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Celia Claire : These plans for after graduation... (0:00:18.57)
Celia Claire : Rio's the only one who didn't write anything. (0:00:21.03)
Celia Claire : Where is it that you want to go, Rio? (0:00:24.06)
Rio : My parents' homeland, the Yagumo region. (0:00:26.34)
Celia Claire : As you already know, (0:02:05.98)
Celia Claire : magic uses formulae designed
to control magical power.
Celia Claire : By pouring od through them, this craft
meddles with matters of the world.
Celia Claire : Today, the fifth and
sixth-years will use Lighting
Celia Claire : to deepen their understanding
of controlling magical power.
Alphonse Rodan : Lighting? (0:02:22.29)
Alphonse Rodan : Professor! Anyone in this room should
be able to use low-level magic like—
Alphonse Rodan : No, wait. (0:02:29.45)
Alphonse Rodan : There is one person who can't use it. (0:02:30.70)
Stewart Huguenot : Yes, there is! (0:02:33.13)
Stewart Huguenot : A lecture intended for those
with poor magic control...
Stewart Huguenot : Isn't it a little late for all of that? (0:02:37.70)
Celia Claire : I see. (0:02:46.12)
Celia Claire : Well then, will you two
try using Lighting for me?
Alphonse Rodan : Yes, Miss! (0:02:50.85)
Stewart Huguenot : Lighting! (0:02:53.34)
Alphonse Rodan : Lighting! (0:02:53.34)
Celia Claire : At that level, I can't say
you've mastered it yet.
Stewart Huguenot : What do you mean? (0:03:03.74)
Celia Claire : Being able to cast a covenant formula
depends on a person's affinity.
Celia Claire : It's not the same as being
skillful in magical control.
Celia Claire : Even without the use of magic,
with the existence of artifacts,
Celia Claire : there are those who can use multiple
magical techniques simultaneously.
Celia Claire : Like this. (0:03:24.30)
Celia Claire : Dectet Magician. (0:03:26.54)
Celia Claire : Lighting. (0:03:29.31)
EXTRA : That's amazing! (0:03:37.37)
EXTRA : One person can control that
many Lightings at once?!
Rio : It's true that I can't cast magical
covenant formulae like they can.
Rio : But... (0:03:56.92)
Rio : by imitating the flow of magical power, (0:03:58.26)
Rio : for some reason I'm able to
reproduce magical techniques.
Celia Claire : All right! (0:04:06.97)
Celia Claire : Now, let's begin our lecture
on magical control!
Stewart Huguenot : Just what I'd expect from you,
Professor Celia!
Stewart Huguenot : I found that so moving! (0:04:20.94)
Celia Claire : Why, thank you. (0:04:24.44)
Stewart Huguenot : Hey, commoner. (0:04:26.04)
Stewart Huguenot : It seems you've been seducing
the female students of late.
Rio : What do you mean? (0:04:32.51)
Stewart Huguenot : Don't flatter yourself. (0:04:34.12)
Stewart Huguenot : Your win in the tournament
was simply a fluke.
Rio : I understand completely. (0:04:40.32)
Stewart Huguenot : Then stop trying to push yourself forward. (0:04:42.21)
Celia Claire : Stewart, stop that, now. (0:04:44.40)
Celia Claire : You're of the nobility, aren't you? (0:04:46.97)
Celia Claire : You shouldn't lay criticism
without definite evidence.
Stewart Huguenot : B-But... this brat even
tries flirting with you!
Celia Claire : Nothing of that sort has ever happened. (0:04:56.48)
Stewart Huguenot : Hey, commoner. (0:05:02.06)
Stewart Huguenot : If you try anything foolish
during the outdoor practicum,
Stewart Huguenot : the house of Duke Huguenot
will not stay silent!
