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Sakura Kinomoto : I can't catch up to it! (0:01:38.41)
Kero : It really is the DASH card! (0:01:39.62)
Kero : Nothing can beat it when it comes to sprinting! (0:01:41.37)
Sakura Kinomoto : Then I won't be able to catch it? (0:01:43.87)
Kero : It's all right! It's only good at sprinting! (0:01:45.79)
Kero : It's starting to get tired! (0:01:50.92)
Sakura Kinomoto : WINDY! (0:01:52.75)
Sakura Kinomoto : I did it! (0:01:56.26)
Kero : Don't! (0:02:00.26)
Kero : If you try to run away forcefully, you'll get hurt! (0:02:00.93)
EXTRA : Sakura and an Injured Card (0:02:12.65)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I believe it flew off in this direction... (0:02:23.66)
Kero : Sakura, do you feel its presence? (0:02:26.62)
Sakura Kinomoto : I feel it from over there, but it's really weak. (0:02:33.04)
Kero : It tore itself away from WINDY just now. (0:02:35.96)
Kero : Perhaps it used up all its power. (0:02:38.63)
Kero : It's the perfect chance to catch it. (0:02:40.64)
Sakura Kinomoto : I feel like a thief. (0:02:51.19)
EXTRA : I just heard a huge noise from over there, so I came out. (0:02:53.40)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Someone is coming. (0:02:58.03)
EXTRA : Around here? (0:03:00.86)
EXTRA : Yeah. (0:03:02.32)
EXTRA : From the park, a girl in a strange outfit came out. (0:03:03.16)
EXTRA : A girl? (0:03:06.99)
EXTRA : Yeah. Her outfit was really strange. (0:03:08.00)
Sakura Kinomoto : S-Strange? (0:03:11.08)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I think it is rather cute. (0:03:12.04)
Kero : Looks like we should get out of here. (0:03:18.71)
Kero : I'm sure DASH won't be able to go far until it fully recovers. (0:03:20.38)
EXTRA : What was it, Rei? (0:03:36.27)
Rei Tachibana : I think a flowerpot broke. (0:03:38.03)
Rei Tachibana : It's probably just a cat. (0:03:39.86)
Rei Tachibana : Don't be scared. Come over here. (0:03:45.24)
Rei Tachibana : What's wrong? (0:03:50.45)
Rei Tachibana : Are you hurt? (0:03:53.83)
Rei Tachibana : Wait there just a minute. (0:03:55.21)
Rei Tachibana : There, this should do. (0:04:04.43)
Rei Tachibana : I wonder what kind of animal you are. (0:04:10.35)
Rei Tachibana : I've never seen anything like you. (0:04:13.81)
Rei Tachibana : You're cute! (0:04:16.81)
Sakura Kinomoto : The presence of a Clow Card. (0:04:26.37)
Tomoyo Daidouji : You are really lovely! (0:04:28.12)
Sakura Kinomoto : But... Why baseball? (0:04:34.42)
Tomoyo Daidouji : That's how you do... (0:04:42.72)
Rei Tachibana : How are your wounds? (0:04:48.76)
Sakura Kinomoto : Excuse me, can I get the ball back? (0:04:53.89)
Rei Tachibana : Baseball isn't allowed here. (0:04:59.11)
Rei Tachibana : You didn't know that baseball isn't permitted on this side of the park? (0:05:01.98)
Sakura Kinomoto : That's right, I'm supposedly playing baseball right now. (0:05:06.16)
Rei Tachibana : It's all right. (0:05:09.83)
Rei Tachibana : I'll keep it a secret. (0:05:11.29)
Rei Tachibana : Here's your ball. (0:05:13.83)
Rei Tachibana : Be careful from now on. (0:05:15.79)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay... (0:05:17.63)
Sakura Kinomoto : T-Thank you very much. (0:05:18.42)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Mission failed? (0:05:23.84)
Sakura Kinomoto : Oh, well. I'll drop by here again after school is out. (0:05:26.34)
Sakura Kinomoto : Sorry to keep you waiting! (0:05:34.98)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Here. (0:05:36.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : Thanks. (0:05:37.10)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I thought of a new plan. (0:05:38.19)
Sakura Kinomoto : What? (0:05:41.69)
Tomoyo Daidouji : This time... (0:05:42.65)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Oh, that's... (0:05:43.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : That's the girl from this morning... (0:05:52.70)
EXTRA : Ready... (0:05:54.37)
EXTRA : GO! (0:05:56.08)
