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Tomoe : I can't believe my master has
no aptitude for healing magic.
Ema : Shin-sama, I shall assist you. (0:00:06.80)
Tomoe : Master, I won't leave a
single scratch on you.
Mio : And that's what happened. (0:00:13.98)
Makoto Misumi : Emma-san really is an incredible wizard. (0:00:16.04)
Makoto Misumi : So who are you? (0:00:19.47)
Mio : I acquired this form through our contract. (0:00:21.06)
Mio : I am the Black Spider. (0:00:24.48)
Makoto Misumi : I thought contracts required
the consent of both parties?
Mio : I offer you my body and soul, Master. (0:00:31.25)
Makoto Misumi : There are too many
compulsory events in this isekai.
Tomoe : Ah, Master. (0:02:13.07)
Tomoe : You're awake. (0:02:14.95)
EXTRA : Night Three Human Shock (0:02:15.11)
Makoto Misumi : Yeah, although I seem to have been entered
into a contract without my knowledge.
Tomoe : It's better than having a
spider follow you around.
Makoto Misumi : I'm blessed to have such loyal servants. (0:02:23.60)
Tomoe : Aw, we're not that great. (0:02:26.55)
Mio : Aw, we're not that great. (0:02:26.55)
Makoto Misumi : I was being sarcastic, you idiots. (0:02:28.07)
Beren : May I speak with you? (0:02:29.74)
Makoto Misumi : A dwarf? (0:02:32.21)
Beren : Yes, precisely. (0:02:33.57)
Tomoe : You truly are well-informed, Master. (0:02:36.13)
Tomoe : But this is no ordinary dwarf. (0:02:38.57)
Tomoe : He comes from an ancient subrace of dwarves
who produced famous sacred and noble artifacts.
Tomoe : The type of dwarf is distinguished
by the term "elder" in its name.
Beren : It's a pleasure to meet you.
I am Beren the Elder Dwarf.
Makoto Misumi : My name is Misumi Makoto. (0:02:52.99)
Beren : Because you drove back the Black Spider, (0:02:55.86)
Beren : my village has been saved from catastrophe. (0:02:58.23)
Beren : I was told that woman's curse has been lifted,
and her original form has been restored.
Tomoe : Pretending it was a curse
settles things nicely, doesn't it?
Beren : I actually have a request
for you, Makoto-sama.
Makoto Misumi : What is it? (0:03:14.46)
Beren : Could you allow us to move onto your land? (0:03:15.62)
Beren : We were stuck in the Wasteland
for fear of raiders—
Makoto Misumi : Sure. (0:03:19.34)
Beren : That was quick. (0:03:20.77)
Makoto Misumi : We've got land to spare. As long as
you can get along with the orcs—
Tomoe : But we have some conditions! (0:03:24.77)
Tomoe : You must help plan the town, provide armaments, (0:03:27.11)
Tomoe : and in the future, pay taxes on your land. (0:03:30.13)
Tomoe : And you must recognize that
my master is your lord.
Makoto Misumi : I bet she's been planning
this from the start.
Beren : I have no objections. (0:03:38.45)
Beren : It'll take me two days to convince
my people and bring them here.
Tomoe : Take this gift with you. (0:03:44.03)
Beren : Greater dragon scales! (0:03:46.93)
Beren : With these, I'll have no trouble
convincing the craftsmen.
Tomoe : Don't forget the armaments and all the rest. (0:03:52.82)
Makoto Misumi : They're like an immoral
magistrate and a trade broker.
Makoto Misumi : In order to trace my parents' path, (0:04:02.56)
Makoto Misumi : each day, I spent several hours outside the
demiplane searching for human settlements.
Makoto Misumi : Is that a human village? All right! (0:04:13.51)
Makoto Misumi : If I hurry, I could make it there today. (0:04:17.56)
Tomoe : Master! (0:04:19.30)
Makoto Misumi : What do you want? (0:04:20.84)
Tomoe : I have a very important request for you. (0:04:22.46)
Tomoe : We'd like names. (0:04:28.82)
Makoto Misumi : What? (0:04:31.59)
Tomoe : Without names, the citizens of the
demiplane don't know what to call us.