Flora Beltrum : Sir Rio... (0:05:13.99)
Christina Beltrum : Flora? (0:05:15.87)
Flora Beltrum : It's just... (0:05:18.62)
Flora Beltrum : That was clearly a false accusation, wasn't it? (0:05:19.92)
Christina Beltrum : Yes. (0:05:23.30)
Christina Beltrum : But not getting involved
is best for all of us.
Christina Beltrum : I'm sure he understands that, too. (0:05:28.99)
Flora Beltrum : Oh, but... (0:05:31.06)
Flora Beltrum : He is always taking care of
things on his own like that.
Flora Beltrum : And I still haven't been able
to do anything to repay him.
Flora Beltrum : This is where our outdoor practicum
is being held, isn't it?
Christina Beltrum : Yes. (0:05:49.66)
Christina Beltrum : They're going to test how well we've
learned military exercises at the academy.
Flora Beltrum : I'm a little nervous. (0:05:54.70)
Roanna Fontaine : There is no need to worry. (0:05:56.94)
Roanna Fontaine : It's a team competition, and all the most
dangerous monsters have been culled.
Alphonse Rodan : Now, I will tell you the details
of the practicum from the notice.
Alphonse Rodan : In order to withdraw from
a battle zone, our units
Alphonse Rodan : will travel the shortest course through
this mountain forest and aim for the goal.
Alphonse Rodan : The operation lasts until sunset. (0:06:13.78)
Alphonse Rodan : Good results here will have a tremendous
impact on all of our grades.
Alphonse Rodan : My friends, let's reach the
goal by this afternoon!
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:06:24.37)
Roanna Fontaine : Won't that be impossible? (0:06:25.69)
Roanna Fontaine : This is a wooded, mountainous area. (0:06:27.69)
Roanna Fontaine : It will take twice as
long to travel anywhere.
Alphonse Rodan : Not to worry. (0:06:32.87)
Alphonse Rodan : I've already got a special course in mind. (0:06:34.93)
Roanna Fontaine : What do you mean? (0:06:37.87)
Stewart Huguenot : The soldiers who serve in my home region (0:06:39.71)
Stewart Huguenot : just happened to be quite knowledgeable
about the geography of this area.
Stewart Huguenot : I had them tell me about all the animal
paths that can be used as shortcuts.
Stewart Huguenot : Then I passed it on to our upperclassmen. (0:06:49.30)
Roanna Fontaine : It feels like cheating. I don't like it. (0:06:52.75)
Alphonse Rodan : To say that information controls
everything in war is no exaggeration.
Alphonse Rodan : We're practically guaranteed
a good result here.
Alphonse Rodan : What do you think, Princess Christina? (0:07:06.14)
Christina Beltrum : I'll leave it to you. (0:07:11.16)
Christina Beltrum : After all, you are the
commander of this unit.
Alphonse Rodan : Thank you. (0:07:15.70)
Alphonse Rodan : Then, let's move out! (0:07:17.44)
EXTRA : Yeah! (0:07:19.24)
Stewart Huguenot : Hey, commoner. (0:07:20.25)
Stewart Huguenot : Consider yourself honored. (0:07:21.90)
Stewart Huguenot : You're a hindrance who can't even use magic, (0:07:23.87)
Stewart Huguenot : but we've prepared a job
that even you can do.
Stewart Huguenot : This is everyone's luggage. (0:07:28.76)
Stewart Huguenot : Carry it and follow us. (0:07:30.73)
Rio : Understood. (0:07:33.53)
Stewart Huguenot : Don't you dare do anything uncalled for. (0:07:35.47)
Flora Beltrum : Excuse me. (0:07:41.05)
Flora Beltrum : Um... (0:07:42.73)
Flora Beltrum : Shall I carry a little of that? (0:07:44.59)
Rio : What? (0:07:46.94)
Rio : No, I'm fine. (0:07:48.53)
Rio : Thank you for your concern. (0:07:50.56)
Flora Beltrum : This just isn't right. (0:08:03.51)
Flora Beltrum : Why is it only Sir Rio
who must endure such...
