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Ouchi Fukuchi : It's me. (0:00:37.56)
Ouchi Fukuchi : Are you prepared to join
the military police?
Ouchi Fukuchi : We're the only ones who can
make use of your powers.
Ouchi Fukuchi : Get over here. (0:00:44.08)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : From now on, I work alone. (0:00:45.81)
Secretary : Come in. (0:02:40.05)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : My condolences. (0:02:44.38)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He was a good man. (0:02:46.37)
Secretary : Thank you for coming, Fukuzawa-san. (0:02:48.20)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : By the way, what are these documents? (0:02:52.95)
Secretary : I'm organizing. (0:02:55.98)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Why? (0:02:57.74)
Secretary : I suspect that the murderer was intent on
either stealing or destroying these documents.
Secretary : In order to confirm that, (0:03:06.81)
Secretary : I'm arranging all the documents
according to any potential patterns.
Secretary : This entire room is a catalog for
determining the attacker's motivations.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm told that he was pushed
out of this window.
Secretary : The president took me in as a
secretary. I'm indebted to him.
Secretary : Solving the nature of the crime would
be the best farewell gift I can offer.
Secretary : But, fortunately, the assassin
has already been captured.
Secretary : After murdering the president, he was
apprehended by guards on the first floor,
Secretary : and is now being held next door. (0:03:43.53)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : What? (0:03:45.48)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : The ten fingerprints recovered from the back of
the president's clothes apparently matched his.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He's still next door? (0:03:52.91)
Secretary : He seems to have given up. (0:03:54.88)
Secretary : He's very quiet. (0:03:56.26)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'd like to see the assassin. (0:03:58.28)
Secretary : Be my guest. (0:04:01.31)
Secretary : But please don't touch the documents. (0:04:02.61)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He's quite an accomplished assassin. (0:04:27.09)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Reddish hair and dual pistols. (0:04:29.98)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Which means he must be the child
assassin so famous in the underground.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : But, if this boy truly is Oda Sakunosuke, (0:04:37.30)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : how could he be captured
by mere security guards?
Secretary : As you can see, that man is
maintaining his silence.
Secretary : The municipal police should
be taking him soon.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : As for you— (0:04:50.03)
Ranpo Edogawa : Hey, there! (0:04:51.05)
Ranpo Edogawa : It's damn windy today, huh? (0:04:58.69)
Ranpo Edogawa : So, anyway... (0:05:02.10)
Ranpo Edogawa : Is there any chance we can
relocate this company?
Ranpo Edogawa : The hills are a pain and the
directions are so complicated.
Secretary : Excuse me? (0:05:10.19)
Ranpo Edogawa : Also, I'm getting hungry. (0:05:11.48)
Ranpo Edogawa : D'you have any food? (0:05:13.85)
Secretary : Excuse me? (0:05:14.78)
Ranpo Edogawa : Here we go again, looking
down on me like some kid.
Ranpo Edogawa : Fine, never mind the food. (0:05:19.87)
Ranpo Edogawa : Just give me the permit. (0:05:21.58)
Ranpo Edogawa : Wait, have you lost it
in all these documents?
Ranpo Edogawa : Dammit! (0:05:25.94)
Ranpo Edogawa : You're the secretary! You'd better find it! (0:05:27.03)
Ranpo Edogawa : I don't have the slightest interest
in the fingerprints in this room.
Secretary : What is your problem? (0:05:34.73)
Secretary : Regardless of the circumstances,
this is the president's office.
Secretary : Unless you're authorized,
you may not be here.
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm authorized, though. (0:05:42.91)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm here for an interview today. (0:05:44.91)
Ranpo Edogawa : The president did say he would be
interviewing an administration trainee...
Ranpo Edogawa : Anyway, I just came here for the working permit
that I'm supposed to get at the interview.
Ranpo Edogawa : Once I have that, I can get some
funding from the government.
Ranpo Edogawa : Mind if I move this useless paper? (0:06:00.78)
Secretary : You may not! (0:06:02.79)
Secretary : The very arrangements of these documents (0:06:03.86)
Secretary : is a catalog for determining
the attacker's motivations.
