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Ariane Glenys Maple : Until now, I have never trusted
anyone who was not an elf.
Ariane Glenys Maple : But... (0:00:06.47)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc. (0:00:09.98)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Would I be able to hire you right now? (0:00:12.42)
Arc : You wish to hire me? (0:00:15.89)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. (0:00:18.28)
Arc : But wouldn't your comrades
have concerns about my presence?
Ariane Glenys Maple : I imagine some won't be pleased... (0:00:27.65)
Ariane Glenys Maple : And if you were any other
human, I wouldn't risk it.
Ariane Glenys Maple : But you show no prejudice against elves, (0:00:35.76)
Ariane Glenys Maple : and you saved those children. (0:00:39.70)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Even a spirit creature has accepted you. (0:00:41.81)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So I will trust you. (0:00:45.89)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I ask you to lend me your
help in saving my people.
Arc : Very well. (0:01:00.96)
Arc : You have my services
as a mercenary, Lady Ariane.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Thank you, Arc. (0:01:09.50)
Arc : Hi there. It's me, Arc. (0:02:49.71)
Arc : Living a low-key, inconspicuous life... (0:02:52.36)
Arc : It seems that encountering Lady Ariane (0:02:54.79)
Arc : might be making me reconsider
that agenda of mine.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Unbelievable...
this is the Lydel River, right?
Ariane Glenys Maple : Which would make
that Diento in the distance.
Arc : Indeed. (0:03:13.12)
Arc : It'd be troublesome
to cause a commotion in town.
Arc : I transported us to a place
within walking distance.
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is remarkable. (0:03:20.84)
Ariane Glenys Maple : To be able to use teleportation magic
without an incantation...
Arc : Does it seem like I'll be of some help? (0:03:26.32)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. Of course. (0:03:28.56)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I can't think of a better power
to help save my kin.
Arc : Now then, we should make our way there
before the sun begins to set.
Arc : We're meeting another elf in the town, yes? (0:03:39.24)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Right. (0:03:41.92)
Arc : What is the plan now? (0:03:52.58)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We're meeting a comrade of mine, Danka. (0:03:55.77)
Arc : So soon? (0:04:00.36)
Arc : Since Ariane's a beautiful elf warrior... (0:04:03.11)
Arc : I wonder what Danka's like. (0:04:07.49)
Danka : Ariane. (0:04:11.62)
Ariane Glenys Maple : There he is. (0:04:13.22)
Arc : Wh-Whoa! That is one severe-looking elf! (0:04:18.16)
Danka : I'm sorry about the wait, Ariane. (0:04:22.87)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It's all right, Danka, we just arrived. (0:04:24.56)
Arc : Then this is Danka? (0:04:29.15)
Danka : Now, who exactly is this? (0:04:31.31)
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is Arc. (0:04:34.40)
Ariane Glenys Maple : A mercenary who will be helping us. (0:04:35.86)
Danka : A mercenary...? (0:04:38.21)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'd hate to draw attention
out in the street.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Let's discuss this elsewhere. (0:04:45.27)
Danka : Good idea. (0:04:48.52)
EXTRA : Here you are! (0:04:58.74)
EXTRA : It's been a while! (0:05:00.28)
EXTRA : Tell me about it. (0:05:01.16)
EXTRA : I'd say two years, right? (0:05:02.16)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Are you sure you're not hungry, Arc? (0:05:03.49)
Arc : Yes. I'm quite fine. (0:05:07.19)
Arc : There is no way I'm taking this helm off. (0:05:10.04)
Arc : They'd be all over me the second I did! (0:05:13.41)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Say your prayers! (0:05:15.64)
Arc : Don't hurt me! (0:05:16.21)
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is Danka Niel Maple. (0:05:17.60)
Ariane Glenys Maple : He's an elf warrior like myself,
and has been gathering information.
Arc : Maple? (0:05:26.19)
Arc : You gave that as your name, as well. (0:05:27.88)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. (0:05:30.98)
Arc : Are you siblings, or...? (0:05:31.68)
Ariane Glenys Maple : No. (0:05:33.71)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Elvish names consist of our given name, (0:05:35.27)
Ariane Glenys Maple : the name of our parent of the same gender,
and the village we are from.
