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Nana Bassler : Licht Bach, the felon? (0:00:20.83)
Nana Bassler : He is in illegal possession of a Ballot. (0:00:24.83)
Nana Bassler : Hmm... I have no idea... (0:00:26.91)
EXTRA : Make sure you call us the moment you see him! (0:00:29.62)
Nana Bassler : We're safe now, Hina. (0:00:37.79)
Nana Bassler : Looks like they haven't figured it out yet-- (0:00:41.16)
Nana Bassler : that you have the Ballot. (0:00:43.16)
Hina : So the soldier I met
really didn't report it...
Nana Bassler : I don't know what he's up to, but... (0:00:50.41)
Nana Bassler : Don't worry about him. He'll be fine. (0:00:55.25)
EXTRA : Hey, Nana. (0:00:59.66)
Nana Bassler : Oh, welcome. (0:01:00.75)
Nana Bassler : You're here early. (0:01:04.16)
Hina : Licht... (0:01:07.00)
Lynn May : Yes! Finished! (0:02:48.45)
EXTRA : "Let's build a park for the kids!" (0:02:50.25)
Lynn May : "Help wanted"
"Let's build a park for the kids!"
A fine job, if I dare say so myself!
Lynn May : A fine job, if I dare say so myself! (0:02:53.12)
Lynn May : I wonder how many people will come. (0:02:53.62)
Pele Poporo : I'm coming in, Master Sergeant Lynn. (0:02:57.66)
Pele Poporo : This just came in from the headquarters... (0:03:01.41)
Lynn May : Great timing, Sergeant Pele. (0:03:04.12)
Pele Poporo : Huh? (0:03:07.16)
Lynn May : Time to hand out these fliers. (0:03:09.70)
EXTRA : Here! (0:03:15.00)
EXTRA : --Ouch! Hey!
--Are you okay?
EXTRA : Hey, our ball! (0:03:21.08)
EXTRA : Catch it next time! (0:03:22.95)
Pele Poporo : More volunteer work, ma'am? (0:03:24.50)
Lynn May : Of course! (0:03:26.41)
Pele Poporo : "Let's make a park for the kids"? (0:03:27.66)
Lynn May : Yes. You've noticed how there's no
place in this town for kids to play, right?
Pele Poporo : But just the other day
you finished spending six months
Pele Poporo : building a gathering place for the elderly... (0:03:40.41)
Pele Poporo : Master Sergeant...? (0:03:45.00)
EXTRA : Come on! (0:03:48.45)
EXTRA : Are you okay? (0:03:50.54)
Lynn May : Almost... (0:03:52.87)
EXTRA : You're close! (0:03:55.29)
EXTRA : --Reach out!
--Be careful!
EXTRA : --Lynn, careful!
--I'm scared!
EXTRA : It's too dangerous! (0:04:00.04)
Lynn May : It's fine! (0:04:02.12)
EXTRA : --Watch out!
--Oh, phew!
Lynn May : There! (0:04:04.54)
EXTRA : Do it! (0:04:06.70)
EXTRA : Almost! (0:04:08.29)
EXTRA : There! (0:04:09.95)
EXTRA : --I knew it!
--Thank you, Lynn!
Lynn May : If there's anything else
you need help with, call anytime!
EXTRA : Whoa! (0:04:20.45)
EXTRA : That must hurt... (0:04:23.87)
Lynn May : Ouch... (0:04:25.04)
EXTRA : Are you okay, Lynn?! (0:04:26.29)
Lynn May : This is nothing. (0:04:28.50)
EXTRA : --Oh, good.
--I was surprised.
EXTRA : Here, Lynn. (0:04:32.83)
Lynn May : Thanks. (0:04:35.37)
EXTRA : Someone! Lend me a hand! (0:04:39.08)
EXTRA : Hey! Someone! (0:04:42.62)
Lynn May : What's wrong, folks? (0:04:44.12)
EXTRA : "Macho" (0:04:46.12)
EXTRA : "Macho"
Oh, hey, Lynn!
Lynn May : "Macho"
Hello! What's going on?
EXTRA : "Macho"
Come take a look at this.
