXTRA : Oh... You're not from this island, are you? (0:06:11.70)
Gran : What's that temple for? (0:06:15.16)
EXTRA : Well, these days it's
mostly a hangout for merchants.
Gran : Huh... (0:06:24.09)
Lyria : Then what's this statue? (0:06:25.59)
EXTRA : It's a statue of Tiamat.
The guardian deity of Port Breeze.
EXTRA : People used to come and thank Tiamat
for the island's pleasant breeze.
EXTRA : But now that we know more about
the weather, there aren't many visitors.
Lyria : Really? (0:06:46.15)
EXTRA : If you would, please pray to Tiamat.
I'm sure that would please her.
Gran : We will! (0:06:53.33)
Lyria : We will! (0:06:53.33)
Katalina Aryze : Why don't you call it a night? (0:07:10.30)
Lyria : Yeah... I think I will. (0:07:12.68)
Katalina Aryze : There aren't any passenger flights! (0:07:21.06)
EXTRA : N-No...
All of the regular flights are filled up.
Katalina Aryze : You have to be kidding!
When's the next available flight?
EXTRA : I can't say for sure.
It'll be a while, though.
EXTRA : I can put you on a waiting list,
but there's no guarantee...
Lyria : Gran? (0:07:41.79)
Gran : - That's a big ship...
- Yes!
Lyria : - That's a big ship...
- Yes!
Vyrn : When you see it up close, it's really huge! (0:07:56.47)
Gran : It's so cool. (0:08:00.56)
Rackam : You got good taste there, kid.
That is a nice ship.
Rackam : - It's you from yesterday.
- What, do you like ships?
Gran : - It's you from yesterday.
- What, do you like ships?
Gran : Yeah. I wanna fly in a ship like that. (0:08:09.53)
Rackam : I get you. (0:08:12.78)
Rackam : If you long for the sky,
first you gotta have love for the ships.
Rackam : But y'know... (0:08:17.70)
Rackam : It ain't easy making an airship fly. (0:08:18.95)
Rackam : You need knowledge
about their power and controls,
Rackam : but more than anything,
you gotta know how to read the wind.
Rackam : The wind changes moment to moment. (0:08:28.71)
Rackam : If you're not always making adjustments,
you'll fall from the sky in no time.
Vyrn : Huh. You sure know a lot, old man. (0:08:36.14)
Rackam : - Old man?
- Could you be a skyfarer?
Gran : - Old man?
- Could you be a skyfarer?
Rackam : I was at one time.
I don't fly these days.
Vyrn : Why not?
You like ships, don't you?
Rackam : Well, those are separate issues. (0:08:48.36)
Gran : You don't fly, even though you enjoy it? (0:08:50.90)
Rackam : Look, I've got my reasons. (0:08:53.86)
Rackam : It's complicated. (0:08:56.45)
Vyrn : Simplify it for us, old man! (0:08:57.70)
Rackam : It's Rackam. (0:09:00.04)
Rackam : Not old man.
The name is Rackam.
Rackam : Perfect timing. Come with me,
and I'll show you something interesting.
Gran : That's— (0:09:13.17)
Rackam : It looked like you guys
weren't going to salvage it.
Rackam : So I brought it back here yesterday. (0:09:17.22)
Vyrn : Hey, what good is this
junk heap gonna do you?
Rackam : You guys have no right to call it a junk heap
when you're the ones who wrecked it!
Rackam : Well, observe. (0:09:25.65)
Vyrn : It's running! (0:09:33.32)
Gran : Did you fix it, Rackam? (0:09:34.74)
Rackam : I've been good at this kind of thing
ever since I was a kid.
Vyrn : That's incredible!
Can it fly again?
Rackam : I dunno. (0:09:42.75)
Rackam : I can't say for sure
unless I fiddle with the whole thing.
Rackam : But if I can fix it,
it's yours to fly away in.
Rackam : However! (0:09:49.88)
Rackam : The next time you fly it,
get yourself a proper helmsman first.
Rackam : Otherwise, I'm not givin' it back to you. (0:09:54.13)
Gran : Gotcha. Thank you, Rackam. (0:09:58.18)
Gran : How much do we owe you for repairs? (0:10:02.81)
Rackam : Hah!
Like I would take money from a kid.
Drang : Hello, friends. (0:10:07.73)
Drang : I know this is out of the blue,
but would you do us a favor?
