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Emi Yusa : Why? (0:00:10.86)
Emi Yusa : Why... is the Dark Lord saving people? (0:00:13.53)
EXTRA : We are reporting from above Shinjuku, where an underground shopping mall collapsed. (0:01:48.25)
EXTRA : Though the large number of ambulances at the scene make the situation look grave, (0:01:51.79)
EXTRA : there have been no casualties despite the scale of the disaster. (0:01:56.55)
EXTRA : I repeat: We have received information stating that there are no casualties. (0:02:00.60)
Emi Yusa : Daddy! (0:02:05.39)
Emi Yusa : Daddy! (0:02:09.15)
Emi Yusa : I brought you lunch! (0:02:13.36)
Nord Justina : Thank you, Emilia. (0:02:16.32)
Emi Yusa : Do you like it? (0:02:21.45)
Nord Justina : Yeah! (0:02:22.62)
EXTRA : Hey, Nord! Emilia! (0:02:24.33)
EXTRA : Did you make those, Emilia? (0:02:27.91)
Emi Yusa : Yeah! (0:02:29.58)
EXTRA : They look delicious! (0:02:30.67)
Emi Yusa : Here, you can have some too! (0:02:35.84)
EXTRA : I'll happily accept. (0:02:37.47)
EXTRA : Have you heard? (0:02:42.60)
EXTRA : The islands in the east and the north have fallen to the Dark Lord. (0:02:44.00)
EXTRA : People are saying they'll be attacking the west next. (0:02:48.02)
Nord Justina : We've got the Holy Church and the Royal Army to defend us. (0:02:52.27)
Nord Justina : No need to worry. (0:02:57.78)
EXTRA : If only! Do you really think they could stand up to the demon general Lucifer? (0:02:59.32)
EXTRA : I don't like where this world's going. (0:03:04.91)
Emi Yusa : The demons are coming for us? (0:03:09.58)
Nord Justina : It's all right. The priests' prayers will protect us. (0:03:11.42)
Nord Justina : Don't worry! (0:03:16.38)
Emi Yusa : Daddy's right! (0:03:18.46)
Emi Yusa : He'd never lie to me! (0:03:21.13)
Emi Yusa : Right, Daddy? (0:03:25.01)
EXTRA : Huh? (0:03:26.10)
EXTRA : Yeah, you're right! (0:03:27.85)
Emi Yusa : The priests? (0:03:41.36)
Emi Yusa : Are you here to save us from the demons? (0:03:43.82)
Emi Yusa : Daddy! (0:03:50.83)
Emi Yusa : The priests are here to save the village! (0:03:53.54)
Nord Justina : Emilia, they came for you. (0:04:10.68)
Emi Yusa : Why? (0:04:15.35)
Nord Justina : I protected and raised you for this day. (0:04:16.77)
Emi Yusa : Daddy? (0:04:20.40)
Nord Justina : You're the daughter of an angel. (0:04:21.36)
Nord Justina : You're the only human on Ente Isla who can defeat the Dark Lord. (0:04:23.99)
Emi Yusa : No! I'm your daughter! (0:04:29.41)
Nord Justina : That's right. But your mother is an angel. (0:04:33.21)
Emi Yusa : I don't get it! I don't understand what you're talking about! (0:04:37.63)
Nord Justina : One day you will. (0:04:44.76)
Emi Yusa : Daddy... You're coming with me too, right? (0:04:47.31)
Nord Justina : I'm sorry. (0:04:53.06)
Nord Justina : I pray that evil may be purged from this world (0:04:55.44)
Nord Justina : so that you can lead a life shining with light. (0:04:57.81)
Nord Justina : Emilia, my daughter, I love you from the bottom of my heart. (0:05:01.73)
Emi Yusa : That was the last time I ever saw my father. (0:05:08.24)
Emi Yusa : A few days after I was taken by the Church, (0:05:12.95)
Emi Yusa : the village was razed by the Dark Lord's
western army under the command of Lucifer.