EXTRA : Come take a look at this. (0:04:52.16)
EXTRA : Oh, no, it's completely stuck. (0:04:52.58)
Lynn May : Let me help! (0:04:56.25)
EXTRA : Thanks! (0:04:57.29)
Lynn May : And push! (0:05:00.75)
Lynn May : One more time! Push! (0:05:12.45)
Lynn May : Let's go again! (0:05:18.50)
Lynn May : Ready, push! (0:05:20.04)
Lynn May : Go! (0:05:26.79)
EXTRA : --Yeah!
--We did it!
EXTRA : Phew, thanks Lynn!
We really owe you for this one.
EXTRA : Thanks for the help, Lynn! (0:05:39.20)
Lynn May : Oh, no, I didn't do anything... (0:05:42.20)
Lynn May : It was all of our combined effort! (0:05:45.12)
EXTRA : Yeah, you're right! (0:05:47.16)
Lynn May : Oh, that feels good! (0:05:56.79)
Pele Poporo : Come on, you haven't done any
of the work officially assigned to us.
Pele Poporo : One of these days, the lieutenant
is really going to crack down on you.
Lynn May : But this town... It's so peaceful. (0:06:13.91)
Lynn May : Our official assignment
is to catch criminals, right?
Lynn May : But ever since I was assigned to this town, (0:06:23.37)
Lynn May : I haven't met a single criminal. (0:06:27.95)
Pele Poporo : So that's why we're running errands around town? (0:06:30.04)
Lynn May : Yes! We soldiers exist to help the townsfolk! (0:06:32.12)
Pele Poporo : Yes, yes. Your Count is
based on helping people, I know.
Lynn May : That's right! (0:06:41.79)
Pele Poporo : But the person has to be
in serious trouble, right?
Pele Poporo : You just helped a lot of people,
but your Count hasn't increased at all.
Lynn May : Ugh... (0:06:53.50)
Pele Poporo : You'll never get promoted out
of this middle-of-nowhere backwater.
Lynn May : That's, um... Hey! (0:06:59.37)
Lynn May : Once a criminal does appear... (0:07:01.83)
Lynn May : I'll arrest them awesomely... (0:07:04.54)
Pele Poporo : Oh... (0:07:06.87)
Pele Poporo : Speaking of criminals,
the headquarters sent this...
Lynn May : A wanted poster? (0:07:12.25)
Lynn May : Anyone who sees the felon Licht Bach
shall apprehend him immediately.
Lynn May : This man is a legendary Ace. (0:07:20.29)
Lynn May : There is a high chance
he's wearing a strange mask...?
Lynn May : A legendary... Ace? (0:07:29.83)
Pele Poporo : That's what it says. (0:07:32.54)
Lynn May : What's that again? (0:07:33.95)
Pele Poporo : What, you don't know? (0:07:35.20)
Lynn May : Um, uh, of course I know. (0:07:37.33)
Lynn May : He's a... super great... legendary Ace, right? (0:07:39.58)
Pele Poporo : The Aces are heroes who fought
in the Waste War 300 years ago.
Lynn May : Three hundred years? (0:07:50.62)
Lynn May : How can someone from such
a long time ago still be alive?
Lynn May : Besides, who would run around
wearing a weird mask? That's impossible...
EXTRA : "Ready to eat" (0:08:01.91)
Lynn May : "Ready to eat"
Or not!
Lynn May : You there, show your face! (0:08:06.08)
Licht Bach : Oh, no! I'm just a pudding passing through... (0:08:08.45)
Lynn May : Description matches the wanted poster! (0:08:11.12)
Licht Bach : What?! How?! The mask is completely different! (0:08:13.04)
Lynn May : Oh... (0:08:17.87)
Lynn May : You're right... (0:08:21.58)
Lynn May : I'm sorry. (0:08:24.45)
Lynn May : Actually, show me anyway! (0:08:30.79)
Lynn May : No! Please, no! (0:08:33.91)
Lynn May : You're the man on the poster! (0:08:35.95)
Licht Bach : No, I'm not! I'm, uh... (0:08:38.20)
Licht Bach : I'm terribly unpopular with women! (0:08:43.62)
Lynn May : Huh? (0:08:50.45)
Licht Bach : Please, look at my Count... (0:08:51.29)
Licht Bach : I've been dumped by 1,000 girls. (0:08:54.12)
Licht Bach : Since then, I'm truly afraid
of showing my face to a girl.
