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Mizuki Himeji : Will you dress up as a girl if I win? (0:00:01.64)
Yoshii Akihisa : That's a funny joke. (0:00:06.53)
Mizuki Himeji : Will you dress up as a girl if I win? (0:00:07.73)
Yoshii Akihisa : Nice joke. (0:00:11.39)
Mizuki Himeji : Will you dress up as a girl? (0:00:12.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : How did things turn out like this? (0:00:17.36)
Shin Fukuhara : Let us go back to one hour ago. (0:01:51.55)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yuuji, how about a game of "I Doubt It"? (0:01:54.59)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Oh, you sound pretty confident. (0:01:56.34)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Oh, you didn't get sick of it when you had to pay for our meal last time? (0:01:58.57)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Thanks for the food. (0:02:03.22)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'll get my revenge today! (0:02:05.19)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Oh, will you now? We'll bleed
every last penny out of you!
Yoshii Akihisa : Okay, are the usual rules fine? (0:02:11.31)
Shin Fukuhara : Fumizuki Academy Class F "I Doubt It" Rules: (0:02:15.64)
Shin Fukuhara : Place the cards face down on the table. (0:02:19.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm playing an Ace. (0:02:22.18)
Shin Fukuhara : The others ponder whether it was the truth or a lie. (0:02:24.42)
Shin Fukuhara : If they think it's a lie, they declare: (0:02:29.26)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Doubt! (0:02:31.46)
Shin Fukuhara : If it is indeed a lie, whoever played the card picks up the entire stack. (0:02:33.49)
Shin Fukuhara : However, if it's not a lie, whoever called "Doubt" picks up the stack. (0:02:39.34)
Shin Fukuhara : The game continues until someone runs out of cards. (0:02:44.59)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Doubt! (0:02:48.42)
Yoshii Akihisa : Doubt! (0:02:55.80)
Shin Fukuhara : The first person to run out of cards wins. (0:02:57.29)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Doubt! (0:03:00.74)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Class F Local Rules! (0:03:03.24)
Yoshii Akihisa : Class F Local Rules! (0:03:03.24)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Class F Local Rules! (0:03:03.24)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Class F Local Rules! (0:03:03.24)
Shin Fukuhara : The winner is whomever is the first to have only two cards remaining. (0:03:06.22)
Yoshii Akihisa : This means the game ends more quickly! (0:03:11.37)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : The key is paying attention to the suits of each card. (0:03:13.74)
Shin Fukuhara : The one who collects the stack can choose which card to start with. (0:03:16.25)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Be careful which one you choose, or you might get yourself into trouble. (0:03:21.14)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Well then, I'll start. (0:03:27.52)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Here's an Ace. (0:03:29.68)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : My turn, then. (0:03:31.02)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : A two. (0:03:32.44)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Three. (0:03:34.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : Now it's my turn! (0:03:35.65)
Yoshii Akihisa : Fou— (0:03:37.07)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Doubt! (0:03:37.90)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Doubt! (0:03:37.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : I didn't even finish saying it! (0:03:38.97)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's totally obvious. (0:03:41.11)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : It's written all over your face. (0:03:42.32)
Kouta Tsuchiya : You shouldn't be playing cards. (0:03:43.71)
Yoshii Akihisa : I never play my first few cards
honestly; it helps me out later—
Yoshii Akihisa : Not one of them was honest! (0:03:52.62)
Shin Fukuhara : Tick. (0:03:55.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : I need to be very careful right now. (0:04:01.12)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Three. (0:04:04.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : Four. (0:04:05.99)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You played a four again, Akihisa. (0:04:07.72)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I call doubt. (0:04:10.21)
Yoshii Akihisa : Idiot! I've got a present for you! (0:04:13.35)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Are you serious? (0:04:15.56)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You still had a four from the first round, didn't you? (0:04:17.07)
Kouta Tsuchiya : It was a trick! (0:04:19.43)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Not bad! (0:04:20.81)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can't tell them I didn't see the four that round. (0:04:23.74)
Shin Fukuhara : Tick. (0:04:27.32)
Yoshii Akihisa : At last, six cards left. (0:04:31.51)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hideyoshi has four. (0:04:33.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is a critical moment. (0:04:36.02)
Yoshii Akihisa : How will they play? (0:04:39.66)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : A six. (0:04:41.51)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Voyeur, play a seven. (0:04:44.57)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Oh, seven! (0:04:46.48)
Yuuji Sakamoto : No one got to call doubt! (0:04:48.76)
Yoshii Akihisa : He's good! (0:04:50.60)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's hard not to play the card
with that kind of coercion.