EXTRA : Steady your heart, Emilia. (0:05:27.34)
EXTRA : You inherited the power of your mother, an archangel. (0:05:30.89)
EXTRA : The sacred blade of progress, Better Half, (0:05:37.06)
EXTRA : can only be used by children born
from the covenant of man and angel.
EXTRA : You're the only human on Ente Isla who can defeat the Dark Lord. (0:05:45.82)
Emi Yusa : Then teach me how to use it. (0:05:52.29)
Emi Yusa : So I can defeat the Dark Lord with my own hands. (0:05:56.21)
Emi Yusa : What?! (0:05:59.42)
Sadao Maou : You seemed so caught up in your thoughts that I was worried if you were okay. (0:06:00.63)
Emi Yusa : I'm fine. I don't need you to worry about me. (0:06:06.05)
Emi Yusa : You're back to your usual, pathetic form. (0:06:12.56)
Sadao Maou : Can we leave the "pathetic" out of it? (0:06:14.52)
Chiho Sasaki : Maou-san... (0:06:16.27)
Sadao Maou : Ah, Chi-chan. (0:06:17.48)
Chiho Sasaki : Um, I... (0:06:18.52)
Sadao Maou : I'm glad you're okay. (0:06:20.61)
Chiho Sasaki : Th-Thanks. (0:06:23.65)
West Shinjuku Cop : Hey, you! (0:06:25.40)
West Shinjuku Cop : It's dangerous over there, so come— (0:06:26.44)
West Shinjuku Cop : Huh? (0:06:27.61)
West Shinjuku Cop : Are you Inspector Sasaki's daughter? (0:06:28.90)
Chiho Sasaki : Ah, yes. (0:06:31.82)
Chiho Sasaki : If you mean Sasaki Senichi at the
West Shinjuku station, he's my father.
West Shinjuku Cop : Ah, I knew it! (0:06:39.92)
West Shinjuku Cop : I'll call him right away. (0:06:42.04)
Chiho Sasaki : Um, Maou-san... (0:06:45.50)
Sadao Maou : Don't worry, I get it. (0:06:47.73)
Sadao Maou : You don't want your dad to find out that you got caught up in this mess (0:06:50.26)
Sadao Maou : while on a date with a guy,
even if we did nothing wrong.
Chiho Sasaki : Sorry... (0:06:56.72)
Sadao Maou : It's okay. (0:06:58.06)
Sadao Maou : See you tomorrow! (0:06:59.35)
Chiho Sasaki : Sure! (0:07:00.72)
Chiho Sasaki : Thank you too, Yusa-san. (0:07:02.10)
Sadao Maou : Sasaki from West Shinjuku? I guess it's no coincidence.{except the part where you somehow ended up working at the same fast food joint as his daughter, sure} (0:07:05.78)
Sadao Maou : The spell I cast on him when we arrived here (0:07:10.11)
Sadao Maou : must have affected his daughter
and allowed her to hear that voice.
Emi Yusa : What will you do now? (0:07:16.16)
Sadao Maou : I'm gonna grab a bite at a few more underground malls and wait for the ceiling to cave in. (0:07:17.75)
Emi Yusa : Are you nuts? (0:07:21.79)
Sadao Maou : Get a sense of humor. (0:07:23.08)
Sadao Maou : I'm dead tired, so I'm gonna go home and pass out. (0:07:25.17)
Emi Yusa : Hey! (0:07:27.71)
Sadao Maou : Nothing else is gonna happen today. (0:07:29.01)
Sadao Maou : Their attacks failed. (0:07:32.05)
Emi Yusa : Failed? (0:07:34.64)
Sadao Maou : Yeah. That was no natural disaster. (0:07:35.47)
Sadao Maou : It hit the exact location where we both were. That means someone was behind it. (0:07:39.23)
Sadao Maou : I don't know if it was just a magical shockwave from their use of the Sonar spell, (0:07:44.11)
Sadao Maou : but at the very least I can say
that they've found out about us.