Licht Bach : That's why I can't take my mask off... (0:09:02.54)
Licht Bach : That's just how badly I am hated by women... (0:09:07.83)
Licht Bach : Hated... Oh...? (0:09:10.25)
Licht Bach : The tears won't stop... (0:09:13.37)
Licht Bach : Oh, if only I could just go on
one date with a girl before I die!
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major. (0:09:25.20)
Licht Bach : --I want to go on a date... with a girl... (0:09:26.29)
Pele Poporo : --Why don't you go out with this guy?
--I want to go on a date... with a girl...
Lynn May : What?! (0:09:29.83)
Pele Poporo : I've rarely ever seen anyone so unhappy. (0:09:32.04)
Pele Poporo : This is your chance to
raise your Count by a lot.
Lynn May : --B-But... I've never been on a date... (0:09:38.37)
Lynn May : --So sad...
--B-But... I've never been on a date...
Licht Bach : --Someone... anyone...
--Ugh, what a bother...
Lynn May : --Huh? (0:09:44.54)
Pele Poporo : --Oh, no.
Pele Poporo : I mean, I have just
the right book for that.
Pele Poporo : Let's see. "The basic rule of dating
is that you start by holding hands."
Lynn May : Holding... hands? (0:09:55.87)
Pele Poporo : Your help is needed. (0:09:58.45)
Lynn May : Here. (0:10:08.33)
Pele Poporo : Look! It went up already! Let's keep going! (0:10:15.00)
Pele Poporo : Another basic step: Drink from the
same glass at a place with a good view.
Lynn May : Uh, um... (0:10:29.20)
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major, why hesitate? (0:10:31.54)
Pele Poporo : You just have to drink from that straw. (0:10:34.45)
Lynn May : Do I have to drink...? (0:10:37.66)
Pele Poporo : You have to. (0:10:40.33)
Pele Poporo : It's help. (0:10:42.45)
Lynn May : I know. (0:10:44.00)
Lynn May : No! (0:10:51.58)
Lynn May : Oh... I'm sorry. (0:10:57.00)
Lynn May : Sergeant, are you sure this is right? (0:11:17.25)
Pele Poporo : Yes, perfect! (0:11:19.79)
Lynn May : What's the point of crossing this bridge? (0:11:24.79)
Pele Poporo : Don't worry, just do it. (0:11:28.00)
Lynn May : Fine, fine... (0:11:30.58)
Lynn May : Let's be careful. (0:11:32.87)
Lynn May : This bridge isn't... (0:11:35.25)
Licht Bach : Oh, I'm scared! (0:11:51.29)
Lynn May : Don't overreact. (0:11:53.83)
Lynn May : Hold still, and calm down. (0:11:56.12)
Licht Bach : Y-Yes! (0:11:58.50)
Pele Poporo : We're just getting started! (0:12:06.00)
Licht Bach : Lynn! Help me! (0:12:12.95)
Lynn May : Huh?! Wait, what...?! (0:12:15.62)
Licht Bach : Hold me! (0:12:18.54)
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major! (0:12:23.41)
Pele Poporo : Huh? (0:12:46.50)
Lynn May : Isn't that enough? Are we done? (0:12:54.29)
Pele Poporo : What do you think, Mr. Pudding? (0:12:58.37)
Licht Bach : Oh, no... This is my first and last date... (0:13:03.29)
Licht Bach : I can't believe it's over so soon...! (0:13:09.04)
Licht Bach : I want to date more! Date, date, date! (0:13:13.66)
Lynn May : Really...? (0:13:18.20)
Pele Poporo : Look how sad he is. (0:13:19.45)
Pele Poporo : You're so mean, Sergeant Major. (0:13:22.50)
Licht Bach : --Date! (0:13:24.87)
Lynn May : --Well... I guess we can go a bit longer...
Licht Bach : --Well... I guess we can go a bit longer...
--More date!
Pele Poporo : --Let's do this next then!
--More date!
Pele Poporo : The lap pillow. (0:13:33.75)
Pele Poporo : I knew it! The more you commit,
the faster your Count rises!
