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EXTRA : At the time, Noboribetsu was
Hokkaido's largest hot springs area.
EXTRA : The springs there had healing properties, (0:00:11.78)
EXTRA : and after the Sino-Japanese War
and Russo-Japanese War,
EXTRA : the 7th Division would send
their sick and wounded.
EXTRA : Noboribetsu's Famous
"Burning Waterfall"
Kouhei Nikaidou : I feel so good! (0:00:26.89)
Tokishige Usami : I'm reborn! (0:00:28.65)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Privates Nikaido and Usami... (0:00:33.59)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Did you just get here today? (0:00:39.34)
Tokishige Usami : Warrant Officer Kikuta. (0:00:41.87)
Tokishige Usami : How is your recuperation going? (0:00:46.19)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Oh, did Lieutenant Tsurumi send you because
he was worried about how I was doing?
Mokutarou Kikuta : He must be looking forward to how much
stronger his army will be after my arrival.
Mokutarou Kikuta : By the way, did you hear that strange
story Private Ariko was telling?
Kouhei Nikaidou : What did he say? (0:01:09.59)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Last night, he met a strange man in
a hot spring further up the mountain.
Mokutarou Kikuta : The man was running through the snow, (0:01:17.50)
Mokutarou Kikuta : at night, carrying no light
and wearing geta sandals.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Strange, yes? (0:01:22.60)
Tokishige Usami : My left ball is changing
places with my right ball!
Tokishige Usami : A man wearing geta sandals
on a dark, snowy mountain?
Tokishige Usami : Well, there are snow geta
you can wear in winter.
Tokishige Usami : And if he was running in the dark, perhaps
his eyes were simply used to the darkness.
Tokishige Usami : What's so strange about that? Sheesh... (0:03:13.85)
Tokishige Usami : Anyway, busy now! (0:03:18.44)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He can tell you himself. (0:03:21.10)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Right, Private Ariko? (0:03:23.34)
Rikimatsu Ariko : I heard the sound of geta, but the
footprints on the ground weren't from geta.
Rikimatsu Ariko : They were from straw boots. (0:03:31.88)
Tokishige Usami : And so? Why is this so important to you? (0:03:34.25)
Mokutarou Kikuta : There was more to the story, right, Ariko? (0:03:37.39)
Rikimatsu Ariko : The clothes he wore were... curious. (0:03:40.81)
Rikimatsu Ariko : The pattern on them was unusual. (0:03:44.90)
Kouhei Nikaidou : Like how? (0:03:46.59)
Rikimatsu Ariko : I couldn't really say,
because it was so dark...
Kouhei Nikaidou : You two have been here
since the end of the war.
Kouhei Nikaidou : The hot springs have scrambled your brains. (0:03:56.12)
Tokishige Usami : Now, now, Nikaido. (0:03:59.89)
Kouhei Nikaidou : What were you doing at a hot spring that
far up in the mountains, Private Ariko?
Rikimatsu Ariko : It's a secret hot springs
that only the Ainu know about.
Kouhei Nikaidou : You an Ainu? (0:04:13.78)
Rikimatsu Ariko : Yes. (0:04:16.00)
Tokishige Usami : Perhaps he's an Ainu, too? (0:04:16.94)
Tokishige Usami : And the strange patterns on his
clothes were an Ainu pattern.
Rikimatsu Ariko : I would recognize an Ainu pattern. (0:04:23.06)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Something about this story
seemed really strange to me.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Am I just thinking about it too much? (0:04:29.60)
Mokutarou Kikuta : You know anything, Mister Masseur? (0:04:31.43)
Toni Anji : Clothing with strange Ainu patterns? (0:04:33.73)
Toni Anji : I'll tell you if I see any. (0:04:37.07)
Tokishige Usami : That's funny! (0:04:41.30)
Kouhei Nikaidou : No way! How? (0:04:54.02)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Come on, help me out, Nikaido. (0:04:58.55)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Tell me what the tattoos on the prisoners
who escaped from Abashiri looked like.
Kouhei Nikaidou : Never seen one. (0:05:12.12)
EXTRA : Let's go eat. (0:05:18.79)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Ariko, go ask at your village if anyone
else has seen this strange man.
Rikimatsu Ariko : Understood. (0:05:28.43)
Mokutarou Kikuta : We're in a bad spot because
of Usami and Nikaido.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Those assholes don't believe us. (0:05:32.31)
Mokutarou Kikuta : If we want to go back to serving under
Lieutenant Tsurumi, we'd want to bring a gift.
Kouhei Nikaidou : Are we taking Warrant Officer Kikuta
and Private Ariko back to Abashiri?
Tokishige Usami : No, Lieutenant Tsurumi
is leaving Abashiri soon.
Tokishige Usami : We'll meet up with him somewhere. (0:05:50.84)
Kouhei Nikaidou : What about the fortune-teller
and the old cannibal?