Sakura Kinomoto : You can do it! (0:06:05.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : Um... (0:06:25.61)
Sakura Kinomoto : Hello. (0:06:28.07)
Rei Tachibana : Oh, you're the baseball girl from this morning! (0:06:30.82)
Rei Tachibana : You're in the cheerleading squad? (0:06:33.74)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:06:35.20)
Sakura Kinomoto : Um... (0:06:36.33)
EXTRA : Tachibana-san! We're going to time the second 100-meter dash! (0:06:37.16)
Rei Tachibana : Sure! (0:06:42.92)
Tomoyo Daidouji : I wonder if she's not doing well? (0:06:45.05)
EXTRA : Ready... (0:06:58.10)
EXTRA : Go! (0:06:59.52)
Sakura Kinomoto : She's fast... (0:07:07.11)
EXTRA : You're amazing, Tachibana-san! (0:07:15.49)
EXTRA : That was your personal best! (0:07:17.75)
Rei Tachibana : Really? (0:07:19.50)
EXTRA : 13.2 seconds! (0:07:20.96)
EXTRA : You're amazing, Rei! (0:07:22.33)
EXTRA : You shrunk your time by a full second! (0:07:23.96)
EXTRA : Amazing! Just amazing! (0:07:27.46)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Sakura-chan? (0:07:28.38)
Kero : That's because that girl is being affected by the card. (0:07:33.72)
Kero : DASH's powers concern running. (0:07:37.60)
Kero : It looks like we have to hurry up and seal it away. (0:07:40.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah... (0:07:43.02)
Rei Tachibana : Oh...? (0:07:44.31)
Rei Tachibana : We bump into each other often. (0:07:47.65)
Rei Tachibana : I'm home. (0:07:52.61)
EXTRA : Welcome back. (0:07:53.78)
Rei Tachibana : Guess what? I made a tremendous record today! (0:07:54.95)
EXTRA : That's nice. Oh, are these your friends? (0:07:58.29)
Rei Tachibana : She's from Tomoeda Elementary... lesse... (0:08:02.67)
Sakura Kinomoto : Kinomoto Sakura, 4th grade class 2. (0:08:05.38)
Sakura Kinomoto : Elementary School Track Athletics Meet? (0:08:09.25)
Rei Tachibana : Yeah. I wasn't so sure of myself lately because I hadn't been doing well. (0:08:12.34)
Rei Tachibana : But, I did really well today. (0:08:16.39)
Tomoyo Daidouji : We saw. (0:08:17.93)
Rei Tachibana : If I can stay at this pace, they said that I might end up ranking really well. (0:08:19.31)
Tomoyo Daidouji : You really were fast. (0:08:22.48)
Rei Tachibana : Thanks. I'm sure it's all thanks to Peewee. (0:08:24.23)
Sakura Kinomoto : Peewee? (0:08:27.48)
Rei Tachibana : It jumped into our house last night. (0:08:29.07)
Rei Tachibana : It's right about the size of that plush toy. (0:08:32.32)
Rei Tachibana : It had an injured leg, so I treated it. (0:08:35.61)
Sakura Kinomoto : Injury? (0:08:38.87)
Rei Tachibana : I'm starting to feel like it was thanks to Peewee that I was able to run so fast today. (0:08:40.12)
Kero : It's the card's doings. (0:08:44.46)
Rei Tachibana : Do you think I'm strange? (0:08:48.34)
Sakura Kinomoto : N-No, not at all. (0:08:49.59)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Just like a good-luck charm. (0:08:51.71)
Rei Tachibana : Yeah. (0:08:53.30)
Rei Tachibana : Is that little one you're holding your good-luck charm, too, Sakura-chan? (0:08:54.26)
Sakura Kinomoto : W-Well, it's something like a good-luck charm, or a mascot... (0:08:58.05)
Rei Tachibana : I know, would you two like to see Peewee? (0:09:02.10)
Kero : Now's our chance! (0:09:06.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : That's right! I have to go grocery shopping for tonight's dinner! (0:09:10.23)
Sakura Kinomoto : I would love to see it some other time, though! (0:09:14.74)
Rei Tachibana : S-Sure. (0:09:17.03)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'm sorry to have bothered you! (0:09:17.74)
Sakura Kinomoto : I hope you can do your best at the track meet! (0:09:19.66)
Rei Tachibana : Yeah, and you can come visit me again sometime. (0:09:22.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : Okay! (0:09:24.66)
Kero : We were so close... (0:09:33.76)
Sakura Kinomoto : I can't seal the card away right in front of Rei-san's eyes! (0:09:36.47)
Kero : But, you can't leave the card next to her forever like this. (0:09:40.22)