EXTRA : Monsters! (0:08:07.58)
Alphonse Rodan : Don't panic, everyone! They're goblins! (0:08:16.80)
Alphonse Rodan : The three in the vanguard should use
artifacts to boost their physical abilities.
Alphonse Rodan : Charge! (0:08:22.82)
EXTRA : Enchant Physical Ability! (0:08:23.90)
Stewart Huguenot : They were nothing much.
We need more formidable monsters.
Alphonse Rodan : Just as I'd expect from you, Stewart.
You're so reliable.
Alphonse Rodan : By way of contrast... (0:08:46.73)
Alphonse Rodan : Hey, Rio! (0:08:49.09)
Alphonse Rodan : Don't just stand there in a daze! (0:08:50.25)
Rio : My apologies. (0:08:53.17)
Reiss Vulfe : That was much too close. To think anyone
would notice at this distance...
Reiss Vulfe : What an impossible child. (0:09:02.81)
Reiss Vulfe : Shall we test him a little and
see what his true capabilities are?
Alphonse Rodan : We're out of the forest! (0:09:15.39)
Alphonse Rodan : The goal is close! (0:09:16.70)
EXTRA : All right! Hooray! (0:09:18.99)
EXTRA : A cliff? (0:09:25.17)
Stewart Huguenot : It can't be! (0:09:26.54)
Christina Beltrum : What's going on? (0:09:27.76)
EXTRA : Maybe his information was wrong? (0:09:29.51)
EXTRA : What are we going to do?
Go back the way we came?
EXTRA : We'd lose a lot of time. (0:09:34.30)
Christina Beltrum : Commander. (0:09:38.71)
Alphonse Rodan : Y-Yes? (0:09:40.19)
Christina Beltrum : Where do we head next? (0:09:41.91)
Christina Beltrum : The path seems to come to an end here. (0:09:44.30)
Alphonse Rodan : Well... That's... (0:09:47.22)
Roanna Fontaine : Th-There are orcs! (0:09:54.65)
Roanna Fontaine : Everyone! Defenses! (0:09:56.45)
Alphonse Rodan : V-Vanguard! (0:10:00.12)
Alphonse Rodan : Raise shields and block the spears! (0:10:01.76)
Stewart Huguenot : Ow! It hurts! It hurts! (0:10:06.87)
Stewart Huguenot : Help me... (0:10:10.75)
EXTRA : Stop it! (0:10:11.70)
Christina Beltrum : Flora! (0:10:20.43)
Flora Beltrum : Sir Rio? (0:10:46.24)
Christina Beltrum : Flora! (0:10:48.78)
Roanna Fontaine : We need to focus on exterminating
the monsters first!
Alphonse Rodan : D-Defend! (0:10:54.59)
Alphonse Rodan : Vanguard, raise shields and form a wall. (0:10:56.91)
Alphonse Rodan : Rear guard, use attack magic
to lay down a barrage!
Alphonse Rodan : Roanna, tend to the injured! (0:11:02.17)
Elise Brandt : Blitz Shot! (0:11:08.81)
Christina Beltrum : Blitz Shot! (0:11:16.73)
Christina Beltrum : Blitz Shot! (0:11:27.49)
Rio : I wonder if falling from there without
a single injury will make them
Rio : suspicious of me. (0:11:42.23)
Rio : I saved her without thinking about it. (0:11:45.26)
Rio : It isn't magic or magical techniques. (0:11:55.31)
Rio : Even now, I don't know what
this power actually is...
Rio : Or anything about that girl. (0:12:04.90)
Stewart Huguenot : You can't be serious! (0:12:06.33)
Stewart Huguenot : You say I pushed
Princess Flora off the cliff?!
Elise Brandt : No, I wouldn't go so far as that. (0:12:10.33)
Elise Brandt : It's just that Alphonse asked me if anyone
might have bumped into Princess Flora.