Kouhei Nikaidou : Will he bring them? (0:05:56.67)
Tokishige Usami : That's not my problem. (0:05:58.44)
Tokishige Usami : Hey, would you please stop
punching me like that?
Tokishige Usami : Massage me carefully. It hurts! (0:06:06.25)
Tokishige Usami : You suck at this. (0:06:10.41)
EXTRA : Oh, sorry. (0:06:12.29)
EXTRA : Those two that just arrived
were with Lieutenant Tsurumi.
EXTRA : They're a valuable source of information. (0:06:22.04)
EXTRA : We should get rid of the soldiers
named Ariko and Kikuta before they
EXTRA : realize who we are. (0:06:28.22)
Toni Anji : We should wait for the next new moon. (0:06:29.41)
Toni Anji : The moonlight off the snow
makes the winter nights bright.
EXTRA : We need to hurry. (0:06:35.29)
EXTRA : If we have to leave,
we'll cease to be able to
EXTRA : give information about the 7th
Division to Hijikata Toshizou.
EXTRA : Toni-san, you're the one who
let that soldier see you.
EXTRA : This is your mess to deal with. (0:06:48.09)
EXTRA : The hot springs he spoke of, further up
the mountain than Noboribetsu,
EXTRA : is currently known as
the Karurusu Hot Springs.
EXTRA : The local Ainu called them "penke-yu." (0:07:04.83)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Am I going to see the geta
man tonight, I wonder?
Rikimatsu Ariko : Have you seen a man wearing clothes with
a strange pattern around penke-yu lately?
Rikimatsu Ariko : Someone who comes to bathe at dusk. (0:07:27.07)
Mokutarou Kikuta : The sound of geta! (0:07:35.35)
Ikaripopo : Those aren't clothes. (0:07:38.70)
Ikaripopo : They were tattoos. (0:07:41.33)
Mokutarou Kikuta : This is the man Ariko spoke of. (0:07:53.46)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He has a light with him, but... (0:07:57.08)
Mokutarou Kikuta : You there. Take off your
jacket and let me see you.
Toni Anji : He can see me? (0:08:18.21)
Toni Anji : I had a light with me to stop his
eyes from adjusting to the darkness!
Mokutarou Kikuta : He has friends with him? (0:08:26.94)
Mokutarou Kikuta : I can see all of you. (0:08:33.07)
EXTRA : According to one theory, (0:08:38.66)
EXTRA : pirates wore eyepatches so that when they
needed to charge below the decks of a ship,
EXTRA : they could quickly adjust to the darkness. (0:08:45.91)
EXTRA : Warrant Officer Kikuta (0:08:48.42)
EXTRA : anticipated a night battle, and had
worn an eyepatch since sunset.
EXTRA : He could see in the dim darkness just fine! (0:08:55.27)
Toni Anji : Retreat! He can see you! (0:08:59.62)
Toni Anji : That's why I told you to do it
on the night of the new moon!
EXTRA : That's not good. (0:09:06.66)
Toni Anji : Go! Go! Get into the valley! (0:09:09.46)
Mokutarou Kikuta : You ain't getting away. (0:09:14.59)
Mokutarou Kikuta : I can't see a thing. (0:09:33.81)
Toni Anji : I'm sick of the smell of sulfur. (0:09:37.69)
Toni Anji : Once I get my share of the gold,
maybe I'll move to the coast.
EXTRA : Got him! (0:09:57.15)
EXTRA : You got him! (0:10:03.54)
Rikimatsu Ariko : That's in the direction of Hell Valley. (0:10:08.36)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Don't scratch my guns, shithead.
I won these fair and square!
EXTRA : During the Russo-Japanese War, (0:10:19.59)
EXTRA : Warrant Officer Kikuta became
obsessed with stealing handguns
EXTRA : from the Russia officers he killed. (0:10:25.57)
EXTRA : The Nagant M1895 was a personal favorite, (0:10:28.42)
EXTRA : so much that he had his
men search for them as well.
Tokishige Usami : Don't shoot! It's me! (0:10:41.83)
EXTRA : There are more with him! (0:10:45.24)
Toni Anji : This is going like shit! (0:10:53.27)
Kouhei Nikaidou : He fled into the mountains! (0:10:59.17)
Rikimatsu Ariko : Warrant Officer Kikuta! (0:11:01.63)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Ariko, is that you? (0:11:04.33)
Rikimatsu Ariko : What I saw was a tattoo. (0:11:07.03)
Mokutarou Kikuta : We'll follow him. After me. (0:11:11.00)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Usami, you asshole. Your timing
was a little too convenient.
Mokutarou Kikuta : You and Nikaido were actually staking
out the Ainu hot springs, weren't you?