Makoto Misumi : Y-You summoned me for this? (0:04:36.62)
Tomoe : What does that mean? (0:04:38.76)
Tomoe : It's a matter of great importance for us! (0:04:40.68)
Makoto Misumi : What's wrong with "Shin"? (0:04:43.30)
Tomoe : No. I want you to name me. (0:04:45.16)
Mio : Me, too. (0:04:47.98)
Makoto Misumi : Then how about Ms. Spider or Kuro-chan? (0:04:49.83)
Mio : Absolutely not! I ask that you
give me a beautiful name!
Tomoe : Hey! I get a name first! (0:04:57.60)
Tomoe : Otherwise I'm not letting
you attend to him first!
Makoto Misumi : Attend to? As in all night long?! (0:05:03.11)
Tomoe : In any case, please grant me a name. (0:05:05.87)
Makoto Misumi : A name, huh? (0:05:09.18)
Makoto Misumi : Hmm... (0:05:11.11)
Makoto Misumi : Um... (0:05:13.50)
Tomoe : I'm so excited! (0:05:15.04)
Makoto Misumi : Hmm... (0:05:16.77)
Tomoe : Is it that hard to come up with a name?! (0:05:18.86)
Makoto Misumi : Are you crying?! (0:05:21.18)
Makoto Misumi : Okay, okay. (0:05:22.60)
Makoto Misumi : All right. (0:05:25.93)
Makoto Misumi : Tomoe. (0:05:27.01)
Tomoe : Tomoe? (0:05:28.57)
Makoto Misumi : Yeah. It's the name of the most
valiant female samurai I know.
Tomoe : There were women samurai? (0:05:34.56)
Tomoe : I accept the name "Tomoe." (0:05:37.83)
Makoto Misumi : Huh? You're glowing. (0:05:40.50)
Tomoe : Receiving a name has increased my strength. (0:05:42.22)
Makoto Misumi : You're not gonna tell me there's a name that
would maximize your strength, are you?
Tomoe : Of course there is. (0:05:50.17)
Makoto Misumi : You should've told me! That's important! (0:05:52.02)
Tomoe : It's fine. I prefer whatever
name you want to give me.
Makoto Misumi : Yeah, but... (0:05:59.67)
Mio : I'm next, dearest husband. (0:06:01.38)
Makoto Misumi : Dearest husband? Find something
else to call me!
Makoto Misumi : That's an order! (0:06:07.09)
Mio : An order? For me? (0:06:08.17)
Makoto Misumi : Also, if there are any rules for naming you,
could you tell me what they are?
Mio : Absolutely not. I prefer
a name chosen naturally.
Makoto Misumi : Fine. In that case... (0:06:18.90)
Makoto Misumi : Until now, she's been perpetually hungry
and nothing but a detriment.
Makoto Misumi : But now that she's been satiated,
she's starting over from nothing, so...
Makoto Misumi : From now on, your name will be Mio. (0:06:32.33)
Mio : Mio... (0:06:34.95)
Makoto Misumi : It's written as a combination
of my country's characters
Makoto Misumi : for "zero" and my preferred element of "water." (0:06:39.92)
Mio : I humbly accept. (0:06:43.37)
Mio : If my name means "zero" and my
master's preferred element,
Mio : does this mean you've made me yours? (0:06:49.82)
Makoto Misumi : It's not like that. (0:06:52.94)
Mio : Mio, Mio... (0:06:54.85)
Makoto Misumi : Hello... (0:06:56.55)
Makoto Misumi : Wh-What's about to happen? (0:07:05.99)
Makoto Misumi : There are a bunch of new species
here that I haven't seen before.
Tomoe : Listen up, citizens.
From now on, call me Tomoe.
Mio : Call me Mio. (0:07:17.57)
EXTRA : Tomoe-sama! (0:07:20.25)
EXTRA : Mio-sama! (0:07:21.35)
Makoto Misumi : What is going on here? (0:07:22.54)
Tomoe : And you shall call our master... (0:07:23.62)
Mio : "Milord," "Young Master," or "Your Grace." (0:07:26.52)
Mio : We'll let the majority decide! (0:07:29.98)
Tomoe : We'll let the majority decide! (0:07:29.98)
Makoto Misumi : What kind of choices are those?! (0:07:32.44)
Mio : Cheer now if you prefer "Milord." (0:07:34.40)
Tomoe : Cheer now if you prefer "Young Master." (0:07:37.36)
Tomoe : Cheer now if you prefer "Your Grace." (0:07:40.60)
EXTRA : We'll be calling you "Young Master." (0:07:44.11)
Makoto Misumi : Hey, you guys! (0:07:46.18)
Tomoe : It's the result of a democratic vote. (0:07:47.57)
Mio : You have a vote to cast
as well, Young Master.