Emi Yusa : Then who's the enemy? (0:07:52.36)
Sadao Maou : They must've been nearby. (0:07:53.86)
Sadao Maou : They didn't try again because I started to regain my powers. (0:07:56.16)
Emi Yusa : Then who was it? (0:08:01.21)
Emi Yusa : Neither demonic nor sacred magic are usable here in Japan, so who could unleash such destruct— (0:08:04.54)
Rika Suzuki : Emi! Emi! (0:08:08.25)
Rika Suzuki : Emi! Over here! (0:08:10.92)
Emi Yusa : Rika? (0:08:12.30)
Sadao Maou : See, you've got friends. (0:08:13.34)
Sadao Maou : See, you've got friends. (0:08:13.34b)
Rika Suzuki : Hey, Emi, are you listening? (0:08:15.51)
Emi Yusa : That's got nothing to do with this! (0:08:16.01)
Sadao Maou : Just get going. (0:08:17.72)
Rika Suzuki : Emi! Hey, Emi! (0:08:17.97)
Emi Yusa : I know. (0:08:19.06)
Rika Suzuki : Come on! (0:08:20.85)
Rika Suzuki : I'm so glad you're safe, Emi! (0:08:23.06)
Sadao Maou : See you. (0:08:24.77)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord! (0:08:25.77)
Sadao Maou : What? (0:08:28.02)
Shiro Ashiya : I am terribly sorry! (0:08:29.28)
Shiro Ashiya : I let Emilia approach you, I failed to sense the enemy's presence, (0:08:31.15)
Shiro Ashiya : and on top of that you even saved my life! (0:08:34.61)
Shiro Ashiya : I don't know how to apologize for my failure! (0:08:38.16)
Sadao Maou : Stop crying. Let's go home. (0:08:40.58)
Sadao Maou : You're not hurt, are you? (0:08:42.46)
Shiro Ashiya : And you're still worrying about me ... (0:08:44.70)
Sadao Maou : Don't hug me like that! It's creepy! (0:08:47.92)
Rika Suzuki : I see, so your parents are abroad? (0:08:52.13)
Emi Yusa : Yeah, kinda. (0:08:54.84)
Emi Yusa : Sorry to intrude. (0:08:57.72)
Rika Suzuki : No, I'm sorry for dragging you here. (0:09:00.22)
Emi Yusa : Don't worry about it. (0:09:02.60)
Rika Suzuki : All right. (0:09:04.31)
Rika Suzuki : In my experience, it's better not to be alone at times like these. (0:09:05.98)
Rika Suzuki : Here you go. (0:09:15.20)
Rika Suzuki : You haven't eaten anything, have you? (0:09:16.53)
Emi Yusa : Yeah... I felt like I'd die of hunger instead. (0:09:18.03)
Rika Suzuki : Then eat up! (0:09:22.23)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, please punish me! (0:09:25.79)
Sadao Maou : I told you to stop going on about it! (0:09:29.63)
Senichi Sasaki : Could the two of you come with us for a bit? (0:09:33.59)
Emi Yusa : Thanks for the meal. (0:09:36.80)
Rika Suzuki : If your appetite's that healthy, I guess there's no need for me to worry. (0:09:38.64)
Emi Yusa : Yeah. (0:09:43.14)
Rika Suzuki : Excuse me for a moment. (0:09:44.64)
Rika Suzuki : Hello? (0:09:48.73)
Rika Suzuki : Did ya get it? (0:09:50.23)
Rika Suzuki : Nah, it ain't that dear. 'Sides,
Grandad loves shochu, don't he?