Yoshii Akihisa : Then, I'll... (0:04:55.55)
Mizuki Himeji : Huh? (0:04:58.52)
Mizuki Himeji : Oh, what are you all doing? (0:04:59.30)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji, I thought you went home? (0:05:01.23)
Mizuki Himeji : No, a teacher asked me to help. (0:05:03.29)
Mizuki Himeji : They gave me this as thanks! (0:05:06.61)
Mizuki Himeji : Would you like some? (0:05:09.94)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thanks, Himeji, but can you wait
until we're done with this game?
Yoshii Akihisa : We made a little be— (0:05:16.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : I shouldn't say "bet". (0:05:18.24)
Yoshii Akihisa : N-No, we're not betting.
There's just a penalty for losing.
Mizuki Himeji : There's a penalty? (0:05:28.01)
Yuuji Sakamoto : That's right. (0:05:30.35)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Each time you lose a hand, you
have to remove a piece of clothing.
Mizuki Himeji : Clothing? (0:05:34.85)
Yoshii Akihisa : Hideyoshi. (0:05:36.99)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : D-Don't, Akihisa! (0:05:38.45)
Mizuki Himeji : Th-That's perverse! (0:05:42.95)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Himeji, we're all men, so you don't have to get so— (0:05:45.19)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Doubt! (0:05:49.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : Doubt! (0:05:49.52)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Doubt! (0:05:49.52)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Why are you giving me all the cards? (0:05:50.95)
Mizuki Himeji : Even if it's just guys, it's still wrong! (0:05:54.85)
Mizuki Himeji : Let's have some chocolate... (0:05:57.67)
Mizuki Himeji : ...and talk a little. (0:06:01.44)
Yuuji Sakamoto : All right, all right. (0:06:05.01)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Just this one last game, okay? (0:06:06.65)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Let's get this wrapped up quick. (0:06:08.21)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? Himeji? (0:06:09.84)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : An eight, then. (0:06:12.43)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Nine. (0:06:14.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : Here's a ten. (0:06:16.24)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Jack. {I know they said "eleven" but that's bullshit, it's a Jack} (0:06:17.77)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Queen. (0:06:19.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : I call doubt, Hideyoshi. (0:06:20.38)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : So you do have all four... (0:06:22.64)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Oh well... (0:06:25.40)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : ...we're all guys, so stripping a little isn't— (0:06:27.01)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Jeez. (0:06:34.54)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What's wrong, Hideyoshi? (0:06:35.93)
Mizuki Himeji : Oh my, Kinoshita, you should go to sleep there! (0:06:43.26)
Mizuki Himeji : I suppose there no way around it. (0:06:49.27)
Mizuki Himeji : I'll stand in for Kinoshita. (0:06:51.19)
Yuuji Sakamoto : H-Hey, Himeji, is that handkerchief... (0:06:53.93)
Mizuki Himeji : Kinoshita is just exhausted! (0:06:56.72)
Yoshii Akihisa : B-But Himeji, until just then, Hideyoshi was... (0:06:59.02)
Mizuki Himeji : Kinoshita is just exhausted! (0:07:02.23)
Kouta Tsuchiya : But that... (0:07:04.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : Voyeur?! (0:07:08.24)
Mizuki Himeji : It seems like Tsuchiya is exhausted, too. (0:07:10.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : What on earth happened? (0:07:13.07)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji is acting so strangely. (0:07:15.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : There must be something... (0:07:18.52)
Yoshii Akihisa : Could it be... (0:07:22.12)
Yoshii Akihisa : Th-Those are...! (0:07:24.04)
Mizuki Himeji : My goodness, I can't believe he
would undress in front of Akihisa.