Ranpo Edogawa : Come on, that's such a blatant lie. (0:06:09.91)
Ranpo Edogawa : Forget it. (0:06:12.93)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'll find it myself. (0:06:13.97)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'll be done in an instant. (0:06:15.49)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy. (0:06:17.04)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : There's a mountain of documents here.
How do you plan to find yours?
Ranpo Edogawa : The old man can speak! (0:06:22.42)
Ranpo Edogawa : Unlike all your loose papers, mine's got a
heavy stamp and it's printed on thick paper.
Secretary : Hey! (0:06:30.43)
Secretary : No! (0:06:32.14)
Ranpo Edogawa : Found it. (0:06:42.70)
Secretary : How could you... (0:06:47.80)
Secretary : Now I have to check every sheet
and arrange it all over.
Secretary : And I still have to report on the
missing documents within 48 hours.
Ranpo Edogawa : Why bother? (0:06:56.98)
Ranpo Edogawa : They're all here. (0:06:58.70)
Ranpo Edogawa : No documents have been stolen, (0:07:02.97)
Ranpo Edogawa : and the assassin didn't kill the president. (0:07:05.07)
Ranpo Edogawa : Like, you're the murderer anyway,
aren't you, secretary?
Ranpo Edogawa : You arranging documents to keep people away
so that you can come up with an alibi.
Ranpo Edogawa : I mean, it's suspicious
if there were fingerprints
Ranpo Edogawa : on the president's clothes but
nowhere else in the room.
Ranpo Edogawa : The obviously guilty secretary (0:07:25.75)
Ranpo Edogawa : and the obviously innocent
assassin are right here...
Ranpo Edogawa : And you're just standing there. (0:07:32.08)
Ranpo Edogawa : Come on, mister, you're slacking on the job. (0:07:34.55)
Secretary : Fukuzawa-san... (0:07:38.08)
Secretary : Please kick that kid out of here. (0:07:40.23)
Secretary : I can't have him making even
more of a mess in here!
Yukichi Fukuzawa : The assassin's fingerprints were found
on the back of the victim's clothes.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : From when he shoved him. (0:07:52.94)
Ranpo Edogawa : There's no way even the best assassin (0:07:55.11)
Ranpo Edogawa : could get close to the president
without being noticed.
Ranpo Edogawa : The door is right in view of the desk. (0:08:00.69)
Ranpo Edogawa : And, if the president resisted before
he was forced out the window,
Ranpo Edogawa : the fingerprints would have indicated
him being thrown out, not pushed out.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He may have happened to
be looking out the window.
Ranpo Edogawa : On such a windy day? (0:08:18.18)
Ranpo Edogawa : With the window open? By himself? (0:08:20.43)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He's right. (0:08:23.25)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Which means it must have
been someone close to him.
Ranpo Edogawa : It was someone close to him,
yet the assassin's fingerprints turned up.
Ranpo Edogawa : So those prints were faked. (0:08:32.19)
Ranpo Edogawa : I heard it's easy to fake fingerprints. (0:08:34.37)
Ranpo Edogawa : You just need to make molds of the
fingers using putty or something.
Ranpo Edogawa : Weren't you a police officer or
something before, mister secretary?
Ranpo Edogawa : You mentioned the 48 hour
investigation law earlier.
Secretary : This is ridiculous! (0:08:46.11)
Secretary : How would I have taken
the assassin's prints?!
Secretary : Fukuzawa-san! (0:08:50.45)
Secretary : Just get this brat out of here! (0:08:51.51)
Ranpo Edogawa : You were able to get the assassin's
prints because you hired him.
Secretary : Shut up! (0:08:57.46)
Ranpo Edogawa : Since you hired him, you could
easily entrap a top-tier assassin.
Ranpo Edogawa : Even get security guards to catch him. (0:09:01.81)
Ranpo Edogawa : I don't think the assassin over there
even knew he was being entrapped.
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm sure he'd talk if he
found out he's been fooled.