Rika Suzuki : Oh, the accident today? Don't worry 'bout it. (0:09:57.66)
Rika Suzuki : It hit near my workplace, but I didn't get caught up'n it. (0:10:00.57)
Rika Suzuki : Tell everyone I'm doin' fine, yeah? (0:10:03.74)
Rika Suzuki : Love ya! (0:10:05.87)
Rika Suzuki : That was my mom. (0:10:07.50)
Emi Yusa : Is that her on the photo? (0:10:08.79)
Rika Suzuki : Yeah. (0:10:09.75)
Emi Yusa : That's the first time I've heard you speak that dialect. (0:10:11.00)
Rika Suzuki : I'm from Kobe, you see. (0:10:14.17)
Rika Suzuki : But I'd rather not talk about that now. (0:10:16.34)
Emi Yusa : Why not? (0:10:20.64)
Rika Suzuki : People ask about stuff I'd rather forget. (0:10:22.39)
Rika Suzuki : Like the Kobe earthquake. (0:10:25.43)
Rika Suzuki : I was little, but I remember it clearly. (0:10:27.85)
Rika Suzuki : It was really scary. (0:10:33.19)
Rika Suzuki : There are lots of things I can't talk about easily, even if people ask me about them. (0:10:36.24)
Emi Yusa : Things you can't talk about easily... (0:10:42.78)
Emi Yusa : What? What's gotten into you? (0:10:53.54)
Rika Suzuki : You're the first one. (0:10:56.13)
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:10:57.88)
Rika Suzuki : You're the first one who had enough tact not to ask about the earthquake when I said I was from Kobe. (0:10:59.17)
Rika Suzuki : There's no way of telling what people will do when their entire world gets turned upside down. (0:11:05.47)
Rika Suzuki : There are bad people who selfishly take advantage of the chaos (0:11:12.19)
Rika Suzuki : and nice people who try to help others
before even worrying about themselves.
Rika Suzuki : I know the feeling. (0:11:24.33)
Rika Suzuki : When you're struggling with a decision, it's as if an angel and a demon within you are arguing. (0:11:27.41)
Rika Suzuki : If people want to, they can become angels or demons themselves. (0:11:32.46)
Emi Yusa : Angels... or demons?{check out dan brown's award winning novel available now at your local bookstore} (0:11:37.46)
EXTRA : You boys are with an acting troupe, right? (0:11:41.88)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:11:43.97)
EXTRA : I once wanted to be an actor myself, so I get where you guys are coming from, (0:11:44.55)
EXTRA : but you can't practice your lines on the street, okay? (0:11:48.31)
Shiro Ashiya : Uh... (0:11:51.10)
EXTRA : I guess it must be rough trying to sell enough tickets, but don't give up. (0:11:52.19)
EXTRA : You probably don't want to hear this from someone who abandoned his dreams, (0:11:57.23)
EXTRA : but if you give up, that's the end. (0:12:01.20)
Shiro Ashiya : Sure... (0:12:03.28)
EXTRA : And be careful! (0:12:04.62)
EXTRA : There've been a number of
muggings around here recently.
EXTRA : Don't do anything suspicious. (0:12:10.00)
Rika Suzuki : Emi, you can have your bath first. (0:12:19.25)
Emi Yusa : Okay, thanks. (0:12:21.88)
EXTRA : An office worker had his bag stolen on his way home. (0:12:24.13)
Rika Suzuki : Ugh, again? (0:12:28.36)
EXTRA : The police are investigating any possible links with the recent spate of mugging incidents in the area. (0:12:28.56)
Emi Yusa : Yeah, it's been happening a lot. (0:12:30.14)
Rika Suzuki : Hearing stories like this on the news (0:12:32.23)
Rika Suzuki : makes me wish I had a guy to be my bodyguard. (0:12:34.19)
Rika Suzuki : I'm so envious that you've already got one! (0:12:37.48)
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:12:39.65)
Rika Suzuki : C'mon, that guy you were talking with after the accident. (0:12:40.40)
Emi Yusa : He's always been— (0:12:42.95)
Rika Suzuki : Sounds like you've known him for a long time. (0:12:44.36)
Rika Suzuki : He looked like a nice guy. (0:12:46.66)
Rika Suzuki : Now I just wanna know more. (0:12:49.24)
Emi Yusa : We've never— (0:12:51.08)
Emi Yusa : Look, there's nothing between us! (0:12:52.96)
Rika Suzuki : I'll leave a towel here for you. (0:12:56.54)
Emi Yusa : Sure, thanks! (0:12:58.29)
Emi Yusa : What's this feeling? This warmth? (0:13:04.26)
Emi Yusa : Is this the human heart? (0:13:10.18)
Emi Yusa : But then, what was going through his mind when he saved those people? (0:13:17.15)
Sadao Maou : What do you want at this time of the morning? (0:13:26.20)
Emi Yusa : Don't worry. It doesn't contain poison or a hidden blade. (0:13:29.78)
Sadao Maou : I've never gotten anything from you that wasn't life-threatening. (0:13:34.08)
Emi Yusa : Oh? Then I guess you don't want that 1,000 yen back? (0:13:38.21)
Emi Yusa : Now I don't owe you anything. (0:13:44.09)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:13:45.67)
Sadao Maou : You said you'd leave us be for a while! (0:13:46.76)
Emi Yusa : I vouched for your identity the other day, so we're even. (0:13:49.89)
Sadao Maou : Damn you... (0:13:53.35)
Emi Yusa : Was Alsiel all right yesterday? (0:13:54.31)
Sadao Maou : He didn't get hurt physically,
if that's what you're asking.