Ariane Glenys Maple : That's where the individual parts are from. (0:05:42.79)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It means that we're both
citizens of the city of Maple,
Ariane Glenys Maple : from within the Great Canada Forest. (0:05:49.16)
Danka : I don't see the point in explaining this. (0:05:52.67)
Arc : In that case, Sir Danka, what matters
have you been looking into...?
Danka : Goa beef skewers, a Diento delicacy. (0:05:58.99)
Danka : They have a flavor unique to this town,
where they're raised as livestock.
Arc : Stonewalled! (0:06:10.76)
Danka : And to accompany it, (0:06:12.69)
Danka : something only made possible
by the verdant fields in the vicinity,
Danka : honey beer made from only
the finest grade of honey.
Danka : Impressive. (0:06:28.91)
Danka : So, what exactly is this? (0:06:30.91)
Arc : What am I, an object?! (0:06:32.48)
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is Arc. (0:06:34.32)
Ariane Glenys Maple : A mercenary who came to my aid when I
was fighting the elf hunters in the forest.
Ariane Glenys Maple : I hired him in order
to help us with the rescue.
Danka : Did you, now? (0:06:46.54)
Ariane Glenys Maple : He's no ordinary mercenary. (0:06:48.56)
Ariane Glenys Maple : He can use teleportation magic. (0:06:51.38)
Danka : Teleportation? You're sure? (0:06:53.43)
Arc : There are limitations, but yes. (0:06:57.64)
Danka : A ventu vulpis? (0:07:00.86)
Ariane Glenys Maple : This is Ponta. Arc's companion. (0:07:02.93)
Danka : Someone who can use teleportation,
and who has a spirit creature as company...
Danka : That does sound like it will come in handy. (0:07:14.92)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So, have you been able to
locate their base of operations?
Danka : I have. (0:07:23.49)
Danka : It's located near
the entertainment district.
Danka : We'll find the missing elves there. (0:07:28.67)
Danka : But even after nightfall,
it's still fairly active.
Ariane Glenys Maple : We'll need to wait until late at night,
once there are fewer people around.
Danka : Right. (0:07:45.92)
Danka : So we'll be waiting here until then. (0:07:46.97)
Arc : We won't be taking action
for some time, then?
Arc : I'll be gone for an hour. (0:07:57.67)
Arc : I have some errands to attend to. (0:08:00.50)
Ariane Glenys Maple : All right. We'll be waiting. (0:08:03.08)
Arc : Come along, Ponta. (0:08:08.92)
Danka : I'm surprised. (0:08:18.19)
Ariane Glenys Maple : About what? (0:08:19.82)
Danka : That you'd rely on an outsider. (0:08:22.16)
Ariane Glenys Maple : In the battle, before we came here... (0:08:29.48)
Ariane Glenys Maple : if it weren't for his help,
I might have been captured.
Danka : Did you underestimate your foes? (0:08:37.63)
Danka : Or was it impatience? (0:08:41.12)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I've failed as a warrior... (0:08:43.48)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I know my sister would have managed. (0:08:46.19)
Danka : True. (0:08:49.08)
Danka : Eevin would've likely won
without much difficulty.
Danka : But there's no point
in making the comparison.
Danka : For how young you are,
you've acquitted yourself admirably.
Danka : With experience,
you'll one day stand as her equal.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Right. (0:09:05.76)
Danka : More importantly, Ariane... (0:09:09.04)
Danka : Can we really trust this man? (0:09:11.06)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. (0:09:17.25)
Danka : I see. Then I'll leave it at that. (0:09:18.74)
Arc : I'm glad the stuff I took off those
bandits made for a nice profit!
Arc : Now, then... (0:09:30.30)
Arc : First things first. (0:09:33.03)
Arc : Okay! (0:09:35.83)
Arc : Goa beef skewers! (0:09:47.98)
Arc : Salt-grilled rainbow sword-trout! (0:09:50.85)
Arc : Seasonal fruit pizza! (0:09:53.92)
Arc : And the Diento specialty, honey beer! (0:09:56.88)
Arc : Time to eat! (0:10:01.49)
Arc : So good... (0:10:12.26)
Arc : Delicious! I can feel
the flavor in my bones!
Arc : It's gonna be a long night... (0:10:19.78)
Arc : Better eat while we can! (0:10:22.10)
EXTRA : We've got word on when to send them out. (0:10:37.37)
EXTRA : First thing tomorrow morning. (0:10:39.73)
EXTRA : Gonna be easy living for a while
once this job's taken care of.