Stewart Huguenot : I was pushed, too! (0:12:17.77)
Stewart Huguenot : I am a victim here! (0:12:20.03)
Stewart Huguenot : Someone else is responsible! (0:12:21.63)
Roanna Fontaine : Getting overexcited isn't
good for your wounds.
Roanna Fontaine : And after I treated them for you, too. (0:12:25.93)
Alphonse Rodan : Stewart, please, calm down. (0:12:27.97)
Alphonse Rodan : I'm simply trying to understand
the circumstances.
Stewart Huguenot : Th-That's right! I've just remembered. (0:12:33.56)
Stewart Huguenot : It's that commoner who's responsible! (0:12:37.26)
Roanna Fontaine : Did you just... (0:12:40.45)
Stewart Huguenot : Yes. (0:12:41.73)
Stewart Huguenot : In that moment, the coward was so
frightened of the monsters' attack that,
Stewart Huguenot : though I am injured, he pushed
me with all his might!
Stewart Huguenot : Because of that, I could not avoid
colliding with Princess Flora!
Alphonse Rodan : So, fearful of committing the crime of
killing a member of the royal family,
Alphonse Rodan : that man may have saved
Princess Flora in his desperation,
Alphonse Rodan : but in return, he fell from the cliff himself? (0:13:00.03)
Flora Beltrum : Th-That can't be what happened! (0:13:03.40)
Flora Beltrum : Sir Rio was simply trying
his hardest to save me!
Rio : This has gotten problematic. (0:13:10.11)
Rio : What should I do? (0:13:12.51)
Stewart Huguenot : He's the one responsible.
Right, my upperclassmen?
EXTRA : Y-Yes. (0:13:17.22)
Christina Beltrum : Is this really the time to
be looking for a culprit?
Christina Beltrum : Commander! (0:13:21.98)
Alphonse Rodan : Th-Then, as Her Highness
the Princess is safe,
Alphonse Rodan : let's find a way out of the forest! (0:13:26.37)
Rio : I had planned to graduate
from the academy, but...
Flora Beltrum : Please, wait! (0:13:34.64)
Flora Beltrum : Are you saying we're
going to abandon Sir Rio?
Alphonse Rodan : That fall was just him
getting what he deserves.
Flora Beltrum : Getting what he deserves? (0:13:42.00)
Flora Beltrum : Then my nearly falling was
me getting what I deserved.
Flora Beltrum : I am going to go help Sir Rio,
even if I have to go alone!
Roanna Fontaine : You mustn't! (0:13:52.50)
Roanna Fontaine : What are you saying, Princess Flora? (0:13:53.59)
Christina Beltrum : Flora, calm down. (0:13:56.04)
Christina Beltrum : As soon as this practicum is over,
we'll send out a search party!
Stewart Huguenot : Why is a monster like that... (0:14:21.71)
Christina Beltrum : Why are you just standing there?
We'll be killed!
Christina Beltrum : Thunder Ball! (0:14:27.72)
Christina Beltrum : Wha— (0:14:36.43)
Alphonse Rodan : If Thunder Ball doesn't work,
we need to use Ice Lance!
Alphonse Rodan : Vanguard, increase your physical abilities! (0:14:43.43)
Christina Beltrum : Ice Lance! (0:14:46.33)
Flora Beltrum : Ice Lance! (0:14:46.33)
Roanna Fontaine : Ice Lance! (0:14:46.33)
EXTRA : Enchant Physical Ability! (0:14:49.29)
Alphonse Rodan : Re... (0:15:04.04)
Alphonse Rodan : Retreat! (0:15:05.05)
Alphonse Rodan : Run! (0:15:06.44)
Roanna Fontaine : Princess Christina!
Please get a hold of yourself!