Sadao Maou : It took a far greater toll on
his mental state, however.
Emi Yusa : Huh? (0:14:02.73)
Shiro Ashiya : My lord, please forgive me! (0:14:03.44)
Sadao Maou : He knew that my power had started to come back, (0:14:07.15)
Sadao Maou : but he still blames himself for not being able to do anything. (0:14:11.03)
Sadao Maou : He's still asleep. (0:14:17.37)
Sadao Maou : Sheesh. (0:14:19.33)
Sadao Maou : That reminds me, are you okay? (0:14:20.93)
Sadao Maou : You used some of your power to put Chi-chan to sleep, didn't you? (0:14:24.17)
Emi Yusa : I don't need my enemy to worry about me! (0:14:28.18)
Sadao Maou : Fine, whatever. (0:14:31.64)
Sadao Maou : If that's all you came for, I'd rather you left. (0:14:33.43)
Emi Yusa : I was just about to do that! (0:14:35.22)
Sadao Maou : Geez, what a way to start the day... (0:14:37.35)
Sadao Maou : Hey, Emi! (0:14:40.63)
Sadao Maou : Be careful on those stairs in high he— (0:14:41.73)
Shiro Ashiya : Is it the enemy?! (0:14:44.98)
Shiro Ashiya : I can't believe this. (0:14:49.95)
Shiro Ashiya : This may just be a temporary form for you, (0:14:51.24)
Shiro Ashiya : but to think that the Emilia the Hero who just fell down all those stairs (0:14:52.99)
Shiro Ashiya : was the same one who drove my lord into a corner back home... (0:14:56.25)
Shiro Ashiya : It really reflects badly on him. (0:14:59.41)
Shiro Ashiya : We've only got band-aids. (0:15:04.00)
Shiro Ashiya : I thought we'd bought some gauze. (0:15:06.05)
Sadao Maou : I see. Sorry to dump another errand on you, (0:15:08.67)
Sadao Maou : but could you grab some bandages from the pharmacy near the station? (0:15:11.30)
Sadao Maou : I don't wanna leave her anything to complain about. (0:15:14.64)
Shiro Ashiya : As you wish. (0:15:17.56)
Shiro Ashiya : May I unleash the Dullahan? (0:15:19.64)
Sadao Maou : Permission granted. (0:15:22.48)
Sadao Maou : Let's just disinfect it for now. First, here— (0:15:26.48)
Emi Yusa : Don't touch me! (0:15:30.07)
Emi Yusa : I can do it myself! (0:15:31.82)
Sadao Maou : Sure, sure. Forgive my presumption. (0:15:33.28)
Sadao Maou : Here you are. (0:15:35.99)
Sadao Maou : Does it sting? (0:15:41.51)
Emi Yusa : Not at all! (0:15:42.50)
Sadao Maou : Hey, watch out! What do you think you're doing? (0:15:45.17)
Emi Yusa : Shut up! (0:15:47.09)
Emi Yusa : What do you think you're doing?! (0:15:48.46)
Emi Yusa : You're the Dark Lord! (0:15:50.38)
Emi Yusa : Work your evil in this world like a Dark Lord should! (0:15:51.47)
Sadao Maou : Huh? What's gotten into you? (0:15:55.01)
Emi Yusa : Don't give me that! You're poor and you cook for yourselves! (0:15:57.68)
Emi Yusa : They love you at your workplace! You got a high school girl to fall for you! (0:15:59.93)
Emi Yusa : I've never seen a Dark Lord who was happy to have a high school girl at his side! (0:16:03.44)
Sadao Maou : You got that one wrong. (0:16:07.61)
Emi Yusa : But I got most of it right, didn't it? (0:16:09.07)
Sadao Maou : I've never seen a hero who fell down the stairs and needed first aid from demons! (0:16:11.36)