EXTRA : I know one of our warriors will save us! (0:10:50.36)
EXTRA : And then you'll all die! (0:10:52.87)
EXTRA : Well, ain't that a scary thought? (0:10:58.79)
EXTRA : Get over here! (0:11:03.13)
EXTRA : It's okay! Someone will help us! (0:11:10.81)
Danka : All right. Let's go. (0:11:24.84)
Danka : That's the place. (0:11:40.44)
Ariane Glenys Maple : No shortage of guards,
even at the rear entrance...
Danka : I doubt they're bone-idle enough
to sneak past, either.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes, they're not bone-idle. (0:11:49.28)
Arc : Bone...?! (0:11:51.81)
Arc : W-Well, I'd say we still
have a bone to pick with them.
Ariane Glenys Maple : True. It's only a question of how
quickly they realize we're here.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Once the elves are free,
any enemies we encounter will die.
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'm curious, Arc... (0:12:09.16)
Arc : Would you be able to
teleport us to that window?
Arc : It should prove no problem. (0:12:15.36)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Let's get further away first. (0:12:17.00)
Ariane Glenys Maple : The light from the magic
circle would alert them.
Arc : No. There's no need for concern there. (0:12:22.97)
Arc : Place your hands upon me. (0:12:26.47)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Short-range teleportation magic! (0:12:39.56)
Ariane Glenys Maple : What in the world are you? (0:12:41.99)
Arc : Just a mercenary. (0:12:44.86)
Danka : That was honestly impressive. (0:12:47.22)
Ariane Glenys Maple : There's no one inside. (0:12:56.06)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We should be able to sneak in through here. (0:12:57.77)
Danka : Be careful. (0:12:59.77)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Right. (0:13:01.21)
Ariane Glenys Maple : So... tight! (0:13:12.52)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Almost... there... (0:13:15.44)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Ow... (0:13:20.08)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You could have told me that was an option! (0:13:27.60)
Arc : You needn't worry. We looked away. (0:13:30.26)
Ariane Glenys Maple : You need to erase the memory, too! (0:13:36.56)
Arc : There's no need to feel embarrassed
about your figure giving you trouble...
Danka : Let's move. (0:13:41.44)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Danka, is this...? (0:14:02.77)
Danka : A single blow to the throat
for every one of them.
Danka : The blood hasn't even dried. (0:14:07.20)
Arc : It hasn't been long, then. (0:14:09.42)
Danka : Someone else has made their way in here. (0:14:12.94)
Ariane Glenys Maple : I'm not sure what's going on, (0:14:16.13)
Ariane Glenys Maple : but we should find
the others as soon as we can.
Danka : Let's split up and continue the search. (0:14:22.61)
Danka : Be careful. (0:14:25.58)
Arc : That makes the sound
of my footfalls a non-issue.
Arc : How about a keyhole...? There it is. (0:14:53.11)
Arc : Again? Who could be doing— (0:15:07.10)
Arc : Were the kunai just a distraction?! (0:15:13.88)
Arc : A ninja?! (0:15:25.06)
Arc : And on top of that... (0:15:26.48)
Arc : A furry-eared ninja! Here we go! (0:15:31.15)
Chiyome : How is it that you know what a ninja is? (0:15:36.16)
Arc : I dunno what to say except that
she is very, very obviously a ninja!
Chiyome : You are no ordinary intruder. (0:15:47.12)
Chiyome : I beg your pardon. (0:15:52.56)
Chiyome : If you are in the company
of a spirit creature,
Chiyome : then I doubt you could
be acting maliciously.
Arc : I don't know why, exactly, (0:16:02.16)
Arc : but I think she realizes
it was a misunderstanding.
Chiyome : I assume you're here
to free the captive elves?
Arc : Wait, is that what you're after, as well? (0:16:12.18)
Chiyome : No. (0:16:13.75)
Chiyome : I couldn't find what I was looking for. (0:16:15.22)
Chiyome : You'll find the elves
imprisoned underground.
Arc : What's this? (0:16:22.68)
Chiyome : Something that I believe will be
of use to you and your allies.
Chiyome : Right... (0:16:42.92)
Chiyome : one other matter,
to make up for attacking you.
Chiyome : There are two elves being held
captive in the lord's manor, as well.
Arc : What?! (0:16:50.78)
Chiyome : We'll meet again, soon. (0:16:51.54)
Arc : Wait! (0:16:53.52)
Arc : Didn't even get a chance to ask her name... (0:16:57.74)
Arc : Still, I had no idea being friends
with spirit creatures was so rare...