Ranpo Edogawa : Why don't you try asking him? (0:09:13.68)
Sakunosuke Oda : I have no intention of fighting you. (0:09:19.03)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Don't add more crimes to your guilt. (0:09:21.55)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : You can get off with a lesser
plea if you stop now.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : What?! (0:09:54.11)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : No! (0:10:00.72)
Sakunosuke Oda : There is no forgiveness in this world. (0:10:07.40)
Sakunosuke Oda : Only revenge. (0:10:10.69)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : You... (0:10:13.06)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Call an ambulance! (0:10:18.42)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : And contact the municipal police! (0:10:19.85)
Ranpo Edogawa : I don't think we need to call the ambulance. (0:10:21.95)
Ranpo Edogawa : The secretary's dead anyway. (0:10:24.18)
Ranpo Edogawa : Miss, could I get another red bean soup? (0:10:31.43)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Why don't you eat the rice cake? (0:10:36.44)
Ranpo Edogawa : It's not sweet. (0:10:38.84)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : When did you realize the
secretary was the murderer?
Ranpo Edogawa : From the beginning. (0:10:44.03)
Ranpo Edogawa : He was wearing a coat, right? (0:10:45.94)
Ranpo Edogawa : Who wears a coat when
they're sorting documents?
Ranpo Edogawa : Your sleeves would get in the way. (0:10:51.62)
Ranpo Edogawa : He was concealing tools for faking
the assassin's fingerprints.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy... (0:10:59.06)
Ranpo Edogawa : My name is Edogawa Rampo. (0:11:00.19)
Ranpo Edogawa : Remember that. (0:11:03.13)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : What about school? (0:11:04.43)
Ranpo Edogawa : I was at a police academy,
living in the dorms.
Ranpo Edogawa : I had an argument
with the dorm supervisor,
Ranpo Edogawa : so I exposed all of their
past affairs and I got kicked out.
Ranpo Edogawa : Since then, I've been bouncing
around from place to place.
Ranpo Edogawa : I was a live-in worker at a garrison, (0:11:19.82)
Ranpo Edogawa : until I got thrown out for blabbing
about the head chief's corruption.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Your parents? (0:11:27.43)
Ranpo Edogawa : Dead. (0:11:29.39)
Ranpo Edogawa : In an accident. (0:11:31.39)
Ranpo Edogawa : That's why I came out to Yokohama. (0:11:33.07)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Are you full now? (0:11:37.52)
Ranpo Edogawa : Yeah, thanks. (0:11:39.34)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Good. (0:11:40.97)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Well done today. (0:11:42.39)
Ranpo Edogawa : That's it? (0:11:45.68)
Ranpo Edogawa : You're talking to a fourteen-year-old boy
who's lost his parents, his job and his future.
Ranpo Edogawa : That's all you've got? (0:11:53.39)
Ranpo Edogawa : What's that? (0:11:59.02)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : My contact information. (0:12:00.14)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Security police. (0:12:02.10)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm basically a bodyguard. (0:12:04.40)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Contact me if you're ever in trouble. (0:12:06.91)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'll help you free of charge,
the first time or so.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy. (0:12:24.50)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Yes? (0:12:30.94)
Ranpo Edogawa : Help me, mister bodyguard. (0:12:32.26)
Ranpo Edogawa : I don't have work or a place to stay. (0:12:37.38)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm going to die. (0:12:40.39)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm headed to work. (0:12:44.19)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Come with me. (0:12:46.02)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : A client is looking for manpower. (0:12:47.56)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'll broker a deal for you. (0:12:50.41)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Does that work? (0:12:52.68)
Ranpo Edogawa : Really?! (0:12:54.39)
Ranpo Edogawa : A theater? (0:13:02.03)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : The manager has been
lamenting a staff shortage.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : If I can finish my job here,
I'm sure she'd be open to hiring you.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : What job? (0:13:14.13)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Do you have some idea who the
threats might be coming from?
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Could you at least tell
me what the threat is?
Yukichi Fukuzawa : V? (0:13:46.53)
Ranpo Edogawa : The performers, huh? (0:13:47.62)
Ranpo Edogawa : So is it the actors who
are going to be killed?