Lynn May : What next? (0:13:45.54)
Pele Poporo : Let's see... For starters... (0:13:48.16)
Pele Poporo : ...just continue flirting. (0:13:51.08)
Pele Poporo : Maybe add a bit of smart chatting. (0:13:53.54)
Lynn May : Huh? Um... The weather is quite fine today... (0:13:56.25)
Licht Bach : The weather is fine, but... (0:14:01.33)
Licht Bach : ...I'd like night to come quickly. (0:14:03.95)
Lynn May : Huh...? (0:14:05.66)
Licht Bach : I'd like to gaze up at a sky filled
with stars with someone kind like you.
Pele Poporo : Looking good, looking good! (0:14:12.45)
Pele Poporo : And now that the mood is set, go ahead and... (0:14:14.70)
Pele Poporo : ...grope her thigh! (0:14:17.70)
Lynn May : What? (0:14:22.58)
Pele Poporo : Grope her thigh! (0:14:23.75)
Licht Bach : Yeah! (0:14:26.08)
Licht Bach : Grope, grope, grope! (0:14:28.16)
Lynn May : --Hey, come on, stop!
--Grope, grope, grope...
Pele Poporo : It's going up! (0:14:34.04)
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major, your Count
is shooting up super fast!
Lynn May : No! (0:14:38.20)
Pele Poporo : Seriously? For real?! How easy is this Count?! (0:14:39.79)
Licht Bach : --...grope, grope, grope, grope... (0:14:43.20)
Lynn May : --Hey, come on, stop...
--...grope, grope, grope, grope...
Pele Poporo : And as the Count rises,
put your hand on her panties!
Lynn May : Stop right there! (0:14:50.33)
Lynn May : That's enough! (0:14:53.12)
Lynn May : It's way too early for that, Sergeant! (0:14:54.41)
Lynn May : There's a proper procedure
for this type of thing...
Pele Poporo : So it's okay as long as we follow the procedure? (0:14:58.70)
Lynn May : Huh? Well, that's... um... (0:15:00.54)
Lynn May : But procedure! So no! Got it?! (0:15:05.87)
Pele Poporo : Ugh... What a bother! (0:15:13.04)
Lynn May : Um... Sergeant Pele? (0:15:17.62)
Pele Poporo : "Procedure"? What a bother...
I guess I've had enough fun.
Pele Poporo : I didn't bother telling you this,
but that guy is a Ballot Holder.
Lynn May : Huh...? (0:15:35.08)
Pele Poporo : He has a negative Count,
but he hasn't been sent to the Abyss. Get it?
Lynn May : Oh, right... (0:15:42.70)
Pele Poporo : So he must have a second Count, (0:15:44.54)
Pele Poporo : which means he must be a Ballot Holder. (0:15:47.20)
Pele Poporo : This is the man on the wanted poster, for sure. (0:15:50.08)
Licht Bach : Oh... (0:15:56.16)
Lynn May : You're right... (0:15:58.08)
Pele Poporo : That took way too long, idiot. (0:15:59.45)
Lynn May : What did you say?! (0:16:01.41)
Pele Poporo : Nothing? (0:16:02.70)
Licht Bach : Miss Sergeant Major... (0:16:04.33)
Licht Bach : ...what's this? (0:16:06.91)
Lynn May : Hey, my sword! (0:16:08.29)
Licht Bach : Let's not bring violence into this. (0:16:10.58)
Licht Bach : Lynn, we shouldn't be fighting.
Let's cast away this sword and make love!
Lynn May : Did you think all soldiers were swordsmen? (0:16:23.25)
Lynn May : This is my true specialty. (0:16:29.20)
Lynn May : Turn yourself in! (0:16:31.62)
Lynn May : I don't want... (0:16:33.95)
Licht Bach : No! (0:16:36.33)
Lynn May : damage this town! (0:16:38.25)
Licht Bach : No! (0:16:39.70)
Lynn May : Come on, settle down,
or else you'll get seriously hurt!
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major, he's looking at your panties. (0:16:46.45)
Lynn May : Huh? (0:16:48.66)
Licht Bach : Stare... (0:16:49.95)
Licht Bach : Hmm? Why react that way?
Strange, is it not, Mr. Pele?
Pele Poporo : Yessir. (0:16:59.20)
Licht Bach : Throwing so many kicks
while wearing such a tight skirt...