Christina Beltrum : Of course... (0:15:12.55)
Christina Beltrum : Where is Flora? (0:15:13.54)
Roanna Fontaine : I believe she has already escaped. (0:15:15.50)
Roanna Fontaine : We should hurry as well. (0:15:17.78)
Flora Beltrum : Are you all right? (0:15:24.43)
Flora Beltrum : No! (0:15:42.12)
Rio : Please, take him and get away from here! (0:15:48.27)
Flora Beltrum : Sir Rio! (0:15:50.87)
Rio : Hurry! (0:15:51.70)
Flora Beltrum : Right! (0:15:52.76)
Rio : This way! (0:15:54.01)
Rio : Come on! (0:15:55.80)
Rio : He's tough. (0:16:06.89)
Rio : And... (0:16:07.69)
Rio : He's fast! (0:16:08.86)
Rio : I can't die here. (0:16:11.05)
Rio : So why did I come back to save her? (0:16:12.95)
Flora Beltrum : He's amazing! (0:16:20.36)
Rio : Now. (0:16:48.90)
Rio : Why was that monster— (0:17:07.50)
Roanna Fontaine : Princess Flora! (0:17:09.08)
EXTRA : Princess Flora, are you hurt? (0:17:10.30)
EXTRA : No. I'm s-so sorry! (0:17:12.80)
Reiss Vulfe : My. I got to witness something even
more entertaining than I'd expected.
Reiss Vulfe : That black hair... (0:17:25.88)
Reiss Vulfe : Is he the offspring of people who drifted
here from the Yagumo region, I wonder?
Reiss Vulfe : If so, I can see why he'd be
able to use the spirit arts.
Reiss Vulfe : What a worrisome child. (0:17:35.53)
Celia Claire : Honestly! (0:17:41.74)
Celia Claire : The Head of the Academy
is such a taskmaster!
Celia Claire : You could just do the
research yourself, you know!
Celia Claire : And these materials on monsters are so old... (0:17:49.99)
Garcia Fontaine : And so, that commoner... (0:17:54.76)
Garcia Fontaine : Rio has gone missing. (0:17:57.54)
Garcia Fontaine : But Princess Flora is
advocating for this... Rio.
Duke Huguenot : Lord Garcia, (0:18:07.39)
Duke Huguenot : if the standing of the
House of Huguenot is put at risk,
Duke Huguenot : it will only embolden
the house of Duke Arbor.
Duke Huguenot : That would be bad for the kingdom,
would it not?
Garcia Fontaine : The royal family has become weak. (0:18:20.94)
Garcia Fontaine : It's maddening! (0:18:24.86)
Garcia Fontaine : Now that things have come to this, I suppose
we have no choice but to blame the boy.
Garcia Fontaine : I'll leave the rest to you, (0:18:32.88)
Garcia Fontaine : Duke Huguenot. (0:18:34.93)
Duke Huguenot : Understood. (0:18:36.77)
Duke Huguenot : Please leave the matter to me hereafter. (0:18:38.22)
Celia Claire : Rio... (0:18:44.99)
Celia Claire : What could have happened? (0:18:46.19)
Celia Claire : Who's there? (0:18:57.23)
Rio : It's Rio. (0:18:59.45)
Rio : I'm sorry for causing such a commotion. (0:19:00.80)
Rio : P-Professor... (0:19:06.72)
Celia Claire : I was really worried! (0:19:09.39)
Rio : I'm sorry. (0:19:11.63)
Celia Claire : Are you hurt? Are you all right? (0:19:12.96)
Rio : That tickles! (0:19:15.54)
Celia Claire : That's horrible. What are they thinking?
They're laying a false charge!
Celia Claire : Rio, you haven't done anything wrong! (0:19:25.95)
Rio : It's the people in power who
decide what's wrong or not.
Rio : Even if I appealed with the truth,
no one would acknowledge it.
Rio : It's because I'm not of the nobility. (0:19:37.27)
Celia Claire : I'm sorry. (0:19:42.24)
Celia Claire : The truth is, I wish I could do
something about this for you, but...