Makoto Misumi : You're already calling me "Young Master"! (0:07:52.98)
Makoto Misumi : I'm good with "Misumi" or "Makoto." (0:07:55.28)
Makoto Misumi : "Y-Young Master" is fine. (0:08:02.20)
EXTRA : Former High School Student • Misumi Makoto (0:08:06.88)
EXTRA : "Young Master" (0:08:07.71)
EXTRA : {\pos(405,270)\fscx68\clip(400,232,557,274)\t(1,130,\clip(400,232,464,274)}"Young Master" (0:08:09.21)
EXTRA : Title (0:08:09.42)
EXTRA : {\pos(70,265)\clip(67,249,245,269)\t(1,160,\clip(67,249,61,269)}Former High School Student • Misumi Makoto (0:08:09.51)
Mio : As you can see, new species
have settled in the demiplane.
Mio : You should greet them. (0:08:14.57)
Beren : I-In that case, allow our village
chief to offer you a greeting.
Eld : I lead the Elder Dwarves. My name is Eld. (0:08:22.15)
Eld : It's a pleasure to meet you. (0:08:25.46)
Makoto Misumi : It's nice to meet you, too. (0:08:27.30)
Eld : Young Master, you look barely human to me. (0:08:29.82)
Makoto Misumi : Barely? (0:08:33.42)
Eld : But your servants could not
be commanded by a human.
Eld : Were you perhaps charged with a mission
from the goddess who rules over this world?
Makoto Misumi : What? Goddess? (0:08:43.58)
Makoto Misumi : I'd never accept a mission from her! (0:08:45.31)
Makoto Misumi : After thoroughly insulting me,
she dropped me on the edge of the world!
Makoto Misumi : She's been nothing but terrible to me! (0:08:51.86)
Eld : Y-You haven't been given a
mission by the goddess?
Makoto Misumi : Nope. Definitely not. (0:08:57.75)
Eld : I'm relieved to hear that. (0:08:59.82)
Eld : Our opinions differ from
those of the goddess.
Eld : Perhaps it will be interesting to serve you. (0:09:04.95)
Makoto Misumi : Th-Thanks. (0:09:07.94)
Tomoe : I'm next. (0:09:09.52)
Tomoe : These are my followers, the Mist Lizards. (0:09:12.10)
Tomoe : They're a powerful species with
both the water and air attributes.
Tomoe : Their greatest feature is their
beautiful blue-green scales.
Makoto Misumi : You have followers? You should've told me. (0:09:25.28)
Tomoe : If you include everyone who's chosen to
serve me on their own, I have quite a few.
Tomoe : In any case, we look forward to serving you. (0:09:32.59)
Mio : Young Master, these are
my followers, the alke.
Mio : They could not escape their hunger, (0:09:40.49)
Mio : but after receiving your essence,
they have regained their senses.
Makoto Misumi : Wh-What do you mean by "essence"?! (0:09:45.85)
Mio : I'm talking about your blood and mana. (0:09:47.95)
Makoto Misumi : Oh, that... (0:09:50.90)
Mio : And then we do this with it. (0:09:52.32)
Makoto Misumi : Hey! (0:09:53.84)
Makoto Misumi : Gross! She's enjoying it! (0:09:56.03)
Mio : I'm glad you enjoyed your meal. (0:09:58.04)
Makoto Misumi : She can regenerate, too? (0:10:02.90)
Mio : Children, you must offer your bodies and
souls in service to the young master.
Mio : You're so quiet. (0:10:10.06)
Mio : If you disrespect the young master, (0:10:12.32)
Mio : I'll eat you. (0:10:15.48)
EXTRA : W-We are alke. (0:10:17.36)
EXTRA : It's nice to meet you. (0:10:19.84)
Mio : You forgot the "very."
Do you want to be eaten?