Ranpo Edogawa : I can't wait to see what happens. (0:13:53.89)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He's looking for work. (0:13:58.88)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I heard you needed more people. (0:14:00.84)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm hoping you can interview him
once this situation is resolved.
Ranpo Edogawa : There are other people who signed up? (0:14:14.58)
Ranpo Edogawa : There's no chance I'm getting hired, then. (0:14:17.06)
Ranpo Edogawa : Nope. (0:14:21.61)
Ranpo Edogawa : This hag's already decided
she's not hiring me.
Ranpo Edogawa : You could have just been honest with me. (0:14:26.43)
Ranpo Edogawa : Why don't grown-ups ever say
what they're really thinking?
Ranpo Edogawa : Same thing with how you're
dealing with this guy.
Ranpo Edogawa : The reason you aren't introducing
him to the municipal police
Ranpo Edogawa : is because you want him to
keep an eye on the police.
Ranpo Edogawa : And have the police keep an eye on him. (0:14:39.83)
Ranpo Edogawa : In other words, you don't trust anyone— (0:14:42.95)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : That's enough. (0:14:44.89)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I don't care what your intentions are. (0:14:47.16)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm simply going to do my
best to prevent the crime.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'd like to speak with the staff.
Is that all right?
Ranpo Edogawa : Grown-ups are so quick to anger. (0:15:03.62)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm not surprised you don't
last long on any job.
Tokio Murakami : Why do you speak to me
right before the show?
Tokio Murakami : Do you know what an actor is
going through prior to a show?
Tokio Murakami : We dive into another world. (0:15:21.79)
Tokio Murakami : As though we are different people. (0:15:23.80)
Tokio Murakami : I've trained for nearly six months for this. (0:15:32.01)
Tokio Murakami : If they mess with me,
they'll be the dead ones.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'll respect your work. (0:15:38.81)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : But you are the ones who
may end up murdered.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Do you ever end up on your
own during the performance?
Tokio Murakami : Yeah. (0:15:47.09)
Tokio Murakami : We're defenseless when we're up there. (0:15:48.42)
Tokio Murakami : I'm on my own for minutes. (0:15:51.41)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Where? (0:15:54.61)
Tokio Murakami : On the stage. (0:15:55.39)
Tokio Murakami : I'm the lead actor, believe it or not. (0:15:57.98)
Ranpo Edogawa : Huh. (0:16:00.01)
Ranpo Edogawa : You're the lead actor? (0:16:00.79)
Ranpo Edogawa : Murakami... Tokio? (0:16:02.48)
Ranpo Edogawa : Never heard of you. (0:16:04.36)
Tokio Murakami : Who is that brat? (0:16:05.48)
Ranpo Edogawa : Hey, what's this play about? (0:16:07.33)
Tokio Murakami : You've received the script, haven't you? (0:16:10.25)
Ranpo Edogawa : That script's boring. (0:16:12.47)
Ranpo Edogawa : I gave up after the first page. (0:16:14.46)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy... (0:16:16.50)
Tokio Murakami : I see. (0:16:18.79)
Tokio Murakami : If you think it's boring, it must be boring. (0:16:21.61)
Tokio Murakami : That's for the audience
to decide, after all.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Hm? (0:17:14.75)
Ranpo Edogawa : They have potato chips! (0:17:33.72)
Ranpo Edogawa : And the chocolates I missed out on! (0:17:35.79)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm getting hungry, mister. (0:17:40.16)
Ranpo Edogawa : Hey, mister, are you listening? (0:17:43.49)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm starving. (0:17:49.43)
Ranpo Edogawa : And I'm not getting that job. (0:17:51.03)
Ranpo Edogawa : Whatever. (0:17:53.83)
Ranpo Edogawa : Someone's going to die soon and
this theater's going to get shut down.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I won't let the murder happen. (0:17:59.62)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : That's why I was called here. (0:18:02.51)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Neither the theater nor the municipal
police are taking the threat seriously.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Regardless of the motivation
behind the threat...