Rio : Please, don't apologize. (0:19:48.29)
Rio : Everything is thanks to you, Professor. (0:19:50.14)
Rio : It's thanks to you (0:19:52.46)
Rio : that I've been able to come this far
without crumbling and going bad.
Rio : I'm glad I was able to meet you, Professor. (0:19:58.81)
Rio : I truly mean that. (0:20:01.31)
Celia Claire : Rio... (0:20:04.66)
Rio : That's why you were the one person
I wanted to say goodbye to, Professor.
Celia Claire : You're going to the Yagumo region, aren't you? (0:20:09.66)
Rio : Yes. (0:20:12.81)
Celia Claire : I see. (0:20:14.39)
Celia Claire : I wanted to see you graduate, but... (0:20:17.55)
Rio : I'll write you letters along the way. (0:20:21.28)
Rio : Though I'll be using an alias. (0:20:24.18)
Celia Claire : All right. What name will you use? (0:20:26.22)
Rio : Haruto. (0:20:31.29)
Celia Claire : Haruto... (0:20:32.88)
Celia Claire : Haruto. (0:20:35.45)
Rio : Well then, I should be going. (0:20:37.38)
Celia Claire : I'll see you again, won't I? (0:20:40.01)
Rio : Yes. I'm sure we'll meet again. (0:20:42.16)
Celia Claire : For certain, absolutely certain, understand? (0:20:46.76)
Celia Claire : Stay safe... (0:20:50.19)
Celia Claire : until you return... all right? (0:20:51.77)
Celia Claire : Have a safe trip! (0:21:02.71)
Rio : I will! I'm off! (0:21:04.40)
Celia Claire : Your letters... I'll be waiting for them. (0:21:10.84)
Celia Claire : I'll be waiting, okay? (0:21:13.45)
Celia Claire : What is your name? (0:21:36.47)
Celia Claire : I'm called Celia. (0:21:38.52)
Rio : Rio... (0:21:41.87)
Celia Claire : Rio? That's an unusual name. (0:21:43.18)
Rio : My parents were immigrants. (0:21:46.17)
Celia Claire : Are you all right? (0:21:48.22)
Rio : Don't touch me... (0:21:49.65)
Celia Claire : Just a moment. I'll make us some space. (0:21:53.77)
Rio : There are a lot of
difficult-looking books here.
Rio : But you look so young, Professor. (0:22:00.32)
Celia Claire : Hm? Oh, yes. (0:22:02.55)
Celia Claire : I'm still only twelve, after all. (0:22:04.72)
Rio : It's very good. (0:22:08.13)
Celia Claire : I'm glad you like it!
When you drink a good cup of tea...
Celia Claire : It just makes you feel happy, doesn't it? (0:22:14.56)
Rio : I have you, Professor Celia. (0:22:17.96)
Celia Claire : Huh? (0:22:20.67)
Celia Claire : What? (0:22:21.83)
Celia Claire : Oh, Rio! (0:22:23.37)
Rio : Yes? (0:22:25.02)
Celia Claire : You're making fun of me, aren't you?
Treating me like a child!
Rio : But you're older than me, Professor. (0:22:29.23)
Celia Claire : Y-Yes, but... well... it means you
think of me as a friend, right?
Rio : Yes. (0:22:39.62)
Rio : Would you rather I didn't? (0:22:40.86)
Celia Claire : I... don't mind. (0:22:42.86)
Rio : What? (0:22:44.42)
Celia Claire : I... don't mind. (0:22:45.66)
Duke Huguenot : That is the clothing of
the assassination target.
Duke Huguenot : Remember the scent. (0:23:13.68)
Duke Huguenot : The target is twelve years old
and male. Goes by Rio.
Duke Huguenot : His hair is black, so you
should recognize him quickly.
Duke Huguenot : No matter what it takes,
find him and kill him,
Duke Huguenot : Latifa. (0:23:26.24)
Latifa : Understood. (0:23:31.01)

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