Arc : You sure about this arrangement, Ponta? (0:17:05.87)
Arc : She mentioned they would be of use... (0:17:11.05)
Arc : What could these documents be? (0:17:13.64)
Arc : Wait a minute... (0:17:16.74)
Ariane Glenys Maple : A contract for purchasing elf slaves? (0:17:19.46)
Ariane Glenys Maple : And this name... (0:17:23.77)
Danka : Right. (0:17:25.54)
Danka : To think the lord of Diento
would be involved, as well...
Arc : The captive elves are being held
in the basement of this manor.
Arc : And there are two more
at the lord's palace.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc... (0:17:38.76)
Ariane Glenys Maple : between this contract
and that information...
Ariane Glenys Maple : where is it all coming from? (0:17:41.88)
Arc : I get the feeling bringing up the furry-eared
ninja would just complicate things.
Arc : Well, I simply captured
and questioned one of these villains.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Impressive. (0:17:54.61)
Arc : So, how do we proceed from here? (0:17:56.52)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We'll deal with things here
and then head to the palace.
EXTRA : Who are you people?! (0:18:09.93)
EXTRA : We've got intruders! (0:18:11.67)
Danka : I doubt we can make it underground
without being noticed now.
Ariane Glenys Maple : Then we'll simply fight our way there. (0:18:18.28)
Arc : Agreed. (0:18:20.96)
EXTRA : Don't bother taking them alive!
Just get rid of 'em!
Ariane Glenys Maple : Fire, I implore you. Light this sword ablaze! (0:18:25.67)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Let's continue. (0:18:37.12)
Ariane Glenys Maple : We'll erase each one as we come across them. (0:18:38.48)
Danka : Come on. (0:18:41.64)
EXTRA : Th-They're too bloody strong! (0:18:58.88)
EXTRA : What were the upstairs lot doi— (0:19:01.60)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Ariane Glenys Maple is here to free you. (0:19:07.47)
EXTRA : Warriors from Maple! (0:19:12.13)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc? (0:19:14.76)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It's all right! He's an ally. (0:19:20.56)
EXTRA : We were so scared! (0:19:27.89)
Ariane Glenys Maple : It's all right. You're free now. (0:19:30.59)
Danka : Good. We're finished here. (0:19:33.94)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc? (0:19:37.42)
Arc : Understood. (0:19:38.38)
Arc : Let's be on our way. Gate! (0:19:41.51)
Arc : Isn't that...? (0:20:02.42)
Arc : Uncurse. (0:20:08.50)
Danka : What?! (0:20:12.06)
EXTRA : Thank goodness! (0:20:15.59)
Danka : He was able to break
a sealing curse with such ease...
Danka : Just who is he? (0:20:21.95)
EXTRA : Thank you so much! (0:20:27.64)
EXTRA : Sir Knight, we're so grateful! (0:20:30.19)
EXTRA : Thank goodness! (0:20:31.56)
EXTRA : This is wonderful! (0:20:32.88)
EXTRA : We can go home now! (0:20:34.72)
EXTRA : Thank you! (0:20:36.99)
EXTRA : Thank you! (0:20:38.24)
EXTRA : What a relief... (0:20:40.29)
Danka : Ariane. This isn't over. (0:20:42.42)
Danka : I'll make sure the children get home safely. (0:20:45.33)
Danka : The rest is in your hands. (0:20:48.30)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Right. (0:20:49.66)
Danka : Arc... (0:20:50.64)
Danka : The two of you should be able to
rescue the remaining elves.
Danka : Look after Ariane. (0:20:58.11)
Arc : I shall. (0:21:01.52)
Arc : Is that the lord's palace? (0:21:06.24)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Yes. (0:21:09.33)
Ariane Glenys Maple : Arc. Please. (0:21:12.26)
Ariane Glenys Maple : No, it's nothing. (0:21:20.38)
Arc : Then off we go! (0:21:23.66)
Arc : Dimension Move! (0:21:25.85)
EXTRA : Will they be all right,
with just the two of them?
Danka : Yes. (0:21:36.28)
Danka : Knowing those two, they should
be able to sneak in with ease.
Chiyome : That knight knew what a ninja was. (0:21:58.56)
Chiyome : We may meet again. (0:22:04.02)

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