Kero : Then, are we gonna sneak into that house again? (0:09:47.06)
Sakura Kinomoto : But... (0:09:50.56)
Rei Tachibana : What's wrong? (0:09:56.03)
Rei Tachibana : Don't be afraid. It's all right. (0:09:58.45)
Rei Tachibana : See? Nothing to be afraid of. (0:10:01.66)
EXTRA : 13 seconds flat!? (0:10:16.26)
EXTRA : Tachibana-san, you're on a roll! (0:10:20.22)
Rei Tachibana : Yippee! I did it! I did it! Sakura-chan!! (0:10:22.60)
Tomoyo Daidouji : She outran her record pace again. (0:10:25.97)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:10:28.35)
Chiharu Mihara : She was fast. (0:10:29.06)
Naoko Yanagisawa : She sure was. (0:10:30.15)
Chiharu Mihara : I heard she's one of the favored to win the girls' 100-meter dash at the next track meet. (0:10:31.27)
Naoko Yanagisawa : She's amazing. I know she's in 6th grade... (0:10:36.65)
Naoko Yanagisawa : What's her name? (0:10:39.74)
EXTRA : That's Tachibana Rei-san. (0:10:41.12)
Chiharu Mihara : She's faster than the boys, right? (0:10:44.62)
EXTRA : The teacher in charge of the track team was telling me... (0:10:47.20)
EXTRA : ...that she's been doing really well lately. (0:10:49.58)
Chiharu Mihara : Oh, Sakura-chan! (0:10:55.38)
Sakura Kinomoto : W-What? (0:10:57.13)
Chiharu Mihara : We can go to the coliseum next week, too! (0:10:58.67)
Chiharu Mihara : The cheerleading squad is going to go to the track meet! (0:11:02.34)
Sakura Kinomoto : Really? (0:11:07.14)
Naoko Yanagisawa : Let's do our best to cheer for Tachibana-san! (0:11:08.48)
Chiharu Mihara : Yeah! (0:11:11.23)
Takashi Yamazaki : Cheering? Let me tell you about cheering... (0:11:11.85)
Takashi Yamazaki : When the old Roman emperor was thrown out to sea during a war... (0:11:14.65)
Takashi Yamazaki : ...he made his soldiers wave their arms for help. And then wave more. (0:11:18.74)
Takashi Yamazaki : Wave more became "Hure! Hure!" And turned into the current cheering style. (0:11:22.16)
Chiharu Mihara : That's a lie. (0:11:29.12)
Takashi Yamazaki : Let me tell you about lies. Long ago... (0:11:30.12)
EXTRA : You're doing well, but we should call it a day about now. (0:11:41.26)
Rei Tachibana : Yes. (0:11:44.72)
Rei Tachibana : Sakura-chan! (0:11:50.14)
Rei Tachibana : You're in the cheering squad, right, Sakura-chan? (0:11:53.73)
Rei Tachibana : You're coming to the meet next week, right? (0:11:56.40)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:11:58.28)
Rei Tachibana : Please cheer for me. (0:11:58.82)
Sakura Kinomoto : S-Sure. (0:11:59.74)
EXTRA : Tachibana-san! (0:12:01.36)
Rei Tachibana : I'll be right over! (0:12:02.57)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee's wounds have gotten much better. (0:12:04.57)
Rei Tachibana : You should come by my house again. (0:12:06.95)
Sakura Kinomoto : O-Okay. (0:12:08.62)
Rei Tachibana : See ya! (0:12:10.12)
Sakura Kinomoto : I can't do it... (0:12:23.88)
Kero : What are you saying!? (0:12:25.26)
Sakura Kinomoto : Let's wait until next week's track meet to seal it away. (0:12:27.43)
Kero : Our chance is now, while DASH is still weak! (0:12:31.14)
Sakura Kinomoto : I know. (0:12:35.23)
Sakura Kinomoto : But Rei-san was saying that she thinks she's been doing well lately thanks to Peewee. (0:12:36.40)
Sakura Kinomoto : So, it's okay if we seal it away after the meet... (0:12:40.90)
Kero : Come next week, DASH's wounds will all be healed, and it'll be even harder to capture it! (0:12:44.36)
Sakura Kinomoto : It's all right! (0:12:48.83)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'll do MY best, too! (0:12:49.91)
Kero : But, Sakura... (0:12:52.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : Come on, let's go home! (0:12:54.29)
Kero : I understand how you feel, Sakura. (0:13:00.38)
Kero : But nothing comes out of being able to run faster with magic. (0:13:03.47)
Sakura Kinomoto : I know that... (0:13:07.76)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : The track meet is this Sunday, right? (0:13:23.28)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:13:27.24)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : We have to make lunch. (0:13:28.12)