Makoto Misumi : Don't worry about that part! (0:10:25.74)
Makoto Misumi : Elder Dwarves, Mist Lizards, and alke. (0:10:29.30)
Makoto Misumi : It's nice to meet all of you. (0:10:34.65)
Makoto Misumi : Tomoe and Mio, tell Eld-san
everything he needs to know.
Makoto Misumi : You're free to choose wherever you
want to live. Just don't fight over it.
Makoto Misumi : Later. (0:10:46.38)
Tomoe : Young Master? (0:10:47.36)
Mio : Where are you going? (0:10:48.46)
Makoto Misumi : I'm desperate to meet some people. (0:10:49.68)
EXTRA : Serious Lack of Human Contact (0:10:50.21)
EXTRA : Serious Lack of Human Contact (0:10:50.25)
EXTRA : Serious Lack of Human Contact (0:10:50.29)
EXTRA : Serious Lack of Human Contact (0:10:50.33)
Makoto Misumi : I'm going to the human town. (0:10:51.62)
EXTRA : Excessive Demihuman Contact (0:10:51.71)
EXTRA : Excessive Demihuman Contact (0:10:51.75)
EXTRA : Excessive Demihuman Contact (0:10:51.79)
Makoto Misumi : Finally, I can meet some people. (0:10:58.59)
Makoto Misumi : I found a villager! (0:11:02.18)
Makoto Misumi : Wow, she's beautiful! (0:11:04.91)
Makoto Misumi : Uh, excuse me! (0:11:08.46)
EXTRA : Stay back! (0:11:09.70)
Makoto Misumi : What? (0:11:11.08)
EXTRA : No! A monster! (0:11:11.78)
Makoto Misumi : A human just screamed and ran away from me. (0:11:17.14)
Makoto Misumi : No, wait. What was that? (0:11:22.15)
Makoto Misumi : Is there a monster behind me? (0:11:24.00)
Makoto Misumi : Nope. (0:11:26.53)
Makoto Misumi : I probably look like someone
that person doesn't like.
Makoto Misumi : Yeah, they probably mistook
me for somebody else.
Makoto Misumi : Wait... (0:11:38.21)
Makoto Misumi : They're prepared for battle?! (0:11:39.78)
EXTRA : Stay away! (0:11:44.70)
EXTRA : Leave this place, monster! (0:11:45.72)
Makoto Misumi : Um, I'd like to enter this village. (0:11:47.43)
EXTRA : What is it saying? (0:11:51.04)
EXTRA : I don't know! Kill it! (0:11:52.28)
Makoto Misumi : Huh? W-Wait! (0:11:54.00)
Makoto Misumi : Why?! (0:11:56.33)
Makoto Misumi : We can't speak to each other! Could it be... (0:12:00.36)
Goddess : I'll compromise by giving
you the ability to understand,
Goddess : speak, read, and write languages
other than the human language.
Makoto Misumi : That stupid goddess! (0:12:10.65)
Ema : I heard something terrible
happened to you, Young Master.
Makoto Misumi : Emma-san, you're amazing. (0:12:21.30)
Makoto Misumi : You can speak with other species. (0:12:23.33)
Makoto Misumi : I couldn't understand the human language. (0:12:26.14)
Ema : Are you talking about Common? (0:12:29.06)
Makoto Misumi : Common? (0:12:31.65)
Ema : It's called that because humans are by far
the most prosperous species in the world.
Makoto Misumi : Can you guys speak Common? (0:12:38.43)
Ema : We sure can. (0:12:40.44)
Mio : We sure can. (0:12:40.44)
Tomoe : We sure can. (0:12:40.44)
Makoto Misumi : Even Mio? (0:12:41.93)
Makoto Misumi : But inability to communicate is
no reason to attack someone.
Tomoe : Young Master, language isn't your problem. (0:12:46.65)
Ema : It's your appearance. (0:12:48.74)
Makoto Misumi : Is my face really that bad? (0:12:50.97)
Tomoe : Your face? (0:12:54.62)
Tomoe : Y-You certainly do have a unique appearance,
but the reason is your mana.
Makoto Misumi : Huh? (0:13:02.75)
Tomoe : So much mana pours off of you
that it distorts the area around you.
Tomoe : It's like a haze. (0:13:07.86)
Makoto Misumi : What did I look like to those humans? (0:13:09.75)
Tomoe : Probably as though several
demon kings suddenly appeared.