Mizuki Himeji : Kinoshita most certainly is exhausted. (0:07:29.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : There's no doubt about it; Himeji has
lost control because of the chocolate!
Mizuki Himeji : Is there something wrong, Akihisa? (0:07:36.68)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't think three people is enough
to continue; I think we should end—
Mizuki Himeji : "End"? (0:07:44.23)
Mizuki Himeji : What are you talking about? (0:07:45.27)
Mizuki Himeji : There are four of us! (0:07:47.41)
Yoshii Akihisa : What? (0:07:49.69)
Shouko Kirishima : I'll do my best. (0:07:50.65)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Shouko, when did you get here?! (0:07:51.69)
Shouko Kirishima : Forcing you to strip is my responsibility as your wife. (0:07:53.61)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! That is so wrong in so many ways! (0:07:57.58)
Mizuki Himeji : Well then, why don't we play boys versus girls? (0:08:01.42)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Sure, the game will end faster that way. (0:08:05.45)
Yoshii Akihisa : What should we do, Yuuji? (0:08:08.34)
Yuuji Sakamoto : There's nothing we can do. Let's
beat them and get this over with.
Yoshii Akihisa : But... making them undress would be... (0:08:13.57)
Yuuji Sakamoto : No big deal. (0:08:16.51)
Yuuji Sakamoto : We can call it off if things come to that. (0:08:17.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : I see! (0:08:19.68)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're right! (0:08:21.11)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa, socks are cheating! (0:08:27.35)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji, this is not how a man should act. (0:08:30.00)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji, can we end the game here— (0:08:32.26)
Mizuki Himeji : We're just getting started! (0:08:34.15)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Shouko, you've played enough, right? (0:08:36.64)
Shouko Kirishima : Double raise. (0:08:39.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : Stripping in front of girls is
sort of awkward, you know?
Mizuki Himeji : It's all right, Akihisa! (0:08:44.46)
Mizuki Himeji : If you don't want to undress... (0:08:46.86)
Yoshii Akihisa : No! (0:08:48.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't see anything even remotely
resembling a girl's uniform!
Mizuki Himeji : It's your fault for not heeding my warning, Akihisa~ (0:08:53.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : This is the Emergency Code! (0:09:02.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : My bad! (0:09:11.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : Let's continue the game then. (0:09:12.86)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Oops. (0:09:14.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : Good! Now's my chance! (0:09:15.57)
Yoshii Akihisa : What?! (0:09:19.24)
Mizuki Himeji : You chose your roles poorly. (0:09:20.91)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji, you never make such simple mistakes in the middle of a match. (0:09:24.91)
Mizuki Himeji : You certainly like playing games. (0:09:30.00)
Shouko Kirishima : Naughty little rascals. (0:09:33.20)
Shin Fukuhara : Tick. (0:09:35.92)
Mizuki Himeji : Seven. (0:09:39.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : This'll be the turning point of the match. (0:09:40.18)
Yoshii Akihisa : Any mistakes will hit us hard. (0:09:47.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : Oh? (0:09:50.66)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kubo? (0:09:52.82)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kubo! (0:09:59.28)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're helping me out! (0:10:00.96)
Yoshii Akihisa : Thank you. (0:10:03.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'll make the best use of this opportunity! (0:10:04.91)
Yoshii Akihisa : With all my heart in it... (0:10:07.56)
Yoshii Akihisa : I call doubt on that seven! (0:10:10.21)
Mizuki Himeji : Unfortunately, it is a seven. (0:10:12.54)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kubo! (0:10:14.42)
Toshimitsu Kubo : I'm sorry, Yoshii! (0:10:15.84)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What the hell are you doing, Akihisa?! (0:10:19.64)
Yuuji Sakamoto : As long as you're stripping, he's our enemy! (0:10:22.04)
Yoshii Akihisa : Why?! (0:10:24.64)
Shin Fukuhara : Tick. (0:10:26.31)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm starting to have second thoughts. (0:10:30.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Himeji! (0:10:34.02)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yeah, it's not a good idea to pit yourself
against your friends in a game with penalties.