Sakura Kinomoto : I'll do it myself. (0:13:29.45)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : I have an errand to run at the university that day... (0:13:31.20)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : I'll make your lunch with mine. (0:13:34.16)
Touya Kinomoto : You're going to be in it? (0:13:39.33)
Sakura Kinomoto : No, I'm going to cheer people on as part of the cheerleading squad. (0:13:41.04)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Is someone from Tomoeda going to run? (0:13:44.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yes, a girl in 6th grade... (0:13:46.13)
Yukito Tsukishiro : That's impressive. (0:13:48.84)
Yukito Tsukishiro : Didn't you run the 100-meter dash in the Inter-High School Track Meet last year, Toya? (0:13:53.89)
Sakura Kinomoto : You did, Onii-chan? (0:13:58.85)
Touya Kinomoto : I didn't. (0:14:00.77)
Yukito Tsukishiro : But you did set the school record, right? (0:14:02.19)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : If I remember correctly, you were chosen to run after setting the new school record... (0:14:04.90)
Fujitaka Kinomoto : ...but you didn't run in the Inter-High. (0:14:08.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : Why? (0:14:10.95)
Touya Kinomoto : It was on the same day as my job. (0:14:11.83)
Yukito Tsukishiro : That sounds like you, Toya. (0:14:14.58)
Sakura Kinomoto : That's a shame! I would have gone and cheered for you! (0:14:16.16)
Yukito Tsukishiro : If you cheer her on, I'm sure that girl will be able to do her best. (0:14:20.21)
Sakura Kinomoto : I hope that's the case. (0:14:24.88)
EXTRA : Hurrah, hurrah, Tomoeda! (0:14:29.34)
EXTRA : Hurrah, hurrah, Tomoeda! (0:14:32.85)
Chiharu Mihara : Oh, Tachibana-san is going to run! (0:14:41.77)
Naoko Yanagisawa : You're right! (0:14:44.19)
Chiharu Mihara : Amazing! (0:15:09.01)
Naoko Yanagisawa : She really is fast! (0:15:10.38)
Meiling Li : Thank you, Shaoran. That saved me! (0:15:17.10)
Meiling Li : Shaoran? (0:15:20.60)
Meiling Li : What's wrong? (0:15:26.44)
Syaoran Li : Nothing. (0:15:28.15)
EXTRA : At this pace, you'll be fine for the track meet in two days. (0:15:35.62)
Rei Tachibana : I'll do my best! (0:15:38.41)
EXTRA : Now, everyone, let's practice one more time! (0:15:39.45)
EXTRA : Okay! (0:15:42.58)
Sakura Kinomoto : Two more days... (0:15:44.96)
Rei Tachibana : Your wounds are all okay now? (0:15:49.13)
Rei Tachibana : That's good. (0:15:52.18)
Rei Tachibana : You know... (0:15:55.47)
Rei Tachibana : Today, I was able to set a new personal record again. (0:15:56.64)
Rei Tachibana : I really have been doing extremely well since you came to my house. (0:15:59.18)
Kero : You know, Sakura, it really is better to seal DASH away before the meet. (0:16:08.23)
Kero : It won't do her any good if she sets a great record using DASH's powers. (0:16:13.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun... (0:16:22.96)
Sakura Kinomoto : That's toward... (0:16:27.67)
Sakura Kinomoto : Rei-san's house! (0:16:29.30)
Rei Tachibana : Please cheer for me, Peewee. (0:16:33.72)
Kero : He noticed DASH. (0:16:39.81)
Syaoran Li : No mistakes. (0:16:45.90)
Syaoran Li : It's this house. (0:16:47.44)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee... (0:16:57.78)
Rei Tachibana : You're funny! (0:17:04.83)
Syaoran Li : That's...! (0:17:12.51)
Sakura Kinomoto : You can't! (0:17:22.52)
Syaoran Li : DASH! (0:17:23.18)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee! (0:17:24.68)
Syaoran Li : Wait! (0:17:26.39)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun! (0:17:27.35)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun, Wait! (0:17:37.32)
Syaoran Li : God of Thunder, I call thee! (0:17:45.37)
Syaoran Li : Thunderbolt! (0:17:47.21)
Kero : Sakura, seal it away! (0:18:00.26)
Sakura Kinomoto : But if I seal it away, Rei-san... (0:18:01.93)