Makoto Misumi : That's not good! (0:13:17.28)
Ema : It's possible to suppress your mana. (0:13:19.29)
Ema : Feel your mana and imagine
putting a lid on it.
Mio : Wow, there's one less demon king now. (0:13:29.84)
Makoto Misumi : That's a drop in the bucket! (0:13:32.22)
Tomoe : Are you going to give up on
visiting the human town?
Makoto Misumi : This is nothing. (0:13:36.64)
Makoto Misumi : First, I'll master Common. (0:13:38.36)
Makoto Misumi : Then I'll acquire equipment
to suppress my mana.
Makoto Misumi : They've already seen my face,
so I'll need a mask, too.
Ema : O-Okay. (0:13:44.74)
Makoto Misumi : I'll overcome this challenge. (0:13:45.99)
Makoto Misumi : The eldest son of the Misumi family
won't be so easily defeated!
Makoto Misumi : I'll definitely overcome this. (0:13:52.86)
Makoto Misumi : Or so I thought at one point. (0:13:55.99)
Makoto Misumi : I've finally learned to
read and write, but...
Tomoe : I want to watch Hissatsu Shigotonin . (0:14:02.07)
Makoto Misumi : Let's see... "Must"... "Kill"...
"Job"... "Human"...
Makoto Misumi : Another historical drama?! (0:14:09.47)
EXTRA : {\pos(320,135)\clip(450,94,523,137)\t(1,276,\clip(157,94,523,137))}Two Weeks Later (0:14:11.49)
Rugui : Young Master. (0:14:12.87)
Rugui : I've brought you a prototype. (0:14:14.30)
Makoto Misumi : Thank you. (0:14:16.48)
Rugui : It absorbs so much mana,
it'll kill whoever wears it.
Rugui : It's a cursed ring. You should
remove it immediately.
Rugui : It broke?! (0:14:25.93)
Rugui : I'll remake it so it will
definitely kill you next time.
Makoto Misumi : His goal has changed... (0:14:32.47)
Makoto Misumi : A beautiful bueil. (0:14:36.11)
Mio : Not "bue," it's "ve." (0:14:38.29)
Makoto Misumi : Be? Boe? (0:14:40.49)
Mio : Your voice sounds wonderful, but... (0:14:42.36)
Makoto Misumi : This is hard. (0:14:46.15)
Mio : Don't say it's no use. (0:14:48.49)
Makoto Misumi : Hey, maybe I could use this. (0:14:50.78)
Mio : How marvelous. (0:14:53.35)
Rugui : Young Master, it's finally done. (0:14:55.33)
Rugui : I call it Draupnir. (0:14:57.99)
Makoto Misumi : Draup...? (0:15:00.12)
Rugui : Draupnir. Not only does it absorb mana,
it also compresses it.
Makoto Misumi : Wow, it's absorbing it! (0:15:07.19)
Rugui : It gradually changes
color from white to red.
Rugui : Once it's completely red,
it's reached its limit.
Rugui : You should remove it once that happens. (0:15:13.78)
Makoto Misumi : All right! Now I can visit the human town! (0:15:15.70)
Makoto Misumi : To the human town. (0:15:20.75)
Makoto Misumi : We stick out like sore thumbs! (0:15:23.90)
Makoto Misumi : I'm pretty bad myself, but why
are you dressed like that?!
Tomoe : I'm a samurai. (0:15:27.43)
Tomoe : The dwarves aren't yet finished with the
katana I asked them to forge, but...
Tomoe : Come close, and I'll kill you. (0:15:34.10)
Makoto Misumi : Mio, did you get new clothes, too? (0:15:36.43)
Mio : I wouldn't have minded
wearing my other outfit.
Makoto Misumi : It looks good on you, though. (0:15:40.98)
Makoto Misumi : Looks good... (0:15:43.33)
Makoto Misumi : Looks good... (0:15:44.33)
Makoto Misumi : Looks good... (0:15:45.38)
Mio : I'll go dressed in this. (0:15:46.64)
Makoto Misumi : Uh, yeah? (0:15:47.85)
EXTRA : Are you transporting fruit? (0:15:52.12)
Tomoe : That's right. Is there a problem? (0:15:53.85)
EXTRA : No, but everyone comes here to either
train or search for raw materials.