Mizuki Himeji : You're going to be a net idol starting tomorrow! (0:10:44.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : Just a moment, Himeji! (0:10:47.70)
Yoshii Akihisa : I didn't give you permission to take and upload photos! (0:10:48.94)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji, you can close your eyes
if you find it a little embarrassing.
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! (0:10:56.13)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I won't lose! (0:10:57.13)
Mizuki Himeji : By the way, Akihisa... (0:10:58.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : Wh-What is it, Himeji? (0:10:59.76)
Mizuki Himeji : Even if I were to have to strip, I wouldn't end this game early. (0:11:01.39)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Shouko, I'm sure you... (0:11:08.63)
Shouko Kirishima : I'm quite confident about my underwear today. (0:11:10.23)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's hopeless! (0:11:12.90)
Yuuji Sakamoto : They've got no qualms about stripping! (0:11:14.11)
Shin Fukuhara : Oh. (0:11:15.86)
Mizuki Himeji : I'll call doubt on that King you're about to play. (0:11:18.40)
Yoshii Akihisa : Four. (0:11:25.24)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Five. (0:11:26.49)
Shouko Kirishima : Six. (0:11:28.32)
Yuuji Sakamoto : D-Doubt. (0:11:30.83)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Hurry it up, Akihisa! They're going to catch us! (0:11:40.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : I don't want to be a net idol! (0:11:42.23)
Souichi Nishimura : Hey! Don't run in the halls! (0:11:44.05)
Yoshii Akihisa : Please save us! (0:11:46.60)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I don't mind having supplementary lessons! (0:11:46.99)
Souichi Nishimura : What are you guys doing dressed like that? (0:11:48.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : I'll explain later! (0:11:51.60)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's no good, Akihisa! They're here! (0:11:53.48)
Mizuki Himeji : Please wait, Akihisa! (0:11:56.51)
Mizuki Himeji : You need to hurry and put these on! (0:11:58.55)
Shouko Kirishima : You can't escape. (0:12:00.43)
Souichi Nishimura : How do they even get into situations like these? (0:12:03.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Shouko Kirishima : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Mizuki Himeji : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Minami Shimada : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Aiko Kudou : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Eh?! (0:12:16.85)
Yoshii Akihisa : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Kouta Tsuchiya : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Mizuki Himeji : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Minami Shimada : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Aiko Kudou : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Yuuji Sakamoto : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Shouko Kirishima : A trial run of the Summoning Exam System? (0:12:18.42)
Kaworu Toudou : Yes, I want all of you to participate. (0:12:20.80)
Minami Shimada : Why us though? (0:12:23.84)
Kaworu Toudou : You're the most appropriate choice. (0:12:25.78)
Kaworu Toudou : If things were to go wrong, having
higher scores would only make it worse.
Yoshii Akihisa : I see your point. (0:12:33.48)
Yoshii Akihisa : It did go haywire last time. (0:12:34.86)
Kaworu Toudou : I'd prefer you didn't remind me of that,{lit it kinda hurts when you're being so frank on what I actually meant (that they'd be the guinea pigs)} but yes; that's the gist of it. (0:12:36.81)
Kaworu Toudou : And so Himeji and those from Class A won't be participating. (0:12:41.58)
Mizuki Himeji : But I would love to help out. (0:12:44.70)
Shouko Kirishima : That's too bad. (0:12:47.07)
Aiko Kudou : I guess there's not much we can do about it. (0:12:47.87)
Kaworu Toudou : I appreciate the sentiment. (0:12:49.49)
Kaworu Toudou : So, will you help me test it? (0:12:52.36)
Yoshii Akihisa : Man, that sounds like a pain. (0:12:53.98)
Yoshii Akihisa : Working as a Punishment Inspector is enough trouble as it is, and now this? (0:12:56.68)
Kaworu Toudou : Who was the moron running around
the hallway in nothing but his boxers?
Yoshii Akihisa : I'm sorry. (0:13:04.88)
Kaworu Toudou : Anyway, I'm not asking you to do it for free. (0:13:05.55)
Kaworu Toudou : I'll give you meal vouchers and library cards in exchange for your assistance. (0:13:08.43)
Kaworu Toudou : Well, then I'll create a field covering the
entire school building for the trial run.