Rackam : Friends of yours? (0:10:16.91)
Lyria : Yes, what can we do for you? (0:10:18.53)
Drang : Oh, you're too kind, young lady. (0:10:20.28)
Drang : The thing is, we're in a bit of a pinch. (0:10:22.79)
Drang : We actually have an extra airship. (0:10:26.37)
Drang : And we need you to take it off our hands. (0:10:29.50)
Vyrn : - What!
- An airship?
Rackam : - What!
- An airship?
Lyria : - Really?
- Wait, wait!
Rackam : - Really?
- Wait, wait!
Rackam : Don't take him seriously. (0:10:35.17)
Drang : What's this?
You don't believe me?
Rackam : Of course not!
That's too good to be true!
Drang : And yet it is true, honestly. (0:10:41.51)
Drang : All right, how about I
throw in some yummy apples too?
Vyrn : Apples! (0:10:49.15)
Lyria : D-Don't! (0:10:51.44)
Lyria : Katalina said not to
go anywhere with strangers!
Drang : Well, setting aside whatever
Lieutenant Katalina told you...
Gran : Lieutenant Katalina? (0:11:00.07)
Drang : I opened my big mouth. (0:11:03.45)
Vyrn : If you know her name and position, then... (0:11:05.58)
Drang : Bingo! (0:11:09.54)
Drang : I really wanted to keep that
under wraps, though, to be honest.
Drang : But now that the cat's out of the bag,
there's only one thing to do!
Drang : Right, Sturm? (0:11:16.13)
Drang : Ow! (0:11:18.84)
Sturm : I'll stab you. (0:11:20.18)
Drang : Warn me before you stab me!
Or, rather, don't stab me at all!
Sturm : You can have the ship.
Get off this island.
Gran : What do you mean? (0:11:27.02)
Drang : Well, it's complicated for us too. (0:11:28.18)
Drang : I know! (0:11:30.40)
Drang : If you do what we ask,
I'll give you some sweets as a reward.
Drang : You like candy– (0:11:34.77)
Drang : Ow! (0:11:36.11)
Sturm : Drang! (0:11:37.40)
Sturm : We'll use force. (0:11:40.66)
Drang : Got it, Sturm. (0:11:42.82)
Gran : What are you going to do?! (0:11:48.33)
Drang : We won't do anything. (0:11:49.79)
Drang : If you cooperate, that is. (0:11:51.62)
Drang : This isn't a bad deal for you. (0:11:54.42)
Drang : So do yourself a favor and accept it. (0:11:57.80)
Rackam : When I give the sign, get down. (0:12:01.51)
Rackam : Now! (0:12:05.43)
Rackam : Run while you have the chance! (0:12:11.35)
Vyrn : What's going on... (0:12:15.40)
Vyrn : There weren't supposed to be
imperial guys here!
Sturm : After them! (0:12:20.82)
Drang : Got it! (0:12:21.82)
Vyrn : They already caught up to us! (0:12:37.55)
Gran : Vyrn, take Lyria to Katalina. (0:12:55.86)
Vyrn : H-Hey!
Are you serious?
Vyrn : You're really going to fight them? (0:13:02.07)
Gran : While I buy some time,
escape down that alley!
Vyrn : Wait! You can't do this by yourself! (0:13:06.99)
Drang : Huh? That boy is ready to fight us. (0:13:09.49)
Sturm : Bring it then. (0:13:12.83)
Drang : I don't want to get rough. (0:13:14.17)
Sturm : Well, it's a little late now. (0:13:17.46)
Drang : You have a point! (0:13:19.30)
Gran : - Go!
- But...
Lyria : - Go!
- But...
Gran : Hurry! (0:13:31.35)
Vyrn : O-Okay! (0:13:32.14)
Drang : Huh... (0:13:34.60)
Lyria : - Let's go, Lyria!
- R-Right!
Vyrn : - Let's go, Lyria!
- R-Right!
Drang : Not bad, kid! (0:13:42.11)
Vyrn : Gran! (0:13:51.41)
Rackam : You guys! (0:13:52.33)
Gran : Rackam? (0:13:54.25)
Rackam : Sheesh, how reckless can you get? (0:13:55.67)
Rackam : Come on! (0:13:57.46)
Gran : Right! (0:13:58.54)
Vyrn : I never knew there were
paths like this underground.
Rackam : It's a secret passage
that was used during the War.
Vyrn : Whoa... (0:14:16.39)
Lyria : Um, thank you for saving us. (0:14:18.02)
Rackam : No thanks necessary. (0:14:21.90)
Rackam : But Gran... (0:14:23.57)
Rackam : You must be insane,
fighting people like them.
Gran : I thought we wouldn't
get away from them otherwise.