Mokutarou Kikuta : Let me guess: the two of you figured out
what was going on from Ariko's story,
Mokutarou Kikuta : and were planning on
finding the man before us.
Tokishige Usami : Whoops. Guess you figured it out. (0:11:38.05)
Rikimatsu Ariko : Why would a tattooed prisoner (0:11:45.42)
Rikimatsu Ariko : take the risk of hiding at a hot springs
filled with members of the 7th?
Kouhei Nikaidou : Oh, I've seen him. (0:11:54.66)
Kouhei Nikaidou : He's a masseur. (0:11:58.04)
Rikimatsu Ariko : His footsteps lead inside. (0:12:14.52)
Rikimatsu Ariko : It's an old mine tunnel. I went
inside once when I was a kid.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Any other exits? (0:12:21.01)
Rikimatsu Ariko : Several, if they haven't collapsed. (0:12:22.42)
Mokutarou Kikuta : It's coming from further inside. (0:12:26.70)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Don't light any matches. (0:12:28.95)
Mokutarou Kikuta : It'll make you a target. (0:12:31.06)
Tokishige Usami : I can't see a thing. (0:12:44.57)
Mokutarou Kikuta : What's this? (0:12:56.46)
Mokutarou Kikuta : There's something on the ground. (0:12:57.52)
Mokutarou Kikuta : If we're not careful,
we'll give away our location.
EXTRA : The ice stalagmites created by
water dripping to the ground
EXTRA : and freezing are called hyoujun,
or "ice bamboo shoots."
EXTRA : Even in Hokkaido, they can
only be seen in a few places.
Toni Anji : Now it's my turn. (0:13:14.89)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Looks like the prisoner has
particularly good ears.
Mokutarou Kikuta : He's using the sound of the
ice breaking to target us.
Rikimatsu Ariko : I never even noticed the ice
when I came here before.
Rikimatsu Ariko : If I had a cinoyetat I could avoid them, (0:13:34.68)
Rikimatsu Ariko : but a light like that would
make me an easy target.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Bastard! (0:13:51.02)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He's moving fast, but I don't
hear any shattering ice.
Mokutarou Kikuta : How is he able to dodge it in this darkness? (0:14:07.24)
Mokutarou Kikuta : And even with the volcanic gases at
Hell Valley, he and his buddies...
Toni Anji : A torch? (0:14:41.17)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He's a masseur! (0:14:46.03)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He'd never seen us to begin with. (0:14:48.55)
Toni Anji : They found me! Now things are bad! (0:14:51.32)
Rikimatsu Ariko : A masseur? (0:14:54.71)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He's using sound to get an accurate
picture of his surroundings.
Mokutarou Kikuta : There's probably some secret
to that sound of geta sandals,
Mokutarou Kikuta : but it doesn't matter. (0:15:02.35)
Mokutarou Kikuta : So he ran outside? (0:15:10.28)
Tokishige Usami : Warrant Officer Kikuta,
I was shot in the leg!
Tokishige Usami : Please don't leave me here! (0:15:20.39)
Tokishige Usami : It's dark! (0:15:23.20)
Mokutarou Kikuta : He's so damn annoying. (0:15:25.32)
Rikimatsu Ariko : Let me go alone. (0:15:27.82)
Rikimatsu Ariko : I've got an idea. (0:15:30.08)
Rikimatsu Ariko : A hunt is best done silently and alone. (0:15:31.90)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Fine. (0:15:34.96)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Don't let him get away. (0:15:36.25)
Toni Anji : I need to get the bullet out... (0:15:43.65)
Tokishige Usami : Should we really let Ariko go on his own? (0:15:56.97)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Stop talking. (0:15:59.84)
Mokutarou Kikuta : You're in no position to question anybody. (0:16:01.28)
Mokutarou Kikuta : And Ariko was part of the
Mt. Hakkoda search party.
EXTRA : The Lost March of Mt. Hakkoda! (0:16:09.25)
EXTRA : Two years before the Russo-Japanese War, (0:16:13.09)
EXTRA : Aomori's 5th Infantry Regiment (0:16:15.00)
EXTRA : was doing a march in the snow
as part of winter training.
EXTRA : During this march 199 men lost their lives, (0:16:19.81)
EXTRA : in what was one of the worst
mountaineering accidents in history.
Tokishige Usami : He was one of the Ainu brought from Hokkaido? (0:16:26.46)
Mokutarou Kikuta : The Ainu search parties walked
through waist-deep freezing water,
Mokutarou Kikuta : and moved across deep snowy mountains
like they were open plains.
Mokutarou Kikuta : They found the bodies and brought them back. (0:16:38.77)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Even the locals were astonished. (0:16:41.86)
Mokutarou Kikuta : And he knows this mountain
like his own backyard.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Escaping from Ariko Rikimatsu on
this mountain... is impossible.
Toni Anji : There's something about those
breaking branches I don't trust.