Kaworu Toudou : The participants will be: (0:13:18.90)
Kaworu Toudou : Tsuchiya, (0:13:20.32)
Kaworu Toudou : Kinoshita, (0:13:21.44)
Kaworu Toudou : Shimada, (0:13:22.64)
Kaworu Toudou : Yoshii, (0:13:23.95)
Kaworu Toudou : and Sakamoto. (0:13:25.28)
Kaworu Toudou : I'm counting on you guys. (0:13:28.08)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Wait just a second you battleaxe. (0:13:29.54)
Yuuji Sakamoto : I should still have quite a lot of points. (0:13:31.48)
Kaworu Toudou : I couldn't care less about what happens to you. (0:13:33.87)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Hey! (0:13:37.00)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Why us? (0:13:40.34)
Yoshii Akihisa : I know. (0:13:41.92)
Minami Shimada : It's fine! (0:13:43.14)
Minami Shimada : Let's just get this over with! (0:13:44.67)
Minami Shimada : Let's see. (0:13:46.34)
Minami Shimada : We just need to test them out, right? (0:13:47.69)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I think so. (0:13:49.22)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Okay. (0:13:50.70)
Minami Shimada : Well then... (0:13:51.68)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Summon! (0:13:52.64)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Summon! (0:13:52.64)
Minami Shimada : Summon! (0:13:52.64)
Minami Summon : Eh? (0:13:58.79)
Minami Summon : We're in our school uniforms? Well, it is a trial run. (0:13:59.86)
Kouta Summon : My weapon is missing. (0:14:02.82)
Hideyoshi Summon : This is pretty cute! (0:14:04.08)
Mizuki Himeji : It reminds me of when I was a first year. (0:14:04.86)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Minami Shimada : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Mizuki Himeji : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Aiko Kudou : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Shouko Kirishima : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Huh? (0:14:07.93)
Shouko Kirishima : The Summoned Beings are talking. (0:14:11.57)
Yuuji Sakamoto : That hardy did say there'd be an
improvement in controllability.
Hideyoshi Summon : But really, (0:14:17.54)
Hideyoshi Summon : it was such a pain this morning. (0:14:19.12)
Yoshii Akihisa : Eh? Hideyoshi? (0:14:21.63)
Yoshii Akihisa : Did something happen this morning? (0:14:22.92)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I didn't say anything. (0:14:24.78)
Hideyoshi Summon : Who would've thought some middle school boy from the neighborhood would confess to me? (0:14:26.34)
Mizuki Himeji : Eh?! (0:14:30.89)
Mizuki Himeji : Kinoshita, have you finally become so well known
that boys from outside the school confess to you?!
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : O-Of course not! I'm a guy— (0:14:36.19)
Hideyoshi Summon : It's the third time this month. (0:14:38.74)
Shouko Kirishima : The Being is blurting out its master's secrets. (0:14:43.11)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's rare to hear him talk about that sort of stuff. (0:14:45.99)
Mizuki Himeji : Kinoshita's good at putting on a poker face. (0:14:49.21)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : No, listen. (0:14:52.32)
Hideyoshi Kinoshita : I always act natur— (0:14:53.98)
Hideyoshi Summon : She praised my acting! I'm so happy! (0:14:54.74)
Hideyoshi Summon : I really am happy about it. (0:14:59.00)
Aiko Kudou : Hey, Voyeur. (0:15:03.50)
Kouta Tsuchiya : What? (0:15:05.64)
Kouta Summon : I've always got time for the erotic. (0:15:06.65)
Aiko Kudou : I don't mind that, but right now I'm
thinking of something a little different.
Kouta Summon : I just want to know what's under those shorts! (0:15:13.70)
Aiko Kudou : It certainly speaks your mind! (0:15:17.37)
Aiko Kudou : It's pretty funny! (0:15:19.44)
Kouta Tsuchiya : It's not! (0:15:20.45)
Kouta Summon : I want to see under your shorts. (0:15:20.98)
Kouta Summon : Stop smacking my head. (0:15:24.23)
Aiko Kudou : He sure is honest. (0:15:26.73)
Aiko Kudou : Maybe I should play with it a little~ (0:15:29.25)
Aiko Kudou : Would you like to know what's under the skirt? (0:15:32.36)
Kouta Tsuchiya : I don't care about— (0:15:34.45)
Kouta Summon : I have a limitless desire to know about skirts; the
place where romance, dreams, and hopes all collide.