Emi Yusa : Why are you so kind to me? (0:16:21.37)
Sadao Maou : Huh? (0:16:23.67)
Emi Yusa : Why are you so kind to me? (0:16:24.21)
Emi Yusa : To these people? To this world? (0:16:25.88)
Emi Yusa : How can you be so kind? (0:16:30.30)
Emi Yusa : If you're capable of such kindness, why did you kill my dad? (0:16:33.55)
Emi Yusa : The Dark Lord I knew was ruthless and thought nothing of people's lives! (0:16:39.81)
Emi Yusa : You're supposed to delight in the world's suffering and grief! (0:16:45.69)
Sadao Maou : I just... (0:16:50.69)
Emi Yusa : You burned our fields, you destroyed our castles with lightning, (0:16:51.36)
Emi Yusa : you flooded our cities and unleashed hordes of demons upon us! (0:16:54.99)
Emi Yusa : You're Dark Lord Satan! (0:16:59.37)
Emi Yusa : I could never forgive you, not even in death! (0:17:00.74)
Emi Yusa : Dad's fields... Dad's house... Dad's life... (0:17:04.23)
Emi Yusa : You took those carefree days away from me! (0:17:09.67)
Emi Yusa : I can never forgive you for that! (0:17:13.51)
Sadao Maou : I never really thought of it like that. (0:17:19.43)
Sadao Maou : Anyway, sorry. (0:17:24.89)
Sadao Maou : I didn't really understand people back then. (0:17:27.19)
Chiho Sasaki : Excuse us! (0:17:32.11)
Shiro Ashiya : I ran into Sasaki-san and she said she wanted to see you, my lord. (0:17:35.90)
Chiho Sasaki : Right... So you two were really... I-I see... (0:17:43.08)
Sadao Maou : Chi-chan? (0:17:49.67)
Emi Yusa : Chiho-chan... You've got it all wrong! (0:17:51.31)
Chiho Sasaki : I-I'm sorry! (0:17:52.96)
Sadao Maou : Chi-chan! (0:17:54.76)
Emi Yusa : This is bad, isn't it? (0:17:57.76)
Miki Shiba : A beautiful woman catches your eye, and you have a lover's quarrel with your previous girlfriend. (0:18:00.30)
Miki Shiba : Then your newfound love shows up and discovers
that you still haven't broken up with your old flame.
Miki Shiba : A romance that drips with drama as thick as blood saturated with cholesterol. (0:18:13.69)
Shiro Ashiya : Is it? (0:18:19.78)
Sadao Maou : You just shut up. (0:18:21.45)
Miki Shiba : I am Shiba Miki, the owner of this building. (0:18:22.49)
Miki Shiba : You are Maou-san's girlfriend, if I'm not mistaken. (0:18:26.54)
Emi Yusa : Y-You are! Who'd want to be his girlfriend?! (0:18:29.62)
Sadao Maou : Excuse me? (0:18:31.46)
Sadao Maou : Um, Miss— (0:18:32.34)
Miki Shiba : No. Call me Miki-T. (0:18:32.96)
Sadao Maou : O-Okay. (0:18:35.17)
Miki Shiba : I plan to refurbish the building. (0:18:36.92)
Miki Shiba : I would like the consent of all residents. (0:18:40.61)
Miki Shiba : After all, there was that collapsing mall the other day. We need to be careful. (0:18:44.72)
Emi Yusa : R-Right... (0:18:49.52)
Miki Shiba : There could be another one at any time. (0:18:50.56)
Shiro Ashiya : Is that so? (0:18:53.90)
Miki Shiba : By the way, I saw that cute girl from before run in the direction of the station, tears streaming in the wind. (0:18:55.69)
Emi Yusa : A quake? (0:19:05.29)
Miki Shiba : Maou-san, if you got her involved,
be sure to take responsibility until the end.