Kero : I know you understand what I mean! (0:18:04.35)
Kero : Even if she wins using magic, you know that's not because of her own skills! (0:18:06.10)
Kero : Is that really all right with you!? (0:18:09.94)
Kero : Can you really congratulate her from the bottom of your heart!? (0:18:11.11)
Tomoyo Daidouji : Sakura-chan. (0:18:17.32)
Syaoran Li : Hurry up and seal it away. (0:18:18.32)
Sakura Kinomoto : Rei-san... (0:18:20.82)
Syaoran Li : What's wrong!? (0:18:21.95)
Kero : Sakura! (0:18:23.62)
Sakura Kinomoto : RELEASE! (0:18:27.75)
Sakura Kinomoto : Return to the form you originally came from... (0:18:37.63)
Sakura Kinomoto : CLOW CARD! (0:18:39.88)
Syaoran Li : You knew that this card had materialized? (0:18:59.45)
Syaoran Li : Then, why... (0:19:03.62)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee! (0:19:05.45)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee! (0:19:08.71)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee! Where are you!? (0:19:11.83)
Kero : You did well. (0:19:21.68)
Chiharu Mihara : Then, I'll see you tomorrow. (0:19:35.23)
Chiharu Mihara : Bye-bye. (0:19:36.52)
Sakura Kinomoto : Bye-bye. (0:19:37.57)
Chiharu Mihara : She did it! Tachibana-san is going to the finals! (0:20:09.47)
Naoko Yanagisawa : I'm glad! (0:20:12.89)
Tomoyo Daidouji : She will be all right. Rei-san practiced so much... (0:20:23.57)
Sakura Kinomoto : Yeah. (0:20:27.83)
EXTRA : Next will be the girls' 100-meter dash, final round. (0:20:29.41)
EXTRA : Don't delay at the start. (0:20:38.92)
Rei Tachibana : Right. (0:20:40.80)
Rei Tachibana : Peewee... (0:21:08.53)
Sakura Kinomoto : Rei-san! Do your best! (0:21:10.29)
EXTRA : Ready... (0:21:15.92)
Chiharu Mihara : She did it! She did it!! (0:21:36.02)
Sakura Kinomoto : Li-kun! (0:21:47.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : Did you use the DASH card just now? (0:21:51.41)
Syaoran Li : Did you think that 6th grader ended up in first because of the card? (0:21:53.91)
Sakura Kinomoto : Eh? But... (0:21:57.58)
Syaoran Li : You shouldn't use a card's powers like that. (0:21:59.54)
Syaoran Li : So, I haven't done anything. (0:22:02.88)
Syaoran Li : I just brought this guy along. (0:22:04.63)
Sakura Kinomoto : It wasn't magic... Rei did her best with her own skills. (0:22:12.47)
EXTRA : Girls' 100-meter finals. (0:22:16.77)
EXTRA : First place: Tachibana Rei-san, 6th grade, Tomoeda Elementary. (0:22:18.69)
EXTRA : Good, great, Tachibana! (0:22:25.86)
EXTRA : Good, great, Tachibana! (0:22:28.61)
EXTRA : Good, great, Tachibana! Good, great, Tachibana! (0:22:32.20)
Rei Tachibana : Sakura-chan! (0:22:38.46)
Sakura Kinomoto : Rei-san! Congratulations! (0:22:42.25)
Kero : Leave it to Kero-chan! (0:24:00.96)
Kero : Hey-hey-hoo! (0:24:07.46)
Kero : Today, I have the first battle costume in a while! (0:24:10.92)
Kero : I'm sure you all were eagerly waiting for it! (0:24:13.93)
Kero : The shoes on this costume are rather pretty as well. (0:24:16.76)
Kero : The knee-high socks and the shorts are really cute! (0:24:19.56)
Kero : The top is attached to the pointy skirt. (0:24:22.14)
Kero : If I were to point anything out, it would have to be this hat. It's lighter than it looks. (0:24:25.06)
Kero : How was that? (0:24:30.44)
Kero : You'll all come across a time when you have to do something you don't want to do. (0:24:31.53)
Kero : At times like that, don't run away, and just do your best! (0:24:34.78)
Kero : See ya! (0:24:37.16)
EXTRA : Next Time (0:24:38.01)
Sakura Kinomoto : Naoko-chan finds a mysterious book at a used-book store, but it doesn't have a title. (0:24:38.79)
Sakura Kinomoto : And, it has nothing written in it from the middle. (0:24:42.00)
Sakura Kinomoto : This feeling... (0:24:46.21)
Sakura Kinomoto : The presence of a Clow Card? (0:24:47.09)
Sakura Kinomoto : Cardcaptor Sakura: "Sakura and a Nameless Book" (0:24:49.13)
Sakura Kinomoto : Sakura and a Nameless Book (0:24:49.78)
Sakura Kinomoto : Join me next episode... RELEASE! (0:24:53.09)

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