Kouta Summon : Skirts such as tight, mini, long, flared,
and pleated each have their own charms.
Kouta Summon : Though, in my opinion, culottes really shouldn't be considered skirts. (0:15:47.02)
Kouta Tsuchiya : No, I don't care about them. (0:15:51.18)
Minami Shimada : So they do speak your thoughts, huh? (0:15:54.09)
Yoshii Akihisa : Huh? I can touch Minami's Summoned Being? (0:15:58.04)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Man, this is crazy. (0:16:00.73)
Minami Shimada : Aki, give her to me. (0:16:02.39)
Minami Summon : I don't wanna! I want to be on his lap! (0:16:05.69)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's even going against the will of its summoner. (0:16:08.32)
Shouko Kirishima : They're just expressing their true feelings, like children. (0:16:11.33)
Yoshii Akihisa : I see... Children, eh? (0:16:13.74)
Minami Summon : Aki, hug me! (0:16:16.19)
Minami Shimada : Don't ask him to hug you! (0:16:17.63)
Minami Shimada : Get off him! (0:16:18.95)
Minami Summon : I don't wanna! (0:16:20.58)
Yoshii Akihisa : Calm down, Minami. (0:16:21.78)
Yoshii Akihisa : It's fine. I'm used to this. (0:16:23.65)
Minami Shimada : Oh, what do you mean? (0:16:26.27)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kids like me for some reason. (0:16:27.75)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's because you're on their level. (0:16:30.38)
Yoshii Akihisa : Shut it, Yuuji. (0:16:32.45)
Minami Summon : Hey, you know, Aki? (0:16:33.50)
Yoshii Akihisa : What is it? (0:16:35.09)
Minami Summon : I'm always mean to you, (0:16:35.84)
Minami Summon : but actually, I— (0:16:40.02)
Minami Shimada : No! (0:16:42.27)
Minami Shimada : What do you think you're doing?! (0:16:45.19)
Minami Summon : Are you all right, Aki? (0:16:47.54)
Minami Shimada : Listen to your master! (0:16:49.41)
Minami Summon : I'm sorry. (0:16:50.97)
Minami Shimada : Let me make it clear, Aki. (0:16:52.65)
Minami Shimada : I'm not hiding anything from— (0:16:54.92)
Minami Summon : Actually, yesterday, a girl in
the same grade confessed to—
Minami Shimada : No! (0:16:59.20)
Minami Shimada : Th-That's cheap, Aki! (0:17:04.54)
Minami Shimada : I can't believe you tried to use her to hear my secrets! (0:17:06.59)
Yoshii Akihisa : She just blurted it out. (0:17:10.18)
Minami Shimada : Don't try to weasel out of it! (0:17:12.21)
Minami Shimada : Summon your being and have it blurt out your feelings! (0:17:13.99)
Yoshii Akihisa : I can't afford to have my secrets let out like the others. (0:17:18.84)
Yoshii Akihisa : I need to think of something. (0:17:21.80)
Mizuki Himeji : So, they speak your true feelings... (0:17:24.27)
Yoshii Akihisa : What's wrong, Himeji? (0:17:26.56)
Mizuki Himeji : Oh, it's nothing! (0:17:27.73)
Mizuki Himeji : By the way, how do you pronounce this? (0:17:30.77)
Yoshii Akihisa : Uhh... (0:17:32.90)
Yoshii Akihisa : Kaku-sa mon-dai, I think. {Ok, this is going to be hard. The actual meaning of this is the social problem of disparity between the rich and the poor, but himeji is trying to get him to say 'summon', as in kaku(sa mon)dai here} (0:17:34.19)
Mizuki Himeji : Yep, that's correct! (0:17:38.74)
Yoshii Akihisa : Eh?! Why?! (0:17:44.16)
Yoshii Akihisa : Damn it! (0:17:47.75)
Mizuki Himeji : I'm sorry, Akihisa. (0:17:49.67)
Mizuki Himeji : I just have to know your true feelings. (0:17:51.98)
Minami Shimada : Nice job, Mizuki. (0:17:55.08)
Minami Shimada : Now spit it out, Aki! (0:17:56.72)
Minami Shimada : Who do you like? (0:17:58.43)
Yoshii Akihisa : I need to distract myself. (0:18:00.72)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Damn it! (0:18:04.43)
Akihisa Summon : I should've guessed, that idiot's totally useless. (0:18:06.85)
Yoshii Akihisa : I should've guessed, that idiot's totally useless. (0:18:06.85)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You're one to talk! (0:18:09.02)