Ranpo Edogawa : It's not a threat. (0:18:13.08)
Ranpo Edogawa : It's not a threat. It's a warning. (0:18:15.43)
Ranpo Edogawa : A threat always offers two options. (0:18:18.25)
Ranpo Edogawa : "Do ABC, or I will do XYZ." (0:18:21.73)
Ranpo Edogawa : That's a threat. (0:18:24.63)
Ranpo Edogawa : But right now, all we have is a warning
saying "we're going to kill a performer."
Ranpo Edogawa : So, it's not a threat so
much as a declaration.
Ranpo Edogawa : The attacker hasn't made any
demands of the theater to begin with.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : When did you realize that? (0:18:38.28)
Ranpo Edogawa : When I heard what the letter said. (0:18:40.34)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : When did you realize the
secretary was the murderer?
Ranpo Edogawa : From the beginning. (0:18:49.65)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : This boy must see truth. (0:18:52.29)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Why didn't you say anything, if you knew? (0:18:57.50)
Ranpo Edogawa : I didn't think you'd misinterpreted
the warning as a threat.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Do you believe everyone else
notices all the things you notice?
Ranpo Edogawa : No documents have been stolen, (0:19:15.41)
Ranpo Edogawa : and the assassin didn't kill the president. (0:19:17.52)
Ranpo Edogawa : The reason you aren't introducing
him to the municipal police
Ranpo Edogawa : is because you want him to
keep an eye on the police.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : This boy doesn't understand that
nobody else knows anything.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : He's convinced that everyone
else already knows the truth
Yukichi Fukuzawa : and is simply hiding the
fact that they know.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy, what can you gather of me,
from what you see?
Yukichi Fukuzawa : You said you have nowhere
to stay tonight.
Ranpo Edogawa : I don't. (0:19:50.77)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : You can stay the night at my place. (0:19:52.14)
Ranpo Edogawa : Your place? (0:19:55.39)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Yeah. (0:19:56.66)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : So, tell me. (0:19:57.55)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Tell me anything you notice about me. (0:19:59.31)
Ranpo Edogawa : Grown-ups sure do love their quid pro quos. (0:20:02.07)
Ranpo Edogawa : I've only just met you,
so there isn't much I can tell...
Ranpo Edogawa : You're in your early thirties. (0:20:10.02)
Ranpo Edogawa : You're a bodyguard. (0:20:12.31)
Ranpo Edogawa : A master of martial arts. (0:20:14.60)
Ranpo Edogawa : Single. (0:20:16.06)
Ranpo Edogawa : No coworkers. (0:20:17.13)
Ranpo Edogawa : Right-handed. (0:20:18.47)
Ranpo Edogawa : You chose a seat by the
wall at the restaurant,
Ranpo Edogawa : so you must be a swordsman, as well. (0:20:22.38)
Ranpo Edogawa : I guess that the reason you don't
use your katana for work anymore
Ranpo Edogawa : is because you're ashamed of your last job. (0:20:27.86)
Ranpo Edogawa : What's a job that involves swordplay
and that you'd be ashamed of?
Ranpo Edogawa : Come to think of it, there was some buzz
about an incident a few years ago...
Ranpo Edogawa : Pro-war bureaucrats and overseas
military cliques were found dead
Ranpo Edogawa : one after another during the
peace treaty debates.
Ranpo Edogawa : And you were grimacing a bit as you looked
at the newspaper headline in the shop earlier.
Ranpo Edogawa : Are you— (0:20:53.10)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Silence! (0:20:54.60)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I'm sorry. (0:21:04.96)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Are you all right? (0:21:05.96)
Ranpo Edogawa : Yeah. (0:21:11.29)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'm fine. (0:21:12.63)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : This boy's the real deal. (0:21:14.54)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Boy, help me with this job. (0:21:20.46)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : If we manage to do well,
I'll introduce you to more work.
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Well? (0:21:28.40)
Ranpo Edogawa : Okay. (0:21:29.42)
Ranpo Edogawa : I'll help. (0:21:31.18)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : What the hell am I doing? (0:21:53.49)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : I already decided that I'd work alone. (0:21:56.53)
Yukichi Fukuzawa : Let's go. (0:22:05.55)

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