EXTRA : It's just unusual. (0:16:00.81)
Tomoe : We're checking out the merchandise?
What a pain.
Makoto Misumi : I'm supposed to be a wealthy
merchant's son touring the land.
Makoto Misumi : It would look weird if
I didn't check out the market.
Makoto Misumi : Why is everyone so beautiful? (0:16:18.54)
Tomoe : I don't see anyone particularly beautiful. (0:16:21.25)
Mio : Everyone's appearance looks average. (0:16:24.50)
Makoto Misumi : This is average? (0:16:26.99)
Makoto Misumi : This world is so unkind to me. (0:16:29.66)
Tomoe : Young Master, look. (0:16:33.64)
Makoto Misumi : An adventurer's guild, huh? (0:16:35.42)
EXTRA : Welcome to the Zetsuya Adventurer's Guild. (0:16:40.28)
Makoto Misumi : Even the receptionist is cute. (0:16:44.26)
EXTRA : Would you like to register with the guild? (0:16:48.57)
EXTRA : You're dressed rather suspiciously, though. (0:16:51.11)
Makoto Misumi : Even she's merciless! (0:16:53.54)
Mio : This man is the heir to a trading company. (0:16:55.32)
Mio : He became cursed on his journey. (0:16:59.03)
Tomoe : He's forced to wear this mask and ring. (0:17:01.39)
Tomoe : Due to the curse, he cannot speak. (0:17:04.30)
Makoto Misumi : "Hello." (0:17:08.09)
EXTRA : Our guild offers all kinds
of jobs to adventurers.
EXTRA : Jobs are ranked according to difficulty. (0:17:15.60)
EXTRA : Completing jobs increases your rank by one. (0:17:18.42)
EXTRA : Everyone starts at Rank E. (0:17:22.27)
Mio : We can only choose the lowest-ranked jobs? (0:17:26.12)
EXTRA : There are special rank jobs,
which are the exception.
EXTRA : In some cases, in exchange
for no insurance benefits,
EXTRA : completing a special job
increases your rank by one.
Makoto Misumi : So it's high risk, high return. (0:17:39.13)
EXTRA : In other cases, clients request
a specific adventurer.
EXTRA : You receive a reward for completing these
jobs, but your rank remains unchanged.
EXTRA : But since you're the
heir to a trading company,
EXTRA : I assume you're registered
with the merchant's guild.
Makoto Misumi : There's a merchant's guild? (0:17:58.14)
Makoto Misumi : "I actually lost my registration card." (0:18:00.62)
EXTRA : Around here, you can only get one reissued
in the rather distant town of Tsige.
Makoto Misumi : The town of Tsige, huh? (0:18:09.83)
Makoto Misumi : The highest-ranking adventurer
in Zetsuya is Mils Ace.
Makoto Misumi : Rank SS, level 444. (0:18:17.18)
EXTRA : Th-This measuring scroll
is good up to Level 400.
Makoto Misumi : They're in the top three
highest-ranking adventurers.
EXTRA : Someone bring me a larger scroll. (0:18:28.54)
EXTRA : Th-This scroll measures up to level 1,600. (0:18:33.86)
EXTRA : A Level 1,600 scroll? (0:18:37.77)
EXTRA : Seriously? Unbelievable! (0:18:39.75)
EXTRA : T-Tomoe-sama, your level is... (0:18:42.05)
EXTRA : Level 1,320. (0:18:44.82)
EXTRA : What?! (0:18:47.73)
EXTRA : M-Mio-sama, your level is 1,500. (0:18:50.41)
EXTRA : What?! (0:18:53.26)
Tomoe : Excuse me?! There's no way
I'm a lower level than Mio!
Mio : I don't care which of us has a higher level. (0:18:58.26)
Tomoe : Measure it again! Bring me another scroll! (0:19:00.91)
EXTRA : Y-You're both the highest levels within
the entire adventurer's guild.
EXTRA : You're now registered with the guild. (0:19:08.20)
Tomoe : I can't accept this. (0:19:12.14)
Tomoe : By the way, who's the next
highest-level adventurer?
EXTRA : The next highest would be Rank SSS. (0:19:17.92)
EXTRA : Level 920, Sofia Bulga-sama,
the Dragon Slayer.