Yuuji Summon : You're one to talk! (0:18:09.02)
Yoshii Akihisa : What?! (0:18:10.60)
Akihisa Summon : What?! (0:18:10.60)
Aiko Kudou : Hey, you two... (0:18:12.15)
Kouta Summon : Be... care... ful... (0:18:15.49)
Aiko Kudou : Normally, I wear shorts... (0:18:19.41)
Aiko Kudou : but I'm not wearing them today. (0:18:23.04)
Yoshii Akihisa : What are you say— (0:18:26.77)
Akihisa Summon : Let me flip your skirt! (0:18:27.54)
Yoshii Akihisa : —ing, Kudou? (0:18:28.96)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Yeah, it's useless to— (0:18:30.54)
Yuuji Summon : Hold it! I'm first! (0:18:32.38)
Yuuji Sakamoto : —try to taunt us! (0:18:33.67)
Minami Shimada : Aki, come here for a minute. (0:18:36.92)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa, I need to talk to you. (0:18:39.24)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji. (0:18:41.92)
Shin Fukuhara : Please stand by. (0:18:43.75)
Minami Shimada : That's for always thinking of perverted stuff. (0:18:47.98)
Mizuki Himeji : Please reflect on your actions! (0:18:50.64)
Shouko Kirishima : I'm not wearing shorts either. (0:18:52.55)
Aiko Kudou : I'm sorry! (0:18:54.52)
Aiko Kudou : I just felt like teasing you a bit. (0:18:55.95)
Yoshii Akihisa : You're so cruel, Kudou. (0:18:58.50)
Yuuji Sakamoto : You've gone too far. (0:19:00.43)
Aiko Kudou : Oh, just so you know, I overslept today
and I didn't have time to put on a bra—
Yoshii Akihisa : Please spare us already! (0:19:07.83)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Please spare us already! (0:19:07.83)
Akihisa Summon : What about your bra?! (0:19:09.37)
Yuuji Summon : What about your bra?! (0:19:09.37)
Shouko Kirishima : Yuuji. (0:19:11.75)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's not what you think, Shouko! (0:19:13.13)
Yuuji Sakamoto : It's just a guy's instincts. (0:19:14.64)
Yuuji Sakamoto : What are you doing? (0:19:17.38)
Yuuji Sakamoto : Let me go! (0:19:19.18)
Shouko Kirishima : Are you happy? (0:19:20.13)
Yuuji Sakamoto : L-Like this'd make me... (0:19:21.38)
Yuuji Summon : Awesome! (0:19:24.30)
Yuuji Sakamoto : ...HAPPY! (0:19:26.47)
Yoshii Akihisa : Man, that's twisted. (0:19:28.39)
Akihisa Summon : Pretty sweet, Yuuji! (0:19:30.52)
Akihisa Summon : I'm so jealous of you! (0:19:32.00)
Akihisa Summon : I'm so jealous! (0:19:32.93)
Yoshii Akihisa : Well that's just my personality. (0:19:34.02)
Shin Fukuhara : Please stand by. (0:19:36.19)
Mizuki Himeji : What we're trying to say is that there's a proper order to these things. (0:19:38.97)
Mizuki Himeji : Do you understand? (0:19:43.39)
Yoshii Akihisa : Yes. (0:19:44.78)
Minami Shimada : Yeah, Aki. (0:19:45.26)
Minami Shimada : You need to take it slowly so that both sides are in love with each other— (0:19:46.53)
Minami Summon : Aki and I love each— (0:19:48.61)
Mizuki Himeji : Akihisa... (0:19:53.67)
Yoshii Akihisa : W-What's the matter, Himeji? (0:19:55.76)
Mizuki Himeji : I know it's a bit sudden, but do you have a person you like, Akihisa? (0:19:57.21)
Akihisa Summon : Eh? Why do you ask? (0:20:02.55)
Yoshii Akihisa : Eh? Why do you ask? (0:20:02.55)
Mizuki Himeji : I should've guessed. (0:20:06.17)
Mizuki Himeji : You always seem to struggle with these sorts of questions. (0:20:08.43)
Akihisa Summon : Eh? What? (0:20:12.97)
Yoshii Akihisa : Eh? What? (0:20:12.97)
Mizuki Himeji : Then let me rephrase. (0:20:14.17)
Yoshii Akihisa : She won't get me! (0:20:17.29)
Mizuki Himeji : Who do you like? (0:20:20.44)
Yoshii Akihisa : I think I like Summon from Class G. {ok, this is another dick. Now akihisa's getting his revenge by getting himeji to say 'summon'} (0:20:22.90)
Mizuki Himeji : Eh? Her name is Summon? (0:20:25.49)
Yoshii Akihisa : Now, let's continue talking
about who we like, shall we?