Rackam : You've got some future ahead of you, kid. (0:14:33.33)
Rackam : But if you value your life,
don't be so reckless.
Rackam : Don't forget. (0:14:39.96)
Gran : I won't. (0:14:41.17)
Katalina Aryze : Lyria! Gran! (0:14:43.76)
Katalina Aryze : Vyrn! (0:14:47.09)
Katalina Aryze : Where did they go? (0:14:48.97)
Katalina Aryze : Wha? (0:14:54.52)
Rackam : So you're the one looking after them? (0:14:55.93)
Katalina Aryze : It's you from yesterday. (0:15:00.48)
Lyria : Katalina! (0:15:01.86)
Katalina Aryze : Lyria! Gran! Vyrn! (0:15:03.73)
Lyria : Rackam helped us. (0:15:07.45)
Katalina Aryze : Really? (0:15:09.91)
Katalina Aryze : I'm sorry for all the trouble. (0:15:11.16)
Katalina Aryze : - Please accept my gratitude–
- Knock it off with that stuff.
Rackam : - Please accept my gratitude–
- Knock it off with that stuff.
Rackam : I'm done sticking my nose in your business. (0:15:16.04)
Rackam : See you. (0:15:19.79)
Katalina Aryze : Exactly what happened? (0:15:24.00)
Katalina Aryze : The Empire? (0:15:28.51)
Gran : They didn't come out and say it,
but it was obvious.
Katalina Aryze : The pair wasn't wearing
imperial armor or uniforms?
Katalina Aryze : Then they'd have to be agents. (0:15:37.31)
Katalina Aryze : That means this island isn't safe after all. (0:15:39.31)
Gran : We should leave as soon as possible, huh? (0:15:41.86)
Katalina Aryze : There's just one problem. (0:15:44.69)
Katalina Aryze : All the upcoming flights are full. (0:15:46.44)
Katalina Aryze : It looks like we're stranded here for a while. (0:15:49.32)
Gran : That is a problem, isn't it? (0:15:51.49)
Katalina Aryze : We have to think of another way. (0:15:55.24)
Sierokarte : What's this?
Having some trouble?
Sierokarte : Hello! (0:16:04.00)
Sierokarte : I'm Siero,
the owner of the Knickknack Shack.
Gran : - Knickknack Shack?
- Yeah.
Katalina Aryze : - Knickknack Shack?
- Yeah.
Katalina Aryze : As the name implies,
it's a shop that buys and sells goods.
Katalina Aryze : It also handles job requests
and all kinds of other things.
Sierokarte : If you've got a knack for travel, (0:16:20.81)
Sierokarte : then the Knickknack Shack
is the place for you!
Lyria : Wow! (0:16:26.61)
Lyria : You're still a kid and you manage a shop.
I'm impressed!
Katalina Aryze : Uh, please excuse the rudeness. (0:16:31.32)
Katalina Aryze : Lyria, she's a Harvin. (0:16:34.12)
Katalina Aryze : They're a type of people
who stay short as adults.
Sierokarte : I'm as grown-up as can be! (0:16:40.21)
Katalina Aryze : Can you help connect us
with an airship crew?
Katalina Aryze : We're looking for a ride to another island. (0:16:48.67)
Sierokarte : I'm sorry, but business is busier than ever. (0:16:50.97)
Sierokarte : All the crews are out on assignments. (0:16:55.68)
Katalina Aryze : I see... (0:16:59.35)
Sierokarte : But I do have one piece of good news. (0:17:00.77)
Sierokarte : I happen to have one used airship for sale. (0:17:05.27)
Sierokarte : The price is very reasonable.
Take a look.
EXTRA : USED AIRSHIP (0:17:11.03)
Katalina Aryze : This is, um... (0:17:13.15)
Katalina Aryze : A little beyond what we can afford... (0:17:15.03)
Katalina Aryze : Besides, none of us know how to fly a ship. (0:17:17.62)
Sierokarte : Oh, that does change things. (0:17:20.91)
Sierokarte : After all, it's hard to find a
free helmsman just sitting around.
Gran : A helmsman... (0:17:30.42)
EXTRA : I know one just sitting around. (0:17:31.97)
EXTRA : Yeah. Rackam, right? (0:17:33.84)
Vyrn : Rackam?
You mean the old man with the beard?
Gran : The one in that repair yard? (0:17:39.01)
EXTRA : Yep. He's a big deal in town. (0:17:40.77)
EXTRA : He's an eccentric helmsman. (0:17:43.14)
Gran : So he was a helmsman. (0:17:45.98)
EXTRA : And a skilled one too. (0:17:47.86)
EXTRA : But he's obsessed with
that shipwreck outside town.