Licht Bach : I assumed you wanted us to see your panties! (0:17:04.37)
Pele Poporo : True. True. True. (0:17:07.12)
Lynn May : N-No! I can't help it. This is my uniform! (0:17:08.58)
Licht Bach : Yes! (0:17:13.12)
Lynn May : Seriously... This man... who is he? (0:17:17.95)
Lynn May : I've thrown so many kicks,
and I haven't even been able to scratch him.
Licht Bach : No, you've already hurt me badly. (0:17:29.33)
Licht Bach : The moment I met you, my heart was torn... (0:17:36.87)
Pele Poporo : What? Seriously?
Your heart is pounding over pudding?
Lynn May : No, I'm a military officer...
You're a wanted man...
Lynn May : Besides, I want at least one--
No, at least three kids.
Lynn May : Also, will you work properly? (0:18:08.12)
Lynn May : Actually, you don't really need to work... (0:18:11.70)
Lynn May : As long as you're a good father, I can... (0:18:15.25)
Lynn May : I... (0:18:23.41)
Pele Poporo : Sergeant Major... (0:18:29.04)
Pele Poporo : He got away. (0:18:33.45)
Lynn May : Huh... Huh?! (0:18:35.33)
Lynn May : What...? (0:18:38.79)
Pele Poporo : I guess you showed off your panties for nothing. (0:18:39.79)
Lynn May : Come on! (0:18:49.00)
EXTRA : Let's get drunk! (0:18:56.54)
EXTRA : Hey, lady, where's my Napita? (0:18:57.79)
Hina : Yes! (0:19:00.25)
EXTRA : Thanks! (0:19:01.08)
EXTRA : Hey, Nana. (0:19:02.95)
Nana Bassler : Yes, coming! (0:19:04.70)
Hina : Phew. (0:19:06.87)
Nana Bassler : Tired? Sorry to make you help. (0:19:08.04)
Hina : No, this is my first time.
I'm enjoying this. But...
Nana Bassler : Worried about Licht? (0:19:17.54)
Hina : When are we going to go look for him?! (0:19:19.79)
Nana Bassler : Don't get too far ahead of yourself. (0:19:21.66)
Nana Bassler : First we have to save up money for the trip. (0:19:23.91)
Hina : Oh... Yes, I understand. (0:19:26.95)
Nana Bassler : Hey, welcome-- (0:19:30.25)
Nana Bassler : Welcome, Lieutenant. (0:19:38.50)
Nana Bassler : Iron bars and a lion on the emblem... (0:19:41.75)
Nana Bassler : What can I get for you? (0:19:45.20)
Jail Murdoch : Where is the man on this wanted poster? (0:19:47.79)
Nana Bassler : I wish I knew. He suddenly disappeared... (0:19:49.20)
Nana Bassler : I haven't the faintest clue... (0:19:52.66)
Jail Murdoch : Don't lie to me. (0:19:54.37)
Nana Bassler : What...? (0:19:56.29)
Hina : Nana! (0:20:02.00)
Jail Murdoch : I've received the reports from the patrol. (0:20:03.45)
Jail Murdoch : You claimed you didn't know anything about him. (0:20:06.50)
Jail Murdoch : I don't go easy on liars. (0:20:12.66)
EXTRA : Hey, let's go. (0:20:15.33)
EXTRA : Watch out! (0:20:16.66)
Jail Murdoch : I'll ask just one more time. (0:20:20.29)
Jail Murdoch : Where is Licht Bach? (0:20:23.79)
Nana Bassler : I think he went east. That's all I know. (0:20:27.91)
Jail Murdoch : Did you all hear that? (0:20:34.16)
EXTRA : Yes, sir! (0:20:35.83)
Jail Murdoch : He went... west. (0:20:37.33)
Jail Murdoch : Let's go... (0:20:51.08)
Jail Murdoch : Time to hunt an Ace! (0:20:52.75)
EXTRA : "Episode 3: Uniforms are Uniforms" (0:21:01.95)
Licht Bach : Hey, guys, I'm Licht! (0:22:36.41)
Licht Bach : Next on Plunderer is Cosplay Thanksgiving! (0:22:37.54)
Licht Bach : Oh, Dominatrix Lynn, please hit me! (0:22:39.66)
Lynn May : I'm not like that! (0:22:42.54)
Licht Bach : Then kick me! (0:22:44.33)
Lynn May : Next on Plunderer , "Ballot Holder." (0:22:47.33)

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