Sadao Maou : Wh-What do you mean? (0:19:12.13)
Miki Shiba : I'm sure you have realized (0:19:13.38)
Miki Shiba : that it is no coincidence that that girl was targeted by the Sonar and used to establish an Idea Link. (0:19:15.25)
Miki Shiba : You should know best of all what enormous power thoughts and desires hold. (0:19:23.30)
Miki Shiba : You had best hurry, lest you be late. (0:19:31.10)
Sadao Maou : Miss Owner... (0:19:35.65)
Albertio Ende : This feels terrible. (0:19:39.61)
Albertio Ende : I'm getting Gate-sick. (0:19:40.86)
Emerada Etuva : Get a hold of yourself. (0:19:43.82)
Emerada Etuva : We won't have time to rest once we arrive on the other side. (0:19:45.20)
Albertio Ende : Did you pick up something? (0:19:50.50)
Emerada Etuva : Judging from the amount of magic the Sonar showed in Japan, (0:19:53.71)
Emerada Etuva : magical resonance on that scale shouldn't even be possible. (0:20:01.09)
Albertio Ende : Is Emilia in trouble? (0:20:06.22)
Emerada Etuva : We can't deny that possibility. (0:20:08.72)
Emerada Etuva : You'd better prepare for battle. (0:20:10.73)
Albertio Ende : Got it. (0:20:13.98)
Albertio Ende : I won't give in! Go faster! (0:20:15.81)
Emerada Etuva : Okay. Here we go! (0:20:17.73)
Albertio Ende : Just try not to shake so much! (0:20:21.78)
Chiho Sasaki : Huh? Why am I crying? (0:20:28.03)
Chiho Sasaki : I really fell in love with Maou-san! (0:20:33.88)
Chiho Sasaki : I'm sorry. (0:20:39.38)
Hanzou Urushihara : Look at that. Now you'll be a decent meal. (0:20:41.26)
Hanzou Urushihara : I kept watching you after my first attempt failed, (0:20:44.13)
Hanzou Urushihara : but I really appreciate that you fell into despair about them so easily. (0:20:50.06)
Hanzou Urushihara : Sasaki Chiho. (0:20:54.52)
Hanzou Urushihara : I'll feed on your envy and despair
toward the Dark Lord and the Hero,
Hanzou Urushihara : and turn it into reality. (0:21:01.15)
EXTRA : Hey, get— (0:21:03.61)
Hanzou Urushihara : It's time to hunt. (0:21:12.45)
Hanzou Urushihara : I will surpass the Dark Lord today. (0:21:14.96)
Shiro Ashiya : What's going on? (0:21:22.34)
Sadao Maou : Him? (0:21:25.84)
Emi Yusa : Who's that? (0:21:26.76)
Emi Yusa : Did he do this? (0:21:29.14)
Sadao Maou : Isn't it obvious? (0:21:30.85)
Sadao Maou : I knew it. (0:21:42.23)
Emi Yusa : No way! (0:21:44.15)
Hanzou Urushihara : Look at you now, Dark Lord Satan! (0:21:45.45)
Hanzou Urushihara : Or should I call you Maou Sadao? (0:21:48.16)
Sadao Maou : And what are you doing here, (0:21:52.66)
Sadao Maou : my great demon general Lucifer? (0:21:56.12)

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