Gran : A shipwreck? (0:17:52.86)
EXTRA : It can't fly anymore,
so it was abandoned.
EXTRA : He spends all his money
trying to get it airborne.
EXTRA : But it'll never move again,
no matter how much he tinkers.
EXTRA : He really is an odd one. (0:18:02.75)
Katalina Aryze : Ask him to be our helmsman? (0:18:06.50)
Katalina Aryze : Are you serious? (0:18:08.71)
Gran : Yeah. (0:18:10.42)
Gran : Rackam really loves airships.
And he's definitely skilled at repairs, too.
Vyrn : Yeah, and he got the
ship you crashed to run again!
Katalina Aryze : B-But he's a grumpy fellow and
might not understand our situation.
Lyria : Rackam isn't that grumpy. (0:18:27.06)
Gran : I'm sure he will at least hear us out. (0:18:29.98)
Vyrn : Well, since we got no
other options, let's go see him.
Katalina Aryze : Fine. (0:18:37.74)
Gran : They said we'd find him by a large ship
on the other side of that hill.
Lyria : Rackam is working on fixing that ship, huh? (0:18:46.58)
Gran : Yeah. I wonder what kind of ship it is. (0:18:49.88)
Gran : So this is Rackam's ship... (0:18:59.05)
Vyrn : They called it a wreck,
so I thought it'd be more beat-up.
Katalina Aryze : Yeah... (0:19:08.14)
Katalina Aryze : Certainly it's been grounded. (0:19:09.15)
Katalina Aryze : But it looks like it's
been tuned up well enough to fly.
Lyria : I bet Rackam fixed it. (0:19:14.15)
Gran : It's a beautiful ship, isn't it? (0:19:22.12)
Lyria : Yes! (0:19:24.83)
Gran : Katalina... (0:19:33.46)
Katalina Aryze : Let's hide until they pass. (0:19:35.59)
Katalina Aryze : Nobody make a sound. (0:19:37.38)
Furias : Hey! (0:19:47.23)
Furias : - Yes, sir!
- Chair!
Furias : Chair! Chair!
You half-wit!
EXTRA : M-My deepest apologies, General Furias! (0:19:53.11)
Katalina Aryze : General Furias? (0:19:56.86)
Gran : You know him? (0:19:58.36)
Katalina Aryze : Yeah... (0:19:59.86)
Katalina Aryze : He's a headache and a half. (0:20:01.11)
Furias : All right. (0:20:03.28)
Furias : Now I just have to watch as the
wretches of this city pay for their insolence.
EXTRA : General... (0:20:08.79)
EXTRA : Perhaps this operation is slightly excessive... (0:20:10.21)
EXTRA : I mean, destroying the entire island? (0:20:14.42)
Furias : Do you wish to say my judgment's wrong? (0:20:18.21)
EXTRA : N-No, not at all... (0:20:20.93)
Furias : Enough. You annoy me. (0:20:22.68)
Furias : I trust that everything is ready? (0:20:25.47)
EXTRA : Y-Yes, sir. (0:20:28.35)
Furias : I see. Good, then... (0:20:29.35)
Furias : I have no more use for you. (0:20:31.94)
Furias : Someone's in there! (0:20:42.20)
Furias : Hey, one of you.
Set that building ablaze.
Katalina Aryze : This is bad! (0:20:45.24)
Furias : What's this? (0:20:55.59)
Furias : Lieutenant Katalina. (0:20:57.25)
Furias : The fugitive. (0:20:59.09)
Furias : Fancy meeting you here. (0:21:00.92)
Furias : Maybe you were thinking of escaping
from this island on that wreck?
Furias : Tell me, am I right? (0:21:10.39)
Furias : What an interesting idea! (0:21:11.89)
Furias : Capture them. (0:21:15.06)
EXTRA : Yes sir! (0:21:16.06)
Furias : Well, I guess I can't blame you,
since all the skyfarers in the city are booked.
Furias : But, was this the best
you could come up with?
Furias : There's no way a
piece of junk like that can fly!
EXTRA : General Furias! (0:21:40.55)
EXTRA : Where? (0:21:44.18)
EXTRA : Where are the shots coming from! (0:21:45.18)
Rackam : You play with fire in front of my ship? (0:21:54.69)
Rackam : You've got some nerve. (0:22:01.99)
Lyria : Next Episode:
A Helmsman's Resolve

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