Toni Anji : What is this sound? (0:17:41.13)
Toni Anji : So that's it... (0:17:49.69)
Toni Anji : He led me right where he wanted me, (0:17:51.71)
Toni Anji : to a place where this could easily happen. (0:17:54.20)
Toni Anji : I lose. (0:18:01.75)
Kouhei Nikaidou : Where's Warrant Officer Kikuta? (0:18:20.03)
Tokishige Usami : He went to the mountains to search again. (0:18:22.29)
Tokishige Usami : It's been four days and Private Ariko
isn't back. He's probably dead.
Kouhei Nikaidou : Did you send a telegram to Lieutenant Tsurumi? (0:18:30.67)
Tokishige Usami : Yeah. (0:18:33.10)
Tokishige Usami : He says he's coming here. (0:18:34.14)
Tokishige Usami : Ariko's dead, and I injured my leg, (0:18:37.13)
Tokishige Usami : and we let the prisoner get away. (0:18:40.12)
Tokishige Usami : He'll scold me again! (0:18:44.62)
Ikaripopo : Ipopte... (0:18:54.29)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Hey, Ariko. If you're alive, say so. (0:18:59.26)
Mokutarou Kikuta : I was worried. (0:19:03.07)
Rikimatsu Ariko : I've been waiting for you. (0:19:04.64)
Mokutarou Kikuta : Why did you strip off his skin?
Explain, Ariko.
Rikimatsu Ariko : When I checked the tattoos, I realized that
they stopped at the body's medial line.
Mokutarou Kikuta : At the medial line? (0:19:19.79)
Rikimatsu Ariko : It was an instruction to strip off
the skin like you would an animal's.
Mokutarou Kikuta : I see. (0:19:26.23)
Rikimatsu Ariko : It was too deep in the mountains for
me to easily be able to carry it back.
Rikimatsu Ariko : So I stripped it off there. (0:19:32.60)
Rikimatsu Ariko : And there was a chance that Usami
and Nikaido would steal our prize.
Rikimatsu Ariko : So I hid here in the village
until you came to look for me.
Mokutarou Kikuta : And his gun? (0:19:48.43)
Rikimatsu Ariko : I assumed you'd want it, so I looked for it. (0:19:49.92)
Rikimatsu Ariko : But it was buried in the avalanche. (0:19:52.41)
Rikimatsu Ariko : The only prizes I brought
back are his skin, and this.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Well done, Ariko. (0:19:58.68)
Mokutarou Kikuta : You made the right call every time. (0:20:00.51)
Mokutarou Kikuta : This is the perfect gift
for Lieutenant Tsurumi.
Mokutarou Kikuta : Now we can get back the time we wasted. (0:20:07.80)
Saichi Sugimoto : Whatcha making, Granny? (0:20:19.65)
Yoshitake Shiraishi : I hope it's something
that goes well with sake!
Yoshitake Shiraishi : Rice soaked in water? (0:20:25.18)
Yoshitake Shiraishi : What are you doing with that? (0:20:27.27)
EXTRA : It's unknown if it's a
Karafuto Ainu tradition,
EXTRA : but there is a record of a dish
called "Grandma-Chewed Dumplings."
EXTRA : The grandchildren said, (0:20:48.97)
EXTRA : "It was delicious! It was delicious,
and that's all there is to it!"
Genjirou Tanigaki : It's like the kiritanpo we have in Akita,
made by crushing and baking leftover rice.
Yoshitake Shiraishi : Hey! Hey! (0:21:14.34)
Yoshitake Shiraishi : Give me more of granny's dumplings! (0:21:16.45)
EXTRA : Pirka, pirka. (0:21:19.32)
Saichi Sugimoto : Make us more, Granny! (0:21:21.20)
Saichi Sugimoto : Okay? (0:21:24.37)
EXTRA : Pirka, pirka. (0:21:25.86)
Yoshitake Shiraishi : I can't wait anymore, Granny! (0:21:27.26)
Yoshitake Shiraishi : Put them right into my mouth! (0:21:30.26)
Genjirou Tanigaki : What the hell is wrong with these two? (0:21:35.34)
Otonoshin Koito : Tsukishima... (0:21:41.02)
Hajime Tsukishima : Yes? (0:21:42.81)
Otonoshin Koito : What does bar... "barchonak" mean in Russian? (0:21:43.66)
Hajime Tsukishima : Barchonok? (0:21:48.76)
Hajime Tsukishima : It's what you'd say to make
fun of a noble's son.
Hajime Tsukishima : In other words, a spoiled rich kid. (0:21:54.36)
Hajime Tsukishima : Where did you hear that? (0:21:58.70)
EXTRA : Next time: "Spoiled Rich Kid"! (0:23:35.55)

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Most loveliest girl in the universe. - dractyrant


Yeah. It's an extremely rare case. - Remia

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