Mizuki Himeji : That's not fair, Akihisa! (0:20:34.37)
Yoshii Akihisa : Don't you have a secret or two yourself? (0:20:36.25)
Mizuki Himeji : I-It's all right! (0:20:40.55)
Mizuki Himeji : I don't have anything to hide— (0:20:42.42)
Mizuki Summon : Actually, just now... (0:20:44.18)
Mizuki Summon : when you were having naughty thoughts... (0:20:45.72)
Mizuki Summon : I couldn't help but think strange things too... (0:20:49.62)
Mizuki Himeji : No! (0:20:52.23)
Kaworu Toudou : How's everyone do— (0:21:01.18)
Kaworu Toudou : How do they even... (0:21:07.49)
Kaworu Toudou : ...get into situations like these?{This line should be the same as the last line of part 1, except for possible difference in male/female speech.} (0:21:10.74)
Toshimitsu Kubo : You'd like to talk to me? (0:22:46.38)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Um... (0:22:48.18)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : I am the rep of Class E, Nakabayashi. (0:22:49.05)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : I called you out to tell you my fuzzy feelings... (0:22:52.47)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : No, fuzzy isn't the right word. Painful? (0:22:55.95)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : Anguished? (0:22:58.99)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : No, anyway, I can't describe it clearly... (0:23:00.15)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : but I have to tell you my feelings. (0:23:02.52)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : Are you busy right now? (0:23:04.25)
Toshimitsu Kubo : No, I'm free. (0:23:06.00)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Go on, tell me. (0:23:07.79)
Hiromi Summon : I want you to go out with me! (0:23:13.62)
Toshimitsu Summon : Why is Yoshii so innocent and adorable? (0:23:16.59)
Toshimitsu Summon : His actions, speech, and mannerisms are all so lovely! (0:23:20.71)
Shin Fukuhara : Whoosh. (0:23:26.09)
Toshimitsu Kubo : Ms. Nakabayashi. (0:23:27.64)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : Uh, yes? (0:23:28.84)
Toshimitsu Kubo : I'm sorry. (0:23:29.93)
Hiromi Nakabayashi : I can't accept such an insulting rejection! (0:23:30.55)
Shin Fukuhara : Question 5: (0:23:35.82)
Shin Fukuhara : State the correct way to deal with someone who is burnt. (0:23:37.05)
Kouta Tsuchiya : Pay them off. (0:23:40.43)
Shin Fukuhara : Not that kind of burn. (0:23:42.26)
Yoshii Akihisa : Next episode: Me, a Peeping Tom, and Training Camp! (0:23:44.56)
Shin Fukuhara : This will be on your test. (0:23:47.44)

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Violet Evergarden

Isn't she like an orphan therefore her birthday is even unknown? I think even the Wiki one is unsourced. - NatsumiSawada


And there was quite a fuss over high school baseball. - Miyuki Takara

So many games were going into extra innings! - Miyuki Takara

I understand... - Miyuki Takara

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