Tomoe : Dragon slayer? (0:19:24.32)
Tomoe : What kind of dragon did she slay? (0:19:25.68)
EXTRA : I believe it was the greater dragon Lancer,
who was nesting in the empire.
Tomoe : Lancer? Him, huh? (0:19:33.08)
Tomoe : It's that idiot's fault for
having such a big head.
Makoto Misumi : Sofia Bulga... (0:19:39.16)
EXTRA : We can measure yours, too. (0:19:40.94)
Makoto Misumi : Huh? (0:19:42.69)
Makoto Misumi : Oh, my level. (0:19:43.64)
Makoto Misumi : Maybe it's risen a little. (0:19:46.56)
EXTRA : You're Rank E, Level 1. (0:19:49.28)
EXTRA : Is he a child? (0:19:53.12)
EXTRA : Must be over-reliant on his servants. (0:19:53.75)
EXTRA : Where'd this rich kid come from? (0:19:55.01)
Makoto Misumi : You're absolutely correct. (0:19:55.38)
EXTRA : This is overkill.
They're getting carried away.
EXTRA : You'd like to park your wagon
here and rent some rooms?
EXTRA : For two rooms,
that'll be six gold per night.
Makoto Misumi : Which means... (0:20:08.26)
Makoto Misumi : Copper coins are 1,000 yen,
silver coins are 10,000 yen,
Makoto Misumi : and gold coins are 100,000 yen, so... (0:20:13.20)
Makoto Misumi : 600,000 per night? That's expensive! (0:20:16.70)
Tomoe : All the inns are full. We appreciate it. (0:20:18.88)
Tomoe : But the inn we were just at was
charging one gold per night.
EXTRA : We're the best inn in town. (0:20:26.76)
Tomoe : I see, I see. If the price
hadn't been appropriate,
Tomoe : I might've torn this whole place down. (0:20:32.78)
Tomoe : Whoops. Looks like your
floor has rotted through.
EXTRA : My mistake! It's two gold per night! (0:20:40.41)
Makoto Misumi : I can finally relax. (0:20:47.38)
Tomoe : Inn prices aside, the cost
of goods here is unusual.
Makoto Misumi : Yeah. (0:20:52.69)
Makoto Misumi : A single drink costs several copper, (0:20:53.62)
Makoto Misumi : and the materials and foods that can only be
purchased in this town are unusually expensive.
Tomoe : It smells awfully fishy. (0:21:00.69)
Makoto Misumi : Are you excited? (0:21:02.73)
Tomoe : You'll always find evil when you're
changing the world for the better.
Makoto Misumi : Enough of your historical dramas. (0:21:07.91)
Makoto Misumi : Let's get something to eat. (0:21:10.49)
Mio : Food! (0:21:12.33)
Makoto Misumi : Tomoe, you're watching our goods tonight. (0:21:13.74)
Tomoe : What?! (0:21:16.51)
Makoto Misumi : You know we're being followed, right? (0:21:17.41)
Tomoe : Tch. You noticed, too? (0:21:19.39)
Makoto Misumi : They've been following us
since we left the guild.
Makoto Misumi : I'm sure merchants make easy targets. (0:21:24.35)
Makoto Misumi : I thought you wanted to change
the world for the better.
Tomoe : But what about dinner? (0:21:29.20)
Makoto Misumi : None for you. (0:21:30.52)
Tomoe : You're heartless! (0:21:31.98)
Tomoe : Unbelievable. (0:21:35.78)
Tomoe : The young master could stand
to be a little kinder to...
Tomoe : They're making their move. (0:21:44.62)
Mio : Dinner together with the young master... (0:21:49.18)
Mio : I had a wonderful time. (0:21:51.57)
Rinon : E-Excuse me. (0:21:55.20)
Makoto Misumi : A girl? (0:21:59.36)
EXTRA : Night Four: "Too Late." (0:23:36.92)
EXTRA : Next Time (0:23:37.10)

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Minoru Mineta

honestly, I hate him but at the same time I believe he can progress to not be as intruding. Hey, he is slowly changing to actually focus on being a hero despite his "reasons"... There's hope? - ilikememes0


I think this happened because we were being loud both in the afternoon and now. - Sakura Kinomoto

So, if we're quiet, maybe the ghost won't do anything. - Sakura Kinomoto

That's right. - Sakura Kinomoto

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